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ACI 224R-01
Control of Cracking in Concrete Structures
Reported by ACI Committee 224

Page 224R-13, Section 3.4.2, revised as:

3.4.2 Influence of quantity and type of aggregate on shrinkage—Concrete shrinkage is due

primarily to shrinkage of the hardened cement paste….This is also illustrated in Fig. 3.4, where
an elastic modulus ratio between 1 and 2 indicates an aggregate stiffness that is much smaller
than that of normalweight aggregate. Constitutive models for predicting the influence of
relative aggregate content and modulus ratio on ultimate concrete shrinkage have been
developed by Pickett (1956) and Hansen and Almudaiheem (1987).

Pickett (1956) and Hansen and Almudaiheem (1987) developed constitutive models for

predicting the influence of relative aggregate content and modulus ratio on ultimate
concrete shrinkage. The latter model clearly explains why lightweight concrete for the same
relative aggregate content exhibits considerably more shrinkage than ordinary concrete.
This is also illustrated in Fig. 3.4 when the modulus ratio is between one and two because
the aggregate stiffness is much smaller than that of normalweight aggregate.

The influence of aggregate-absorption capacity on concrete…

Page 224R-21, equation for ρt1:

Currently reads:

= active steel ratio, that is, the area of steel As per ft width/[12db1 + 2c1],…

It should read:

= active steel ratio, that is, the area of steel As per ft width/[12(db1 + 2c1)],...

Updated on 3/24/2008

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