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IANA ‘US 2016006840481 cu») United States cz) Patent Application Publication — co) Pub. No.: US 2016/0068404 A1 CATON et al. (43) Pub. Date Mar. 10, 2016 (34) PROCESS FOR HEAT AMMONIA STRIPPER IN ANDRUSSOW Related Application Data (6) Provisional pplication No. 61/738,662, ile on Dev. es 18,2012, (71) Applicant: INVISTA NORTH AMER ae ae RL, Wilmington, DE ( é ‘ Gl) Ince. (72) Inventors: John €. CATON, Yoskum, TX (US): coca (2006.01) David W. RABENALDT, Port Lavaca, ‘BOLD S314 (00801), 1X US) oa et (52) US.Cl . . CPC COI 300295 (2013.01); BOID S378 (73). Assignee: INVISTA NORTH AMERICA S.A (2013.01); Bor 3371425 2013.01); BOID RL, Wilmington, DE (US) 71406 2013.01); BOLD 2252/103 201301) (21) Appl.Nos — 147741,797 on ABSTRACT \ hydrogen eyanice production process that recovers ammo= sia and hydrogen eyanide Irom a enade hydrogen cyanide product comprising from 25 10 50 vol, % water. When heat is recovered from the ammonia sripper, in the form of lowe §371 (0M), pressure steam, and the steam can be intgrated with the (2)Date "Jun. 17,2015 refining of hydrogen cyanide (22) PCTTiled: Dee. 12,2013, (86) PCTNos — PETUSI3 74640 Patent Application Publication Mar. 10, 2016 Sheet 1 of 2 Op CH, = NHg 23——+ [— 24 14, |H [-—30 16 HCN US 2016/0068404 AI | 26 Patent Application Publication Mar. 10, 2016 Sheet 2 of 2 US 2016/0068404 AI

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