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Name: _____________________

Written Examination
Reading time: (15 minutes)
Writing time: (2 hours)


Section Number of Number of Marks

Questions Questions
to be Answered
A 4 4 15
B 3 3 15
C 4 4 15
D 3 1 15
Total Mark 60

Students are permitted to bring into the examination room: pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers,
sharpeners and rulers.

Students are NOT permitted to bring into the examination room: blank sheets of paper and/or
white out liquid/tape.

No calculator is allowed in this examination.

Materials supplied
Question and answer book of 8 pages and A4 loose leaf paper for section D.

Write your NAME in the space provided on this page.

Students are NOT permitted to bring mobile phones and/or any other unauthorised electronic
devices into the examination room.

Question 1

In Gorgias, Socrates uses the example of drinking when thirsty to argue that pleasure and the good are
not the same thing. Outline this argument. Is this a good argument? Provide a reason for your opinion.










(4 marks)
Question 2

Aristotle claims that a life devoted to politics cannot be a happy life. What two reasons does Aristotle
give for this claim?







(3 marks)
Question 3

Is the capacity for reason essential for leading a good life? Give reasons for your response.










(4 marks)

Question 4

Could a life devoted to making money be a life a good life? Give reasons for your response.










End of Section: Total 15 marks (4 marks)



Car pollution

Question 1

To what extent do the above images and captions reflect your idea of the good life?

(4 marks)

Question 2

Using Nietzsche’s and Murdoch’s views of the good life, discuss how each philosopher might
respond to these images and captions.

(6 marks)

Question 3

What do you think are two of the most important issues or problems facing your
generation? How might the ideas of the good life raised in the VCE Philosophy texts help
us understand or respond to these issues or problems? In your answer, refer to at least
two of the set texts.

End of Section: Total 15 marks (5 marks)


Question 1
Outline Descartes’ wax argument. Is this a good argument? Provide a reason for your answer

(4 marks)

Question 2
Armstrong says that he agrees with one aspect of Descartes theory. What is the one thing that Armstrong
and Descartes agree upon?

(2 marks)

Question 3

Which philosophy of mind do you think is best supported by modern science, Descartes’ or
Armstrong’s? Provide reasons for your opinion

(5 marks)

Question 4

Armstrong argues that his theory of mind can also explain consciousness. Outline Armstrong’s account of
consciousness. Do you agree with this account of consciousness? Provide a reason for your answer.

End of Section: Total 15 marks (4 marks)

Write an essay on one of the following topics. (15 marks)

Question 1

“Science can provide us with knowledge, while philosophy only provides us with justified opinions”.
Discuss this statement in relation to the views of at least one of Plato, Popper and/or Kuhn.


Question 2

Critically compare Plato and Popper’s theories of knowledge? Which of these

theories do you prefer and why?


Question 3

Do you think that science can provide us with knowledge? Refer to Popper and/or
Kuhn in your response.

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