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Hungwei Tseng Chien-Hsin Wang

University of Northern Colorado National Taiwan College of Physical Education

Heng-Yu Ku Ling Sun

University of Northern Colorado Central Taiwan University of Science and

Online instructors today search for ways to engage students in authentic activities in their courses to create
real-world learning experiences. Collaborative grouping is 1 way that instructors promote students' creativity
and productivity during the teamwork process. The present study is an attempt to enhance our understanding
of students' teamwork experiences. The researchers in this study investigated the relationship between collab-
oration factors and teamwork satisfaction among 46 graduate students. Online survey protocol was used to
collect data. Results revealed that the selected collaboration factors jointly accounted for 63% of the variance
in online collaboration satisfaction. "Trust among teammates" and "organization practices" were effective
factors for explaining online collaboration satisfaction. Recommendations for instructors to improve students'
collaboration experiences are provided.

INTRODUCTION village sharing knowledge and exchanging

information with people all around us, near
The rapid development of technology during and far. Lehtinen, Hakkarinen, Lipponen,
recent years has broken down the physical and Rahikainen, and Muukkonen (1999) stated that
temporal barriers of schooling by removing "One of the basic requirements for education
time and space constraints. The evolution and in the future is to prepare leamers for participa-
innovation of the social system have taken tion in a networked, information society in
place by conveying knowledge and experience which knowledge will be the most critical
in the human society. We now live in a global resource for social and economic develop-

• Hungwei Tseng, Educational Technology Program, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado 80639.
Telephone: (626) 348-1114. E-mail:

The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, Volume 10(2), 2009, pp. 195-206 ISSN 1528-3518
Copyright © 2009 Information Age Publishing, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
196 The Quarterly Review ol" Distance Education Vol. 10, No. 2,2009

ment" (p. 2). Working in an online environ- these individuals must come to a common
ment, more and more instructors realize the understanding of the problem, identify what
importance of providing quality feedback, they as a group already know, and focus on
encouraging intrapersonal interactions, and what areas they need to research or investigate
engaging students in meaningful and effective further. They must also come up with a plan of
leaming activities that will prepare them for action and possibly conduct independent work
life in this networked world. that will ultimately affect the rest of the team.
The rapid development of technology has Katzenbach and Smith (1993) defined a
also changed the ways students leam and has collaborative team as a "small number of peo-
shifted students' role towards self-directed ple with complementary skills who are com-
exploration in the online leaming environ- mitted to a common purpose, performance
ment. Current research suggests that an online goal, and approach for which they hold them-
collaborative leaming environment can posi- selves mutually accountable" (p. 45). A leam-
tively affect students' performance on prob- ing group can be defined as a collection of
lem-solving group projects. Uribe, Klein, and individuals who may come from different aca-
Sullivan's (2003) study suggested that com- demic backgrounds, have different leaming
puter-mediated collaborative groups had posi- preferences, and have independent ways of
tive attitudes toward leaming collaboratively sharing ideas and communicating with others.
and performed significantly better than partici- However, the individuals do not become a
pants who worked alone. In addition, a collab- group until they commit to achieve the same
orative environment that encourages clear and goal, create their own scenarios and workflows
strong definitions of the group itself has the toward solving problems, and contribute their
potential to raise group productivity (Lee, abilities and productivity for the group proj-
Rogers, & Postmes, 2002; Thompson & Ku, ects.
The collaborative leaming environment is
Online Collaborative Learning
leamer-centered in nature with the instmctor
giving a certain degree of the autonomy to stu-
dent collaborative groups. Students are then Collaborative grouping in a distance leam-
encouraged to become active agents who will ing environment can promote potentiality, cre-
be discovering and constmcting knowledge by ativity, and productivity during the teamwork
working at their own pace within a problem- processes. Daradoumis and Marques (2000)
solving environment. In collaborative leam- stated that
ing, the aim is not only to help students to pro-
duce successful products but also to ensure collaborative leaming creates the potential
that each group member participate actively in for cognitive and metacognitive benefits ...
the problem-based leaming environment. collaborative leaming promotes affective and
social benefits in distance education. In par-
ticular, it increases the student interest and
Collaborative Learning value that gives to the subject matter. It also
increases positive attitudes and social inter-
Collaborative leaming is defined as "an actions among students, (p. 76).
activity that is undertaken by equal partners
who work jointly on the same problem rather Previous studies (Bruffee, 1999; Johnson &
than on different components of the problem" Johnson, 2000; Panitz, 2001) found that online
(Brandon & Hollingshead, 1999, p. 111). Col- collaborative leaming can benefit students'
laboration involves the interdependence of leaming efficiency and facilitate students' crit-
individuals as they share ideas and reach a con- ical thinking and communication skills. The
clusion or produce a product. Collaboratively, participants in Wang, Poole, Harris, and
Key Factors in Online Collaboration and Their Relationship to Teamwork Satisfaction 197

Wangemann's study (2001) reported that stu- mails from 24 graduate students' virtual team
dents in this learning environment had learned experiences. The researchers identified five
many things, including improved communica- optimal elements in successful online teams,
tion skills, problem-solving strategies, the including providing support, getting
value of teamwork, and the ability to present acquainted, establishing communication,
their ideas and recommendations in the team- building trust, and getting organized. They
work processes. also indicated that these five elements can help
students leam effectively and efficiently in vir-
tual teams to complete the tasks successfully.
Conceptual Frameworks
The first element in creating successfiil
The major theme in Vygotsky's socio-cul- online teams is getting support from the facili-
tural theory of leaming is that human intelli- tator. Oliverr, Omari, and Herrington (1998)
gence originates in the society's learning recommended that online instmctors should
environment, and the individual's growth in "scaffold" their support to assist students.
cognition occurs first through interpersonal According to Waters and Napier (2002), the
rather than intrapersonal situations. One support from instmctors offers encourage-
important aspect of Vygotsky's theory is the ment, guidance, information, and resources to
"Zone of Proximal Development" (ZPD). This team members, thus building a bridge across
is a zone in which a leamer cannot achieve an the members' differences and acting as a ref-
understanding of a new idea or concept unless eree when participants cannot resolve con-
he/she acquires help or feedback from a flicts. The second element for successful
teacher or a peer. Vygotsky (1978) stated that online teams is getting acquainted with team-
the ZPD is the distance between the "actual mates, which is important at the beginning in
developmental level as determined by inde- the online leaming environment. According to
pendent problem solving" and the higher level Daradoumis and Xhafa (2005), "A leaming
of "potential development as determined group is considered to be viable if each mem-
through problem solving under adult guidance ber has reached a fairly deep degree of
or in collaboration with more capable peers" acquaintance with the other members' pro-
(p. 86). In Vygotsky's view, peer interaction is files" (p. 227). For instance, teammates could
an important way to facilitate individual cogni- share personal and cultural information, such
tive growth and knowledge acquisition. as information about personal beliefs, back-
Vygosky's idea assumes that because of ground, interests, family life, technical skills,
engagement in collaborative activities, indi- and expectations of the team. Sharing personal
viduals can master something they could not and cultural information with each other
do before the collaboration. In other words, enables team members to open communication
collaboration is more a matter of participation channels (Waters & Napier, 2002).
in a social process to constmct new knowledge
The third element in creating successfiil
and cognition growth than an individual
online teams is establishing communication.
endeavor (Lipponen, 2002).
Clear communication is fundamental for all
aspects of online teams, and typically, teams
Collaboration Factors that do not clearly communicate their goals
may be fraught with disagreement about prior-
Waters and Napier's (2002) study provided ities and processes for accomplishing objec-
an overview of one method for optimizing and tives (Yukl, 1994).
organizing online collaboration. They col- The fourth element for successfiil online
lected both quantitative and qualitative data teams is building tmst among teammates.
from pre- and post-teamwork surveys, elec- Teams that tmst each other feel that they are
tronic chatrooms and forum postings, and e- working towards the same goal and make their
198 The Quarterly Review of Distance Education Vol. 10, No. 2, 2009

best efforts to promote successful teamwork iti pus connectedness, academic classroom com-
order to earn trust from one another. The trust munity, and effective group processing.
among teammates can be built "through shar- Johnson and Johnson (2000) defined an
ing one's thoughts, ideas, conclusions, and effective team as "A group that meets all the
feelings and having the other group members criteria for being an effective group and out-
respond with acceptance, support, and recipro- performs all reasonable expectation, given its
cation of disclosures" (Johnson & Johnson, membership" (p. 22). Group efficacy has been
2000, p. 32). described as "a group's sense of its capacity to
Finally, the fifth element in creating suc- complete a task successfully or to reach its
cessful online teams is getting organized. Set- objectives" (Whiteoak, Chalip, & Hort, 2004,
ting a team agreement at the beginning of the p. 158). In the present study, group efficacy
course can help teams resolve conflicts and was defined operationally as having all team
encourage participants to agree to respect their members take personal responsibility for
collaborative construction (Brown, Eastham, working together to accomplish the team's
& Ku, 2006). Selecting a capable team leader goals and help to increase the effectiveness of
cati help teams develop manageable directions how the group collaborates. Even though the
and unique patterns of workfiow which may theoretical framework behind these collabora-
save time and diminish different cultural per- tion factors seems sound in terms of logic and
ceptions among team members. Waters and practical considerations, research has yet to
Napier (2002) suggested that several factors empirically test these factors and ascertain the
could facilitate a team's efficiency with verbal relative importance of each. As a result, a psy-
communications: establishing protocols for chometrically sound measure of collaboration
responding to each other's correspondence in factors is not available to educators and
terms of frequency and timeliness; editing, researchers. The present study was an attempt
naming, dating, and tracking document; and to develop such a measure by the authors,
creating meeting schedules and agendas. namely a Collaboration Attitude Scale that can
help better understand students' perceptions of
the teamwork experience.
Rationale of the Study
In addition, a perspective lacking in the lit-
Students do not become collaborators erature concerns the relationship of the effi-
merely by being grouped into teams. Effective cient teamwork processes to improving the
collaboration involves a set of important skills students' performance and collaborative satis-
that need to be learned and cultivated, espe- faction with the virtual teams. The reviews of
cially in the isolated environment of online literature in the field of collaborative leaming
leaming (Waters & Napier, 2002). Varied con- reveal that researchers are measuring the effec-
structs have been identified as impacting the tiveness of teamwork from two different per-
collaborative team's performance and satisfac- spectives: teamwork performance and
tion. For example, Shaw and Barrett-Power teamwork satisfaction. The quality of prob-
(1998) explored the effect of diversity on lem-solving tasks and products are defined as
group processes and performance. Kitchen and the degree to which the outcome meets
McDougall (1998) found that students enjoy required criteria set by the instmctor to indi-
working collaboratively in the group more as cate teamwork performance. For the present
the process forces them to interact with team study, leamers' satisfaction involved three per-
members in the construction of knowledge. In spectives: satisfaction with group processes,
addition. Summers, Beretvas, Svinicki, and satisfaction with online collaborative leaming
Gorin (2005) assessed the effects of collabora- environment, and satisfaction with peer inter-
tive group-learning methods based on three actions. In collaborative leaming, the aim is
specific dependent variables: feelings of cam- not just to help students to produce successful
Key Factors in Online Collaboration and Their Relationship to Teamwork Satisfaction 199

products but to ensure that each group member recmited from the graduate programs of edu-
participates in the problem-based leaming cation and nursing. Forty-six participants com-
environment and contributes equally. In partic- pleted the online surveys. Of the 46
ular, the factors contributing to team satisfac- respondents, 18 (39%) were male and 28
tion and performance with collaborative (61%) were female. There were 28 participants
leaming strategies in the online collaborative who had taken at least one online course prior
leaming environment have not been clearly to the current semester.
understood and studied.
Purpose of the Study
Online surveys were used to collect data in
The purpose of this study was to investigate this study. The self-developed questionnaire
the degree of relationship between teamwork used in this study was composed of two major
satisfaction and collaboration factors including parts: online collaboration attitude and team-
support from the facilitator, acquaintance with work satisfaction.
teammates, clear communication, trust among Collaboration Attitude Scaie: The 20-item
teammates, and team's organization practices. Collaboration Attitude Scale was developed
Moreover, this study investigated team mem- based on Waters and Napier's (2002) five col-
bers' attitudes toward online collaborative laboration factors model, including "providing
leaming experience. The research questions support," "getting acquainted," "establishing
that guided the investigation were as follows: communication," "building trust," and "getting
organized." An instmctor with over three years
1. What are the factors that underlie collab- teaching experience with online collaboration
orative leaming components as measured courses reviewed the scale and concluded that
by the Collaborative Attitude Scale? the Collaboration Attitude Scale items
2. Is teamwork satisfaction related to the refiected the collaboration content domain and
extracted online collaboration factors? was appropriate in the online learning context.
3. How much of the variance in teamwork There are four items in each subscale of the
satisfaction can be explained by the Collaboration Attitude Scale, and all items are
extracted online collaboration factors? measured on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging
from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongiy
agree). Sample questions included "My team
It was hypothesized that groups receiving
members share cultural information to know
more support from the facilitator, getting bet-
each other better," "Communicating with team
ter acquainted with teammates, establishing
members regularly helps me to understand the
clearer communication among teammates,
team project," and "I tmst each team member
building more tmst and having better organiza-
can complete his/her work on time."
tion practices would have greater satisfaction
with online collaboration experiences. Teamwork Satisfaction Scale: The 10-item
Teamwork Satisfaction Scale was developed
to measure students' working experiences with
METHOD their team members (see Table 1). All items
are measured on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging
Participants from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly
agree). Sample questions included "I really
The participants were graduate students like working in collaborative groups with my
enrolled in online courses that involved a col- teammates," "I like solving problems with my
laborative setting at a Midwestem university in team members in group projects," and "1 have
the United States. The participants were benefited from interacting with my team-
200 The Quarterly Review of Distance Education Vol. 10, No. 2, 2009

Teamwork Satisfaction Scale

Survey Items

1. I really like working in collaborative group with my teammates.

2. I like solving problems with my teammates in group projects.
3. Interacting with the other members can increase my motivation to learn.
4. I have benefited from interacting with my teammates.
5. I have benefited from my teammates' feedback.
6. I enjoy the experience of collaborative leaming with my teammates.
7. Online teamwork promotes creativity.
8. Working with my team has better project quality than working in individual.
9. My team members are sharing knowledge during the teamwork processes.
10. I gain online collaboration skills from the teamwork processes.

mates." Exploratory factor analysis by princi- ysis. First, an exploratory factor analysis was
pal component extraction indicated that only employed to construct validity that seeks to
one factor had an Eigenvalue greater than 1.0, uncover the underlying structure of a rela-
with a total of 72.61% variance explained. The tively large set of variables. The criteria used
internal consistency of the Teamwork Satisfac- for determining number of factors were based
tion Scale was excellent, having Cronbach's on examination of Eigenvalue > 1.0, Cattell's
alpha of .96. scree plot, and salient loadings of > .4. Sec-
ond, a multivariate correlational analysis was
Sampling Design and Procedures performed to test the degree of the relationship
between the variables being studied. Third, a
To obtain a representative sample from the multiple regression analysis was conducted to
target population, a convenience sampling pro- investigate the extent to which facilitators'
cedure was utilized to select the research par- support, acquaintance with teammates, clear
ticipants for the current study. First, a list of communication, trust among teammates, and
instructors who implement collaborative prob- general collaboration skills explain the satis-
lem-based leaming in online courses in five faction of online collaboration. Specifically,
colleges across campus was acquired from the the F test was employed to test whether this
administrator of the Blackboard Technical set of five regressors collectively explained a
Support Center. An e-mail that included the significant proportion of the variance in the
purpose of this study was sent to the instmctors
satisfaction of online collaboration; the R-
of 116 online courses in order to solicit agree-
square was used to determine how much vari-
ment for using their students as participants in
ance in the satisfaction of online collaboration
this study. Then, students were asked to use a
was explained by the five regressors in the
Web link to access the online survey. Partici-
model. In addition, post-hoc procedures,
pants were asked to fill out the online survey
involving five individual / tests, were utilized
system with two scales included.
to examine whether facilitators' support,
acquaintance with teammates, clear communi-
Data Analysis cation, trust among teammates, and general
The data analysis in this study involved collaboration skills were effective regressors
exploratory factor analysis, multivariate corre- in explaining the satisfaction of online collab-
lational analysis, and multiple regression anal- oration.
Key Factors in Online Collaboration and Their Relationship to Teamwork Satisfaction 201

RESULTS The internal consistency of each Collabora-

tion Attitude Scale factor was estimated by
Research question one was formulated to Cronbach's reliability alpha (Cronbach, 1951).
examine factors underling collaborative leam- The results revealed that the internal consis-
ing components as measured by the Collabora- tency was acceptable for four of the Collabora-
tive Attitude Scale. Exploratory factor analysis tion Attitude Scale factors, having Cronbach's
by principal component extraction and promax alphas of .74 (Facilitator), .74 (Communica-
rotation indicated that five factors were tion), .75 (Acquaintance), and .78 (Trust),
extracted with a total of 80.61% variance respectively. The Organization factor con-
explained. Items with loadings equal to or tained only one item, and thus was not appro-
greater than .40 without double loadings were priate for the estimation of Cronbach's alphas.
included in the same factor. Based on the No deletion of any scale item would result in
loaded items, the predominant factor was an improvement of Cronbach's alpha. The
termed "Trust" (items 14 and 15) and opera- finalized Collaboration Attitude Scale con-
tionally defined as "sharing one's thoughts, tained five factors with a total of 13 items,
ideas, conclusions, and feelings in the team including three items on the Facilitator factor,
three items on the Acquaintance factor, three
and having the other team members respond
items on the Communication factor, two items
with acceptance, support and reciprocation of
on the Trust factor, and one item on the Orga-
disclosures." The second factor was termed
nization factor.
"Acquaintance" (items 5, 6, and 13) and oper-
ationally defined as "team members share per- Research question two was formulated to
sonal and cultural information, such as investigate whether teamwork satisfaction is
personal beliefs, background, interests, family related to the extracted collaboration factors.
life, technical skills, and expectations of the The results revealed that all collaboration fac-
team." The third factor was termed "Organiza- tors were positively correlated with teamwork
satisfaction and four of the five collaboration
tion" (item 19) and operationally defined as
factors were significantly correlated with
"the team should establish protocols for
teamwork satisfaction, except for the supports
responding to each other's correspondence in
from facilitators. The highest correlation was
terms of frequency and timeliness; editing,
found between teamwork satisfaction and clear
naming, dating, and tracking document; and communication (r = .64), followed by trust
creating meeting schedules and agendas." The among teammates (r = .63), organization prac-
fourth factor was termed "Communication" tices (r = .63), acquaintance with teammates (r
(items 4, 10, and 11) and operationally defined = .53), and facilitators' supports {r = .10).
as "the open communication channel among Table 3 illustrates the bivariate correlations
team members so no one is hesitant to express between teamwork satisfaction and the collab-
or share his/her thought to the team." The fifth oration factors.
factor was termed "Facilitator" (items 1, 2, and
Research question three was formulated to
3) and operationally defined as "the supports
explore the explanation of teamwork satisfac-
from facilitator that offer encouragement, tion through the online collaboration factors.
guidance, information, and resources to team The standard multiple regression analysis was
members building the bridge upon the mem- performed to investigate the extent to which
bers' differences and acting as a referee when facilitators' supports, acquaintance with team-
they cannot resolve confiicts." Items 7, 8, 9, mates, clear communication, tmst among
12, 16, 17, 18, and 20 were deleted because teammates, and organization practices contrib-
they were double-loaded on the extracted fac- uted to the explanation of online collaboration
tors or were not well interpreted by the factor satisfaction. The results revealed that this set
solution (see Table 2 for factor loadings). of five variables contributed significantly to
202 The Quarterly Review of Distance Education Vol. 10, No. 2, 2009

Standardized Factor Loading of the Collaboration Attitude Survey

Items Fl F2 F3 F4 F5

14. My team members reply to all responses in a timely .890

15. I trust each team member can complete his/her work on .819
5. My team members share cultural information to know .890
each other better.
6. My team members share personal information to know .827
each other better.
13. My team members leam how other members wish to be .773
treated and then act accordingly.
19. My team has an efficient way to track the edition of .796
4. My team is receiving feedback from each other. .885
10. My team members communicate in a courteous tone. .837
11. Communicating with team members regularly helps me .676
to understand the team project.
3. The support from the instructor helps my team to .894
reduce anxiety among team members.
1. My team is receiving guidance in the group project .830
from the instructor.
2. The instructor acts as a referee when our members can- .773
not seem to resolve differences.
Eigenvalues 11.37 2.55 2.11 1.33 1.16
Variance explained 47.39% 10.62% 8.77% 5.54% 4.82%
Note: Fl : Trust. F2: Acquaintance. F3: Organization. F4: Communication. F5: Facilitator.

Intercorrelations of the Collaboration Factors With Teatnwork Satisfaction

Scale 1

1. Facilitators' supports --
2. Acquaintance with teammates .07 --
3. Clear communication .14 .62** --
4. Trust among teammates .06 .55** .69** --
5. Organization practices .08 .24 .50** .36*
6. Teamwork satisfaction .10 .53** .64** .63*' .63**

Note: */)<.O5. **p<.OI.

the explanation of online collaboration satis- tion practices, i(40) = 3.80,/? < .05, were effec-
faction and accounted for 63% of the variance tive explanatory variables of online
in online collaboration satisfaction, R^ = .63, collaboration satisfaction [Table 4 displayes
F(5, 40) = 13.35,/7 < .05. Post-hoc coefficient the unstandardized regression coefficients (5),
examination further indicated that trust among the standard error of B {SE B), and the stan-
teammates, /(40) = 2.15,p< .05, and organiza- dardized regression coefficients (ß)]. Positive
Key Factors in Online Collaboration and Their Relationship to Teamwork Satisfaction 203

Summary of Regression Analysis for Variables Explaining Online Teamwork Satisfaction

Variable B SEB ß
Facilitators' supports -.03 .12 -.02
Acquaintance with teammates .12 .21 .09
Clear communication .24 .14 .21
Trust among teammates .25 .12 .30
Organization practices .42 .11 .43

Note: *p < .05.

ß value indicated that an individual would feel accurate when its members are working col-
more satisfied with the collaborative experi- laboratively (Deutsch, 1973; Johnson & John-
ence if he or she possessed a higher level of son, 1989). If individuals like each other and
organization practices, ß value of .43 ñirther communicate frequently, they become more
inferred that one standard deviation change on willing to respond helpfully to each other's
organization practices would associate with wants, needs, and requests. Even though con-
.43 unit standard deviation change on team- fiicts occur, team members tend to recognize
work satisfaction. Likewise, an individual each other's personality and how individuals
would feel more satisfied with the collabora- wish to be treated in collaborative situations.
tive experience if he or she had more tmst built Thus, confiicts tend to be defined as mutual
among teammates. It was also inferred that one problems to be solved in ways that benefit
standard deviation change on tmst among everyone involved (Johnson & Johnson,
teammates would associate with .30 unit stan- 2000).
dard deviation change on teamwork satisfac- Surprisingly, the results of this study did
tion. not provide strong support for the relationship
between facilitator's support and teamwork
satisfaction (r = .10). This finding was differ-
DISCUSSION AND ent from Hara and Kling's (2000) study that a
RECOMMENDA TIONS lack of support from the instmctor resulted in
anxiety and fmstration among students and
It was hypothesized that groups receiving affected team effectiveness. A plausible expla-
more support from the facilitator, getting more nation would be that the group members
acquainted with teammates, building more seemed to resolve problems or different leam-
tmst, having clearer communication among ing styles on their own rather than relying on
teammates, and involving better organization the facilitator's intervention. In the collabora-
practices would have greater satisfaction with tive leaming environment, students are the
online collaboration experiences. In this study, center of leaming. Students are the active
the strongest relationship was found between agents and have the ownership of teamwork
clear communication and teamwork satisfac- projects that they are purposefully discovering
tion (r = .64), which suggested that group and constmcting knowledge within a problem-
members who communicated clearly will have solving environment. As student-centered
better understanding of teamwork tasks and activities are facilitated by emerging online
have stronger team commitment. Consistent leaming technology, the instmctor's role is pri-
with previous studies, a team's communication marily to observe, monitor, coexplore, facili-
tends to be more frequent, open, complete, and tate, and provide information (Harasim et al..
204 The Quarterly Review of Distance Education Vol. 10, No. 2, 2009

1995; Teles et al., 2001). Thus, the online determine individual tasks, and divide respon-
instructors should find ways to create an atmo- sibilities. These efforts facilitate not only the
sphere wherein students will trust their team formation of collaboration style and a commu-
members and will respect the abilities of other nication channel within the group but also
members. The instructors should also act as a members' agreement on conflict-resolving and
referee in resolving relationship conflicts and working norms. As far as trust among team-
as a help provider in negotiating with the free mates is concemed, building up a dynamic
rider in the teams. Another consideration interactive environment and atmosphere is par-
towards an interpretation of the fmding is that ticularly important. Instructors can apply pre-
facilitator's support does not influence team- project activities, such as weekly thematic dis-
work satisfaction directly; rather, it has a medi- cussion, that will lead students to share their
ating effect. By receiving encouraging personal backgrounds which in tum will build
comments and timely feedback from the facil- understanding and trust among themselves.
itator, students can feel that they are in a safe
With regard to the limitations of the study,
online leaming environment. Thus, they will
the researchers were concemed about the fol-
have higher level of motivation to engage
lowing two issues. First, this study was con-
social interactions with their team members
ducted with graduate students during one
and to participate in the teamwork process.
semester at a single institution. Caution should
This study also set out to achieve a more be taken in generalizing from this study to stu-
comprehensive understanding of students' sat- dents enrolled in different courses or studying
isfaction with online collaborative leaming by at different institutions. Second, 46 subjects
measuring facilitators' support, acquaintance were not enough for standard regressions.
with teammates, clear communication, trust Based on a medium effect size (R^ = ,13) and
among teammates, and organization practices
five independent variables. Green's (1991)
during the collaborative leaming processes.
rule of thumb for determining regression sam-
We were able to account for 63% of the vari-
ple sizes N indicated that the necessary sample
ance in online collaboration satisfaction by
size for this study was 89, Further research
using the five collaboration factors. The results
could be conducted with a larger group and by
also suggested that "organization practices"
considering other factors, such as leaming
and "trust among teammates" were the two
motivation, conflict management, and the
most effective variables explaining the team-
leadership of group leaders. Further research is
work satisfaction of online collaboration. This
also needed to determine the different compo-
finding resonated with those studies on leam-
nents of leaming motivation, such as intrinsic
ing in group settings where trust is important to
successful group leaming to occur (Allen, Ber- motivation, extrinsic motivation, and aca-
gin, & Pickar, 2004; Costa, 2003). demic self-concept that might influence the
teamwork project's success in the online col-
The results have practical implications for
laborative leaming environment.
instructors who are planning to employ online
collaborative leaming components. In an
attempt to enhance the satisfaction level of
online collaboration, online course instructors
can focus on developing strategies to promote
Allen, K., Bergin, R., & Pickar, K. (2004). Explor-
the significant collaboration factors. To help
ing trust, group satisfaction, and performance in
students get organized with their collaboration, geographically dispersed and co-located univer-
instructors may provide clearly-addressed sities technology commercialization teams.
project descriptions and grading rubrics. Being Retrieved December 10, 2006, from http://nciia
able to envision the teamwork project's out- .org/conf_04/proceedings_04/htmldocs/papers/
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