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DATE 19/10/2018


The learning focus is Based upon the previous I asked children to predict what Natalie shows her developing To strengthen Natalie’s
for children to experience on 13/09/2018, colour we would get before we understanding of primary and ability to identify and
develop their children showed a keen mixed two colours together. When developing ability to identity understand secondary
predicting, interest in mixing colour and we were reviewing the colour secondary colours. Referring colours through hand-on
observation and used their experimenting theories, Natalie predicted that to the Early Years Learning experiment.
experimenting skills skills to hypothesise and she would get orange when she Framework (EYLF) Learning
through colour investigate how 2 colours mixed red and blue. Children Outcome 4: Children are
experiment. blended to make new looked at the colour chart and confident and involved
colour. Children can recalled the primary and learners, she develops a range
continue to follow their secondary colours. Leann of skills and process such as
interest and further develop suggested to mix blue and red to problem solving,
their skills for learning get purple. Children mixed the experimentation,
through this experience. food colouring into the full cream hypothesising and
milk and Natalie asked for adding investigating as she is capable
green colour. Children predicted to hypothesise, observe and
and guessed the colours before participate in the experiment
they mixed every turn. After during the experience
mixing children had different (DEEWR, 2009; Kearns, 2010).
opinion of the new colour of the Natalie actively hypothesises
mixture as Anna Maria thought and experiments with cause
that was grey and Natalie thought and effect and expressed her
that was black and Leann thought ideas and hypothesis verbally
that was brown. Children also put in the experiment, which links
all primary colours together to to the EYLF Outcome 5:
observe how the colours blended. Children are effective
communicators (DEEWR,
The learning focus Based upon the previous I asked children to predict what Leann has a good To strengthen
is for children to experience on colour we would get before we understanding of primary and Leann’s ability to
develop their 13/09/2018, children mixed two colours together. secondary colours. Referring to identify secondary
predicting, showed a keen interest in Children looked at the colour the Early Years Learning and tertiary colours
observation and mixing colour and used chart and recalled the primary Framework (EYLF) Learning through hand-on
experimenting their experimenting skills and secondary colours. Leann Outcome 4: Children are experiment.
skills through to hypothesise and suggested to mix blue and red confident and involved
colour experiment. investigate how 2 colours to get purple. Children mixed learners, she develops a range
blended to make new the food colouring into the full of skills and process such as
colour. Children can cream milk and Natalie asked problem solving, inquiry,
continue to follow their for adding green colour. experimentation,
interest and further Children predicted and guessed hypothesising and
develop their skills for the colours before they mixed investigating as she is
learning through this every turn. After mixing competent to predict, observe
experience. children had different opinion and initiate the experiment
of the new colour of the during the experience. Leann is
mixture as Anna Maria thought also able to co-operate with
that was grey and Natalie her peers to observe cause and
thought that was black and effect and initiate discussion
Leann thought that was brown. verbally and nonverbally in the
Children also put all primary experiment, which links to the
colours together to observe EYLF Outcome 5: Children are
how the colours blended. effective communicators
(DEEWR, 2009; Kearns, 2010).
The learning focus is for Based upon the previous I asked children to predict Anna Maria develops her To strengthen Anna Maria’s
children to develop their experience on 13/09/2018, what colour we would get cognitive abilities as she is ability to identify and
predicting, observation and children showed a keen before we mixed two colours capable to predict colour understand secondary
experimenting skills through interest in mixing colour and together. Anna Maria and observe cause and effect colours through hand-on
colour experiment. used their experimenting predicted that she would get (Kearns, 2010). According to experiment.
skills to hypothesise and orange if we mixed red and the Early Years Learning
investigate how 2 colours blue. Children looked at the Framework (EYLF) Learning
blended to make new colour. colour chart and recalled the Outcome 4: Children are
Children can continue to primary and secondary confident and involved
follow their interest and colours. Leann suggested to learners, she develops a
further develop their skills mix blue and red to get range of skills and process
for learning through this purple. Children mixed the such as problem solving,
experience. food colouring into the full experimentation,
cream milk and Natalie hypothesising and
asked for adding green investigating as she is
colour. Children predicted competent to predict,
and guessed the colours observe and initiate the
before they mixed every experiment during the
turn. After mixing children experience. Anna Maria is
had different opinion of the developing her
new colour of the mixture as understanding of secondary
Anna Maria thought that colours and attempts to find
was grey and Natalie out the answer through
thought that was black and observation and visual print,
Leann thought that was which links to the EYLF
brown. Children also put all Outcome 5: Children are
primary colours together to effective communicators
observe how the colours (DEEWR, 2009).

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