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“Video Games Promote Saudi Children’s English

Vocabulary Retention.” Education, vol. 136, no. 2, Winter 2015, pp. 123–132.

This Paper was a study on whether or not video games help or hurt Saudi childrens
english vocabulary. The study tests the skills of children who have been using video
games to help their learning and those who have been learning in the regular ways. At the
end of the study teachers are recommended to use the video games to aid learning,
because the study shows that students who used the video games to learn retained more
english vocabulary than those who didn’t.

Ohoud Alshaiji provides research to back the claim that video games can help a student
to learn better than a regular student. The paper seems to be unbiased showing almost no
opinions to tweak the overall bias. Ohoud used a sample of 60 random students to do the
research, keeping all of the data extremely non partial.

This paper shows the beneficial effects of video games on english vocabulary retention. It
helps to show good things about video games. It helps add to the argument that video
games aren’t can help people to learn and grow. I can use this as evidence towards the
learning and retention of knowledge aspect of the paper. It has helped to inform me about
the effects of video games on learning.

Bavelier, Daphne, and C.Shawn Green. “The Brain-Boosting Power of Video Games.” Scientific
American, vol. 315, no. 1, July 2016, pp. 26–31. EBSCOhost,

Daphne Bavelier and Shawn Green explain how mental skills might be strengthened by
playing video games. Certain video games have different skill sets that can help develop
better skills in the real world. Games can influence the user, meaning the type of game
can teach the user special skills the user can use throughout their life.
Bavelier and Green only show one side of the subject. While they don’t show the other
side they don’t seem very biased. But the other side of the argument is also a big deal,
while the paper doesn’t delve into it, by omitting it it tells us exactly what the other
argument is.

This describes how mental skills can be strengthened through video games. It fits in
where all other skills are left, not only are skills improved, but mental capabilities in
general are improved. It was helpful in the argument. I can use it to provide more
evidence of learning with video games. It has increased my knowledge of the subject.

Bayeck, Rebecca Yvonne. “Exploring African Student Video Game Play: A Connected Learning
Theory Perspective.” Journal of Pan African Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, Mar. 2016, p. 34.

Rebecca Bayeck studies the effect of video games on whether or not they have the ability
to teach people. Throughout the paper it also is said that they can learn other skills than
just language. It is also stated these skills are learned through the skills used in video

This is a quasi biased paper, with Bayeck having some opinions and non evidence based
thoughts in the paper. But the paper also shows some of the real world implications the
games can have just through the plots of the video game. It also shows the students learn
better if they are interested in the subject.

This helps explain how video games can help people. The data is used to determine if
other skills can be taught through video games. It helps to fill in the gaps surrounding the
learning of skills through video games. It can be used to provide details on other skills
people can learn. It has added to my knowledge of how video games help people.

Beato, Greg. “Gaming for Good.”, Reason, 7 May 2014,
Greg Beato gives many ways video game scan affect people, in this essay he delves into
how video games don’t really condition people into becoming murderers. He later goes
on to explain how video people don’t play video because they are dissatisfied with their
life, they do it to partake in challenges and take on purpose they don’t face in the real
world. Games can influence people, that is why some people are hoping to make video
games more socially productive. Real life events maybe giving in game rewards or in
game purchases helping people as a sort of donation. This article tells about how video
games can help society instead of hurt them.

Beato gains information from leading people in this controversy and displaying it in a
way that makes sense. He seems somewhat biased towards making better video games,
he lists ways that video games can help instead of just outing them as murderer makers.
He doesn’t show much of the other argument, but I believe that is because he is showing
how to fix something, that way they don’t have to get rid of them. He shows the middle
ground most of the time, basically showing a good compromise for the two sides of
argument to make.

This paper explains how people can be affected by video games, which exactly fits the
argument. This source is extremely helpful, and gives examples of how video games can
help society. It hasn’t changed my mind about the topic but it has enlightened me on
some of the compromises and decisions that can affect people in a better light.

Chittaro, Luca, and Riccardo Sioni. “Killing Non-Human Animals in Video Games: A Study on
User Experience and Desensitization to Violence Aspects.” PsychNology Journal, vol.
10, no. 3, Dec. 2012, pp. 215–243. EBSCOhost,

Luca and Riccardo explain how video games are associated with the desensitization of
violence. This study shows the effects of violence towards animals in video games,
instead of humans. The results show video game violence is not correlated with violence
in children. Desensitization to violence is not correlated with violence in video games.
This study tries to prove video games do have a correlation to desentizing violence, but
the paper can’t prove it. The paper actually shows the violence being taken out of video
games has no effect on how well the player does or how the player reacts. These results
show that the paper is relatively unbiased, due to the fact that it shows both sides and
gives evidence for it.

This paper can help counter the counter-argument by showing that the violence in video
games can be replaced without affecting the game or how the player plays the game. The
paper will also be helpful to show that video games, even though they have a negative
connotation aren’t as bad as they are said to be. It can also provide details to disprove
other counter-arguments.

Coyne, Sarah M., et al. “Violent Video Games, Externalizing Behavior, and Prosocial Behavior:
A Five-Year Longitudinal Study During Adolescence.” Developmental Psychology, vol.
54, no. 10, Oct. 2018, pp. 1868–1880. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1037/dev0000574.

This paper is a study on adolescents who play violent video games. It studies 488
adolescents and their parents, they took measures of the abilities of the teens every 2
years. The study concluded with certain aspects of the child being affected for the worse
and others for the better. Some of those effects include externalization of prosocial
behavior, levels of benevolence, and externalization of behavior at the cross sectional

This seems to show some correlation to the argument that adolescents may have a
decrease in certain social skills that normal adolescents have. It has a very unbiased
opinion of the topic showing some of the good and some of the bad sides of the study. It
explains how the video games affect behavior in both good and bad ways.

This paper can be used to explain the negative effects of video games on children. This
would help the counter-argument prove video games are bad. But it can also be used to
help my argument, explaining the positive effects of video games outweigh the negative

CRUMP, ELLE. “Turn That Game Back On: Video Games, Violence and the Myth of Injury to
the Public Good.” Te Mata Koi: Auckland University Law Review, vol. 20, Jan. 2014, pp.
165–188. EBSCOhost,

Elle Crump describes a case in which someone in New Zealand was accused of
murdering his cyber rival. It shows some of the cases that have occurred in New Zealand.
It also shows the laws that New Zealand has in place that cover the spectrum of video
games. The paper also shows why the laws were put in place that New Zealand uses.

This seems to be unbiased, the paper only has facts about New Zealand. The paper is also
used to describe how New Zealand handles video games, and whether or not they think
they cause violence. They use a very straightforward argument that tells the reader about
the laws and how New Zealand enforces them.

The paper could be used to help show how other countries have handles video games. It
can also show what not to do to prevent video game violence. The paper also shows how
the regular person can be affected by those laws.

Engelhardt, Christopher R., et al. “Violent and Nonviolent Video Games Differentially Affect
Physical Aggression for Individuals High vs. Low in Dispositional Anger.” Aggressive
Behavior, vol. 37, no. 6, Nov. 2011, pp. 539–546. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1002/ab.20411.

Christopher explains how other studies have shown video games can increase levels of
aggression. Though these studies don’t show the extent to the effect. This study showed
those who are naturally aggressive are the ones who were more aggressive in aggressive
video games. It even showed in nonviolent video games.

This paper uses the findings of others to prove the counter-argument. It shows the
findings of other as not showing the extent of why video games cause violence. It also
gives its own evidence to show the impact violent video games really have on their users
and violent video games are only associated with increased levels of violence.
This paper can be used to explain the how violent video games actually affect the player.
This would help the counter-argument support the claims of video games increasing the
levels of aggression in players. It can also help to explain the negative effects of video
games in general.

Hilgard, Joseph, et al. “Overstated Evidence for Short-Term Effects of Violent Games on Affect
and Behavior: A Reanalysis of Anderson et Al. (2010).” Psychological Bulletin, vol. 143,
no. 7, July 2017, pp. 757–774. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1037/bul0000074.

Joseph describes how video games are thought to be connected with certain behaviors
and thoughts. It also shows that other findings may be wrong and it uses its own study to
prove it. Showing that video game violence doesn’t really cause a lot of violent
tendencies in the study group. It also shows the basic idea of video games in general
causing violence is mostly incorrect and backed up by biased research.

This paper uses the findings of others to prove his counter to their argument. Shows the
findings of other as showing bias in their study and fixes it by eliminating any bias and
redoing the research. It also gives its own evidence to show the impact violent video
games really have on children and their behavior.

This paper can be used to explain the how little the negative aspects of video games
would affect children. This would help the argument prove video games aren’t that bad.
And it can be explain the positive effects of video games outweigh the negative effects.

Hollingdale, Jack, and Tobias Greitemeyer. “The Effect of Online Violent Video Games on
Levels of Aggression.” PLoS ONE, vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 2014, pp. 1–5. EBSCOhost,

Jack and Tobias go over the relationship between violent video games and violent
tendencies in children. It shows that levels of aggression increase with the levels of
violence in violent video games. While the violent video games do seem to correlate with
the increased violence in children, neutral video games don’t have the competitive nature
that violent video games do. Which means, the aspect of video games that can lead to
more violent children isn’t known.
This source seems to be geared towards proving violent video games do create violent
children. The paper seems unbiased as well, showing the evidence given doesn’t show
what causes violent children only some aspect within violent video games create violent
children. It also addresses that neutral video games that are far less violent don’t create
that violence, meaning an aspect that is not in neutral video games but is in violent video
games causes this violence.

I can use this paper to aid the counter-argument. The counter-argument will be used to
show both sides to have an unbiased paper. Because it shows that video games can cause
violence, it can help the counter-argument give evidence on how video games might be
harmful. This can also aid in disproving the counter-argument because it isn’t known
what actually causes the violence.

Kovess-Masfety, Viviane, et al. “Is Time Spent Playing Video Games Associated with Mental
Health, Cognitive and Social Skills in Young Children?” Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric
Epidemiology, vol. 51, no. 3, Mar. 2016, pp. 349–357. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s00127-

Viviane Kovess-Masfety describes how often video games are played by children and
teenagers based on a study done in 2010. This study shows the amount of time played
and the influences the games had on the children. The paper explains how those who
played video games had higher “intellectual functioning” and “school competence”, the
research the paper accounts for child age and gender, number of children, mothers age,
marital status, education, employment status, psychological distress, and region.

This source seems to be unbiased because it I based purely on research and none of the
information in the paper is opinion based. This paper is a good source because the
research shows, at times, both sides of the argument. It takes a purely fact based approach
without adding any opinions to make it biased.
This study shows the facts and the statistics that accompany how video games can affect
people. It shows that people can have higher intellectual abilities than others which helps
my argument. I can use this source to show stats and facts about this study. It hasn’t
changed my mind but it has opened up more of the options of how video games can help

Kurnaz, Erkan, and Mehmet Yanardag. “The Effectiveness of Video Self-Modeling in Teaching
Active Video Game Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Journal of
Developmental & Physical Disabilities, vol. 30, no. 4, Aug. 2018, pp. 455–469.
EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s10882-018-9596-y.

Erkan and Yanardag discuss the effectiveness of video self-modeling procedure in

teaching video game skills to those with mental disorders. It shows that VSM was
effective in teaching video games skills.the social validity reflected positive results about
acceptability of intervention. These skills could be taught to increase real world motor
skills and and other skills.

This paper uses its findings to prove the argument that vsm’s can be used in a way that
can be helpful to those on the spectrum. It shows that video games aren’t that bad. It also
shows that skills in video games can be used to enhance the skills in the real world.
Doesn’t show bias.

This paper can be used to explain how VSM’s can be used to help people to learn skills
who are on the spectrum. This would help the argument that video games are actually
helpful to society and can actually have positive impacts on people's lives. It can also be
used to counter the counter-argument about it making the players less socially acceptable,
because it helps them to do things they couldn’t have otherwise.

Li, Wen, et al. “Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement for Video Game Addiction in
Emerging Adults: Preliminary Findings from Case Reports.” International Journal of
Mental Health & Addiction, vol. 16, no. 4, Aug. 2018, pp. 928–945. EBSCOhost,
Wen describes how video game addictions can cause problems in the minds of children
and adults. It tells how treatments for this abuse have not been proven yet, but some
treatments may go along with substance abuse treatments. This shows a theoretical
approach to treatments for video game addictions. It also presents the methodization of
how one would treat video game addiction.

This article shows little bias for or against any arguments or counter-arguments. It also is
geared towards helping those with video game addictions to be able to get over their
illnesses, albeit through theoretical means. Although there is no scientific study for
evidence, it uses previous studies with similar subjects for the evidence.This shows that
video games although different from other addictive substances may have a similar

I can use this source to aid the counter-argument, explaining that video games can cause
addiction. But it might be able to help my argument by explaining that those who are
impacted by this can easily get treatments to help with this disorder. It can also be used to
describe the theorized affects the treatments would have on these people.

Singh, Pankaj, et al. “Effect of Video and Mobile Games on Children’s Behavior.” Indian
Journal of Health & Wellbeing, vol. 7, no. 5, May 2016, pp. 488–492. EBSCOhost,

Pankaj Singh studies the effects of video games on children's behavior. They were scaled
on behavior, an inpatient Behavioral rating scale. This scale is used to define where
certain children lie in relationship to others. The means were calculated and the subjects
were then placed on the scale.

This is a very scientific study, taking a random sample and calculating results based on
them. This is an unbiased source showing no signs of opinion. It shows the overall
attention, social skills, aggressive thoughts, feeling, and behaviors throughout the study.

It could be used as a way to start the “Effect of video and mobile games on children's
behavior.” The study allows the reader to see all of the aspects of the behavior and
mindset of the subjects after the study. It can also be used to end the counter-argument
describing how the video games show many more negative side effects than they do

Wittek, Charlotte, et al. “Prevalence and Predictors of Video Game Addiction: A Study Based on
a National Representative Sample of Gamers.” International Journal of Mental Health &
Addiction, vol. 14, no. 5, Oct. 2016, pp. 672–686. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s11469-015-

Charlotte explains how video games have become popularized over the past years
throughout the world. This study shows the prevalence of video gamers who get addicted.
It also shows the different types of players, where the players live, and the gender of the
player and play a role in the likelihood of becoming addicted. It also shows what addicted
gamers were more likely associated with through mental disorders. Poor health was also
associated with addicted games.

This is geared towards studying gamers to find out the percentage who have problems
putting down the controller. It is a very straight forward paper, delving into the
percentage of people who are addicted and how many are close to being addicted and
what those people have in common, through psychological disorders. It isn’t very biased
showing only what influences are more commonly connected with addiction.

This paper can be used to explain how what aspect of people lives aid in the development
of addiction. It can be used to aid the counter-argument explaining why video games can
affect certain people more. It can also help build my argument proving that there are
small amounts of gamers who get addicted while others don’t.

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