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Kevin Morales

Professor Ditch

English 115

28 November 2018

Reflection Essay

This semester in English 115 I came into the course pretty confident in my writing skills

along with analytical and argumentative capability. Throughout the course I improved on my

grammar, punctual and syntax abilities. The LRC helped me improve my essays but writing

drafts, proposals and exercises themselves helped me improve on my writing and complexity. I

believe writing essays along with using Pursuing Happiness and other outside sources allowed

me to become a very effective writer. I have learned to structure sentences, use correct MLA

format, evaluate articles and sources, and create strong claims to make me a significantly better

writer than I was at the beginning of the class.

In my first few attempts at essays or drafts in the class I would not receive a grade due to

lack of meeting requirements such as incorrect MLA format, font, structure or in citations. For

example, my Source of Happiness essay was submitted all in Arial font, also i put the course

before the professor’s name which I corrected in my portfolio. I also had trouble with my

sentences, I would often write run on sentences because I had too much to talk about in one

sentence, this could be seen in the Source of Happiness essay. I fixed this problem by making my

sentences clear and breaking them up into more than one sentence to avoid using commas

incorrectly and to make my writing stronger.

I had problems citing sources and using quotes correctly in the beginning of the class, it

can be seen in both essays in which I adjusted by paraphrasing and citing the author’s name and
page number correctly. Also I was able to find quotes but I needed to support and explain them

better and this can be seen in my revisions in Evaluation of Content vs. Happiness in which I

explain the author’s meaning to make my bodily essay stronger as a whole. I’ve also learned to

effectively use quotes to support my claims, I made adjustments in both essays to get my main

point across, the quote sandwich is something I adjusted in my revisions to make my evidence

and claim as clear and strong as possible. My works cited was always fine except the fact that I

needed the hanging indent so I fixed that in my revisions. I also learned where to place the

author’s name when using a quote and when to italicize sources and titles.

In the beginning of the semester I didn’t know how to use commas or semicolons but I

learned and this is evident in Evaluation of Content vs. Happiness I went to the LRC to learn to

use them appropriately which made my writing look much more professional. I needed to create

better transitions to introduce new topics and that’s exactly what I fixed in both my essays but

mainly Evaluation of Content vs. Happiness to make new ideas clear and present. I adjusted my

writing so that readers best understand what I am trying to say or explain.

Overall I came into this course with fair writing skills, I was able to evaluate readings and

explain them along with establishing a fair thesis but the course helped me become a stronger

and wiser writer. My writing has improved as I have better sentence structure and I better

understand how to format my work regarding requirements. I have been able to break up

sentences or edit my diction to make my writing sound more intellectual. I also improved on

using quotes effectively by supporting them with strong explanations and citing them correctly.

My writing has become clear and strategically arranged to make my work stronger, more

professional and wiser.

Works Cited

Parfitt, Matthew and Skorczewski, Dawn. “Pursuing Happiness : A Bedford Spotlight Reader.”

Bedford/St. Martins, A Macmillan Education Imprints,

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