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4 Auditorium: Rock
A. The Facts
N hen Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry played their first songs, they probably
id not imagine they were beginning a new era in the world of music. It was the
-9 50s and after that the guitar was the star of rock and roll music, just as
: h e saxophone was for jazz.

t he 1970s came the British invasion of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones
seen as the good boys and the bad boys, respectively). They gave the final
ou sh to change rock and roll into rock music, with harder sounds and more
rovocative ideas.

key guitarist in rock music was Jimi Hendrix. We consider him the father of
'distortion' (a powerful, harsh sound on the electric guitar). In the second half
t he 20th century, terms like heavy metal, hard rock and grunge described
usic with a hard sound and a message of non-conformity.

B. The Music ¡;t

rock group typically has two electric guitars, one
e lectric bass guitar, drums and a singer. This forma-
: ion has changed over the years and sometimes in-
lu des instruments like the electric violin. We will
isten to some representative sounds of rock .

. r e you satisfied? Perhaps just the opposite. (1 Can't

et No) Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones beca me
a p opular anthem for protest at the end of the 1960s.

m oke on the Water by Deep Purple (Figure 2.6)

- ' arts with the most famous guitar riff of all time. The Figure 2.6.

Ne ll-known introductory sequence consists of four Concert with the le g enda ry rock group Deep Purple.

ri ffs (phrases) with four measures. They each come in

~h e following order:

, Riff on the guitar

2. Riff on two guitars + drums (hi-hat)
3. Riff on two guitars + drums (hi-hat + snare)
. ' Riff on two guitars + drums + bass guitar

The group Iron Maiden (Figure 2.7) had a sol id , strong

so und called heavy metal. The song The Trooper is a
good example of their sound.

W ho can recognise the powerful drums and the claps

accompanying one of the most charismatic voices of
Figure 2.7. [}J
ro ck? We are, of course, talking about Queen and the Image of the group Iron t-iaiden in concert . One of the fo unding
mythic song We Will Rock You. fat hers of hea vy metal.

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