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Applying Model Checking Technique for the

Analysis of B92 Security
Mohamed Elboukhari, Mostafa Azizi, and Abdelmalek Azizi

Abstract—Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) or Quantum Cryptography solves the key distribution problem by allowing the
exchange of a cryptographic key between two remote parties with absolute security, guaranteed by the laws of quantum
physics. Extensive studies have been undertaken on QKD when it was noted that quantum computers could break public key
cryptosystems based on number theory. Now, the progress of research in this field allows the anticipation of Quantum
Cryptography to be available outside of laboratories within the next few years. But despite this big progress of research, several
challenges remain. For example, the task of how to test the apparatuses of QKD did not yet receive enough attention. These
apparatuses become complex, heterogeneous and demand a big verification effort. We propose in this paper to study Quantum
Cryptography protocols by applying the technique of probabilistic model checking. We use the model checker PRISM to analyze
the security of B92 protocol and we are interested in the specific security property of eavesdropper's information gain on the key
derived from the implementation of this protocol. We show that this property is affected by the parameters of the quantum
channel and the eavesdropper’s power.

Index Terms— B92 Protocol, Cryptography, Quntum Cryptography, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), Model Checking.

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Q Quantum Cryptography or Quantum Key Distribu-

tion (QKD) offers new methods of secure communi-
cation. Unlike classical cryptography, which relies
phen Wiesner in the early 1970s. He introduced the con-
cept of quantum conjugate coding. His article titled "Con-
jugate Coding" was rejected by IEEE Information Theory
on the computational difficulty of certain mathematical but was eventually published in 1983 in SIGACT News
functions and employs various mathematical techniques (15:1 pp. 78-88, 1983). Through this paper he showed how
to restrict eavesdroppers from learning the contents of to store or transmit two messages by encoding them in
encrypted messages, QKD is focused on the physics of two “conjugate observables”, such as circular and linear
information. The robustness of a given cryptosystem of polarization of light, so that either, but not both, of which
classical cryptography is based essentially on the secrecy may be received and decoded. After a decade and build-
of its private key and the difficulty with which the inverse ing upon this work, Charles H. Bennett, of the IBM Tho-
of its one-way function(s) can be calculated. Unfortunate- mas J. Watson Research Center, and Gilles Brassard, of
ly, there is no mathematical proof that will establish the University of Montreal, proposed a method for secure
whether it is not possible to find the inverse of a given communication based on Wiesner’s “conjugate obser-
one-way function. So, traditional cryptography cannot vables”. In 1990, initially unaware of the earlier work,
provide guarantee of key security. On the contrary, QKD Artur Ekert developed a different approach to Quantum
is a method for sharing secret keys, whose security can be Cryptography based on quantum correlations known as
formally demonstrated. Also, traditional cryptography quantum entanglement.
cannot provide any indication of eavesdropping. QKD The idea of Qunantum Cryptography did not attract
has a unique and important properly; it is the ability of much attention at first. Research efforts have increased
the two communicating users (Alice and Bob) to detect since the 1990s when it was proved that quantum com-
the presence of any third party (Eve) trying to gain know- puters could break the public-key cryptosystems com-
ledge of the key. How the eavesdropper can measure, and monly used in modern cryptography and when it is
what, depends exclusively on the laws of physics. Ex- proved that QKD is secure against quantum computer
ploiting quantum phenomena, we can design and imple- attacks. Also a more interest has been generated after the
ment a communication system that can always detect ea- first practical demonstration over 30 cm of free space em-
vesdropping. ploying polarization coding [1]. Various theoretical and
Quantum Cryptography was proposed first by Ste- experimental studies have been undertaken, and proto-
type products are now commercially available. Actually,
———————————————— several QKD protocols have been developed, and some
 M.Elboukhari is with the dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science, Uni- that transmit keys through tens of kilometers in both fiber
versity Mohamed First, Oujda, Morocco. and free space have been experimentally demonstrated
 M.Azizi is with the dept. Applied Engineering, ESTO, University Mo-
hamed First, Oujda, Morocco.
 A.Azizi with the Academy Hassan II of Sciences & Technology, Rabat, Now, despite the huge progress over the recent years,
Morocco. many open questions remain.
First, complete and realistic analyses of the security is-
sues are still missing. Next, the delicate question of how

to test and verify the apparatuses did not yet receive a lot the techniques of formal verification which was applied
of research. Indeed, a potential customer of Quantum Key and developed in classical computing for the analysis of
Distribution buys confidence and secrecy, two qualities communicating concurrent systems. The first step in for-
hard to quantify. mal verification is to define a model of the system to be
In this context, we present in this article an approach to analyzed, in a well-founded mathematical notation and
analyze the security of one of the most known protocol of based on the same underlying theory, an automated
Qunatum Cryptography named B92 [7] using the tech- analysis tool is used to reason about the system.
nique of model checking. The B92 protocol is elaborated In their article [17], the authors Rajagopal Nagarajan,
by Charles Bennett in 1992. A good proof of the uncondi- Simon Gay and Nikolaos Papanikolaou introduce fun-
tional security of B92 is the proof of Tamaki [8]. This damental and general techniques for formal verification
proof guaranteed the security of B92 protocol in the pres- of quantum protocols. Knowing that current analyses of
ence of any enemy who can perform any operation per- quantum protocols use a traditional mathematical ap-
mitted by the quantum physics; consequently the security proach and require considerable understanding of the
of the B92 protocol cannot be compromised by a future underlying physics, the authors argue that automated
development in quantum calculation. Other results re- verification techniques present an elegant alternative. To
lated to the security of this protocol are shown in the ar- show the feasibility of these techniques, they use PRISM,
ticles [9],[10]. a probabilistic model-checking tool. For the automated
In general, the mathematical proof of security of Quan- analysis of quantum information protocols the authors
tum Key Distribution protocols is not enough to assure establish model-checking techniques in the articles [18]-
that the implementation of a system related to certain [19]. Precisely they have introduced QMC, a model-
Quantum Cryptography protocol is secure. As demon- checking tool for quantum protocols. As opposed to si-
strated in traditional cryptography, during the progress mulation systems, QMC is proposed as the first dedicated
from an ideal protocol to an implementation, several verification tool for quantum protocols. QMC enables the
flaws of security can appear. So, even extensive research verification and modeling of properties of quantum pro-
has been initiated for sophisticated implementation of tocols expressible in the quantum formalism.
Quantum Key Distribution in practical communication In the article [20] the authors Rajagopal Nagarajan, Ni-
networks, these systems are difficult to design; for that it kolaos Papanikolaou, Garry Bowen and Simon Gay in-
is very important to analyze and verify such systems with troduce the use of computer–aided verification as a prac-
more details related to their practical implementation. tical means for analyzing the QKD protocol BB84. Using
In our paper, we present an analysis using PRISM [11]; the probabilistic model–checking approach, they have
a tool of the technique of probabilistic model checking. used the model–checker PRISM to show that, the equivo-
Our work is done in the same approach as [12] and cation of the eavesdropper with respect to the channel
[13],[14],[15], but our effort is focused on the property of decreases exponentially as the number of qubits transmit-
eavesdropper's information gain on the key derived from ted in BB84 is increased. They showed also that the prob-
the implementation of the B92 protocol. We also intro- ability of detecting the presence of an eavesdropper in-
duce new parameters of the eavesdropper’s power and creases exponentially as the number of qubits increases.
the parameters of the quantum channel’s efficiency. We The authors Mohamed Elboukhari, Mostafa Azizi, and
show that these parameters affect the eavesdropper's in- Abdelmalek Azizi in the article [13] describe a methodol-
formation gain on the key. ogy based on model checking in order to analyze quan-
Our paper is organized as follows. In section 2, the re- tum information systems. They are interested in the QKD
lated works is described. In Section 3 we present a de- protocol B92. By using the PRISM tool as a probabilistic
tailed description of the B92 protocol. We introduce a model checker, they show that the protocol B92 fulfilled
simple presentation of the technique of model checking in specific security properties. The authors in the article [14]
Section 4 and we show also why this technique is desired use the same technique to analyze certain security’s prop-
to analyze Quantum Cryptography protocols. In section 5 erties of B92 protocol; they are interested in the specific
we present our analysis of B92’s security by introducing security property of eavesdropping detection. They have
parameters of the channel and the eavesdropper in order demonstrated that this property is affected by the power
to study the property of the information on the key of the eavesdropper and the parameters of quantum
owned by the eavesdropper. We conclude our paper by channel. The same study has been done by the authors to
giving the main results in section 6. the BB84 protocol [15].


The issue of analyzing quantum protocols by model B92
checking is already introduced in the literature. More The B92 is based on the on Heisenberg’s Uncertainty
specially, using the approach of model checking for stud- Principle. Surely it is a famous and realized Quantum
ying Quantum Cryptography protocols has been also in- Cryptography protocol. This protocole uses polarised
troduced. photons as information carriers. The polarizations of the
The authors Rajagopal Nagarajan and Simon Gay in photons are two states, and are grouped together in two
the article [16] propose to analyze quantum protocols by different non orthogonal basis

Let H 2 be a Hilbert space with two basis  and  . Bob produces 0 or  then, Ti  0 and if it pro-
We suppose that the polarization of a photon can be duces 1 or  ), Ti  1 , for all i  {0,1,  , n} .
modelled by a state of this space.
2) Second phase (Public Discussion)
The two basis  and  are defined as follows: a) Bob transmits the value of the vector T to Alice
-The basis  is formed by the horizontal (0°) and the over the classical channel.
vertical polarization (+90°). We represent the base states b) Bob and Alice keep only the bits of the vectors A
with the intuitive notation: 0 and 1 . We have and B for which Ti  1 . In such case and in absence
 { 0 , 1 }. of the enemy Eve, we have the equation:
-The basis  is constructed by the diagonal polarizations Ai  1  B i and the shared raw key is formed by Ai (or
(+45°) and (+135°). The two different base states are  1  B i ).
1 1 c) Alice chooses randomly a sample of the bits of the
and  with   ( 0  1 ) and.   ( 0  1 ) raw key and reveals them to Bob over the classical
2 2 channel. If it exists i such as Ai  1  B i , then Eve is
We have   {  ,  } . certainly detected and the communication is aborted.
In B92 protocol, the association between the informa- d) The common shared secret key K  {0,1} N is
tion bit (taken from a random number generator) and the formed by the raw key after elimination of the sam-
basis are described in Table 1. ples of the step 2c).
In this description of B92 protocol, measuring with the
Coding scheme f or the B92 protocol incorrect basis yields a random result, as predicted by
quantum theory. Thus, if Bob chooses the basis  to
Bit   measure a photon in state 0 , the classical outcome will

0  be either the bit 0 or 1 with equal probability be-

1 1  cause 0  (    ) ; if the basis  was chosen in-
stead, the classical outcome would be 0 with certainty
B92 protocol considers that the two legitimate users, because 0  1 0  0 1 .
Alice and Bob, communicate through two specific chan-
nels, which the enemy (Eve) also has access to: There are also three points to understand the B92 pro-
-A classical channel which can be public; Eve can lis- tocol perfectly. Firstly, if the test of Bob is equal to 0 for a
ten passively (without being detected); certain measure, then Bob does not know what Alice sent
-A quantum channel that Eve cannot listen passively. to him. For example, if Bob chooses the basis 
The first phase of B92 protocol involves transmissions (resp.  ), he can obtain as result of his measure
over the quantum channel, while the second phase takes 0 (resp.  ) for any quantum state sent by Alice ( 0
place over the classical channel.
The B92 can be described as follows [13],[14]: or  ). Secondly, if the test of Bob is equal to 1 then Bob

1) First phase (Quantum Transmissions) knows exactly what Alice sent to him, for example if Bob
a) Alice generates a random vector of chooses the basis  (resp.  ), he will obtain after meas-

bits A  {0,1} , n  N . If
Ai  0 Alice sends 0 to ure the state  (resp. 1 ) and Alice surely sent to him

Bob over the quantum channel and if Ai  1 , she 0 (resp.  ). Thirdly, in the step 2b), Bob and Alice test
the presence of Eve; the idea is that if it exists i such as
transmits  to him, for all i  {0,1,  , n} .
T i  1 then Ai  1  B i , if not an external disturbance is
b) Bob randomly chooses in its turn a vector of
produced or there is noise in the quantum channel, we
bits B  {0,1} n , n  N . Bob chooses the basis  if
suppose all noise is caused by Eve.
Bi  0, and He chooses the basis  if Bi  1 , for all
i  {0 ,1,  , n } . 4 MODEL CHECKING AND QUANTUM KEY
c) Bob measures each state sent by Alice ( 0 or  ) in DISTRIBUTION PROTOCOLS
the selected basis (  or  ). In design of complex systems in software and hardware
d) Bob constructs the vector test T  {0,1} n , n  N more time and effort are spent on verification than on
construction. The techniques are sought to ease and re-
by complying the following rule: if a measurement of
duce the verification efforts while increasing their cover-
age. In this context, formal verification is the act of prov-
ing or disproving the correctness of intended algorithms

underlying a system with respect to a certain formal spe- allows us to specify arbitrarily probabilities for actions,
cification or property, using formal methods of mathe- for example in case n  2 we can model a tendency in
matics. Model checking is an approach of formal verifica- B92 protocol of Alice in the choice of the quantum states
tion. It is a verification method that explores all possible by a module containing the following action:
system states in a brute-force manner. In the area of com-
puter science, model checking refers to the following
 EtatOfAlice  true  0.1 : ( EtatAlice | 1 )

problem: Given a model of a system, test automatically 0.9 : ( EtatAlice  0 ); (3)

whether this model meets a given specification. Using a Alice in this equation is biased towards choosing the state
specialized software tool (called a model–checker), a sys- 0 to encode the data 0 according to the Table 1.
tem implementor can mechanically prove that the system
satisfies a certain set of requirements.
In the literature we meet several Proofs of uncondi-
tional security of the B92 protocol [8],[9],[10], but as Got- 5 ANALYSIS OF B92 USING THE MODEL CHECKER
tesman and Lo [21] point out that “the proof of security of PRISM
QKD is a fine theoretical result, but it does not mean that
5.1 The Model B92 in PRISM Tool
a real QKD system would be secure”. So, more flexible
method to analyzing the security of quantum crypto- Traditional model checkers input a description of a model,
graphic protocols is clearly desirable. Thus, a component represented as a state transition system, and a specification,
of a system in practice may be quantum, but others could typically a formula in some temporal logic, and return “yes”
still be classical. So, manufacturers of commercial quan- or “no”, indicating whether or not the model satisfies the
tum cryptographic systems [22], require rigorous and specification. In the case of using a probabilistic model
efficient methods for design and testing. checking, the models are probabilistic, in the sense that they
In our paper we propose to analyze the security of B92 encode the probability of making a transition between states
protocol by model checking. First we build an abstract instead of simply the existence of such a transition, and
model, noted M and we express it in a description lan- analysis normally entails calculation of the actual likelihoods
guage. Second, we describe the desired behavior of the through appropriate numerical or analytical methods.
system in a set of temporal formulae p i . Both the model
In our verification, we have elaborated a model of B92 in
and the formulae are the input of the model–checker.
If the systems have a probabilistic behavior, a variation PRISM noted M B 92 . It is done within a file including mod-
of this method is used; a probabilistic model–checker, ules that descibe the components of the system. So,
such as PRISM [11]. PRISM models are descibed by prob- in M B 92 , there is a module corresponding to each party in-
abilistic transition systems. The properties for PRISM
models are written in PCTL (Probabilistic Computation volved in the protocol (Alice, Bob and Eve), plus a module
Tree Logic). representing the quantum channel.
we are interested in our work to the important security’s
Using PRISM we verify if the model M satisfy the property that the protocol must ensure: an enemy could
property defined by p i (i.e. whether for each proper- never be able to obtain the value of the key. Even if an ene-
my succeeds to gain a certain quantity of information by
ty p i M ‘ p i ), and PRISM computes the follownig prob-
trying to monitor the classical channel, this quantity has to
ability: be minimal.
Pr {M ‘ p i } (1) By using our model of B92, we can compute the probabil-
We can parameterize also the model M by writing
M  M ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ,  , x n ) and the probability (1) can be Pr {M B 92 ‘ p data } (4)
calculated for different value of x i , and this enables us pdata represents a formula PCTL, its Boolean value is
to have a meaningful plot of the variation of (1).
In PRISM, a model is formed by components called TRUE if the enemy obtataind the information data on the
modules. Each module has a sequence of actions to be key. Let n is the number of photons transmitted by Alice to
achieved and also its own local variables. The actions take Bob over the quantum channel. So, we can modify n and
the following form: in our PRISM model this probability is a function of n . We
write the probability that Eve obtain the knowledge of data
action   a1 :  var1  value1   a2 :  var2  value 2   on the key as:
  an : (varn  value n ) (2) Pdata ( n )  Pr {M B 92 ‘ p data } (5)
In this formula the variable vari in this equation is as- In our article, we will analyse the correct measurements
that Eve does when she intercepts the photons transmitted

i n
signed by value i with probability ai ( i 1
ai  1 ). If by Alice. Let  i represents the event in which Eve makes a
n 1 we have the notation: correct measurement to the i-th photons transmitted. If Eve
measures all photons correctly then Eve is able to obtain the
a1 :  var1  value1    var1  value 1  with a1  1 . PRISM secret key, this event occurs with the following probability:

i n
Pall  i 1
Pr (  i ) (6) 5.3 Influence of Quantum Channel’s Efficiency on
the Eve’s Obtained Information on the Key
Our objecjtif is is to examine a variation of a probability pro-
In our model B92, the quantum channel is written in a mod-
portionel to Pall noted P 1 when Eve measures more than ule called Quantum Channel. Quantum channel in practice

can be an optical fiber or free air. In this section, we present a
half the photon transmitted. This PCTL property is noted simulation of the influence of the channel’s efficiency on the
as  1 . We want to study the variation of the probability: information gain of Eve on the key. This is done by obtain-

2 ing three curves: curve when the quantum channel is perfect
P 1 ( n )  Pr {M BB 84 ‘  1 } (7) and if it is noisy and if it produces a lot of noise. We expect


that if the channel becomes very noisy the amount of infor-
The model checher PRISM calculates exactly the probability mation obtained by Eve on the key decreases. We suppose in
that Eve measures correctly more than half the photons sent this paragraph that Eve is powerful; Eve intercepts all pho-
by Alice to Bob. We will precise in the next paragraph the tons sent by Alice.
In the perfect quantum channel there is no noise, we
definition of  according to our model of B92.

1 model this in the module Quantum Channel by the line:

5.2 The expression of  1

[ aliceput ]( ch _ state  0)  ( ch _ state '  1) & ( ch _ bas '  al _ bas ) &

2 ( ch _ bit '  al _ bit );

In the model M B 92 , we suppose that Eve applies the stan-

ch_state represets the state of the quantum channel and
dard attack of “man in the middle”. Thus, Eve receives each al_bas and al_bit denote base and bit of Alice. The lines (10)
photon sent by Alice over the quantum channel, she meas- show that the information transmitted by Alice (bit and
ures it with its basis (  or  ), and she obtains the result of base) remain unchanged before it will be received by Eve.
her test, noted Ti
and then she transmits a new photon to For 1  n  60 , PRISM calculates the probability
Bob in the same measured state (the same state of polariza- P 1 (n) which described in 5.1), so PRISM performs the

tion). By the measurement of this photon, Bob obtains his 2

) as illustrated in Fig. 1.
Ch ( 2 )
own test Ti . curve of P 1 (noted P 1
 
In order to detect Eve, it is necessary to compare the bits 2 2
Ch (1)
of Alice and Bob (which are respectively Ai and Bi ) when To elaborate a curve of P 1 (noted P 1 ) where there is a
 
2 2
the test of Bob is Ti  1 ; if in a such case Ai  1  Bi then we bit noise in the channel; we change the lines (10) by the fol-
are sure that a disturbance take place and it be caused cer- lowing code lines:
tainly by the enemy, Eve. [ aliceput ]( ch _ state  0)  c 0 : ( ch _ state '  1) & ( ch _ bas '  al _ bas ) & ( ch _ bit '  al _ bit )

M B 92 has a module called Eve includes a variable  c1 : ( ch _ state '  1) & ( ch _ bas '  1  al _ bas ) & ( ch _ bit '  al _ bit )
 c 2 : ( ch _ state '  1) & ( ch _ bas '  al _ bas ) & ( ch _ bit '  1  al _ bit )
nc by which we calculate the number of time that Eve  c 3 : ( ch _ state '  1) & ( ch _ bas '  1  al _ bas ) & ( ch _ bit '  1  al _ bit ); (11)
makes a correct measurement. nc is shown in our
M B 92 by the code lines with LUCKY  0.5 : In this case, we give the values to the number c0, c1, c2 and
c3 as: c0=0.7, c1=c2=c3=0.1. From these lines we remark that
[evemeasure] (eve_state=1)&(eve_bas=ch_bas)&(nc<n)  (eve_state'=2)&
the information of Alice has been changed in a little way.
(eve_bit'=ch_bit)&(nc'=nc+1); Instead, if we modify these lines by giving new values like
c0=0.4, c1=c2=c3=0.2 we simulate a very noisy channel. This
[evemeasure] (eve_state=1)&(eve_bas!=ch_bas)&(nc<n)  LUCKY : (eve_state'=2)&
Ch (0)
(eve_bit'=ch_bit)&(nc'=nc+1) allows us to elaborate a curve of P 1 (noted P 1 ). All
 
2 2
+(1-LUCKY) : (eve_state'=2)&(eve_bit'= 1-ch_bit); (8) Ch ( i )
curves P 1 )
0 i  2 are shown in Fig. 1.

In the lines (8), eve_state, eve_bas and eve_bit 2
represent state, base and bit of Eve and ch_bas and
Firstly, from these curves we note that if we increase the
ch_bit denote base and bit of the quantum channel.
number of photons emitted by Alice (n), the probability that
The PCTL fomulae of  1 can be written in terms of Eve measures correctly more than half the photons decreases

2 and tends towards 0 and we have lim P 1
Ch ( i )
( n)  0
nc as the following expression: n  
n for 0  i  2 . Secondly, as the channel becomes noisy, the
 1
 {TRUE  ( nc  )} (9)
probability of the amount of information on the key owned
 2
by Eve becomes smaller as expected and we have the in-
equality for 5  n  60 :

Ch  0  Ch 1
(n)  P 1 ( n)  P 1
Ch  2 
(n) (12) model a medium attack of Eve because for several pho-
   tons Eve doesn’t measure. By modifying n in the interval
2 2 2
Eve 1
[5, 60], we elaborate the curve P 1 ; we note it by P 1 .
Ch(2)  
P> 1 2 2
(n), i = 0, 1, 2}

0.7 2

P> 1
When Eve does not measure a lot of photons, we si-
P> 1 mulate a weak attack of Eve; this is done by changing the
number d1 and d2 in the lines (13) by d1  0.4 and


d2  0.6 . So, the new form of lines (14) and the line (13)
The probabilities {P> 1

illustrate a weak attack.
In this last case PRISM provides a curve of P1

0.2 2
Eve (i)
. The curves  P 1
Eve (0)
0.1 noted P ) 0 i  2 are represented
 
2 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 in Fig. 2.
Number of photons sent by Alice, n
Ch ( i ) 0.8
Fig. 1. The probabilities {P 1 (n), i  0, 1, 2} that Eve measures correctly

(n), i = 0, 1, 2}
 Eve(2)
2 0.7 P> 1

more than half the photons transmitted by Alice when we change the canal’s 0.6 P> 1

0.5 P> 1
Eve(i) 2

The probabilities {P> 1

5.4 Influence of Eve’s Power on the Information
Obtained on the Key 0.3

As in paragraph 5.3), we want to simulate the influence of 0.2

the power of Eve on its information obtained on the key.
We expect that if the power is lower, the information 0.1

gained by Eve on the key is lower too. We consider in this 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
paragraph that the quantum channel is perfect. Number of photons sent by Alice, n

Eve ( i )
Eve  2  Fig. 2. The probabilities {P 1 (n), i  0, 1, 2} that Eve measures correctly
The curve P 1 (noted also P 1 ) represents the func- 
  2
2 2
more than half the photons transmitted by Alice when we change the Eve’s
tion n  P 1 ( n ) in the case when Eve is powerful; Eve power.

performs the intercept-resend attack to all photons emit-
from this figure, we remark if we increase n , the
ted by Alice. Thus, Eve measures all photons. Firstly this
number of photons transmitted by Alice, the probability
appears in the previous lines (8) and in the following line
that Eve measures correctly more than half the photons
included in the module Quantum Channel: Eve  i 
correctly decreases too and we have lim P 1 (n )  0 ,
n  
[eveput] (ch_state=2) -> (ch_state'=3)&(ch_bas'=eve_bas)&(ch_bit'=eve_bit); (13) 2
i  0,1,
 2 . Also and more interesting, if the power of Eve
Now, we change the lines (8) by the following ones
become lower, the probability that Eve measures correctly
with d1  0.7 and d 2  0.3 : more than half the photons becomes smaller. This is clear-
[evemeasure] (eve_state=1)&(eve_bas=ch_bas)&(nc<n)  d1:(eve_state'=2)& ly showed by the inequality for 5  n  60 :
E ve 0  E v e 1  E ve 2 
(eve_bit'=ch_bit)&(nc'=nc+1)+ d2:(eve_state'=2)&(eve_bit'=ch_bit)&(nc'=nc) ; P 1
(n)  P 1
(n)  P 1
(n) (15)
  

[evemeasure] (eve_state=1)&(eve_bas!=ch_bas)&(nc<n)  LUCKY*d1 : (eve_state'=2) 2 2 2

 LUCKY*d2 : (eve_state'=2)&(eve_bas'=ch_bas)&(eve_bit'=ch_bit)&(nc'=nc)+
Quantum Cryptography cryptosystems are very promis-
(1-LUCKY)*d1 : (eve_state'=2)&(eve_bit'= 1-ch_bit)+ ing and the technology is improving more and more to
(1-LUCKY)*d2 : (eve_state'=2)&(eve_bas'=ch_bas)&(eve_bit'=ch_bit);(14)
fulfill requirements. But there is a huge need of testing
and analysis such systems due to their complexity. In this
Here, the lines (14) in which the number d2 appears, Eve spirit, we have applied the technique of model checking
doesn’t measure the photon intercepted, so she doesn’t to analyze the security of the B92 protocol. We have fo-
alter its state (base and bit). So the lines (14) and (13) cused our effort on studying the property of the amount

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