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2 2017






für Generationen
for Generations REPOSITORY IN IRAQ
Participants of the IAEA workshop at our headquarters in Peine, May 2017 Drift lining in marly formations, Konrad repository

national large-scale projects play a major unions, NGOs) and eight scientists was 4 DBE’s shares that are still owned by the sible actors declared their commitment as super-plasticisers, to allow the large-
role. These activities give us the opportu- established in order to specify the selec- utilities will be transferred to the state, to using the chances that these changes scale application of ultrahigh perform-
nity for a direct exchange of experience tion criteria and procedure and to assess likely within the next weeks. offer. Thus, BGE’s CEO, Ursula Heinen- ance and self-compacting concrete. This
and an active contribution to the advanced the StandAG. Based on the commission’s Esser, expressed the willingness to start progress influenced the revision and the
international state of the art in science and report, a revision of the StandAG was To better separate the regulatory and the new site selection process without definition of standards.
technology. adopted at the end of March 2017. supervisory functions from the imple- any undue delay in order to publish the
menter activities, a new radioactive waste first report on the regions that will be NDA contracted DBE TECHNOLOGY
As usual, this leaflet also provides an over-
At the same time, it became obvious management regulator, the “Bundesamt considered suitable for selecting sites for GmbH as part of a consortium led by
view of some of our recent corresponding
that the complicated interfaces between für kerntechnische Entsorgungssicher- surface investigations before the end of EDEN Nuclear and Environment, UK,
activities. If they pique your interest and/or
raise any questions, we would appreciate the Federal Office for Radiation Protec- heit” (BfE), has been established and the next election period to the German with a multiphase study to analyze the
hearing from you. tion (BfS), which has the governmental BfS’ former self-supervision unit has parliament in fall 2021. development in the building sector and
responsibility for radioactive waste dis- been transferred to BfE. the availability of suitable cement com-
Happy reading! posal and concentrates all decision mak- Study on the Availability positions for encapsulation purposes.
Dear Readers, ing competences, and the state-owned Taking into account financial weakness- The aim of the first phase of the study
Asse-GmbH, which operates the Asse es resulting from the nuclear phase-out of Cement Suitable for is to gain an overview of the practice.
Taking into account the numerous ques- Disposal Purposes
Dr. Jürgen Krone mine, and DBE TECHNOLOY GmbH’s and the new site selection programme, Then, the requirements on the cement
tions we have received recently regarding
Managing Director shareholder DBE, which operates the revisions of the legal basis for radioac- compositions are to be summarized, tak-
the ongoing organizational changes in the
German radioactive waste management DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH other federal disposal projects, have con- tive waste management funding were ing into account the different disposal
sector, we decided to include a brief over- siderable scope for improvement. Thus, adopted as well. According to this, the strategies in the European countries. The
view of these changes into this leaflet. a new state-owned corporation, “Bun- utilities will transfer their financial provi- scope and characteristics of the quality
DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH welcomes desgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH sions made for radioactive waste dispos- assurance programs and the approaches
these changes, with the hope that the i Current Restart of the (BGE)”, was established in fall 2016. It al plus a safety margin of 30 %, in total in case of an occurrence of non-con-
nherent chances for a fast solution of the is to incorporate the full governmental 23.3 Bill. €, into a dedicated govern- formities are reviewed as well. The aim is
disposal tasks in Germany are resolutely
German Radioactive
responsibility and competences as well mental fund. In turn, their responsibility to make it possible to identify the need
exploited. Waste Management as all necessary personnel and technical and financial liability will be limited to of material optimization and to guar-
In connection with the decision on the resources for successfully implementing delivering their waste to interim stor- antee a future availability of adequate
DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH and its staff
nuclear phase-out, the parties repre- all federal radioactive waste disposal ages, whereas HLW and SNF shall be high-quality cement compositions.
are well prepared to provide substantial
sented in the German parliament jointly projects. placed into casks suitable for interim
contributions to these tasks. Together
with other leading German research in- agreed to interrupt the exploration of the storage and L/ILW shall be conditioned, Retrievability Strategy
Slump test for concrete analysis
stitutions, major efforts were directed to- Gorleben salt dome and to start a new packaged and declared in accordance for the Belgian Reposi-
wards the preparation of the necessary site selection process for an HLW/SNF with the waste acceptance criteria for Methods for conditioning liquid and
research basis for supporting the upcom- repository. One reason was to overcome the Konrad repository, which is being dry radioactive waste can be its immo- tory Concept
ing new German site selection process. In the public and political controversies on constructed. The interim storage facili- bilization, solidification or encapsulation According to the Belgian disposal con-
this context, our international collabora- the suitability of the Gorleben site that ties, operated so far by the utilities, by means of cement mixtures. Consid- cept, low- and intermediate-level waste
tive efforts and the participation in inter- has provided the hotspot of the public will be taken over by a new dedicated ering the availability and quality of the will be conditioned in concrete mono-
debate on nuclear power for almost four state-owned corporation, starting with raw materials, the requirements of the liths and high-level waste in so-called
decades. Thus, the German parliament the centralised interim storage facilities regulatory framework, and the specific supercontainers. In the disposal galleries
Organizational transitions regarding radioactive
adopted a site selection act (StandAG) waste disposal in Germany in Gorleben and Ahaus, which are cur- conditions of the waste disposal cycle, of the Belgian disposal facility, a trench
in 2013 that aims at selecting the most rently owned by GNS, before the end of a range of mixtures of cements, reactive as roadway and lateral surfaces for lay-
suitable site in terms of safety for at In a first step, BfS’s responsibility for im- this year. additives, and fillers can be used. ing down the waste packages are pro-
least one million years in a scientifically plementing federal radioactive waste dis- vided. The system allows the reversal of
sound, fully transparent process with posal projects as well as its correspond- In summary, German radioactive waste In the last decades, the percentage the process and the safe return transport
appropriate involvement of the public. ing operational units were transferred to management is facing significant chang- of products containing latent hydrau- of emplaced monoliths and supercon-
In a first preparatory step, a 33-person BGE on April 25, 2017. Before the end es in the next weeks and months. For- lic, pozzolanic or limestone filler has tainers until the voids will be backfilled.
commission of politicians, various rep- of this year, Asse-GmbH and DBE are to tunately, these changes are based on a steadily increased. Moreover, innovative Thereafter, a sickle-shaped backfill body
resentatives of the society (e.g. church, be merged with BGE. Therefore, 3 of the wide political consensus and all respon- products have been developed, such exists around the upper part of the
Concept for disposal vault (Iraq Project)

waste packages and the filled trench of removability and amount of the resi- well-fortified Al-Tuwaitha site as the best
the gallery floor. dues. For reasons of workers’ safety, ca- suited location for developing the need-
ble- and remote-control-systems are fa- ed LLW repository. The disposal facility is
vored. Milling is a preferred option. Based considered as an intervention measure,
on these findings, a basic concept for designed to address the urgent waste
waste package retrieval was developed. disposal needs.
Using the specified technologies and
procedures, the operational safety DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH is responsible
and the technical realization of waste for developing the conceptual-level basic
retrieval can be assured. engineering design for the repository as
well as the preliminary and intermediate
Development of a safety assessments. Based on the results
Design of a Radioactive of an international review of disposal op-
tions conducted by DBE TECHNOLOGY
Waste Repository in Iraq GmbH, the project beneficiaries and
Supercontainer Concept (Source: ONDRAF-NIRAS)
DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, as part of end-users selected a near-surface con-
a Consortium of western companies, crete vault-type facility for the site.
Retrieval requires the establishment of is supporting the European Commis-
safe work conditions and the removal of sion’s efforts to address the urgent need The Al-Tuwaitha site is not ideal from a
the narrow backfill bodies over a range for a low-level radioactive waste (LLW) conventional site selection perspective.
of about 3 m (monoliths) to more than repository in Iraq. The disposal facility The Tigris River is only about a kilome-
6 m (supercontainers). Thus, a study was is needed as part of ongoing nuclear tre away from Al-Tuwaitha, and the
carried out to identify a suitable state-of- facilities’ decommissioning and reme- proposed site location lies within the
the-art technology. Initially, techniques dial clean-up efforts initiated to address potential flood plain of the river. As a
commonly used in the building and min- contamination resulting from military result, the base level of the facility will
ing industry were compiled and grouped attacks and subsequent looting that oc- need to be raised to ensure a safe dis-
according to their kind of impact on the curred during the two Gulf Wars. tance above a potential future flooding
backfill. Within the scope of a benefit event. To provide the necessary clear-
analysis, a catalogue of evaluation cri- The largest nuclear site is located at the ance and to ensure a stable foundation,
teria was used to develop a ranking of Al-Tuwaitha Nuclear Center near Bagh- the facility will be constructed upon a
the techniques. For example, criteria dad, where a total of 18 nuclear facili- raised platform constructed from a 4-m-
related to the space requirements of ties are at various stages of decommis- thick soil-cement cushion upon which a
the machines and their tools, their po- sioning. Because of the ongoing security 2-m-thick concrete foundation slab will
tential to damage the waste packages concerns in Iraq, the Iraqi Ministry of be poured prior to construction of the
and the surrounding structures, and the Science and Technology selected the disposal vaults.

For further information visit or scan the QR code below.

Published by: DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH

Eschenstraße 55 · D-31224 Peine
January 2017
Edited by: Dr. André Lommerzheim
Production: Agentur Spezial, Braunschweig

Copyright: Texts and pictures are protected by copyright. Use, either in

part or in full, requires explicit written permission.

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