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A review of the efficacy of rosuvastatin in patients with type 2

National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland; St Michael’s Hospital and University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada and Astra Zeneca,
Alderley Park, Cheshire, UK

patients in three studies: the URANUS (Use of Rosuvast-

atin vs. Atorvastatin iN type 2 diabetes mellitUS), ANDR-
It has been estimated that 92% of individuals with type 2 OMEDA (A raNdomized, Double-blind study to
diabetes, without cardiovascular disease (CVD), have a compare Rosuvastatin [10 & 20 mg] and atOrvastatin [10
dyslipidaemic profile. Several guidelines on cardiovascular & 20 Mg] in patiEnts with type II DiAbetes) and COR-
risk now recommend that patients with diabetes should ALL (COmpare Rosuvastatin [10–40 mg] with Atorvasta-
be considered at high risk of CVD and should thus tin [20–80 mg] on apo B ⁄ apo A-1 ratio in patients with
receive lipid-lowering therapy to reduce low-density lipo- type 2 diabetes meLLitus and dyslipidaemia) studies.
protein cholesterol (LDL-C) to below 2.5 mmol ⁄ L. Since URANUS and ANDROMEDA showed rosuvastatin to
their introduction in 1987, statins have revolutionized the be more effective than atorvastatin at reducing LDL-C
management of CVD. The most recent statin to be intro- and achieving treatment target goals. CORALL demon-
duced, rosuvastatin, has been shown to be the most strated rosuvastatin 10, 20 and 40 mg to be more effect-
effective at lowering LDL-C, as well as consistently rais- ive at lowering LDL-C than 20, 40 and 80 mg of
ing HDL-C across the 10–40 mg dose range. This has atorvastatin, respectively. Ongoing studies will evaluate
been confirmed by many studies, including the Measuring whether these properties of rosuvastatin translate into
Effective Reductions in Cholesterol Using Rosuvastatin beneficial effects on atherosclerosis and significant reduc-
Therapy (MERCURY I) study in which rosuvastatin tions in cardiovascular events.
10 mg was shown to be more effective than commonly
Keywords: Diabetic dyslipidaemia; statins; rosuvastatin;
used doses of other statins, both for LDL-C reduction
cardiovascular disease
and achieving treatment target goals. The effectiveness of
rosuvastatin has also been studied in type 2 diabetes ª 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Although glycaemic control is clearly important in the

management of diabetes, elevated glucose and insulin con-
Individuals with diabetes have a two- to four-fold increased centrations do not entirely account for the high incidence
risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) compared of CVD in patients with type 2 diabetes (5,6). The clinical
with nondiabetic individuals (1,2), with atherosclerosis and focus is now on the implications of insulin resistance and
coronary heart disease (CHD) responsible for most of the the associated clustering of modifiable risk factors for
premature morbidity and mortality in this population (3). atherosclerosis such as dyslipidaemia (7,8). The Third
Therefore, reduction of cardiovascular risk is vital in people National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1988–
with type 2 diabetes. Guidelines universally recommend that 94) estimated that 92% of individuals with type 2 diabetes
diabetes should be considered a CHD-risk equivalent and without CVD have a dyslipidaemic profile (9). Several
that intensive multifactorial intervention is required to treat guidelines on cardiovascular risk now recommend every
all cardiovascular risk factors (4). patient with type 2 diabetes or type 1 diabetes, especially
those with other risk factors, should be targeted for lipid-
lowering therapy. The primary goal in the guidelines is to
reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels in
Correspondence to:
persons with diabetes to < 2.5 mmol ⁄ L (4,10).
Professor J. Tuomilehto, National Public Health Institute, Manner-
heimintie 166, Helsinki 00300, Finland
Statin therapy effectively reduces LDL-C, and its use for
Tel.: +358 94744 8316 treatment of diabetic dyslipidaemia has been investigated in
Fax: +358 40501 6316 several recent trials (11). This paper reviews the data on use
E-mail: of statins for treating dyslipidaemia and focuses on results

ª 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, October 2004, 58 (Suppl. 143), 30–40

from a series of trials dedicated to evaluating the clinical reduction in cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 dia-
efficacy and safety of rosuvastatin in patients with type 2 betes (24).
diabetes. It also evaluates the relative benefits of rosuvasta- Even though many individuals with type 2 diabetes have
tin compared with other statins in terms of LDL-C lower- near normal levels of LDL-C, many aspects of their plasma
ing and improving other elements of lipid profiles (12–14). lipid profile are regarded as atherogenic. It is now thought
Evidence for the added benefits of combining rosuvastatin that elevated plasma triglycerides is the primary abnormality
with a fibrate are also considered. in these patients that leads to both the structural change in
LDL, which makes it more atherogenic, and a reduction in
HDL-C concentrations (8). Both insulin resistance and insu-
lin deficiency reduce the breakdown of VLDL, thereby
increasing plasma concentrations of triglyceride-rich lipopro-
Insulin resistance is associated with the clustering of risk tein particles. A strong association has been found between
factors known as the metabolic syndrome. The compo- fasting triglyceride concentrations and CHD, with a 75%
nents of the metabolic syndrome include dyslipidaemia, increase in risk for women and 30% increased risk in men
visceral obesity (increased waist circumference), hyperinsu- for every 1 mmol ⁄ L rise in triglycerides (25).
linaemia, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and hyperten- Low HDL-C is the most prevalent lipid abnormality
sion, all of which are independent risk factors for CVD among US patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) (26).
and for the development of type 2 diabetes (15–19). The Reduced levels of apolipoprotein (apo) A-I, a component of
majority of patients with type 2 diabetes, insulin resist- antiatherogenic HDL (Figure 1), are also associated with
ance or metabolic syndrome, exhibit the atherogenic lipo- increased cardiac events (27). Population studies suggest
protein phenotype (20), characterized by moderately that each 0.026 mmol ⁄ L (1 mg ⁄ dL) increase in HDL-C
elevated plasma triglyceride (very low-density lipoprotein level imparts a 2% to 5% decrease in coronary risk (28).
cholesterol [VLDL]), reduced high-density lipoprotein cho- A predominance of small, dense, LDL particles is associ-
lesterol (HDL-C), and a predominance of small, dense, ated with CHD in young and middle-aged subjects (29–31).
more atherogenic LDL-C (21–23). Indeed, this dyslipidae- Correspondingly, elevated levels of apo B, a constituent of
mic state often develops before patients present with type atherogenic lipoproteins (LDL, IDL and VLDL) (Fig. 1),
2 diabetes. are related to increased cardiac events (27). In trials, meas-
Studies have shown that lipid abnormalities are import- ures of apo B or the apo B ⁄ apo A-I ratio have been found
ant cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 2 dia- to be robust markers of cardiovascular risk in patients
betes. Raised plasma cholesterol in patients with diabetes (27,32,33), irrespective of the lipid abnormality. Moreover,
is associated with a disproportionately greater risk of apo B, apo A-I and the apo B ⁄ apo A-I ratio retain their
CVD, with a four times higher cardiovascular mortality in predictive power in patients receiving lipid-modifying ther-
diabetic patients than in nondiabetic individuals with the apy. In addition, LDL-C is more likely to be oxidized and
same concentration of serum cholesterol (2). Furthermore, glycated in people with diabetes, both of which further
reducing LDL-C by 1 mmol ⁄ L can equate to a 31% increase its atherogenicity (34).

From the liver Back to the liver

‘Reverse cholesterol

apoB apoB apoB apoB apo A-I
VLDL IDL Large Small
buoyant HDL
dense LDL
Atherogenic Anti-atherogenic
Figure 1 Profile of atherogenic and anti-atherogenic lipoproteins (Reproduced from Walldius G, Jungner I. Apolipoprotein B and
apolipoprotein A-I: risk indicators of coronary heart disease and targets for lipid-modifying therapy. J Intern Med 2004; 255: 188–205, with
permission from Blackwell Publishing)

ª 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, October 2004, 58 (Suppl. 143), 30–40

TREATING DIABETIC DYSLIPIDAEMIA LDL-C reduction by statins in patients with type 2

Based on findings from epidemiological and intervention
studies, lipid targets have been established for patients with Epidemiological and large intervention studies with statins
type 2 diabetes. The Third Joint Task Force European have amply demonstrated the link between LDL-C levels
guidelines (2003) recommend that all patients with type 2 and cardiovascular risk. Based on the weight of evidence,
diabetes, with or without established CVD should be trea- both US and European guidelines have reaffirmed LDL-C
ted to target LDL-C levels of 2.5 mmol ⁄ L (4). Although as the primary treatment goal in all high-risk patients, and
treatment goals for HDL and triglycerides are not specified, statins are often recommended as the first choice for treat-
the guidelines recommend that HDL-C levels of ment (4,10).
< 1 mmol ⁄ L in men and < 1.2 mmol ⁄ L in women, and tri- Across all the landmark trials, subgroup analyses have
glyceride levels > 1.7 mmol ⁄ L, should be considered as demonstrated that people with diabetes benefit from statin
markers of increased cardiovascular risk and given appropri- therapy in a similar manner to nondiabetic patients, with
ate consideration when choosing treatments. broadly equivalent relative cardiovascular risk reductions in
Therapy to improve lipid abnormalities should begin both groups (38–40). In a recent meta-analysis of primary
with lifestyle changes including dietary modification, and secondary prevention trials, statin therapy produced a
weight loss, smoking cessation and increased exercise. 22–24% reduction in the risk of future cardiovascular events
However, although lifestyle changes are the foundation of in diabetes subgroups (11). The results with respect to pri-
treatment, they are often insufficient to achieve and main- mary events have been confirmed in the Collaborative AtoR-
tain the lipid targets recommended in guidelines, especially vastatin Diabetes Study (CARDS) (41–43), involving over
in high-risk patients, who may require pharmacological 2800 men and women with diabetes (40–75 years). Com-
intervention. pared with placebo, atorvastatin 10 mg reduced LDL-C by
In addition to dietary modification, dietary agents that 40% (a difference of 1.2 mmol ⁄ L; p < 0.0001) and triglycer-
inhibit cholesterol absorption, such as plant sterols and ides by 21% (a difference of 0.4 mmol ⁄ L; p < 0.001) (43).
stanols (saturated derivatives of plant sterols) and fibre, can The improvement in lipid levels seen with atorvastatin was
be used to improve lipid levels. These agents produce mod- associated with a significant reduction (37%; p ¼
est LDL-C reductions, but can be used in combination with 0.001) in major coronary events and a 48% reduction in
other cholesterol-lowering agents. As well as their beneficial risk for stroke (43). It is hoped that a further prospective
cholesterol-lowering effects, soluble fibres (e.g. guar and trial, the Atorvastatin Study for Prevention of coronary heart
pectin) have been shown to lower serum insulin and glu- disease Endpoints in Non insulin dependent diabetes melli-
cose concentrations, and improve insulin sensitivity (35). tus (ASPEN), in 2421 patients with diabetes, with or without
Pharmaceutical cholesterol absorption inhibitors such as a previous myocardial infarction (MI), will provide additional
ezetimibe are also available. Ezetimibe can be used as insight into the value of statins in type 2 diabetes (44).
monotherapy or in combination with other cholesterol- The direct correlation between LDL-C and cardiovascular
lowering agents. risk (45) suggests that perhaps an even more intensive
Fibrates are useful pharmacological agents for correcting approach to lipid lowering may be warranted (46). Evidence
moderate to severe hypertriglyceridaemia in patients with from three secondary prevention studies have shown that
type 2 diabetes. It has been postulated that the clinical lowering LDL-C with statin therapy to levels well below cur-
benefit of fibrate therapy is a result of increased HDL-C rent target levels of 2.5 mmol ⁄ L further reduces cardiovas-
levels and the correction of hypertriglyceridaemia, which cular mortality and morbidity (47,48) and inhibits the
may have an impact on LDL-C and HDL-C particle hetero- progression of atherosclerosis (49). In the PROVE-IT study,
geneity (36). Currently, however, there is only limited clin- aggressive dosing with statins effectively lowered LDL-C
ical trial evidence that these treatments reduce risk of CHD and reduced cardiovascular events by 16% compared with
(11). The results of the ongoing Fenofibrate Intervention less intensive therapy with standard statin doses (47).
and Event Lowering in Diabetics (FIELD) Trial (n ¼
9795), which is investigating prospectively the impact of
Combination therapy with statins
fenofibrate on primary prevention of CHD events in
patients with type 2 diabetes, are awaited with interest. The Promising provisional evidence has come from trials of
Diabetes Atherosclerosis Intervention Study (DAIS) was combination therapy with statins and niacin or fibrates.
designed to assess the effects of fenofibrate on coronary These studies suggest that combination therapy may offer
atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes. The results patients more intensive control of LDL-C, as well as HDL-
suggested that fenofibrate reduced progression of CAD in C and triglycerides, and ultimately even greater risk reduc-
these patients (37). tions, including in patients with diabetes (50–54).

ª 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, October 2004, 58 (Suppl. 143), 30–40

The effect of an atorvastatin-fenofibrate combination or statins may restore endothelial nitric oxide production
monotherapy with each drug on lipid profiles has been (61,62) and ameliorate oxidative damage caused by the gen-
assessed in patients with type 2 diabetes and combined hyp- eration of endothelial reactive oxygen species (ROS) (63–
erlipidaemia, who were free of CAD at the start of the 65). Markers such as C-reactive protein (CRP) may provide
study (50). The combination therapy reduced total choles- a measure of the effects of statins in the restoration of
terol by 37%, LDL-C by 46% and triglycerides by 50%, and endothelial function. Certainly, recent studies have con-
increased HDL-C by 20% from baseline (p < 0.0001 for firmed statins lower CRP levels in diabetic (66) and non-
all). These changes were significantly better than for diabetic patients (67), and that this effect appeared to be
either of the monotherapies. The combination also reduced greatest among patients with the highest levels of CRP,
the probability of an MI within 10 years from 21.6% at independent of baseline lipid levels (68).
baseline to 4.2% – an 80% reduction (p < 0.0001). Probab- Moreover, it is thought that statins may confer improved
ility of a MI with atorvastatin alone was 7.5% and with fen- sensitivity to insulin, through an as yet unknown mechanism
ofibrate alone was 10.9% (p < 0.05 vs. the combination for (69,70), and therefore may influence progression of IGT to
both) (50). type 2 diabetes. Some studies have suggested that statins
The HDL Atherosclerosis Treatment Study (HATS) may reduce the risk of developing diabetes by as much as
found that simvastatin plus niacin reduced major clinical 30% (71,72), but this has not been confirmed by other large
events by 60% in patients with CAD and low HDL-C (51). statin trials such as the Scandanavian Simvastatin Survival
A subgroup analysis of this study found that the combina- Study (4S) and the Heart Protection Study HPS (73,74).
tion of simvastatin and niacin was effective in patients with Through both lipid-lowering and lipid-independent
or without diabetes ⁄ impaired fasting glucose (55). In both effects, statins are thought to have a beneficial influence on
groups simvastatin plus niacin increased HDL-C by 28%, rate of progression of microvascular complications (75–80).
whereas in the placebo group HDL-C increased by 6%. Long-term studies would be beneficial in further under-
Clinical events were lower in the simvastatin plus niacin standing the potential role of statins for slowing the pro-
group compared with placebo for patients with diabetes gression of microvascular and macrovascular complications
(11% vs. 21%; not significant) and without diabetes (8% vs. in both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
23%; p < 0.01). As well as the overwhelming evidence for their clinical
The ongoing Action to Control CardiOvascular Risk in benefits, statins have been shown to be cost-effective for
Diabetes (ACCORD) trial examines the ability of combined treating patients with diabetes (81–83). Despite this, the
fibrate and statin therapy to reduce events in patients with number of patients screened and treated for dyslipidaemia
type 2 diabetes, with or without a history of CVD. All remains less than optimal (84,85). It is hoped that the ongo-
patients will be randomized to intensive vs. standard treat- ing evolution of lipid-lowering treatments and the availabil-
ment for glycaemic control. In addition, some of the ity of new statins, such as rosuvastatin, will help physicians
patients will receive standard vs. intensive blood pressure meet this treatment gap.
control, with the others receiving standard vs. intensive
lipid-modifying therapy. The lipid intervention will consist
of simvastatin plus either fenofibrate or placebo. The study
will continue until June 2009.
Rosuvastatin 10–40 mg has been extensively evaluated in
adults across a range of dyslipidaemias (53,86–91), including
Beyond lipid lowering – the ‘pleiotropic’ effects of
in patients with the metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes.
In all trials, rosuvastatin 10–40 mg has been shown to be
It has been hypothesized that, in addition to their lipid- highly efficacious, reducing LDL-C levels by up to 63%, in
modifying properties, statins have other effects that might patients with LDL-C between 4.1 and 5.7 mmol ⁄ L (86).
contribute to their cardioprotective benefits (56,57). An area Furthermore, rosuvastatin has been shown to increase
of ongoing research is the cholesterol-independent or ‘pleio- HDL-C and improve triglycerides and other components of
tropic’ effects of statins on diabetes and micro- and macro- the atherogenic lipid profile compared with placebo.
vascular complications (58). Rosuvastatin 10 mg improved dyslipidaemia in patients
Endothelial dysfunction in patients with type 1 diabetes with the metabolic syndrome to a similar degree to those
and type 2 diabetes contributes to micro- and macrovascular without the metabolic syndrome in a subanalysis of a study
complications (59,60). Although the beneficial effects of sta- involving 194 hypercholesterolaemic patients (92). It also
tins on endothelial function were thought to be due to their enabled 64% of the patients with the metabolic syndrome
lipid-lowering properties, recent studies have indicated that and triglycerides ‡ 5 mmol ⁄ L to meet their ATP III
statins may have other protective effects. For example, nonHDL goals (92). This result was confirmed by Shepherd

ª 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, October 2004, 58 (Suppl. 143), 30–40

et al. (2003), who showed that among all patients who had atOrvastatin [10 & 20 Mg] in patiEnts with type II DiAbe-
triglycerides ‡ 5 mmol ⁄ L, 71% of these patients met both tes) (13), and CORALL (COmpare Rosuvastatin [10–
their LDL-C and nonHDL goals (93). 40 mg] with Atorvastatin [20–80 mg] on apo B ⁄ apo A-1
Studies have shown that the usual starting dose of rosu- ratio in patients with type 2 diabetes meLLitus and dyslipid-
vastatin (10 mg) is more effective than atorvastatin 10 mg, aemia) (14).
simvastatin 10–40 mg and pravastatin 10–40 mg at improv-
ing LDL-C, triglycerides and other components of the
URANUS study
atherogenic lipid profile in patients with hypercholesterolae-
mia (87–89,91). Notably, rosuvastatin 10 mg raised HDL-C The URANUS study in Sweden compared rosuvastatin with
significantly more than atorvastatin 10 mg (87–89,91) and atorvastatin for LDL-C reduction and goal achievement.
enabled more patients to achieve their LDL-C goals, redu- Rosuvastatin was highly efficacious at modifying components
cing the requirement for dose titration (87,93). Furthermore, of the atherogenic lipid profile in patients with a history of
switching from atorvastatin 10 mg to rosuvastatin 10 mg type 2 diabetes (‡ 3 months). Patients had a fasting LDL-
was shown to significantly improved the number of patients C ‡ 3.3 mmol ⁄ L and triglyceride concentration <
who achieved LDL-C goals (p < 0.05) compared with 6.0 mmol ⁄ L and were treated with diet modification plus oral
patients who remained on atorvastatin in the Measuring antidiabetic agents, insulin or a combination (12). They were
Effective Reductions in Cholesterol Using Rosuvastatin randomized to a starting dose of either rosuvastatin 10 mg or
Therapy (MERCURY I) trial (94). MERCURY I evaluated atorvastatin 10 mg. Those not reaching the 1998 European
rosuvastatin 10 mg in high-risk patients (history of CHD or LDL-C goal of < 3.0 mmol ⁄ L received dose titrations to
atherosclerotic disease, type 2 diabetes, or a high CHD rosuvastatin 20 mg or 40 mg, or atorvastatin 20 mg, 40 or
risk), with raised LDL-C and triglycerides (< 4.5 mmol ⁄ L) 80 mg.
(94). At 4 weeks, 81% of patients on rosuvastatin 10 mg com-
pared with 65% of patients on atorvastatin 10 mg achieved
1998 European LDL-C targets (p < 0.001). Compared with
atorvastatin, rosuvastatin improved other lipid variables
including HDL-C and triglycerides, with significant reduc-
The efficacy of rosuvastatin in modifying the lipid profile in tions in apo B ⁄ apo A-I after 4 and 16 weeks of treatment
patients with hypercholesterolaemia is similar in type 2 dia- (p < 0.001) (Table 1).
betes and in patients without diabetes. This was reflected in
a subgroup analysis of patients with type 2 diabetes from
the MERCURY I trial, which found that 8 weeks of treat-
ment with rosuvastatin 10 mg produced similar improve- The ANDROMEDA study in the UK compared the effects
ments in LDL-C (47.2%) compared with the overall of the same doses of rosuvastatin and atorvastatin on LDL-
population (47.0%) (94,95). C, other lipids and the inflammatory marker CRP. Adults
Three studies have subsequently been conducted to with type 2 diabetes and triglycerides £ 6.0 mmol ⁄ L were
evaluate rosuvastatin vs. other statins in the management of eligible (13). Patients initially received 10 mg doses of either
dyslipidaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes: URANUS rosuvastatin or atorvastatin for 8 weeks and were then titra-
(Use of Rosuvastatin vs. Atorvastatin iN type 2 diabetes ted up to 20 mg for a further 8 weeks. Significantly more
mellitUS) (12), ANDROMEDA (A raNdomized, Double- patients on rosuvastatin than on atorvastatin achieved the
blind study to compare Rosuvastatin [10 & 20 mg] and 2003 European LDL-C goal of < 2.5 mmol ⁄ L (Figure 2)

Table 1 The effects of rosuvastatin and atorvastatin on the atherogenic lipid profile of patients with type 2 diabetes (From Berne C,
et al. Use of rosuvastatin versus atorvastatin in type 2 diabetes mellitus subjects: results of the URANUS study. 74th European
Atherosclerosis Society Congress. Atherosclerosis 2004; 5 (Suppl 1): 107 Abstract M463.)

Lipid ⁄ lipoprotein Least square mean percentage change from baseline

4 weeks 16 weeks

RSV 10 mg ATV 10 mg RSV 10–40 mg ATV 10–80 mg

(n ¼ 232) (n ¼ 231) (n ¼ 221) (n ¼ 220)
LDL-C ) 47.6* ) 38.5 ) 52.3* ) 45.5
Apo B ⁄ apo A-I ratio ) 43.9* ) 35.4 ) 46.3* ) 39.6

RSV ¼ rosuvastatin; ATV ¼ atorvastatin; *p £ 0.001 vs. ATV.

ª 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, October 2004, 58 (Suppl. 143), 30–40

* † at both 8 weeks ()34.0% vs. )21.2%) and 16 weeks

100 94 96 ()39.8% vs. )33.8%) (13).
Patients who achieved goal (%)

CORALL study
60 The CORALL study in the Netherlands was conducted to
50 compare the effects of rosuvastatin vs. atorvastatin on apo
40 B ⁄ apo A-I ratios and other lipid parameters. Reflecting the
30 results from the two previous studies, CORALL found
20 rosuvastatin to be more effective at reducing LDL-C than
10 atorvastatin (14). In this trial, adults with type 2 diabetes
0 (HbA1c < 10%) and dyslipidaemia (LDL-C ‡ 3.4 mmol ⁄ L
10 mg 10 mg 20 mg 20 mg [statin-naı̈ve] or > 3.0 to £ 5.0 mmol ⁄ L [previous statin
8 weeks 16 weeks treatment within 4 weeks] and triglycerides < 4.5 mmol ⁄ L)
were included in the trial. Patients received a starting dose
Figure 2 Proportion of patients with type 2 diabetes achieving of rosuvastatin 10 mg or atorvastatin 20 mg for 6 weeks
the 2003 LDL-C goal of 2.5 mmol ⁄ L with starting doses of
(14). At subsequent 6-weekly intervals, the dose was
rosuvastatin and atorvastatin RSV ¼ rosuvastatin; ATV ¼
atorvastatin; *p < 0.001 RSV 10 mg vs. ATV 10 mg;  p ¼ 0.002 increased to rosuvastatin 20 mg and then 40 mg, or ator-
RSV 20 mg vs. ATV 20 mg. (Reproduced with data from vastatin 40 mg and then 80 mg for another 6-week period.
Betteridge JD, Gibson M, on behalf of the ANDROMEDA study Rosuvastatin produced greater reductions in LDL-C than
investigators. Effect of rosuvastatin and atorvastatin on LDL-C atorvastatin at the 10 mg vs. 20 mg doses ()45.9% vs.
and CRP levels in patients with type 2 diabetes: results of the )41.3%), the 20 mg vs. 40 mg doses ()50.6% vs. )45.6%)
ANDROMEDA study. 74th European Atherosclerosis Society and the 40 mg vs. 80 mg doses ()53.6% to )47.8%)
Congress. Atherosclerosis 2004; 5 (Suppl 1): 107–8 Abstract M464)
(p < 0.05 for all) (14).
The CORALL study also provided evidence that rosu-
(13). This result reflects the significantly greater reductions vastatin ameliorates the atherogenic profile in patients with
in LDL-C achieved with both the 10 mg (51.3% vs. 39.0%; type 2 diabetes. Correspondingly, the study found that rosu-
p < 0.001) and 20 mg (57.4% vs. 46.0%; p < 0.001) doses vastatin was highly efficacious in modifying the apolipopro-
of rosuvastatin compared with atorvastatin (13). tein levels. At weeks 12 and 18, rosuvastatin reduced the
Reductions in median CRP from baseline were also apo B ⁄ apo A-1 ratio significantly more than atorvastatin
numerically greater with rosuvastatin than with atorvastatin (p < 0.05) (Figure 3) (14).

6 weeks 12 weeks 18 weeks

10 mg 20 mg 20 mg 40 mg 40 mg 80 mg
Mean change from baseline in

n=128 n=131 n=128 n=131 n=128 n=131

apo B/apo A-I (%)


–34.9 –34.7 –35.8
–40 –39.2 * *
* *

Figure 3 Mean percentage change in baseline apoB ⁄ apoA-1 in patients with type 2 diabetes with rosuvastatin 10–40 mg and atorvastatin
20–80 mg. RSV = rosuvastatin; ATV = atorvastatin; apo = apolipoprotein; P < 0.05 vs ATV. (Reproduced with data from Franken AAM,
Wolffenbuttel BHR, Vincent HH, on behalf of the Dutch CORALL Study Group. Cholesterol-lowering effects of rosuvastatin compared
with atorvastatin in patients with type 2 diabetes. 74th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress. Atherosclerosis 2004; 5 (Suppl 1): 118,
Abstract M513.)

ª 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, October 2004, 58 (Suppl. 143), 30–40

In these trials, the overall occurrence of adverse events In patients with combined hyperlipidaemia, characterized
was similar between atorvastatin and rosuvastatin, with a by both elevated cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels,
low incidence of serious adverse events, which were not both rosuvastatin and fenofibrate monotherapy are equally
attributed to the study treatments (12–14). effective in lowering triglyceride levels; however, rosu-
vastatin is significantly more effective at reducing LDL-C.
The greater reduction in triglycerides produced by combi-
Combination therapy
ning these two therapies suggests that rosuvastatin has
The efficacy of rosuvastatin as monotherapy and in combi- potential either as a monotherapy or in combination with
nation with fenofibrate has been evaluated in patients with fenofibrate for the effective management of the dyslipidae-
type 2 diabetes and combined hyperlipidaemia (elevated mias in patients with type 2 diabetes, although rosuvastatin
total cholesterol ‡ 5.2 mmol ⁄ L and elevated triglycerides should be prescribed with caution in combination with
‡ 2.3 and < 9.0 mmol ⁄ L) (53). Fenofibrate and rosuvastatin fenofibrate.
monotherapy were equally effective in reducing triglyceride Ongoing studies will evaluate whether these properties of
levels ()30% and )36%, respectively), and increased HDL- rosuvastatin translate into beneficial effects on atheroscler-
C by +6% and +9.2%, respectively. Monotherapy with osis and significant reductions in cardiovascular events (96).
rosuvastatin also improved the LDL-C of patients with type They will also provide important information on the role of
2 diabetes ()47%). By comparison, fenofibrate produced rosuvastatin in less well studied groups, including patients
smaller changes in LDL-C ()0.7%). Rosuvastatin 10 mg + with renal disease (97), and individuals without elevated
fenofibrate 67 mg three times daily reduced triglycerides to LDL-C but at heightened vascular risk as a result of
a greater extent than rosuvastatin monotherapy titrated to a increased systemic inflammation (98).
dose of 40 mg ()47% vs. )30%; p £ 0.017), with no signi-
ficant differences between the treatment groups for any
other lipid parameter (53). These results indicate that the
combination of low-dose rosuvastatin with a fibrate can 1 Kannel WB. Lipids, diabetes, and coronary heart disease:
produce larger reductions in triglycerides than a fibrate insights from the Framingham Study. Am Heart J 1985; 110:
alone. 1100–7.
2 Stamler J, Vaccaro O, Neaton JD, Wentworth D. Diabetes,
other risk factors, and 12-yr cardiovascular mortality for men
CONCLUSION screened in the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial. Diabetes
Care 1993; 16: 434–44.
Over 80% of people with type 2 diabetes die of CVD, and
3 Haffner SM, Lehto S, Ronnemaa T, Pyorala K, Laakso M.
it is now recognized that an atherogenic lipid profile repre- Mortality from coronary heart disease in subjects with type
sents a key risk factor in these patients. In accordance with 2 diabetes and in nondiabetic subjects with and without
the results from epidemiological and intervention studies, prior myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med 1998; 339: 229–
guidelines now agree on the need for intensive LDL-C low- 34.
ering in patients with dyslipidaemia and type 2 diabetes. 4 De Backer G, Ambrosioni E, Borch-Johnsen K et al. Third
Statins represent a break through in the treatment of dysli- Joint Task Force of European and Other Societies on Cardio-
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