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H092881081A07885 RAR:BTW 06/20/tB #90 A07885


hnu^k, tL4
Printer' s No. 10Bl-

1 8i11, page 1-, line !9, by inserting after "amended"

z and the section is amended by adding a subsection
3 Amend 8i11, page 2, by inserting between lines B and 9
4 {o) A ntv, citv, borouo or townshio mav enact
5 leoisl ati-on that imno.s es, attemnts or ouroorts to ose a
6 lesser altv for a v lation of clari e 31 of subseet ion {a )
7 than t prescribed r subsection q) of this secti on. Anv (

I Ieoislati enacted bv a corrntv citv, borouoh or t shio in

9 violati n of this srrt-r.s cti-on will be n ull and void- A police
10 officer emploved bv a untv, citv. h or townshi p shall
11 not.qrrff er anv acimi nistrative cli sr:i nl i ne or other sancti-on. nor
L2 be .srrbi ct to civil ]i ab ilitv to anvone for initiatina c riminal
13 nroceedin s in accordance wi t State faw for a rri Iation of
T4 clause 31 of subsection (a) a manner authori z ed bv the
Dannorz'l trr- ft Ru oc nf /--i ni n = 1 Drnnarlrr ra

H09288108 1A09937 MSP:EJH I0/A3/IB #90 A0 9 937



sponsor'5t-iak O0 5
Printer's No. 1081

1 Amend 8i11, page 1, lines 20 through 23; page 2, Iines I

2 through 8; by striking out all of said lines on said pages and
3 lnserting
4 Section 13, Prohibited Acts; Penalties.--* * *
5 (g) [Any] The fol.lowlns shall anplv:
6 (1) Except as provided under clause Ql, a oerson who
7 violates clause (31) llf subsection (a) :
I lil For a f:i rst or seeond of ense. is ouiltv of a sufirmarv
9 offense and unon eonvict-'i on I of shall onlv Dav a fine not
10 exceedinq three hundred dollars (9300).
11 fii ) For a thi rci or srrh.sonr t offense. is ouiltv of a
1t mi sclemeanor of f.he thi rd rlerrr and unon conviction thereof
-LJ .qhal I on'l v nAV A F'i ne not Flx ceedina one thousand dol lars
74 ($1,0Q-0) .
15 .Lel. A person who violates cl-ause (31) of subsection (a) as
16 ,follows is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
1-l shal1 be sentenced to imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or
18 to pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500), or
l_9 both [. ] :
20 li) who is rrnder pirrh teen 118 l vears of aoe.r
2T /ii) whiler in e motor vehicle; or
22 i'i i)
f on tlie orounrJ^s rrf - rrr i n n
while in n t'r u 'I I f'l'l nn nf
t" convevanee nrovidino transnorta ion to or from an elementarv or
24 secondarv pgbliclv funded educ?Lignal_instjtutio!, an elementarv
25 or .ser:onrlarv nri wate ^qchno] icensed bv the Deoartment of
zb Educatiop or anv elementarv or secondarv narochial schooL.
27 l3) The iudicial authoritv with iurisdiction over the
2B vi.olation bv a Derson uncler e'i ohteen ,l18l vears of,, ase shall
)s crive f i rsl- r:on.sicleralion t referrino the Derson to a
30 diversionarv prosran under 42 Pa.C,g. S 1520 (relatino to
31 adi r:rii cati.on al t-ernat ive oroor ) and the Pennsvlvania Rules of
1t Criml nal Proeeclrrre - A.q narl- of the diversionarv Drooram. the
33 'iudiclal authoritv wj"th iurisdiction over t\e violation mav
34 order the oerson to oart-icioat- in an educational nroqram. If
35 the nerson successfr:l I v como'l et s the diversionarv Drodram. the
36 nersonrs recorcls of the charoe o f vi-olatins clause 12\ shall be
3't exnunoed as nrovicied for rrncier Pa . R. C. P. No . 320 { relat i no fo

2A1.8 / 9OMS P/HBO 92 8A0 9 93 7 L


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