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FINISHED PLAN NEO#4/072/4073- LOADING MANUAL (INCL. TRIM, STABILITY & ”* LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH CALCULATION) ANNA-LOFEE- [_ANWA-REGINA | SANNA=THERESA- [isis technical document Te the property jrtong 0200 i Sip Excimer ine fa, Lea ray not be copied nor disclosed to any third party without NAKS's prior] ritten consent. “WG. “NO. H-12 ‘SCALE: — 8 NO. : — vere WERE ona _ (Gai ie tons \ HULL DESIGNING DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL DIVISION NANTONG COSCO KHI SHIP ENGINEERING CO., LTD. NTONG CHINA Tango SETS WELBE GOVT eS 4-2) Wl Perticulers () General omer [snaroatK_Slumerthal Gath & Ga Ke Builder anton 60800 WH Ship Engineering God Tull Neore Ship Rane [anes Const. date _[zo08-6-20 Kool Tald _/po1o-e-26 ate] Launching [2010-54 Sea trial _fent0-e-18 ~ Delivery ln10-6 ~ | Clatsification TGS: BO-A “Strenethened for Heavy Cargaes Nos.2 and 4 Holds may be expty", ESP, (S-DA & PSD se 0), (PSD, (8) Nationality wut Port of registry \LLETTA Official nuaber _[— Signal letter waar — 10 nunor evszers Service route {owen going (Internationa) Kind of cares Goal, Grain, Ore & Stee} hot coil Kind of ship Bulk Carrier Flush decker type with forecartle) and shall have @ vertlol| Type of ship stem, transom storm, clear water type (atringr type) stern ‘rane, single ruider with rudder bulb with fine ard single sorew driven by a slow epeed diesel engine _] cy [tnternationat | =a. SD 4 (@ Principal dinensions Length over al Loa [ad 189.90» ¢ 623.03 rt) Length between perpendiculars | L.p.p. 15,00 (608,98 Ft) Breadth moul dod Bale 2.26 (106.84 ft] Depth moulded Dale W809 ( $8.40 ft) Design ératt oul ed Wt (86.42 ft) extreme tan (36.49 ft) Summer draft moulded 1260 n ( 4.01 ft) extrene 1282.n (41.08 tt) Rogistered Lenath 185.00 ( #06.06 Ft) Breadth 2.26 9 ( 105.84 ft)| Depth v7.80 1 ¢ $8.40 ft) Draft 1250 8 ¢ a1.or ft) Freeboard Lenath 185.00 ( $06.96 ft) Breeeth 32,26 9 (105.86 ft) Depth (o)| s+ 17.819 » (68.48 f2)| plate = 22 mm board deck stringer plate = 26 1m (actual) ee saeight particulars ( Sumer freeboard ) ® Depth moulded ‘Thickness of upper deck stringer plat 0.026 Thickness of keel plete 0022 a “Total desth tron botton of Keel > 17.848 @ ‘to top of upper deck stringer plate ew 2m a8 E - 1 |ss sa «om 7 PUTE 5 Bow =F zone samen | rrorion | MER | raest | wen es Total oth | 1048 Freeboard [nm] 6.026 | S085 | 4.790 | 5.040 | 5.606 Draft oxtroso[m| 12.522 | 12792 | 12.000 | 12.006 | 12.202 Lichtwolaht 80 36,089 | 56.555 | 56,528 | 65,00 | 58,025 ur[_ 64.219 | #6.062 | 5.630 | 54.221 | 52.78 Displacenont [+ | 4.449 | 66.015 | 66.080 | 64.451 | 62,005 ® ® Dead ight (Ur = 1.016047 t ) ©) LO’ & VOG of Lightweight [Tektersnt | tao eT Ue fron 1g (oe | 07h Te FED Vet above BL ra Toss 02 FE) (@) Main engine CHNESE-UA BAN GSEOH0-¢ Type x ne eet) Tworstroke cycle, sigle astine. eroshend, direct reversible type ratine diesel engine with exaust gat turbocharger fox, continuous otput (HKD ) 6,200 KH Gs) x 110 roe Normal cutout (85.8 00 ) 6,970 KE Ge) x abt. 104 roe ) Propel ier ee [he sot of Tne peak repair Tuber of bladed Five @ Diente eon Pitch (at OR) | Pitch ratio-at 0-7} Boss ratio Haterial of proceller Shaft CL. hart 3.222 m (above batten of heal at AP.) (©) Rudder Tipe he) ot _af sariner Ope — Tel ght | 9.000 w Breadth (ean), | 4.647» = Wax, thioiress [1.0008 Rudder area (total) AM) | 49,600 a2 Horn part ‘AGO | — 6.640 n2 Movable part ——Ate) | 3835-0 Wovable fore part A(t) | 9,875 02 ovable-aft_part —A(a)—| 28 $80.2 Balance ratio AGH/A(a) | — 172.600 7 ‘apect Fario G/B, 1857 Woving range oF raider 35° on each olde Rudder rea ratio WAT.OT CUPP = 500m, a= TO) CA Lp xd (esi) 1-8) Notice for Ship Operation (1 Streneth 1) Goneral Excessive str ‘the cargoes, fu iy be caused depending o1 the loading condition of ll, water ballast, ete Thacafore, haforn lnading/ininading then, it shall be confirmed hat the stresses in the intended condition will be within allorabte limit. On every loading conditions, bending moment and shearing force must be less than their permiscible values which hive been indicated by the Classification Seciety Allowable bending moment and shearing force : Rafer to page 4-4. 2) Longitudinal strength calculation by manual A sinplified mathod to calculate bending mnent and shearing force by manual has been introduced in chapter {Data for longitudinal strength calculation 2) Loeding Computer The ship(s) has bean provided a loading comuter, and it shall be approved by the classification society of The loading computer can be used to calculste all these bending sonent, shearing forces and stabl ity in actual sevice condition. The master and officers should confirm tha: the intended loading condition will satisfy the allowable limits for longitudinal strangth and stability 4) Standard loading condition Designed typical service loading conditions of this ship presents Jn chapter [5] Trim, stability and longitudinal strength calculation for standard loading condition, ail @ stability Minimum intact stabi ity requirenent by INO Resolution A.749(%8) aust be twplied for any loading conditions. Stab lity criteria required by IND Resolution A.749(18) are show In chapter (3) Trim and stability, iten 3-1) The stability of loading condition should be judged by initial ratacentric height Gol A diagren of Minimam GoM hes been provided as shoan on page 3-7, conplyine with abovorantionad applicable stability requirenents. ‘hon the Goll Ie within “Sufficlent zone” in this diagran, the loading fonditien can satisfy all relevant stability requirements of 10 In any stage of sen going conditions including ballastine and bal latting operation, the calculated Gol must be nat lest than the required ‘he stability during cargo handling is also very lnportant. Therefore, prior to cargo loading/inloading, the officers shall check and confirm whether the vecee| can maintain adequate stability during cargo handling Before departure from a port, It shall be confiraed whether the stability on arrival condition is sufficient or not. If the stability on arrival condition Is not sufficient, the ballast filling and/or discharging shall be carried out to maintain adequate stability during the voyase condition and arrival condition. of stability, all hatehes, door. ventilation heads and air tunad to be closed and secured weathertight in proper way Consequently, weathertight of main hull and superstructure mist be kept sand mairtained all tines at 2) Damage stability This ship must comly with reauironent of “Subdivision and Danage Stability of Cargo Ship” regulation 25-8 of Chapter H-1,8-1 of SOUS 1074, From the results of danage stability calculation, this ship fulfiII all the survival requirenent of sbov. Following drawing is to be referred Tit WHIT” ——_Danage Stability Calculation (2 Stability 1) Intact stability Minimu intact stability roquirenent by IMD Resolution A.749(58) mus: be plied for any leading conditions. Stability criteria required by IMO Resolution A.749(18) are shown in chapter (9] Tr and stability, itam 31) The stability of oading condition should be Judged by initial imctacentrie height Gok ‘A diagran of Minimum Gol has been provided as shown on page $-7 ‘caplying with abavenantioned applicable stability requirenents, hen the Gol ie within “Sufficient zone” in this diagram, the loading condition can satisfy all relevant stability requiresente of INO In any stage of s0a going conditions including ballasting and debal lasting operation, tho calculated Gal nust be not less then ‘the required The stabi lity during cargo handling Is also very lnportant, Therefore, prior to cargo loading/unloading, the officers shall check ‘and confirm shathir tho vessal can mintsin adequete stability during ‘argo handling Before departure from a port, It shall be confirmed whether the stability ‘on arrival condition is sufficient or not. If the stability on arrival Gondition is not sufficient, the ballast filling and/or discharging shall be carried out to maintain adequate stability dering the vovsse andition and arrival condition, stion of stability, all hatches, door, vent! ation Heads and eit ‘assuned to be closed and secured weatherti¢ht in proper wa. Consequently, weathertight of main hull and superstructure must be lapt and waintained al\ tines at see 2 Danage stability This chip sust comply with requirement of “Subdivision and Danage Stability of Carge Ship” rogulation 25-8 of Chapter I-1,8-1 of SOLAS 1074, From the results of danage stability calculation, this ship fulfill all the survival tequivenent of above Following drawing is to be referred TAG.NO. Darage Stability Calculation — @ cargo The cargo shell be grain, cosl, ore and steel het coil han carrying grain cargoes in bulk, the ship's intact stability must tet the additional special reauirenents according to Chapter VI “carriage of Cargoes” of SOLAS, 1994 anf “International Grain Code (QMO res. WSC. 29(58)". ( Rafer to separate drawing ) it. itle HI6 Grain Loading Book lat Ship's draught 1) Maxum draft Allonable naxinun draft extreme of the ship is 12.622 9 at summer ich has been assigned by the classification society In ool tance with International Convention on Laed Line, 1866 This draft is so called of Type 8 ship. 2 Forward draft The botton longitudinal and botton shell plating in the forward region have been approved for ainimun draught forward of 4,182 n(ex.). (Refer to standard losding conditions Page 6-19 ~ 5-23 ) 3 Aft draft The aft draft ie recommended not to be lass than epproxinetely 6.90 m (1/0 = 508) in view of proper propel ier immersion WL = 509 propeller (©) Nusher of slack tanks ‘The ounber of slack tarks should be kept to a aininun because the free surface manent of inertia in tanks has en adverse effect on ship's stability 110 (@ Strength design base of cargo hold 1) Bulk leading Gonogensous loading) st draught = 12.50 8 ™Stovage factor of bulk abt. 45.5 of/LT (Including hattway volume) 2) Grain loading at draught = 12.50 m GWlos.1, 2, 4 and 5 care0 holds loading and No.3 cargo hold slack "'Stowage factor of grain abt, 42 of/LT (Including hatchuay volume) (Ws. 1, 9, and 5 cargo holds loading and No.2 and 4 cargo holds stack Stowage factor of grain: abt. 42.5 ef/LT (Including hatciway volume) 8) Alternate ore loading at draught = 12,50 m (los.2 and 4 cargo holds empty) No.3 cargo hold loading and No.1 and § cargo holds slack * Stowage factor of ore abt. 24 of/LT (Inoluding hatchway volune) © Hold bal sting in No.3 Cargo hold. 8.1. Wo.3 cargo hold shall be designed as a vater ballast tank Ballast water shall be 100 X of the hold height at open sea 5) Local strength of tank top (2 Cargo hold tank too FOR Loa TW Cer Zi W0:2°€: até | NO; 3-€: Hold 255 WO ¢- Bale TH WO-5-C. Hold Zl Wotes 1 Tari top in each cargo fold sal! be of axle load of about 38't (Port use only), (@) Heavier grebe ‘he maximum unladen weight of grab is recomended to be 18 tomes This welght does not preclude the use of heavier grabs, but is intended 45 an indication to the Mastor of the increace risk of local danage and the possibility of accelerated diminution of the plating thickness if grabs heavier than this are used rogularly to discharge oargo, (@ Stee! coll [MO CRIS [16 tx 20 eTere wth (@ Haton cover (rT ——————} [TREES |—" 0 wi “Tae | | + ? be AFT Ew 440 wisi? 4.49 t/a oH SES S50 © Ballasting to Wo.3 CH/8.T. © No.8 Hold is designed and outfitted for use as water ballast filling told In bal lasted condition, hon the Ned Hold is used for dry cargoes ‘e. 4. coal), watertieht cover of bilge wells in this hold should be renoved and euetion wall in thie hold should be closed vith watertight cover. hen the No.3 Hold is used for ballast ater filling hold, watertight cover of suction wall in this hold should be removed and bilee wells In this hold should be closed with the watertight cover. Rose bor (strainer) for ballast sunps shoule be fitted properly. Yen No.3 hold Is used ae water ballast tanh, open all ventilators of No.3 hold before starting the ballasting or debal last ing procedure Koop then close during navigation when water ballast is boine carried in hold. It should te noted that bal lasting or debal lasting operation of No.8 Wold must be carried out when sea is celn No.3 Wold is must be kept filled up to deck head whenever used as ballast filling hold in ee8 going condition. (® Caution for Ventilators on No.9 cargo hatch cover 1) AIL ventilators should Be kept “Open” ur ine ballact ing and Asbal lasting operation to prevent danage to tha hatch cover ue to over pressure or vacuun pressure of such oparation 2) If the to.3 cergo hold Is used as ballast held, itens below should be considered + The ballast water stould alvays be at its full (Cabove upper deck level) at sea going + All ventilators should be kept “Close” in order to protect discharge of the ballast water during navigation. This is inportant to prevent “Sloshing” due to decrease of water 4) If the No.3 cargo hold is used as the dry cargo hold, at least one (1) Ventilator should be keot “Open” o ao ap Hull strength when one (1) hold danaged and flooded Results of bending manent and shearing force when each one (i) hold anaged and flooded are presented in chapter (6) Fron the results of 1 hold danage stability caleulatior, this ship fulfill 11 the survival requlrenent of IGS UR S17, S18 S20, Loading and Unloading Sequence Typical example of loading and unioading sequence of full load hanogentous. alternate condition and two (2) port loading condition are described in the following drawing as a guidance. iG... Title HeI2h——_Leading/ioedine Sequence When actual loading/unloading conditions, i.e. cargo weight, draft, ballast distributions, loading/unloading rate, ete, differ fron this exemple, the master should prepare the new sequence of loading/ Unloading taking also into account of bending monent end ehearing force of hull structural and hold botton stress Limit of bending morent and shearing force and losd on double bottom In harbor oan be applicable during loading/unloading operation. Bal lasting Exchange sequence here the ballast water in tank ig required to exchange completely at sea before entering territorial waters of the calling port procedure of ballast exchange should be studied well in advance Since weather and sea condition nay prevent from doing ballast/ debal last operation in freehand manne. Typical procedure for ballast exchange sequence at ees in normal ballast condition are described in the following drawing es an exanple io. tle —" Ballast water management plan At every step of ballasting/debal lasting operation, stability and strength requirenant are satisfied in this example, Ballasting Pump Capacity Two @ sets of 850 ai/hour ( Total 1,700 n3/hour ) bel last pune tre provided, ‘han scheduling loading/unloading, the ballasting punp capacity should be taken into considaration properly in addition to the loader/unloader rate — 92) thers 4) Confirmation of the 0; consisteney Asfore entering into the double bottan p pe passsse, upper stool, lover stool and void space adjacent to cargo hold or void space, jt te necessary to confirm the O; content If nacessery, their spaces must be adoqu verti lated before entar ing 2) Gowversion, modification and ete. In ace that the door sill height, hatch coaning and strength renbers or other parts of the ship are canverted, the effect fon the ship's performance should be Investigated and tekan into consideration. ‘lao care should be given to damage, wear and t Getarlorate the ship's perforrance 8 Closing devices, Voathortight or watertight closing devices such es doors, hatches, ste shall be Kept closed during navigation. (13) General precaution against capsizing 1) Compliance with the stability criteria indicated in this manual oes rot eneure immunity against capsizing retardless of the irounstances or absolve the master fron his responsibil iti having regard to the season of the year, weather forecasts and ‘the navigational zone end should take the appreprlate action as to ship speed and course warranted by the prevailing circumstance, 2 Before a voyage comences care shauld be taken to ensure that the fargo and sizable pieces of equipnent have been properly stored or {ached so as to mininize the possibility of both longitudinal and Interel chifting while at ses, under the effect of acceleration mused by rolling and pitching — (44) Dosking errangenent 1) Ship s éocking condition for the docking Is presented in chapter (5) fz the Standard loading condition (af. No. 00), 2) Block rrangenent It le recomended to arrango tho blocks at leest a8 follows, + HEAL BLOCKS (in line with ¢.L.~ Gin) 1.0 m interval + SIDE BLOCKS’ (in line with No.¢ ~ Gir) Floor location Sample of block arrangenent (15) Allorable ax. and nin. required cargo load (For double botton local strength) The allowable naxinun load and minimus required cargo in each hold apenas on the draft at mid-hold and also water ballast containe In corresponding double bottom tank, The diagrans on page 1-15 to t each hold shows that cargo load limits for In addition, total cargo load of two (2) adjacent holds also hat Hinitations, allowable maximum required, depending on the mean draft ‘of the two holds and also contents in double bottan tanks under the holds. These disarane are presented on page 1-20 te 1-23, Hows Mass 0) i ofEREEEEEE ought {m] ‘Maximum Alowabiamininum Required mass for Single Hol 2 7 Draught fm] il eu ESSS | Gals Daee J Maxim Alona Requed mas or Single ld 3 Zon Draught ind Tocal Strength Diagram Sea Masinum Alowableimur Requted mass for Single Hols 4 Mass (0, Draught a exinum AllowablaMisimum Required mass for Slagle Hold § Draught im 1-4) Abbreviations 4 @ aaa ® ar ® anid, 6 ® a ® a ® + ® ise, 4 O 1 (te) we c MD.6, L036) M8 18 Bw) MDF LE Fw) Los, Los, LaF ® To. ® io ® Ta ® Ke, vo ® a ® co ® cot ) a ® mony @) a. 80 cei) SE ave BUS. Fe © SBM Ms co ty ea) a Kt ur BL ey Draft measured from the botton of keel Draft equivalent to displacenent Fore dratt et FP, Midship draft Att drafe at AP. Moan draft of fore & aft dy = 1/2( af + do) Tein t=de~aF (trim by the stern © = trimby the bow Displacenent with appendage Tons per continetsr immersion Manent to change trin one centineter Canter of gravity fran widship Genter of buoyancy fram aiéship Canter of floststion fran midship (9) aftward of aidship © forward of midship Genter of gravity fran ship's conter line (2 starboard side from ship's center line (© port side from ship's conter line Horizontal distance betneen 8 end 6 He = Le ~ Loa Traneverse netscenter above base line Canter of gravity above base line Transverse netacenter above center of eravity Ga = TH 6 Loss of GM by the free surface effect Gol = Gf ~ G60 Righting lever of stability Transverse norent of inertia of Viquid surface Density of Haid ‘Stovage factor SUIT water shearing force StITL water bending nonent Wave berding manent Monent Wetrie ton Long ton Bese line eter [2] DRAFT AND DISPLACEMENT iat table Caleulation method of displacenent Hydrostatic table Draft correstion Trim correction — Fey 21) Deadweizht table Formule DEADWEIGHT = DISPLACEMENT ) ~ ¢ LIGHTHEIGAT ) Liotverast = 9,360 ¢ Exlanstion of deedwoight table on next pg Draught) Draught measured from the bottom of keel SU. (Gea water): Sea water density = 1,025 ( t/a?) FM Gresh water): Fresh water density = 1.000 ( t/n?) | Actual cargo weight calculation is as fol ove, Deadweight (Fron table ) ~) Fuel oil total weisnt ~) Diesel oll total weight ~) Fresh water total welt ~) Nator ballast total weight DW constant Cargo weight ( Actual ) Semelon—) [ome | — Teme Te] AK oe] Fe co Lc | Lew | oy | oo] [ee ae o}——o] [~z0| st —o 0} 9] [~20e{—1 —o oto [0] a] ota] [200] —a | —o o}——o] [—2065| a] of 0} [205] a o}—o] [xe [9] [x(a —o oo] [210] oe | of —o] [ze of —o] [22a o}—o] |e] er | 6 o}—o] [aie sor er o{—o| [26 [350 a ‘of 0] [26 ee] a of 0] [ar [ae | aor of 0] [2 ar 60 ‘o| 0] [219 —sae | — oor ‘Of——0] [270 [ses | a5 3. 23 [ er | 207 ‘ot | [22 —er| as ‘ot —0| [22 [ar] ar oto] [ant ro — sa ‘O[ 0] [26 [ ter | eae oo] [257-1 ear Of ——o| [2806 | 72 ‘oo [29 [005] 0 a} [e000 oo] [ar 1 Of 0] [ase] ier aan oo] [ent —an ‘of 0) [ee 260] ro [0] [235] 1398 | —Loer o[—o] [ee[ ene oo} [are ee a tart} 1210 o[ —o 1g | 2a o[——o et | 1360 o[——o in| 1a oo 17a] ha, oo ia oo get | 86 of —o ito] eat o[——o sie f ‘of —o D6 ot —o Zoi ST | BEET me] FE ce | cy | cep Z| 7.00] 6.607 Pe ae] Ti] gr] | eer eA ise ean] | cor is ean] [koe zt sam] | eon a rx or oar] | aor Yor] [eon Tae] [om tae] | eT Yaz] | ew Tae] | cH aa) |e tan} [aie aa] | Tae ST | 5,0 tae] [arr 316] 5a sie] [ew 3] a tse] | ew a0 [55 sie] ea ai | 5.5 ee) | —ea az | 56 Tne] [ear a] 5a] Ter] [kar 220| 5.78 oe 325] 6 om a re iar or ae om a aa oo £30 a1 “31 a aa 3 | em oe a3 336 438 a 236 337 “37 ae 438 a re) 0 Lo aa are aa a pa oe [oe ae as (oes ai 2 aa ca a rm a ai a | — eT ae rf oo | ch | ca, tear ceee 4g Sort ree eae = fer iene | eae 4 Ser erte er sat a Eis a mo] 5.07 3s fetta re Sr Tes ta Soe r E81 ance co Sie[ ee tes Seas se ee Tee te fits te sie[ eer sr enter ra Seer te Sie [ ess oe eae am Sa eat a sar ier i sae er i am rea ea eae ie Eater ‘a ear ieer re Sar [ Tea a sateen S| Te Safer sar er far [esr Saf ese ee [eat eae [eer eo ear sees ease Se ea ear en sare ir So ene [sa ice S| iene Tae ear} rr Seton RET) [ser | — rama oH oer aa oo | ae Tens nor a at pee ae ae re Tart aeme aoe a Tar] | a5 zi Tara of ser zoe Tame} ae Bt Taam gee 7 pa [rep ieer aear [tetas ese 277 tara ae | acer | a se a2 Tafa 7] as tetas) wir) [ke] er Tas ao ae aL mar ear [aa Tats er ae ee saz weet Tepes ae [is |-a00 ber[ 3m is as S| br ite} er sec 2.87 Te] a6 at eases [-re mer “crs eer [ae ee mt cet. Tapa ne ear os serie ar Taras Seer eee wp eer i a 2 a Taf se] a. 5 ae Tae wee a a Tare] wie ue neat Tar sear | ee aa ae [eta eter eae eae ae een er Tae ns] 7 eae[ ar tae Shemp ear sear ee[ mer tase ar ear aa en mer Taal sa ear [ a Sef an et [=p ee ee eae [ah eer ip east ear eae Sao ae Tar seve] or ear ae ear anor eee sara Sarat Tae aes | 8 oe tart gar ae Tar] mee] 155 eae eae sear Tat| mee 7 eae eae [ ger 1 ae a Bae | ats eee Tar eno oF ear] ates arf ar Taranto eae | ae te at ar Tiara et | as eae [ ane ear [ ies Tiara or an eo ar ao} seem | er earn sar[ mae sarap [ae ar earl acme ar ae Tara | er ea] awe tener Taf es | 26 fara eer arate ae ee] eon os pais ara | a os fe] aor tat Tara | ae ear[ mi ear ae re Tartare] ar ew] wat ee aT [oie ates en eal ams eee Talos] ress amet TEETER) [GAT | — ETT aa 3. an ce cs a 2.150) 1 ae 2.1 te air 23 | aa is 2.2] 8 st 8.36 oo pore 2.07 | H.0 te a 05 sr 29,810 319 fase 31 i Ts Bz 7 me Tat He Te a8 [ots se 766 a. Ta 76 760 7 Ti 7, Ti Te 78 Te 7 778 7 7a i aE Tas a a a a7 8 7 796 7a ar 789 794 [paneer | —sesmeratT TODETET ce | cep 16.57 [18 tor 6.515 | 8.8 6.565 [6.70 i625 [16,8 16 g51 [ 8.312 6a | 8.367 67a | 8.0 toa | 6.08 e381 | 505 7.917 | 8.60 1.07 | sat 7,28 [8,18 Ixisjalalaleiais! DAC 1720 | 8 58 SegeReeagels eer ect 8 31 0 re 60 0 tS i ro 6071 aT omy 1a 1281 12a 128 126 12 1268 1287 1288 Te 12a i281 Tear Tee Te 1268 1267 Ta ne 1270 1271 a 127 1276 1276 12 1277 72.78 1278 Ta 2 Ta Tine 12 5x80] [izes seam] [mer se] [ize ser] | ie ‘sie [-ae rer] [ia i281 128 128 1260 12 Tee i297 08 1a ToT [eT Far oh] Ee (e cy | oy | cd 3.0 Tat] 66.08 5874 awe 3.8 5,8 5,0 3.25 3.200 i316 370 as xo 0 te Tat 021 OTT cs aie 87 282 301 i 3er aa ca a9 a a culation Method of Displacement me 20) cal sent should be calculated using the drafts measured at both sides iidsip and aft draft marks according to the fol loving method easured drafts at |__ Derived frou Result of Galeulation draft marks aratt | draft | draft oO] 51, 83 Carey | idship) | Cora ) 61 2 [port side draft | 7.1000] 6.1000] 6.1000 i 1. | starbslde draft | 7.000 0] 6.200] 6.200 a] P| sc. of eon water [ean of P and § 7.208 ef 6.200 a) 5.200 of 021 t/a Jopatent trin= 2.000 8 G| arate correction | 3 Draft Correction | 0.10; m] 0.000.) -0.062 af (See page 2 = 44) [@) erate at FP ana Oo + +@ AP. 7.301 n| 6,200.0) 5.138 a} | tectar 1 ¢ 1 g Or 7301 af 37,200 o| 5.198 a) OF wean draft Ea 8.608 Wax 26 6.205 (@| sctual tri + = #0) 216i m_( by the starn) @| trin correction | @ Trim Correction "0.038 (See page 2-47) | caulvalent draft O+9 Cia D| cisplacenent at | 2 Wdrostatio Table 73,508 t raft (See page 2-24) 6.i60_n) | TP.6 at draft . Shae Bl cisplacenent &t | D+ (Ox ON) 3058.98 t rate B| weasured wpecitic o TOR tla sravity of sea water| Bl 8.6 of cea water 1.5 Ua din “hyd. table" | etal ® @| cisplaconent oe. — 28,918.71 t 1.005 a LAN SHEET aa anured drafts at Derived from Tesult of Galoulation raft sack arate | areft | draft lo _— Case) | avisip | (Fore ) /\= maa aa Ld — [stare clde arate a a ‘| | &0 of con water [neon of P and § 5 al a : ye Toparent Win ‘| FG erate correction — | 8) Draft Correction cD 7 "| @) atte he and oo +O *@ Ap. . ‘| l @| tector 1 3 i o Oxo | al ri O] wean arate ZO 2 xO " @) etal trie +) = +O) & (by the stern) @| trim correction | #) Trim Correction * @| equivalent arate oo 2 © cleplacenent at | 2 Wydrostatic Table * raft (draft = 2) OUP. at draft 7 z Ol dieplacemnt at | O+Ox0 t att | reasured specific ravity of sea water B86. of oon water Tos Wat sed_in “hyd table" setual ® @| cisplacement @x t 1.05 m6 23) Hydrostatic table ae Draft measured from bottom of Kas! (eters) cise Displacement with appendares tonnes qr: ‘Tors por centimeter immersion tomes ) ne anent to changs trin one centinater ( tonre-maters ts Canter of buoyancy from aidship neters ) @) denote aft of midship ©) denote forvard of midship Lr: Canter of flostation trom midship neters ) denote aft of midchip © denote forvard of midehip To Transverse sstacenter sbove base line (meters ) at Longitudinal netacenter above bate line ( neters ) 6 Center of buoyancy above base line (eters ) totes 4 Displacenent, TPC and WTO are ealculated on the fseuption that the density of sea water Is 1.025 t/n3 18) The thickness of heel plate is 22 mm. 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=30r] — 1544] —s2408| 358 oer | amt | Po Ta | ua |e @ |] @|a |. 3a] — ai isa] san] am erase] — si tsar] ara er —auae| — si i540] —azzse ft ses0| sts tsa0| —s81 etal 519 tase | 22226 Fos} asset st 155 sisas| 519 eae] agi aaso7[ 819 isa6[—a27 aaae| 519 153] 20a sioor| 519 1523] —a10.8 asa] si tsa2] 270.0 Tai] —s803| 519 sat] —ataz7 iz] 3551 519 sao] seas] age a]—ss007] st 1529 ie] acoso] — 519 isa ay] —ssier] sn i527 Tis]-—s5160| —s20 1526 Tan] —ssni5| —s20 1525 ‘auer| — #20 isa ‘sn10| sto 1525 ‘aa7| —s20 15a 3503] —s20 sat 355] #20 1520 sss] —s20 1510 a4] —aes78 | —s20 is Sas] —aseat | sz tsi “a6 —ass80 | —s20 rc Tar} —asr05 | —sz0 1516 a8] —asre7| —s20 15 20] —se008 | — sa 1s a0] —assea | se ra iar} —assea] — sa ist a2] —assee | sz 1530 733] —aeote | — 221 ise] 272] — 1500 Tae] —ast00 [ser S54] 271 1808 tas] anise] — se =e] 270] —iso7 a6] —aeroe| ser sist] 26a] 1s Tar] —serse | — se] —eoge | —~4s9] —=200] tg 736 | —aesoe | — ser] — woes | —as3| 265] —1g0e| —avoas a7 yas] —aese1{—2zr] 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—arrie | se] 6108 | —-aas ast qe] a2 | —s24{ sos | as 382 Fer] arses] —s2alsisz] tas 380 se] over [sz ers | aa 385 “isa | —svez0 [sz [ea [tae cc 70] veer [524 e122 [aes 30 a7 24] —siz5[ 4a 335 772] 0008 [524 [~erz8 | a. 395 37a {—sonse [sea] ersz [a0 308 774] —aeior | —s2a| iss [08 386 775 —se24e | — sea [eta | aa 337 7y6| —se200 | —sz5[—staz [a2 337 Tyr] sss [ss eras | maar 308 738| sear] —sz5[—eias | eat 38 Tiga) ase [525 ers2 meat 308 720] 9506 | —s25| 6156] —-aa1 338 Tat] —9ass0 [525 [e188 =e.00 400 suet] —s25| cies] —-440 00 sanse| —s2s|— sigs] 420 401 ai716| — ses] —si70| 440 401 se7e2| —s25|—s174| 4398 ane sseai | — seo] —siz7] 439 402. aeere| —sze[ ster] 439 05. 8 see] e185 | 438 0 ‘a070| 26] 8108] 438 08 ssosz | —s26|—sie2| =a abe ga0ee-| —s26 1 —sie8| 4s 405 ssia7| —s26|— e100] 437 405 7sa|—sovwo | —s2e[ e203 | —-437 “6 Yat] —s92e2 | s26 [e207 | 4.98 406 7.95 [somes | —se7 | —e2i.1 | —=4.6 407 96 [20048 | 527] —eaus| ase as ar —see00 | —s27] sais | mas a8 ae] —s0089 | — 527] 622 | —~a5 409 7138] 36506 | 527 —ezus| =a 408 toe | tor wm | @ is | 08s mais | oe =i 082 =e] 040. =i 08 =i 076 =i [ 074 =z} 072 = =i, =i =e] aes =o, 081 =t10 | 080 =400 | 037 =i00 | 085 =40e | 03 =i0e | 01 =408 | —-040 Star | 046 stor] ae =s06 [oe =400 | 040 =tas [038 405 | 036 =eoe| 0. =404 [030 Seca] 028 40s} 076 Sec] 020 mar | 022 sor} 020 =4or] 018 one =06 =380] 011 =388 | one =388 | 008 =388 | 008 Saar} 002 =387] 000 =396 | — 002 =398] — one =395] — 000 =3se] —o10 =ase[ 012 =us5 [a4 TP ie) we) ow] Cy @ . sp Oe Zan 0 oul 287 40. Be 27ige Sto O21 2170 0 oat ane S40 05 Zsa 540. 027 228 Sa O78 zai sa a3 27a Sa Om 212 on 038 7a 54 O36 2st St 08 27838 Si 035 27185 Bk or zTIst 58 a8 27142 Su oa an St ra 2121 Sz Os 27108 82 Bae 2137 Siz ‘os0] 1306] 27605" siz ose 13962769 Siz ‘ose —tag7| 27661 a2 ‘ose [1397 [27640 582 ‘ose | ina] 27637 st a 27625) 58 a8? 21610 si rd ze 583 ‘ge | 1395 [27506 si m7 ZI5I5 oT 070 27561 ce a7 756 58 O76 25 583 076 zrs2h Sta O78 27507 Sta a8 77484) Ba aa 27460) St oo 246 sia Ds TA St or ZT. sia oo 72 Sta oo 2m ar 82 Zr Bi 085 270 Sis ‘oar 77 Si 2st StS a1 27s Sts 0, 2736 gaa | 47086 | — 545) 105. zr saa | —¢7es0 | — 545 190 212 nist | We oF © w | © o a a5] — 515 7 47650] — 848 L0 aria] — S46 uz ares | 48 tie a7ee3| S48 ue carers 848 ie area | — 548 "20 ast “args | 848 cI as? agoai | — sa 12a a2 an0os | sae 2 480 azisi| — sar az 489. aszoe| 847 72 ast 4260 | 547 131 ast agais| S47 cE 495, S47 ae 47 ro S47 7 S47 1a. Sr aT ‘a8 72 5 1a cn ar sa a8 S48 ist 4 159 54 1s Bae 157 348 152 543 7 Sas ss on 65 en er 54 88 54 vi] 548 1 7 7 508 ea 176 a7 350 78 507 ou $80 te S08 0 350 “a 508 250 $50 et 508 aor 350 785 5:0 ase a6 19 a0 350. “a8 Si cc 50] 7084 7.80 Si 385 380[ Toss 192 Siz 206 50] 7092 780 Siz a7 81] 7007 135 Sis 308 35/7101 g7 5 8 351) 0s ae S14 piset | we ] mc] Le] Lor | rH | uw | @ {| o|em| @ | w | @ 2 ‘goate| — 51 | ri08| 938] — zor] — rae aia sor] —s51|—7114|—=36] 20s] 1374 316 ass] — 51] nis] 97} 205] i373 sis sosi2] — 36.1] —mi22|—=337] 206 1378 BI sneer] — 551] 7126] —-996] 208] — 1299) 56 so0z2 | s51] —r128| —-336[ 210] 1375 57 s0677| 852] iss] 995} 212] 1372 51 sore] —s52|—7137| ase) 21s 1372 Bie s07er| —s521—viar| 994 zis] —ia72 519 soees| — 52] —rras|—-933[ 2] 1372 58 s09ss| 52] —7162| -352 220] 1371 520 si00s| —s521 vise] 931 a7] — 1a 521 si0ss| —ss2} nso] —-as1} —2ze] 13 521 site| — 8521 —y63| 00) 226] 1370 Sz stie| —s52] 167] 990] 277] i370 522 siz20| —s52| 171] age] 220] — 130 520 sizee| —s53| 7174] 928 230] 1370 Sz S130] soa} ive] ae] ase] 1370 526 51305] ssa] —71e2| 927} 236] —in6 S20 s14s0| —s53| vies] a7] 236] 1368 525 sis0s| —s53] ries] —-a26} 237 —in8 55 sisei| —s5s| mez] =325) 230] 1368 528 “mig3| — sisi 853] —ri86|~—-176| —240| —ia0 Sz wozs|—sier2 | ss 7201 | -sza] zz] 138 S27 “25 | —sivay| 853] 7205] —-a75| 248] tae a8 [soz sivee [553 721.01 325 247} 13.88] 528 oz7| —siasa|—s54| mara —-a2| 240] 13.68 320 sae| —sisos| 554] 7218 -a72| 250] 197 528 | —sieas| ssa raza] -san ese [sar 530. 030 —s2004 | —s54| 7227 -n20| —2s4| 1367 530 osi{ —s20sa|—s54| m5 -120] 256] 1367 sat os2| —s21is| 554] 7255-116 258] 1386 sat jog] —s2170| —s54| —7239| —~310| 260] 1366 ‘3a 034] 5 s64| 7263] —-a18| 262] 1008 32 joas| —sez0r| —s54| 7247] a7] 200] 1966 530 1036] 52996] 555] 7251 1.7] 265] 13.6 530 i037 | —se092 | 555] 7265] 2.16] —207] 13.8 534 1090] —seuay | —s55| 7256-216] 260] 355 53 1039 | —s2503| 555] 7262-115] 270] 1365 535 nao] sense | —s5s]—zss|-.14] 272] 1308 53 woar| —s261¢|—s55[ 7268 | -n1a] 279 | 1985 536 i042] —soe00 555] 7272] 3.19] 275] a6 57 oa] — 52725555] —7a7s [312] 277] —1n.68 537 toa] —s2ve0 | —s55| rare [ata] 278] 10.64 cy ioas| —s2es8 [555] raz a1] 290] 1364 538 tos] —s2eo1] ses] —r2es | a] per] 196 530 ior] —s2e4r[ 555] —7zes [aa] 20a] — 13.60 538 woae| —sso0z| 556 [7292] -s09] 25] 1365 540 ‘oo | —ss058 | 556 | 7295] -a09] ree] 1260 540 a wre [Ue | tor ] Tow 1B to] o | @ | w Tas | —-108| a8] — vas Toa} —107} — 80} a8 7307] 107] — 292 | ia. 7310} 106} — 290] tas zai] —=108| 295} ia 71} 305} — 296] 1382 72a] —=104| — 296] i987 m2} 304] 290] i361 728] 103] —a0r| a8 72-302] 200] —ia8t 71321-1021 aoe] —ia61 ass [301] 305] i981 731] 101} — 307} 1330 740 | —=300] 308] 1380 ma ‘308 | — 1360) Tus, a1] — i200) Ta ara] 1360) aso [—=297| 319] 950 mas 187] — a8} 1950 7353 [—=296| 3.16] i959 visa] 296] a7] 195 yea [ 295] —a1e| 150 7ie2 | 204] —a20} —tas0 mass [294] 21] i958 7a61| 283] —a22] 1a s0 asa] —-292| 329] i950 Tat a24[ 1358 Ta '326[ 118 Ta az7[ tase Ta ‘az8[—ia37 Tia. ‘aze[—ths7 7382 ‘a30] 1387 Tia asi [107 7388 ‘am2[ 1387 7388 ‘as6[ 1356 7390 35] ia 7382, ‘336 [1358 7398 ‘aa7[ 1386 Te ‘438 [ine 7387 ano] 1358 7388, ‘sao ins 7405 ‘aai[ i356 THO, ‘ae2[— ins Teo a3 [ 136 7407 ase] ins Toa aes [ 136 Lo ‘a5 [1558 Tai 387] 1358 Tah ‘aa8[ —ta50 Tas aot —tase Tre ie |r] m@ ] um | « @ Cc) @ | m@ | w | io . ed =| 330] — asa] ans] ar pe BES =276| asi | 1354] 25035] sa $ 55a =275[ ss — 1554] 2077 | sa ae 55 =275[ —ss3} — 1059] 25050] 5a 59 =e] ase] — 1350] 25000 a 58 =274] 85] — 1353] 20221 — 570 08 58 =273] ss] 1353] 25003] 11 Th 555. =2at ase] 1359 SI ea 358 =z 351} — 1953] gsr] 572 99 aE. =z} ss 1355 sas] a 710] 59 =n] 350] —ins2 | 2490] 570 aL 53 =z} sso 1352] —2an12 | 578 $1121 59 =280] 381} —tisz | maasa | 578 Ts 58 =2s0| see} 1352 | mass] 58 60 =208} ae | —ins2 | esr] 575 i 0 =2er|—sss| 1352] —mase| 575 SiC m0 =267} ase} —na52 {24920 978 11a ‘60. =268| 385 [51] mor | 576 te 60 =208[—3a8} nr] ara] 97 sus 60 =2ss[ 387] ast] —20ns5 [57 oh a0 =2se| 388} —nasr] 24746] 578 7 60 ss see, —nnsi[ 20726} 56 Th22, 580 =283| 350] —tast[—m4710] 570 2 60 =zez| —a70[ nist “naest | 580 si 3a =zez| an | isso [m6 1530 EE 0 =2si| 371 | nso] mast 128 0 =asr}—s72] aso [m8 6 12 56.0 =200] 373] —ta50| 24818 120) ‘0 =2s0| 374] —tis0 | —n45 90 os 60 =259} 378} 1150] —msa1 “130 ‘60 =2se| 375] aso] 24588 13 580. =28e] 376] nan} —245ae i132 ‘60 ‘amrt as | 20526 1 580 =2se| 377] —naa | 24506 13 6.0 =2s6| 376] as [204s 1138 80 =2ss|—s7e[ —naa9 [24a 136 ‘60 =25e| 90] tas | 24s (ou, 80 =25e| aso] 134020435 HEI 60 =253| —3s1| tao] 2086 1139, ca =289 Taae | 24998 1140) S61 =252} 382] nan | —2ens0. at 5B cast[ ass] ae] 2st tar a =2si] ase] aan] 2a ss Ber =250| —3se[ 1345 | 24025, Tee 6. =250| — 386] tga] 20007 SIRE cm =240] —3s8[ 148] zara tis 56 =e] 36] 145] 20270 tar SE =ae| —a7[ 147] nape Tae 56 =aar| a8] ina] tae 590 11497 ca =247| ae] iar] zen 6 | 599. piset | PC mc UB OF TKH 1B | © Lem] w | w | weg ae at eter st ee tis se —tar SS E eet es eee ne see ett tase ert — Set te ce pee — tte et — et — Beets at — test ts fe at ett ee — att eee aoe — tet — ts eee ee at ed er oo eee et a a oo es eter ete ee See Steet st ae oA oT oo eee ee ee oe oe ee eT oo eV a pe teeta te] ese — see tee et — tes] — Saat et ro er een eee eee et ae oe fase eee set ee eet He een ee tees] seta er fiat see — eet ee ee te Ttar| ~ tise — See te] tet — rt at ieee tet epee ee ee t Jive | eise8[ 56.2) 7542-218] 4a 1342 Heatseal — test te maT] me] a @ | © | two w | wm | io a {alae +a] aaa] — oO a] games — ee ett tte egal — a Senn el —ar ‘tats — es see eel rte ‘tata — te Se tee se Ts east — es | Sa fs atin [ies | estos 750.1 faoo| 222 i Sete Ste tea] — ele tes {fila ‘banat eet — aerate ate eset eee tater Segal — eels ature ee et — eel ‘arta Se Belt atte Sort — att tas ats Se { ease Sates fife — eel ata fro| — ls fa St — ast tes oe dee — ts a ian] at fue ese ee tar tial] se a ‘33a j—22} & 58.4] 7603, 13.38 | 220.04 Seas] snet | — set ene Tat “a aa Sie ae i Sita ae }1284| 384] 760.7 | 1.30) 13.38 [218.08 j—i2z87 Sette St oa 13,38 | 218.60 = sie ia ta fa He j—1292|sss04 | 56.4 [761.1] 1.66, 13.38 [217.61 ge seri | s84{ 7812] -1.66 1338 [217.65 wear — at] mts] te ‘aus fe wastes — eed] ls ter feast — tr maT] @ me ww. @ om 1 2 Ooo — ar m me] a =a oa ae i ai See et ie a feat — = a Hes et et a nae Ag 67428, $64 445, 215.77 vat a a a 4s a — se tee ¢ Ha a as a0 tet a i se ia nae on a fu a a i Bae —ae a is ae aa nae yee er a Ha oe ig nae fate ee a Sara a ag oe a pet eet ae a et a Het ee 48 et ee et ae eae ae a = ‘eat ae ig Hates 3 a ae fa ene 2 a is aT ie ose 2 aoe 2 ie a 2 _ saa 2 i a aa io z a at +e e Ha tea a iz eee a if tesa ie a =i a i 7 2 a a oe a = I = aaa iz a a ie z a aa - =z = eua57| — 565 452 ese. = iz # bbe considered in determining the displacenent auld be obtained by making the fl Loving Taraft of fore, aft and idship draft because tone tudinal sbout the center of water plane ‘of floatation, LCF.) MIO at draft (+ MTC at draft (2 ~ a lly equal to 0.8 m, mo }) Calculation method of stability © Gased on severe wird and rolling eriteria (4) Niniman 6 required by INO A789 (18) “Galoulation method of trim and stability ‘Trim calculation method Goll calculation mathod ‘) G0 calculation method (@) Trim calculation form paper (5) Riehtine lever (GoZ) calculation method (©) Procedure of stability caloulation (flow-chart) @) Exemple calculation for stability (8) Blank sheet for stability calculation ‘Righting lever KN table “Tank capacity table Volume, X@ and IT tables Trim table Heeling movent curves Angle of progressive flooding (6) Angle of deck edge inmersion (@0E) Water line length of the ship Lateral projected area curve Fey pisity oriteria are adopted for this ship. bility oriteria ( Required by IMD A.749(18 ) ja of © ~ © should be camp ied Fiet) pil oot be less then 0.055. rad pot be ese than 0.08 mrad 2 shautd ot be less than 0,09 rad ld not be less than 0.20 m at an angle of bre! 19 or greater than 30° ould cogur at an angle of he bly exoveding 30" but not less’ than 25° should ot be Lees than 0,15 9 FIQ.1. STABILITY CURVE £40" or the angle of flooding ( @f ) vhichover is less The angle which occurs maximum righting arm The ares under the stability curve between 0° ~ 20° The area under the stability curve between 30" ~ du Maxioun righting The Init al metacentric helene corrected for free surface effect nd rolling criteria ( Required by IMO A.749(18) ) hip to withstand tho conbinad affects of bran wind and be demonstrated for each standard condition oF loading. angle of heel under sction of steady wind (Bo ) shod be tis than 16° oF tho angle corresponding to 80 ¥ of deck edge angle, whichever is less. “p" should be equal to or greater than area “a STABILITY CURVE AND WIND HEELING LEVER eee "6 ANGLE OF HEEL. Steady wind hooling lever Gust wind heel ing lever Area “a rea “" Angle of hee! under action of steady wine Angle of roll te windward due te wave action Heong anele ( 84) or Be or 50 chee isles ‘of second intoroapt between wind heel ing lever Mad tore ry ity based on severe wind 4 lovers In an. are canetint values at al Men ant thosld be eaiosate ae Follows DMX AKZ)/A Sx im. af roll (@1) should be calculated es follow 109 x Kx HI XD x (ce. = Proleted lateral ares of the parton of the hip ant “deck cargo above the a2 = Vertical distance fron the center of A to the canter of he under water lateral area or approximately to 8 ‘point et one half the draft (@) Displaconent (1) = Facer at show in table C(ntermediate values. ip table should be obtained by Hinear Interpolation ) “(able 1. Vetvoe of factor X1) Ba _[szay 25 | 26 [27] 28] 20 CO BO [IY 5 = Faotor as shown in table 2 (Untermediate' values in table should be obtained by near’ interpolation ) ‘(Table 2. Veluss of factor ® pe Gh = Block coefficient = AP CLOSE xB xd) Were Water Line length of the ship) B: Maulded breath of the ship” 4 Wean noulded draft of the ship (2) os ol ows round-bi led ship having no bilge or bar keels ship having sharp bilges in table 8 for a chip having bilge kool, “eel or both (intermediate values in table {dbo obtained by linesr interpolation ) 4s of factor k to [1s [20 [25 [a0 | as |zao ou | ow [oe lomfam| on] oF | overall area of bilge keels, oF area of the lateral jection of tha bar keol, or sur of these arese (a2) Wate < AK of this ship Is 20.97 m2. “Distange between the contor of gravity and the water line (a) If center of eravity is above the water Tine If center of gravity is below the water line 38 “ean moulded draft of the ship () = Factor as show in teble 4 intermediate values in table should be obtained by linear interpolation ) Values of factor se] 7[s][n[u] we] wee [0.100 | 0.098 | 0.055 | 0,068 | 0.055 | 0.044 | 0.088 | «005 “= Rolling period ( see ) 20 208 0.978 + 0.023 (B/ 4) = 0.089 (L/ 100) Noulded breadth of the ship m) Waterline length of the ship (a) Netacentric height corrected for ‘ree surfece effect (9) ¢ Be L a: red by IMO A. 749 (18) FERRire et on sclas ioe sutilizing the minimm Gol diagren. Geter to next pats) polnt Of the drat wnt GoM obtx ned fromthe aot ity calculation shet is to bv dotted in the di valution of above result, if thu © mark polat is Nip the sufficient ton, tho intended Toading condition ify the raquirecente of 1H A.T48(1) ne O mark point i not located in the saficient zone, foe Noading is to be changed. | Linitad by value at 30 deg, Greater than or equal to 0,20 (Greater than or equal to 25 deg.) ited by Initial Gol “Creator than or equal to 0.15 =) fe wind and rolling criteria { Required by INO A.749(18)] ereator than or equal to 1.0) Hirenent of “Subdivision and Danage Stability of Cargo Ship” stion 25-8 of Chapter U-1, Part B-1 of SHAS 1974 Wininum Goll required by danage stability (Obtained from the result of danags stability calculation ) o MINIMUM GoM DIAGRAM “© AS. = STANDARD LOADING CONDITIONS ‘SUFFICIENT ZONE Bin Sa CEE ed of trim and stebi ity ‘under s certain loading condition should be Jn the folloving method and using trin and etability ‘paver in iten 3-2), (4, Derived from ~ Gateulation Shoat for Trim and Stability * @=0 7 Wydrestatio Table ‘rimming lever ) o-65 ng nonent Ox® Graft correction LCF ( Lpp = 185.00 0) method Jooding condition should be calculated fren fod and using trim and stability calculation 12-2), OF0 = Wyarostatie Table” o-o B+0 @-@ 0 ‘ening to the free surface effect of liquid in tanks fn general be filed conpletely in cons sin, sich tanks have free surface tien Hod {rein / belleet wotar tarks have free eurface, fare fully loaded, it Is not nsoessary to take into reo surfoce effect. orived fron the following formula ‘on = _Total of “I x p” of each tank placement Transverse nanent of inertia of free surface of Liquid in tank Gf) (CRfor to.” 3-5) Volune, KG and IT table ~) Density of Liquid ( t/a) chick, ” Loss of Gil (Bio) by free surfece effect ~ using tof inertia of each tank i tabulated on next page. m1 or [sot [iat [woe [eee [ue [wet foxy [we me [evo leno [ono [sn loco [are [ewe [awe so [soo [eno [oo [woo {eo [woe [nov [eo noe [woo [roo | woo [sco | moo | eno wwe feno [oro [oro [eo [ewe [mo a wo [ico exo [oeo [ewe [aso [owe neo [ao [eo ere aig [v0 eo [reo froro |e aso [ace azo |mzo | roco | ero aso [ace iso ure [ero ero ero [are so [avo fe [ewe ‘aco [ wre uo [soo fire foun ero [ero woo [eno [wo | ooo reo | so tooo [ow [emo | wow wooo | 800 ‘oo [eo [avo foe eco fore ‘woo woo [ewe [eno fie ond azo 00 woo [woo | tooo | 100 zoo too we ow0 [too 10 | io 10 [ww ‘ooie ora [tooo | m0 | 100 io em we woe [too [rm | sno coo [en aio | 60'0 | ve | sono uso 0 | coo aa | suse [vee | vant ee ost | m6 eh =| Sor [soe] o> | ewe | om | amo |» 2m UF Lid ea) ve ® i Za} Tw) co ead 2, TH 3 708,314 a co) 7 Ta i] a3 cesloulation method God) at each heeling angle (@) should be obtsined formula, Statical rTuhting lever Nortical center of gravity above base line considering the free liquid surface effect The righting lever at angle “@", when the vertical center of gravity is assuned to be on base line + Hel ine angle 1) 1M tables are shown on Iten 3+). 2) Statical stability curves can be dram a8 shonn in the example on next page. 42 ni ) ealeulation and statical stability curve as © O60 0 (Noo = H+ Oho) 30 ‘lata! stability caletation we fe fe lo [oo [or fw [om | ow $5] Wa]. Teo 2 10.9102 1. |_| E725] 0320] oo] 8 T0080 0.987] cea. 10.80 Ta] Si] 5 ea] roa a8]. 1, 05] 63s] 1] 709] 201] 1.700] 1.24) .535|-0.217] = 2 ‘STATICAL STAB ny GIVE EELING ANOLE ( DES.) show fron next pa. os yibity calculation ( flow chart ) “adjust the Teoding ‘condition [Gat Glostation ana | t> craw the stability curve Gof area calculation, up to 6=0" , up to 6-40" so Area & hroa ‘Allowable value) Yes Shoot @.@ Gelovlation of severe wind and rolling Got area calculation, area “=” ."b | Wo ‘and b/a Gal. result of b/a, ba & 1.0 ves set | To plot Goll in the Win GoW diegren — |_NO Is Gol sufficient zone ? Ye a> 1m caso thet stebility is very seve (detail calculation) In caso thet stability is nat severe (rough check) In case that stantard loading condition is applied for stability st Stability ( IMO A.749(18) ) w wpe le 5) aan] 1 eal malo ami oe ‘ra Est eas ss -« 20] -1 cy We Tel ol mo aa Taslationreile Feo 28ier x x/18 ee ee ee 0 Esthet x x70 Janome x zeet = 0.74 Gila 0.0 ar rat | 20.00 art . 0.36 mrad] e000 ara tec = zon |aoms esate ee | zs te 5 aoe [zo or ILITY CURVE FOR SEVERE WIND AND ROLLING Cio 749008) 1 a . | i | | = : | | A g 3 —fBH i SH eT aT S 3 | | marr oa | | | | va = [Eee severe wind an¢ rolling ( INO A.749(18) ) 8 TT ew ee iaplacenent 35,050_t Draft extrene 11.187 Tateral projected arex sbove WL 2.260,8 az over (Center of A to the under WLAD 13.20 Osx AxZ/ A 0.027 15x iwi 0.081 Waulded breadth (8 wld) 26 Draft moulded . (heel = 0.022 1.165 Wa 2.26 16 2,888 Faotor_in table ¥__( linear InterpoTation J 0.912 Materline length of the ship 8. 50a Blook cosfficient (0b = A 7 7, 026LBrd ) 0.818 Factor_in table 2 ( linear Interpolation ) 7,000 Total overal | area of bilge keols 20.37 mo 00 x A/C x BY 0.285 Factor In table 3. (linear Interpolation) 0.004 (i = Kio = d 2.6 = 078+ 06x (074) 0.605 Watacortrio heient 3.05 (0.379 + 0,028 (6/4) — 0.043 (71003) 0.358 Rolling period (T= 2x 6x87 JW) 13.2500 Faotor in table 4 (_inear Interpolation ) 0.068 [108 kx Kt x To 78.808 Be [mle of second intersopt between about) Wind heol ine lever Iv? and G2 curve 85 dee derived from the stability curve ) 2 | hogls of flooding ( GF) or Ge or 6" Chichover is less ) 50.0 dee “Bo [ Angle of heel under action of steady vind (derived from the stability curve ) 0.90 deg 4 [00 ¥ of the angle of deck edge imersion( ODE) 0.8 x tan-1[(17. 80-2) 92. 2610.5)) 16.0 dee ‘or 16° (whichever Is less) (Required ) (17.80.= 0 wld, 92.26 8 mid, a= draft) Ta [aan Ze [SI oe 0 x OE CoCo [a [sere bear cD ie. [i a Bre Ete SOUR OF ACORATION FoR Wa A 72801 a} yn] tt 5] |e] ston of eran” * she low [ox 1 foenar low [5 EE (7a than Jevat on of aren” Per asion of B/ 8 Teer we Cosme) ee Cammy wt wen “any rome ele) wl, ele Sau] aera] — zon] al a= | rsa ea] 1a 10] 17]_.omn] x ase a se L CC Wal Gin ino x Gor eoone | acon WA MEA "ECO ~ OTA) 1.082 Weare oe Wet mous aren) rao @ Gos tuo x 8n0 Vax ants Toa MeO“ e* CD ~ TAD hale 6.41 MINIMUM Goll DIAGRAM ‘© WARK EXALE g) Blank sheet for stability calculation Wo 74918) ) comp, 5 10 fine fo] he ot | itm leanne Titore fiete a [Mea Tox reIee x x dem) | a1 = 0065 x Estee = sere | 20.055 mae Wtow [ae tox raed xe Chen) | 10 ose x Eset = ret | 2000 mre co en) [ween ns ert | 2009 meat poste Josten, = = | 2020» om lom = at fg | 205 ou fens 2 [eos ® sunk SHEET @ a2 {) Galoulation for severe wind and rolling ( INO A,749(18) ) ‘amie allt fr] som Ten aa TL a Biemert z [went [rat trom n Fa [tatra elected re ae TL 7 TE] 2 [Laver Cloner ofA te tn dor CLAY a $c [oei ant 7 eo ji ee [Fat o T [8 Theta bread CH aa Ee E [| ora outed «Chel = CHER ; EEC Ti] Ht Feta in te TC Tsar Tr} Wari Tegth oF esp a Tete [Bleck cretion Cob = 7 TLD fa He Factor In able 2 esr Itarpoltion TEA Total ra aes of bie as aa 15] ak | oo x Cx is Tek Fetor Te ae esr TeraTation) ToL oR ni BLOT paar ee TOD [at | Hatori let o |e] aii» 0.00) CE) SOS COT ai| Tt Woline pried (T= 7x8 x87 FoR oi 22[ 5 [Factor in ae Clint Tne ation) ail at [wearers xa ee 2] Be] ne of vera treet ane ind Yel ing Tver Int S carve ee (rived om thn stability curve) BBE | tees of Hoodie (84) or Bef BF Cthictover te ese) ee 5 Cerne ten th stbitty curve) ee BI] 6d] Wate mele oT eek wl TmeraTon Ove tet. 80-0 /02. 268.93 ao or 16% (ihichover is lese) (7.80 = 0 nid, 32.26 = 8 ald) set © “SURRY OF CALCULATION FR IK HOCH woe | mar Tao zie or 0 8a we i ree [soho Geo Tey FO) tet) mec dxao-"y) soins a o lo e hae | xsier x00 1 ete Sah) [soa than 5° I ifzsiar D lr 7 a I TiC +x eos Io TM wee TOO ~ OTM) sir aones + det) viz z oor To MEA “oT ~ OTL) Ome ce on nee lation fb / 3-8) Righting lever KN table 1 (The righting lever at angle “Oven the vertical center of ravity is assumed to be on base line. Notes :1.The ship is essunad to be afloat even ke 2. Following spaces are to be buoyancy, Gol_= KN — Koo x sind RIGHTING LEVER KN TABLE ome Bh 8.00) coitens a se [8 [oe] Bo] | w[ wo] me] mo wel ee] ma] we] mol molme A I afc] 7 at «nl. 1 a vl rs. EN ee MM I a oe] 2] en] an] 7.37] ese sso) am. 0 30) 1. .2ef aso] 2 Pea) en sm] con) 73] ee] | msn advan van] 1-0] v.99) a] 2 fs] eH] rc] ez 6] of) 1] 7 oe rae 0] Ee if 2] va] sac] 7a aa] sell ows vr] na] nc er ve] TRE I A jae] aoe] conf con] con] re coal veal man| eral] A EE Co e E Ce To] ya] aa) 50 deg. 3-9) ANGLE OF DECK EDGE IWMERSION (DE ) ETEAGE PNT OF SA TE UGE: FER Te LAS) 1. STAC FO AP = 3698 2 HEAT ME RL = 1.00 2. ising Fa 15 3-10) Water line length of the ship (L) 3 a0 37 wa 3-11) Lateral projected area curve 150 IATERAL PROM. WEA ABOVE WL. as 135 10 2s ATERAL PRO. AREA BELIN WL ns FOR LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH CALCULATION General Allowable bending manent. and shearing force in still water Celeulation method of longitudinal strength {@) General explanation (@) How to-use forn paper (© Calculation me:hod of naxinum bending monent (© Calculation sheet for longi strength °B" and “WB” table Correction nethod of shearing force In alternate loading Example calculation of longitudinal strength by manual ) General ‘the loading condition different from standerd loading condition required, the still water bending monont and shoaring force Id be calculated by loading computer or by manual shown in 4-2, and it should be confirmed that the calculated values within al lovable linits. allowable Jinits are established in consideration of stress Jmgosed by wave at ocean going, thus, if the calculated still water ‘values are within allowable limits, the total stresses are within allowable limits when the chip is navigating st ooean. ‘The procedures of calculation and checking are show as a flow chart ‘on the next page. Standard loading condition Schane of leading conditions| a3 ‘adjust the Voading condition Galoulation of Ms & Fe at each point Allowable Bend, We Me (Al ouable valve) FeSFs(Allovable for LONG B40) Te lovable bending moment and shearing force instill water r (2 FOR INTACT CONDITION 4 Sea going condition fr. No. [Waging | Saegine ToT CONT [OT ae at Me b) Harbour condition wits Wa wen a RE eee Fro. [Woeging | Saegine Ta T1180 I 1. 686,38 (0067 [7 ea7 e-_ [2.318 a88-[ 2-17 B66 = 231 eer am lig T™ Sie se Pe sie ae i tee | te se trae mor [ake lglg (2 FOR FLOODED CONDITION 4) Sea going condition & Harbour condition se Fr. Wo, [Forging Sagging | PosrcTve ative] “8 a }) FOR INTACT CONDITION 4) Sea going condition co ageing axing ie “7 i 1188 $51, 8 151 86 i Fr. No X 122 i UO b) Harbour condition Fe No [Fxging o ma f & lig S00 (2) FOR FLOODED coNDITION 2 Sea going condition & Harbour condition Fr. Wo. [Wogzine ng] Positive’ Weeative fea * Be je0-7 Tower |. 5e7 ea aT [2ST wT] woe owe | ae ation Method of Longitudinal strength gral explanation pe still water bonding monent. and shear force at each joulation point should be obtained by the following method Intagrated value of desdreight ( loading weight ) snd lightweight fron fore end to esch calculation aoiat. + Integrated value of bueyancy from fore end to each ‘eleulation point, Double integrated value (ending moment) of deadweight and lightweight fron fere end to each caleuletion point. Double integrated value (bending moment) of buoyancy ‘from fore end to each caloulation point. “he still water choar force (Fe) and bonding manent (Us) a ‘btalnad from the following formule FeO = 8-¥ > WW@= (SW noe We (ton) = 0B = MW GA) = OB ~ MD x 8.81 ‘Ws (0) sien shows Horging nomex, ts 6) sien shows Sensing nomat In this booklet, 8 & NB have been calculated bated an the Aleplacenent of 2,000 t intervale for each ealoulation point, and Aahulated as “B £ MB table” on page 4-13~4-18, ht and bending nonent of Lightneight including constants have ‘been-given in the caloulation shext on page 4-10, Shoar force and bending monent of deadweight should be calculated in each cate. ‘to use form paper ‘aloulation will be executed using the calculation sheet on #0 1) Displacenent and trim FIIL out blank with the displacement (DISPT.)and trim of, the proposed loading condition, are derived fron the trin rim by the stern | Trim by the bor: 2 Base displacemant (9) and difference (2) Pick up the base displacenent (0) nearest to actual lacenent @ISPT.) fron the “B and WB Table", and ll out the colunn with it a5 base displacesent () ‘And FILL out the oolum with the value of 1/1, 000 of difference between actual dieplacsnent (DISPT.) and base displacenent. ©) into the colum (C0). 2) Golunn for weight (KY FILL aut this colum with the value of 1/1, 000 of leeding elht in each conpartnent, 4) Column of manent (A) x (®) FILL out this colum with the profuct of weight and LG. which Is the monent about midship. 5) Column for Total (We. ~ No.n) ‘ut this column with the sum of () & ((0) x (6) ‘ron fore end to each calculation point (Fhe lightweight and ite nonent are to be edied together.) 6) Colum of B and H Road BUDY., DIFF/T and CORR/TRIM corresponding to base displacenent (0) from the “B and NB Tanle,” and FI11 out ‘the colunn 8, MB, DIFF/T and CORR/TRIM with than respectively Correction should be nade according to the form paper. 7) Still water shearing force (Fs) The still water shear force (Fe) at each calculation point ‘aloulated by the following formula, Fs = correctes 8 W is the sub-total (M1, WZ -+> Wr) in eolunn (A) 1) Still water bending manent le) ‘he still water bending noment (ls) at each caleulation point Is calculated by the fol loving formula We = WW Corrected 1B Wore: W is the sub-total OH, a2 <*> a) in colum x @) Which is the manent about midship. Wis the product of sub-total QM, 2 to the distance fran the midship to each ie) in column Jeulating section Renarks 1/1,000 of the real weight Is here used a6 a weight for the convenience of calculation, and the values of Shearing force and Bending Honent are to be multiplied by one thousand 000) ulation method of maximan bending moment Jn sone of calculated sections, in general. shows peak value, while bending monent in calculated secti flvaye show the pesk value, But one of thm is close to the (nan bending manent. “the precise matimun bending nonent can be obtained by using the “ifoaring force curve. The maxinum bending monent oecure where thearing force is zero. [Refer to fol loving figure 1 at Fr. a section = FI (0, 00 = Mt Cand ft Fr. B tection (= F2 (WD, 0D = M2 On) Lari y/t(Fl~ (20) SCL FL D/C FL + F2) The peeition of Max. OD is TH (a) from Fr. Correction value @ is equal to Arse (A) of (F) curve, as 12x Fix T, (a) Therefore, maxima bending nonent is Wax. = M+ a, Oat) el] ES eal] yal) 4-4) “8” and “WE” table Reprecentative section C6 pointe ) on Frame We. a6 Frame Wo. 168 Fane No. 182 rape Wo. % Frane Wo. a rae No. a [ Explanation by sketch for “8” AND “NB™ table } omy: Trin correction per tm OFT Difference of B or W per 1 000t Displacenent / 1,000 ¢t) 2B = Buoyanoy AT: WB = Boyarey nonent + Difference of B oF M8 per 1,000 UM: Trin correction por 1 8 Oy the ster) (Men the ship is efleat in “Trin by the bor” ‘the plus end minue eigne must be taken vice versa.) obtain “B" and "WE" from table zarple ctloulation for frame No. 198 (See next page ) 8 condition “Displacement =: 52,250 t + Trim by the stern 1.268) + ((0.020 x 250) / (1,000) J= 1.274 500) = 0.018 Trin correction ~0.085) correcta “8 (= 1.1 Caleulation of 18 We" ek GLOOE | EAA + (100 x @5O) / 1,000 J= 5.480 1.500 = 0.08 Corrested “W8"() = 5.081 Trin correction (0.29) "B" AND “UB” cable for Frane No. = 198 Distance from midship = -60.63 m Te TE DFT o oar 76 Tae DIFF (oa a (oad ‘aaTTAIN a coma (eo ear 0.10 aie =a 27 ee = a8 = Sleaisilels lal lcleleleleleleielofe| lslalelolalalajelslalals) jaeeaaseaeesl iclelelele| sSSSS 0.0 0.0 =. 0.0 =. 0.008 a = 0.028 S851 =a Dar 0-025 Sa TT 0.022 057 2.206 0.022 ‘am 8 0-022 505. =a. i. =. 2 02 75 ae Tair =e 50 78 Tas = 788 e = Remarks = 1/1,000 of actus figure is used for the ‘comenience of the esleulation om “8° AND “NB” table for Frame No, 165 jstance from midship = 81.26 0 "ETE DuFF/T oy on 0-187 0-169 O01 0.102 0.102 ‘0-103 2.183 ‘0.109 0.189 a TE DIFF (ead ‘corarinin © =a ar i it EI = =e 381 =o =O. Ee =o. =o.3ue 0.38 =0.308 =a.see =a.386 ae TR a) =. S187 cH =r a 515 Same 3 seme =m =I = 515 0.180 0.100 0-182 0-182 0-181 12 Tso Ta 4.287 lolelelelerslelelalolelelal SSR E SESS Fowarks : 1/1.000 of actual figure is used for the convenienoe of the sloulation, 6 "B" AND “WB” table for Frane No. 132 Distance fron nidship 21.890 Tame IFET co "a aE IFFT eo Ta 11 6 Tae Tibi 1.556 1.896 i i if it it i aw ea 3 aur 79-02 a2 19 155.164 cain © = asi =OATE Cy (ead = 16-5 16-361 =air TT Sie: o4r Sis. 1897 =I St =18. 608 8.351 EI i pa pw 0 Be 6. T7355 78.150 78.16. aia 82,207 a 31 Ronarke : 1/1,000 of actual Figure le ueed for the convenience of the esleulation “8” AND “MB table for Frane No, Distance from midehip = 7 Tae ie Toe Bin] ouFerT Tire | CoE ea aes 60 i 7 TOV. 007 106,387 118, 360 T1635 12121 1250987 ase S83) 1954 669 ccm 148.3 195.016 188 156.067 1654 535 150.984 1727-427 sleeps BSGBEREBE 08 a az 107 66. a. 1013 825 ae 060.216 Isles ee amarks < 1/1000 of actual Figure ie used for the convenience of the esleulstion, wn AND “WB” table for Frame No. 6 Distance from miship 38.85 9 7 Tae Cn a © © ww a] 48 a | hono] 6.418 3308 | 64500 aaa | 155. [85a 9348 | 646.702 cs 0a 0-367 [99.007 ie ox Se, i 1155 =2.370 7a Th 15-730 =2.376-| — 510-58 eX 17-258 2 80-| 07.26 18-001 = 365-| To. 98 20-1 =a3or | Tes 2 2165 =a-396-| 1273-068 3 oo 21 380 8400 | 1368-30 2 4. 8 = 409-| St 50 078-411 0418-15, x Ze =4490-| “Tet 3 28-417 aaa | 1022-16 900] 30-907 =aa86_| —Ta10- 264 00) 92.972 = a66-| 1007-462 60] 30-601 =a an2 | 1988-326 oo 6s, 21S Te E28 PLO OE 35 722 ‘7-8 ish 10 2136-0 218 5B. 20.50 22 57 06507 a8 5 ‘8 5 "06 BUA) 376.110 fe uted for the °B" AND “WB” table for Frame No. Distance from midship = 31 48 7 TE Bin] DIT] comvraiw © © o we | — oer [om 10 Son oto] 9.9 0 ‘o] 11.565 07 Ta =o.0er (i o0] 15.392 08 fol 17.34 0.08 to) 19.214 0080. tol 21.12 a6 tol 23.031. EXC to] 24,930 = 08 ono] 28.85 01a 1 iar. S000] 0-650, =a. cab] 92.547 ai 0] as 0.18 ooo) 36.32 0.180 “38-180 =o. 2.000] 10-048 =o: ool a e 0-187 onl 4.701 28 ‘onl 45.510 oat Si =o2a8 oon] 19,09 0.288 50-88 Ew 52.028 281 St 3H7 oot] 56145 S21 7.5 nF [ecto — os =a th 61 380 300. $2.10 =a i000] — 4.800 =o “7 ooo] ee =O: 30 000] — 68-377. 0:30 7.00 10-123 0:30 00} =a x 0.38 | e607. 108 | oot [TS 1/1000 of actual figure is weed for the convenience of the caloul atin, + Jon nethod of shearing force in alternate loading Jing force nay be corrected using the following formula” Q5, = Put SOyPD—CoT ON argo or ballast in t for the hold in question hunor or ballact (t) In double botzan tank no. 8 (Gort ond starboard) situated below considered hold fraught in w at the nile of hold joad correction factor In KA/t = buoyancy correction factor in Ka banker or ballast load correction factor “talealation form paper Is shown on next page. KHEAD CORRECTION FOR SHEARING FORCE IN ALTERNATE LOADING Fane wraes [Foe woscr | NoscH a aeees_| ast? Toc 908 1 TOAGH aa SEA eat re bat ols iar alonble (a0 ea] 457 eller oa) 0.0 nble cw wou) 21 lone 00 sata 1.76 Ta Tr 5.06 ro Tae | wa ee | sa. “as 0 [5.30 he 1, COND, NO.= LOI je 2, CO. NO.= 103 fe 8, CND.NO.= KOS Je 6 CONDO. = KOT en Le calculation of longitudinal strength by marual NRA, BALLAST CONDITION DEP.) (FO = 96 FAL) HEAVY BALLAST cONDTION DEP.) (FO = 95 $ FUL) FULLLOAD HoWD, (Bo-8) DEP CFO, = 95 FUL) (DENS: 3.0) FULLOAD ALT GO-A) DEP. (CFO, = 98 ¥ FAL) (CDiis= 3.0 ) RIAL BALLAST CONDITION (FO=053) CEP.) or ag oa o0. 108. ay TROT wr id] a ere) PT_| ‘a _pe)_ | ‘a o a ‘ea ® Deon mtd Tee o wy 7 , cs) Bit -lelelaepleesatiaa | ia) lelelelelelel§ aT iT 416 ear 52 231 TF LUO WHS Ta WTR DHRTY Cy Dosey aan ares) EO) a aL Tar oo ToT si] 30 i it Scie ae (wi 50) 2 3] 5 Sh Tas Tet B95] =BL L =st.oF SiS 08 = =. 7a Bie 3.07 53. Te 18 =o 66 57 = ai re) © on ew MCT w Ta ta coc oe Fee Diese EL 0 TR 3 ew wo] Tas i147 oi Ts 5a 4 Sa 10.7 10: 0 000- 1.02800 1 ry 10.9 zu ia 5a 18.76 isa is.81 757 13.08 ia 0.02 1.00 ra 12. 6.00) a2 wae] aT wa _| tw Taal) aie Tos. 3ta| a) 79 12 Zoo] 1 10a] a soa] —_—a1 anh 1.826 iaas[ 1 ‘el aa ea] ete] 3 7 i 5 3,08] 230 7 Ti To. 0.1 24H T8251 o.t 7" 10, | al 34 lar 4 | |) a es s| i 708s | (41.00) [tite pian | e318 TG OHT| 0.19 ae 425 a |e ee oT wo | @ | ew | @ | eo | ow 3360 a] — 167i] — sao s7| tase | — fon Tl waco —sivif ve sso]_ear| aif ext of 9] 10a], e0)| —. aa| —10 w wea] we [ieee geo | sn] 8 07a] 1¢] 1,05] 186 | 20] 10] ® ea] ake seal get | 1.102 ai io ee] ae ‘sei ise | 1.102] Bra i[ 0-50] —— aos] 1s 75] —— a 5] STs T.22 | os [aa 7 w sas [eer ae is] an . ser | 6] Can a ©. Tas | #58) te i @ Tieir| tion] ha 71] "52. 35)| soos] — 0 pe © =a | “Io osf — e36 Zam or Sak ae [75 sr] eo a mo} =a 07 | T1-s0] er ® ie 65 | an ae 0a a) io, = 55 | an aa ta ® =i oo 7 ao =e 00 aj @ 7s [sem] — car o r_@) zi} 9 tal tas a =O ‘sox | ——] 1.05 a io sear] ae] 1061 © 7 fe © 1-20 | area] — at | =U | =p, 3] | 205, sal Emi] @ 6 04 La to © SST ee | ‘@ =I Le 9) © He Lar a © a et way of 0.00) =a-s0 | ia ao] — oe | eo] eae Wovew |e. Ke | 9.24 ‘fore) FL eg_a)_| 0.62 | at) | 8.85 “aft)_ OL Leo |e | ot) | on tos (ie A zofoo mn | 32 |e [tw [27 | oe | a6 TO LTO UN TANS) — — [RE [Toon ened | 0.78059 | DIESE] —0.e0000| ( SF.) |_(47.00)/ 208 Tose [ra | oso | reo | esi wea tee [aren [1.02 S521] “0.4 oe [BULKHEAD CORRECTION FOR SHEARING FORCE IN ALTERNATE LOADING HEAVY BRLAST CODITION FO=86H) CEP.) Rw [a ea Woe oR 16647 1388 © Tost “878 = o vesoe| 24760 wear Tae 0.750 | 266 sm [ 5.06 s.r [a4 so Re [ae | mie “aan | ee [os meee | wom | wo sa771 [2007 | 1200 seas] 15 | ‘oases [oan | —a00r6 ° ° 2 ies [ 0 iss ant [| tar Sas0_| 288 | 2007 fe [ at] os poop at | pel joao Io i sens] ez] a0 we] ns] 8 sae a |r aa] naw] 65m cea. io | a0 re [we [ar Taree oa 2 Tae Ta em o ‘waa as 05 i aE wo) fc ate Bak lata otis [ooeane son fe alone oa alone Sc ‘Tlombte OO ‘Hlonble 0) 8 42 ‘FLLLLOAD HOW. FO:95KFULL DES=3.0 (BO-B) DEP. WET Lae eet edo @ | ew | w | ew OTH] — 100-2710. 06 | — 12,7 stu] rea] zara i 90)] 104, Yala] 1. 14 is | ine] 1.80 [260 oo. 15 [—] 18.00 | 2 a} 00.0 Sc sti] 6.81 | 1.1m St ssa ier} en (o0-50)] ae se] 5 ov] 81 EH, 732 [10.7] 13.08 [1a Wa] 10.718. 08][ eas [Tae ash sie | 2.6) 000 = Ts] s.55) i282 [ead ie] or] tage | (2. 95][ To, on] — 6.00) 7.2 =H 0 2.00 a = | 0.09 9 =a 2.0 af =. 08 | 0.00 af 08 | 0.00 q a0) Lie of 0.00 q oo iar ‘0.00 q oo za 000 4 a0) 2 ‘a. 4 aq ses a) a ped 0) aq 74 o ad 76 7-00 x. [ et 96 71,0487] 06-64 10.116] —=7.20 1,782.5] — 21.78 6.1] 10-080 4] —o0-50 3230.7] ~ 6.) 9.007 ie ew 227 | woe 1 [Loe @ 13.08_[ ba) 12 30160 1-10 [oF 7 = — [FRE DIESE 0, THER DEST Wa aT [HR] [fron sea ares) gm anes | WER | — 10250 50.0 0.10 oe e905 t+ a a 8 Ue [eae enon ONES] 8g g oo'oo't 432 FL LOW AL F0:95HRL OES3.0 6-0 oer Oa er es oe oT wo | @ | eo | @ | ee | ew a sao] | oo] 10. |e = ‘col — sin] 45a] iz] — 6a] i Tao] — Up] —— va, en]—c. | Ta, se] Toxo] 1a 3 — ws [evel 5.09 [90] 6.0] 107. ens [Te oa] 15.00 [ol sooo) 68.7[ a eh 2 ‘oe.o] 80.7] 8-16 64] 16.01 | 1-122 Bie i] oo soy] — a, sa] 5. 00] a rae] ota | — rae | 10. oa | i] 139-4] 7-3] 100] 9. a] 9} Bi s[ a6 [amo tig] 2a sac |e. 64 | 5] 0.90 em ‘aa.o| 7.8 | 38.599] 2 | he] — wa] Tr] 007] 2 | 3.485] 01 5| — 955] — 1, os] — 6:0). 2 aol 42-0 00. | 0-0) 63.0 of a0, | a) 0) a7 ofa, ‘aa 0-0) 06-08 | 0.00 0 20) 36.0 ‘a —.00 0) =7.18 0.00 af 0.04.87 0.0 D| a 0.0] 21.2 0.00 fa eof 0.0] 21.8 0.00 q Gof 0.0] 2:39 1a q eof 0.0] 2:38 hee | eof 0.0] 5-70 fr jd eof 0.0] — 7s 2. a 2.0] 0) 0-0 0) a] Tea. | =e 08 |=. Ts — 5.08 [7 ° ‘of 6-87 | ae eae. raat] oa ° ola. Oe 7 Bera] 0.96 | 00,15] — 5 | — Tro SLT] = =a se eaf an | De ea | wee [wrote | 8.2 @_[—W.31 [tea on [3 88_| tee |= [iz s_| eo Zw [ea a TNS a = — [es] — ooo, DIESEL 6. [ 0-00 ATER TEAST ea —[ToD6OO_ PEL 0._| 0000 guy en as) Ha [WATER 0250 [BULKHEAD CORRECTION FOR SHEARING FORCE IN ALTERVATE LOADING FuLL_LOAD ALT FO-OAFULL DS=3.0°(6-A) EP SICA feat Ba — ar aa ‘lonble 00) louie 010 lnabie 01) 0s ren |e a] mas 13.10 aS68 = ee © anes] sa wer] 9.8 |e are] se sine | as cE a7 Bas “asa . 103 o a ne | mim | me sae] er | aa maa | meee ower [19204 yess | _s036 anir | _oaate iar 18 @ ° aia ve200 [9682 ex] a) om] oe | om lo: as] rasa] 5250 wae] wos | ras Tan | eer] et aan] se] 6. Tense rom [20 rie Tee Trem 9108 “08 “04s 20 aa ret o om 5 |] TRIM, STABILITY AND LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH CALCULATION FOR STANDARD LOADING CONDITION 51 5-2) -9 4) 5) Trim calculation basis Calculation of desdveight constant Description of standerd loading conditions Summary of trim, stability and longitudinal strength calcilation Detail calculation sheets 2 jm calculation basis inoipal dimensions 4 old Gesien) ld (ourmer) Deadesieht on design draught oul des) ant Deudveight on ewer draueht. (mulded) 55,089 t Wain engine {B-E BLW ESSONE-C Type x One set (1) Tyo-stroke cycle, sigle acting. crosshead, direct reversible type, rine diesel eagine with exaust gee turbocharger Wx. continuous output (HOO ) 8,200 KH (bp) x 110 rpm Normal output (85 8 HCO ) 6,970 KH (bp) x abt, 104 rem Light ship condition ( Lightweight ) ‘The Lightweight particulars are as follows, Lightwoient 9.960 t Lee. 1071 on Vice 0 10.98 9 “4, Speed on draueht moulded 11.10 m at normal output With 15% sea margin Aoout 14.6 kote 5. Fuel consumption of main engine ‘Aut 28.9 t/day (at normal output, based on fuel oll of low calorific value of 41,000 kiske ) | bunker ing PASTY Too § full a) ‘002 6H7.8 551.9 206-3 1,996.2 Tela EES WHT | OETA | 0% ful @ wo. @ aa] 08 as sa.6 | 307.7 61.5 498.1 | 2627 52.4 761.4 [140-7 Zt veeor.s [ose] 109.5 ae Fo @ 0.1.) FOTO F.0.7. 6) OTAL COPAGTTY 00 ¥ full 2) 187.0 Cac Weta | se Ta @ o 138.6 785: rE Ts full o 147 TK NE ao) ‘90% FULL LOADING CONDITIONS ARE FOR STRENGTH CHECK REFERENDE. water PAT 00 # full as) o Te full © TT wT 70 70 a4 Wear ry THR Fall | 89% Ful @ © ‘7 9.7 THN NE T_T) FES!_WT._G) HEED WTO) WTO) TOTAL Specific gravity and filling ratio of fluid Fluid] Specific aravity (tA) Tax Fine ratio o3) Ballast sea mater 1.025 700 Froth water 1.000 100 Fuol i 0-380 38 Diesel oil 0.880 8 Saft canter Hine Hid WAP. (3220) f diameter (6.100 8) Cae) x 10 / 0 PROPELLER IMMERSION CURVE 7 8 9 On ROB DRAFT AT APL (a) “certo hold capacity (ng = 36.2487 Fe) T00-§ FULL GAPROTTY RAT TC NE TREE, HATOH cOnmING [ENGL WATE COATS a wenn | reer | were | reer oa) 3) 3) re, ToT oO TOLD Wz eno [445,002 | v2. 158.1 | 420,368 WO.2 CARGO HOLD CG 14 668.3 [517 [14 148. | 088680 up, CARGO HOLD) 8,498.1 [ 476.1 | 12.987. | 458. 653, D4 CARCO HOLD”) 14.738. s02, 56 | 18. 728.8 | 404 28 T= 1,000 ke 2 dratt WO. 5 CARGO HOLD CO) | 14. 4s3.0 | 610,400] 1,042.5 | 492.975, TOTAL 9,451.6 | 2,452,660 | 6,065.8 | 2.304.875, Others “belt AIL weight are in eetrio tons. Draft are measured fram botton of keel at fore and aft perpendiculars (and AP) and at sidship. Draft marks at bow and stern are required sone correation to convert than at perpendiculars when ship is trimed. Refer to Chapter [2], 2-2) Draft correction 9) Los, VOR) and IT of tanks Le = Center of gravity from sidship corresponding to the ‘asouned lotded volune (2) £ afterward of midship G) 5 forward of midehip Vai0KG) = Vertical distance from top of keel to canter of gravity ‘corresponding to the assuned loaded volune IT = Transverse sunent of inertia of free surface corresponding to the essuned loaded volume 6 culation of deadweight constant git of constant ton & their effects 26 men 120 ke/tan = 30 store, (Fore, ppt / 000 = m2 oa @ Provision W mene 2.5 ke/nevdey 55 dey = 3.4 cz @ ON and water in engine roon ra as ay Fine =O SENT T- wo x 01x o. we 0 SERV.T. RE x 0.70 x 0.95 Bt 0.0. SERV. 160 x 070 x 0. wot 0. Serr. M3 x 070 x 0.88 at oot. © 29 x 07 x 0.90 ue cro. 29 x 0.70 x 0.90 ut woo. 22 x 0.70 x 0.90 mt moo 2%2 x 0.70 x 0.90 mt over 190 x 070 wt © Oi and water in double bottom Tak name ‘Gapuclty Fling 5 ratio WNL OST Tx x 0.90 wor 0. O/ERFLON T. <3) 2 x 0.0 x 095 ot YWSTE 0.C0UL.T. @) 9 x 0.20 x 0.95 at BILGE. ® 2x 0.20 x 1.00 at STEW OMT. Ox 1.00 x_1.00 at Stal © Oi! & water in pipe tine ipa Tine Camacity Filling 8.0, Wout * vt 18 ETE Tae ST ee Tt NBLLINES CALL PART) 29.4 x 1.00 x Oi mt © others Grab = 28 cay Deadweieht constant total CD ~ OI vvveeeevee 57 G and ¥.0.6. of deadveiht constant WaT cee @ wo TENT en) TET VEE @ aT (ea 3 18.30 we AO 10 20.50 1250 15.00 4 20 mo 0 00 2 7.0 10 m0 0 3 7.00 20 1938 RT o 1) 55 942 tas7 Ek @ 18 7.10 1.0518 1099 ees 2 o 10 mst Tod 1874 te @ 9 168 od MT 4 20 10108 1842 29 GHL.O.STORT. GS) 4 388 Lows 1a eS MLOSET.T. 7 7L24 1.9181 the2 2689S WLO.STOR.T. (8) 17 T5556 1.75 1882 HS OTHER SWMLL TANS 13 7839 ow1 109 LTO ‘1 and water 0.20) WAIN L.0. sue T. wo mor er nT 7 F.0 VERFLON T. ) 0 720 00 1% 0B WSTE 0.00LLT. @) 2 1M m7 18D BILGE T. o 4 me m7 10 at STEM TORT. me 0 2420 4 9 0 O11 & water in pipe tine a. Lines exe.) 3 oe m5 08 WB. LINES MLL) Pr ee 1. Others Grab ee ee) TOTAL 204 LIT) 14,5928 (124 3,541.8 102 } von 0 rar [ooo [ros Twior ° joow [it Tao os [st ° 13 (eos "1 goems_| v1 © ie |e Gis) Luss Wo asm | et ° see |sm "AGL HSV ETIGB HW _| ZL ° lez [owe T maT “Wolo svo00 aI [HE 0 lore [es LOW TLS | oF o ice foo Toa To wis LW US [6 0 lee [00 “1 Wo Was summa /S | @ 0 ise [soar Twiso 73 [L ° is jon ipso 39 [6 ° joe fee ‘LNG x08 owionanvos |S 2 joe fe = nivaa x00 onTasTus | ¥ ° “aaa va os | © o “I NOTE waLva Was 009 |Z 0 “Los aula N39 NE |b 5-3) Description of standard loa 1g conditions The following loading patterns are presented as the standard loading conditions except as shown. o Tee oer | Rauns fami BLAST corr oe | ar powi_BALASTcoorTioy BLATT in| o> oor iF fOaN_BKLAST EO TION BALASTO ww [ fe tora jor —pam_suas"coorrion an fos asus carrion oe. ro sara foot RULAST corre BLAST STR ww | fo sor for jar SKS caITION BAAS BO wt [ro sora fox fen sus eairin a se jc sien orion se we. | wn fasion nro 1 | ja fester nora 07 we. ofa fe pest enor ase? va |= fs evo a7 [ro sara TRL L077 BLS ta] o> ear (F [RU LOw 7.7 BALA BO we | Po= San Flow GveiTioN aan. 7a | ro TF feof ioo cawrrier arae-6 oe |e ara eT we | = er iF FRULLOO SH 6 aALT_A | Po er fo Row eaoirir wee ve Fo Tor Jes FuuLo0 ra nes er oe. |e = eau ce ee van | Fo Tor fer Fuuoo ar tess.0 conn we. [swam fon fuioo ar s-.0 cen mae foe Fruioo arses. 0 1. |e war hie a a ce 1 uso ALT sr16. we | Fo en 2 RUD AT sre a [= ra 10 ae veprnm | REM (oALLow onoTION SF=2-0 Te) Fo RL fon_Low COOITION Sz. 0 BALLAST START we | FO= xR [ALLOW oaoITioN sF=42.0 BLAST. 2O tw. [ FO art fcon_Low coarrion sF2-0 we) FO or [DALLOW oODITION SF=2-0 te. | Fo or [coaL_LOA ORDITION sFa42. 0 ae | FO = TORU jr. 201 Come. De. | Fos LL roi Loco. | Fo ou fa o1L Loco. oa FO> UL ocoine COneTiOn Tried a | Fo Ar [ror covarrion S = [pwn cua Taco. S59. doe wtanderd | oe | FO = APU j i i i 5 i '3|8]3|3]3]3]2/3]2]8]8]8/8)51 x FRE SURFACE MOMENT EAL FREE SURFACE MOMENT 58) 51818/8|5|2|212\o15| a}=) |]5]=] 2/019 z en 5-4) Sumary of trim, stability and longitudinal strength calculation SUMIARY TABLES ‘Explanation Tretnei Genstants wa etal wal Total wei Total wei Total wel Total we ght of water ballast ighttata pl acenent raft equivalent to Fore draft at ‘ATE draft at AP. ean draft of fore batt Tein t= da ~ df ig-oF propel et_imeraTon faz roah wate i of dieser of fuel of of ear i iW (ore) ‘a “) Gear) placenent Genter of gravity above base Tine Loss of by the free surface offect Gel = Gk ~ 600 feeling sonent to Fool 1 Te of heel at Wax. GoD The area under stab, curve 0 The area under_stab. curve O-d ra Ho, which oobi Waxinun Sanding_savent Frane Wo, -which-oodur Haxinun Dending_sonent rane No Wich occu? eT tlen rit S13 LOADING CONDITIONS ry )ge8a8| iangasaae SESE ERS REE ITE Se ar aeereny 1g2835|z S88E5 f0* 252 oer pees] [SS8585) 9°29 (28528°§) ae3ae 1$28285) Aa ege AR Fa SAITO LONETUDMAL TRENT CAULATEN = 7 (Se8855| | eeeee| ay [NANTONG COSCO KHI SHIP ENGINEERING CO.,LTD a LOADING CONDITIONS wns mk STABLITYANOLONOMUONALSTRENETHCACUATION ee="F lag sees ae ezaee ae EH = ae wu UI = isd, je#R*S°y |g BES FRrEREEE) He lee i ava fag ease feapaaene ie faassen glge|sosen[eagaseag i ena eeeegpey NANTONG COSCO KH! SHIP ENGINEERING CO, LTD LOADING CONDITIONS uu OF RD STABLY AN LONGTURNAL STRENGTH CALSUATON — =| £2) 22) St | et | eet | Sect =| | ee! a a | | ey ECC SCS] 3 eR 8 ts] ||] Cay | Gy | Gey | | ee Cn ne ee Se ce on ce ALE | eel | bee ee =i 3 ist ois [NANTONG COSCO Kil SHIP ENGINEERING CO.,LTD fy |@| @|@| @ A oe a , BER | [obi] | eBiReEe) | lobe | BGT | (Pee el | ota q ° a | Ga | at | ae NANTONG COSCO KHISHIP ENGINEERING CO, LTD LOADING CONDITIONS gun OF EM STARILTY NO LONGTUEMAL STRINGHCACIATION = = a Eee | [Ee.| oe. | See aR | 8) | | GB) | SEW | peel | Mae | (tee! | eee EER | (eee) eae) | lees, | seeks La | ces | eee | cael | ie te |G NANTONG COSCO KH SHIP ENGINEERING CO, LTD LOADING CONDITIONS Sa | ae | Se | ee | | Be] se ea i a = er ae ee ae ee 8 cat oe soe wai weet 13 | Gey | Ge | Ge) Ga BET | lotsa) | lotsa e| | fol o fel | fl o |e BEE | leeretel | (okee| | [omie! | oH BE Tg) | leeaeee| | eee) | fol « ff | ie fy La | eee | ee oe | ta |% - eens} ‘s x 3 'NANTONG COSCO Kil SHIP ENGINEERING CO, LTO LOADING CONDITIONS si? OF, STABLY AN LONOMUBNAL ERENT CALELEANON - =e a a 2 il _sa|__Si|__#1|_is VTE [Mell Mehl | be hl | pe i ak | pe | | Re | (cB BER Mell ile bl| meh | lek bik os on i os NANTONG COSCO KHi SHIP ENGINEERING CO, LTD. LOADING CONDITIONS 520 B =| =| 2) JAA CF) | eS | ee) | | ae RE | Peel | Pee | ee | tae Tia | el | ees) | les, | eae BEN) | (obbe| | (see! | loti) | [obket vl ay | | | NANTONG COSCO KH SHIP ENGINEERING CO, LTD LOADING CONDITIONS xg OF STABITY AND LONGMUGIAL ETRENGTHCALCLON 521 SEB > § 2 2 E eh i) ae [ae ae TT [NANTONG COSCO KH! SHIP ENGINEERING CO, LTD LOADING CONDITIONS “pan OFT STARLITYANDLONGTUDNAL STRENETHCALATEN <== | Gat | Se | Be gO 2 a i a og oe RTT | Bee | fiber! | ae BERT | (ee | Gee | ee EE | leks | bse) | ae READ | cee! | el | oye 7 | ed | [NANTONG COSCO KH! SHIP ENGINEERING CO, LTD g n ean SERED eles § | 2: . eee] s Q i ote re 2 in| ti pala 9 | atest DE i A 4 ee 8 z: clefeleles Wels g i mms. g Q i SEES] aa =zseloppestsy EE] eer : i | om | rene |e | ro | =e E} n 5-5) Detail calculation sheets + Telm end stability ealeulation Longitudinal strength calculation and to draw the longitudinal strereth curve Statioal_ stability calculation and to draw the stability curve calculation, area “a” and “6” 10) NO. + Lo2 Peal ‘Norns BALAST CONDON FOSONFULL NLA. START FeovorON LDIF. NORMAL gALLASTCONOMONFO_ERFULL BALAST SND fing Wee LCG. TCG VER Fam pms ties oe “Se emiys 120 tm ‘m7 bin ¢ ase rent warts ten ota8 ‘fam NO. : LOLIF 530 stA@T CONDITION FO:204FULL BALLAST RID, INT sersaat | es NORA BALAST CONETION FOSONFLLL AR Leo, too vee Faron NO. + Luz aise? CONDITION FO: 10¥FULL AFR. ino LO: HEAVY BALAS CONDITION FOSOAFULL UALASTSARTINE, pivON S508: HEAVY SALASTCONDITONFOONFULBALAST_ENDIN. ee me ONE tani is“ we me gmt ene wre toma + za ponte ms ain oa NO. : LO3TF [EACOAGT CONDEZHON 0. 29SFULL BALLAGT BD TF agar ey { aos on | ‘ston conomonronsar uu eres oer. p. NO. : KL ‘conDETION FO:954FULL SPOS6.2 DEP e [= [6 |e |e ° | > |e ,°e1°8 HEE erred 53 eae aasaeee i FULLLONO FOSONFULL S477 ALAS STARE NT Sst NOTION KOI: FAR LOAD FOSONFUL SF HLAST BION. ca stoma { ae ra ‘tart Bik we a5 ef = 8 t 28 FEEONOTH KE) FULL LOADCONDITONFOONFAL SFA Fig ven ca 168. VEG Fann Bie os “i ee ee fees EEE BE a ct | ei rN XO PRI_LOXD CONDON FOSMRELLL SEEDER. Fig Wage Leo Tea veo. Famine ts i it AON FULL LDADPONOMFUL fo HALLAST START NT. img Wine LCG. 166. VEG. tame a Ne on pi KOM FUL, OAD FOZOREULL SME ABALAST. BIT Pilg Waitt Lea Tea VEG. Fanon ; ees oes ice nm SE OH kes ee ea Het Bin |S, min ea SEER TS Se et: PULL LoHD HOMO, POUL OF5+18 (0-0 9 Fim aye Use, TER CG. Famen ee . NO. + KOS cers t onOTION KOR: FUL LoAD HOUD.FOTo obtain by heel Indicator ) The sign of correct on value is a follows ISITION OF ORAIGAT WARK FRE & AFT) roar nua wax | sa owueHT we ee. vmecriow [owt wea [swe ves] ron ve. [so | ‘tou Fon commer + + 5 Aft draueht mark Fore draught mark e2e (ULL SECTION 2 omRECTION VALE ie oh Hee! correction table (1) Correction value for aft éraueht mark [ Position = FR. 12 fore 0,060 a] Brat fai? Bea] ® ow a oy sa ons 7 012 sit aus cg os] tow x 0.5 kar [ oom] owe | 020s] 0.208 ‘iee[ aie] oes | oan [sre Tao ieee | ona | o.36¢ | o.sae [ore Tid 1g | ovata | o.4te [0.605 | 0.08 20 [ene] os | ont | 0.861 160 Tae] one] 0-07} 0-65 | 0.074 40 wise] or] —owa]—o-eeo | 0.080 (®) Correction ve ue for fore éraueht mark [ Position = FR 208 fore 0.950 m J Tie Waal Fear eer ® om © ‘060 aiae[ ona] ome 568 tio [on | 0.318 as oi [ 028 | od 57 oui | 07m | 0.38 57 oie] 028 | oan S510 aia] —o.7e8 | 386 5578 oie | 0.280 | 0.380 ‘Ser ‘ona | —o2o0 | o.386 S37 cies ore] aan | <0 aim [027 | 09 ro ait [ ome | 0.28 aon cia} 026 | oan 4a1 creat 07s | ox HEEL CORRECTION CURVE [SmIF stot — comer Le} (1) AT RAT ARE 180 20. ao. EX} 40: 50 40 20. 20 10) time’ at® amo” nso eo” asmo Oed G70 0.8 0.800 1.00 (GORRECTION VALIE AY SHIPS CENTER CTE 16 HEEL CORRECTION CURVE (oil's sioe — ewer Line) (2 FORE DRAUGHT HA 160 Mo 10 m0 40 10. rs} 50 40 Gow oon” 020 036 0400 0600 0600 070 0000 cD 1.0 [CoRETTON VALE AT STP” ENTER LTE] 7-10) Length of parallel part Lon = _ 189,90 Kise SSCS et >| _ woes ven sine Le or \ Left er " 2,50 9 7.50 m Lee = 185.00 m a! ie Tat b [ites Bee vwrer[oistaneoistatce ) Tork. tune | row o. | Fron wio, | vent o © @ © Fe EC TD 300 [as [en | oer oa [ saa st-20_| a0. em | ae | oe] are ee Xe 7.00 [a0 ser Ton eo | ois | azo | 108.36 ac | sm [eo | 108.28 7a.00 | sae [e200 | 105.98 Too | sean | sz. | t0n90 Teo; sass | S200 | 110.38 To [ sae | s2.00 | tia. 74.00 | 89.05 | s2.00| 111.08 5.00 | feos | sae | 1.05 Teo | eats 52.08 [11.05 v7.00 | sos | se. 0 [1.06 1-60 [05 82.0011 05_f se) me T-11) Hot coi! loading plan Steel coil WTC Hla [Ve ERLO tiers (readth = 1.5m Damage = 9 rows WO.2 O.fold | 1S t x1.5 tiers Greadth = 1.5 m Dannage = 3 rows) NO.3 GHold | 16 tx 2.0 tiers Greadth = 1.5m, Dannage = 3 rom) WO.4GHotd | 18 tx 1.5 tiers Greadth = 1.6 m, Dannage = 9 rom) NO. CHold [15 tx 20 tiers (Breadth = 1.5 m, Dannage = 9 row) Total umber and weight sw | 4nmo | avo | 2H | 1 mmo | Tora i TER wm |e |e |e me | ist THe 2e_| 266 [mos | a6 | an | a7 TOTAL ae] tee | ans | tee | a0 1,90 wio (o| e20 | 5.760 | «ou | 5.70 | 6.000 | rae05 TYPICAL PLAN FOR DUNNAGE OF HOT COIL 20) SORT vo. WOGER OF WOT OIL Tora TH 0 15 a] 5 vo 05] v2] vo] vo] of al a] ol 85 val lve sel ve v5) vo] vo] et Of of ef ]_aty rasese treo Te THER OF HOT OL TTA x TERY vv] 1505] 15) 05] 15] 15] 5] 99] 5] 19] | 105 ast Tuer 16) el vl al vl vo ve ve] vo ve] ve] v6 v6] 29] No. $ CARGO HOLD TER ER OF HOT GOH TOTAL 20 THR] a] 9] giqy qd 7a] 1st Tier 16) 4¢) 9 vel TETT TTT TT itt ttt Tritt ti rtiti tt TTT TTT TTT itty tt TTiTT Titi titi ttt LETT TTT tri itt tt TrTt Titi ti ttt tt LETT TT TTT tt ttt 12) Result of lightweight measurement FINISHED PLAN NEO71/072/073- ANNA-LOTTE SANNASREGHIA= ANNA-THERESA- RESULT OF LIGHTWEIGHT MEASUREMENT 23 APr Bere A yaees Knitst Finis tecinieal”docment Te the property ef lantone C0860 KH Ship Engineering JQUCKS), and may not be copied nor diclo lnriteen eon arty without NAGKS's prior] SCALE: — 08 No HULL DESIGNING DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL DIVISION NANTONG COSCO KHI SHIP ENGINEERING CO. , NANTONS CHINA Lip, TABS THE ED CONTENT 4. SUMMARY OF DEADWEIGHT CALCULATION 2. DECLARATION OF LIGHTWEIGHT, LOG & VOG 3 LIGHTWEIGHT MEASUREMENT 3.4 DETERMINATION OF DISPLACEMENT 3.2 SUMMARY OF WEIGHT TO BE UNLOADEDILOADED 4. DEFINITION OF DEADWEIGHT / LIGHTWEIGHT 5 _ATTACHMENT{SISTER SHIP "NAMRUN") RESULT OF LIGHTWEIGHT MEASUREMENT AND INCLINING EXPERIMENT. 8 Me 1 [ SUMUARY OF DEADWEIGHT CALCULATION J (1) Deacweight based on contract draft (sumer draft) of d wld = 12.508 Contract deadwetsht Draft moulded ( sumer draft ) 12.500 « Draft extrene ( feol = 2m) a & @ Contrast deadnciaie s.000 @ Adjusted contract desdnoisht (Or) worst 1) petal dendvatzht on sumer draft ( d mld © 12.50) Displacezent hag sel ad ‘© Descessek= as (Seam tr rubs Pongo t ©) Excess deadvelatt §— (=O) 55,02 = 54,978 = ge ue (2) Summary of deadweight 24justnant No. _List of B/W odjustaent 5/4 oda 1 WiRL aa ~F-500t 2 OUTFITTING PART aot Total “a 1 (Round) art i . 128 2 DBCLARATION OF LIGHTWEIGHT, LCG, & VCS LIGHTWEIGHT = 9,957 metric tonnes Can) LG & © 10,52 meter (to aft from midship ) VG & = 10,98 meter C above base Tine ) CG) Notes LL: The Lighteeight is to be the welght of toe ship completely realy for service LCG. : Longitudinal canter of gravity fron aidship (2): afterward from aiéship (©): foreard fron aldship V.cG, : Vertical center of gravity above tase line ce) REUAG ; THE V.C.6, OF THIS VESSEL 1S DERIVED FROM SISTER SIP “NAMUN” Reference As for the definition of Dendweight / Lightweteht, ‘refer to last pase

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