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RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Lecture 2 - Fundamentals

17 September 2015
RC14 -1334 : Concrete Structures 1

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 1

Lecture Coals
^# Concrete Properties
Steel Properties

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 2

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 1
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Mixing and

In the design of concrete mixes, three principal
requirements for concrete are of importance:

^ Quality
^ Economical

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 3

Concrete Mixing and

Quality of concrete is measured by its
strength and durability . The principal factors
affecting the strength of concrete , assuming
a sound aggregates , W /C ratio, and the
extent to which hydration has progressed .
Durability of concrete is the ability of the
concrete to resist disintegration due to
freezing and thawing and chemical attack .

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 4

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 2
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Mixing and

Workability of concrete may be defined as a
composite characteristic indicative of the ease
with which the mass of plastic material may
deposited in its final place without
segregation during placement , and its ability
to conform to fine forming detail.

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 5

Concrete Mixing and


Economical takes into account effective use

of materials, effective operation, and ease of
handling. The cost of producing good quality
concrete is an important consideration in the
overall cost of the construction project .

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 6

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 3
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Mixing and

The influence of ingredients on properties
of concrete.
Influence of Ingredients on the
Properties of Concrete3
Ingredient Quality Workability Economy

Aggregate Increases Decreases Increases

Portland cement Increases Increases Decreases
Water Decreases Increases Increases

“ From W. A. Cordon , Properties , Evaluation , and Control of Engi
neering Materials , McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York , 1979.

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 7

Concrete Mixing and

3 . Workability
Workability measured by slump test
3 slump

1 2 3 4
1. Layer 1 : Fill 1/3 full . 25 stokes
2. Layer 2: Fill 2/3 full . 25 stokes
3. Layer 3: Fill full. 25 stokes
4. Lift cone and measure slump (typically 2-6 in.)

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 8

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 4
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Mixing and

Slump test - The measurement of the consistency of the
mix is done with the slump-cone test. The recommend
consistency for various classes of concrete structures .
Recommended Mix Consistencies for
Slump ( in . )

Type of Structure Minimum Maximum

Massive sections, pavement and floors 1 4

laid on ground
Heavy slabs , beams , or walls 3 6
Thin walls and columns , ordinary slabs 4 8
or beams
Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 9

Concrete Mixing and


4 . Admixtures
Applications :
Improve workability
Accelerate or retard setting and
Aid in curing
Improve durability

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 10

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 5
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Mixing and

4 . Admixtures
Air-Entrainment: Add air voids with bubbles
Help with freeze/ thaw cycles, workability ,
etc .
Decreases density : reduces strength, but
also decreases W /C
Superplasticizers: increase workability by
chemically releasing water from fine
aggregates .

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 11

Concrete Mixing and

5 . Types of Cement
Type I : General Purpose
Type II : Lower heat of hydration than
Type I
Type III : High Early Strength *
Higher heat of hydration
quicker strength (7 days vs . 28 days for
Type I)

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 12

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 6
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Mixing and

5 . Types of Cement

Type IV : Low Heat of Hydration

Gradually heats up, less distortion
(massive structures) .
Type V : Sulfate Resisting
For footings, basements , sewers, etc .
exposed to soils with sulfates.

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 13

Concrete Mixing and

Failure Mechanism of Concrete

Microcracks are the
initial shrinkage cracks
due to carbonation
*0 J
shrinkage, hydration
^ ^
& ggregat

shrinkage , and drying
shrinkage . Shrinkage Microcracks

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 14

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 7
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Mixing and

Failure Mechanism of Concrete
Bond Microcracks
are extensions of
shrinkage microcracks,
as the compression
stress field increases ,
the shrinkage
microcracks widen but
do not propagates into
the matrix . Occur at
15 - 20 % ultimate

• Q' (
- SI
Bond Microcracks

strength of concrete.
Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 15

Concrete Mixing and

Failure Mechanism of Concrete
Matrix Microcracks - are
microcracks that occur in
the matrix . The propagate O o

from 20% fc. Occur up to 7 o

30- 45 % ultimate strength 0 o

of concrete. Matrix c
microcracks start bridge one Matrix Microcfacks
another at 75 %. Aggregate
microcracks occur just
before failure (90%) .
Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 16

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 8
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Properties
1 . Uniaxial Stress versus Strain Behavior in

/ 12 > 5

0.45f ’c 6

8o 8u
Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 17

Concrete Properties
The standard strength test generally uses a
cylindrical sample. It is tested after 28 days to test
for strength, fc . The concrete will continue to
harden with time and for a normal Portland cement
will increase with time as follows :
Age 7 days 14 days 28 days 3 months
Strength ratio 0.67 0.86 1.0 1.17

6 months 1 year 2 years 5 years

1.23 1.27 1.31 1.35

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 18

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 9
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Properties
Compressive Strength, f'c
Normally use 28 - day strength for design
strength f 4 /

Poisson's Ratio , v f ’c /

v ~ 0.15 to 0.20 0.45 f’

Usually use v = 0.17
8o 8u

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 19

Concrete Properties
m Modulus of Elasticity , Ec
Corresponds to secant modulus at 0.45 f'c
ACI 318 - 02 (Sec . 8.5 .1) :
E c
( psi ) = 33 w
1 5
V/ ’ c
( psi )
where w = unit weight (pcf)
90 pcf < wc < 155 pcf
E c ( psi ) = 57 . 000 Jf
~ ~

c ( psi )
For normal weight concrete
Prof. Tavio , Ph . (Wc = 145 pCf)
[ 20

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 10
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Properties
Compute Ec for f'c = 4500 psi for normal
weight (145 pcf) concrete using both ACI

E c
( psi ) = 33 w 1 5
V/ ' c
( Psi )

E c
( psi ) = 57 , 000 V/ ' c ( Psi )

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 21

Concrete Properties
Concrete strain at max . compressive stress,

For typical e curves in compression

e0 varies between 0.0015 - 0.003
For normal strength concrete , c0 ~ 0.002

fc ‘
/ 4
f’c /

0.45 f’c

£ £
Prof. Tavio, Ph . D ° 22

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 11
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Properties
m Maximum useable strain, eu
ACI Code : 8U = 0.003
Used for flexural and axial compression


— c

0.45 f’c

s0 su

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 23

Concrete Properties
Typical Concrete Stress - Strain Curves in
Compression * ®i
pa kgt/crrv

4000 280

£ 3000 210

2000 140

lACO n
1000 70

0 0001 0.002 0003 0 0035

Concrete strain
Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 24

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 12
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Properties
Types of compression failure
Will ITLU 11
There are three
_ o =* 35°
modes of failure .

[ a ] Under axial
compression concrete
ttttt f tft ttttt
fails in shear. (b) (c )

[ b] the separation of the specimen into columnar

pieces by what is known as splitting or columnar
fracture .
[ c ] Combination of shear and splitting failure.
Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 25

Concrete Properties
2. Tensile Strength
Tensile strength ~ 8% to 15% of f 'c
Modulus of Rupture, fr
For deflection calculations, use :

fr = 7.5 V/ ’ c
( Psi ) ACIEq. 9- 10
Test :
P unreinforced
concrete beam
Me 6M

A -

Mmax = P/2*a

fr =

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 26

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 13
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Properties
2 . Tensile Strength (cont .)
Splitting Tensile Strength , fct
Split Cylinder Test

Concrete Cylinder

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 27

Concrete Properties

2 . Tensile Strenath (cont .)

L =
rid *

fcl = (5 to 7)y /'c ( psi )

(Not given in
* Tension
s ** ess

AC I Code) (o) Cylinder splitting

(b) Distribution of
horizontal stress
(c ) Cylinder after

FIGURE 2.6 . Cylinder splitting test 7 (a) configuration of test (b) distri-

bution of horizontal stress, and (c) cylinder after testing.

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 28

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 14
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Properties
3 . Shrinkage and Creep
Shrinkage: Due to water loss to atmosphere
(volume loss) .
Plastic shrinkage occurs while concrete is still
" wet " (hot day , flat work , etc .)
Drying shrinkage occurs after concrete has set
Most shrinkage occurs in first few months ( - 80%
within one year) .
Cycles of shrinking and swelling may occur as
environment changes .
Reinforcement restrains the development of
shrinkaqe .
Prof. Tavio, Ph D ^. 29

Concrete Properties
Shrinkage of an Unloaded Specimen


* shu

0 to / j
t Ml X
(a ) Shrinkage of an unloaded specimen.

Fig. 3-21, MacGregor ( 1997)

* 80% of shrinkage occurs in first year

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 30

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 15
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Properties
Shrinkage is a function of
W / C ratio (high water content reduces
amount of aggregate which restrains
Aggregate type & content (modulus of
Volume/ Surface Ratio

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 31

Concrete Properties
•Shrinkage is a function of
Type of cement (finely ground. ..)
Relative humidity (largest for
relative humidity of 40% or
less) .
Typical magnitude of strain :
(200 to 600) * 10 6
or (200 to 600 microstrain)

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 32

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 16
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Properties
i Creep
Deformations (strains) under sustained loads.
Like shrinkage, creep is not completely
reversible .

B J c
T -
5L, elastic
5L, creep
Creep recovery
: L
Age of corx:rete

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 33

Concrete Properties

Magnitude of creep strain is a function of all

the above that affect shrinkage , plus
magnitude of stress
age at loading

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 34

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 17
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Properties

Creep strain develops over time ...

Absorbed water layers tend to become
thinner between gel particles that are
transmitting compressive stresses
Bonds form between gel particles in their
deformed position.

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 35

Concrete Properties
Tri - axial Compression
Confined Cylinder
Improved strength and ductility versus
uniaxial compression F
Example : spiral reinforced I
a = /'c + 4.1cr3 F3 jj
where , -v j * "

F - = longitudinal stress at failure
F3 = lateral pressure

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 36

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 18
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Concrete Properties
Tri - axial Compression

r/3 = 4090 PS:


ar 12000
<T - = 2010 ps
7 .
'3 rt

cr 3 = 1090 pS
( r3 = 550 psi
ir3 =0

0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07

Strain (in. In.)

Fig. 3-15, MacGregor ( 1997)

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 37

Steel Reinforcement
- Main nb
.Initial of r One line
producing mill

1. General
6 - Bar size no 6

— H
Reinforcing Bar

Ordinary grades
f - 40 or 50 ksi
- Steel type

— - Deformation

High strength
t, = 60 ksi
Two lines

High strength
= 75 ksi

m E 6

fy = 40 or 50 ksi


f, = 60 ksi r
75 ksi

II i
Prof. Tavio, Ph.D Deformed Tentor bar 38
bar (Denmark )

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 19
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Steel Reinforcement
1. General
Most common types for non-prestressed
members :
hot -rolled deformed bars
welded wire fabric

Twisted bar ( square sections) Twisted bar (round sections )

isteg steel

Twisted Torstahl bar

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 39
Rolled welded fabric

Steel Reinforcement
Areas , Weights, Dimensions
TABLE A .12. Designations, areas, perimeters, and weights of standard U.S. bars
Cross- Unit
Diameter sectional weight
u Un - area Perimeter per foot Diameter Area
no. Nominal Actual ( in.2 ) ( in ) .
( lh ) ( mm ) ( mm2 )

2 1 0.250 0.05 0.79 0.167 6.4 32

3 i 0.375 0.11 1.18 0.376 9.5 71
4 1 0.500 0.20 1.57 0.668 12.7 129
5 l 0.625 0.31 1.96 1.043 15.9 200
0.750 0.44 2.36 1.502 19.1 284
6 \
7 l 0.875 0.60 2.75 2.044 22.2 387
8 I 1.000 0.79 3.14 2.670 25.4 510
9 li 1.128 1.00 3.54 3.400 28.7 645
10 U 1.270 1.27 3.99 4.303 32.3 820
11 13 1.410 1.56 4.43 5.313 35.8 1010
14 If 1.693 2.25 5.32 7.650 43.0 1450
18 21 2.257 4.00 7.09 13.600 57.3 2580

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 40

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 20
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Steel Reinforcement
2 . Types
ASTM A 615 - Standard Specification for
Deformed and Plain - Billet Steel Bars
Grade 60 : fy = 60 ksi, # 3 to #18
most common in buildings and bridges
Grade 40: fy = 40 ksi , # 3 to # 6
most ductile
Grade 75 : fy = 75 ksi, # 6 to #18

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 41

Steel Reinforcement

2 . Types

ASTM A 616 - Rail - Steel Bars

ASTM A 617 - Axle - Steel Bars
ASTM A 706 - Low - Alloy - Steel Bars
more ductile GR 60 steel
min. length of yield plateau = ssh/ sy = 5

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 42

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 21
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Steel Reinforcement

3 . Stress versus Strain con:,

Stress - Strain curve
• M

for various types of eo


- I
steel reinforcement

bar .
/ 26


0 004 008 0.12 0.16 020 024

FIGURE 2.15. Typical stress strain curves for some reinforcing steel
bars of different grodes Note that 60-ksi steel may or may not show
a definite yield point

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 43

Steel Reinforcement
GR 60 (less ductile)
Es = Initial tangent
modulus = 29 ,000
ksi (all grades) GR 40
Note: 1
GR 40 has a
longer yield Strain

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 44

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 22
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Class of Structures w
n m w m m
xxxxx /////

5, M

Reinforcing as-
Steel R

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 45

Class of Structures
1 1 1 n i 1 1 iiii


Reinforcing mm
-« -

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 46

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 23
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Class of Structures

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 47

Class of Structures
Retaining Wall Abutment

Vv\ //V


Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 48

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 24
RC14 -1334 Concrete Structures 1

Class of Structures
Deformed Frame Reinforced Frame

' 'f
i /
/ /
/ #
/ i
/ I
* i
/ /
/ I
< /
/ /
I /

Prof. Tavio, Ph.D 49

Prof. Tavio, Ph . D 25

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