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Adolescence, Theories of

B M Newman, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, USA

P R Newman, Wakefield, RI, USA
ã 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Glossary Ethologist: One who studies the relations between human

Autonomy: Achieving a state of self-reliance and self- (or animal) organisms and their environments.
determination; not being dependent on others for Id: An unconscious component of the Freudian psychic
emotional regulation or decision-making. system that is focused on gratifying all desires and needs of
Drive: A Freudian term describing an unconscious force the organism.
compelling some action to dispel the tension created by a Social role: A status or position within an organization or
biological or intrapsychic need within the organism. society with prescribed patterns of behavior.
Ego: A component of the Freudian psychic system that Superego: An unconscious component of the Freudian
operates in both the unconscious and conscious realm, psychic system representing the child’s understanding of
charged with gratifying drives without encountering parental/societal rules and expectations; thus, a person’s
recriminations from the world outside the unconscious self. “moral compass.”
Equilibrium: A Piagetian term in which cognitive structures Virtual community: A group of individuals who have
that represent reality symbolically “inside one’s head” match relationships strictly through the electronic media, not face-
the reality they are attempting to describe. to-face interaction.

Introduction In other instances, mid-level theories stand alone as models

for explaining particular aspects of behavior. For example,
Adolescence is both universal and culturally constructed, social network theory focuses on the way individuals become
resulting in diverse views about its defining characteristics. affiliated with one another, how allegiances are formed, and
Across cultures, people experience a gradual physical transition the links and influences that occur across members of various
from childhood status to adult status including changes in groups. This theory has relevance for understanding the social
reproductive capacities, physical stature, body shape, strength, and interpersonal experiences of adolescents and the spread of
endurance, and the maturation of the brain. The period of antisocial or prosocial attitudes and behaviors in peer groups.
pubertal development may begin as early as age 9 and continue Finally, some theories are of emerging importance to the
into the 20s. Cultures vary widely, however, in how young study of adolescence. For example, biosocial theory which has
people are treated including the timing of access to certain emerged from evolutionary theory, incorporates knowledge
rights and privileges, entry into specific settings, and expecta- about brain functioning into social cognition, the interaction
tions for assuming adult roles and responsibilities. Social of emotion and cognition, and the impact of environmental
environments may accelerate the transition into adulthood conditions on the expression of genetic predispositions.
or delay it.
A theory is a logical system of concepts that helps explain
Families of Theories
observations and contributes to the development of a body of
knowledge. Theories of adolescence help to define the bound-
The following sections provide an introduction to 10 families
aries of the period by pointing to essential features of one or
of theories that have guided scholarship in the field of adoles-
more aspects of adolescent functioning. Some theories provide
cent development. Families are identified by their link to a
a framework for distinguishing stages or phases within adoles-
shared intellectual tradition or theoretical foundation, and
cence, offering concepts that differentiate the essential capaci-
their contribution to the understanding of a common set of
ties that emerge over the years of pubertal maturation. Theories
questions about adolescent development. For each family, we
distinguish adolescence from childhood and early adulthood,
provide an overview of the scope of the theory, that is, a
placing this period into the context of the lifespan.
description of the theory’s range of applicability. We also
Theories of adolescence differ in their scope and range of
present basic assumptions about the nature of development,
applicability. Some theories, sometimes referred to as grand
and contributions to the field of adolescent development and
theories, offer concepts and hypotheses about multiple do-
mains, usually over a long period of the lifespan, and are ap-
plicable across multiple contexts. Psychosexual theory is an
Psychosexual Theories
example of a grand theory which encompasses ideas about the
dynamics of mental life, sexual and aggressive drives, morality, Scope
family dynamics, personality, and psychopathology. The grand Psychosexual theory is a grand theory that addresses the develop-
theories are often stimuli for more focused, mid-level theories ment of mental life and personality, including drives, emotions,
that address a specific domain or process. memories, fantasies, dreams, logical and irrational thoughts.

20 Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Volume 1 doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-373915-5.00003-6

Adolescence, Theories of 21

The theory provides an analysis of the developmental origins of 2. The conflict-free area of ego expands, allowing adolescents
mental life, the role of early experiences in shaping later psycho- to find satisfaction in new relationships and experiences.
logical functioning, the nature of inner conflicts, and the causes 3. An irreversible sexual identity is formed.
of symptoms associated with mental disorders. 4. The egocentrism of childhood is replaced by a balance
between thoughts about oneself and thoughts about others.
5. A boundary between one’s public and private selves is
Sexual and aggressive drives find unique modes of expression
in the individual’s psychological functioning through succes- A number of other scholars expanded the theoretical analy-
sive developmental stages. Childhood experiences have a sis of ego development, highlighting the creative and adaptive
continuing influence on adult thoughts and behavior. All nature of ego functioning in adolescence and the ego’s role in
behavior (except that resulting from fatigue) is motivated and shaping individuality and identity.
has meaning.
Cognitive Developmental Theories
Contributions of psychosexual theory for adolescence
Psychosexual theory views adolescence as the beginning of the Scope
final stage in the development of mental life and personality. Cognition is the process of organizing and making meaning
During this period, the person develops sexual interests and of experience. Cognitive developmental theory focuses on how
seeks to find ways of satisfying sexual impulses in mature, knowing emerges and is transformed into logical, systematic
dyadic relationships. The onset of puberty brings about a rea- capacities for reasoning and problem solving. Perhaps the most
wakening of Oedipal or Electra conflicts (in which individuals widely known and influential cognitive theorist is Jean Piaget.
have a close, emotional, somewhat sexualized bond to the
other-sex parent and a competitive feeling toward the same-sex Assumptions
parent) and a reworking of earlier childhood identifications. Humans strive to achieve equilibrium, a balance of organized
Sigmund Freud introduced the concept of ego and its exec- structures within motor, sensory, and cognitive domains. When
utive functions in managing the expression of impulses, nego- structures are in equilibrium, they provide effective ways of
tiating between the id and the superego, striving to attain goals interacting with the environment. Whenever changes in the
embedded in the ego ideal, and assessing reality. Building on person or in the environment require a revision of the basic
this conceptualization, several mid-level theories emerged structures, they are thrown into disequilibrium.
which highlight aspects of ego functioning and the nature of
Contributions of cognitive developmental theory for
ego development from adolescence into adulthood.
Anna Freud outlined new ego capacities that emerge from
Cognitive developmental theory hypothesized a unique stage
infancy through adolescence. She highlighted the various
of thinking that emerges in adolescence, formal operational
threats that id poses to ego at each stage of development, and
thought. According to Inhelder and Piaget, at this stage a
provided a classification of defense mechanisms that ego uses
person is able to conceptualize about many variables interact-
to protect itself from unruly and unacceptable impulses. She
ing simultaneously. Formal operational reasoning results in
gave special attention to the period of adolescence as a time of
the creation of a system of logical principles that can be used
increased sexual and aggressive energy which is linked to the
for problem solving. Thought becomes reflective, so that ado-
biological changes of puberty. At this time, children are likely
lescents can think about their thinking, evaluate logical infer-
to be overwhelmed by libidinal energy and ego is more or less
ences of their thoughts, and form hypotheses about the
fighting for its life. Anger and aggression become more intense,
relationships among observations. Formal operational rea-
sometimes to the point of getting out of hand. Appetites
soning is propositional and probabilistic; the person can
become enormous. Oral and anal interests resurface, expressed
hypothesize about possible outcomes and evaluate the likeli-
as pleasure in dirt and disorder, exhibitionistic tendencies,
hood of one outcome over another. This is the kind of intelli-
brutality, cruelty to animals, and enjoyment of various forms
gence on which science and philosophy are built.
of vulgarity. Adolescents may vacillate in their behavior from
Theoretical work outlining stages of cognition and the pro-
loving to mean, compliant to rebellious, or self-centered to
cesses that bring about changes in reasoning led others to
altruistic, as ego tries to assert itself in the midst of conflicting
explore whether this same quality of thought might apply in
and newly energized libidinal forces.
domains other than scientific reasoning. Two mid-level the-
Peter Blos expanded the concept of ego and the mechan-
ories emerged, one focusing on moral development led by
isms of defense by theorizing about coping mechanisms that
Lawrence Kohlberg, and one focusing on social cognition,
emerge in adolescence as young people find ways of adapting
with work by Robert Selman, William Damon, and others.
psychologically to the physical transitions of puberty. By the
These theories described qualitative shifts in reasoning from
end of adolescence, ego conflicts present at the beginning
childhood to adolescence, hypothesizing about the ability of
of puberty are transformed into more manageable aspects of
adolescents to step back from their own point of view, and to
identity construction. Blos noted five major accomplishments
take multiple perspectives into account as they evaluate moral
of ego development for young people who navigate adoles-
and social scenarios.
cence successfully:
The theoretical characterization of formal operational
1. Judgment, interests, intellect, and other ego functions thought led to extensive empirical investigation. Although
emerge which are specific to the individual and very stable. research generally finds that adolescents are better able than
22 Adolescence, Theories of

younger children to solve problems involving multiple vari- Contributions of identity theory for adolescence
ables and problems in which they have to inhibit the impulse The psychosocial crisis of adolescence, personal identity versus
to reach an answer before processing all the information, these identity confusion, highlights the need for individuals to find
abilities are not universally well developed in adolescence. self-definition and a sense of meaning and purpose as they
They are strongly influenced by culture and schooling, and move into adulthood. The achievement of personal identity
they do not emerge as a clearly coordinated ‘package’ of new requires reworking the self concept, including an integration of
capacities at a specific time associated with puberty. As a result, past identifications, current talents and abilities, and a vision
recent theorists have focused on specific aspects of reasoning. of oneself moving into the future. Identity formation is widely
This work is converging with studies in neuroscience on the adopted as a central developmental challenge of adolescence.
maturation of the prefrontal cortex, and focuses on features of The concept captures the spirit of a push toward individuality,
executive functioning and meaning making. societal values of self-determination and agency, and expecta-
Work by scholars such as Deanna Kuhn and Paul Klaczynski tions that young people will begin to take ownership of their
point to the role of mental representations and the awareness path toward adulthood by making commitments to specific
of alternative interpretations in adolescents’ ability to solve roles and values, and by rejecting others.
specific reasoning problems. Klaczynski identified two comple- One of the most widely used frameworks for assessing
mentary processes that improve in adolescence. One results identity status was devised by James Marcia. Erikson concep-
in increased speed of processing, automatic recognition of tualized identity as a tension between two states: identity
patterns that have been experienced in the past, and quick, achievement and identity confusion. In contrast, Marcia differ-
well-rehearsed responses. The other increases a person’s ability entiated four states based on two criteria: crisis and commit-
to allocate attention and manage the controlled execution of a ment. Crisis consists of a period of role experimentation and
task. Klaczynski argues that what develops in adolescents is active decision making among alternative choices. Commit-
a greater capacity to inhibit the reliance on first impressions, ment consists of demonstrations of personal involvement in
stereotypes, and overly simplistic solutions as they review and occupational choice, religion, political ideology, and interper-
evaluate information. Kuhn suggests that the trajectory of cog- sonal relationships. Identity status is assessed as identity
nitive development in adolescence is especially sensitive to the achievement, foreclosure, moratorium, or confusion. People
person’s self-directed engagement with cognitive challenges. who are classified as identity achieved have experienced a
The range and diversity of cognitive abilities observed among period of questioning and exploration, and have made occu-
adolescents are products of the differences in interest, motiva- pational and ideological commitments. Those classified as
tion, and values that adolescents invest in specific types of foreclosed have not experienced a period of exploration, but
problems and their solutions. demonstrate strong occupational and ideological commit-
ments. Their occupational and ideological beliefs are often
close to those of their parents. People classified as being in a
Identity Theories
state of psychosocial moratorium are involved in ongoing
Scope crisis and questioning. They have postponed their commit-
Erik Erikson introduced psychosocial theory, which addresses ments, but are comfortable with experiencing a period of
patterned changes in self-understanding, identity formation, open exploration. Those classified as identity confused are
social relationships, and worldview across the lifespan. unable to make commitments, and experience anxiety and
A major contribution of psychosocial theory is the identifica- distress about their uncertainty.
tion of adolescence as the period of life when a person for- This framework of identity formation and identity status
mulates a personal identity, a framework of values and has led to mid-level theories about specific aspects of identity,
commitments that guide major life choices in the transition including gender identity, career identity, ethnic identity, and
to adulthood. The construct of personal identity has stimulated multicultural identity. In each of these areas, scholars have
many theories that consider the process of identity formation recognized the dynamic interaction between personal qualities
and the relationship of identity to subsequent developmental and the social roles, opportunities, and demands that may exist
goals, especially intimacy, academic attainment, career paths, at the time.
and ideological commitments. Theorists such as Michael Berzonsky and Wim Meeus have
provided micro theories to explore differences in how young
Assumptions people process identity-relevant information. For example,
Development is a product of the ongoing interactions between some adolescents are very close-minded, rejecting experiences
individuals and their social environments. Societies, with their that disconfirm their strongly held beliefs. Others are open
structures, laws, roles, rituals, and sanctions, are organized to to diverse experiences, seeking new ideas and information to
guide individual growth toward a particular ideal of mature widen their view of what might be possible in life. These
adulthood. However, every society faces problems in attempt- theories focus on daily experiences that provide information
ing to balance the needs of the individual with the needs of which may confirm or modify the sense of identity.
the group. All individuals face some strains as they seek to
express their individuality while maintaining the support of
Evolutionary And Biosocial Theories
their groups and attempting to fit into their society. Attaining
maturity involves reduced reliance on the expectations and Scope
plans of others. These are replaced by new levels of self- Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution explains how diverse and
determination and focus on one’s own aspirations and goals. increasingly more complex life-forms come to exist.
Adolescence, Theories of 23

Assumptions Family Theories

Natural laws that apply to plant and animal life also apply to
Family theories focus on the dynamic interactions among
Contributions of evolutionary theory for adolescence family members, describing changes in typical patterns of
A major implication of evolutionary theory for adolescence is parent–child relationships, and the characteristics of family
that the future of a species depends on the capacity of indivi- interactions that enhance or disrupt development. From an
duals to find a mate, reproduce, and rear their young. Factors evolutionary perspective, families have evolved as the social
that contribute to the health of individuals as they reach repro- context to support human development. Human infants have
ductive age, characteristics of environments that promote or few innate reflexes, but they have a wealth of sensory and
discourage mate selection, and capacities of sexually mature motor capacities to engage in social interactions, and an enor-
partners to protect and rear their offspring are highlighted. mous capacity to learn. Families have evolved as contexts
Since adolescence is the period when mature sexual and repro- within which infants and children are protected from harm,
ductive capacities flourish, and when attitudes toward marriage nurtured, educated, and socialized into their cultures.
and childbearing crystallize, the quality of life for adolescents
has essential implications for the future of the species. Assumptions
Ethologists ask about behavioral systems that serve adaptive Development in families is reciprocal. The changing abilities,
functions. Among those, one of the most robust is the ability of roles, and needs of each family member influence the devel-
infants to signal distress in order to engage caregiving behaviors, opment of other members of the family group, and the
and the ability of caregivers to comfort, soothe, and protect their family’s level of functioning has consequences for develop-
infants from harm. Attachment theory explores these abilities, ment of each individual member.
suggesting that as result of sensitive, responsive caregiving,
infants form mental representations of self and other, and an Contributions of family theories for adolescence
expectation about whether or not they can rely on their caregivers Introduced by Evelyn Duvall and Ruben Hill in the 1940s,
to provide safety and comfort. When caregiving is indifferent, family development theory offered a conceptualization of
harsh, or unpredicatable, infants form an insecure, anxious, or families changing in a systematic pattern from family forma-
disorganized mental representation of their caregivers. These tion to widowhood. In the most well-known version of family
mental representations generalize to other significant close rela- development theory, two stages are of particular relevance
tionships, especially friendships, romantic relationships in ado- for adolescence, when children enter adolescence, and when
lescence, and parenting as adults. According to attachment the children are leaving the family, called the launching
theory, there is the possibility of continuity or revision of the stage. In the first of these stages, parents need to find ways
attachment relationship in adolescence. Attachment to parents to help adolescent children establish their separate identities.
in later adolescence and adulthood has been characterized as Adolescents are thought to be able to contribute in new ways
reflecting one of three orientations: to the tasks of the family, and at the same time, parents are
challenged to accommodate adolescents’ desires for more
1. autonomous, which is reflective of an open, confident nar-
space, resources, and personal freedom. Maintaining open
rative about parent–child relationships;
communication during this period may be difficult due to
2. dismissive, which is reflective of minimizing the parent–
the increased activity of adolescents coupled with the involve-
child relationship, accompanied by an inability to recall
ment of parents in the labor market. The second stage is
many details of the relationship; or
the first phase of family contraction. As children leave home,
3. preoccupied, which is reflective of continuing anger toward
families adapt by changing patterns of communication and
parents and a confused, vague, or passive narrative.
reallocating resources. Relationships between children and
Older adolescents who have a secure relationship with their their parents may become more ambiguous, and parents may
parents can begin to explore the ideological, occupational, and be less clear about how to support their children who are
interpersonal alternatives that provide the content for their striving to achieve a new level of self-sufficiency.
own identities. Those who are still emotionally dependent on The concept of differentiation, which emerged from Murray
their parents and require constant reassurance of their affection Bowen’s conceptualization of family systems theory, is asso-
show a greater tendency to experience identity confusion. ciated with psychosocial maturity and a healthy emergence of
Contemporary applications of evolutionary theory focus individuality in adolescence. Within the family context, iden-
on the integration of biological and social forces to create a tity exploration is facilitated by an open exchange of ideas and
biosocial analysis of development. The concept of pheno- a certain level of challenge. Adolescents require opportunities
type reflects this integration– the expression of genetic struc- to express their separateness within the boundaries of the
ture in a specific environment. The work of Jay Belsky and family. This takes place as parents encourage their children to
Lawrence Steinberg provide examples of this biosocial express new ideas and differing points of view without making
approach. Studies that combine biological mechanisms such them feel guilty when they disagree. Ideally, individuality is
as endocrinology, immunology, or genetics and behavior have achieved in a context of mutual caring and emotional support.
contributed to our understanding of the establishment of Olsen’s circumplex model of family systems emphasizes
gendered behavior, sexual interest, strategies of mate selection, the importance of a balance among three dimensions: cohesion,
and the relationship of harsh or rejecting parenting and the flexibility, and communication for preserving adaptive function-
onset of puberty. ing in families. Adolescence presents new challenges in each of
24 Adolescence, Theories of

these domains as adolescents’ efforts to establish an expanded Assumptions

voice in decision making and new levels of autonomy may dis- Interpersonal behavior has an evolutionary basis. Humans are
rupt earlier patterns of family interactions, boundaries, and rules. social animals whose survival depends on integration into
Differentiation requires an age-appropriate balance between social groups. Thus, humans have strong needs for a sense of
autonomy and connection. Laurence Steinberg has conceptua- connection and belonging to social groups. Humans collabo-
lized the nature and development of autonomy. Autonomy is rate and communicate in complex ways to achieve shared
the ability to regulate one’s behavior and to select and guide goals. Humans have needs to be understood. The goal of
one’s own decisions and actions without undue control from or communication is the coordination of understanding between
dependence on one’s parents. In optimal parent–child relation- two or more people around shared meaning. Communication
ships, within the context of emerging autonomy, the sense of is made possible when people engage in interactions that
connection is still preserved. Built on a history of nurture and involve mutually shared symbols. Anxiety results from pro-
care, parents and children strive to preserve a continuing close, blems in interpersonal relationships. When people do not
supportive relationship into adulthood. However, those bonds have shared symbols to express their emotions, fantasies, or
are reworked in later adolescence and early adulthood through thoughts, their mental lives become isolated.
a process of self-definition. Adolescents who achieve autonomy
can recognize and accept both the similarities and the differ- Contributions of interpersonal theories for adolescence
ences between themselves and their parents, while still feeling In adolescence, the need for group belonging expands beyond
love, understanding, and connection with them. Adolescents the family to include other kinds of group affiliation. Two lines
who experience high levels of parental control and frequent of theory have emerged within the interpersonal perspective,
exposure to parental conflict are likely to have difficulties in one focusing on the nature of close, dyadic friendships includ-
achieving a comfortable sense of autonomy. ing popularity, loneliness, peer rejection, and best friends, and
Parenting practices are theorized to have a substantial impact the other focusing on the nature of peer group structure, group
on adolescents’ behavior, including academic achievement, peer affiliation, and peer group influences.
relationships, capacity for self-regulation, and emerging identity. Harry Stack Sullivan, who influenced the former line of
The theoretical construct of parenting styles has been described in theory, identified adolescence as a time when the capacity for
various ways by Baumrind, Hoffman, Darling and Steinberg, and intimacy is emerging. He described three phases of adolescence:
Maccoby and Martin. Theories of parenting typically consider the
1. preadolescence when children form close personal best
ways that parents coordinate warmth and control, closeness and
friend relationships, typically with same-sex friends;
flexibility, reciprocity and bidirectional communication, and
2. early adolescence when teens extend their friendships to
power. Parenting styles have been characterized as authoritarian
include members of the other sex and begin to explore
(high control, low warmth), authoritative (high control, high
sexualized interactions; and
warmth), permissive (low control, high warmth), and neglectful
3. late adolescence, when a person discovers how to integrate
(low control, low warmth). Other theories of parenting use the
sexual feelings and intimacy in a close relationship.
term ‘democratic parenting’ to refer to the willingness to involve
children in decision making while still communicating clear and Work by Denise Kandel, Duane Burhmester, Willard Hartup,
high standards for behavior. Parenting styles that combine emo- Thomas Berndt, Steven Asher, and Andrew Collins among many
tional warmth, high standards, and open communication are others have contributed to this line of theory about close rela-
thought to be optimal for supporting emotional maturation tionships to develop a detailed picture of changing capacities for
and emerging identity in adolescence. Recent theories by close friendships, increasing importance of friends in middle
Meeus, van Doorn, and Branje focus on the context of the adults’ childhood and adolescence, the emergence of romantic rela-
marital relationship as it impacts the parent–child relationship tionships, and stability and change that characterize friendship
and the effectiveness of parenting practices. High levels of marital relationships throughout adolescence.
conflict and unresolved tensions in the marital dyad are trans- Dexter Dunphy, who provided a framework for the second
mitted to the adolescent–parent relationship and undermine the direction, described two patterns of peer group boundaries:
effectiveness of authoritative parenting. cliques (small groups of about six members who enjoy
frequent face-to-face interactions) and crowds (looser asso-
ciations among several cliques). Cliques provide the imme-
Interpersonal Theories
diate context for interpersonal interactions. Recent theories
Scope by Herman Schwendinger, Bradford Brown, and others view
Interpersonal theories highlight the social nature of humans and crowds in a different way, as prototypes for social identities.
the central role of belonging, connection, and social or group Crowds are usually recognized by a few predominant charac-
identity for well-being in adolescence. George Herbert Mead and teristics, such as their orientation toward academics, involve-
Charles Cooley provided a framework for thinking about the ment in athletics, use of drugs, or involvement in deviant
social construction of the self which takes shape as other people behavior. Crowds are more reputational than cliques, reflecting
respond to our gestures and actions. With increasing maturity, students’ values and attitudes, preferred activities, and school
one begins to anticipate the reactions of others, thereby forming and nonschool engagement. Phil and Barbara Newman’s analy-
a social self, a set of expectations about how one’s behavior will sis of group identity versus alienation as the psychosocial crisis
evoke reactions in others. Family is considered the primary group of early adolescence expanded on the salience of group identi-
in which face-to-face interactions are especially salient and have fications during this period of life. Group identity is a develop-
the greatest impact on shaping self-concept. mental precursor to personal identity. Chronic conflict about
Adolescence, Theories of 25

one’s integration into meaningful groups and associated feelings Lewin’s field theory inspired two related but distinct
of alienation can lead to lifelong difficulties in areas of personal theoretical elaborations: ecological theory, as formulated by
health, work, and the formation of intimate family bonds. Roger Barker, and ecological systems theory, as formulated
An emerging focus is the use of network theory to examine by Urie Bronfenbrenner. Whereas Lewin concerned himself
the process through which adolescents become connected to with the psychological representation of the environment,
one another. Some scholars have used this approach to link Barker studied the objective, measurable environment within
peer networks to adolescent drug use. This theory examines the which the person behaves. Barker and his colleagues studied
likelihood that people will form networks, the stability of these how adolescents use and are influenced by the settings they
networks, and patterns of influence within and among net- encounter. One of the most influential studies to emerge
works. Social network theory can be used to describe patterns from this perspective compared behavior settings in large
of social support, social identity, peer influence, contagion of enrollment and small enrollment high schools. Students at
beliefs or risky behaviors, patterns of exchange of resources, or small schools felt greater pressure to participate in the life
the flow of information. Social network theory provides a way of the school. Students at large schools were more likely
of conceptualizing the value and meaning of virtual commu- to become specialists in specific activities, whereas students
nities for adolescents such as those formed in the Internet, as at small schools were more likely to develop general,
well as ways that adolescents are linked across communities well-rounded participation and competences. These findings
and countries. supported the theoretical proposition that development in
adolescence is, in part, a product of the normative expectations
Ecological Theories and opportunities for participation in behavior settings of
one’s community.
Scope Urie Bronfenbrenner expanded ecological theory to encom-
Ecological theories focus on the interaction of persons and pass the wider interlocking system of systems in which human
environments with particular attention to how the features of behavior takes place. The study of development requires an
environments require unique adaptations, both physical and analysis of changes that occur within systems, as well as
psychological. changes that take place as a result of interactions among sys-
tems. Some changes are patterned, developmental transforma-
tions, such as change in a child’s capacity for coordinated
The father of ecological theory as it applies to human behavior
movement and voluntary, goal-directed action. Other changes
was Kurt Lewin who argued that all behavior must be under-
are societal, such as a community decision to restructure a
stood in light of the field or context in which the behavior
school system from an elementary (Grades K–6), junior high
takes place.
(Grades 7–9), and high school (Grades 10–12) system to an
Contributions of ecological theory for adolescence elementary (Grades K–5), middle school (Grades 6–8), and
Lewin saw the process of developmental change as a continu- high school (Grades 9–12) system. Some changes reflect the
ous modification of regions, needs, and forces that encourage decline or improvement of resources in a setting.
or inhibit behavior. He viewed adolescence as an example of The concept of person–environment fit, a theoretical
how field theory might be used to interpret complex life events. outgrowth of the ecological systems perspective, has been
His primary analogy for adolescence was the image of the elaborated by Jacquelynne Eccles, who focused on the appro-
‘marginal man’ straddling the boundary between two regions, priateness of middle school environments in relation to the
childhood and adulthood. This marginality includes being developmental needs of adolescents. She examined middle
scornful of the group one desires to leave and uncertain school at the classroom, school, and district levels, pointing
about or even rejected by the group one wishes to join. Three out discrepancies between the desired directions for growth
events occur during adolescence that explain many of the in early adolescence and the educational structure and oppor-
phenomena characteristic of the life stage. tunities typically provided for students in these schools.
This approach highlights challenges to adaptation that occur
1. During a period of movement from one region to another, when environments are poorly designed for the developmen-
the total lifespace is enlarged, bringing the young person tal competences of individuals who are required to function
into contact with more information about the environment in them.
and, presumably, about oneself.
2. A widening lifespace results in greater uncertainty about the
nature of each new region. Social Role and Life Course Theories
3. Biological changes associated with puberty alter inner- Scope
personal regions and perceptual-motor regions of the Social roles serve as a bridge between individuals and their
lifespace. society. Every society has a range of roles, and individuals
Rapid expansion of regions and uncertainty about both learn about the expectations associated with them. As people
personal and environmental structures of the lifespace result enter new roles, they modify their behavior to conform to
in an emotional tension during adolescence. Characteristics of role expectations. Each role is usually linked to one or more
adolescent behavior including emotional instability, value related or reciprocal roles such as student and teacher, or
conflicts, hostility toward group members, and radical changes parent and child. Life course theory focuses on the integration
in ideology are results of the dramatic changes and persistent and sequencing of roles and role transitions over time in
instability in the adolescent’s lifespace. historical context.
26 Adolescence, Theories of

Assumptions Assumptions
All cultures offer new roles that await individuals as they move Culture guides development through encounters with certain
from one stage of life to another. Development can be under- objects, roles, and settings, and also through the meanings
stood as a process of role gain and role loss over the life course. linked to actions. There is a bidirectional influence between
individuals and their cultures: individual development is
Contributions of social role and life course theory for shaped by culture, but individuals also create and modify
adolescence cultures. Whereas the capacity to create culture is universal,
Some roles are directly associated with age, such as the role of generalizations about human development are limited by
a high school student. Other roles may be accessible only to their cultural context.
those of a certain age who demonstrate other relevant skills,
traits, or personal preferences. In many elementary schools, for Contributions of cultural theories for adolescence
example, fifth-grade students serve in the role of crossing The extent to which development is viewed as distinct stages
guards to help younger children cross the streets near the school. of life depends on the degree to which socialization within
Families, organizations, and communities have implicit theo- a culture is characterized by continuity or discontinuity. Con-
ries of development that determine what role positions open up tinuity is found when a child is given information and respon-
for individuals in adolescence. Graduating from high school, sibilities that apply directly to his or her adult behavior.
getting a job, voting, or joining the military are examples of role For example, Margaret Mead observed that in Samoan
transitions that bring new expectations during adolescence. The society, girls of 6 or 7 years of age commonly took care of
stress of adolescence can be explained in part by expectations for their younger siblings. As they grew older, their involvement
teens to be involved in many time-intensive, highly structured in caregiving increased; however, the behaviors that were
roles at the same time. expected of them were not substantially changed. When
From the life course perspective, the person’s identity is there is continuity, development is a gradual, fluid transfor-
formed by the roles one enacts and by the timing of entry mation, in which adult competencies are built directly on
into or exit from salient roles in relation to one’s peers and childhood accomplishments. Discontinuity is found when
community. Glen Elder studied the impact of the Great children are either barred from activities that are open only
Depression on children. He found that those who were ado- to adults or is expected to ‘unlearn’ information or behaviors
lescents during the depression coped more effectively than that are accepted in children but considered inappropriate for
those who were young children. Under conditions of parental adults. The change from expectations of virginity before mar-
unemployment and economic hardship, adolescents were able riage to expectations of sexual responsiveness after marriage is
to contribute to their family by earning a bit of money or an example of discontinuity.
taking on responsibilities for younger children while their Culture interacts with biological development in determin-
parents looked for work. In contrast, young children felt ing whether development is perceived as stage-like and how
more helpless in the face of their family’s economic strain. each period of life is experienced. This concept is illustrated by
In the transition into adulthood, adolescents in families with the ways in which different cultures mark an adolescent girl’s
fewer economic resources are more likely to make early transi- first menstruation. In some societies, people fear menstruation
tions into roles such as worker and parent, transitions that and treat girls as if they were dangerous to others. In other
carry with them a sense of being older than their peers. societies, girls are viewed as having powerful magic that will
Each person’s life course can be thought of as a pattern of affect their own future and that of the tribe so they are treated
adaptations to the configuration of cultural expectations, with new reverence. In still others, the perceived shamefulness
resources, and barriers experienced during a particular time. of sex requires that menstruation be kept as secret as possible.
For example, Ingrid Schoon has focused on the transition from Cultures thus determine how a biological change is marked by
dependent childhood to productive adulthood in a changing others and how it is experienced by the person. The internali-
sociohistorical context, and the intergenerational transmission zation of certain cultural values and beliefs can serve as impe-
of disadvantage. The impact of timing on role transitions has diments to achievement through mechanisms such as
been a long-term interest in the study of the onset of puberty. stereotype threat, as demonstrated in the work of John Ogbu
Studies have focused on pubertal timing, especially early and or Claude Steele, or as buffers against stress, as illustrated in the
late maturing. Early pubertal timing foreshortens the develop- writings of Bame Nsamenang about the convergence of tradi-
mental phase of middle childhood and accelerates the young tional and modern approaches to education in Africa.
person’s entry into social roles and related expectations that are The dimensions of individualism and collectivism provide
usually delayed until an older chronological age. another cultural lens for understanding adolescent develop-
ment. Adolescence is a particularly salient time for the devel-
opment of ideology. Cultural socialization toward a more
Cultural Theories
individualistic or collectivistic worldview is likely to be trans-
Scope formed from adherence to the values of parents and other
Culture refers to systems of meanings and patterns of behaviors community leaders into an internalized sense of personal
shared by a group of people and transmitted from one genera- beliefs and life goals. The formation of personal identity,
tion to the next. Physical culture encompasses the objects, including crystallization of a sense of oneself in the future,
technologies, structures, tools, and other artifacts of a group. is shaped by the incorporation of an individualistic or collec-
Social culture consists of norms, roles, beliefs, values, rites, and tivistic sense of adult responsibility and maturity. This has
customs. implications for a young person’s orientation to work, family,
Adolescence, Theories of 27

citizenship, and moral obligations. Cigdem Kagitcibasi sug- the idea of attractors to characterize several types of stable
gests that individualism and collectivism at the cultural level patterns of parent–child interaction, and introduced the idea
reflect needs for autonomy and relatedness at the individual of cascading constraints. This term refers to the fact that once
level. Despite pressures from urbanization toward a more behaviors are organized as attractors, these attractors become
autonomous self-construal, the well-being of individuals structured and resist change. Therefore, they serve to constrain
requires an effective balance of these two sets of needs. future behaviors. This idea captures the reality that an attractor
is both the result of interactions that occur before the behavior
has stabilized and the cause of behaviors that occur once the
Dynamic Systems Theories
attractor has been formed.
Scope Positive youth development is a strength-based perspective
Systems theories describe characteristics of systems and the emerging from the convergence of several theoretical ideas:
relationships among the component parts found within the resilience, positive psychology, ecological theory, and develop-
system. In any system, the whole is more than the sum of its mental systems theory. Resilience is a term used to characterize
parts. Whether it is a cell, an organ, an individual, a family, or a individuals who exhibit positive outcomes in the face of threats
corporation, a system is composed of interdependent elements to development such as prolonged, severe poverty, or a parent
that share some common goals, interrelated functions, bound- with a serious mental illness. Faced with these or other diffi-
aries, and an identity. culties, resilient individuals show low levels of psychological
symptoms and function effectively in the basic developmental
Assumptions tasks expected for their stage of life. Over time, they create lives
Systems change in the direction of adjusting to or incorporat- that integrate their own personal strengths with the resources
ing more of the environment into themselves in order to and opportunities of their community, meeting the com-
prevent disorganization as a result of environmental fluctua- munity’s expectations for maturity. Although the experience
tions. The components and the whole are always in tension. of resilience is highly individual, reflecting unique patterns of
What one understands and observes depends on where one life challenges and coping strategies, the notion of resilience
stands in a complex set of interrelationships. underscores a widely shared human capacity to recover from
adversity. Theorists have identified a small number of factors
Contributions of dynamic systems theories for adolescence that support resilience including relationships with high func-
All living entities are both parts and wholes. An adolescent tioning, supportive adults in the family; intelligence; self-
is a part of a family, a classroom or workgroup, a friendship control; high self-esteem; and a strong desire to have a positive
group, and a society. An adolescent is also a whole – a coordi- impact on their environment.
nated, complex system composed of physical, cognitive, emo- Positive psychology, advanced through the writings of
tional, social, and self subsystems. Part of the story of Martin Seligman, views individuals as active agents who can
development is told in an analysis of the adaptive regulation enhance their lives and achieve new levels of happiness and
and organization of those subsystems. Simultaneously, the fulfillment through the decisions they make. Hope and opti-
story is told in the way larger systems fluctuate and impinge mism are highlighted as ego strengths that counteract the
on individuals, forcing adaptive regulation and reorganization negative impact of discouraging thoughts and experiences.
as a means of achieving stability at higher levels of system Hopefulness is associated with higher goals, higher levels of
organization. confidence that the goal will be reached, and greater persistence
Richard Lerner, who has advanced the study of adolescence in the face of barriers to goal attainment, thus leading to higher
through developmental systems theory, emphasizes the ongo- overall levels of performance. Because hopefulness combines a
ing interaction and integration of the person across many desire to achieve new goals and a belief that one will be able to
levels from the genetic to the behavioral level, within the find successful paths toward those goals, it is essential for
nested contexts of the person, family, community, and culture. behavior change. The application of positive psychology to
Plasticity, the capacity for change, is at the heart of this adolescence has been advanced by William Damon who
approach. Both individuals and their contexts have potential focused on the development of ‘noble purpose.’ Damon has
for change, and for fostering or constraining change across identified ways that young people show evidence of positive
boundaries. The magnitude of change that is possible varies development by making meaningful and sustained commit-
across individuals and contexts, as well as within individuals ments to projects that benefit the larger community.
over the lifespan. The person in the setting is the focus of Peter Benson extended the application of resilience and
analysis. The boundary between the person and the environ- positive psychology to an analysis of the relationship of opti-
ment is fuzzy; as an open system, a person is continuously mal development to both internal and external assets. Internal
influenced by information and resources from the environ- assets are physical, intellectual, emotional, and social capaci-
ment and, at the same time, creates or modifies the envi- ties. External assets are supports, expectations, and opportu-
ronment to preserve system functioning. nities that are likely to enhance development. The premise of
Isabela Granic and Gerald Patterson applied the dynamic the assets perspective is that communities can enhance youth
systems theory perspective to an understanding of the etiology development by providing programs that include opportu-
of antisocial behavior, providing new ideas about the estab- nities for youth to acquire or strengthen their assets. Positive
lishment of antisocial behavior patterns. First, they explored development occurs when the strengths of youth are aligned
the process through which daily interactions contribute to the with resources for growth in key contexts, especially home,
emergence of more complex systems of behavior. They used school, and community.
28 Adolescence, Theories of

Why So Many Theories? adulthood change, we need new ways of conceptualizing

psychosocial maturity in adolescence.
The diversity of theories presented above reflects the multifac- 3. Relatively little theory is available to guide thinking about
eted nature of adolescence as well as different ideas about the nature of care and caregiving among adolescents, yet
factors that account for growth and the direction of maturity. we know that in many cultures and in many families in the
Growth at puberty and the associated changes in physical United States, adolescents provide important care for youn-
stature and reproductive capacity are accompanied by impor- ger siblings and for aging grandparents.
tant changes in cognitive capacities, interpersonal competence, 4. The challenge to dynamic systems theory is to understand
and emotional life. In most societies, the adolescent years the reciprocal regulation of the person and the environ-
typically bring changes in social roles, access to new settings, ment over time. How is the person shaped and defined by
and expectations for new levels of self-sufficiency, social the contexts in which he or she functions? How does the
engagement, and self-control. Adolescence is at once a time person influence these contexts to foster more optimal
of intrapsychic and interpersonal transformation. environments for growth? The theory needs to be elabo-
Theories of adolescence have played a key role in highlight- rated to consider the active role of adolescents in choosing
ing the complexity of this period of life, especially clarifying settings, modifying the settings in which they engage,
advances in reasoning, emotional expression, and the com- and determining the intensity of involvement in these
plexity of social roles and interpersonal relationships. Theory settings/activities.
has led the way in focusing attention on the capacity of ado- 5. There has been a separation between theories that focus
lescents to direct the course of their development through the on logical thought or reasoning and theories that focus on
formation of a personal identity. Yet, no theory of develop- other aspects of mental life, especially drives, emotions, and
ment addresses all these domains. motivation. New research in neuroscience suggests that
The prominence of theories changes over time, influenced cognition and emotion work together in complex ways
by other sectors in the study of development and other related to evaluate situations and plan actions. New theories are
disciplines. New evidence from cognitive neuroscience, genetic needed to conceptualize the way that emotion and reason
research, and the biological bases of behavior are informing the converge during adolescence to guide decision making.
way we think about emotion and cognition, and the impor- Current theories offer inadequate consideration of feelings
tance of social contexts for supporting cognition. The diversity of guilt, shame, pride, and joy in life as they influence
of youth, including racial, ethnic, and cultural variations as well mental life.
as international studies of youth, casts a new light on normative 6. The evolutionary emphasis on the social nature of human
expectations about pathways from childhood to adulthood. beings leads to new attention to underlying needs to
The diversity of settings has also received new attention through belong, motivation for connection, and the impact of social
the study of families, peer groups, schools, and communities, exclusion in adolescence. Theory is needed to guide think-
resulting in a new appreciation for the challenges adolescents ing about how strivings toward belonging and strivings
face as they traverse multiple environments. toward personal identity influence each other during
7. As society changes, adolescents are on the forefront of
adaptation to new technologies, family contexts, economic
Evolving Need for New Theoretical Approaches That
opportunities, and educational resources. Given the neural
Address Emerging Knowledge and the Questions That
plasticity that is ongoing during adolescence, we assume
Such Knowledge Inspire
that adolescents are adapting new cognitive structures
that allow them to cope with the changing environment.
New evidence and observations result in the expansion,
Scholars need to pay closer attention to adolescents’ ways
revision, or rejection of aspects of earlier theories. Earlier
of thinking, their patterns of behavior, and the nature of
theories that placed a strong emphasis on either biological
their relationships in order to gain greater insight about
maturation or environmental control are being replaced by
likely pathways into adulthood for the next generation.
theories that take a more probabilistic view of development
This will require an interdisciplinary, qualitative approach
as the changing person encounters multiple environments that
that will inform new theory.
are also changing.
As we review the focus and emphasis of current theories,
several areas require new theoretical perspectives.
See also: Attachment; Cognitive Development; Cultural Influences on
1. There is a need for more consideration of the bidirectional Adolescent Development; Globalization and Adolescence; The History
influence of adolescents and their parents, especially how of the Study of Adolescence; Stages of Adolescence; Transitions into
parenting an adolescent may contribute to the emergence of Adolescence; Transitions to Adulthood.
a more generative capacity among adults and how adoles-
cents who observe their parents enacting various life roles
are influenced toward their own identity strivings.
2. Changes in the nature of later adolescence and the increas- Further Reading
ingly ambiguous trajectory into adulthood have implica- Brown B and Dietz EL (2009) Informal peer groups in middle childhood and
tions for identity theory, family theory, and the notion of adolescence. In: Rubin KH, Bukowski WM, and Laursen B (eds.) Handbook of Peer
positive youth development. As cultural pathways toward Interaction, Relationships, and Groups. New York: Guilford.
Adolescence, Theories of 29

Collins WA and Steinberg L (2006) Adolescent development in interpersonal context. Romer D and Walker EF (2007) Adolescent Psychopathology and the Developing Brain.
In: Damon W and Eisenberg N (eds.) Handbook of Child Psychology, Vol. 4: New York: Oxford University Press.
Socioemotional Processes, pp. 1003–1067. New York: Wiley. Silbereisen RK and Lerner RM (eds.) (2007) Approaches to Positive Youth
Eccles JS and Roeser RW (2009) Schools, academic motivation, and stage-environment Development. London: Sage.
fit. In: Lerner RM and Steinberg L (eds.) Handbook of Adolescent Psychology, Smith SR, Hamon RR, Ingoldsby BB, and Miller JE (2009) Exploring Family Theories.
3rd edn., pp. 404–434. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. New York: Oxford University Press.
Granic I, Dishion TJ, and Hollenstein T (2005) The family ecology of adolescence:
A dynamic systems perspective on normative development. In: Adams G and
Berzonsky M (eds.) Blackwell Handbook of Adolescence. New York: Blackwell.
Kroger J (2007) Identity Development: Adolescence Through Adulthood, 2nd edn. Relevant Websites
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Kuhn D (2008) Formal operations from a 21st century perspective. Human Development – Adolescence – grand
51: 48–55. theories of adolescent development, biological changes associated with
Masten AS (2001) Ordinary magic: Resilience processes in development. American puberty – social changes associated with adolescence in Western industrialized
Psychologist 56: 227–238. countries.
Newman BM and Newman PR (2007) Theories of Human Development. New York:¼doc&id¼7924&cn¼28 – Major
Psychology Press. child development theories and theorists.
Repetti RL, Taylor SE, and Seeman TE (2002) Risky families: Family social – Theories
environments and the mental and physical health of offspring. Psychological of development.
Bulletin 128: 330–366. – Theories of development.

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