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Smart Irrigation Care Unit

Atif Fareed 1 , M. Ghazanfar Ullah 1 , As ad Hus s ain 1 , Mais am Zaidi1 , Maaz Bai g 1
Dept. of Electrical Engineering – Us man Ins titute of Tech n o l o g y
Abstract: This paper focuses on devising an efficient, s prinkler s ys tem, dripping s ys tem etc [3]. Canal
economical and automated solution for irrigation s ys tem is a traditional method of irrigation us ed in
through a Mobile Irrigation Care Unit (MICU). MICU is
Pakis tan.
equipped with wireless sensor network based smart field
monitoring system mounted on a solar powered vehicle. With the advancement in technology, various s mart
Fields requiring water management and pest control can
be monitored by MICU that essentially carries pesticide irrigation methods have been introduced and explored
module and water tank meticulously managed through a for optimum us e of res ources enabling huge water
powerful feedback and control mechanism. Our s aving by avoiding exces s water supply. In [3], A
contribution towards irrigation engineering is to design s mart irrigation s ys tem is propos ed in which s oil
a system that efficiently monitors and manages the mois ture s ens or is us ed for feedback to the valve and
irrigation requirements as well as pest controlling in the
field while keeping the affordability, in terms of cost, as
the motor for water s upply. The propos ed s ys tem is
the same time. workable only within a s mall area of land but becomes
Keywords – Arduino, mobile irrigation, solar power, too cos tly and complex to implement on larger area
wireless communication. s ince a complex network of s ens ors and controlling is
required. In [4], a s olar powered s mart irrigation
s ys tem is propos ed. The s ys tem is operated in two
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United modes , either in a clos ed loop control mode where the
Nations , es timates that agriculture accounts for 70% of microcontroller operates the opening and clos ing of
all water cons umption, compared to 20% for indus try the s olenoid valve for the required amount of water
and 10% for domes tic needs [1]. Pakis tan us es needed for the crops , bas ed on the average s oil
approximately 94% of its available water from all mois ture reading, or the agronomis t remotely us e the
res ources on agriculture [2]. Critical need therefore cloud data to trigger a channel by writing a s pecific
exis ts to implement water cons ervation practices in value. The s witch placed below the channel is us ed to
agriculture. There is an urgent need to create s trategies turn on/off the s olenoid valve. Data from s ens ors are
bas ed on s cience and technology for s us tainable us e of received via wireles s communication to avoid
water, including technical, agronomic, managerial, complex cable network creating other farming
and ins titutional improvements . problems . The main problem with the s ys tem is it us es
channel s ys tem and does not focus on the s pecific area
There are different types of method for irrigating which needs water. It rather works on average
farms for different types of crops . Mos t commonly, mois ture readings . In [5], a micro irrigation s ys tem is
farmer us e methods like channel or canal s ys tem, introduced. Micro irrigation is nothing but a s low and
regular application of water and nutrients moving
down drop-by-drop directly to the root zone of the
plants through low-dis charge emitters and plas tic
pipes . This s ys tem ens ures that the plants do not
endure from the s train or s tres s of les s and over
watering. The limitation of this s ys tem is ; however,
the network of water pipes is required as well as a low-
dis charge water emitter is required for every plant.
This may become expens ive and impos s ible to
a b
reconfigure, es pecially on large area. Sys tems
pres ented in [6-8] are all s tatic in nature becaus e they
c are all controlled through a central point jus t to s witch
the valve on or off to control the water flow. This
concept is summarized in fig. 2.
Fig. 1: Types of irrigation systems (a) Canal (b)
S prinkling and (c) Dripping

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or not. When the s oil is dry, water is s prinkled or
showered on the dry land through a motor by turning
on the s witch. Since, MICU is fully s olar powered,
hence no external power s ource is required to operate
the motor. See roof-top of MICU in fig. 3.

Secondly, MICU is als o equipped, at the bottom, with

camera that is res pons ible to acquire the images of the
plants from two different angles to monitor the
Fig. 2: A smart irrigation system pres ence of agains t pes ts in the plants that harms the
crop. The location of the camera is adjus ted through a
The s ys tem that has been developed and pres ented in motor to change its place for varying angles . Thes e
this paper is known as Mobile Irrigation Care Unit captured images are s ent wireless ly us ing Wi-Fi
(MICU) as it is a s elf-driven vehicle carries water and technology, from controlling unit, to the computer
pes ticide with it. MICU is intelligently controlled and s ys tem placed on obs erver s ide. After receiving the
mobile to obs erve the water needs of the field by images , the obs erver only need to s witch-on the motor
s ens ing the mois ture level in the s oil. Additionally, it that is us ed to shower pes ticide onto the effected plants .

Fig. 3: MICU Prototype

als o obs erves the crops for necess ary pes t controlling,
Fig. 4: Modules in MICU
by acquiring and s ending images , which is very
important for healthy crops . Wireles s communication MICU performs the above des cribed operations after
enables MICU to roam around the field freely and covering the dis tance of every three feet. This dis tance
provide continuous feedback to the us er for necess ary can be reprogrammed eas ily and embedded into the
action. Fig. 3 pres ents the developed prototype of controlling module. The module in MICU can be
MICU. illus trated in fig. 4.
The next s ection provides the des cription of MICU
followed by development methodology. Next, res ults
and dis cuss ion followed by conclus ion.
As illus trated in fig. 4, MICU es s entially cons is ts of
II. METHODOLOGY four modules :
Almos t every s ys tem can be automated with the help
A. Controller module
of timers , s ens ors or computers or mechanical
B. Power module
appliances . This is als o true for the developed
C. Input module
prototype MICU. MICU is a s olar powered vehicle
D. Communication module
that carries water and pes ticide tanks on both s ides .
MICU autonomous ly move in the field and to perform A. Controller Module
two es s ential operations . Firs t, to gauge the mois ture
level in the s oil, MICU is equipped with mois ture Arduino mega is us ed in irrigation care unit for all the
s ens or that can be s een at the rear bottom of MICU in controlling, the s ens ors provides an output in res pons e
fig. 3. The mois ture level of the s oil is s ens ed by the of an input, and bas is of that input the Arduino is
s ens or ins erted into the s oil which gives the s ignal to executed the output. The configuration of the Arduino
the controlling module whether the land needs water is s et as des cribed, a command is s ent by the us er to

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the controller to operate an actuator of s oil mois ture
s ens or to s o it can be submerged in the ground, s ixfeet
deep approx., thereafter the s ens or s ends s ignal to the

Gear motor direction of movement is given by the us er

and s ince there are no rotating part to turn the care unit
left or right, we have coded the controller to make the
left s ides turn by both, front and back, motor to move
backwards and right s ides , front and back, motor
moves forward. Vice vers a for the turn right as well.

IR s ens ors works as s ame as the s oil mois ture s ens or, Fig. 6: Moisture level sensor
but this s ens or is s tationary unlike s oil mois ture s ens or res pons ible to s end videos to the us er computer s creen
and placed at the s ides of the s ides of the care unit, the in three different angles i.e. 45 degrees apart. The
range it can detect is about 3cm and give high or low movement of camera can be illus trated in fig. 7.
output as its res pons e to detecting an object.
Controlling and communication modules have been
embedded together for the s ake of hardware
optimization as pres ented in fig. 5.

Fig. 7: Camera on movable belt

Vehicle Movement

Ultras onic s ens or works as s ame as the IR s ens or and

is als o a s tationary part of care unit, but it is placed at
Fig. 5: Controlling and communication module the front of the vehicle. And in res pons e of an input
(detecting an object), it gives an output in the form of
B. Power Module
dis tance, it is more efficient than IR s ens or [9].
C. Input Module
C. Communication Module
The input module cons is ts three components :
Once the data is received from the input module, it is
Moisture level sensor relayed to the communication module that is
res pons ible to s end the received data at appropriate
It es s entially contains a probe that is to be ins erted into places . The data received from mois ture level s ens or
the s oil approx. 6 inches deep to s ens e the mois ture is trans mitted to controlling module that takes decis ion
level, as s een from fig. 6. Upon the feedback, if whether water s pray nozzle s hould be turned on or off.
controller module found the mois ture level at The video that is received from camera is s treamed on
ins ufficient level, it s tarts s praying water from the to the us er computer s ys tem s o that the s praying of
attached water-tank. This s praying continues till the pes ticide could be taken. This video s treaming is done
mois ture level reached at s ignificant level. through a Wi-Fi router mounted on MICU. Finally, the
Video Acquisition data which received in terms of dis tance us ing the
Ultra-Sonic s ens ors is communicated to controlling
This component contains a Wi-Fi camera which is module to adjus t the movement of MICU. This is
mounted on a movable arch-belt. The camera is noteworthy that all thes e activities do not require any

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external power s ource s ince MICU is capable to per frame, the delay is negligible and worked well in
generate its own power us ing s olar energy. MICU is MICU. In s unlight, there is no is s ue to power-up the
als o capable to charge its batteries us ing us ual electric batteries us ing s olar panels . It becomes a concern in
power supply. Communication module is embedded raining days when the s unlight is minimum but MICU
with controlling module as pres ented in fig. 5. has an alternate to it. The batteries may be charged
us ing usual electric power supply.
On us er end a Graphical Us er Interface (GUI) is
provided to give feedback to the us er about the current V. CON C L U S IO N

MICU has exceeded the expectations as it does not

only s ave the efforts and time of the farmer but als o
caus es to s ave huge amount of water that is not
required. This s aving plays dual role, on one hand it
provides financial benefit to the farmer as les s water
and electricity is cons umed and on the other hand it
helps on government level to us e the s aved water and
electricity for other purpos es . Pakis tan is mainly an
agricultural country, it heavily depends on its crops
and thes e crops needs to be watered well. The supply
Fig. 8: S chematic of MICU of water is limited, for various reas ons like shortage of
rainfalls , limited water res ervoirs etc. Currently water
parameters and the movement of MICU. The dis tribution is not maintained properly res ulting in
Schematic of the developed s ys tem can be illus trated
shortage of water in various areas of Pakis tan. Sys tems
in fig. 7.
like MICU may help greatly in optimum water s upply
IV. RESULTS AND DIS C U S S I O N to the fields . This creates a flocking effect if MICU
like s ys tems of intelligent irrigation is us ed in the
MICU is tes ted in the field to verify its functioning. country on large s cale, the need and dis tribution of
Since this is the firs t prototype built, following water would be much more optimized and fulfilled.
parameters have been tes ted:
 Vehicle autonomous movement in the field
 Mois ture detection and s praying controlling MICU has been developed in electronic laboratories at
 Video s treaming Us man Ins titute of Technology (UIT) – Karachi. The
 Power s torage through s olar panels authors are extremely grateful for the support received
from management, faculty and laboratory s taff at UIT.
It was noted that the wheels s hould be more flattened
s o that the movement of MICU is much s moother and REF E R E N C E S
firm on the ground. The autonomous movement is [1] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
very s ucces sful and MICU roamed around the field in Nations ,
zigzag order by identifying the boundaries and hurdles tat/water_us e/i
succes s fully. MICU has s ucces s fully s prayed the areas ndex.s tm, Las t access ed: July 6, 2017.
of the field which is dry or contain the mois ture level [2] tat/maps /Worl
les s than 30% in the s oil. The threshold for s praying d-Map.WithA.Twith_eng.htm, Las t access ed:
can be eas ily reprogrammed in MICU for different July 6, 2017.
types of crops . There are delays obs erved in video [3] C. K. Sahu, P. Behera, “A Low Cos t Smart
s treaming that caus es MICU to go forward and leave Irrigation Control Sys tem”, IEEE 2nd
International Conference on Electronics and
the effected plant partially as its video received on the
Communication Sys tem (ICECS), 2015.
us er end. Thes e delays are averagely of 2 s econds . So,
[4] E. T. Os os anya et al., “Des ign and
the image acquis ition and communication through Wi- Implementation of a Solar-Powered Smart
Fi needs to be improved and delays should be reduced Irrigation Sys tem”, Seattle 122 ASEE Conference
under 1 s econd. The caus e of delay is actually becaus e and Expos ition, American Society for
of the trans mis s ion of HD video i.e. 1280x720 pixels Engineering Education, 2015, pp. 26.454.1 -
per frame. When the res olution reduced to 800x600 26.454.15.

978-1- 5386-2969- 7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

[5] https ://
irrigation-s ys tem-circuit-and-its -working/ Las t
access ed: July 6, 2017
[6] A. Tyagi et al., “Smart Irrigation Sys tem”,
International Journal for Innovative Res earch in
Science & Technology, vol. 3, issue 10, March
[7] A. Daniel, Ogunti E. O., O. Daniela,
“Development of a Smart Irrigation Sys tem”,
International Journal of Science and Engineering
Inves tigations , vol. 4, issue 45, October 2015.
[8] D. K. Roy, M. H. Ans ari, “Smart Irrigation
Control Sys tem”, International Journal of
Environmental Res earch and Development, ISSN
2249-3131, vol. 4, number 4 (2014), pp. 371 -3 7 4.
[9] J. Liu, J. Han, H. Lv, B. Li, “An Ultras onic Sens o r
Sys tem Bas ed on a Two-Dimens ional Stat e
Method for Highway Vehicle Violation Det e ct i o n
Applications ”, Sens ors 2015, vol. 15, 900 0 - 9 0 21 ;
doi:10.3390/s 150409000

978-1- 5386-2969- 7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

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