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XML Registration Steps


1) Develop the report as per our client requirement

Note: Only Data Model
Layout model not required

2) Use Application standard reports

Create user parameter P_CONC_REQUEST_ID
Use user exits  In Before report srw.user_exit(‘FND SRWINIT);
 In After report srw.user_exit(‘FND SRWEXIT);

3) Move the report from local machine to client machine

Path: custom_top/11.5.0/reports/US

4) Connect to the Oracle Application

5) Create Executable concurrentProgramExecutable

6) Create concurrent program and attach executable

Format: XML
Style : XML PDF

7) Copy the responsibility name (in which responsibility we need to see the report)
Ex: Receivables Super User

8) Go to System Administrator
Query with Responsibility Name

9) Copy the request group name

10) Go to system Administrator

Query with request group name

11) Attach the concurrent program name

12) Now in that particular Responsibility we can submit the report.


1) Go to particular responsibility

2) Submit the report

3) Save the view output with extension “.XML”


1) Develop the “.rtf” (rich text file) based on client requirement

2) In .rtf file we will use following Text form fields

(i) for fields <?COLUMN_NAME?> (It should be upper case only)

(ii) for Loop <?for-each: GROUP_NAME?> (It should be upper case only)
(iii) end Loop <?end for_each?>
(iv) if condition <?if:column_name=’value’?>
(v) end if <?end if?>


Attaching .rtf, concurrent program to XML Publisher Administrator Responsibility

1) Create data definition
Xml publisher administratorHomeData definition

2) Click on create data definition

Name= conc. program name

Code = conc. program short name (This is the link between conc. program and data defi)
Application= custom application name

Click on Apply.
3) Click on TemplateTab and attach Data Definition
Xml publisher administratorHomeTemplate

Click on create Template

Name= conc. program name

Code= conc. program short name
Application= custom application name
Data definition = Data Definition Name (This is the link for Data def and Template)
Type= RTF
Template file:
File= browse and select “.rtf”
Language= English
Territory= United States

Click on Apply.

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