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7 C’s of Organizational communication

. If one has to be a prosperous person and an dominant manager, he must
possess communication skills. But if he wants to be an effective communicator, then he must
has to grasp seven C’s which are the seven qualities of an operative communicator .

Communicating effectively is serious in the modern business world. Learning and using
the seven Cs of effective business communication is a great way to improve our qualified
communication skills and increase the prospect that your messages will be received and
understood the way you intended.

7 C’s are listed below

 Completeness
 Conciseness
 Consideration
 Concreteness
 Clarity
 Courtesy
 Correctness

 Completeness:
Completeness means the message must bear all the necessary
information to bring the response you desire. Senders and receivers many times differ to each
other from many aspects such as backgrounds, status etc. Because of these all differences
which occur mostly, the sender has to give special attention in composing of the message.

While composing an effective message, one has to bear the following points in mind:

1. All necessary information as requested by him.

2. Answers to his all questions carefully

3. Provide some more information, which he is not requiring , just to maintain good

Completeness brings the desired response. Sometimes message completeness makes
unimportant message as an important message. It can do a better job of building


Q: How come my request for an interview did not receive a response?

A: When was the letter sent? To whom? Who
sent it?
Q: I’m new to the city, and would like to join your club. When is the next open day?
A: Where are we? How to get here?

 Conciseness:

Conciseness means “convey the message by using fewest words”. “Conciseness is the
prerequisite to effective business communication. ”As you know that all businessmen
have very short time Hence a concise message save the time and expenses for both the

Eliminate wordy expressions:

 At this time.
 Now.
 Due to the fact that.
 Because.
 Have need for.
 Need.
 In due course.
 Soon.
Omit unnecessary expressions:

 Allow me to say how helpful your last response was.

 Your last response was helpful.

Replace wordy conventional statements:

 Please find attached the list you requested.

 The list you requested is attached.

Avoid using empty phrases:

 There are four rules that should be observed.

 Four rules should be observed.

Omit “which” and “that” clause:

 She bought desks that are of the executive type.

 She bought executive-type desks.

Eliminate unnecessary prepositional phrases:

 The issue of most relevance is teamwork.

 The most relevant issue is teamwork.

Limit use of Passive voice:

 The reports are to be submitted by employee prior tp

5:00 at which time they will be received by Mr. Jones.
 Please submit your reports to Mr. Jones by 5:00.
Conciseness saves time of both sender and receiver. By avoiding wordy
expressions we can save time by concise messaging.

 Consideration:

 Consideration means preparing every message with

the message receiver in your mind.
 You are considerate when you do not lose your
temper, you do not accuse, you do not charge them
without facts.

Focus on “you” instead of “I” and “we”:

 You are foremost aware of their desires, problems,
circumstances, emotions, and probable reactions to
your request.
 This thoughtful consideration is also called “you
attitude,” empathy, the human touch, and

Show audience benefit or interest in the receiver:

 Readers react positively when benefits are shown to


Emphasise positive pleasant facts:

 Readers will react positively or negatively to certain



 I am delighted to announce that we will be extending

our hours to make shopping more convenient.
 You will be able to shop evenings with the extended
hours…(Focus on “You” Instead of “I”)
 It is impossible to open an account for you
today.(Negative, Unpleasant)
 When we receive proof of ID we will gladly open an
account for you (Emphasis on Positive, Pleasant Facts)


It is understanding of human nature. It refers to the use of positive

attitude, emphasizing positive pleasant facts and visualizing reader`s problems.

 Concreteness:
Communicating concretely means being specific, definite and vivid rather than vague and
general. Misunderstanding of words creates problems for both sender and receiver.
Guidelines for creating a concrete message are given below:
i. Use specific facts and figures
ii. Put action in your verbs
iii. Choose vivid and image building words
i. Use Specific Facts & Figures: It means that:
 Give exact and clear message
 Don’t live in the world of dreams
ii. Put Action In Your Verbs: It means that:
 Put life in your language
 Use active voice and avoid passive voice
iii. Choose Vivid & Image Building Words: It means that:
 Use appropriate words
 Avoid using confusing words
 Importance: Concreteness reinforces confidence. It is supported with specific facts
and figures. It makes use of words that are clear and that build the reputation. It
creates positive and pleasure affect on reader.
 Examples: The examples are listed below:
i. Rehan’s CGPA is 3.94 on a four-point scale (Concrete, Precise).
ii. The students held a contest (Active Voice).
A contest was held by the students (Passive Voice, Not Suitable).

 Clarity:
In effective business communication the message should be very much clear. So that reader can
understand it easily.

You should always Choose precise words.

Always choose familiar and easy words.

Construct effective sentences and paragraphs.

In business communication always use precise words rather longer statements.

If you have a choice between long words and shorter one, always use shorter one.

You should try your level best to use familiar/easy to understand words so that your reader will
quickly under stand it

 Importance: Clarity makes comprehension easier. Complete clarity of thoughts

and ideas enhances the meaning of message. Clear message makes use of exact,
appropriate and concrete words. Clarity in message stimulates the receiver for
an action.
 Examples: The examples are listed below:
i. Unclear: Being an excellent teacher, I am sure you can teach us.
Clear: Being an excellent teacher, you can surely teach us.
ii. Familiar Pretentious
 After Subsequent
 Pay Remuneration

 Courtesy:

Doing well with good intentions is called ‘courtesy’. True courtesy involves being aware not only
of the perspective of others but also their feelings. Much can be achieved using polite and
decent language, being thoughtful and showing respect to the receiver.
Following are the suggestions for creating a courteous tone:
i. Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful and appreciative
ii. Use expressions that show respect
iii. Choose non-discriminatory expressions
i. Be Sincerely Tactful, Thoughtful & Appreciative: It means that:
 Use comments that do not hurt
 Think in the long run
 Don’t criticize others
ii. Use Expressions That Show Respect:
 Use respectful words
 Don’t use the teasing comments
 Don’t use objectionable humor
iii. Choose Non-Discriminatory Expressions:
 Communicate without differentiating on any cheap basis
 Don’t give importance to any particular gender
 Importance: Courtesy creates goodwill. It strengthens relations. Courteous message
is positive and focused at the receiver. It makes use of terms showing respect for the
receiver of message. It is not at all biased.
 Examples: The examples are listed below:
i. Anyone who comes to the class late will get his grade reduced (Using he).
Students who come late to class will have their grades reduced (Avoid using
ii. Stupid letter, I can’t understand (Tactless/Blunt).
I should understand it, as there is no confusing word in this letter, could you
please explain it once again? (Tactfulness)
iii. Clearly, you didn’t read my fax (Tactless/Blunt).
Sometimes, my wording is not precise; let me try again (Tactfulness).

 Correctness:

The core of correctness means ‘free from errors’. At the time of encoding, if the encoder has
comprehensive knowledge about decoder of message, it makes the communication an ease.
The encoder should know the status, knowledge and educational background of the decoder.
The term ‘correctness’ as applied to business messages also means the following three
i. Use the right level of language
ii. Check accuracy of figures, facts and words
iii. Maintain acceptable writing mechanics

i. Use The Right Level of Language:

 There should be right representation of facts and figures
 Avoid using unacceptable language
 Three levels of language; formal, informal and substandard
ii. Check Accuracy of Figures. Facts & Words:
 Make sure that all your data is accurate
 Abstain from creating the confusion
iii. Maintain Acceptable Writing Mechanics:
 Check your spelling, grammar and punctuation mistake
 Importance: Correctness in message helps in building confidence. The
message is exact, correct and well-timed. If the communication is correct, it
boosts up the confidence level. It checks for the precision and accurateness
of facts and figures used in the message. It makes use of appropriate and
correct language in the message.
 Examples: The examples are listed below:
i. More Formal Less Formal
 Participate Join
 Endeavor Try
 Ascertain Find out
 Utilize Use
 Interrogate Question
ii. Substandard More Acceptable
 Ain’t Isn’t, Aren’t
 Stoled Stolen
 Desirous to Desirous of

Conclusion: The seven C,s of business communication helps in better communication and it can
result in positive response from the receiver. Therefore everyone should learn these seven C,s
of communication and also learn their application.

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