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March 2002

An International,
Registered & Refereed
P olitical Science

UGC Approved Journal
Monthly Journal :
Research Link Research Link - 168, Vol - XVII (1), March - 2018, Page No. 69-70
ISSN - 0973-1628  RNI - MPHIN-2002-7041  Impact Factor - 2015 - 2.782

Life and Education of Mahmud Ghaznavi

Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi was a king who attained varieties of worldly prosperity and the
fame of his Justice and government, and the sound of his fortitude and country-subduing qualities,
reached beyond the hall of planet Saturn. In prosperously carrying on war against the kings, he
exalted the standards of the religion of the faithful, and in his laudable endeavours for extirpating
heretics, he rooted out oppression and impiety. When he entered into battle his heroism was like a
torrent, which rushes over even and uneven places without heed, and during the time that he sat
upon the throne and was successful in his undertakings, the light of his justice, like the rays of the
sun, shone upon every one. His wisdom during the nights of misfortune like a star, pointed out the
way and his sword pierced the joints of his enemies like the hand of fate.


M ahmud became the Amir in 999 AD. Immediately a state emerged in northwest India which comprised the areas
after his accession he embarked on his amazing career of which now from Pakistan. In 1029 C.E. Mahmud defeated the
conquests. In the very first year of his rule he overpowered, Bawayhids and annexed Ray.
the Samanids, and annexed the territory upto the Oxus. In Mahmud died in 1030 C.E. after an eventful reign of
1001 C.E. he conquered Kohistan. In 1001 C.E. he had to thirty one years. At the time of his death, the Ghazanavide
fight against the Hindushahis. A sangunary battle took place Empire stretched from the Beas to the Oxus. He was one of
near peshawar. In this battle the Hindushahis suffered defeat the greatest rulers of the eleventh century. When Subuktagin
and Mahmud annexed the territory upto the Indus. Raja Jaipal came to power, Ghazni was a small principality. Between
having been defeated thrice forfeited the right to rule. He themselves Subuktagin and Mahmud raised the principality
burnt himself to death. He was succeeded by his son Anand to the dimensions of an empire.(1)
Pal. In 1002 C.E. Mahmud annexed seestan. In 1004 C.E. Rise of Ghazni :
Mahmud crossed the Indus and defeated the Raja of Bhatia We have seen that, with the exception of the frontier
(modern Bhera). In 1005 C.E. he captured Ghur in the west provinces of Sind and Multan, India remained unaffected by
and Multan in the east. In 1008 C.E. the Hindu Rajas made the tide of Arab conquest. The establishment of Muslim rule
big effort to expel the Muslims from the soil of India. The in India was the work of the Turks, and the process was
Rajas of Ujjain, Gwalior, Kalinjar, Kannauj, Delhi and Ajmer begun by the Turkish rulers.
sent contingents to aid Anandpal. A sanguinary battle took The principality of Ghazni was founded in 963 A.D. by
place in 1008 C.E. in the chach plain near modern-Hazro. The an adveturer named Alptigin. He started his career as a slave
Hindus fought desperately but the superior generalship of of the Samanids, whose power at one time extended from the
Mahmud won the day. The Hindu forces were annihilated Jaxartes to Baghdad and from Khawarizm to the borders of
and Mahmud annexed the territory between the Indus and India. Alptigin died within a few months of achieving the
the Jhelam. In 1018 C.E. Mahmud extended his conquests crowning success of his life, and after an interval of about 14
further west and Khawarzam shahs of Khiva became him years, his slave and son-in-law, Sabuktigin, occupied his
vassal. In 1019 C.E. he confronted the Hindu Shahis again. throne (977 A.D.). The new ruler was an enterprising military
The Hindu Shahis were defeated and Mahmud annexed their leader eager for conquests. His attention was naturally turned
territories. Lahore was made the capital of the Ghazanavid to the neighbouring principality of Jaipal, the Hindu Shahi(2)
Punjab. With the establishment of the Ghaznavid rule in the king, whose authority extended from Lamghan to the river
Punjab, north-west India became a Muslim state. With Lahore Chenab.
as the base, Mahmud conducted campaigns in India, and Rise of the Turks :
amassed considerable booty in such raids. In 1024 C.E. In spite of their initial success the Arabs had not been
Mahmud led an expedition to Somnath. In 1026 C.E. on return able to extend their dominion beyond Sindh and Multan. In
from Somnath he annexed Sind. After the annexation of Sind fact, their rule dwindled into insignificance by the middle of

Assistant Professor & Head (Department of Political Science), Mohd. Masood Khan Degree College, Mangrawan,
Azamgarh (Uttar Pradesh)

UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  69

the ninth century A.D. It was left to the Turks to complete show that Mahmud's contemporaries believed that one of
the work begun by the Arabs. The Turks had, a short time the main objects of his aggressive policy against our country
before our period, embraced Islam and possessed all the zeal was to serve his religion. There were, of course, other
and narrow mindedness of the neophytes. They were intrepid, reasons. Mahmud was an ambitious man and wanted to rule
brave, full of boundless energy and push and thoroughly over as big an empire as a man could possibly create. He was
materialistic in their outlook. Islam had given them a thin fond of wealth, as all powerfull people are, and he had heard
veneer of religiosity. They were inordinately ambitious and of the stories of India's fabulous riches. He was, moreover, a
their qualities and faults combined to make them eminently warrior thirsting for military glory. Besides, being a realist, he
fit for founding a big military empire in the east. might possibly have considered the continued existence of
Accession of Mahmud : a hostile Hindu power in his immediate neighbourhood as a
Sabuktigin died in 997 A.D. and was succeeded by his menace to his independent existence, or at any rate, to his
famous son, Mahmud, though not without a war of policy of expansion. For all these reasons Mahmud decided,
succession between him and his younger brother, Ismail who almost immediately after his accession, to pursue a policy of
was nominated heir their dying father. Mahmud was born on aggressive warfare against Hindustan.(3)
Ist November 971 A.D., and was, at the time of his accession “Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi was a king who attained
in 998 A.D., twenty-seven years of age. At that time his varieties of worldly prosperity and the fame of his Justice
kingdom comprised Afghanistan and Khurasan. Mahmud and government, and the sound of his fortitude and country-
secured the formal recognition of his sovereignty from the subduing qualities, reached beyond the hall of planet Saturn.
Caliph of Baghdad (al-Qadir Billah). He was also given the In prosperously carrying on war against the kings, he exalted
title Yamin-ud-Daulah and Amin-ul-Millah. His dynasty is, the standards of the religion of the faithful, and in his laudable
therefore, known as the Yamini dynasty. endeavours for extirpating heretics, he rooted out oppression
His Character : and impiety. When he entered into battle his heroism was
Mahmud was an extremely ambitious young man. It is like a torrent, which rushes over even and uneven places
said that on the occasion of his investiture by the Khalifa he without heed, and during the time that he sat upon the throne
took a vow to undertake every year an expedition against and was successful in his undertakings, the light of his
the infidels of India. He tried to fulfill this vow. Mahmud was justice, like the rays of the sun, shone upon every one. His
not gifted with kingly looks. He was a man of medium height wisdom during the nights of misfortune like a star, pointed
and of strong build, but was rather ugly looking. He did not out the way and his sword pierced the joints of his enemies
possess extraordinary personal prowess. Nevertheless, he like the hand of fate.”(4)
was a great general and also an equally good soldier. He was “Mahmud was born 10 Muharram 361 Hijri (1 November,
an extremely intelligent and strewed man, endowed with the 971 A.D.) and was therefore 27 years of age when he deposed
royal gift of judging human character. His out-standing his brother and ascended the throne in 998 A.D.”.(5) His father
virtues were cool courage, prudence and resourcefulness. Subuktigin a great General and was very loyal to the king
He was, moreover, a man of restless activity and overpowering Alaptagine. His mother was a daughter of one of the grandees
ambitions. He possessed a habitual air of command and was of Zabulistan, and for this reason he was called 'Zabuli'. Some
adept in statecraft. He considered no body as indispensable writers are of the opinion that Mahmud was not the real son
and used every one he came into contact with as an of subuktigin, but if he was of this kind, he was not called
instrument for the attainment of his object. Professor 'Mahmud-uz-Abli' by the poet of his court.
Mohammad Habib says that his outlook on life was There is not much literature available about the basic
essentially secular and that he was not a man to follow the education of this great general. “He remembered the whole
Muslim Ulema blindly. He was not, according to this learned Quran by heart and he was very learned in the field of Hadis
author, a fanatic. Mahmud's life and his deeds, however, (Tradition) and fequah (Theology). His preceptor was Bu Ali
demonstrate the fact that he was, without doubt, devoted to Sina”.(6)
his religion and that he believed that he was serving the References :
cause of Islam in carrying unprovoked war into the territory (1) Hasan, Prof. Masud-ul, (2010) : History of Islam, vol. I,
of the Hindu idolators. His court historian, Utbi, looked upon Adam Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi. (2) The Hindu Shahi
Mahmud's expeditions to India as jihad, that is, holy war for dynasty was founded in the third decade of the ninth century by
the extirpation of idolatry and propagation of Islam. “Sultan Lalliya. Jaipal's reign roughly covered the period 965-1002 A.D.
Mahmud”, he writes in his Tarikh-i-Yanini “at first designed (3) Hon. Mountstuabt Elphinstone, History of India. The Hindu
in his heart to go to Sijistan, but subsequently preferred to and Mahometan Periods, Kitab Mahal Private Ltd., Allahabad,
engage previously in a holy war against Hind”. Utbi adds 1966. (4) Elliot and Dowson, History of Ghazni, p.137. (5) W.
that he called a council of his officers “in order to secure a Haig, Cambridge History of India, p.12. (6) Khan, A.B., Aik Tanquidi
Jaiza, Mahmud Ghaznavi, p.16.
blessing on his design of exalting the standard of religion,
widening the plain of right, of illuminating the words of truth 
and strengthening the power of justice”. These words clearly

UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  70

An International,

March 2002
Registered & Refereed
P olitical Science

UGC Approved Journal
Monthly Journal :
Research Link Research Link - 168, Vol - XVII (1), March - 2018, Page No. 71-73
ISSN - 0973-1628  RNI - MPHIN-2002-7041  Impact Factor - 2015 - 2.782

Right to Service Act in Punjab : Implementation and

Service delivery is one of the most important interfaces between a modern
democratic state and its citizens. The aim of public service delivery is to deliver cost-
effective, high-quality services. Citizens are not fully informed and aware of their rights,
and public services are not delivered in an equitable, efficient and transparent manner.The
bureaucratic institutions are aimed at providing various services to the citizens. Punjab
has also attempted various other successful initiatives to improve the delivery of public
Services. Most of these experiences came as pilot projects and have particularly used
information and communication technology in delivery of services.


T he Public Services Law in India owes its origin statutory law which guarantees time-bound delivery of
from the Citizens Charter of UK promulgated in 1991. various public services rendered to citizens and provides a
Though, it was not a legal document in the strict sense of mechanism for punishing the errant public servants if they
the law, being an agreement of contract entered into between are deficient in providing the stipulated services. Hence,
the citizens and public servants, providing for competent Right to Service legislation ensures delivery of time bound
and time bound delivery of services.(1) The 'Citizens Charter' services to the public. If the concerned officer fails to
was introduced in India in 1997, which was voluntary in provide the service in time, he will pay a fine. Which can
character. That was based on logo “Services First” as in the range from 500 to 5000 or may be disciplinary proceed.
UK. The Charter gradually spread through Central to State Thus, it is aimed to reduce corruption among the government
Ministries and to their local bodies and organizations. In officials and to increase transparency and public
2002, a website was launched by the department of accountability.(4)
Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances towards How it Works? :
consolidating the write up on the progresses and (1) The common framework of the state legislations
improvement resulted out of Citizens Charters.(2) includes, granting of "Right to Public Services", which are
It also recommended for holding officers accountable to be provided to the public by the designated official within
for results at the Central, State, District and Sub-District the stipulated time frame.
levels, Municipalities and Panchayts. They are duty bound (2) The public services which are granted as a right is
towards supplies of goods or render services and redress generally notified through a Gazette notification.
any complaints from citizens in the prescribed manner. (3) Some of the commonly provided public services,
Further, it was required to remedy the grievances in a time including issuing caste, birth, marriage and domicile
frame not exceeding thirty days from the day of receipt of certificates, electric connections, voter's card, ration cards,
the complaint. Every Citizen is entitled to hassle-free public copies of land records, etc., within the fixed time frame.
services and redressed of his grievances. Accordingly, the (4) On failure to provide the service by the designated
Right to Service Act represents the commitment of officer, the aggrieved person can approach the First
particular state towards the standard, quality and time frame Appellate Authority. The First Appellate Authority, after
of services delivery, grievances redressal mechanism, hearing, It can order the public servant to provide the service
transparency and accountability. It makes the service to the applicant.
providers aware of their duties to attend to the problems of (5) An applicant may be compensated out of the
concerned citizens within a reasonable time-frame.(3) penalty imposed on the officer.
What is Right to Public Services? : (6) Appellate authorities have been granted certain
Right to Public Services legislation in India comprises Civil Court powers while trying a suit under Code of Civil
*Researcher, (Department of Political Science), Women's Studies Centre, Punjabi University, Patiala (Punjab)
**Assistant Professor (Department of Political Science), Women's Studies Centre, Punjabi University, Patiala (Punjab)

UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  71

Procedure, 1908, like production of documents and to excessive delay by the previous process followed by the
issuance of summons to the designated officers and Revenue Officials. Similar as in extra Acts, the Punjab Act
appellants.(5) has laid out an exact time limit for the provision of services.
Punjab is the 9th State to pass the Punjab Right to The land proceedings of 12538 villages out of 13206
Service Act on October 20, 2011, Punjab Government, with villages have been computerized in the National Land
a view to provide delivery of services to the people of the Modernization Agenda. 167 Fard Kendras have been locate
state within time limits, notified Punjab Right to Service for providing computerized copies of revenue documents
Ordinance on 14 July 2011. The Ordinance came into force and supplementary revenue services.(9)
28 July, 2011 and 67 services were notified under its Saanjh Kendras : Police Department has also been
provision. Soon after, Punjab Right to Service Act 2011 computerized hence that citizens can register their FIRs
(PRTS ACT, 2011) was passed by the State Assembly and online, verify the position of their passport confirmation
came into effect on 20 October, 2011. As per section 12 of online and much more. But still there is a require that
the PRTS Act 2011, there is a provision to constitute Punjab citizens have to visit the Police Station to obtain their work
Right to Service Commission (PRTS) consisting of One complete and it is observed that there is a basic fear among
Chief Commissioner and Fourth Commissioners who would ordinary citizens to enter the Police Station for civil work.
look after the task of effective implementation of the Act. Consequently, under E-Governance projects, Saanjh
The PRTS Act 2011 was enacted with the sole objective of Kendras have been formed unconnectedly from the Police
providing an effective framework for time bound delivery Stations to make available 25 civil services of Punjab Police
of service being provided by various government to the citizens. 20 of these services are time surrounded in
departments in order to promote transparency and Right to Service Act, 2011. Punjab is the First State to start
accountably.(6) a citizen Friendly Saanjh Project. The fundamental attempt
Punjab is the First State in the Nation to appearance at the back the implementation of Saanjh Kendras was to
Punjab Right to Service Commission for successful decrease the communication with the general public and
performance of PRTS Act and the Commission is showing “Khaki Police”. There is a unique dress code for the
its courage on a national scale by ensuring the greatest employees at Saanjh Kendra other than “Khaki Uniform”.
implementation of the Act.(7) Currently, famous functions The persons of these Kendras are wearing clothes in civil
experienced under this act currently are : and corporate civil dress. The well constructed and supplied
Suwidha Center : A Single Window for many buildings of these Kendras provide them a Unique Identity.
Services. This project is considered to provide services to citizens
Sanjh Kendra : A Singular Window for Police without delay at statewide IT platform. In recent times the
Services. Punjab Government has maintained more than 500 Saanjh
Fard Kendra : A Single Window for Revenue Kendras are put into practiced in the state which comprised
Services. Kendras at 27 Police Districts, 114 Tehsils and 359 Police
Single User-friendly Window Disposal Helpline for Stations.(10)
Applicants (SUWIDHA) : Till July 2013, as several as 1.21 crore people had
The Punjab State Government that in a row with the benefited services in various districts of the State according
main concern of the State, particularly by launching sole to the Act. Approximately 718 appeals were filed with the
projects like SUWIDHA for its citizens. S.U.W.I.D.H.A or First Appellate Authority, of which 678 were inclined off
Single Use Friendly Window Disposal and Helpline for and nine appeals were filed before the 2nd Appellate
Applications commenced its services. It's label line Authority of which seven have been arranged off. All 11
“Convenience and Commitment is Suwidha” talk in a revision petitions entertained too have been disposed off.(11)
straight line and deliver on time.(8) It is used to make easy Presently, there are 351 services which have notified into
the citizens by capturing the donation at a single point, the Punjab Right to Service Act, 2011 and these services
significant a particular date according to the type of service are provided by 41 diverse departments, as given below :
then accepts the money at the counter itself and deliver the Revenue, Health, Transport, Personal, Food, Civil
necessary service on the similar counter. It is a Single Supplies and Consumer relationships, Housing, and Urban
Window System to provide a valuable interface between progress, Local government, Rural Water make available
the Government and Public. It also gives the facility for the and hygiene, Social protection, Home, Interests of S.C.s
citizens to make sure the status of their applications and B.C.s, Agriculture/ Mandi Board, Animal farming,
throughout the project website. School, Education, Higher Education, Industries/ Punjab
Fard Kendras : This mission provides all types of little Industries and sell to other countries Corporation
revenue services from a Single Window to the general limited Power/ Electricity Complaints and Pensions,
public. Fard Kendras have been set up to ensure fresh, clean Municipality and Country Planning(12). The Act covers
and well-organized services to the people on one hand and services of the departments of local government, Transport,
save the citizens from unjustified harassment caused due Accommodation and Urban Development, Revenue, Health,

UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  72

Home, Social Security, Food and Civil Supplies and Rural (5) Ibid, p.8.9.
Water Supply also and Police Department, these (6) Http's: // en. to Public
departments are time bound to provide the services. Like, services legislation, p.1.
the citizens would be capable to get hold copies of Birth (7) 7http/
(8) Ramesh Kumar, Standardization key to Social Reforms,
and Death Certificates within 2 days.
(2007), p. 77
(i) Post Mortem details contained by 3 days. (9) Sushil Kumar Singla and Himanshu Aggarwal “Impact
(ii) Certified copies of verification within 7 days. and Scope of E-Governance Initiatives in State of Punjab
(iii) Demarcation of land in 21 days. (INDIA), International Journal of Computer Applications”,
(iv) Attestation of obvious change within 15 days. Volume 44, No.14, April 2012. Retrieved from http://
(v) Sanction of house plans in 30 days. on
(vi) Profession Certificate inside 15 days. December 15, 2014.
(vii) NOC within 21 days. (10) “Right to Service Act- The Indian Express”, By
(viii) Transportation action within 15 days. Harpreet Bajba- Chandigarh, Nov. 2, 2012
(11) Ramesh Kumar (2007) : “Standardization key to
(ix) No Due Certificate within 7 days.
Social Reforms”, p. 77
(x) Transfer of property in case of death within 45 (12) http/
days. (pdf)
(xi) Permission to mortgage within 7 days. (13) “House Passes Three Bill,Times of India,” Sep.7, 2012.
(xii) Completion certificate contained by 15 days.
(xiii) Authorize of Water Connection and Sewage 
Connection in 7 days.
(xiv) Later, two more services were added on May,
2012, taking the number to 69.(13)
Conclusion : UGC -
Service delivery is one of the most important APPROVED - JOURNAL
interfaces between a modern democratic state and its
citizens. The aim of public service delivery is to deliver
cost-effective, high-quality services. Citizens are not fully
informed and aware of their rights, and public services are
not delivered in an equitable, efficient and transparent
manner.The bureaucratic institutions are aimed at providing
various services to the citizens. Punjab has also attempted
various other successful initiatives to improve the delivery
of public Services. Most of these experiences came as pilot
projects and have particularly used information and
communication technology in delivery of services. Most
prominent among these are- Suwidha (Single User-friendly
Window Help Line for Applicants) Kendras/Centers. The
PRTSA has provided the time limit for the delivery of
notifying services and also has a provision of penalty
between Rs. 500 to Rs. 5000 to the erring officials for not
adhering to the time limit provided in the Act.
References :
(1) Speech by Mr. John Major MP, “Conservative Central
Council Annual meeting on 23rd March, 1991”, referred in the
Twelfth Report of the House of Commons Public Administration
Select Committee, Session 2007-08 titled “From Citizens Charter
to Public Service Guarantee Entitlements to Public Services”,
(2) “Right to Public Services in India-The New Legal
Scenario”, Sindhu Thulaseedharan, Journal of Indian Law
Institute, New Delhi, 2013, p.4.
(3) Ibid
(4) “Transparency International India, the coalition against
corruption, Right to Public Services: A Guide”, S.K. Agarwal,
New Delhi, 2014, p.33. Retrieved www. tranparency India-org/
resource/ books/ rets. Pdf on Jan-2015, P.33.

UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  73

An International,

March 2002
Registered & Refereed
P olitical Science

UGC Approved Journal
Monthly Journal :
Research Link Research Link - 168, Vol - XVII (1), March - 2018, Page No. 74-76
ISSN - 0973-1628  RNI - MPHIN-2002-7041  Impact Factor - 2015 - 2.782

YeejleerÙe jepeveerefle ceW Meefòeâ-efJeYeepeve SJeb vÙeeefÙekeâ meef›eâÙelee

Øemlegle MeesOehe$e, YeejleerÙe jepeveerefle ceW Meefòeâ-efJeYeepeve SJeb vÙeeefÙekeâ meef›eâÙelee kesâ efJeMues<eCe hej
DeeOeeefjle nw~ YeejleerÙe ueeskeâleb$e ceW mebefJeOeeve kesâ leerve DeeOeej mlebYe nQ - JÙeJemLeeefhekeâe, keâeÙe&heeefuekeâe SJeb
vÙeeÙeheeefuekeâe~ Meemeve kesâ Fve leerveeW DebieeW ceW MeefòeâÙeeW keâe efJeYeepeve Fme Øekeâej efkeâÙee ieÙee nw efkeâ ØelÙeskeâ Debie
Deheves-Deheves keâle&JÙeeW keâe efveJe&nve keâjles ngS Skeâ-otmejs kesâ keâeÙeeX ceW nmle#eshe veneR keâjWies~ Deepe osMe keâer
efJeOeeÙeer mebmLee cee$e DeJÙeJemLee keâe kesâvõ yevekeâj jn ieF& nw leLee keâeÙe&heeefuekeâe ves kegâÚ ceeceueeW ceW ceveceeves
DeejCe keâer efmLeefle keâes DeheveeÙee nw~ Ùes mebJewOeeefvekeâ mebmLeeSB Deheveer mJeeLe& efmeefæ nsleg pevelee kesâ efnle mes pegÌ[s
cegöeW hej ceewve nw~ Ssmeer efmLeefle ceW, peveleb$e keâer j#ee keâe mecemle oeefÙelJe vÙeeÙeheeefuekeâe kesâ kebâOeeW hej Dee ieÙee
nw Deewj meeceeefpekeâ, DeeefLe&keâ, jepeveereflekeâ efnleeW kesâ cegöeW hej vÙeeÙeheeefuekeâe ves Deheveer meercee jsKee mes Deeies peekeâj
cenlJehetCe& efveCe&Ùe efoS nQ, uesefkeâve Fme efmeueefmeues ceW vÙeeÙeheeefuekeâe keâer Deefle meef›eâÙelee hej meJeeue G"ves ueies
nQ~ kegBâpeer Meyo : Meefòeâ efJeYeepeve, vÙeeefÙekeâ meef›eâÙelee, ueeskeâleb$e, mebJewOeeefvekeâ mebmLeeSB, jepeveereflekeâ DeefmLejlee~
Øees.jeceMebkeâj* SJeb kegâ.ÛeeBoveer veeÙekeâ**

izLrkouk % dks O;oLFkkfidk ds lkFk feyk fn;k x;k] rks U;k;k/kh'k dkuwu
Hkkjr ,d vR;ar izkphu ,oa 'kfDr'kkyh yksdrkaf=d ns'k fuekZrk gks tk,xk ;fn U;k;ikfydk dks dk;Zikfydk ds lkFk
gSA ns'k dk lafo/kku ykxw gksus ds i'pkr~ lafo/kku osRrkvksa us feyk fn;k x;k] rks ;g laHko gS] fd U;k;k/kh'k vfroknh vkSj
Hkkjrh; jktuhfr dh fn'kk fu/kkZfjr djrs gq, ukxfjdksa dks vR;kpkjiw.kZ O;ogkj djsaA**¼1½
Lora=rk] lekurk] U;k;] bR;kfn vf/kdkj iznku fd, gSaA 'kklu orZeku le; esa] Hkkjrh; jktuhfr esa O;oLFkkfidk cuke
ds rhuksa vaxksa esa fo/kkf;dk dks dkuwu cukus] dk;Zikfydk dks U;k;ikfydk dh loksZPprk dk eqn~nk pfpZr gS] ns'k esa fo/kkf;dk]
mu dkuwuksa dks ykxw djus rFkk U;k;ikfydk dks dkuwuksa dh dk;Zikfydk vkSj U;k;ikfydk ds ijLij laca/kksa esa cgl Hkh
O;k[;k djus dh 'kfDr iznku dh x;hA 'kfDr&foHkktu ls ns[kus dks fey jgh gSA fiNys dqN o"kksZa ls U;k;ikfydk ij
lacaf/kr vk/kkjHkwr fopkj uohu ugha gS] jktuhfr foKku ds Økafrdkjh ifjorZu vk;k gSA vkt og flQZ U;k; nsus dk gh
tud vjLrw us 'kklu dks vlsEcyh] eftLVsªV rFkk tqMhf'k;jh dk;Z ugha djrh] cfYd ,d lq/kkjd ,oe~ fn'kk&funsZ'kd dh Hkh
uked rhu Hkkxksa esa ck¡Vk Fkk] vjLrq us 'kklu dks oS/kkfud] Hkwfedk vnk dj jgh gSA njvly] U;k;ikfydk dks ,sls dk;Z
iz'kkldh; ,oe~ U;kf;d :i rFkk buds vyx&vyx dk;Z Hkh djus iM+ jgs gSa] tks ewy :i ls lafo/kku }kjk fo/kkf;dk
ekudj jkt'kfDr ds i`FFkDdj.k dk ladsr fn;k FkkA jkseu ,oe~ dk;Zikfydk ij vf/kjksfir fd, x, gSaA iz'u ;g mBrk gS
ys[kd flljks vkSj iksyhfc;l dh jpukvksa esa Hkh 'kfDr&i`FFkDdj.k fd vkf[kj D;ksa U;k;ikfydk] fo/kkf;dk rFkk dk;Zikfydk ds
ds cht fn[kkbZ nsrs gSaA lafonkoknh fopkjd tkWu ykWd us dk;Z{ks= esa n[ky ns jgh gS\ D;ksa U;k;ky; us fo/kkf;dk ,oa
fo/kkf;dk vkSj dk;Zikfydk esa 'kfDr;ksa ds foHkktu dk tksjnkj dk;Zikfydk dh 'kfDr;ksa dk vfrØe.k fd;k gS\ vkf[kj D;ksa
leFkZu fd;k FkkA U;k;ky; dks dkuwuh nk;jksa ls ckgj vkdj lfØ;rk ds lkFk
'kfDr&foHkktu fl)kar dh lcls lqna j O;k[;k Qzp sa ys[kd vusd vkns'k&funsZ'k nsus iM+ jgs gSa\
ekW.VsLD;w us lu~ 1748] esa viuh iqLrd ^fLizV vkWQ nh ykWt* U;kf;d lfØ;rk ls vk'k; %
esa dh FkhA ekW.VsLD;w ds 'kCnksa esa ^^;fn O;oLFkkfidk vkSj U;kf;d lfØ;rk ls vfHkizk; gS] fd tc la?k ,oa jkT;
dk;Zikfydk dh 'kfDr;ksa dk ,d&gh gkFkksa esa dsUnzh;dj.k gks Lrj ij O;oLFkkfidk ,oe~ dk;Zikfydk turk ,oa vius
tk;s] rks dksbZ Lora=rk ugha jg ldrh gS] D;ksafd bl ckr dk mRrjnkf;Ro ds izfr tkx:d u gks vkSj viuh LokFkZiw.kZ
Hk; mRiUu gks tkrk gS fd dgha jktk ;k lhusV vR;kpkjh uhfr;ksa ij pyrs gq, dkuwuksa dk fuekZ.k djus dh vis{kk turk
dkuwu cuk;s vkSj mudks vR;kpkjh <ax ls ykxw djsaA ;fn ds lkekftd] vkfFkZd] jktuhfrd fgrksa dh mis{kk djus yxs rc
U;k;ikfydk dks O;oLFkkfidk rFkk dk;Zikfydk ls vyx ugha ,slh fLFkfr esa] U;k;ikfydk dkuwuh O;k[;k ls vkxs c<+dj
fd;k x;k] rks dksbZ Lora=rk ugha jg ldrh gS] vxj U;k;ikfydk lkekftd] vkfFkZd ifjfLFkfr;ksa vkSj lkekftd] vkfFkZd U;k;
*efveosMekeâ, Decyes[keâj mš[er mesvšj SJeb DeeÛeeÙe& (jepeveerefle MeeŒe efJeYeeie), jeveer ogiee&Jeleer efJeÕeefJeÅeeueÙe, peyeuehegj (ceOÙeØeosMe)
**MeesOeÚe$ee (jepeveerefle MeeŒe efJeYeeie), jeveer ogiee&Jeleer efJeÕeefJeÅeeueÙe, peyeuehegj (ceOÙeØeosMe)
UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  74
dh vko';drk dks ns[krs gq,] tulk/kkj.k ds fgrksa dh j{kk ds 'kq:vkr dgk tk ldrk gS] ysfdu fo/kkf;dk dh vk¡[kksa esa rks
fy;s fujarj iz;Ru'khy jgdj ljdkj dks vko';drk iM+us ij ;g fu.kZ; [kVd jgk Fkk vkSj jkLrs ds bl dk¡Vsa dks fudkyus
egRoiw.kZ vkns'k&funsZ'k nsrh gS] rkfd 'kklu dh LosPNkpkfjrk ds fy, laln us 42ok¡ la'kks/ku vf/kfu;e ¼1976½ ikfjr dj
ij jksd yxkbZ tk ldsA bls gh ^U;kf;d lfØ;rk* dgrs gSaA fn;k ;g vf/kfu;e vkikrdky dh fujadq'k ljdkj ds efLr"d
Hkkjr esa o"kZ 1980 ds vklikl U;kf;d lfØ;rk dk dh mit Fkh] ftldk mn~ns'; bl vf/kfu;e ds ek/;e ls
mn; gqvk vkSj le; ds lkFk&lkFk tufgr ;kfpdkvksa ds ^laln dh loksZPprk* LFkkfir djuk FkkA
ek/;e ls bl vo/kkj.kk dk fodkl gksrk pyk x;kA U;kf;d lafo/kku esa la'kks/ku dh laln dh 'kfDr dk vR;f/kd
lfØ;rk dh vo/kkj.kk dks loZizFke mPpre U;k;ky; us rFkk lqanj <ax ls fp=.k djrs gq;s loksZPp U;k;ky; ds U;k;k/kh'kksa us
ckn esa /khjs&/khjs mPp U;k;ky;ksa] fo'ks"k U;k;ky;ksa rFkk ftyk dgk Fkk fd& ^^la'kks/ku dks lafo/kku ds xys esa Qk¡lh dk QUnk
U;k;ky;ksa us Hkh viuk fy;kA U;kf;d lfØ;rk ds leFkZd ugha cuk;k tk ldrk] ftls fof/kiw.kZ e`R;q dh laKk nh tk
U;k;k/kh'k ih-,u- Hkxorh us lu~ 1982 esa dgk Fkk fd& ^^mPpre ldsA**¼3½
U;k;ky; us foxr nks o"kksZa ls ns'k esa fo|eku lkekftd] vkfFkZd vkerkSj ij ;g /kkj.kk jgh gS fd tc U;k;ikfydk tu
ifjfLFkfr;ksa dks n`f"V esa j[krs gq, leLr O;oLFkk esa lfØ; lokyksa dks ysdj l'kDr gLr{ksi djus yxs rks ;g le> ysuk
n`f"Vdks.k viuk fy;k gSA** pkfg, fd fo/kkf;dk rFkk dk;Zikfydk detksj gks pqdh gS] rFkk
fo'ys" k.k % vius drZO;ksa dk fuokZg c[kwch ugha dj jgh gSA uksV ds cnys
Hkkjrh; jktuhfr esa 'kfDr&foHkktu ,oa U;kf;d lfØ;rk oksV ekeyk] lhohlh dh fu;qfDr dks jn~n djus] yk[kksa Vu
,d foMacukiw.kZ fojks/kkHkklh fLFkfr mRiUu djrh gS] D;ksafd ,d vukt ds HkaMkj x`gksa ds ckgj lM+us] jktuhfr esa c<+rs
vksj 'kfDr;ksa dk foHkktu fd;k x;k gS] rks nwljh rjQ U;k;ky; vijk/khdj.k] dkys/ku] yksdiky ,oe~ yksdk;qDr dh fu;qfDr
ds }kjk fo/kkf;dk ,oa dk;Zikfydk ds dk;ksZa esa n[ky nsdj ,oe~ ij funsZ'k] egkjk"Vª esa lw[kk rFkk pquko vk;ksx dks funsZ'k] vkbZ-
mudh 'kfDr;ksa dk vfrØe.k dj Lo;a gh vkns'k&funsZ'k fn, Vh- ,DV dh /kkjk&66 , dks jn~n djus] mRrjk[k.M esa jkor
tk jgs gSaA vkt O;oLFkkfidk vkSj dk;Zikfydk esa vkijkf/kd ljdkj ds cgqer dk ijh{k.k djkus ds loky ij vnkyr dk
i`"BHkwfe okys yksxksa dh c<+rh rknkn ds dkj.k vc turk dk l'kDr gLr{ksi bl detksjh dks mtkxj djus ds fy;s dkQh
fo'okl bu laLFkkvksa ij ls mB pqdk gS] lkFk&gh fo/kkf;dk ,oa gSA 2th LisDVªe] vkn'kZ lkslk;Vh] jk"Vªe.My [ksy] dks;yk
dk;Zikfydk dh LosPNkpkfjrk] tufgr ds izfr mnklhurk rFkk ?kksVkyk rFkk vkbZ-ih-,y- ds NBosa laLdj.k esa LikWV fQfDlax dk
vuq'kklughurk ds dkj.k gh U;kf;d lfØ;rk c<+h gSA ekeyk bR;kfn U;kf;d lfØ;rk ds dkj.k gh mtkxj gq, gSaA
xkSjryc gS fd 80 ds n'kd ds igys U;k;ikfydk bu blls usrkvksa] ukSdj'kkgksa rFkk cM+s jlw[knkjksa dks lyk[kksa ds
vFkksZa esa fuf"Ø; FkhA og viuh lhekvksa esa jgdj yksdfgr&fo"k;ksa ihNs tkuk iM+k gS] tcfd bu eqn~nksa ij ljdkj dks igys gh
esa Lo;a dksbZ igy ugha djrh Fkh] dsoy mUgha ekeyksa ij fopkj dM+kbZ ls igy djuh pkfg;s Fkh ijarq viuh dqlhZ dks cpkus ds
djrh Fkh] tks mlds le{k izLrqr fd, tkrs FksA ckn esa fy;s og yhik&iksrh djus esa yxh jghA vr% gky gh ds fnuksa
U;k;ikfydk us eglwl fd;k fd lkoZtfud fgr ds dbZ ,sls esa] U;k;ky; us efgykvksa dks mudk vf/kdkj iznku djrs gq,
ekeys gSa] ftuds f[kykQ vkokt mBkus okyk dksbZ ugha gS] eafnj&efLtn esa muds izos'k ds vf/kdkj dks lqfuf'pr fd;k]
blfy;s U;k;ikfydk us tufgr oknksa dks ekU;rk nsdj lkekftd lkFk&gh U;k;ky; us rhu rykd dks lekurk dk vf/kdkj okys
U;k; LFkkfir djus dh fn'kk esa ljkguh; dne mBk;kA viuh vuqPNsn 14] 15 ds rgr vlaoS/kkfud ?kksf"kr dj fn;kA
blh lfØ;rk ds pyrs vDlj gh U;k;ikfydk dks jktusrkvksa futrk dk vf/kdkj ds laca/k esa loksZPp U;k;ky; us
dh vkykspukvksa dk f'kdkj gksuk iM+rk gSA dqN o"kksZa ls U;kf;d ekSfyd vf/kdkjksa dh ifjHkk"kk esa ,d u;k vk;ke tksM+k gSA
lfØ;rk dk tks nkSj pyk gS vkSj lqizhe dksVZ us dk;Zikfydk loksZPp U;k;ky; us dgk fd& ^^thou vkSj O;fDrxr vktknh
ij ftl rjg ls vadq'k yxk;k mldh laHkkouk ^jk"Vªh; U;kf;d ekuo ds vfLrRo dk vfHkUu fgLlk gS] tSlk fd ds'kokuan
fu;qfDr vk;ksx* ¼,uts,lh½ esa de gh FkhA blls U;k;ikfydk Hkkjrh ekeys esa dgk x;k gS] ;s vf/kdkj euq"; dks vkfndky ls
esa jktuhfrd gLr{ksi dh laHkkouk Hkh c<+ xbZ Fkh] tks LoLF; feys gq, gSa] ;s vf/kdkj izd`fr ds dkuwu dk fgLlk gSA** rFkk
yksdra= ds fgr esa ugha dgk tk ldrk gSA¼2½ futrk ds vf/kdkj dh ;g izfr"Bk vktknh vkSj Lora=rk ds
'kfDr&foHkktu ,oe~ U;kf;d lfØ;rk ds eqn~ns dks ysdj lkFk tqM+h gqbZ gS vkSj dksbZ Hkh lH; jkT; fcuk dkuwu dh
ljdkj rFkk U;k;ky; esa ges'kk gh Vdjko dh fLFkfr ns[kus dks btktr bl ij dqBkjk?kkr ugha dj ldrk gSA¼4½
feyrh jgh gSA dHkh U;k;ikfydk us viuh 'kfDr;ksa ds nk;js ls mPpre ,oe~ mPp U;k;ky;ksa esa ttksa dh fu;qfDr ds
ckgj vkdj vusd ,sfrgkfld fu.kZ; fn;s] rks dHkh laln us fy;s eksnh ljdkj us dkWysft;e iz.kkyh dh txg ftl ^jk"Vªh;
laoS/kkfud la'kks/kuksa ds ek/;e ls U;k;ky; ij yxke yxkus dk U;kf;d fu;qfDr vk;ksx* dk xBu fd;k FkkA loksZPp U;k;ky;
iz;kl fd;kA ^ds'kokuan Hkkjrh cuke dsjy jkT; okn* ij us vDVwcj] 2015 dks ^jk"Vªh; U;kf;d fu;qfDr vk;ksx* dkuwu
loksZPp U;k;ky; dk fu.kZ; lafo/kku ds vk/kkjHkwr <k¡psa ds lanHkZ ¼2014½ dks vlaoS/kkfud crkrs gq, mls jn~n dj fn;kA bl
esa Fkk] Hkkjrh; jktuhfr esa bl fu.kZ; dks U;kf;d lfØ;rk dh U;kf;d fu;qfDr ds lanHkZ esa laln dh loksZPprk dks njfdukj
UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  75
djrs gq, U;k;ky; us dgk Fkk fd] ^^lafo/kku ds cqfu;knh <k¡psa 'kklu ds rhuksa vax viuh&viuh lhekvksa ds vanj ,d&nwljs
esa laln fdlh rjg dk n[ky ugha ns ldrh gS vkSj U;k;ikfydk ds vf/kdkj {ks= esa gLr{ksi fd;s fcuk feytqy dj dk;Z dj
dh Lora=rk lafo/kku ds cqfu;knh <k¡psa dk fgLlk gSA**¼5½ ldsaA NVokWa] 'kklu ds rhuksa vaxksa }kjk fu;a=.k ,oe~ larqyu ds
bl izdkj fo/kkf;dk ,oe~ dk;Zikfydk ds dk;ksZa esa fl)kar dks viuk;k tkuk pkfg,A
U;k;ikfydk ds n[ky dh ckr yEcs vjls ls dh tkrh jgh gSA fu"d"kZ %
fiNys o"kZ foRr ea=h v:.k tsVyh th dh vksj ls U;k;ikfydk 'kfDr&foHkktu cuke U;kf;d lfØ;rk ij brus fopkj
dks viuh y{e.k js[kk Lo;a r; djus vkSj dk;Zikfydk ds eaFku ds i'pkr ;g dgk tk ldrk gS fd vkt ftl rjg ls
vf/kdkj {ks= esa n[ky u nsus dh ckr dgh FkhA¼6½ bl ij ns'k fo/kkf;dk vkSj dk;Zikfydk dk joS;k ns[kus dks fey jgk gS]
ds eq[; U;k;k/kh'k Vh-,l-Bkdqj us dsUnz ljdkj ij iyVokj turk ds fgr ,oe~ vR;ar laosnu'khy eqn~nksa ij fo/kkf;dk rFkk
djrs gq;s dgk fd lqizhe dksVZ dk fdlh Hkh laLFkk ds vf/kdkj dk;Zikfydk dkuwu cukus ,oe~ fØ;kfUor djus dh vis{kk pqIih
{ks= esa n[ky nsus dk dksbZ bjknk ugha gSA yksx tc ljdkjh lk/ks gqbZ gS] vkSj blls ftl rjg ns'k esa jktuhfrd vO;oLFkk
e'khujh ls ek;wl gksdj dksVZ vkrs gS] rc lqizhe dksVZ dks viuk QSy jgh gS rc U;k;ikfydk dk lfØ; gksuk fcYdqy mfpr gS]
/keZ fuHkkuk iM+rk gS] mUgksaus Li"V fd;k fd U;k;ikfydk dh D;ksafd ;fn U;k;ikfydk Hkh ljdkj ds izfr lefiZr gks tk,xh]
dksbZ [okfg'k ;k dksf'k'k ugha gS fd og ljdkj dk dke vius rks tu lk/kkj.k viuh Qfj;kn ysdj Hkyk fdlds ikl tk,xkA
gkFkksa esa ys vFkok ljdkj dh uhfr;ksa dks Lo;a r; djsaA gekjh vr% vko';d ;gh gS fd lHkh laoS/kkfud laLFkk,¡ lafo/kku ds
;s etcwjh gS fd vxj dgha ij dksbZ dke tks gksuk pkfg,] ;fn ewy L=ksr dks Lohdkj dj viuh tckonsgh le>sa vkSj vius
lafo/kku ds eqrkfcd ;k dkuwu ds vuqlkj ugha gks jgk gS] rks dRrZO;ksa dk fuoZgu bZekunkjh ls djsaA
mldks djok;k tk;sA ge rks ;g pkgrs gSa fd ftl laLFkk dk lanHkZ %
tks QtZ gS] ml laLFkk dks lfØ; fd;k tk;s vkSj mlls dgk ¼1½ vxzoky] jkepUnz ¼1972½ % vk/kqfud lafo/kkuksa dh :ijs[kk]
tk;s fd vki ;g dke djksA ;gh rks ns'k dk flLVe gSA¼7½ ,l-pUnz ,aM daiuh] fnYyh] i`"B 218-
U;kf;d lfØ;rk dh ;g izo`fRr vkSj fLFkfr mPpre Lrj ¼2½ jkt ,Dlizsl] 19 vDVwcj] 2015] tcyiqj laLdj.k] i`"B 6-
ds jktuhfrKksa vkSj loksZPp Lrj ij vklhu leLr vfHktuksa ds ¼3½ ckcsy] clarhyky] ¼1997½ % laln] lkaln vkSj loksZPp
fy, ,d pSrkouh gSA U;k;ikfydk us U;kf;d lfØ;rk ds U;k;ky;] jktLFkku fgUnh xzUFk vdkneh] t;iqj] i`"B 47-
vk/kkj ij Hkz"Vkpkj vkSj vjktdrk dh gn ikj dj pqdh ¼4½ jkt ,Dlizsl] 25 vxLr] 2017] tcyiqj laLdj.k] i`"B 1-
jktuhfr ij yxke yxkus vkSj mls ifrr gksus ls cpkus dh ¼5½ jkt ,Dlizsl] 11 vDVwcj] 2017] tcyiqj laLdj.k] i`"B 6-
ps"Vk dh gS] vkSj ;fn U;kf;d lfØ;rk ds vk/kkj ij ns'k dk ¼6½ ubZ nqfu;k] 21 ebZ] 2016] tcyiqj laLdj.k] i`"B 6-
uSfrd usr`Ro U;k;ikfydk ds gkFkksa esa pyk x;k gS] rks ;g nks"k ¼7½ jkt ,Dlizsl] 8 twu] 2016] tcyiqj laLdj.k] i`"B 7-
¼8½ ukjk;.k] bdcky ¼1974½ % Hkkjrh; ljdkj ,oa jktuhfr]
fo/kkf;dk vkSj dk;Zikfydk dk gS] U;k;ikfydk dk ughaA**
jktLFkku fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh] t;iqj] i`"B 189-
vk/kqfud jkT;ksa esa U;k;ikfydk dh Lora=rk ij vR;f/kd
cy fn;k x;k gSA O;fDr dh Lora=rk ,oa lekurk ds vk/kkjHkwr
vf/kdkjksa dh j{kk ds fy, U;k;ikfydk vk/kqfud lekt dh
vfuok;Z vko';drk gSA vr% U;kf;d lfØ;rk ds fo"k; esa
tu&lk/kkj.k dk fopkj gS fd& ^^U;kf;d lfØ;rk ds izdk'k
dks vkSj vkxs rd ys tkus dh furkUr vko';drk gSA fu%lansg UGC -
U;k;ikfydk us cgqr vf/kd fo'oluh;rk ds lkFk yksdrkaf=d APPROVED - JOURNAL
O;oLFkk ,oe~ lkoZtfud thou esa uSfrd ewY;ksa ds izgjh dh
Hkwfedk fuHkkbZ gSA**¼8½
lq>ko %
izFke] fo/kkf;dk ,oe~ dk;Zikfydk dks turk ds lkekftd]
vkfFkZd] jktuhfrd fgrksa dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, dkuwuksa dk
fuekZ.k djuk ,oa mUgsa ykxw djuk pkfg,A nwljk] laln ds }kjk
ukxfjdksa ds ekSfyd vf/kdkjksa dk vfrØe.k ugha fd;k tkuk
pkfg;sA rhljk] U;k;ky; ds }kjk yksdfgr ,oa ns'kfgr esa
lquk;s x;s QSlyksa ij laln }kjk mlesa la'kks/ku ugha fd;k
tkuk pkfg, rFkk u gh v/;kns'k yk;k tk;sA pkSFkk] ljdkj dks
fofHkUu tk¡p ,tsafl;ksa ds fØ;kdykiksa esa gLr{ksi ugha djuk
pkfg;s] rkfd fu"i{k :i ls tk¡p laHko gks ldsA ik¡pok] ,slh
laoS/kkfud ijEijkvksa dk fodkl fd;k tkuk pkfg,] ftlls
UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  76
An International,

March 2002
Registered & Refereed
P olitical Science

UGC Approved Journal
Monthly Journal :
Research Link Research Link - 168, Vol - XVII (1), March - 2018, Page No. 77-79
ISSN - 0973-1628  RNI - MPHIN-2002-7041  Impact Factor - 2015 - 2.782

oefuele ceefnueeDeeW keâe meMeefòeâkeâjCe : Skeâ DeOÙeÙeve

Øemlegle MeesOehe$e, oefuele ceefnueeDeeW kesâ meMeefòeâkeâjCe kesâ DeOÙeÙeve mes mecyebefOele nw~ oefuele ceefnueeSB
MeleeefyoÙeeW mes GlheerefÌ[le jner nw, efkeâvleg Ùen Yeer melÙe nw efkeâ Gvekesâ Gæej kesâ efueS ØeeÛeervekeâeue mes ner meceepe ceW
megOeej kesâ efueS DeeJeepe G"leer jner nw~ ceOÙekeâeue ceW jepee jececeesnve jeÙe, mJeeceer oÙeevebo mejmJeleer, peefmšme
Sce.peer.jevee[s, mJeeceer efJeJeskeâevebo, pÙeesefleyee hetâues, ieeBOeerpeer, Decyes[keâj Deeefo meceepe-megOeejkeâeW ves DeeJeepe
G"eF& nw~ Jele&ceeve keâer yeele keâjW lees Deye yengle no lekeâ oefuele ceefnueeDeeW keâes mecyebefOele efveÙeexiÙeleeDeeW keâes meceehle
efkeâÙee pee Ûegkeâe nw~ osMe kesâ efJeefYeVe YeeieeW ceW oefuele ceefnuee peeefleÙeeB mebieef"le mecetneW kesâ ®he ceW Gefole ngF& nw~ Deye
meMeefòeâkeâjCe mes DeeefLe&keâ, jepeveereflekeâ, meeceeefpekeâ #es$eeW ceW DeefOekeâej kesâ Øeefle peeie®keâ nesvee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~
Mewef#ekeâ meceevelee kesâ DeJemejeW mes DeeOegefvekeâ cetuÙeeW kesâ ®he ceW meceevelee yevOeglee kesâ cetuÙeeW keâe efJemleej efkeâÙee peevee
oefuele ceefnueeDeeW keâer Ûeslevee, DeeOegefvekeâerkeâjCe SJeb meeceeefpekeâ efJekeâeme ceW Skeâ mecelee cetuekeâ meceepe keâer mLeehevee
ceW meneÙekeâ nes mekeâleer nw~ ueeskeâleb$e keâer meheâuelee ceW meMeòeâ oefuele ceefnueeDeeW keâer Ûeslevee cenlJehetCe& nw~
[e@.ceeueleer efleJeejer

nfyr dh ,sfrgkfld i`"BHkwfe % vf/kdkjksa ls oafpr gSa] mUgha dks ge nfyr dgrs gSaA bl dFku
lekt esa tUe vkSj is’ks ds vk/kkj ij ftu yksxksa dks ls Li"V gksrk gS fd nfyr 'kCn ls gekjk vfHkizk; mu yksxksa ls
lcls vf/kd vifo= ekuk x;k] fgUnw Le`fr;ksa ds }kjk muds gS] tks mPp tkfr;ksa }kjk lkekftd] vkfFkZd vkSj /kkfeZd :i ls
Li'kZ ij Hkh izfrca/k yxk fn;k x;kA ftl euqLe`fr dks ekuo 'kksf"kr gksus ds dkj.k rjg&rjg ds vHkkoksa ds dkj.k xjhch ds
/keZ'kkL= dh laKk nh tkrh gS] mlesa ;gk¡ rd fu;e cuk fn;k fuEure Lrj ij gSa rFkk lkekftd vieku ds lkFk gh mUgsa
x;k fd dqN tkfr;ksa ds yksxksa dks ns[k ysus ek= ls gh ,d fofHk™k izdkj ds mRihM+u dk f'kdkj gksuk iM+rk gSA okLro esa
lo.kZ O;fä vifo= gks tkrk gS vkSj iqu% ifo= gksus ds fy, nfyr 'kCn ijEijkxr ^vNwr* 'kCn ds gh lekukUrj gSA dqN
mls izk;f'pr djuk vko';d gSA e/;dky rd fgUnw lekt O;fä ;g ekurs gSa fd ftu tkfr;ksa dks ge vuqlwfpr tkfr;k¡
bruk /kekZU/k vkSj va/kfo'oklh cu x;k fd oSfnd deZ dks dgrs gSaA MkW- etwenkj us ijEijkxr vNwr tkfr;kas vkSj nfyr
frykatfy nsdj Le`fr;ksa esa fn;s x, fo/kkuksa ds vuqlkj vifo= oxZ ds chp dksbZ varj u ekurs gq, fy[kk gS fd ^vNwr tkfr;k¡*
dgh tkus okyh tkfr;ksa dks lHkh rjg dh lqfo/kkvksa ls oafpr os gSa] tks cgqr lh lkekftd vkSj jktuhfrd fu;ksZX;rkvksa ls
djds] mudk vekuoh; 'kks"k.k fd;k tkus yxkA ihfM+r gSa] ftuesa ls vf/kdka'k fu;ksX;rkvksa dks /kkfeZd ds }kjk
fczfV'k 'kkludky esa vLi`'; tkfr;kas dh fLFkfr cgqr fu/kkZfjr djds mUgs mPp tkfr;ksa }kjk ykxw fd;k x;kA blds
n;uh; jghA blds ckn Hkh vk;Z lekt us vius lq/kkjoknh foijhr ;fn leqnk; ds fdlh Hkkx dks tkfr O;oLFkk ds fu;eksa
vkanksyu ds varxZr bu tkfr;ksa dks ^nfyr tkfr* ds uke ls ds vk/kkj ij vkfFkZd] lkekftd vkSj /kkfeZd lqfo/kkvksa ls oafpr
lacksf/kr djds buds fy, vU; fgUnw tkfr;ksa dh rjg leku djds mls frjLd`r vkSj viekfur fd;k tkrk gS] rc yksxksa dks
lqfo/kk,¡ vkSj leku vf/kdkj nsus dh vkokt mBk;hA lu~ 1931 ,sls oxZ dks ge nfyr dgrs gaSA
dh tux.kuk ds vk;qä ts-,p- gêu (J.H. Hutton) us bu iapk;rksa esa nfyr usr`Ro %
tkfr;ksa dks ^ckgjh tkfr* (exterior caste) ds uke ls lacksf/kr euqoknh o.kZ O;oLFkk ,oa tkfr O;oLFkk Lo;a vius gh
fd;kA egkRek xk¡/kh og igys O;fä Fks] ftUgkasus dêjrkoknh pØO;wg esa Q¡lh ys[k eas crk;k fd euqoknh O;oLFkk ds dkj.k
fgUnwvksa ds fojks/k ds ckn Hkh vNwr dgs tkus okys yksxksa dks vusd fuEu ,oa vLi`'; tkfr;k¡ fufeZr gqbZA bUgsa f'k{kk] laifÙk]
fgUnw lekt dk vfHk™k vax ekurs gq, mUgsa ^gfjtu* dguk jktuhfr] lekurk tSls ewyHkwr vf/kdkjksa ls oafpr j[kdj mPp
vkjaHk fd;kA tkfr;ksa ¼czká.k {kf=;½ dks vlhfer vf/kdkj fn, x,] ysfdu
nfyr oxZ dk vfHkizk;Z % Lora= Hkkjr ds lafo/kku esa blh vLi`';rk ,oa vlkeuk dks
MkW- vEcsMdj us ^nfyr oxZ* 'kCn dk iz;ksx djrs gq, vf/kdkj ekudj vkj{k.k dh O;oLFkk dh xbZA e.My flQkfj'ksa
dgk Fkk fd tks yksx xjhc] 'kksf"kr rFkk lkekftd vkSj /kkfeZd ykxw gksus ds dkj.k vkj{k.k dk nk;jk vU; fiNM+k oxZ rd
meneÙekeâ ØeeOÙeehekeâ (jepeveerefle MeeŒe efJeYeeie), MeemekeâerÙe ceneØeYeg JeuueYeeÛeeÙe& mveelekeâesòej ceneefJeÅeeueÙe, cenemecegvo
UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  77
O;kid gks x;kA 73osa ,oa 74osa lafo/kku la'kks/ku }kjk vkj{k.k tkus yxk fd vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa dh fLFkfr esa lq/kkj fd, fcuk
O;oLFkk fuEure Lrj rd igq¡ph rFkk vuqlfw pr tkfr] vuqlfw pr mUgsa jk"Vª dh eq[;/kkjk ls ugha tksMk+ tk ldrk] blds QyLo:i
tutkfr ,oa vU; fiNM+k oxZ lfgr lHkh oxksZa dh efgykvksa dks egkRek xk¡/kh us vLi`'; tkfr;ksa dks gfjtu vFkkZr~ bZ'oj dh
Hkh vkj{k.k dk ykHk feykA vkt Lo;a czká.k] {kf=; tSls mPp lUrku dgdj muds lkekftd] vkfFkZd 'kks"k.k dks nwj djus
tkfr;k¡ tks ,d le; vkj{k.k ds l[r f[kykQ Fkh] vc Lo;a dk fo'ks"k cy fn;k x;kA
vius fy, vkj{k.k dh ek¡x dj jgh gSaA ¼1½ fgUnw lekt esa ijEijkxr fo/kku esa Økafrdkjh ifjorZu
igys iapk;rh jkt laLFkkvksa ij mPp tkfr ds lnL;ksa ;k fd;k tk,A
tehankjksa dk ,dkf/kdkj Fkk] ijUrq izk;% vc ,slk ugha gSA bu ¼2½ nfyr efgyk oxksZa dks laxfBr o f'kf{kr fd;k tk,A
laLFkkvksa esa vkj{k.k O;oLFkk ds dkj.k vc buesa mPp@lo.kZ ¼3½ fo/kku eaMy o efgyk vkj{k.k ij cy fn;k tk,A
tkfr;ksa ;k vkfFkZd n`f"V ls lai™k tkfr;ksa dk LokfeRo ugha jg ¼4½ efgyk nfyr oxksZa ds fodkl ds fy, mUgsa fo'ks"k
x;k gSA vfirq lekt dk fuEure oxZ ¼nfyr@efgyk½ Hkh lqfo/kk,¡ nh tk,aA
izfrfuf/kRo izkIr dj lfØ; Hkwfedk fuHkk jgh gSA iapk;rh jkt esa ¼5½ Nk=kvksa dks Nk=o`fÙk;ksa rFkk jgus ds fy, Nk=kokl
efgyk dk lcls cM+k izHkko jktuhfrd lajpuk ij iM+k gSA dh O;oLFkk dh tk,A
ifj.kkeLo:i xzkeh.k {ks= esa jktuhfrd psruk tkx`r gqbZ gS rFkk ¼6½ rduhfd f'k{kk ds fy, ns'k] fons'k esa v/;;u djus
LFkkuh; usrk /khjs&/khjs mPp Lrj ij vius jktuhfrd xBca/ku o izf'k{k.k izkIr djus gsrq mi;qä lqfo/kk,¡ vkSj foÙkh; lgk;rk
dj jgs gSaA [k.M vFkok iapk;r lfefr Lrj ij ,sls xBca/ku iznku dh tk,A
dkQh 'kfä'kkyh cu x, gSaA xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa nfyr efgykvksa dk ¼7½ jktuhfrd] lkekftd iz'kkluhd {ks=ksa esa LFkkuA
,d vkSj egRoiw.kZ i{k ;g gS fd xk¡oksa ds vkfFkZd fodkl esa dsoy ¼8½ ncko eqDr thou thus dk vf/kdkjA
fiNM+s oxksZa vkSj nfyr efgykvksa dh gh Hkkxhnkjh gksrh gS] tcfd nfyr efgykvksa dh lkekftd foMEcuk %
lkearh ijEijkxr laLdkjksa ds tdM+s gksus ds dkj.k vkt Hkh mPp Hkkjrh; lekt dh ;g foMEcuk jgh gS fd tkfr ls tqM+h
oxZ dh efgyk,¡ ?kj ds ckgj fdlh izdkj dk dksbZ Je ;k O;olk; oSpkfjd ekU;rkvksa ds dkj.k fuEu tkfr ds yksxksa dks lnSo
djus ugha fudyrh gSA ;g fLFkfr 'kgjksa dh fLFkfr ls fHk™k gS] tgk¡ misf{kr] foi™k] loZgkjk vkSj nfyr 'kCn ds lacks/ku ls tksM+dj
mPp rFkk ek/;e oxZ dh efgyk,¡ ukSdjh ;k O;olk; esa iq:"kksa ns[kk tkrk jgkA bl izdkj nfyr oxZ dks oSpkfjd rFkk
ds lkFk da/kk feykdj py jgh gSa] tcfd fiNM+s vkSj nfyr oxZ lajpukRed Lrj ij Hkkjrh; lekt dh vlaons u'khy jhfr&fjoktksa
dh efgyk,¡ de ;k vf'kf{kr gksus ds dkj.k jkstxkj dh izfr;ksfxrk ds dkj.k ,d frjLdkj dh ftanxh thus dks etcwj gksuk iM+kA
ls ckgj gks tkrh gSaA xk¡oksa esa Je dk;Z djus okyh efgyk,¡ jkstxkj ds lk/ku tks mls feys] mls flok frjLdkj vkSj
lkekftd rFkk vkfFkZd :i ls fiNM+s oxZ dh gksrh gSa] vr% mUgsa ekuoh; ewY;ksa dh xfjek dks dqpyk rFkk nck;k x;kA bl lanHkZ
LokHkkfod :i ls T;knk 'kks"k.k dk f'kdkj gksuk iM+rk gSA esa nfyr efgykvksa dks nksgjh ekj dk lkeuk djuk iM+rk gSA
bu vkdM+kas esa vuqlwfpr tkfr vFkok vuqlwfpr tutkfr ,d rjQ rks mls efgyk gksus ds dkj.k iq:'k iz/kku lekt dh
dh efgyk izfrfuf/k;kas dk vkadyu djus ij Kkr gqvk fd xzke fir`:irked ewY;ksa dk f'kdkj gksuk iM+rk gSA lkFk gh vuqlfw pr
iapk;rksa esa 3]31]133 efgyk izfrfuf/k vuqlwfpr tkfr dh vkSj tkfr esa 'kkfey fd;s tkus ds dkj.k 'kwnzksa ls tqM+h ekU;rkvksa ds
2]23]959 efgyk izfrfuf/k vuqlwfpr tutkfr dh gSA tuin nnZ dks Hkh lgus ij foo'k gksuk iM+rk gSA bl 'kks/ki= esa nfyr
iapk;r esa 23]758 efgyk izfrfuf/k vuqlwfpr tkfr dh rFkk efgykvksa ds ekuokf/kdkj ls lacaf/kr vf/kdkjksa dh fLFkfr dks
13]477 efgyk izfrfuf/k vuqlfw pr tutkfr dh gSA ftyk iapk;rksa le>us dk iz;kl fd;k x;k gSA fo'ks"kdj mu nfyr efgykvksa
esa 2]100 efgyk izfrfuf/k vuqlwfpr tkfr vkSj 1099 efgyk dk v/;;u fd;k x;k gS] tks eSyk <ksus rFkk lQkbZ ds dke ls
izfrfuf/k vuqlfw pr tutkfr dh gSAa bu vkdM+kas ls irk pyrk gS tqM+h gSA bl izdkj ds lQkbZ rFkk eSyk <ksus ds dke ls tqM+s
fd ns'k ds 19 jkT;ksa esa 7]24]104 efgyk,¡ izfrfuf/k ds :i esa pquh Jfedksa dks xfjek dh ckr djuk lgt :i ls csekuh gS vkSj
x;h gSA muds fy, ekuokf/kdkj ds ekuoh; ewY;ksa dk laj{k.k dj mls
nfyrksa dh leL;k,¡ % cpk;s j[kuk Hkh ,d feFkd gSA vktknh ds ckn fd, x,
Hkkjr esa nfyr tkfr;ksa dh leL;kvksa dks lcls igys ;gk¡ le>kSrs ds dkj.k vk, cnykoksa ds ckotwn vkt dh nfyr
ds jk"Vªh; Lora= vkUnksyu ds nkSjku vuqHko fd;kA O;fä vui<+] dqiksf"kr] Hkwfeghu] etnwj gS] tks thfodkiktZu
¼1½ lkekftd foHksn dh leL;k] ¼2½ mPp tkfr;ksa }kjk ds fy, dbZ rjg ds 'kks"k.kksa ds tky esa Qalk gSA og lSdM+kas
'kks"k.k] ¼3½ gfjtu egktuksa }kjk 'kks"k.k] ¼4½ vkUrfjd vlkeurk lkyksa ls fodflr ra= dk f'kdkj gSA
dh leL;k] ¼5½ vUrtkZrh; ruko dh leL;k] ¼6½ vf'k{kk] l'kfDrdj.k dh vksj vxzlj %
¼7½ e|iku ,oa u'khys inkFkksZa dh leL;k] ¼8½ jktuhfrd 'kks"k.k lekt ;k ns'k dh izxfr rc rd laHko ugha gS] rc rd
dh leL;k,¡A efgykvksa dh izxfr ugha gks ldrhA MkW- vEcsMdj us dgk gS] eSa
mik; % fdlh lekt dh m™kfr dk vuqeku bl ckr ij ugha yxk
tc MkW- Hkhejko vEcsMdj ds iz;Ruksa ls ;g eglwl fd;k ldrk fd ml lekt dh efgykvksa us fdruh izxfr dh gS] ukjh
UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  78
dh m™kfr ds fcuk ifjokj lekt ,oa jk"Vª dh m™kfr laHko ugha ¼6½ izksQslj c`txksiky % fjlpZ tujy vkWQ lks'ky ykbZQ
gSA gekjs ns'k dh vk/kh vkcknh vkt Hkh xqykeh dk thou th jgh lkbZ l
a ] i`- 227] 228-
gSA lekt O;oLFkk esa mls iq:"k ds v/khu crkdj ml ij reke ¼7½ brokjh v[kckj] fnukad 22 fnlEcj 2013-
izfrca/k ykn fn, x, gSAa fuf'pr :i ls vkt efgykvksa dh fLFkfr ¼8½ vxzoky] MkW- xksiky d`".k % Hkkjrh; lekt eqís ,oa
esa lq/kkj gqvk gSA ,d oxZ dh efgykvksa us ?kj ls ckgj fudydj leL;k,¡ A
viuh vfLerk vkSj vfLrRo dh [kkst dh gSA
;g lR; gS fd nfyr efgyk,¡ 'krkfCn;ksa ls mRihfM+r jgh 
gS] fdUrq ;g Hkh lR; gS fd muls m)kj ds fy, izkphudky ls
gh lekt esa lq/kkj ds fy, vkokt mBrh jgh gSA e/;dky esa
jktkjke eksgu jk;] Lokeh n;kuan ljLorh] tfLVl ,e-th-
jkukMs] Lokeh foosdkuan] T;ksfrck Qwy]s xk¡/kh th] vEcsMdj vkfn APPROVED - JOURNAL
lekt lq/kkjdksa us vkokt mBkbZ gSA vkt orZeku le; dh ;fn
ckr djsa] rks vc cgqr gn rd nfyr efgykvksa dks lacaf/kr
fu;ksZX;rkvksa dks lekIr fd;k tk pqdk gSA ns'k ds fofHk™k Hkkxksa esa
nfyr efgyk tkfr;k¡ laxfBr lewgksa ds :i esa mfnr gqbZ gSA vc
l'kfädj.k ls vkfFkZd] jktuhfrd] lkekftd {ks=ksa esa vf/kdkj ds
izfr tkx:d gksuk vfuok;Z gSA 'kSf{kd lekurk ds voljksa ls vk/
kqfud ewY;ksa ds :i esa LoLrk] lekurk cU/kqrk ds ewY;ksa dk foLrkj
fd;k tkuk nfyr efgykvksa dh psruk] vk/kqfudhdj.k ,oa lkekftd
fodkl esa ,d lerk ewyd lekt dh LFkkiuk esa lgk;d gks
ldrh gSA yksdra= dh lQyrk esa l'kä nfyr efgykvksa dh
psruk egRoiw.kZ gSA Hkkjr tSls /keZ lEer ,oa fodkl'khy jk"Vª esa
tgk¡ tkfr O;oLFkk] lekt O;oLFkk dk i;kZ; Hkh Fkh] ogha vc
mldk nwljk Lo:i l'kfädj.k ds :i esa ns[kus dks fey jgk
gS] ifjorZu lekt dk 'kk'or lR; gSA vr% budh Lo;a dh
tkx:drk ,oa lafo/kku esa cuk, x, fu;eksa dks dBksjrk ls ykxw
fd, tkus ds dkj.k vc nfyr efgykvksa ds tks Hkko mnfor gksrs
tk jgs gSa] mlesa vo'; deh vkrh tk jgh gSA f'k{kk vkSj lekurk
ds mís'; dks ysdj nfyr efgykvksa dks izHkko'khy :i esa l'kä
gksrh tk jgh gSA
Hkkjrh; tula[;k esa nfyr dk izfr'kr 16-6 gSA izR;sd 6
Hkkjrh; esa ,d Hkkjrh; nfyr gSA muesa ls efgyk nfyr dk vk/
kk Hkkx gSA
efgyk nfyr efgyk l'kfädj.k dks nfyr vkanksyu ns'k
jkT; /keZ 'kks"k.k ds nwljs rjhdksa vkSj laLd`fr ij [kqy dj fopkj
djuk] ifjHkkf"kr djuk gksxk] ftlesa ,d Lora= lekurk vkSj
HkkbZpkjs ij vk/kkfjr ,d u;k nfyr efgyk l'kä lekt cukuk
gksxkA ‘efjmeÛe& efuebkeâ’ keâer meomÙelee keâe Megukeâ Yegieleeve je°^erÙeke=âle yeQkeâeW Éeje meerOes
lUnHkZ % š^ebmeheâj Ùee pecee efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw~ yeQkeâ keâe efJeJejCe efvecveevegmeej nw-
¼1½ vxzoky] MkW-th-ds- % Hkkjr esa lekt] i`- 110] 11] 112] yeQkeâ : mšsš yeQkeâ Dee@heâ FefC[Ùee
113- yeÇ ebÛe : Deesu[ heueeefmeÙee, Fvoewj,
¼2½ MkW- iwj.k ey % iapk;rh jkt ,oa nfyr usr`Ro] i`- 127- keâes[ - SBIN 000 3432
¼3½ 'kekZ] MkW- vfEcdk izlkn % NÙkhlx<+ esa ekuokf/kdkj] i`- Keeles keâe veece : efjmeÛe& efuebkeâ,
256] 257- Keelee vebyej - 63025612815
¼4½ MkW- ,l- vf[kys'k % Hkkjrh; lekt % eqís ,oa leL;k,¡] Yegieleeve keâer cetue jmeero, MeesOe-he$e SJeb meer[er kesâ meeLe keâeÙee&ueÙeerve
i`- 681] 682- heles hej Yespevee DeefveJeeÙe& nw~
¼5½ prqosZnh] v:.k % Hkkjr esa ekuokf/kdkj] i`- 68-

UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  79

An International,

March 2002
Registered & Refereed
P olitical Science

UGC Approved Journal
Monthly Journal :
Research Link Research Link - 168, Vol - XVII (1), March - 2018, Page No. 80-81
ISSN - 0973-1628  RNI - MPHIN-2002-7041  Impact Factor - 2015 - 2.782

meJe&eMf e#ee DeefYeÙeeve kesâ ef›eâÙeevJeÙeve ceW peveØeefleefveefOeÙeeW keâer Yetecf ekeâe keâe
efJeMues<eCeelcekeâ DeOÙeÙeve (jeÙehegj efpeues keâer «eece hebÛeeÙeleeW kesâ meboYe& ceW)
Øemlegle MeesOehe$e meJe&efMe#ee DeefYeÙeeve kesâ ef›eâÙeevJeÙeve ceW peveØeefleefveefOeÙeeW keâer Yetefcekeâe keâe
efJeMues<eCeelcekeâ DeOÙeÙeve mes mecyebefOele nw~ meJe&efMe#ee DeefYeÙeeve Yeejle mejkeâej keâe Skeâ ØecegKe keâeÙe&›eâce
nw, efpemekeâer Meg®Deele Dešueefyenejer JeepehesÙeer Éeje Skeâ efveef§ele meceÙeeJeefOe kesâ lejerkesâ mes ØeeLeefcekeâ efMe#ee
kesâ meeJe&YeewefcekeâjCe keâes Øeehle keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee ieÙee~ pewmee efkeâ YeejleerÙe mebefJeOeeve kesâ 86JeW mebMeesOeve
Éeje efveoxefMele efkeâÙee ieÙee nw, efpemekesâ lenle 6 mes 14 meeue kesâ yeÛÛeeW (2001 ceW 205 efceefueÙeve
Devegceeefvele) keâer cegheäle Deewj DeefveJeeÙe& efMe#ee kesâ ØeeJeOeeve keâes ceewefuekeâ DeefOekeâej yeveeÙee ieÙee nw~ Fme
keâeÙe&›eâce keâe GösMÙe iegCeJeòee Jeeueer ØeeLeefcekeâ efMe#ee kesâ meeJe&YeewefcekeâerkeâjCe keâes Øeehle keâjvee nw~
meJe&efMe#ee DeefYeÙeeve ceW 8 cegKÙe keâeÙe&›eâce nw, FmeceW DeeF&meer[erSme, DeebieveyeeÌ[er Deewj kesâpeeryeerJeerDeeF& Yeer
Meeefceue nw~ keâmletjyee ieeBOeer yeeefuekeâe efJeÅeeueÙe Ùeespevee keâer Meg®Deele 2004 ceW ngF&, efpemeceW meejer
ueÌ[efkeâÙeeW keâes ØeeLeefcekeâ efMe#ee osves keâe mehevee osKee ieÙee, yeeo ceW Ùen Ùeespevee meJe&efMe#ee DeefYeÙeeve kesâ
meeLe efJeueÙe nes ieF& nw~ kegBâpeer Meyo : meeJe&YeewefcekeâerkeâjCe, ceewefuekeâ DeefOekeâej, meJe&efMe#ee DeefYeÙeeve~
[e@.megveerlee efceßee* SJeb kebâÛeve yebpeejs**

izLrkouk % ¼2½ 6 ls 14 o"kZ ds cPpksa ds Ldwyksa dk izca/k djkukA

^^f'k{kk ls fodkl] lq[k vkSj lqfo/kk ds reke jkLrs [kqyrs ¼3½ leqnk; esa lfØ;rkA
gSaA^^ blfy, lafo/kku ds 86 osa la'kks/ku ds vuqlkj izkjafHkd ¼4½ {ks=h; leqnk; dh lgHkkfxrkA
f'k{kk izkIr djuk lHkh dk ekSfyd vf/kdkj cu x;k gSA vr% ¼5½ Lkekftd dk;ksZ esa lfØ;rkA
lHkh dks fu%'kqYd izkjafHkd f'k{kk nsus dh O;oLFkk djuk 'kklu ¼6½ ySafxx fo"kerkvksa dk vUr djukA
dh uSfrd o laoS/kkfud drZO; gSA ns'k esa f'k{kk dks vxzlj vkSj jktho xk¡/kh f'k{kk fe'ku ds y{; % cukus ds fy, rFkk yksxksa dks tkx:d f'kf{kr cgqvk;keh ¼1½ lHkh cPpksa }kjk 5 o"kZ dh izkFkfed Ldwy f'k{kk iwjh
cukus ds fy, 'kklu dk ljkguh; dne gSA tufgr dh djkukA
leL;kvksa dks tM+ ls [kRe djus ds fy,] yksxksa dks ih<+h nj ¼2½ lHkh cPpksa }kjk 8 o"kZ dh ekf/ed Ldwy f'k{kk iwjh
ih<+h f'kf{kr cukus] mUgsa xq.koRrkiw.kZ f'k{kk nsus ds fy, dsUnz djkukA
rFkk jkT; 'kklu dh Hkkxhnkjh ls lapkfyr Þjktho xk¡/kh f'k{kk ¼3½ izkjafHkd f'k{kk ij fo'ks"k /;ku nsukA
fe'kuß ds rgr~ ÞloZf'k{kk vfHk;kuß pyk;k tk jgk gSA bls ns'k ¼4½ thou ds fy, f'k{kk ds Lrj dks larks"ktud Lrj
ds lHkh LFkkuksa lapkfyr djus dk y{; gSA Þjktho xk¡/kh f'k{kk rd c<+kukA
fe'kuß ,d iathd`r Lo'kklh laLFkk gSA NRrhlx<+ izns'k esa ¼5½ 'kr~ izfr'kr cPPkksa dks f'k{kk esa cuk;s j[kukA
Þjktho xk¡/kh f'k{kk fe'kuß &loZf'k{kk fe'ku o"kZ 2001&02 ls v/;;u fo"k; dk jktuhfrd egRo %
lapkfyr fd;k tk jgk gSA bldk xBu 19 ekpZ 2001 dks gqvk v/;;u fo"k; dh dk;Ziz.kkyh esa tuizfrfuf/k dh Hkwfedk%
gSA bl vfHk;ku ds ek/;e ls izkjafHkd f'k{kk dk yksdO;kihdj.k jktho xk¡/kh f'k{kk fe'ku ,d iathd`r laLFkk gSA bldk
fd;k tk pqdk gSA blds rgr~ 6&14 o"kZ vk;q oxZ ds lHkh xBu 19 ekpZ 2001 dks fd;k x;kA fe'ku esa lk/kkj.k lHkk esa
cPpksa dks d{kk 5oha rFkk d{kk 8oha rd vfuok;Z fu%'kqYd ,oa ekuuh; eq[;ea=h th NRrhlx<+ insu lHkkifr gS rFkk Ldwy
xq.koRrk;qDr f'k{kk iznku fd;k tkuk gSA f'k{kk ,oa vkfnetkfr] vuqlwfpr tkfr ,oa vU; fiNM+k oxZ
jktho xk¡/kh f'k{kk fe'ku ds mn~ns'; % dY;k.k foHkkx ds ea=h insu milHkkifr gSA NRrhlx<+ 'kklu
¼1½ 6 ls 14 o"kZ vk;q oxZ ds lHkh cPpksa dks mi;ksxh vkSj ds eq[; lfpo ,oa vkfne tkfr] vuqlwfpr tkfr ,oa vU;
iklafxd izkjafHkd f'k{kk iznku djukA fiNM+k oxZ dY;k.k] foRr] iapk;r ,oa xzkeh.k fodkl efgyk

*meneÙekeâ ØeeOÙeehekeâ (jepeveerefle efJe%eeve efJeYeeie), MeemekeâerÙe veJeerve ceneefJeÅeeueÙe, Kegmeeaheej, efYeueeF&-ogie& (ÚòeermeieÌ{)
**MeesOeÚe$ee, mes" Deej.meer.Sme.keâuee SJeb JeeefCepÙe ceneefJeÅeeueÙe, ogie& (ÚòeermeieÌ{)
UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  80
,oa cky fodkl foHkkx ds lfpo insu lnL; gSA NRrhlx<+ ¼7½ xk¡oksa ds yksxksa dks f'k{kk ds izfr tkx:drk vk,xhA
'kklu Ldwy f'k{kk foHkkx ds lfpo insu lnL; gSA vk;qDr v/;;u {ks= %
lwpuk ,oa izdk'ku lapkyd] ,l-lh-bZ-vkj-Vh- lapkyd] yksd v/;;u {ks= NRrhlx<+ dk jk;iqj ftyk gSA jk;Ikqj ftys esa
f'k{k.k lapkyuky;] fe'ku lapkyd jktho xk¡/kh f'k{kk fe'ku 4 fodkl[k.M gSA /kjlhaok] vkjax] frYnk vkSj vHkuiqj mijksDr
,oa vfrfjDr fe'ku lapkyd jktho xk¡/kh f'k{kk fe'ku insu lHkh fodkl[k.Mksa ij jktho xk¡/kh f'k{kk fe'ku dk v/;;u djuk
lnL; gSA euksuhr lnL;ksa esa ekuuh; eq[;ea=h }kjk fofHkUUk gSA ftlds varxZr 300 mRrjnkrkvksa ls mudk loZf'k{kk vfHk;ku ds
{ks=ksa esa dk;Zjr O;fDr] tuizfrfuf/k] iapk;r izfrfuf/k 'kkfey ckjs esa vfHker izkIr djuk] fo'ys"k.k djukA blesa 4 fodkl[k.Mksa
gSA bl lHkk esa ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky; }kjk euksuhr ls p;fur lHkh yksxksa ls lk{kkRdkj ysuk gSA
lnL; ,oa dsUnz ljdkj }kjk euksuhr fofHkUUk Jsf.k;ksa ds O;fDr fu"d"kZ %
'kkfey gSA fe'ku ds dk; ds v/;{k eq[; lfpo] NRrhlx<+ izkjafHkd f'k{kk ds loZO;kihdj.k gsrq loZf'k{kk vfHk;ku dk
'kklu insu v/;{k gSA jkT; 'kklu ds fofHkUu foHkkxksa ds lfpo dk;kZUo;u Hkjr ds eq[; dk;ZØe ds rkSj ij fd;k tk jgk gSA
insu lnL; gSA jktho xk¡/kh fe'ku ds lapkyd insu lnL; blds lexz y{;ksa esa 'kkfey gS& lkoZHkkSfed lqyHkrk] f'k{kk esa
lfpo gS A ekuuh; eq [;ea=h }kjk euksf ur ,oa iapk;r lkekftd ,oa ckyd&ckfydk ds varjksa dks nwj djuk rFkk
izfrfuf/k 'kkfey gSA cPPkksa ds vf/kxe Lrjksa esa esa c<+ksRrjhA blesa vU; ckrksa ds
'kks/k lkfgR; dk iqujkoyksdu % lkFk&lkFk u;s Ldwyksa dk fuekZ.k ,oa [kksyk tkuk] vfrfjDr
¼1½ nkl] Mh-,u-¼2002½] bUgksaus gfj;k.kk esa izkFkfed v/;kid] fu;fer v/;kid] lsokdkyhu izf'k{k.k] fu%'kqYd
Lrj dh f'k{kk ,oa leqnk; dh Hkkxhnkjh dk D;k izHkko gS ,oa ikB~;iqLrdsa] x.kos'k lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, vdknfed
izkFkfed Lrj dh f'k{kk ij bUgksaus fo'ks"k v/;;u fd;k gSA lalk/ku lgk;rk ,oa vf/kxe ifj.kkeksa esa lq/kkj djus ds fy,
¼2½ f}osn h] vkj-,l- ,oa 'kekZ ts- ih- ¼1977½] us fu%'kqYd lgk;rk iznku fd;k tkuk 'kkfey gSA
pj.kc) Ldwyh dk;ZØeksa dk ewY;kdau e/;izns'k ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ fu%'kqYd vkSj vfuok;Z cky f'k{kk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e 2009
esa v?;;u dj crk;k gS fd Ldwy esa f'k{kk ds fy, dkSu&dkSu U;k;ksfpr dkuwuh <k¡ps dk izko/kku djrk gS] tks 6&14 o"kZ dh
ls dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s tkrs gSa rFkk mu dk;Zdzeksa ds rgr~ vk;q ds lHkh cPpksa dks eq¶r vkSj vfuok;Z izos'k] mifLFkfr vkSj
dSlh f'k{kk nh tkrh gSA izkjafHkd f'k{kk dks iwjk djus dk vf/kdkj nsrk gSA ;g cPPkksa ds
¼3½ xSUV ¼1998½] bl lkfgR; esa Øec) Ldwyksa dh lkE;rk vkSj xSj&HksnHkko ds fl/nkarksa ij vk/kkfjr vf/kdkj ds
J`a[kyk 1]2]3]4]5 tks fd jktho xk¡/kh f'k{kk fe'ku Hkksiky ij fy, izko/kku djrk gSA blls Hkh vf/kd egRoiw.kZ ;g gS fd
vk/kkfjr gSA bl lkfgR; esa jktho xk¡/kh f'k{kk fe'ku dh cPPkksa dk ,slh f'k{kk dk vf/kdkj nsrk gS tks Mj] ncko vkSj
;kstukvksa ,oa dk;ZØeksa dk fo'ys"k.k fd;k x;k gSA fpark ls eqDr gSA
mn~ns'; % lanHkZ %
¼1½ ftys esa loZf'k{kk vfHk;ku dh dk;Ziz.kkyh dks tkuukA ¼1½ vxzoky] vkj-lh- ¼2007½ % Hkkjrh; lafo/kku dk fodkl
¼2½ ftys esa loZf'k{kk vfHk;ku dh dk;Ziz.kkyh esa tu rFkk jk"Vªh; vkanksyu] ,l-lh-,.M daiuh fyfeVsM] fnYyhA
izfrfuf/k dh Hkwfedk dk egRoA ¼2½ cktis;h] lqHkk"k ¼2007½ % NRrhlx<+ esa jktuSfrd lkekftdj.k]
¼3½ jk;iqj ftys esa loZf'k{kk vfHk;ku jktho xk¡/kh f'k{kk laLFkk] 'kkgnjk] fnYyhA
fe'ku ds varxZr vftZr miyfC/k;k¡A ¼3½ xqIrk]Mh-lh- ¼1972½ % bafM;u xouZesaV ,.M ikfyfVDl]
¼4½ jktho xk¡/kh f'k{kk fe'ku ds y{;ksa rFkk mn~ns';ksa dks fnYyhA
iwjk djus ds fy, fe'ku }kjk cukbZ xbZZ ;kstukvksa dh tkudkjh ¼4½ tSu] iq[kjkt ¼2003½ % Hkkjrh; 'kklu ,oa jktuhfr] vkxjk]
gkfly djukA lkfgR; Hkou ifCyds'kUlA
¼5½ fe'ku ds fy, ftyk iz'kklu dk uokpkj f'k{kk ¼5½ d';i] lqHkk"k ¼1997½ % gekjk lafo/kku] us'kuy cqd VªLV]
;kstuk dks tkuukA ubZ fnYyhA
¼6½ fe'ku ds fy, ykHkkfUor {ks=ksa dk ewY;kdau djukA osclkbV %
ifjdYiuk % (1)
¼1½ jktho xk¡/kh f'k{kk fe'ku ds fy, tuizfrfuf/k;ksa dh (2)
Hkwfedk larqf"Vhiw.kZ ,oa izxfr'khy gks ldrh gSA
¼2½ f'k{kk Lrj ftyk ds lkFk&lkFk ns'k esa Hkh c<+sxkA 
¼3½ dk;Z{ks= ds tuizfrfuf/k vR;f/kd tkx:d ,oa
mRrstukiw.kZ dk;Z ij /;ku vkdf"kZr gkssaxsA
¼4½ 'kgjksa dh f'k{kk xk¡oksa esa igq¡psxhA
¼5½ jk;iqj ftyk lEiw.kZ f'k{kk mUeq[k gksxkA
¼6½ f'k{kk dks vf/kd ljy ,oa lqfo/kk ;qDr cuk;k tk,xk
UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  81
An International,

March 2002
Registered & Refereed
P olitical Science

UGC Approved Journal
Monthly Journal :
Research Link Research Link - 168, Vol - XVII (1), March - 2018, Page No. 82-84
ISSN - 0973-1628  RNI - MPHIN-2002-7041  Impact Factor - 2015 - 2.782

meernesj efJeOeevemeYee #es$e : Skeâ DeOÙeÙeve

Øemlegle MeesOehe$e meernesj efJeOeevemeYee #es$e kesâ efJemle=le DeOÙeÙeve mes mecyebefOele nw~ ceOÙeØeosMe
efJeOeevemeYee kesâ 230 efveJee&Ûeve #es$e ceW mes Skeâ #es$e meernesj nw~ Yeewieesefuekeâ Âef°keâesCe mes meernesj ceeueJee keâer
meceleue Yetefce hej yemee ngDee nw~ Ùen 22.32 mes 23.40 De#eebMe Gòej leLee 76.22 mes 78.03 os#eebMe
hetJe& kesâ yeerÛe ceW efmLele nw~ meernesj efJeOeevemeYee #es$e jepeveereflekeâ Âef° mes Dehevee cenlJehetCe& mLeeve jKelee nw~
ØeejbYe ceW Yeesheeue, meernsej keâer Skeâ lenmeerue cee$e Lee~ meernesj efpeues ceW 4 efJeOeevemeYee #es$e nw, yegOeveer,
Dee°e, FÚeJej leLee meernesj yegOeveer efJeOeevemeYee #es$e mes cegKÙeceb$eer ßeer efMeJejepeefmebn Ûeewneve nw~ meernesj keâe
ØeeÛeerve veece ‘efmeæhegj’ nw~ ÙeneB cegKÙele: efnvot, cegefmuece, efmeKe, F&meeF& leLee pewve jnles nQ~ ÙeneB keâer mebmke=âefle
YeejleerÙe mebmke=âefle mes Deesle-Øeesle nw~

[e@.DeeYee pewve

e/;izns'k fo/kkulHkk fuokZpu ds 230 {ks= esa ls ,d {ks= esa vkSlr o"kkZ 815 fe-eh- ds yxHkx gks tkrh gSA lhgksj
{ks= lhgksj fo/kkulHkk gSA ;g lkekU; fo/kkulHkk {ks= ds vUrxZr ftys dk ou {ks= 1]526]-63 oxZ fdyksehVj rd QSyk gqvk gSA
gSA e/;izns'k esa 154 lkekU;] 36 vuqlwfpr tkfr rFkk 40 ftlesa lkxkSu] lky] lktM] rsUnq] egqvk] [kSj] ckal] ccwy]
vuqlfw pr tutkfr okys {ks= gSAa lhgksj fo/kkulHkk {ks= jktuhfrd bjjkZ] cgsM+k vkaoyk vkfn o`{k cgqrk;r esa ik, tkrs gSaA blds
n`f"V ls viuk egRoiw.kZ LFkku j[krk gSA izkjaHk esa Hkksiky vykok vkS"k/kh; ouLifr Hkh ikbZ tkrh gSA lhgksj esa ou xzke dh
¼orZeku esa e/;izns'k dh jkt/kkuh½ lhgksj ftys ds varxZr vkrk la[;k 35 gSA lhgksj dh thou nkf;uh unh lhou ¼f'koorh½ dk
Fkk Hkksiky] lhgksj dh ,d rglhy ek= FkkA lhgksj fo/kkulHkk lh/kk izokg vkSj ty laca/k xaxk ls gSA lhou] ikoZrh RkFkk pacy
{ks= dh jktuhfr bl {ks= ds okrkoj.k ,oa tulkekU; ls ;s lkjh ufn;k¡ mÙkj dh vksj cgrh gS] ;s bu ufn;ksa dh
izHkkfor gksrh gSA vr% {ks= dk v/;;u djus ls iwoZ ;gk¡ ds izkd`frd fo'ks"krk gSA
okrkoj.k dks le>uk vko';d gSA ,sfrgkfld i`"BHkwfe % lhgksj dk izkphu uke ^^fl)iqj**
HkkSxksfyd fLFkfr % gSA lhou unh ds dkj.k bldk uke fl)iqj iM+kA vaxzstksa ds
fLFkfr ,oa {ks=Qy % HkkSxksfyd n`f"Vdks.k ls lhgksj dkj.k ckn es fl)iqj ls lhgksj cu x;kA lhgksj ftyk ,sfrgkfld
ekyok dh lery Hkwfe ij clk gqvk gSA ;g 22-32 ls 23-40 ,oa d`f"k iz/kku ftyk gSA e/;izns'k ds xBu ds iwoZ ;g Hkksiky
v{kka'k mRrj RkFkk 76-22 ls 78-03 ns'kka'k iwoZ ds chp esa fLFkr jkT; ds nks ftyksa esa ls ,d FkkA ftls ^futkre&,&e'kjhd ds
gSA lhgksj e/;izns'k dh jkt/kkuh Hkksiky ls ek= 39 fdyksehVj uke ls tkuk tkrk FkkA vDVwcj 1972 ls iwoZ jkt/kkuh Hkksiky
dh nwjh ij HkksIkky&bankSj ekxZ ij fLFkr gSA blds mRrj esa blh ftys ds vUrxZr vkrh FkhA
Hkksiky] iwoZ esa jk;lsu] nf{k.k iwoZ esa gks'kaxkckn] mRrj if'pe esa lhgksj ftys dk bfrgkl %
'kktkiqj rFkk if'pe esa nsokl ftyk fLFkr gSA lhgksj dk 9 oha 'krkCnh ds izkjaHk ls 13 oha 'krkCnh ds e/; rd
{ks=Qy 6578-00 oxZ fdyksehVj ¼tux.kuk o"kZ 2001 ds vuqlkj½ ekyok] ftlesa lhgksj ftyk Hkh 'kkfey gS& ijekj jktkvksa ds
gSA ;g leqnzh lrg ls yxHkx 1500 QhV dh lkekU; Å¡pkbZ vk/khu jgkA ckn esa ;g ejkBksa ds v/khu gks x;kA ejkBk lkezkT;
ij fLFkr gS] fdUrq lokZf/kd Å¡pkbZ 2107 QhV lhgksj rglhy ls lhgksj ftys dss vyx gks tkus ij ;g eqfLYke 'kkldksa ds
ds xzke vekek; uked LFkku ij gSA vk/khu jgkA vafre eqfLye 'kkld uokc gehnmYYkk [kk¡ Fks]
tyok;q % lhgksj ftys dh tyok;q le'khrks".k gSA ;gk¡ ftudk dk;Zdky twu 1948 dks lekIr gqvk FkkA bl izdkj
dk lokZf/kd rkieku ebZ esa 45 fMxzh lsfYl;l ¼o"kZ 2010½ rFkk lhgksj pUnzxqIr izFke] g"kZo/kZu] jktHkkst] v'kksd n xzsV] is'kok
U;wure rkieku tuojh eas 4-5 fMxzh lsfYl;l ¼o"kZ 2011½ phQ] ejkBk] ijekj] jkuh] deykorh vkSj Hkksiky ds uokc ds
fjdkWMZ fd;k x;kA tyok;q dh n`f"V lss o"kkZ dk ekSle twu ls 'kklu ds v/khu jgkA
e/; flrEcj ekg rd jgrk gSA nf{k.k&if'Pke ekulwu ls bl lhgksj ftys dh LFkkiuk iwoZ Hkksiky jkT; essa 1880 esa gqbZA
DeefleefLe efJeÉeve (jepeveerefleMeeŒe efJeYeeie), MeemekeâerÙe ceneefJeÅeeueÙe, kesâmejer-meeiej (ceOÙeØeosMe)

UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  82

izkjaHk esa Hkksiky] lhgksj ftys ds vUrxZr vkrk FkkA Hkksiky] vDVwcj] 1972 dks lhgksj vkSj Hkksiky nks ftys cuk, x, rFkk
lhgksj dh ,d rglhy ek= FkkA 2 vDVwcj 1972 dks lhgksj lhgksj ftys dks 4 fo/kkulHkk {ks=ksa&lhgksj] vk"Vk] bNkoj vkSj
ftyk dk foHkktu gqvk ftlds ifj.kke Lo:i nks ftys& cq/kuh esa ckaVk x;kA lhgksj fo/kkulHkk {ks= ls nks lnL;h; {ks=
Hkksiky rFkk lhgksj dk fuekZ.k gqvkA Hkh lekIr dj fn;k x;kA vc izR;sd {ks= ls ,d lnL; pquk
jk"Vªh; vkUnksyu eas lhgksj dh Hkwfedk % tkrk gSA lhgksj fo/kkulHkk {ks= ds vUrxZRk fuEufyf[kr xk¡o
yxHkx 50 lkyksa ds la?k"kZ ds ckn 15 vxLr] 1947 dks vkrs gSa& ck¡fl;k] iksVj] xok] nqjxako] pkanoM] ekuiqjk] Nrjiqj]
gekjk ns'k Lora= gqvkA bl vkanksyu esa jkT; ifj"kn] tks dkdw[ksM+h] exjnk] lkruokMh] yks/khiqjk] eaqxkoyh] lhy[ksM+k]
dkaxzsl ds frjaxs >.Ms ds uhps dke djrh Fkh] blds usrk ia- cj[skM+k glu] lqvk[ksM+h] ikMfy;k] ea>sMk] lakdyk] pjuky]
prqj ukjk;.k ekyoh;] [kku 'kkfdj vyh [kk¡] ;kák vyh [kk¡] vkNkjksgh] ejgsBh] ihyw[ksMh+ ] ifM+;kyk] xksikyiqjk] Nrjh jlwyiwjk]
ckcw dkark izlkn] ia- j?kqunau O;kl] ';ke laqnj lDlsuk rFkk ihiy[ksM+k] ou[ksM+k] vgeniqj] nsgjh] vteruxj] gfr;k[ksM+k]
Jherh noh vkfn us le;&le; ij tu vkanksyu dk fguksrh] [kkbZ[ksM+k lksBh] cjhZ] ?kkViyklh] ikufcgkj] fgxksuh]
usr`Ro fd;kA nksjkgk] ikl] teqfu;k [kqnZ] cjksMhdyk] lÙkksjfu;k] Mkscjk]
1949 dk foyhuhdj.k vkUnksyu % xqy[ksMh+ ] dkneiqj] /kksch[ksMh+ ] dpukfj;k] [ktwfj;k dyk] ukSuh[ksMh+
Hkksiky ds RkRdkyhu uokc gehn~mYyk [kk¡ us Hkh Hkkjrh; dkth eqgkyh] 'ks[kiqjk] Vksyk] fctksjk teksfu;k rkykc] Fkwuk[kqnZ
la?k esa lfEefyr gksus ls badkj dj fn;k ftlds dkj.k bl {ks= vkSj lhgksjA
dh turk us mu ij ncko Mkyk vkSj fnlEcj 1948 esa tksjnkj lkekftd fLFkfr %
rjhds ls iwjs Hkksiky jkT; esa foyhuhdj.k vkUnksyu 'kq: fd;kA fdlh Hkh {ks= dh jktuhfr ogk¡ ds lkekftd fLFkfr ds
bl vkanksyu esa loZth fo".qnÙk feJk] /kuflax lwQh] ckcwyky vuq:i gksrh gSA lekt ds ykxksa ds jhfr&fjokt] /kkfeZd fLFkfr]
vk;Z] pUnuey] cuoj] jkeizlkn beykg] Jherh nsoh ifj/kku] 'kS{kf.kd Lrj] tSLkk gksxk oSlh gh ml {ks= dh jktuhfr
O;kl] pUnz fd'kksj O;kl] vejpUnz jksfgyk] fcgkjhyky iVsy] gksxhA lkekftd lajpuk dks le>us ds fy, gesa tula[;k]
uanyky vk;Z xkSjh'kadj lekf?k;k] mn;flag vk;Z] ia- j?kquUnu /keZ] tkfr] Hkk"kk] R;kSgkj] jhfr&fjokt] ifj/kku vkfn dk v/;;u
O;kl vkSj Jherh /kus'ojh nsoh pkScs vkfn us Hkkx fy;k vkSj djuk gksxk tks fuEukuqlkj gS %
tsy ;k=k dhA igyh fxj¶rkjh vizSy 1948 esa fo".kqnÙk feJk tula[;k % tula[;k jktuhfr dk egRoiw.kZ dkjd gS
dh gqbZA foyhuhdj.k vkanksyu tu vkanksyu Fkk blesa lHkh oxksZ D;ksafd yksdra= jktuhfr esa turk dh losZlokZ gksrh gSA lhgksj
us Hkkx fy;kA xkSjh'kadj lekf?k;k us fgUnq egklHkk dh rjQ ls ftys dh tula[;k o"kZ 1901 ls 2011 rd fuEu rkfydk ds
blesa Hkkx fy;kAJherh nsoh us 13 tuojh 1949 dks vuqlkj gS %
efgykvkas ds tqywl dk usRk`Ro djrs gq;s iqjkuh futker dk rkfydk Øekad 1 % lhgksj ftys dk {ks=Qy]
?ksjko fd; Jherh /kus'ojh nsoh us frjaxk >.Mk futker ds tula[ ;k rFkk tula[;k dk ?kUkRo
Åij Qgjk;k rFkk O;kl th us ogk¡ j[ks gq, gfFk;kjksa ij dCtk tula[;k {ks=Qy oxZ tula[ ;k dk ?kuRo
djds ;s ?kks"k.kk dh fd vkt ls uokch jkT; [kRe gks pqdk gS tula[;k
o"kZ fd- eh- ¼izf roxZ fd-eh-½
vkSj Hkksiky jkT; Hkkjrh; la?k esa foyhu fd;k tkrk gSA ljnkj 1901 vizkIr 220839 vizkIr
iVsy Hkkjr ds x`gea=h Fks mUgksusa vius fo'ks"k nwr Jh oh- ih- 1911 vizkIr 225865 vizkIr
esuu dks Hkksiky Hkstk vkSj fLFkfr dk tk;tk fy;kA Jh esuu 1921 vizkIr 243785 vizkIr
vkSj uokc ds chp le>kSrk gqvk] ftlds vuqlkj 1 twu] 1949 1931 4015-31 263882 66
dks uokch jkT; iw.kZRk% lekIr gks x;k vkSj Hkksiky jkT; Hkkjrh; 1941 4173-02 279646 67
la?k esa 'kkfey dj fy;k x;k rFkk ns'k ds lkFk ;s bykdk Hkh 1951 6516-51 285451 44
Lora= gks x;kA 1961 6579-22 382969 58
lhgksj fo/kkulHkk {ks= % 1971 6579-22 512764 78
jkT; fo/kkulHkk ds izFke pquko 1952 esa gq,A ml le; 1981 6578-00 657381 100
1991 6578-00 841358 128
lhgksj ftys esa 14 fo/kkulHkk {ks= Fks] ftlls 18 lnL; pqus
2011 6578-00 1078912 164
tkrs FksA ckn eas fo/kkulHkk dk iquZxBu] 1956 ds dkuwu ds
L=ksr % ftyk lkaf[;dh iqfLrdk o"kZ 2010-
varxZr fd;k x;k bl ,DV ds }kjk lhgksj ftys ls 6
izfrfuf/k] 4 fo/kkulHkk {ks=ksa ls pqus x, vkSj lhgksj fo/kkulHkk rkfydk 1 ds vuqlkj o"kZ 2001 esa lhgksj ftys dh tula[;k
{ks= dks nks lnL;h; fo/kkulHkk {ks= cuk;k x;k] ftlesa ,d 1078912 gS rFkk tula[;k dk ?kUkRo 164 O;fDr izfroxZ fdykksehVj
lhV vuqlwfpr tkfr ds fy, vkjf{kr dh xbZA 1964 esa lhgksj gSA lhgksj ftys esa 4 fo/kkulHkk {ks= cq/kuh] vk"Vk bNkoj vkSj
ftys dh fo/kkulHkk {ks=kas dk iquZxBu fd;k x;k vkSj blds lhgksj gSA tcfd ;gk¡ 8 rglhy&lhgksj] vk"Vk] bNkoj] cq/kuh]
vUrxZr lhgksj ftys dks 7 fo/kkulHkk {ks=ksa esa ckaVk x;k blesa ul:Yykxat] jsgVh] ';keiqj vkSj tkoj gSA lhgksj rglhy esa
vk"Vk fo/kkulHkk dkss vuqlwfpr tkfr gsrq vkjf{kr j[kkA 2 lu~ 2001 esa vuqlwfpr tkfr tula[;k 63857 gS tks dqy
UGC Approved - Research Link - An International Journal-168  Vol-XVII (1)  March-2018  83
tula[;k dk 17-94 izfr'kr gS blh rjg vuqlwfpr tutkfr dh ifjogu] Je ,oa jkstxkj % lhgksj uxj Hkksiky bankSj
tula[;k 11161 gS] tks dqy tula[;kdk 3-14 izfr'kr gSA L=h jsYos ekxZ ij fLFkr gSA lhgksj rglhy esa iDdh lM+dksa dk fuekZ.k
iq:"k dk vuqikr lu~ 2001 ds vuqlkj 910 gSA iz/kkuea=h lM+d ;kstuk ds rgr 12-2 fd-eh- rFkk yksd fuekZ.k
tkfr ,oa /keZ % foHkkx ds }kjk 16-78 fd-eh- fd;k x;k] tcfd dPph lM+dkas dk
;gk¡ eq[;r% fgUnw] eqfLye] fl[k] bZlkbZ rFk tSu jgrs gSaA yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx }kjk 13-50 fd- eh- fuekZ.k fd;k x;kA lhgksj
fgUnw esa Hkh Bkdqj] {k=h;] jktiwr] czkã.k] yks/kh] pekj] oybZ] rglhy esa dPph vkSj iDdh lM+dksa dh yEckbZ dh rqyuk esa iDdh
[kkrh] dkNh] vghj] dqehZ RkFkk eqfLye esa iBku 'ks[k jgr gSaA lM+ds vf/kd gS] tks ;gk¡ dh vkfFkZd le`f) dk izrhd gS rFkk ,slh
blds vfrfjDr ;gk¡ ij xksaM] fdjkj rFkk ehuk tutkfr ds yksx fLFkfr ls jktuhfrd xfrfof/k;k¡ dks izkRs lkgu feyrk gSA ftys eas
Hkh jgrs gSAa ;gk¡ lHkh /keksZa dks ekuus okys yksx jgrs gSAa lhgksj uxj jkstxkj dk;kZy; eas iathd`r O;fDr;ksa dh la[;k lu~ 2010 ds
ds dLck eksgYys esa Jh jke eafnj ,oa izkphu TkSu eafnj fLFkr gSa] vuqlkj 50]613 gSA bl izdkj lhgksj dh vkfFkZd fLFkfr dk
tks vfr'k; {ks= gSaA ;gk¡ 4 tSu eafnj gSa] tks viuh fof'k"Vrkk fo'ys"k.k djus ls irk pyrk gS fd ;gk¡ dh turk eq[; :i ls
cuk, gq, gSaA izkphu bfrgkl dh n`f"V ls is'kok dkyhu x.ks'k d`f"k ij fuHkZj gSA vkS|kSfxd n`f"V ls Hkys gh ;g fiNM+k gqvk gS
eafnj viuh fof'k"Vrk ,oa oSHko fy, lhgksj es fLFkr gSA lhgksj ijUrq ;gk¡ m|ksxksa dh laHkkouk,¡ vf/kd gS ljdkj bl fn'kk esa
{ks= esa eq[; :i ls fgUnw vkSj eqfLye laiznk; vf/kd la[;k eaas iz;kl Hkh dj jgh gSSA lhgksj uxj dh ifjogu ,oa lapkj O;oLFkk
jgrs gSa os /kkfeZd vk/kkj ij jktuhfr dks izHkkfor djrs gSaA Hkh vPNh gSA tks ;gk¡ ds vkfFkZd fodkl es lg;ksx djrh gSA
Hkk"kk] lk{kjrk ,oa laLd`fr % iz'kklfud fLFkfr % iz'kklfud n`f"V ls lhgksj ftyk
lhgksj dh Hkh eq[; Hkk"kk fgUnh gh gSA ekyok esa fLFkr gksus vkB rglhyksa lhgksj] bNkoj] vk"Vk] cq/kuh] ul:Yykxat]
ds dkj. ;gk¡ ekyoh Hkh cksyh tkrh gSA blds vfrfjDr ÅnZw] jsgVh] ';keiqj vkSj tkoj ds tfj;s iz'kkflr gSA tkoj ftys dh
iatkch] ejkBh] flU/kh] xqtjkrh vkfn cksfy;k¡ Hkh cksyh tkrh gSaA ubZ rglhy gSA blds xBu dh ?kks"k.kk 12 twu] 2008 dks
ftys esa 1991 dh tux.kuk ds vuqlkj dh rqyuk esa o"kZ 2001 esa eq[;ea=h Jh f'kojkt flag pkSgku ds }kjk dh xbZ FkhA ftys esa
lk{kjrk izfr'kr esa 23-40 izfr'kr dh c<+ksÙkjh gqbZA orZeku esa ik¡p fodkl[k.M gS tks lhgksj] vk"Vk] bNkoj] cq/kuh ,oa
lk{kjrk dk izfr'kr 63-83 izfr'kr gS bl vof/k esa efgykvksa dh ul:Yykxat gSA lhgksj ftys esa 4 fo/kkulHkk {ks= gS cq/kuh
lk{kjrk esa 25-96 izfr'kr dh o`f) gqbZ o"kZ 1991 esa 57-98 izfr'kr fo/kkulHkk ¼fo/kkulHkk {ks= Øekad 156½] vk"Vk fo/kkulHkk
iq:"k lk{kj Fks vc 78-14 izfr'kr lk{kj gSA ¼fo/kkulHkk {ks= Øekad 157½] bNkoj fo/kkulHkk ¼fo/kkulHkk {ks=
;gk¡ ij lHkh rht R;kSgkj tSls&n'kgjk] nhikoyh] gksyh Øekad 158½] rFkk lhgksj fo/kkulHkk {ks= ftldk fo/kkulHkk
jk[kh] bZn] eqgjZe] CkSlk[kh] fØlel Ms] xq:ukud t;arh] egkohj Øekad 159 gSA cq/kuh fo/kkulHkk {ks= ls eq[;ea=h Jh f'kojkt
t;arh cM+s mRlkg vkSj mYykl iwoZd eukbZ tkrh gSA edj flag pkSgku gSA lhgksj ftys esa 2 uxj ikfyd lhgksj vkSj vk"Vk
laØkfr] xqMh iM+ok vkfn R;kSgkjksa dk Hkh fo'ks"k egRo gSA ;gk¡ dbZ gSA ;gk¡ 7 uxj iapk;r bPNkoj] tkoj] 'kkgxat dksBjh]
lkaLd`frd laxBu gS tks dfo lEesyu xk;u] oknu rFkk fo'ks"k ul:Yykxat] cq/kuh] jsagVh gSaA ;gk¡ ik¡p tuin iapk;r lhgksj]
voljksa ij >kadh bR;kfn dk vk;kstu djrs gSA vk"Vk] bNkoj] cq/kuh] ul:Yykxat gSA dqy xzkeksa dh la[;k
vkfFkZd fLFkfr % 1072 gS vkckn xzke 1019 gSA xzke iapk;r dh la[;k 497 gSaA
lhgksj fo/kkulHkk {ks= ds vkfFkZd igywvkas esa d`f"k] m|ksx] 16 jktLo fujh{kd e.My rFkk 199 iVokjh gYds gSAa fo|qrhd`r
ifjogu Je vkSj jkstxkj] jkTkLo izkfIr;k¡ rFkk ;kstuk izko/kku xzke dh la[;k 1016 gS] tcfd is;ty lqfo/kk ;qDr xzkeksa dh
dk mYys[kuh; LFkku gSA ftudk foospu bl izdkj gS % la[;k 1019 gSA bl izdkj lhgksj fo/kkulHkk {ks= jktuhfrd
d`f"k ,oa m|ksx % lhgksj d`f"k iz/kku ftyk gSA xUuk n`f"V ls viuk egRoiw.kZ LFkku j[krk gSA
mRiknu ds ekeys esa vusd ckj jk"Vªh; Lrj ij mlus lQyrk,¡ lanHkZ %
vftZRk dh gSaA d`f"k foHkkx }kjk fd, x, l?ku iz;klksa dk vlj ¼1½ xtsfV;j vkWQ bafM;k] e-iz- lhgkj] Hkksiky 1989 ¼'kkldh;
d`f"k ij ldkjkRed :i ls iM+k gSA ck;ksxsl la;a=] m|kfudh izdk'ku½A ¼2½ lDlsuk] ';ke lqUnj % Lora=rk laxzke lsukuh&
fodkl vkSj tSfod [krh eas Hkh ftys esa vPNh lQyrk,¡ vftZr ^^Hkksiky jkT; ds Lok/khurk laxzke dk bfrgkl**A ¼3½ lekf/k;k]
dh gSaA lhgksj ftyk vkS|kSfxd n`f"V ls fiNM+k gqvk gS ;gk¡ dqy xkSjh'kadj % iafMr j?kquUnu O;kl Lora=rk laxzke lsukuh ls lk{kkRdkj
LFkkfir m|ksx dh la[;k 93 gS blesa fu;ksftr O;fDr 230 gS rFkk ls izkIr tkudkjh ij vk/kkfjrA ¼4½ e/;izns'k ds lanHkZ esa 2010-
¼5½ lhgksj fo/kkulHkk iqfLrdk 2010- ¼6½ ekWfjl tkWUl ikWfyZ;kesUV
fu;kstu 117-37 yk[k :- lhgksj ftys esa y?kq m|ksx] e/;e
bu bafM;k yanu 1957] i`"B 2- ¼7½ ftyk lkaf[;dh iqfLrdk 2010]
m|ksx vkSj o`gn m|ksxksa dh fLFkfr Bhd ugha gSA 'kq: esa budh i`"B 14- ¼8½ lhgksj ftyk ,d fodkl] ftyk tu laidZ dk;kZy;
la[;k T;knk Fkh ij orZeku esa ;s ?kVrh gh tk jgh gSA lhgksj ftys lhgksj e iz-A
eaas e/;izns'k jkT; lM+d ifjogu fuxe gsrq lgk;d m|ksxksa dh 
LFkkiuk gsrq vkS|kSfxd laLFkku gSA ;gk¡ osthVsfoy vkbZy] fjQkbUM
vkbZy] feYd izklsflax] Øk¶V isij] jsYos ds fy, lhesUV Lyhij
,oa i'kq vkgkj dk mRiknu gksrk gSA
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