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Cardiovasc Toxicol

DOI 10.1007/s12012-012-9181-z

Cardiovascular Benefits of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa)

Adel Shabana • Ayman El-Menyar •

Mohammad Asim • Hiba Al-Azzeh •

Hassan Al Thani

Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Abstract Black Cumin (Nigella sativa), which belongs to studies in human to establish the utility of Nigella sativa in
the botanical family of Ranunculaceae, commonly grows cardiovascular system protection.
in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Western Asia. Its
ripe fruit contains tiny black seeds, known as ‘‘Al-Habba Keywords Nigella sativa  Black seeds  Thymoquinone 
Al-Sauda’’ and ‘‘Al-Habba Al-Barakah’’ in Arabic and Cardiovascular  Cumin
black seed or black cumin in English. Seeds of Nigella
sativa are frequently used in folk medicine in the Middle
East and some Asian countries for the promotion of good Introduction
health and the treatment of many ailments. However, data
for the cardiovascular benefits of black cumin are not well- Complementary and alternative medicine has become
established. We reviewed the literature from 1960 to March popular worldwide over the past 20 years [1]. The seeds of
2012 by using the following key words: ‘‘Nigella sativa,’’ Black cumin (Nigella sativa) were among the accompa-
‘‘black seeds,’’ and ‘‘thymoquinone.’’ Herein, we discussed nying articles found in the tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh
the most relevant articles to find out the role of Nigella Tutankhamen [2]. Thus, Nigella sativa (NS) probably had
sativa in the cardiovascular diseases spectrum especially an important role in the practices of the ancient Egyptians
when there is a paucity of information and need of further [3], who described it as a panacea (cure for problems and
diseases). The historical references to these seeds are also
present in some of the oldest religious and medical texts.
For example, Hippocrates and Dioscorides referred them as
A. Shabana ‘‘Melanthion’’ and were identified and described by Lin-
Deparment of Cardiology, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha,
naeus in 1753 [4]. The Bible describes black seed as the
‘‘curative black cumin’’ (Isaiah 28:25, 27 NKJV) [4]. Seeds
A. Shabana  A. El-Menyar (&) of NS are the common drug used in islamic prophet’s
Department of Clinical Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical School, medicine, since prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated that it
PO Box 24144, Doha, Qatar
is the remedy for every disease except death (Sahih Buk-
hari 7:591) [5]. It is stated that he himself [PBUH] used to
A. El-Menyar  M. Asim take these seeds with honey syrup for therapeutic purpose
Clinical Research, Trauma section, Hamad Medical Corporation, [6]. Ibni Sina, known in the West as Avicenna, also
Hamad General Hospital, PO Box 3050, Doha, Qatar
referred NS as the seed ‘‘that stimulates the body’s energy
H. Al-Azzeh and helps recovery from fatigue’’ in his great book ‘‘The
Al-Ghad Technology for Food Additives [MVM(Path)], Canon of Medicine’’ [7].
Amman, Jordan NS is widely used as a medicinal herb, not to be mis-
taken with common cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum) that
H. Al Thani
Department of Vascular Surgery, Hamad Medical Corporation, belong to the botanical family Umbelliferae [4]. NS is a
Doha, Qatar spice that grows in the Middle Eastern region and in
Cardiovasc Toxicol

Western Asian countries including India, Pakistan, and diaphoretic. They were also used in ascites, cough, jaundice,
Afghanistan. It is known by different names. For example, fever, piles, anorexia, dyspepsia, flatulence, dysentery,
in Arabic it is termed as ‘‘Habbah Sawda’’ [black seed] or diarrhea, and amenorrhea and in the treatment of worms and
‘‘Habbat el Baraka’’ (Seeds of blessing). In India, it is skin eruptions [4, 9, 10].
called ‘‘Kalonji,’’ while in China it is known as ‘‘Hak Jung Commonly, the seeds were used as a spice and food
Chou’’ [8]. The plant belongs to the Ranunculaceae family preservative. In folk medicinal practices, they are ingested
of flowering plants, including multiple species, among with food or mixed with honey [4]. Several beneficial
which NS is the most extensively investigated for thera- pharmacological effects have been attributed to various
peutic purposes [8]. Figure 1 shows NS plant, flowers, and crude or purified components of these seeds including
seeds. antihistaminic, antihypertensive, hypoglycemic, antifungal,
During the last two decades, most of the studies dealt anti-inflammatory, and immunity booster along with sig-
with the volatile oil of the seeds and its major constituents nificant antineoplastic activities [11–16]. These studies
(i.e., the two purified components of NS seed, thymoqui- collectively provide early indication that further develop-
none and dithymoquinone). These studies revealed a mul- ment of agents derived from NS seeds could be useful in
tirange of actions that covered almost all known diseases of modern medicine [4].
the human body systems [9].

The Chemical Composition of the Seeds and Oil

Traditional Uses
The chemical composition of the NS seed is diverse and
Traditionally, the seeds and oil were used in several diseases. contains amino acids, carbohydrates, fixed and volatile oils,
The seeds are used as a pungent, carminative, emmenagogue, alkaloids, saponins, and many other compounds [4, 9, 17].
galactagogue, aromatic, stimulant, appetizer, diuretic, anthel- The chemical analysis of NS total oil showed the presence
mintic, digestive, febrifuge, expectorant, abortifacient, and of both fixed and volatile oil. The major component was

Fig. 1 Nigella sativa whole plant, flower, and seeds

Cardiovasc Toxicol

the fixed oil, whereas the volatile oil ranged from 0.4 to The benefit of NS has been validated in type II diabetes
0.7 % of the seeds’ weight. The chemical composition of in animal models as well as human subjects. Multiple
black seed fixed oil includes mixture of oils such as lino- molecular targets and several mechanisms of action have
leic, oleic, linolenic, arachidic, palmitoleic, eicosadienoic, been suggested to explain such benefit. In animal studies,
palmitic, stearic and myristic acid [9, 18]. NS was found to inhibit intestinal glucose absorption in
Specific chemical analyses of the volatile oil started vitro and in vivo, stimulate insulin release from pancreatic
around 50 years ago and were complemented by most islets, and exert an insulin-sensitizing actions in skeletal
recent reports, using different chromatography techniques muscles, adipocytes, and liver cells through the activation
for separating components of the oil samples. They showed of AMPK (adenosine monophosphate-activated protein
the presence of many components, including thymoqui- kinase) pathway, as well as PPARc (peroxisome prolifer-
none [the major active principle of NS and constitutes ator-activated receptor gamma), and increasing muscle
about 30 % of its volatile oil or ether extract], carvacrol, GLUT4 (glucose transporter 4) content [24, 33–36].
tanethole, and 4-terpineol, and all of them have demon- Few human studies have been published in the literature
strated respectable radical scavenging activity. The oil assessing the effect of NS on glycemic control in patients
samples showed variable antioxidant activity that was with type II diabetes mellitus as well as patients with
attributed mainly to the variable composition of these insulin resistance syndrome [23, 37]. Bamosa and
constituents [4, 19–21]. coworkers administrated NS seeds to diabetic patients for
Since last four decades, various researchers have 3 months and assessed their glycemic control. They found
investigated the pharmacological actions of the whole that NS in a dose of 2 g/day could be a beneficial adjuvant
seeds of NS (crushed powder or an extract) worldwide. The to oral hypoglycemic agents in these patients [23]. Qidwai
aqueous, ethanolic, methanolic, petroleum ether, hexane, et al. [38] have also found favorable effect of NS seeds on
and ethereal extracts were studied mainly in animals, and blood sugar and serum lipids in adults, but results were not
to a lesser extent in humans. The most widely studied statistically significant.
component of black seed is the volatile oil and its con- Najmi et al. carried out a prospective study on 60 met-
stituent thymoquinone [9, 17]. abolic syndrome patients. The patients were divided into
two groups of 30 each. All patients were advised fixed
doses of statin and metformin tablets for a period of
Cardiovascular Effects of NS 6 weeks. In the second group, NS oil of 2.5 ml twice daily
was added for a period of 6 weeks. Fasting and postpran-
The Effect of NS on Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolic dial blood glucose, fasting lipid profile, and waist cir-
Syndrome cumference were recorded before the therapy and after the
completion of the therapy. The results showed that the
The hypoglycemic and antidiabetic effects of NS have been second group had significant improvement in levels of
reported in several in vitro and in vivo studies (animal fasting blood sugar as well as total cholesterol and low-
studies) but few have been performed on humans [22–24]. density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). In summary, NS
Both pancreatic and extra-pancreatic mechanisms have therapy may prove to be promising in the prevention and
been proposed for such effects. treatment of the insulin resistance syndrome [37].
Animal models for type I diabetes have been mainly
induced by streptozotocin injection (with or without nico- Effect of NS on Lipid Profile
tinamide) or by cadmium treatment. The mechanisms
underlying the hypoglycemic effect of NS and its compo- Several studies have reported favorable effects of NS on
nents have been suggested to be mainly due to the pres- lipid profile.
ervation of beta cell integrity in the islets of Langerhans In cholesterol-fed animals, thymoquinone significantly
with partial regeneration/proliferation of beta cells leading induced a reduction in total cholesterol, LDL-C, triglyc-
to increased insulin levels [25–28]. However, in other eride [TG], and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances’
studies, the hypoglycemic effects were not paralleled by concentrations, with increase in high-density lipoprotein
stimulation of insulin release, suggesting extra-pancreatic cholesterol [HDL-C] levels [39]. Similar findings were
actions of NS [29]. This was also supported by evidence of observed using NS powder and oil in other studies [35,
a decrease in hepatic gluconeogenesis in another study 40–42]. Zaoui et al. [42] found that oral treatment with NS
[30]. In addition to hypoglycemic effects, NS oil and thy- oil decreased serum cholesterol and TG levels in normal
moquinone have been found beneficial in correcting rats by 15.5 and 22 %, respectively.
experimental diabetic neuropathy, which makes it a pos- Also, oral administration of powdered black seeds to
sible potential therapeutic agent for neuropathy [31, 32]. hypercholesterolemic patients at the dose of one gram daily
Cardiovasc Toxicol

for 2 months significantly reduced the total cholesterol, acid excretion. It is well known that both actions reduce
TG, and LDL-C levels and increased the HDL-C level [43]. serum cholesterol levels [44, 47]. Another mechanism
Bamosa et al. [44] reported decreased levels of glucose depends on NS antioxidant role affecting nonenzymatic
and cholesterol in healthcare professionals treated with 2 lipid peroxidation [22, 48].
gram of NS capsules twice daily. In a recent study by
Tasawar et al. 8 subjects were divided into two groups Antiatherogenic Effects of NS
through random stratification. One group was given NS and
statin, while the second group was given only statin daily. Al-Naqeep et al. studied the effect of black seeds powder
Fasting blood samples were taken before and after 2 and and oil on atherosclerosis in diet-induced hypercholester-
6 month’s treatment. In the first group, total cholesterol, olemic rabbits in comparison with statin. Figure 2 shows
LDL-C, and triglycerides decreased significantly after the the antiatherogenic potential of NS seed as well as oil in
treatment by 14.58, 23, and 15.16 %, respectively. Also, rabbits. The investigators broadly divided the study animals
there was significant increase in HDL-C (by 3.18 %) after into two groups: the first group with normal diet and the
6 months, compared to the second group. This study second group with cholesterol-supplemented diet. The
showed that NS is helpful in normalization of the lipid second group was further subdivided into three groups, that
profile and in turn prevents cardiovascular disorders [45]. is, (a) no treatment, (b) administration of NS seed/oil, and
Moreover, Dehkordi and Kamkhah [46] observed a (c) administration of hypocholesterolemic agent (simva-
significant reduction in serum total cholesterol and LDL-C statin). They found that feeding rabbits with NS either
in patients with mild hypertension after 8 weeks of black (powder or oil) significantly improve lipid profile after 2, 4,
seed extract oral administration. 6, and 8 weeks compared with the control group. Exami-
The hypolipidemic effect of NS does not seem to be due nation of aortic intima at the end of the 8th week showed
to one component only, but rather to the synergistic action significant inhibition of plaque formation. Furthermore, the
of its different components, including thymoquinone, intima : media ratio was significantly decreased in the NS
sterols, flavonoids, and the high content of polyunsaturated supplemented groups compared with the control group [40].
fatty acids [17]. Several mechanisms have been postulated Nader and colleagues, in another study, found similar
to explain this hypolipidemic effect, which includes inhi- beneficial effects of thymoquinone on lipid profile of
bition of de novo cholesterol synthesis or stimulates bile cholesterol-fed rabbits, with histopathological evidence of

Fig. 2 The antiatherogenic potential of Nigella sativa seeds and oil (modified from ref. [40]: Al-Naqeep et al.: (2011) Evidence-Based
Complementary and Alternative Medicine), Hindawi publishing Corporation
Cardiovasc Toxicol

protection against hypercholesterolemia-induced aortic NS was also effective in decreasing the elevated heart
tissue damage [39]. rate in cadmium-treated rats [26]. Khattab and Nagi [56]
In addition to its beneficial actions on atherosclerosis studied the effects of thymoquinone in rats after chronic
(through modulating major risk factors as diabetes melli- inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis with N[omega]-nitro-
tus and dyslipidemia), NS has been investigated for its L-arginine methyl esters [L-NAME] and concluded that
effect on the progression of monocyte-derived macro- thymoquinone is effective in protecting rats against
phage growth [49]. Such macrophages have been shown to L-NAME-induced hypertension and renal damage, possibly
uptake oxidized LDL, becoming foam cells in the blood via antioxidant activity.
vessel wall, accelerating the local inflammatory response One of the few studies in the literature conducted on
that eventually leads to atherosclerotic plaque formation humans showed that NS extract administration for
[50]. Mat et al. isolated primary human monocytes from 2 months to patients with mild hypertension reduced both
whole blood and treated them with NS oil. The finding of systolic and diastolic blood pressures in a dose-dependent
this study provided preliminary support on regulation of manner [46]. Favorable effects of the seeds on blood
cell growth and differentiation in monocyte and mono- pressure have also been reported in another human study
cyte-derived macrophages by NS oil. NS was found to by Qidwai et al. [38].
exert its effects via decreasing the productions of pro-
inflammatory mediators secreted by primary macrophage Effect on Cardiac Mass and Contractility
El-Bahai et al. reported evidence of physiological
Effect of NS on Endothelial Dysfunction improvement and beneficial cardiac hypertrophy in rats
provoked by long-term NS supplementation. NS supple-
Endothelial dysfunction is a pathological condition that mentation induced moderate overall cardiac hypertrophy.
contributes to the pathogenesis of several cardiovascular The isolated perfused hearts of NS-treated rats showed
diseases and has been found in patients with dyslipidemia, enhanced levels of baseline peak tension [57]. Further-
hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, atherosclerosis, more, the supplementation of NS demonstrated encourag-
and aging as well. All such conditions are associated with ing resulted on intrinsic cardiac contractile properties
overproduction of reactive oxygen species in the arterial without evidence of increased cardiac work load or energy
vessel wall [51, 52]. A recent data, mainly targeting aging- consumption in vivo [58].
related endothelial dysfunction, demonstrated that thymo- Other studies showed the effects of NS (aqueous and
quinone improved endothelial function at least in part, macerated extracts) on heart rate and contractility of the
through inhibition of oxidative stress and normalization of isolated heart in guinea pigs. The results showed a potent
the angiotensin system [52]. inhibitory effect of both extracts on heart rate and con-
tractility that was comparable or even higher than that of
Antiplatelet Effects of NS diltiazem. It may be either due to calcium channel inhibi-
tory action or an opening effect on potassium channels of
The methanol-soluble portion of oil prepared by com- the isolated heart [59, 60].
pressing NS seeds has been used by Enomoto et al. and
discovered to have strong inhibitory effects on arachidonic Cardioprotective Effects of NS Against Chemical
acid-induced platelet aggregation. Some isolated com- Toxicity
pounds from the oil had stronger potency than aspirin [53].
Cyclosporine A is the most frequently used agent in
Effect of NS on Heart Rate and Blood Pressure transplant surgery and in the treatment of autoimmune
diseases. However, the drug has multiple adverse effects
Controversial findings have been reported regarding car- including hypertension, cardiotoxicity, and vascular endo-
diovascular actions of NS or its active ingredients. Some thelial dysfunction [61, 62]. Ebru et al. [63] studied the
studies reported no effect on blood pressure levels in ani- effects of NS oil on cyclosporine A-induced cardiomyop-
mals or humans, whereas others showed a dose-dependent athy and showed that pretreatment with NS oil decreased
decrease in the arterial blood pressure and heart rate in the subsequent cyclosporine A injury in rat heart, with
normal or spontaneously hypertensive rats [12, 54, 55]. normalized cardiac histopathology, decreased lipid perox-
El-Tahir et al. [55] suggested that such cardiovascular idation, improvement in antioxidant enzyme status and
depressant effects were mediated mainly centrally via cellular protein oxidation.
indirect and direct mechanisms that involved both Cyclophosphamide is another chemotherapeutic agent
5-hydroxytryptaminergic and muscarinic mechanisms. with known cardiotoxic effects. Nagi et al. examined the
Cardiovasc Toxicol

possible protective effects of thymoquinone against Nagi have investigated the probable protective effects of
cyclophosphamide-induced cardiotoxicity in rats. Interest- thymoquinone against gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity.
ingly, thymoquinone supplementation resulted in a com- Supplementation with thymoquinone resulted in significant
plete reversal of all the biochemical changes (in blood and decline in reduced glutathione and increased levels of glu-
in heart tissues) induced by cyclophosphamide to their tathione peroxidase, catalase, and ATP. That study also
normal values. Results of this study suggest that beneficial showed complete reversal of the gentamicin-induced
effects of thymoquinone are attributed to its antioxidant increased blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, thiobarbituric
properties as well as its ability to improve the mitochon- acid-reactive substances, and total nitrate/nitrite to normal
drial function and energy production in heart tissues [64]. range [77]. Both NS oil and thymoquinone can protect gastric
Doxorubicin is a mainstay of cancer chemotherapy mucosa from acute alcohol-induced mucosal injury, which is
despite its clinical limitations that arise from its cardio- partly attributed to their free radical scavenging activity [78].
toxicity and the high incidence of multidrug resistance. Furthermore, ethanolic extracts may protect against radia-
Recent studies revealed a protective effect of thymoqui- tion-induced oxidative damage in mice [79].
none against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity [65–67].
The superoxide scavenging and antilipid peroxidation may Hepatoprotective Activity
explain such effect [67].
Thymoquinone and other NS seed extracts are also known
Cardioprotective Effect of NS Against to have hepatoprotective activity in various settings.
Hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) In an animal study by Yildiz et al. NS treatment was
found to protect the rat liver against hepatic ischemia–
HHcy is associated with higher risks of coronary, periph- reperfusion injury. This may have clinical implications to
eral, and cerebral artery disease through the induction of a some hepatic surgeries and in hepatic transplantation where
pathogenic state of oxidative stress. El-Saleh et al. dem- ischemia reperfusion injuries are considered significant
onstrated that under the state of induced HHcy in rats, there problem [80].
were significant increases in the plasma levels of triglyc- Another recent animal study showed that NS adminis-
erides, lipid peroxidation, and cholesterol and in the tration had protective effects on cholestatic liver injury in
activities of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dis- rats. The authors suggested that the underlying mechanism
mutase with a significant depression of the total antioxidant of action might involve attenuation of enhanced neutrophil
status. All of these effects were almost totally blocked by infiltration and oxidative stress in the liver tissue [81].
prior treatment with thymoquinone or black seed oil [68]. Furthermore, NS and components have been found to
In summary, the beneficial effects of NS, either seeds or protect the liver against the effects of several toxins,
its purified constituent, could be contributed to their cyto- including tert-butyl hydroperoxide, carbon tetrachloride,
protective and antioxidant actions and to their effect on aflatoxin B, and lead [82–85]. The attenuated liver damage
some mediators of inflammation [17]. Table 1 shows the may be due to the decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokines
experimental and clinical data for the effect of NS on the and T-cell proliferation as described by Michel et al. [86].
cardiovascular system. Table 2 summarizes the mechanism Finally, thymoquinone supplementation reduced liver
of actions of NS on the heart. dysfunction induced by endotoxemia in rats, partly via anti-
apoptotic and antioxidant activities. This was proven through
both biochemical and pathological examination [87].
Main Noncardiac Pharmacological Activities of NS
Anti-Inflammatory Activity
Antioxidant Activity
The NS oil and thymoquinone have been found to exhibit
Thymoquinone and NS seed extracts have been shown to potent anti-inflammatory effects on several inflammation-
demonstrate antioxidant property through different mecha- based models through the suppression of prostaglandins
nisms in several recent reports [74, 75]. Thymoquinone and leukotrienes [88]. Asthma and rheumatoid arthritis are
could act as a free radical and superoxide radical scavenger. examples of chronic inflammatory disorders involving a
In addition, it preserves the activity of various antioxidant range of inflammatory mediators and different pathways
enzymes such as catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glu- [4]. In a recent clinical trial, 29 asthmatic adults were
tathione-S-transferase [74]. It has been shown that thymo- randomly divided into two groups; a control group and
quinone could inhibit iron-dependent microsomal lipid treatment group with NS seed extract with a 3-month fol-
peroxidation successfully in rats with doxorubicin-induced low-up. It was observed that asthma symptoms, frequency
hyperlipidemic nephropathy [65, 76]. Sayed-Ahmed and of asthmatic attacks, and pulmonary function test values in
Table 1 Recent clinical and experimental studies for the effect of Nigella sativa on the cardiovascular system
References Type of Study population NS component used Results

Le et al. [35] In vivo Rats Petroleum ether extract of NS for 4 weeks There is a reduction in TG and increase in HDL
Najmi et al. [37] Human 60 pts with metabolic 2 gps; all given metformin and statin NS group shows significant improvement in TC, LDL, and fasting blood
Cardiovasc Toxicol

syndrome while NS oil added in one group for sugar

6 weeks
Qidwai et al. [38] Human 123 pts with dyslipidemia Powdered black seeds in capsules versus Black seeds have favorable effects on almost all lipid variables
Nader et al. [39] In vivo Cholesterol-fed rabbits Propolis or TQ Administration of TQ with cholesterol-enriched diet significantly reduced
TC, LDL-C, and TG, while that increased HDL-C concentration. Early
atherosclerotic changes were observed in high-cholesterol control group
that did not receive TQ
Al-Naqeeb et al. [40] In vivo Rabbits NS seed and oil NS significantly reduced TC and LDL-C and also enhanced HDL-C levels. In
addition, plaque formation was significantly inhibited while the
intima : media ratio was significantly reduced with NS
El-Dakhakhny et al. In vivo Rats Oral NS oil for 4 weeks There is a significant decrease in serum total cholesterol, LDL, and TG and
[41] increase in serum HDL
Zaoui et al. [42] In vivo Rats NS Oil for 12 weeks There is a significant decrease in TC and TG
Bhatti et al. [43] Human 10 pts with NS seed powder for two ms There is a significant reduction in TC, TG, and LDL and increase in HDL-C
Tasawar et al. [45] Human 80 pts with stable CAD Pts were 2 gps, (statin ? NS capsules] NS group had significant decrease in total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides
and (statin only) for 6 ms with significant increase in HDL-C levels compared with the other group.
Dehkordi and Human Pts with mild hypertension Oral NS seed extract supplement Daily use of NS seed extract for 2 months may have a blood pressure-
Kamkhah [46] lowering effect in patients with mild hypertension in addition to significant
decline in TC and LDL-C levels
Khattab and Nagi [56] In vivo NO deficient hypertensive TQ Treatment of rats with TQ decreased the elevated creatinine and increased
rats GSH to normal levels and attenuates hypertension and renal damage in NO
deficient hypertensive rats
El-Bahai et al. [57] In vivo Rats NS oral supplementation (2 months) There is enhanced levels of baseline peak tension, heart rate, and myocardial
flow rate, with significant increase in the tension developed per gram of left
ventricular weight
Al-Hariri et al. [58] In vivo Rats NS oral supplementation (2 ms) There is favorable results of NS supplementation on the intrinsic contractile
properties without evidence of an increased cardiac work load or energy
Boskabady et al. [59] In vitro Guinea pig hearts Aqueous and macerated extracts from NS Extracts from NS reduces heart rate and contractility that was comparable
and even higher than that of diltiazem.
Ebru et al. [63] In vivo Rats NS oil Pretreatment with NS oil reduced the subsequent cyclosporine A
cardiotoxicity, by normalized cardiac histopathology, decrease in lipid
peroxidation, improvement in antioxidant enzyme status and cellular
protein oxidation
Cardiovasc Toxicol

LDL-C low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, TC total cholesterol, HDL-C high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, TG triglycerides, NS Nigella sativa, TQ thymoquinone, NO nitric oxide, pts
the treatment group significantly improved. Moreover, the

increased inotropic properties as well as maximal peak tension generation

TQ attenuates hypercholesterolemic atherosclerosis in addition to a decrease

TQ supplementation resulted in a complete reversal of all the biochemical

Significant decrease in serum LDL-C level and increase in serum HDL-C

Supplementation of oils was effective in reducing the abnormal values of

All doses produced significant reduction in TC, TG, LDL-C. and HDL-C
usage of the conventional medications in the treatment

changes (including creatine kinase and cholesterol levels) induced by

Short duration of NS administration caused moderate hypertrophy and

group decreased, while no changes were noticed in control
group [89].
NS has been found beneficial against rheumatoid

upon progressive cardiac stress by isoproterenol infusion

arthritis in both animal and human studies [90, 91].

cardiac and liver enzymes caused by oxidative stress

Antioxytocic Activity
with no linear dose- or time-dependent effects.

Preliminary reports have suggested that NS oil exhibits a

reversible inhibition of uterine smooth muscle contraction

in serum lipids and oxidative stress

induced by oxytocin stimulation in animals [11].

Immunomodulatory and Cytotoxic Activity

The oil and some of the active ingredients of black seed


showed favorable immunomodulatory properties by aug-

menting the T cell and natural killer cell-mediated immune
responses [88]. The cytotoxic and immune-potentiating
effects of NS have been established in many in vivo and in

vitro studies [74].

The anticancer effects of thymoquinone are probably
Seeds in different doses and durations up

mediated through different mechanisms, which could be

broadly categorized into two modes of action: first, antipro-
liferation and induction of cell death and apoptosis [9, 92, 93],
and second, antimetastasis/antiangiogenesis action [94, 95].
NS fixed oil and essential oil

In addition, it was found to modulate various molecular tar-

gets, including p53, PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog),
NS component used

STAT3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 3),

NS oral for 1 m

PPAR-c, activation of caspases, modulation of lipid peroxi-

to 14 days

dation, and generation of reactive oxygen species [74].

Other studies have also documented the specific effects of
NS oral

NS extracts, especially thymoquinone on multiple targets of



cancer cell lines [9, 94], suggesting that thymoquinone

deserves further extensive investigations for delineating its
role as an anticancer agent [4]. Thymoquinone significantly
decreased the proliferation of human breast, colon, pancreatic,
Study population

lung, and prostate cancer cells and also prevented their

metastasis without affecting normal cell proliferation [74, 96].
Similar effects have been found on acute lymphoblastic leu-

kemia cell lines [97]. Figure 3 shows the effect of thymo-






quinone on the lymphoid system in an experimental study.

The combination of thymoquinone or other NS compo-
nents with conventional chemotherapeutic drugs such as
Type of

In vivo

In vivo

In vivo

In vivo

In vivo

In vivo

cisplatin, ifosfamide, doxorubicin, gemcitabine, and oxa-

patients, gp group, ms months

liplatin could enhance the therapeutic effect as well as

reduces the chemotoxicity [66, 74, 98–101].
Table 1 continued

Ragheb et al. [72]

Sultan et al. [73]

Antimicrobial Activity
Dahri et al. [70]
Nagi et al. [64]

Yar et al. [71]

Ali et al. [69]

NS and its oil exhibited strong antimicrobial activity

against E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and others
[102–104]. The ethanol extract of seeds has inhibited the
Cardiovasc Toxicol

Table 2 Summary of the

Direct effect Indirect effect
effects of Nigella sativa on the
heart Inhibition of plaque formation Antidiabetic effect
Improves endothelial function Prevent and treat metabolic syndrome
Reduces intima/media ratio Reduction in total cholesterol, LDL,
and triglyceride
Inhibits arachidonic acid-induced Increases HDL
platelet aggregation
Reduces elevated heart rate Antioxidant effect
Reduces BP in hypertensive condition Protects against L-NAME-induced
hypertension and renal damage
Inhibitory effect on contractility
Cardioprotection against chemotherapy Protect against hyperhomocysteinemia effects

Fig. 3 The effect of thymoquinone on the lymphoid system in associated lymphoid tissue in the lung in thymoquinone-treated rats
animal. a Hyperplasia in the lymphoid follicle in the spleen white (Courtesy from Haba Al-Azzeh)
bulb in thymoquinone-treated rats. b Hyperplasia in the bronchial-

growth of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus [115, 116]. The seeds have very low degree of toxicity with
[105]. Thymoquinone was also found to prevent bacterial no significant adverse effects on liver or kidney functions;
biofilm formation against 11 human pathogenic bacteria however, two cases of contact dermatitis were detected
[106]. Similarly, antifungal activities of seeds and extracts following topical use in humans [17]. In an animal study,
have been reported in several studies [107, 108]. NS extracts were relatively nontoxic in acute toxicity test,
but the aqueous extract showed possible hepatic adverse
Anthelmintic Activity effects [117].
Zaoui et al. [115] studied the acute and chronic toxicities
NS was shown to have an antiparasitic activity against of NS fixed oil in mice and rats. Changes in key hepatic
tapeworm and schistosomiasis in infected mice [109, 110]. enzymes levels, including aspartate-aminotransferase, ala-
nine-aminotransferase, and gamma-glutamyltransferase
Other Activities and histopathological modifications in the cardiac, hepatic,
renal, and pancreatic tissues were not observed in rats
Other reports include anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, antiuro- treated with NS after 3 months of treatment. Although the
lithiatic, analgesic, and antispasmolytic effects [111–114]. investigators reported a wide margin of safety for thera-
peutic doses of NS fixed oil, the count of leukocytes and
platelets decreased significantly, compared to control val-
Toxicology ues, while hematocrit and hemoglobin levels increased
significantly. In another experimental study, Al-Ali et al.
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Cardiovasc Toxicol

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14. Khan, M. A., Ashfaq, M. K., Zuberi, H. S., et al. (2003). The in
The multiple uses of NS in folk medicine encouraged many vivo antifungal activity of the aqueous extract from Nigella
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