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Name: Class:

Quantifiers: Countable and uncountable nouns

Choose the right answer (much, many , a lot of) Choose the correct word (some or any).

1. We have ______ oranges. 1. I need a car and ______ dollars.

2. Do you have any cereal? Sure, there's ______ in the 2. He would like ______ help.
kitchen. 3. There aren't ______ policemen in the street.
3. How ______ is this? It's ten dollars. 4. Do you know ______ plumber?
4. How ______ do you want? Six, please. 5. He needs to make ______ friends.
5. He's very busy; he has ______work to do. 6. Do you have ______ idea why he is always alone?
6. London has ______beautiful buildings. 7. Charley doesn't have ______ friends, too.
7. I have got ______ money. 8. My sister has got ______ interesting books about
8. I visited ______ European cities. history.
9. Were there ______ guests in the wedding? Yes, there 9. My mum doesn't read ______ poetry .
were______ 10. I've got ______ news for you.
10. He hasn't got ______ patience.
Choose the right answer (much, many , a lot of, any, a little)
Decide whether you have to use "a little" or "a few".
1. They have had (a lot of/any) homework in mathematics
1. We had ______snow last winter. recently.
2. ______people were interested in the exhibition. 2. How (many/much) time do you need to finish the work?
3. I speak ______French. 3. There are too (much/many) students in the library.
4. There are ______students in the classroom. 4. Have you visited (any/many) foreign countries?
5. She ______relatives. 5. Although he's very ill, he didn't
6. There is ______water in the pond. take (any/much) medicine.
7. The professor spends ______time playing tennis on 6. (Few/a little) people know as much about linguistics as
Sundays. John does.
8. We have ______knowledge of this phenomenon. 7. They say (few/little) knowledge is a dangerous thing.
9. There are ______ mushrooms in my mushroom soup. 8. He's having (a lot of/any) trouble passing his driving
10. ______ animals can survive in the desert. test.
9. I spend (most/many) of my time reading novels.
10. He knows (a little/much) English. He knows enough
English to manage.

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