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1. As can be seen from the analysis of the data that the employees are indifferent towards their
job. We can rule out compensation as the cause as the co-relation between the compensation
and job satisfaction is very low. Moreover, from the responses received and interview conducted,
it can be inferred that most employees are dissatisfied due to the communication gap from the
company’s side as employees were not made aware of the introduction of 3 rd party and the effect
on their job/organization due to that.

We would recommend that the company should take up initiative in involving the employees in
the decision making process through participation management for future decisions that affect
the employee and their morale.

2. Another relationship that comes out from our analysis is that even though employees have
tried to share their concern with the management, no satisfactory action have been taken by the
management to address those concerns. Moreover from the interview conducted of the two
employees, one clearly stated that the reason for his/her primary reason for quitting the job has
been the lack of grievance redressal from the management. The second employee was placated
by changing his role and transferring him/her to a different team unaffected by the 3 rd party.

We would recommend that the management should provide a platform for the employees for
sharing their concerns through feedback mechanism and make sure that the concerns are
addressed to the employee’s satisfaction. Also, the company should take steps to increase
perceived organization support and employee engagement esp. in current circumstances when
the employees are feeling threatened due to the 3rd party.

Second recommendation, also supported by the co-relation matrix is the increase in management
communication with the employees. Highest co-relation has been found between grievance
redressal/motivation and management communication. How frequently the management
connects with the employees in terms of feedback mechanism and informing employees of the
roadmap of the organization affect the motivation of the employees as it makes employees
perceive themselves as part of organization.

Third recommendation in this perspective would be to use job rotation for the team.

3. We were able to establish relationship between selective perception due to information

dissemination and self-efficacy of the team. Since the employees were unaware of the reasons
for the introduction of the 3rd party, most of them used selective perception for citing the reasons
for the introduction.

Also, to evaluate the performance of the 3rd party in terms of the quality and quantity of the work
brought by them to the table was done on availability biasness since the change brought by the
3rd party was again not communicated to the employees. Moreover, more than 60% employees
showed confidence in themselves/their team in performing the work currently assigned to the 3 rd
party. Without citing reasons to the team has decreased the team motivation and effectively
affects the confidence of the team.
We would recommend that the management should reinstate they have in the employees by
citing the reasons for the introduction of the 3rd party. This can either be done by verbal
persuasion or using Galatea effect in future projects assigned to the team.

4. A relationship between threat perception and compensation can also be inferred from the
collected data and its co-relation analysis. Most of the employees perceive that their
compensation has a direct relation to the threat they face due to the introduction of 3 rd party into
the work process system. This threat is directly perceived by the employee with the fear that
their existing compensation structure, esp. the variable pay component would be affected by this

Some additional steps taken by the management in view of increasing the employee job
satisfaction and in making an active workforce would be:

1. Build employees' competence and self-confidence through training, feedback and recognition.
Encouragement of genuine self-confidence is probably one way to achieve higher job satisfaction.

2. Communicate the value of the organization's products and services, and the role the organization
plays in the marketplaces where it operates.

3. Encourage positive workplace relations. People who are highly satisfied in their jobs report
good feelings about their bosses, peers and co-workers. Their feelings of opportunity are elevated,
and they perceive a low hassle-factor.

4. The management to improve employee satisfaction is being clear with them about their job
duties. This should include a defined job description with goals and expectations. The working
group should set a schedule to perform a bi-weekly or monthly project performance reviews so that
the management can analyse performance over the last period compared to the expectations.

5. Team Building Activities: Improving employee satisfaction includes building and improving
your team. Team building activities might include inviting the employees on a off-day retreat
where goals are discussed and ideas are introduced.

6. Empower Your Employees: Most employees do not like to be micro-managed. Rather, workers
get much more job satisfaction when they know the management trusts them to do a good job.
Empowerment gives an employee ownership of his or her job, and it makes them more productive
for the company
Variables Job Threat Self Efficacy of Compensation Management Grievance Job
Satisfaction Perception Team Sturcture Communication Redressal Engagement

Job Satisfaction x 0.067 -0.300 -0.040 0.152 0.030 -0.025 -0.021

Threat Perception 0.067 x 0.258 0.008 0.361 -0.290 -0.241 -0.291

Self Efficacy of Team -0.300 0.258 x -0.158 0.152 0.123 -0.203 -0.089
Availability Bais -0.040 0.008 -0.158 x -0.213 -0.009 -0.014 0.407

Compensation Structure 0.152 0.361 0.152 -0.213 x -0.210 -0.400 -0.299

Management Communication 0.030 -0.290 0.123 -0.009 -0.210 x 0.471 -0.005

Grievance Redressal -0.025 -0.241 -0.203 -0.014 -0.400 0.471 x 0.218

Job Engagement -0.021 -0.291 -0.089 0.407 -0.299 -0.005 0.218 x

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