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2. Case Problem 2, Module 10
3. Mozzila Firefox 62.03
4. As per the google info they are saying that keep your wifi password strong and hard to 99%
unbackable like use special characters @! #$%^&* with a-z, A-Z, 0-9 combination and the
protocol in you wifi should be WPA2 rather than WPA and WEP also change the unique
password for each device also keep deferent for business and personal information related
password. Eg my name is virendra and birthdate is say 5/6/1984 so the combination of the
password could be V!ren5684 or v!rEn561984 etc
5. For each purpose use different password because if one password is guess and you have kept
that password in your email and mobile and everywhere same password then only one
password need to be compromise and everything will be lost from you.

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