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1. Start Exercise 1 by running w10.exe. What is the output value?
Impedance = 2623.1ohm

All operations in Exercise 1 are performed on float data type variables.

Define a new data type electro derived from float. Modify the code in
such a way that variables voltage, current, power capacity and
become of type electro. Change the list of parameters and the returned
value of the function
getImpedance( ) to type

Implement a new function electro getPower( electro volt, electro

amp )
Recompile and run the program. What are the output values?

Impedance = 2623.00ohm
Power = 0.00W

Let's assume that precision of all operations must be upgraded to double.

What needs to be modified in your code?

double electro;

Recompile and run the program. What are the output values?

Impedance = 2623.00ohm
Power = 0.00W

2. Comment out Exercise1. Uncomment Exercise2. Recompile the

program. Any errors have
been reported? – Yes / No
Exercise 2 calls a function initChannels( ) to allocate one of the bands
LF, MF, HF, VHF and UHF to each of 10 channels.
Since an integer index is used to access array channel[i] elements, 1
stands for LF, 2 stands
for MF,… 5 stands for UHF.

Run the program. What is the output?

Make the program code more readable by introducing a new enumeration
type band that can
only take values LF, MF, HF, VHF and UHF. You must use only
enumerators for all
operations on bands.
Recompile and run the program. Is the same output produced?
If not, check if you have specified the starting value for enumerators.
Explain why the displayed values are numeric instead of LF, MF,…UHF ?
3. Comment out Exercise2. Uncomment Exercise3. Recompile the
program. Any errors have
been reported? – Yes / No
If yes, fix the bug. What was the bug?
What is the program output?
4. Comment out Exercise3. Uncomment Exercise4. Recompile the
program. Any errors have
been reported? – Yes / No
If yes, fix the bug. What was the bug?
5. Comment out Exercise4. Uncomment Exercise5. Provide the definition
of the function
initialize() which, takes an array of type transistor, an array index
and the array size
as parameters. If array index is out of bounds the function returns false.
Otherwise it initializes
an element with all members equal to 0 and returns true.
6. Comment out Exercise 5. Uncomment Exercise 6. As you already know,
a C function can take
several arguments, but it can return no more than one value. In you
program, a function
getMeasure() needs to return two measured values: voltage and current.
How to get around the limitation on one value returned by functions?
Provide a function call, a prototype and a definition of getMeasure(),
which does not takes
any argument. It prompts the user to enter values of voltage and current
of type float and
returns these values.
Display the returned values and compare them against those entered
inside getMeasure().
Demonstrate your code to the tutor.

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