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Shawboro Elementary


*Accommodations (2)

*Modifications (3)

*Data on Accommodations
EC Newsletter

*Accommodation data
tracker (5)

*BIP/Functional Goal (6)

*Substitutes (7)

*Additional Support for EC October, 2018

Students (8)
Accommodations are supports and services provided to help a student access
the general education curriculum and validly demonstrate learning.
Accommodations change how a student learns or is tested without changing
the learning goal.

Examples of Accommodations: Extended time, preferential seating, small group,

read aloud, reduced assignments and chunked assignments, are just a few of
the accommodations students may get on their IEP.
Modifications change the learning goal for an individual
student.Modifications are used when the general curriculum
is too advanced for a student and modifications usually
involve changing an assignment or objective.

With modification, what the student is taught or tested on is

Data on Accommodations
It is required that data be kept on all aspects of an IEP. Accommodation data is
needed to determine if a student needs to keep an accommodation or it be

Additional accommodations: Teachers sometimes see that an additional

accommodation is needed for their student. When this happens data needs to be
collected to determine if this is something that needs to be add to the document.
Without documentation done with fidelity it can not be added.
Accommodation Data Tracker
Each student in 3-5 has already been linked to the accommodation data tracker google sheets. This
sheet needs to be filled out for ALL graded assignments. K-2 will be receiving their google sheets soon if
you haven’t already.

When a grade is put in the grade book the accommodation form for that student needs to be filled out as
well. Please do not wait days after entering a grade to fill out the accommodation sheet.

Altering the accommodation sheet is not recommended. A graph is generated from the data collected
and if the form is altered it will take the EC teacher more time to fix it.

If you need help please ask Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Barefield or Mrs. Nelson for assistance.
BIP (Behavior Improvement Plan)
Data is required to be kept on a BIP and also functional goals. Students may have
a clipboard that they walk around with from class to class which collects the data

Ensure you are filling this sheet out as it is designed. Waiting to the end of the day
to fill it out or waiting until the end of the week to complete 5 days worth of data is
not acceptable data.

Data has to be collected with fidelity as indicated on the IEP.

Everyone is out once in awhile so it is imperative that you leave your substitute
plans that include your EC students accommodations, behavior plans, service
times, etc.

If a substitute administers any type of graded assignment and the student did
not receive their accommodations then that is not a valid grade and the task will
need to be readministered.
Additional Support for EC Students
EC students are being seen in one or more of the following categories: reading, writing, math, or functional
skill. If you feel that your student is in need of additional support please know there are steps that you
need to take even though they already have an IEP.

For example: Sally is being seen in resource for reading but you notice that her math has been falling or
she isn’t where she needs to be. A Tier 2 or Tier 3 intervention needs to be started to target that area and
an MTSS folder needs to be started on her. To be able to add a new area to an IEP the student should go
through the MTSS process for that area and in this case Sally would be in MTSS for math. All the data
collected would then be reviewed to determine if this needs to be added or if the classroom intervention is
sufficient. Nothing can be added or removed from an IEP without data to support the findings.

It is essential that data is collected in all areas because the discrepancy model is going away and the data
collected in the classroom is a KEY component for services.

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