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NewAlbany· Pbln LacaI S~ 0iItrin
55 Nordl H~ Streoc
NI:w Albany, OH 430U

De~ Hr. Ramsay:

Please a.ccopt this teav II a proponl by A ~ aOll Aund...... to proWte con.suIrllll servr:es CO New
A1btlny - Plaln LoaJ School DiStrict" lhrouab 1I1pl~ or 1his documcnc,AvalcI:an "net Assoc8rcs (M). a
ecIl\S\l1clnf firm. and eM New AI1»trt • fbin LcQl School Oistriu (NAPLSD) enter into 3rl ag-eanenr
whereby M wil pnwido IlUll'ach mnsultit\a CD f t Sd\ooI diswi= rar 11,,: pe.t'iod AptiJ 1.2.008. d'Irouah
MardI 31. 2010.

IlCMl1Uftent SUbcl'cvistolllL Amol\l mo lorvica M will pl'OYide NAPLSD dwin. =

M is a. CONllltilll firm speclallz:l~ 1ft developl,,& I1l$pONiwe community oweach far aDOI disvica and
COllIn" are:

• Coordinzta die diItric" suney nIIIIIaId\ b)' worfdncwhhAdminlstraon., Baard of Edu=ioG. saR, and
IUnCY f'1tftI w naxlmlzla quall9' of SWWf procc:u:rr\eSe ellQru wlIl iDdude ISIIftancIl naQlnlnl
compeunc pallsar, dCMlapmDm of quasdDlVWr'e. qua!ir;y control or polllbw, Inllll"pntCllfon of findings Q:)
clcrlve ~um use£u/IWS for die dlscrla.
• Work wldl Community Remlcns StaR to Muaa preleI\& 0V0'eadI eflarcs.
• Coaliaoa build wkh community. SGfF. and adler OrpnIzulOM.
• Ct¥lllop specific n:comntendUlonl for ,esponslYe long ami sllarr urm op:ansIon of sudl dJoru.

• Aslisc in dewIopment or no..., and upeIat.od outreada w:hides lor tM communil)l tndwlin& wldeo. o~
pon.csrr&. special nevnlClttul, cradYo WDbsne(s). bnldtll"Cll. and cable Tv.

• e-tlopmenc orwp:ald cnriInp me~ ene InanR oIlndlviduaJ sqments within 1he NowAlbany -
Plain loc::II SchcDl DiRrla.

Avakian and Assoclazm fee for perforrmnte or dle abolllt Itema WI'll 1111 $5000.00 pllr month for f t next
~)'CIafB. Feels payablo an 11m cf eACh momn. AU ustomaryexpenses r"curred In fulfillmcm ot mit
,,"anent shIJl be bol"flO by All.
11111 proposal acee~= all dIis 26- ~ of N"'1/1IP

/L~fL Ill" local School DIsvte:t

P.Q 80)("181 Oayean. OH 45409 T 339-499-8623 E Ig@mIpn,blz W W\OIW.mkfnJm

6144453772 Franklin Cnly ESC Fiscal 04:02:42 p.m. 05-14-2008 3/5
" d II· o· l\,; II C 'I • I \.1 t'rfi V L ~ :~ I 1\ IH' 1 ,) I" nV V l ~ IlU, OUC?.-;t'. l

and Asso-

Project Proposal

Prepared for: Dr. Scott Cavis, Superintendent of Olentanqy

Public Schoo18
Prepared by: Joel Gagne, Senior Consultant
Cecember 18, 2007

Through slg.njng or this document, Avakian and Associates fAA), a

consulting rirm, and the Olentangy Local School District (OLSD)

A~"an aDd .... oc1.~ P.O. Box .81 Dayton, OH 45409

1': 339-.g9-8623
6144453772 Franklin Cn!y ESC Fiscal 04:02:54 p.m. 05-14-2008 4/5
,I HI. t;:. 'll UG 4; I ~f1\1 I.!L t 111111~\) 1 ,)\"nvvi.,) I~ IJ • C· till 0 r. v
Avakian and A.sociate8 www ... yAk1.... ~~z

enter into .n agreement wbereby AA will provide consulting to

the School district for the period January 1, 2008, througb
December 31, 2008.
AA is a consulting firm specializing in developing responsive
community outreach ~OI school distIJcts and government
subdivisions. Among the services AA will provide OLSD during
the contract are:
-Coordinate the di&trict's survey research by working wlth
Admlnistrators, Board of Education, &t4ff, and Survey firm to
maximize quality of survey process. These efforts will include
assistance retaining competent pollster, development of
questionnaire, quality control of pollster, inter,pretatlon of
findings to derive maximum usefulness for the district •
• Work with Community Relations Staff to evaluate present
outreach efforts .
• Develop speeific recommendations for responsive long and short
term expansion of such efforts.
-Assist in development of new and updated vehicles for community
outreach, including video, overs1zed postcards, 6pecial
newsletters, creative webslte(s), brochures, and cable TV.
'Development of targeted mailings meeting the interest of
individual segments within the Olentangy Local ~chool District.
Avakian and Associates fee for perfor.mance of the above items
will be $20,000.00 per year for the next two y.ar6. Fees are
~yable in In&tal1ments of $5,000.00 on January 3, February 15,
Nay 15, and September 15. All customary e~enses incurred in
fulfillment of this agreement shall be borne by AA.
ThilJ proposal accepted on this t! I day of ~J(: 2001' by:

Avakian and Associates For Olen tangy Local Schools

Skilled Cc~ultinq in the Educatian at the .ub11c throuqh Community Out~ •• oh 2

6144453772 Franklin Cnty ESC Fiscal 04:03:17 p.m. 05-14-2008 5/5

Frl, J~n 4, 2008 9:01 AM

SUbject: Fwd(2): Proposal

Date: Thursday, January 3, 2008 8:52 AM
From: Jenny Hooie <>
To: <>
Cc: Carole Dorn-Bell <>, Scott
DaVis_Superintendent < scott_davis_su peri>
C.onversation: Proposal

We would like to contract with FeESe for services in the amount of $20,000 per yearJor
two years. The consultant is:

Joel Gagne
Avakian and Associates ,'. '
Cell: 339-499-8623

His proposal is attached. Please let me know if you need anything else.

Jenny Hooie
Assistant Superintendent
Olentangy Local Schools
·.an Consulting

SCott Gooding. Treasurer

Wesl9f\liile•. City SChOols
3365 OUerbefnAvMU&
Westervnkr~t~ OH43081
Date 11/17108

Through sigmng of this doCUment. Avakian ConmAtlng(AC). a consuttSog firmJand the Westerville City
Schools (WCS) enterimo anagreament whereby AC wi. proVide consUlting to the WCS far 100 periOd
Deoemt>er 1 ~2008.through November 2010.

AD .1$ a consuttingRrmspecializlngin developing mspOflSwe community outreach for school distriets

and government subdivisions. Among fheservices AC will provideWCS during the contract are:

.OOOf'(:lnate'hedJstrJct~ survey msearch by working with Administrators. Board of Education! staff~

and Survey firtn to maximize quality of survey process. These effortswiU lncfude Qs-sistanq9 retaining
competenlp()Ustet, development of quesUormaire, quality control. of pollster,ir,te,rpretatton offindlflgS
to derive·maxtmum usefulnassforthe distriot.

• A..qgist in development of new and updated vehiCles forcornmunJ1y outreach. including video,
postcardS. special newsletters. creaUve websfte(s), broellures, and cabte 1\1.

.. Devetoprnentoftarge1ed maDt~~meetingthe interest 01: i,ldMdualsegrnents within too WEt$terviUe

City SchoOJs.

Avakian ConsutUng ·,eefor performance of ~. aboveiterns will be $3000.00, a month. AD customary

mc.penses tnourred in futftDment of this agreement shalf be bomebyAA.

l"I'1i& ~ aoooptect fJf.~2008 by;

Avakian Con..%dtlng Westervitl9CilySChools

JUL 20 2009 09:11 FR 6147615899 6147615899 TO 99399677

". '. ~

•- • # ' •. ;:~ ;",. - ~ '.; .. .
'. ",

May 18,2008

Sceve Osborne
Treasurer·Dublin Oty School District
7030 Coffman Road
Dublin. OH 43017

Deal'" Mr. Osbome:

Please accept this letter as a proposal by Avakian and Assoc;iatm to provide consufting services to
the Dublin Ocy School District. Through signing of this documene.Avakian and Associates (AA). a
consulting firm. and the Dublin City School Disoict (OCSO) enter Into an agreement whereby
AA will provide outreach consulting to the DCSD for the period June 1.2008. through May 31.

AA Is a consulc:ing firm specializing in developing responsive community outn!ach (or school

disaiets and government subdivisions. Among the services AA will provide DCSD during the

• Coordinate the disaicc's survey research by working with AdministratorS. Board of Eduation.
saff. and survey firm to maximize quality of survey process.These efforcs wrlllndude assiscance
reClining compecenc pollster, development of questionnaire. quality control of pollster.
interpreration of findings to derive maximum usefulness for the district.

• Work with Community Relations Staff to evaluate present outreach effortt.

• Coalition build with community, SClff. and other organizations.

• Develop specific r'eCommendations for re5ponsive long and shon: term expansion of such
• Assist in deielopment of new and updated outreach vehicles for the comnwnity. including
video, oversized postcards. special newsletters. creative website(s). brochures. and cable Tv.

• Development of targeted mailings meeting the ina:reu of incflVidual segments within che Dublin
Ciq School District.
Avakian and Associates fee for performance of the above items will be $3000.00 per month. Fees
payable on first of each month. All customary expenses incurred In fulfillmenE of this agreemenc
shall be borne by AA.

Th~ ~ ae<ep<ed on d1~r- of~ by: ,. ,

¥L-- Associates
For Dublin City School District


** TOTAL PAGE. 02 **
07/20/2009 MON 8:52 [JOB NO. 6172] III 00 2


To: Dr. Karen Mantia

From: Joel Gagne

Through signingof this document,AvakianConsulting(AC),a consultingfirm, and the

PickeringtonLocal SchoolDistrict (PLSD)enter into an agreementwherebyAC will
provide consultingto the Schooldistrict for the period Septemberl, 2008,through
D e c e m b e r3 1 ,2 0 1 0 .

AC is a consultingfirm specializing
in developingresponsivecommunity outreachfor
school districtsand governmentsubdivisions. Among the servicesAC will provide PLSD
during the contract are:

. Coordinate the district's survey researchby working with Administrators,Board of

Education,staff,and Surveyfirm to maximize quality of survey process.Theseefforts
will includeassistanceretainingcompetent pollster,developmentof questionnaire,
qualitycontrol of pollster,interpretationof findingsto derive maximum usefulnessfor
the district.

. Work with Community RelationsStaffto evaluatepresent outreach efforts.

. Develop specificrecommendationsfor responsivelong and short term expansionof

such efforts.

. Assist in developmentof new and updatedvehiclesfor community outreach,including


. Developmentof targeted mailingsmeetingthe interest of individualsegmentswithin

the PickeringtonLocal School District.

Avakianand Associatesfee for performanceof the above items will be $2000.00,a

month. All customaryexpensesincurred in fulfillmentof this agreementshallbe borne
by AA.

This proposalacceptedon this dayof 2008by:

Avakianand Associates PickeringtonLocalSchoolDistrict

P.O.Box 481 Dayton,OH 45409 T 339-499-8623 E ig@avakian.bizW

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