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12, 2010
CONTACT: Kristin Hansen, (703) 554-8742



LANSDOWNE, VA – Care Net, a national network of more than 1,100 centers in North
America, announced Tuesday its intention to defend pregnancy centers in New York City
against legislation to be introduced by the City Council. Instigated by NARAL Pro-Choice
New York, the bill allegedly would force certain speech on pregnancy centers and similar
entities just because of their viewpoint on abortion. Care Net President Melinda Delahoyde
called the proposed bill “unconstitutional and a hostile attack on non-profit organizations
providing critical help to women.”

“The proposed bill is a response to the growing national movement of Americans who find the
practical, nonjudgmental outreach of pregnancy centers to women very appealing” said
Delahoyde. “People are tired of the old culture wars, but groups like NARAL that advocate
for the abortion industry want to keep them going, dividing our communities and our country.”

“Pregnancy centers in New York City have been providing free services to pregnant women
for decades. The City Council should be thanking them. Instead, they’ve launched a legislative
battle that will drain precious resources away from the women who are in need of pregnancy
center services.

“In response to NARAL’s accusations, Care Net and our network of pregnancy centers remain
committed to absolute integrity and excellence in everything we do. That means being
completely forthright about the services we offer and the services we don't. That means
ensuring that women seeking help with a pregnancy decision receive accurate information
about pregnancy, fetal development, and abortion risks. To that end, Care Net provides its
centers with extensive training and material that is regularly reviewed by our Medical
Advisory Board for accuracy.

“If pregnancy centers are as terrible as NARAL would suggest, then why do 97% of Care
Net’s client exit surveys nationwide reveal positive approval ratings for our centers? Why is
our #1 source of new clients ‘word-of-mouth’ referrals from former clients?

“Frankly, at the end of the day, these skirmishes end up working out for the good. They
mobilize support for pregnancy centers and provide them a platform to tell their good news
story. Across the country, women who have been helped by pregnancy centers are sharing
their testimonies with legislatures, the media, and others. Hearts are warmed and the truth of
the matter - about life, its joys, its preciousness, shines through.”

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