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Svetlana Makarovič: KRESNA

Lepi Jurij kres nalaga

na Jurjevo kres, na véčer,
z eno roko kres nalaga,
z drugo roko venec vije,
s tretjo roko meč pripravlja,
da jim vrne, kar so dali,
kar so dali mu v dolini.

Mi vam bomo z naše gore

v vašo goro kres prižgali,
mi vam bomo z naše gore
v vašo goro glas poslali.
Težko je živeti v gori,
težko peti, govoriti,
težko nam je v kresni plamen
lastno dete položiti,
težko je živeti v gori,
z gore se predaleč vidi.

Lepi Jurij kres nalaga

na Jurjevo kres, na véčer,
z eno roko kres nalaga,
z drugo roko venec vije,
s tretjo roko meč pripravlja,
da vam vrne, kar ste dali,
kar ste dali nam v dolini,
vse povrne lepi Jurij,
za en las si glavo vzame.

(Tisti čas, 1993)

The handsome George is building a bonfire

on St George’s Eve.
He’s building a bonfire with one hand,
weaving a garland with the other hand,
getting ready the sword with his third hand
so that he can repay the people in the valley.

We are going to light a fire from our hill to yours,

We are going to send a sound from our hills to yours.
It is hard to live on the hill,
Hard to sing, to speak,
Hard to lay your own baby in the fire.
It is hard to live on the hill,
From the hill you can see too far around.
The handsome George is building a bonfire
on St George’s Eve.
He’s building the bonfire with one hand,
weaving a garland with the other hand,
getting ready the sword with his third hand
so that he can repay you for what you gave us in the valley,
handsome George will repay you for everything,
for one hair he will take a head.

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