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J Polym Res (2015) 22:233

DOI 10.1007/s10965-015-0876-2


New superabsorbent hydrogels synthesized by copolymerization

of acrylamide and N-2-hydroxyethyl acrylamide with itaconic
acid or itaconates containing ethylene oxide units in the side chain
Amal El Halah 1 & Jesús Contreras 1 & Luis Rojas-Rojas 1 & Mariel Rivas 1 &
Milagros Romero 1 & Francisco López-Carrasquero 1

Received: 29 June 2015 / Accepted: 4 November 2015

# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

Abstract A series of acrylamide/itaconic acid (AAm/IA), Introduction

acrylamide/monomethoxyethyl itaconate (AAm/MEI), and
acrylamide/dimethoxyethyl itaconate (AAm/DEI) hydrogels The gels are polymeric networks three-dimensional crosslinked
were synthesized in AAm/comonomer molar ratios of 100/0, and swollen with fluid. The term hydrogel is used to refer to
90/10, 80/20, and 70/30. In all cases, almost quantitative those gels that are specifically characterized by their extraordi-
yields were obtained, and the swelling ability increased when nary ability to absorb water or aqueous solutions (e.g., body
comonomer proportion increased. AAm/MEI and AAm/IA fluids) and retaining its network structure after swelling [1]. The
reach swelling values more than 40,000, and both systems polymeric hydrogels are characterized by softness, elasticity,
swelled more than AAm/DEI. This fact pointed out that the insolubility in water, swelling with water, and hydrophilicity
carboxylic acid groups present in IA and MEI are mainly [2]. The hydrophilicity of these materials is due to the presence
responsible for the swelling. All of these hydrogels are stable of water compatible groups such as –OH, –COOH, –CONH2,
up to 150 °C as indicated by the TGA measurements. For or –SO3H, and those are related to the existence of capillary
comparison, the synthesis of a series of N-2-hydroxyethyl areas and differences in osmotic pressure [3]. The features of
acrylamide/itaconic acid (HEAAm/IA), N-2-hydroxyethyl ac- the constituent monomers and the crosslinking degree deter-
rylamide /monomethoxyethyl itaconate (HEAAm/MEI), and mine the swelling properties of the dry hydrogel (xerogel)
N-2-hydroxyethyl acrylamide /dimethoxyethyl itaconate and, therefore, its field of application. Thus, hydrogels play
(HEAAm/DEI) hydrogels were also carried out. The swelling important roles in many fields; for example, they are used in
behavior of HEAAm/IA and HEAAm/MEI was opposite to superabsorbent materials [2–6], drug-delivery carriers [7, 8],
the former; in these cases the presence of the itaconate como- waste water decontamination processes [9–11], catalyst carriers
nomer diminish the swelling ability. A diffusion mechanism [12, 13], smart materials [14], and tissue engineering [15, 16].
study was carried out for all the series. These materials are obtained by polymerization and simul-
taneous crosslinking of one or more polyfunctional monomers
to form a three dimensional network [17]. The most efficient
Keywords Superabsorbents hydrogels . Acrylamide . water absorbents are polymer networks that carry dissociated
N-2-hydroxyethyl acrylamide . Itaconic acid . ionic functional groups [18]. Itaconic acid (IA) is a natural
Monomethoxyethyl itaconate . Dimethoxyethyl itaconate source water soluble monomer having two carboxylic acid
groups that are able to be esterified selectively [19]. IA and
its esters can easily copolymerize with acrylamide (AAm) and
provide polymer chains with carboxylic side groups, which
are highly hydrophilic and are able to form hydrogen bonds
* Jesús Contreras [20, 21]. At this point, it is worth mentioning that AAm/IA hydrogels with very low IA amounts have been prepared pre-
viously [22–26]. These small amounts of IA comonomer in
Grupo de Polímeros, Departamento de Química, Facultad de the gel network generally introduce pH sensitivity and in-
Ciencias, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida 5101-A, Venezuela crease the degree of swelling [23–25]. For these reasons IA
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and its derivatives offer interesting possibilities to be used as Characterization

comonomers in the synthesis of superabsorbent hydrogels or
as functional polymers. Preparation of poly(N-2-hydroxyethyl Infrared spectra of the hydrogels were recorded on a Perkin-
acrylamide) and hydrogels based o N-2-hydroxyethyl acryl- Elmer 2000 instrument from KBr pellets with xerogel sam-
amide (HEAAm) was also studied [27, 28]. ples. All the spectra were obtained with 32 scans and spectral
In this work, we reported on the synthesis, characterization, resolution of ±4.
degradation, and swelling studies of AAm/IA, AAm/MEI, Thermogravimetric analyses, TGA, were carried out on a
and AAm/DEI hydrogels prepared in various molar ratios. Perkin-Elmer TGA-7 thermobalance. Samples of about 5 mg
The effects of monomer ratio, the nature of the itaconate de- were heated at a rate of 10 °C/min under an ultra-pure nitrogen
rivative, the solvent used for synthesis and time on the swell- atmosphere for temperatures ranging from 25 to 500 °C.
ing in water were investigated and the results compared with Thermal volatilization analyses, TVA, were performed in a
those obtained when AAm were substituted by HEAAm. The vacuum line, heating samples of about 100 mg from room
diffusion process of water molecules was also studied. temperature to 350 °C during 30 min under a moderate pri-
mary vacuum. Gases or non-condensing fractions were col-
lected in a gas cell equipped with KBr windows at liquid
Experimental nitrogen temperature and volatile fractions condensing at
room temperature were collected in the so-called cold ring.
Materials The different fractions were then analyzed by FTIR
Itaconic acid (IA) (Aldrich), methoxyethanol (Aldrich), acryl- The morphology of xerogels was evaluated through SEM
amide (AAm) (Aldrich), N-2-hydroxyethyl acrylamide images from the surface of lyophilized swollen samples. For
(HEAAm) (Aldrich), ammonium persulfate (APS) (Riedel- this purpose, the samples were swollen to equilibrium, cooled
de Haën), and N, N′-methylenebis(acrylamide) (MBAm) (Ul- in liquid nitrogen, and then lyophilized in a LABCONCO
trapure Bioreagent GT) were used without further purifica- apparatus during 24 h. The images were obtained using a
tion. Double distilled water was used for the polymerization scanning electron microscope (HITACHI S-2500) operating
reactions and swelling studies. Other solvents were used as at 12 kV with a magnification of 500 times. Before the analysis,
received. Monomethoxyethyl itaconate (MEI) and the aerogel samples were coated with a thin layer of gold in an
dimethoxyethyl itaconate (DEI) were prepared by the method ion coater SPI model 11430E to provide proper surface
previously described [21, 29]. conduction.

Synthesis of hydrogels Swelling measurements

Synthesis of hydrogels was carried out in water or in a water/ Swelling properties were studied using conventional gravi-
ethanol 60/40 (V/V) mixture, using APS as initiator and metric procedure. The swelling behavior of dried hydrogels
MBAM as crosslinking agent both 1 % respect to the total was determined by immersing the completely xerogel samples
moles of comonomers. The synthesis was performed accord- in double-distilled water at 25 °C. After wiping the excess
ing the following procedure: Predetermined amounts of co- surface liquid with filter paper, swollen gels were weighed
monomers (AAm or HEAAm together IA, MEI, or DEI) were on an electronic balance, at predetermined intervals of time
dissolved in the chosen solvent (water or water/ethanol 60/40 until the hydrogel reached constant weight. At this point, the
V/V) in a glass tube (A). In another tube (B), amounts required sample is considered to have achieved physicochemical equi-
of the initiator and crosslinking agent were dissolved in 2 mL librium or equilibrium swelling, Seq.
of the same solvent used to prepare solution A. This solution The swelling ratio (%S) and equilibrium water content
was added into the tube A. Then the reaction mixture was (EWC) was calculated using the following equation [30]:
purged with nitrogen gas for 5 min to eliminate dissolved h . i
oxygen, and the reaction tubes were placed in a thermostatic %S ¼ ðW t –W 0 Þ W 0  100 ð1Þ
bath at 60 °C for 24 or 48 h. At the end of the polymerization, h  . i
the hydrogels were taken out by breaking the glass tubes. EWC ¼ W eq −W 0 W eq  100 ð2Þ
Fresh hydrogels obtained in long cylindrical shapes were cut
into fine pellets, and were washed several times with the sol- , where Wt is the weight of swollen hydrogel at time t, and W0
vent used in the synthesis. Finally, the hydrogels were air- is the weight of the dry gel at time 0 and Weq is the weight of
dried at room temperature for several days until constant the sample swollen at equilibrium.
weight. The hydrogel chemical structure was confirmed by All swelling measurements were done by duplicate or
FTIR spectroscopy. triplicate.
J Polym Res (2015) 22:233 Page 3 of 10 233

Results and discussion moiety (1733 cm−1) increase respect to stretching vibration of
carbonyl group of Amide I (1672 cm−1) and bending vibration
Synthesis of Hydrogels N-H bond (Amide II, 1614 cm−1) of the AAm moiety when
the proportion of itaconate in the hydrogel raise.
AAm/IA, AAm/MEI, and AAm/DEI hydrogels were prepared
with a molar ratio of 100/0, 90/10, 80/20, and 70/30 in water Swelling studies
and a mixture of water/alcohol (60/40 v:v), with the aim to
determine the effect of the nature of the components, the com- After the hydrogels were characterized, a swelling study in
position, and the solvent media in the swelling properties. As water was carried out, and the results of this study indicated
mentioned above, AAm/IA hydrogels have been prepared that the swelling ability depends of the molar ratio of AAm/I,
[23, 24, 26], but there the content of IA used in the hydrogel the nature of the itaconate derivative, and the solvent used for
was significantly lower than those used in this investigation. synthesis. Water absorption of hydrogels was followed as a
On the other hand, it is important to note that when the poly- function of time until reaching equilibrium state, and as seen
merization is carried out with a proportion of IA or itaconate in Fig. 3, all of them display typical swelling isotherms. In all
greater than 30 %, reaction doesn’t take place. Moreover, cases the swelling behavior is reproducible after drying the
AAm/DEI hydrogel (70/30) could not be obtained when a samples and reswelling.
mixture of water/ethanol was employed as solvent. The syn- The values of Seq and EWC are given in Table 1. From
thesis of the hydrogels is represented schematically in Fig. 1. there it is clear that the swelling of AAm/I hydrogels is influ-
The hydrogels were obtained in cylindrical forms and all enced by three main factors: the nature of the comonomer (IA,
samples of AAm/IA and AAm/DEI were colorless and trans- MEI, or DEI), their proportion in the hydrogel, and the solvent
parent, while the AAm/MEI samples were yellowish. In most used in the synthesis.
cases, hydrogels were obtained with quantitative conversions In all cases with the increase of the comonomer proportion
or in amounts slightly above 100 %. This can be attributed to in the hydrogel, the swell ability increases, reaching a maxi-
moisture retained in the network of all the hydrogels, probably mum value at a molar ratio of 70/30. The higher swelling
due to associated water. All TGA thermograms showed an values are reached with the AAm/MEI systems, and when
initial weight loss near 100 °C, which is close to the excess they are synthesized with a molar ratio of 70/30, reach swell-
weight found in the samples, corroborating the presence of ing values up to 43,000. On the other hand, AAm/MEI and
water in the samples. AAm/IA systems swell much more than AAm/DEI. When the
The structure of these materials was studied by FTIR spec- swelling was carried out in physiological solution (0.9 %
troscopy, and Fig. 2 displays the spectra of the series of AAm/ NaCl in distilled water) instead distilled water, the behavior
DEI that could be considered representative of all series. was very similar.
There, the presence of the bands of both polyacrylamide This strongly suggests that the carboxylic acid and ester
(PAAm) and poly(dimethoxyethyl itaconate) (PDEI) were ob- groups are responsible for a significant increase in the swell-
served [21]. In all cases the C=C stretching signal at 1640 and ing capacity of these hydrogels relative to pure AAm hydro-
1612 cm−1 of the itaconate and acrylamide monomers are gel. However, the carboxylic acid groups have a more signif-
absent, indicating that all monomeric unities are involved in icant effect, probably due to the interaction with water through
the polymerization reaction. hydrogen bonds and subsequent ionization of the carboxylic
On the other hand, in the figure it can be observed that the groups [29–32]. As for other hydrogels that possess easily
intensity of stretching vibration of the carbonyl group of DEI ionized functional groups, the swelling is increased not only

Fig. 1 Schematic representation

of hydrogels synthesis
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that as the itaconate proportion increases in the hydrogel, the

intensity of the vibration of its carbonyl group increases with
respect to the HEAAm one.
Swelling values of these hydrogels are shown in Tables 2
and 3, and as may seen there, the swelling behavior of these
series is different to that observed for an AAm based hydrogel.
HEAAm/IA and HEAAm/MEI hydrogels, after purification
and drying, exhibit an opposite swelling behavior to that shown
by AAm/IA and AAm/MEI. As can be appreciated, with the
increase of the comonomer proportion, the hydrogel swelling
Fig. 2 FTIR spectra of the PDEI, PAAm, and AAm/DEI hydrogels capacity diminishes, and in all cases obtained values are lower
synthesized at different molar ratios in water as solvent than those of a pure HEAAm hydrogel. However, HEAAm/
DEI shows a similar behavior to that showed by AAm series.
by the hydrogen bond formations, but also by the electrostatic This apparent anomalous behavior of HEAAm/IA and
repulsion of the ionic charges of the carboxylate groups pres- HEAAm/MEI hydrogels could be due to the complex forma-
ent in their networks [30–33]. A higher proportion of IA or tion between the carboxylic acid present in the IA or MEI
MEI in the hydrogel raises the number of carboxylate groups moiety with the hydroxyl group of the side chain of HEAAm.
increasing the intermolecular repulsion forces which results in The formations of complex by hydrogen bonds between
the expansion of the network structure and the increase of the poly(carboxylic acid) with a proton-accepting nonionic poly-
free spaces suitable for swelling [34]. mer has been reported. One example of this is the formation of
The solvent used in synthesis also influence the swelling stoichiometric interpolymer complexes between poly(acrylic
ability. Here, in all cases the hydrogel synthesized in water/ acid) with poly(2-hydroxyethyl acrylate) when the proportion
ethanol mixtures swelling more than those synthesized in wa- of poly(2-hydroxyethyl acrylate) exceeds significantly that of
ter. It is possible that the pore size of the hydrogel can be poly(acrylic acid) [35, 36]. Something similar may occur with
influenced by solvent used in the synthesis or that the alcohol the HEAAm/IA and HEAAm/MEI hydrogels. Here, the ex-
could promote chain transfer during the synthesis “shorten- cess of HEAAm allows an intramolecular complex formation
ing” the chain length and increasing the water absorption ca- hampering the expansion of the network reducing significant-
pacity. Although at the moment we do not have a satisfactory ly the swelling capacity. This effect increases with an increase
explanation for this, in our laboratory we are conducting some of the amount of IA or MEI in the hydrogel as may be seen in
experiments that allow obtaining a more conclusive results. Tables 2 and 3.
For comparison, in this work we investigate another system However, when the newly synthesized hydrogels in water
in which the hydrogels were prepared with HEAAm instead of are allowed to swell immediately after the synthesis, the swell-
AAm in order to examine the effect of the side chain and the ing behavior results are similar to that observed for an AAm
hydroxyl group present in the monomer in the swelling prop- hydrogel, but after drying and re-swelling its swelling behav-
erties. The method of synthesis employed was the same used ior is as shown in Table 3.
for the AAm systems. Most of the HEAAm based hydrogels This indicates that during the synthesis process, the forma-
were obtained in high yields and the IR spectra confirmed tion of the complex doesn’t take place, or if it does, it hap-
their structure. As for the former series, the IR spectra showed pened in very little extension. This is probably because the
great amount of solvent present in the reaction media doesn’t
let the approach of the carboxylic and –OH groups and the
newly formed network reach its maximum swelling. But when
the water begins to release, the network shrinks and allows the
approximation of the hydroxyls and carboxylic groups of the
HEAAm and the AI or MEI permitting the formation of hy-
drogen bonds. Once formed the complexes, they remain and
cannot be broken when the hydrogel is placed in water once
more. Now the network is more compact and as consequence
the swelling is hindered.
The absence of carboxylic acid groups in DEI doesn’t al-
low the formation of these joints, and the HEAAm/DEI be-
havior is similar to the AAm/DEI behavior. Fig. 4 shows
Fig. 3 Swelling curves of AAm/I 80/20 hydrogels series in distilled schematically the interaction between a MEI and IA with
water as function of time HEAAm unities.
J Polym Res (2015) 22:233 Page 5 of 10 233

Table 1 Values of swelling of hydrogels of AAm/IA, AAm/MEI, and AAm/DEI(a)

AAm/I (mol/mol) AAm/IA(b) AAm/MEI(b) AAm/DEI(b) AAm/AI(c) AAm/DEI(c)

Seq(d) (%) EWC(e) (%) Seq(d) (%) EWC(e) (%) Seq(d) (%) EWC(e) (%) Seq(d) (%) EWC(e) (%) Seq(d) (%) EWC(e) (%)

100/0 2534 96.2 2534 96.2 2402 96.0 1449 93.5 1449 93.5
90/10 11,122 99.1 18,735 99.5 3567 97.3 3664 97.3 1478 93.7
80/20 20,330 99.5 30,329 99.8 10,497 99.1 12,771 99.2 2010 95.3
70/30 37,400 99.7 43,387 99.8 –(f) –(f) 18,306 99.5 2472 96.1
Synthesized at 60 °C for 24 h for AAm/AI and AAm/MEI and 48 h for AAm/DEI, using AMS as initiator (1 % molar) and MBAm as crosslinking
agent (1 % molar). b) Synthesized in water/ethanol mixture (60/40 V:V)
Synthesized in water. d) Equilibrium swelling. e) Equilibrium water content. f) Polymer was not obtained

Water transport mechanisms in hydrogels transport mechanism has a non Fickian or anomalous behav-
ior, arising from the contribution of two simultaneous process-
The diffusion of small molecules into the hydrogel depends on es: diffusion phenomenon accompanied by the viscoelastic
the physical properties of the polymer network and the inter- relaxation of the polymer chains [37]. For n<0.5 the transport
actions between the polymer segments with these small mol- mechanism can be described as Bless Fickian behavior^,
ecules. According to Fick’s second law, a power law equation which is observed when the rate of water penetration is much
can be used to determine the type of water diffusion in lower than the rate of relaxation of chains [35, 36].
hydrogels [37–39]. By plotting Ln Wt / W∞ vs. Ln t for 0<Wt / W∞ <0.6, K and n
. values were obtained [37, 38]. In Fig. 5, some representative
F ¼ W t W ∞ ¼ Kt n ð3Þ results are shown and the swelling exponents calculated from
the slopes of lines are listed in Tables 4 and 5.
, where F represents the power of swelling of the hydrogel, Wt As may be observed from Tables 4 and 5, most of the n
and W∞ are the mass of water absorbed at time t and at equi- values obtained for HEAAm/IA, AAm/IA, and AAm/MEI
librium, respectively, K is a constant related to gel structure hydrogels ranged from 0.6 to 0.8 indicating that the transport
and n is the swelling exponent that takes into account the mechanism has a non-Fickian or anomalous behavior. Where-
mode of water transport. as in the case of hydrogels AAm, AAm/DEI, HEAAm,
From this perspective and based on the relative rate of HEAAm/MEI, n values are less than 0.5, which indicates a
water diffusion into the polymer matrix and the rate of poly- Bless Fickian^ behavior. This strongly suggests that the diffu-
mer chain relaxation, swelling of the system was analyzed to sion coefficient values are affected by the structure of the
establish which physical factors determine the mechanism of itaconate unit of the hydrogels. Thus, AAm/MEI and AAm/
penetration of water into the hydrogel. In this sense, if n≈0.50 IA show the same diffusion process, which is different when
the transport mechanism is controlled by Fickian diffusion or DEI was used to synthesize these materials. This could be
case I (the diffusion rate is much lower than relaxation). When explained because the carboxylic acid groups present in the
n=1, the transport mechanism is controlled by diffusion, case IA and MEI structure due to this type of hydrogel is more
II (diffusion is fast compared to the relaxation processes). hydrophilic, thus facilitating the entry of water by diffusion.
However, a value of n between 0.50 and 1.00 means that the DEI has no such groups and, therefore, the material is less

Table 2 Values of swelling of hydrogels of HEAAm/IA, HEAAm/MEI, and HEAAm/DEI synthesized in water/ethanol mixture (60/40 V:V) (a)


Seq(b) (%) EWC(c) (%) Seq(b) (%) EWC(c) (%) Seq(b) (%) EWC(c) (%)

100/0 2104 95.5 2223 95.7 2223 95.7

90/10 702 87.5 426 81.0 2601 96.4
80/20 678 87.2 320 76.2 2742 96.5
70/30 582 84.8 216 68.4 3300 97.1
a) b) c)
Synthesized at 60 °C for 24 h, using AMS as initiator (1 % molar) and MBAm as crosslinking agent (1 % molar). Equilibrium swelling.
Equilibrium water content
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Table 3 Values of swelling of HEAAM/IA and HEAAM/MEI hydrogels synthesized in water (a)


After purification Newly synthesized After purification Newly synthetized

Seq(b) (%) EWC(c) (%) Seq(b) (%) EWC(c) (%) Seq(b) (%) EWC(c) (%) Seq(b) (%) EWC(c) (%)

100/0 1564 94.0 3414 97.2 1501 93.7 3414 97.2

90/10 688 87.3 11,035 99.1 519 88.4 5500 98.2
80/20 444 81.6 13,526 99.3 303 75.2 6554 98.5
70/30 434 78.1 39,952 99.8 259 72.0 6893 98.6
a) b) c)
Synthesized at 60 °C for 24 h, using AMS as initiator (1 % molar) and MBAm as crosslinking agent (1 % molar). Equilibrium swelling.
Equilibrium water content

hydrophilic hindering the water inlet to the network. Then, in form larger size pores, together with the specific hydrophilic
this case the relaxation process prevails over diffusion. The interactions that the carbonyl group is able to form with water,
HEAAm/MEI hydrogels exhibit an abrupt change with re- contribute to an increase in the swelling capacity of these
spect to the AAm/MEI hydrogels; this may be attributed to materials. At this point it is worth mentioning that for samples
interactions between the internal-OH groups present in the of AAm/IA and AAm/MEI with a molar ratio of 70/30 it was
monomeric unit HEAAm, which prevent inlet of the water not possible to observe any morphology by SEM, possibly
by easy diffusion. because the large structural deformation due to the large swell-
All these results indicate that the diffusion properties can be ing which was submitted.
controlled by adjusting in an appropriate manner the compo- Figure 6d corresponds to the pure HEAAm hydrogel,
sition and structure of the comonomeric units during the hy- whereas Fig. 6e and f to HEAAm/AI 80/20, the former to a
drogel synthesis. sample washed, dried, and swollen again to equilibrium, and
the last one to a sample swollen to equilibrium without first
Morphological analysis drying the sample. The three samples do not show very sig-
nificant differences in the pore size. However, purified
The morphology of these hydrogels was studied by scanning HEAAm and HEAAm/AI exhibit a similar morphology
electron microscopy, and the micrographs of some samples where the pores are shallow at a difference of the AAm
derivatives of AAm and HEAAm hydrogels, which can be hydrogels, which, as previously motioned, show deep pores.
considered representative of the whole series are shown in Meanwhile, for the HEAAm/IA sample swollen without pre-
Fig. 6. In all cases, it can be seen that all samples are consti- vious purification or drying, shape, and depth of the pore is
tuted by porous materials where the pore size and appearance more like the AAm/IA and AAm/MEI hydrogel. Moreover,
of the samples are different depending on the constitution of the swelling reached for an HEAAm/AI sample swollen with-
the sample. For example, Fig. 6a, b, and c correspond to pure out previous purification is quite similar to AAm/IA 80/20 and
AAm, AAm/IA 90/10, and AAm/MEI 90/10, and there it can much larger than purified AAm, HEAAm, and HEAAm/IA.
be observed that for the last two micrographs, the pore size is This allows us to conclude that the size and mainly the depth
larger and deeper compared to a pure AAm hydrogel. This of the pores are related to the capacity of swelling. The swell-
reflects a higher capacity of water absorption of AAm/IA ing behavior of HEAAm before and after purification and
and AAm/MEI hydrogels with respect to an AAm hydrogel. drying as already explained is due to the interaction between
It is also possible that the higher capacity of the copolymer to the hydroxyl of the side chain of the HEAAm with the

Fig. 4 Schematic representation

of the interaction between
HEAAm unities with: (a) MEI
and (b) IA
J Polym Res (2015) 22:233 Page 7 of 10 233

Table 5 Swelling exponents (n) and swelling constants (K) of

HEAAm/I hydrogels

HEAAm/IA (mol/mol) 100/0 90/10 80/20 70/30

n 0.48 0.65 0.60 0.63
K×103 28.30 14.30 17.40 19.20
HEAAm/MEI (mol/mol) 100/0 90/10 80/20 70/30
n 0.48 0.30 0.20 0.13
K×103 28.30 145.20 217.50 300.80
HEAAm/DEI (mol/mol) 100/0 90/10 80/20 70/30
n 0.48 0,45 0.45 0,44
K×103 28.3 22.90 22.60 18.10

Fig. 5 Zero order swelling kinetics in the initial phase of swelling to

hydrogels (series AAm/I 80/20)
which is close to the first degradation stage happened for both
homopolymers [21]. The amount of weight loss in this stage is
carbonyl groups, which hamper the expansion of the network about 29 %. This value is close enough to 32.4 %, which is the
and possibly modifying the structure and the morphology as expected for the weight loss of the total ammonia and 2-
can be appreciated in the micrographs. metoxyethanol released of a combined degradation process of
PAAm and PMEI in a molar ratio 70/30. This strongly suggests
Thermal stability that the hydrogel degradation process may be a combination of
those that take place in the respective homopolymers.
The thermal stability of the AAM/I hydrogel was studied by In order to confirm this, an analysis by TVA was carried
TGA. In Fig. 7 are shown the thermograms of AAm/MEI and out. Samples were heated to a temperature near 350 °C to
AAm/DEI 70/30 hydrogels, which may be considered as rep- examine the volatiles produced during the degradation pro-
resentative of the whole series. The mechanisms of degrada- cess. The FTIR spectrum of the volatile liquid fraction con-
tion of both PAAm and poly(itaconates) are well known. densing at room temperature indicates that it was mainly con-
PAAm is stable to about 200 °C and the degradation occurs stituted of 2-methoxy ethanol. The alcohol is produced by the
in two stages, where in the first one, the major degradation anhydride formation due the attack of the carboxylic acid to
product is ammonia [40]. The degradation of poly(monoalkyl the ester of an itaconate unit, with the release of the side chain
itaconates) also occurs in two stages: the first step, starting at as an alcohol molecule. Because of the low itaconate propor-
temperatures near 100 °C, the formation of anhydrides with tion in the hydrogel, it would be probably that the reaction
corresponding loss of the side chain as alcohol molecule oc- take place in the same monomer unit allowing the formation
curs [41], whereas poly(diitaconates) begins to degrade over of 5-member cyclic anhydride [21].
200 °C, mainly through a depolymerization process [42, 43]. In the fraction condensed in the gas cell, at liquid nitrogen
As it may be appreciated in Fig. 7a, TGA and DTGA show temperature, CO2, NH3, and CO was detected. The CO2 pro-
that degradation process of AAm/MEI hydrogel occur in two ceeds from the itaconate moiety degradation and is confirmed
main stages. The first stage beginning near 150 °C just like by the presence of a strong band that appears at 2359 cm−1.
PMEI does and the process takes place in a temperature range, Meanwhile, the NH3 is the main product of the degradation of
PAAm moiety and its presence is confirmed by the 3300 and
1010 cm−1 bands. CO (2170 and 2120 cm−1) is a degradation
Table 4 Swelling exponents (n) and swelling constants (K) of AAm/I product of both components [21].
The AAm/DEI (Fig. 7b) begins to degrade at 200 °C, as it
AAm/IA (mol/mol) 100/0 90/10 80/20 70/30 happened for PAAm. Because of the low proportion of the
n 0.44 0.66 0.64 0.65 itaconate unit and as they are randomly distributed in the
K×103 30.50 7.20 3.60 2.20 polymer, depolymerization reaction of the diitaconate is not
AAm/MEI (mol/mol) 100/0 90/10 80/20 70/30 able to occur, at least to a detectable extent, because the im-
n 0.44 0.80 1.10 0.80 probable formation of appreciable sequences of DEI units
K×103 30.50 3.50 0.80 1.30 [44]. Therefore, the degradation process will not begin until
AAm/DEI (mol/mol) 100/0 90/10 80/20 70/30 the degradation temperature of the PAAm moieties is reaches.
n 0.44 0.37 0.45 – The volatiles fraction collected by TVA heating near 300 °C
K×103 30.5 22.80 9.80 – also shows the presence of CO2, NH3 , and CO. The presence
of DEI (monomer) or small fractions of PDEI was not
233 Page 8 of 10 J Polym Res (2015) 22:233

Fig. 6 SEM micrographs of a) AAm; b) AAm/AI 90/10; c) AAm/MEI 90/10, d) HEAAM; e) HEAAM/AI 80/20 after the purification procedure (see
Synthesis of hydrogels section) and swelling again; f) HEAAM/AI 80/20 swollen immediately after synthesis without purification and drying

observed, confirming that the depolymerization reaction of the must take place by the release of the side chains of DEI unit,
diitaconate is not able to occur. However, some amount of 2- probably by an intramolecular reaction to form five-member
methoxyethanol was detected. The formation of the alcohol cyclic anhydrides, which is favored by the temperature [44].

Fig. 7 TGA (a) and DTGA (b) traces of hydrogels: AAm/MEI 70/30 (A) and AAm/DEI 70/30 (B)
J Polym Res (2015) 22:233 Page 9 of 10 233

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