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The four horsemen documentary was divided into five parts that is empire,

banking, terrorism, resources and progress.


-Back to 100 years ago till these modern days we can see that elites always stay

in power and how does they stays in power? The key is 'money' money is the

game changer in this world.

-The similarity in all empire that has been built in this world is that they last

about 250 years ago or ten generations from the early proven to the final

conspicuous consumes who became a build on a state.

-6 ages define the lifespan of empire that is the age of pioneers, the age of

conquests, the age of commerce, the age of affluence, the age of intellect and

the age of decadence.

-Our main concern in this modern world is that we are struggling to distribute

wealth fairly it is like we have malnutrition on one hand and obesity on the

other hand.


-The problem with the unfair banking system of the world is that they create

money out of nothing and then lend it to us at interest and later on make us in
debt that we have to pay for it. Statistically 97 percent of world's money are


-Two main competing economic approaches which determines how we human

ranger the world and distribute wealth that are classical economy and

neoclassical economy. The classical economy favours less government

interference and more personal autonomy and they recognizes that human

cannot function without natural resources while neoclassical has more

dismissive view of natural resources and think that government should rule the



-Terrorism will not be solved by increasing economic inequality, they have to

start with real structural reform back home.

-Terrorist did not want to be a terrorist at first place. Terrorism was driven

because they have lost their source of living like their farm due to constructional

work and all like for example the Somali pirates they become pirates because

their fishing waters have been destroyed.

-They do not do a following act unless there is a terrible injustice going on and

people are starving and deprived and then they will follow crazy people that are

so called heroes that can bring justice to them.


"The things you own end up ruining you"

-Consumerism is a social and economic order that encourage the acquisition of

goods and services in even increasing amounts and it was driven by our

extraordinary social nature.


-The life expectancy gap between rich and poor widening as income inequality

is growing and so is life span.

-Life expectancy gap ratio between someone in upper level position and lower

level position is 1000:1

Prepared by: -

Name: Fadilatulahya binti Sulaiman

Matrix no. : SIT180006

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