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NIM. 9113129062111.035
NIM. 9113129062111.036
NIM. 9113129062111.045
NIM. 9113129062111.046
NIM. 9113129062111.057


TAHUN 2013


1.1. Background
High blood disease known as hypertension is a disease that gets attention
from all circles of society, considering its impact both short and long term and
thus require long-term response that fully. Hypertension cause morbidity
(illness) and mortality (death) is high.
Hypertension is a disease resulting from the interaction of various risk
factors a person has. Various studies have linked between the various risk
factors on the incidence of hypertension.
Based on the research that has been conducted poorer prevalence
(incidence) of hypertension increases with age.From various epidemiological
studies conducted in Indonesia showed 1.8 to 28.6% of the population aged over
20 years are hypertensive.
Hypertension, currently there is a trend that more urban than rural
communities suffer from hypertension. This is partly attributed to the urban lifestyle
associated with the risk of hypertension such as stress, obesity (overweight), lack of
exercise, smoking, alcohol, and eating foods high in fat content.
Along with age, almost everyone has experienced an increase in blood
pressure, systolic blood pressure continues to increase until the age of 80 years
and diastolic pressures continue to increase until the age of 55-60 years, then
decrease slowly or even decreased dramatically.

1.2. Problem Formulation

a. How does the definition of hypertension?
b. How to measure blood pressure?
c. Explaining the causes of hypertension?
d. Explain the symptoms of hypertension?
e. Describe the effect of hypertension?
f. How hypertension prevention?
g. Explain the treatment of hypertension?

1.3. The purpose

a. To find definitions of hypertension.
b. To learn how to measure blood pressure.
c. To determine the cause of hypertension.
d. To know the symptoms that caused.
e. To know the result of hypertension.
f. To know the prevention of hypertension.
g. To determine the treatment of hypertension.


2.1 Definitions
Hypertension or high blood pressure, is increased blood pressure or force
of blood pressing on the walls of the cavity where the blood was. High Blood
Pressure (hypertension) is an increase in blood pressure in the arteries. (Hiper
means Overrated, tension means pressure / t egangan; j adi, hipertensi is p
system disorders that cause blood eredaran rise in blood pressure above
the normal value.
Blood pressure in a person's life varies naturally. Infants and children
normally have a blood pressure that is much lower than adults. Blood pressure
is also affected by physical activity, which will be higher at the time of the activity
and lower when resting. Blood pressure is also different in one day, the highest
in the morning and most re ndah during nighttime sleep.

2.2 Measuring Blood Pressure

On examination the blood pressure will get two points. A higher figure
obtained when the heart contracts (systolic), a lower number obtained when the
heart relaxes (diastolic).Blood pressure is written as systolic pressure diastolic
pressure slash, eg 120/80 mmHg, read a hundred and twenty eighty. Along with
age, almost everyone has experienced an increase in blood pressure , systolic
blood pressure continues to increase until the age of 80 years and diastolic
pressures continue to increase until the age of 55-60 years, then decrease slowly
or even decreased dramatically.
Blood pressure is written with two numbers, the number units mmHg
(millimeters of mercury) in blood pressure tool / tension meter, the systolic and
diastolic. Is the highest systolic blood pressure is when the heart is doing
contract or contraction. Diastolic is the lowest figure at the heart expands in the
final relaxation.
For example, blood pressure 120/80 mmHg mean systolic pressure of 120
and diastolic pressure of 80 mmHg.

Blood pressure is the pressure generated by:

a. Strength buds urgent cardiac left ventricle to insert the contents of the blood
into the arterial trunk.
b. Resistance in the arterial blood flow.
c. Autonomic nerves are made up of the sympathetic and the sympathetic system.

Classification of blood pressure

No Classification Systolic Diastolic
1 Optimal <120 mmHg <80 mmHg
2 Normal <130 mmHg <85 mmHg
3 Normal high 130-139 mmHg 85-89 mmHg
4 Mild hypertension 140-159 mmHg 90-99 mmHg
5 Hypertension was 160-179 mmHg 100-109 mmHg
6 Severe hypertension > 180 mmHg > 110 mmHg

Normal blood pressure

Blood pressure varies per person per day, depending on the
circumstances, and are affected by the activities of a person, so normalpun blood
pressure varies.
Adults when the blood pressure showed the number 140/90 mmHg is
considered normal upward. There is a perception of low blood pressure is not
good, it is less precise.Because statistics show that people with low blood
pressure have the same age with so-called normal. The best thing is to maintain
normal blood pressure and the assumption that increasing age is higher blood
pressure is not a problem, is the assumption that needs to be clarified, because
based on statistics of parents whose blood pressure in the normal range, the
trend gets low stroke disorders. Check your blood pressure regularly at least
once every 6 months or whenever the doctor / health facility.

2 classification known hypertension (by cause), namely:

a. primary hypertension (hypertension idiophatik), in which the cause is not known
with certainty. It also said that hypertension is the impact of lifestyle and
environmental factors.
b. secundary hypertension, is hypertension that occurs due to the disease from
other diseases such as abnormalities in the kidneys or keruskanan of the
hormone system.

WHO classifies hypertension based on the presence or absence of abnormalities

in other organs, namely:
a. hypertension without abnormalities in other organs.
b. hypertension with cardiac enlargement.
c. hypertension with abnormalities in other organs in addition to the heart.

Classification of hypertension by high blood pressure are:

a. borderline hypertension: blood pressure between 140/90 mmHg and 160/95
b. mild hypertension: blood pressure between 160/95 mmHg and 200/110 mmHg.
c. Moderate Hypertension: Blood pressure between 200/110 mmHg and 230/120
d. severe hypertension: blood pressure between 230/120 mmHg and 280/140

2.3 Causes of hypertension

There are 2 kinds of hypertension, essential and secondary.
a. hypertension Essential hypertension is the most not known cause. There are 10
- 16% of adults suffer from high blood pressure.
b. hypertension Secondary hypertension is a known cause and why. Hypertension
kind is only a small part, which is only about 10%.
Some of the causes of hypertension, among others:
· Because hormonal, for example, from the adrenal glands.
· The use of drugs.
· smoking because the nicotine contained in tobacco.
· Alcoholic beverages.
· Abnormalities in the kidneys.
· Intracranial Abnormalities resulting in increased intracranial pressure or
because of its location near the center of persyarafan that affect blood pressure.
· Abnormalities of the large blood vessels (aorta) that koartasio aorta where the
aortic arch aorta is continuous with decendens.

2.4. Anatomy
a. Heart
Measuring about one fist and is located within the chest, the limit on the
right is right and apeksnya sternum in the fifth intercostalis space midclavicular
left linea.
Relation of heart is:
Above: large blood vessels
Bottom: diaphragm
Each side: lung - lung
Rear: the descending aorta, esophagus, vertebral Columna
b. Arteries
Is the tube through which the blood flow in tissues and organs.Consists
of layers of the arteries: a slippery layer, the middle layer of elastin tissue /
muscle: the aorta and major branches have laposan center consisting of a
network of elastin (to deliver blood to the organs), smaller arteries have a
muscular middle layer (regulating the amount of Blood delivered to an organ).
c. Arterioles
Are the blood vessels with smooth muscle wall is relatively thick. Arteriolar
wall muscles to contract. Contractions caused kontriksi diameter blood
vessels. When kontriksi localized, blood supply to the tissues/organs is
reduced. If there kontriksi general, blood pressure will increase.
d. Major blood vessels and capillaries
The main blood vessels are thin-walled vessels that run directly from
arterioles to venul. Capillaries are the network of small blood vessels open major
blood vessels.
e. Sinusoids
There are spleen, liver, bone marrow, and endocrine glands.Sinusoids
three to four times greater than in capillaries and partially coated with reticulo-
endothelial system cells. In places the sinusoid, having direct contact with the
blood cells and the exchange does not take place through the network space.
f. Vena and venul
Venul is a combination of small veins formed capillaries. Veins formed by
the combined venul. Veins have three walls that are not adjacent to each other
perfectly. (Gibson, John. Issue 2 2002, p 110)

2.5. Physiology
The heart has the function as a pump oxygenated blood in the arterial
system, which was brought into the cell and the entire body to collect blood
deoxygenation (blood oxygen levels less) of the vein system are delivered to the
lungs for reoksigenasi (Black, 1997)

2.6. Pathophysiology of hypertension

The mechanisms that control the constriction and relaxation of blood
vessels located in the vasomotor center, the medulla of the brain.This stems from
the central vasomotor sympathetic nerve pathway, which continues down to the
spinal cord and the spinal cord out of the column to the sympathetic ganglia in
the thorax and abdomen.stimulation of the vasomotor center is delivered in the
form of impulse moves down through the sympathetic nerves to the sympathetic
ganglia. At this point, neurons release acetylcholine preganglion, which will
stimulate post-ganglion nerve fibers to the blood vessels, which resulted in the
release of norepinephrine constriction of blood vessels. Various factors such as
anxiety and fear can affect vascular response to stimuli
vasokontriktor. Individuals with hypertension are very sensitive to
norepinephrine, although it is not clear why it could happen.
At the same time stimulate the sympathetic nervous system in which the
blood vessels in response to emotional stimuli, the adrenal glands are also
stimulated vasoconstriction resulting in additional activities. Secreting adrenal
medullary epinephrine causes vasoconstriction. Adrenal cortex secrete cortisol
and other steroids, which DAPT strengthen blood vessels vasokontriktor
response.vasoconstriction resulting in decreased blood flow to the kidneys,
causing the release of renin. Renin stimulates the formation of angiotensin I,
which is then converted to angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor, which in turn
stimulates aldosterone secretion by the adrenal cortex. hormone causes
retention of sodium and water by the kidney tubules, causing an increase in
intravascular volume. All of these factors tend to provoke a state of hypertension.
Structural and functional changes in the peripheral vascular system
responsible for the changes in blood pressure that occurs in the elderly. These
changes include atherosclerosis, loss of elasticity of the connective tissue, and a
decrease in vascular smooth muscle relaxation, which in turn lowers the ability
of tensile strength distension and blood vessels. Consequently, the aorta and
large arteries less able to accommodate the volume of blood pumped by the heart
(volume sekuncup), resulting in decreased cardiac output and increased
peripheral resistance (Smeltzer, Bare, 2002).

2.7. The symptoms of hypertension

The symptoms of hypertension, among others:
a. Much of no symptoms.
b. Pain in the back of the head.
c. stiff neck.
d. Fatigue.
e. Nausea.
f. Shortness of breath.
g. Restless.
h. Vomiting.
i. easily offended.
j. hard to sleep.
Complaints are not always going to be experienced by a patient with
hypertension. Often a person with symptoms of pain behind his head, irritability
and difficulty sleeping, when the blood pressure measured showed a normal
blood pressure numbers. The only way to determine the presence or absence of
hypertension only by measuring blood pressure.

2.5 The effects of hypertension

Hypertension if not controlled can lead to serious complications, such as:
a. kidney damage.
b. damages blood vessels.
c. brain hemorrhage / stroke.
d. Paralysis.
e. enlarged heart / heart trouble.
f. Narrowing of the coronary arteries / heart attack.

2.6 Prevention of hypertension

Person's risk for hypertension (except essential), can be reduced by:
a. Checking blood pressure regularly .
b. Maintain ideal weight .
c. Reducing salt intake .
d. Do not smoke .
e. Exercising regularly .
f. regular life .
g. Reducing stress .
h. Do not rush .
i. Avoid fatty foods.

Primary Prevention:
· Adequate sleep, between 6-8 hours per day.
· Reduce high cholesterol foods and multiply physical activity to lose weight.
· Reduce alcohol consumption.
· Consumption of fish oil.
· The supply of calcium, although only slightly lower blood pressure but calcium is
also quite helpful.

Secondary Prevention
· Pattern whice food healthy.
· Reduce salt and sodium in your diet.
· Physical active.
· Reduce intake Alcohol.
· Stop smoking.

Tertiary Prevention
· Control of blood on a regular basis.
· Sports regularly and adjusted to body condition.

2.7 Treatment of hypertension

Treatment of hypertension is best:
a. Always control your blood pressure checked regularly by a doctor .
b. Always take medication regularly even without a complaint .
c. Reducing salt intake .
d. Increase consumption of vegetables and fruit .
e. Obeying doctor's advice.

The content of salt (Sodium or Sodium)

Someone who is suffering from hypertension should control themselves in
salt consumption. The meaning here is the sodium salt of salt present in almost
all foods derived from animals and plants.One major source of sodium is table
salt. Therefore, the recommended salt intake of no more than ¼ - ½ teaspoon /
day or to use other than the sodium salt.
Low salt diet goal is to help eliminate the salt or water retention in the body
tissues and lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients.The terms of a low
salt diet is:
· Enough energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins.
· Forms of foods according to the disease state.
· The amount of sodium adjusted to the severity of salt or water retention and / or
This diet contains enough nutrients. In accordance with the state of the disease
can be given different levels of Low Salt Diet.
· Low Salt Diet I (200-400 mg Na)
This diet was given to patients with edema, ascites, and / or severe
hypertension. In the food processing no salt added. Avoided the foods high in
· Low Salt Diet II (600-800 mg Na)
This diet was given to patients with edema, ascites, and / or hypertension are
not too heavy. Daily feeding with Low Salt Diet I. In the food processing may not
use salt ½ tsp (2 g). Avoided the foods high in sodium.
· Low Salt Diet III (1000-1200 mg Na)
This diet is given to patients with edema and/or mild hypertension. Daily feeding
with Low Salt Diet I. In the food processing may use 1 teaspoon salt (4 g).

2.8. Content of Potassium or Potassium

Potassium suplements 2-4 grams per day can help lower blood
pressure. Potassium is generally fat found in some fruits and vegetables. Fruits
and vegetables that contain potassium and good for people with hypertension
consumed include watermelon, avocado, melon, bitter melon fruit, squash, bligo,
machete pumpkin / gourd, cucumber, aloe vera, celery, onion and garlic. In
addition, foods containing omega 3 sagat elements known to be effective in
helping to decrease blood pressure (hypertension).
In patients with hypertension where blood pressure> 160 / g mmHg, in
addition to the provision of anti-hypertensive drugs need dietetic therapy and
lifestyle changes. The objective of dietary management is to help lower blood
pressure and maintain blood pressure to normal. In addition, the diet is also
intended to reduce risk factors such as overweight, high cholesterol and fat levels
of uric acid in the blood. It should be noted also that accompanies other
degenerative diseases such as high blood pressure, heart, kidney and diabetes
Adjusting diet is recommended for patients with hypertension to avoid and
limit foods that can increase blood cholesterol levels and increase blood
pressure, so people do not have a stroke or cardiac infarction.
Foods to be avoided or restricted are:
1. The food is high in saturated fat (brain, kidney, lung, coconut oil, lard).
2. Food was prepared by using sodium salt (cookies, crakers, chips and dried foods
are salty).
3. Food and drinks in cans (sardines, sausage, korned, vegetables and fruits in
cans, soft drink ).
4. Preserved foods (jerky, pickled vegetables or fruit, shredded, salted, boiled, dried
shrimp, salted eggs, peanut butter).
5. Milk full cream , butter, margarine, cheese, mayonnaise, and other sources of
animal protein are high in cholesterol such as red meat (beef / mutton), egg yolk,
chicken skin).
6. Condiments such as soy sauce, maggi, shrimp paste, tomato sauce, chili sauce,
tauco and other flavorings generally contain sodium salt.
7. Alcohol and alcohol-containing foods such as durian, tape.

How to set up a diet for people with hypertension is to improve the taste
by adding sugar fresh red / white onion (red / white), ginger, and other spices
kencur are not salted or salt contains less sodium.Food can be sauteed to
improve the taste. Put salt at the table above can be taken to avoid excessive use
of salt. It is recommended to always use iodized salt and salt use no more than
1 teaspoon per day.
Increasing potassium intake (4.5 grams or 120-175 mEq / day) can give
the effect of a mild decrease in blood pressure. In addition, administration of
potassium also helps to replace lost sodium and low potassium result. Can
generally used medium size (50 grams) of apples (159 mg potassium), orange
(250 mg potassium), tomato (366 mg potassium), banana (451 mg potassium)
baked potato (503 mg potassium) and 1 cup skim milk (406 mg
potassium). Adequacy of calcium is important to prevent and treat hypertension:
2-3 glasses of skim milk or 40 mg / day, 115 grams of low-sodium cheese to
meet the needs of calcium 250 mg / day. While the needs of the average daily
calcium 808 mg.
In pregnant women food enough protein, calories, calcium and sodium are
associated with a lower incidence of hypertension of pregnancy. However,
pregnant women are especially hypertension accompanied by swelling and
urinary protein (pre-eclampsia), other than medicines recommended to reduce
salt intake and increase food sources of Mg (vegetables and fruits).
b. SUPPLEMENTATION anti oxidant
Despite antioxidant supplementation still require further research, but
today many supplements are sold and consumed by the public. As medical
personnel should be careful giving advice supplement drink to avoid overdose.

1. Vitamins and Decrease Homocysteine

Folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and riboflavin are enzyme co-factor
essential for the metabolism of homocysteine. Various studies have shown that
elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood increases the risk of coronary artery
disease. Low levels of folic acid are associated with an increased risk of coronary
disease and low vitamin levels are also associated with an increased risk of
atherosclerosis, although the risk of atherosclerosis associated with low levels of
vitamin B6 was not associated with a high concentration of homositein. while
vitamin B12 is not associated with vascular disease.
2. Soybeans and Isoflavones
Soy contains many isoflavones are estrogen-Phy, which have weak estrogen
activity. Research meta-analysis in 1995 concluded that isoflavones from soy protein
more significantly reduce total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, without
affecting HDL cholesterol levels. So it is recommended to consume soy protein (20-
50 grams / day) and dietary modifications in patients with cholesterol (total and LDL)
is high. Tempe is the result of processing soybeans fermented with better nutritional
content than soy. So that tempeh is recommended for consumption by people with
hypertension as a source of vegetable protein.
3. Tempe
Tempe is one of the traditional food of Indonesia, fermented
fungus Rhizopus ohgosporis or rhizopusoryzal on soybean seed that has been
boiled. There are various kinds of tempeh, tempeh discussion is made of soy,
which is a compact product, wrapped flat by the mycelium fungus that appears
white in color, and when slicedpieces seem pale yellow soya beans, among the
mycelium. Fermentation mold produces a change in the texture of soy, are soft
and nutritional value of tempeh better than soybeans.
Nutritional value Tempe:
· Protein
Enzymes produced molds, producing free amino acids, so the level is increased
to 85 times the levels of soy protein.
· Carbohydrates
Soybeans contain carbohydrates in the form of sakrosa and stakhiosa and
rifinosa (the latter two led to the formation of gas in the stomach). Fermented
soybeans into soybean producing carbohydrates.
· Fat
Enzymes in the mold can reduce the total fat content from 22.2% to 14.4% and
increased free fatty acid levels from 0.5% to 21%.
· Mineral
In the soybean contained phytic acid which is a compound forfose, which can
not be utilized by the body. With fermentation, molds produce the enzyme
phytase which outlines the phytic acid, so it can be utilized forfosenya body.
· Vitamin
The fermentation process can increase levels of vitamin B2 (Riboferum), Vitamin
B6 (pyridoxine), folic acid, panthotenat, and nicotinic acid. While vitamin B1
levels decreased due to the growth of mold and also vitamin B12 formed by
bacteria that do not exist in other vegetable products.
Benefits Tempe:
Tempe is a good source of nutrients, especially for patients with hyper
kolesterolemia. From various studies it turns out tempeh can lower cholesterol
levels in the blood and prevent blood vessel constriction, because tempeh
contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. So that hypertensive patients are
encouraged to eat tempeh every day, in addition to a diet low in saturated fat.
Tempe also contains antibacterial substances that can inhibit the growth
of some gram-positive bacteria as well as cause diarrhea (Salmonella sp
and Shigella sp.) Therefore, tempeh is also recommended to be consumed under
five with diarrhea.
4. Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Eating one serving of high-fat fish (or fish oil) per day can be the intake of
omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) of approximately 900 mg / dl, and has been
reported to lower cholesterol and prevent coronary heart disease.
5. Fiber
Although sharing of studies show an association between some types of
fibers with decreased cholesterol or LDL and total cholesterol, but there is no
direct evidence showing the relationship between fiber supplements with
decreased cardiovascular disease.
· Name the dish, main ingredient, processing methods, and tools food diet
hypertension and dyslipidemia
Menu Ingredients
Food Processing Equipment Method Supplementary Material misstatement
soft rice
Sauteed Chicken + Rice - Boiling + steaming porcelain dish
skinless chicken stir-fry dishes porcelain salt
Carrots Carrots
boiled Nutmeg Bowl
Coffee Milk Glass Milk Sugar Water +
Sugar Pudding Fruit Jelly boiled Saucer
Mango Mango
Milk cups low fat Milk
Rice Boiled Rice + Plato steamed
fish Pepes Fish Plato saffron steamed
soy chicken sauteed chicken red sugar Plato
Glass Milk Skimmed milk powder
Watercress Oseng + carrots + green beans stir-fried salt Plato Carrots
Breakfast Menu
• Nasi software
• Sauté chicken + carrots
soy milk • Coffee
(E: 225 Cal, KH: 30 g, L: 6.5 g, P: 30 g
Interlude 1 and 2
• Mango Pudding
• low fat milk
(E: 330 Cal, KH: 59 g, L: 7 g, P: 7 g)
• White rice
• Pepes know
• Soup beans + carrots
• Papaya fruit
(E: 325 Cal, KH: 44 g, L: 7.5 g, P: 18.5 g)
• White Rice
• Sauteed Spinach
• Pepes Fish
• Fruit Papaya
(E: 360Kal, KH: 57 g, L: 3 g, P: 12g)


3.1 Conclusion
Hypertension or high blood pressure, is increased blood pressure or force
of blood pressing on the walls of the cavity where the blood was.
Blood pressure in a person's life varies naturally. Infants and children
normally have a blood pressure that is much lower than adults. Blood pressure
is also affected by physical activity, which will be higher at the time of the activity
and lower when resting. Blood pressure is also different in one day, the highest
in the morning and lowest at night during sleep.

3.2. Suggestion
How to set up a diet for people with hypertension is to improve the taste
by adding sugar fresh red / white onion (red / white), ginger, and other spices
kencur are not salted or salt contains less sodium. Food can be sauteed to
improve the taste. Put salt at the table above can be taken to avoid excessive use
of salt. It is recommended to always use iodized salt and salt use no more than
1 teaspoon per day.

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