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Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

The honorable Mr. Busra M.Pd as an English teacher and my beloved friends.
First of all, lets pray and thanks unto our god Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies
and blessings so we can attend and gather in this place to English practice exam in good
condition and happy situation. Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our
prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, so we are
always in the right path.
Standing in front of you all, I would like to deliver my speech under the title “Saving Tips for the
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Saving money is a activity put aside income to the extent of our ability, and can be taken at any
time when we are in a condition need of money. We know the benefits of saving. Besides useful
for future needs, save also trains us to not behave consumptive.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We certainly have been implanted to love of saving from childhood. In the past, we collect coins
to put into a piggy bank. However, the more we mature, saving is not that simple. However,
there are actually a few tips that can be applied, so that we can save comfortably.
1. We must have the intention to save.
2. Create a list of monthly expenses. Everyone has experienced something like this, "I'm not
buy anything yesterday, but my money runs out". Well, if you ever think like that, start to
note your needs, so you can easily manage the expenditure.
3. Bring lunch from home. Avoid spending money after school by visiting to many places that
invite us to wasteful money.
4. Stop buying things that are not important.
5. Collect the money returns the rest of your shopping. Many people who wasted money returns
to put other place, for example, in bags of clothes, bookshelves, under the bed or in the car.
But if the results can be gathered to buy the things we need.
My beloved friends,
Those are some tips to save for us especially students, let us start saving today. Little but
consistent. As the saying goes bit by bit long into the hills. Do not delay about saving money,
because the beginning save, the greater the results. If you run it with a consistent, God willing
you will be able to manage your allowance. For those of you who have applied it maintains the
habit of saving.

My teacher and my beloved friends,

That’s all my speech, may what I have delivered be useful in our life in this world and here after.
If you found many mistakes in my speech please forgive me. Thank you for your attention. See
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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