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FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT SOCIPAL STUDIES Nam« Date: 62anils Period: | Unit Title: Home Rule & Civic Engaegment ‘COMPELLING QUESTION Who made D¢ what its today? INSTRUCTIONS: Using evidence from the unit, respond to the prompt below in a wellthought-out, short essay. au. SSRUBRIC CRITERIA ‘ACCURACY + Did se spec snd correct evidence? + Dolshow how sme events eased others? + Docs my answer show my understanding the oojecve?| + Did use Schl Studies words coracy? REAL-WORLD CONNNECTIONS + cameetons: Persona? Pat? Present? + Wiy does muater tos (today? i connect he big ea to an sve today? + How hes my understanding of ond sre tothe Competing Guasionts) show my deeper understanding? ‘SOURCING Ve created is documant? Wan? ‘Whoa theincended audience? iat isitsmain point or argument? 1 what mae the sour trustworthy? ‘+ Why dd they weit? + Whats the point of view? Whats the mera for rebiey? ‘CONTEXTUALIZATION ‘+ what was gong on when this documenta created? = How dig thore events affect tscrestion? + What are the hstrcl, go, econcme, Sod, polialpespectves? + How does the tine pored xpi what happened and wh CORROBORATION 1 nat ther txts appear during thine? + Agou/Disagre? Winy/not? + Rely? DEVELOPMENT OF CLAIM + Whatwas tying tosay? + Did ansver my ovn question? + supporting evidence to my dam? = aren iensciear? ORGANIZATION AND STYLE + oesitiook/soundeei right? + Isthismy best worker? + Ismywiting lear? + Daes my format thet support my arguments? [+ _ bid use spect language? SONVENTIONS: ‘+ 0id| proofread or speling, punctuationan syntax? id use correct capitalization, verb tense anc pronouns? + Does sound right whan Lread out out? Based on the resources analyzed in class, determine who you think Is most responsible for the current relationship between Washington, DC and Congress. Why is the relationship the way itis, and who has contributed to that relationship? Use evidence to support your claims. Plan your response below, then write your final draft on the back. Ny are | GER Tyo [TerarionswiP Dexween Washington D.Cone Longue NS nox a Fair Verationstti@ The Conaress ee | Does Everatning WENO Corres to Wading, Becisions ar rales eve Congress does ht Toe Exowgre Tuy fave awoy & large lamneun Bor Vage s. Tre Congwes CePregents D. C, What we stomel land what preety eant Res fo 90 Waugh Xe Cong regs en. Tre Congress Nnas ¥re Power, US citi2ens Only have “MY Uoice oF Waal We loei{eve_tq sine Doese st an SWAN 09 yo Qur Favor; [ SHORT ANSWER RESPONSE INSTRUCTIONS: Read the question(s) below and then answer the prompt as \ a I iN NS FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT SOCIFSL STUDIES accurately as you can. | Student Response My ylame 46 Wee, A Shuden (ak Analestia Wigh Schoo Em Ree 40 infbem You On Le Yelationghrie loettueen Wasimigten O.¢ and Congress, This 15 nok a fair YelarionShiP Congress has All Putorty, Wether You We id o¢ nok Whah-ecuor wy Say O85 because Cong ress has wwe Power ancl rey Use there] ROWE Lo Convince ail of Me CE Aeng ko Follow bend pre ecisions dey more Cor us GBP CiMens, Even ining Ne Shand Be ComAmss any Con Evpress Yow we Eel as a whaigl GAY Ord What We bell eve iw ie AW\as AO go threugh eee g .* 4 a0 ase He Power +o eutra's € excus) Bre Cy Wedepand m a oon antl ae . . Presection | ood , Housin BTL? Because. ¥ 1s Petr clay Wy ale fe Gee eae Dropwired. Trg Celasionship 15 Chas Reause Conguess | Aoesn' Jugk ae He Cis ha PRE Peel Abous Certain Mhings OT ione ae Fore trey dle hem, Tehing Wo. CH2ens Contribute ol wee iC Wasnt for us they Woou A. naw Wow he \eeep Bveything under Conf, Congress aves, away a va, "Q- Combumd— 08 UY dar hayes cuendn you mae alo+tryey Witltale ALor oe you ay Bu FE you don't wae a\ or Prey ane Ving ko Hae it away From WL. Bera A WAShingtoni dn Tq Easy YOu Nave to tae Qret OF Fis eS) web tus dete oe ) Da Suae “e HO uy eee Essay Rubric Student Name: Sills] — Focus Exceeds Expectation “Approaching Expectation Below Expectation CarnrThess 9 § 3 5 wih aendeatae dn i poston E a peop The eps con Tint Gand @ | Chim ‘sana eee ened ie ae) 2 ‘ete BIG Guston Tepes Ue BIG Qason das wk scart explain ars how ttetrely explain or nls be (he preserted evidence mpports the provided evidence sane ‘Coventons | Raposo cul as] Reipare oia innal BSS Rass cia spon Toa "Ti response Canons Sg 7 connaud of events ws eit ncmgr andes Tha ca wa oaaiaat eT Thaw coat as oT non, Danson, pina, sd sping ‘spinon and spel g | Content Rapa Fog ao g me ; Rape de hae TS g domanepcdic oabuley | deomisyecicwedbaay 2 aati lear z scout, & Rear 3 sooner 2 = comece [cohesion Te : rere Co TF zg | sign ner” [|= Total Score:

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