You are on page 1of 14

5 24 34 6 61 56 38 32

87 78 34 9 67 4 54 23
56 32 86 12 81 32 52 53
34 45 21 31 42 12 53 21
43 76 62 12 73 3 67 12
78 89 26 10 74 78 23 32
26 21 56 78 91 85 15 12
15 56 45 21 45 26 21 34
28 12 67 23 24 43 25 65
23 8 87 21 78 54 76 79
Class Interval Bin Frequency
MIN 3 1-10 10 7 7
MAX 91 11-20 20 8 8
COUNT 80 21-30 30 17 17
31-40 40 10 10
41-50 50 6 6
51-60 60 9 9
61-70 70 6 6
71-80 80 10 10
81-90 90 6 6
91-100 100 1 1

BIN is the largest value that you can place

NOTE: while generating frequency, select all blanks

and then give array and bin array and press

To cross check just do a summation of Frequency

Generate random number from a normal statistical distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 20

3.779223 -2.49495 -6.64481 16.88786 0.144587

15.99337 -30.8068 41.69087 -29.1069 -2.66621
1.144281 29.31138 -8.90307 -14.4918 -20.0876
8.218922 -3.28969 -15.142 44.02718 20.04458
12.77563 -7.37859 -26.2835 -8.13243 22.0628
-5.2311 3.31604 -2.78355 -33.475 -11.4557
-10.1265 14.10463 -17.8038 6.249979 14.93904
-8.30892 10.43204 -9.44701 -5.88791 -18.7991
-4.47003 6.48979 32.34936 -49.2517 -18.6592
-14.8301 12.3285 -2.053 -7.91852 -12.7325
-14.3035 1.329749 14.11836 -7.17428 7.037374
-8.25889 0.472028 1.187186 -12.5178 40.39721
8.114148 45.98696 0.24404 5.546826 -14.7777
16.42256 17.6678 -3.95848 22.27207 19.50334
-20.5516 -21.6789 2.984552 8.074312 -3.96003
25.87185 -9.26095 -2.65386 11.77445 9.828454
-14.5336 30.61277 -0.9114 12.25271 7.6775
21.00833 -9.85092 33.46877 8.178995 -22.7243
-11.3387 -25.3576 32.0254 -8.87942 -25.1438
18.40303 6.092728 1.276089 1.810122 15.93658
8.589927 24.12462 -20.6713 -3.85089 14.01254
1.562921 1.35276 7.642939 -11.5261 20.66608
24.78037 -39.7813 -1.06461 -30.3392 -19.2028
14.63141 19.31221 7.567269 5.495963 1.54605
-13.1133 1.444778 -20.8548 -32.7521 -27.0158
-12.0577 2.613729 -2.90256 -10.3865 18.84441
-35.7275 6.174514 14.58548 18.55542 -4.27572
-23.1077 10.52508 -3.21991 0.346563 -10.7136
-24.4767 -24.0519 0.591422 -14.4819 0.429191
-23.8202 -8.42247 16.51924 25.25544 -19.2635
24.61966 -16.2901 25.43302 -7.6742 -4.7198
-31.6239 29.26226 8.036136 -21.2274 2.683191
16.43757 22.78566 -11.5062 31.60249 40.21076
-13.7885 25.72069 -2.95049 5.052425 -34.4788
-5.90069 -24.8995 -31.7096 18.75874 1.567514
-33.531 -1.14887 11.53151 3.89764 -1.81167
10.10389 -10.7012 1.59207 10.26065 28.73267
-10.7736 -11.2293 24.68832 -19.8208 -26.1067
2.755769 41.94953 -4.3932 6.651271 10.23623
4.493563 -8.60505 13.21971 30.00505 -25.3201
9.575479 0.328191 -21.4653 25.36108 -13.4509
-5.97104 -7.32293 -3.43555 1.760964 -0.867
-3.04644 2.169918 24.18487 -13.9949 7.234667
-11.181 -25.6091 -18.382 -1.97456 -10.1282
-16.4762 -4.26946 -17.4339 -10.9243 34.96198
-9.27798 -44.0617 18.50608 52.94278 1.346621
20.46618 4.820549 22.18694 -13.1399 24.05504
-30.2958 -13.2826 -6.30944 10.78956 -21.1737
-9.25074 26.41468 -10.9172 2.433285 -4.44963
53.41426 33.58728 -3.93666 -6.44466 -49.2517
X is normally distributed with mean 100 and S.D. 15. Compute probability where x takes a values less than 90

MEAN 100
SD 15
P(X<90) 0.252492538 0.252493
complement 0.747507462

P(95<X<120) 0.53934744 0.539347


Reverse questions
1. Family income in a cityis normally distributed with mean 30,000 and S.D. 8,000. The poorest 10% of the family is are eligible

Mean 30000
SD 8000
Required cutoff 19747.58748 19747.59
ues less than 90

st 10% of the family is are eligible for a financial assistance. So what is that cutoff?
Mean 0 -3.00 0.004432 False implies you are tyring to generate points on the curve
S.D. 1 -2.97 0.004847
MEAN-3SD -3 -2.94 0.005296
MEAN+3SD 3 -2.91 0.005782
Chart Title
-2.88 0.006307
-2.85 0.006873
-2.82 0.007483 0.4
-2.79 0.00814 0.35
-2.76 0.008846 0.3
-2.73 0.009606 0.25
-2.70 0.010421
-2.67 0.011295
-2.64 0.012232 0.15

-2.61 0.013234 0.1

-2.58 0.014305 0.05
-2.55 0.015449 0
-2.52 0.01667 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

-2.49 0.017971
-2.46 0.019356
-2.43 0.020829
-2.40 0.022395
-2.37 0.024056
-2.34 0.025817
-2.31 0.027682
-2.28 0.029655
-2.25 0.03174
-2.22 0.033941
-2.19 0.036262
-2.16 0.038707
-2.13 0.04128
-2.10 0.043984
-2.07 0.046823
-2.04 0.0498
-2.01 0.052919
-1.98 0.056183
-1.95 0.059595
-1.92 0.063157
-1.89 0.066871
-1.86 0.07074
-1.83 0.074766
-1.80 0.07895
-1.77 0.083293
-1.74 0.087796
-1.71 0.092459
-1.68 0.097282
-1.65 0.102265
-1.62 0.107406
-1.59 0.112704
-1.56 0.118157
-1.53 0.123763
-1.50 0.129518
-1.47 0.135418
-1.44 0.14146
-1.41 0.147639
-1.38 0.153948
-1.35 0.160383
-1.32 0.166937
-1.29 0.173602
-1.26 0.180371
-1.23 0.187235
-1.20 0.194186
-1.17 0.201214
-1.14 0.208308
-1.11 0.215458
-1.08 0.222653
-1.05 0.229882
-1.02 0.237132
-0.99 0.24439
-0.96 0.251644
-0.93 0.258881
-0.90 0.266085
-0.87 0.273244
-0.84 0.280344
-0.81 0.287369
-0.78 0.294305
-0.75 0.301137
-0.72 0.307851
-0.69 0.314432
-0.66 0.320864
-0.63 0.327133
-0.60 0.333225
-0.57 0.339124
-0.54 0.344818
-0.51 0.350292
-0.48 0.355533
-0.45 0.360527
-0.42 0.365263
-0.39 0.369728
-0.36 0.373911
-0.33 0.377801
-0.30 0.381388
-0.27 0.384663
-0.24 0.387617
-0.21 0.390242
-0.18 0.392531
-0.15 0.394479
-0.12 0.39608
-0.09 0.39733
-0.06 0.398225
-0.03 0.398763
0.00 0.398942
0.03 0.398763
0.06 0.398225
0.09 0.39733
0.12 0.39608
0.15 0.394479
0.18 0.392531
0.21 0.390242
0.24 0.387617
0.27 0.384663
0.30 0.381388
0.33 0.377801
0.36 0.373911
0.39 0.369728
0.42 0.365263
0.45 0.360527
0.48 0.355533
0.51 0.350292
0.54 0.344818
0.57 0.339124
0.60 0.333225
0.63 0.327133
0.66 0.320864
0.69 0.314432
0.72 0.307851
0.75 0.301137
0.78 0.294305
0.81 0.287369
0.84 0.280344
0.87 0.273244
0.90 0.266085
0.93 0.258881
0.96 0.251644
0.99 0.24439
1.02 0.237132
1.05 0.229882
1.08 0.222653
1.11 0.215458
1.14 0.208308
1.17 0.201214
1.20 0.194186
1.23 0.187235
1.26 0.180371
1.29 0.173602
1.32 0.166937
1.35 0.160383
1.38 0.153948
1.41 0.147639
1.44 0.14146
1.47 0.135418
1.50 0.129518
1.53 0.123763
1.56 0.118157
1.59 0.112704
1.62 0.107406
1.65 0.102265
1.68 0.097282
1.71 0.092459
1.74 0.087796
1.77 0.083293
1.80 0.07895
1.83 0.074766
1.86 0.07074
1.89 0.066871
1.92 0.063157
1.95 0.059595
1.98 0.056183
2.01 0.052919
2.04 0.0498
2.07 0.046823
2.10 0.043984
2.13 0.04128
2.16 0.038707
2.19 0.036262
2.22 0.033941
2.25 0.03174
2.28 0.029655
2.31 0.027682
2.34 0.025817
2.37 0.024056
2.40 0.022395
2.43 0.020829
2.46 0.019356
2.49 0.017971
2.52 0.01667
2.55 0.015449
2.58 0.014305
2.61 0.013234
2.64 0.012232
2.67 0.011295
2.70 0.010421
2.73 0.009606
2.76 0.008846
2.79 0.00814
2.82 0.007483
2.85 0.006873
2.88 0.006307
2.91 0.005782
2.94 0.005296
2.97 0.004847
3.00 0.004432
generate points on the curve

Chart Title
-1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

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