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American History I

Ms. Page
American History I Midterm Exam Review Guide
● The Americans​ (textbook)
● Primary and secondary documents discussed in class (available on Canvas)
● Class notes

Exam Composition:
1. Multiple-Choice (20 questions - 1 point each / 20 points total)
2. Linking Identifications (4 links - 5 points each/20 total)
3. Chronologies (2 of 3 questions - 5 points each/10 total)
4. Longer Short Answers (2 of 3 questions - 10 points each / 20 total)
5. Document Analysis (2 of 3 questions - 10 points each / 20 total)
6. Map or Chart Analysis (5 questions - 2 points each/10 total)

Study Guide Hints:

1. Create a timeline with a limited number of events, and fill in the spaces with identifications related to the period. Focus on chronology rather than
2. Assign a different colored pencil to each theme, and work back through notes and assignments multiple times, underlining different themes as you go.
3. Rewrite or add to identifications, focusing on the significance of the term, person, or concept.
4. Read through primary and secondary documents we have discussed in class, and make notes linking them to identifications and key questions. Use Canvas
to fill in any gaps in your notes, or to refresh your memory on documents you may have missed.
5. Organize your reading notes from the semester, and review them in conjunction with your book and your class notes.

Broad Chronology:

1270 - Crusades end 1765 - Stamp Act

1350 - Black Plague / Renaissance 1770 - Boston Massacre
1492 - Columbus 1775 - Lexington /Concord
1494 - Treaty of Tordesillas 1776 - Declaration of Independence
1500 - Reformation 1781 - Articles of Confederation in place
1519 - Cortes arrives in Mexico 1783 - Treaty of Paris
1607 - Jamestown 1786 - Shays’ Rebellion
1620 - Plymouth 1787 - Northwest Ordinance /Constitutional Convention
1637 - Pequot War 1789 - Ratification / French Revolution Begins
1650 - Navigation Acts 1794/5 - Jay’s Treaty/Pinckney’s Treaty/Whiskey Rebellion
1675-80 - King Philip’s War / Bacon’s Rebellion/Pope’s Rebellion 1798 - Alien and Sedition Acts
1689 - Glorious Revolution / John Locke’s ​Second Treatise 1803 - Louisiana Purchase/Marbury v. Madison/End of Haitian Rev.
1692 - Salem Witch Trials 1806 - End of Lewis and Clark’s Expedition
1739 - Stono Rebellion 1812-1814 - War of 1812
1740 - Great Awakening 1819 - McCulloch v. Maryland
1763 - End of French-Indian War (Treaty of Paris) 1820 - Missouri Compromise
1764 - Sugar Act 1823 - Monroe Doctrine

Themes and Questions for Longer Short Answers:

Themes: Questions:
1) ​Colonialism and Expansion - ​What were central similarities and differences among European, Native American, and West African Societies prior
to 1492?
2) ​Religion, Religious Tolerance, and -What factors motivated European nations to explore the ocean, and eventually, new lands? What factors led them
Religious Intolerance to colonize those lands?
What were the economic, religious, and cultural effects of European and American expansion on Native cultures, and
3) ​Trade and Economic Systems vice-versa? What is the “Atlantic World”?
-What were the origins of the Transatlantic slave trade, and what role did slavery play in the Spanish and British
4)​​ Labor and Slavery colonies?
-What are examples of resistance to or dissent from the established government or other authority in colonial North
5)​​ Social Norms and Gender America? What were the different sources of this dissent?
-What are examples of religious tolerance and religious intolerance in American society from the colonial period
6) ​Migration and Immigration through 1824?
-What were the economic, cultural, religious, and philosophical roots of the American Revolution?
7)​​ Philosophy of Government -What role did slavery play in the American Revolution and Constitutional Convention?
-What problems did the U.S. face under the Articles of Confederation? Were these resolved by the Constitution?
8) ​Resistance and Dissent -What domestic and foreign policy challenges did the United States face between 1790 and 1824? How did the first
party system shape the terms of these political debates?
Classroom Terms:

- sourcing - Atlantic World - Fugitive Slave Clause

- corroboration - religious syncretism - militia
- contextualization - Chattel slavery - French Revolution
- oral history - Praying towns - Marquis de Lafayette
- primary source - The Black Legend - Guillotine
- secondary source - assimilation - Napoleon
- historiography - coverture - Haitian Revolution
- archaeology - Regulator Movement - Seminole Wars
- “contested history” - Abigail Adams - AME Church
- paradigm shift - Virtual Representation - American Colonization Society
- nation, state, nation-state - direct democracy - Denmark Vesey
- imperialism - direct democracy - Latin American Revolutions
- colonialism - faction

Textbook Terms:

- Beringia Land Bridge - balance of trade - Continental - nullification

- Anasazi - Navigation Acts - inflation - election of 1800
- Kwakiutl - Dominion of New England - Marquis de Lafayette - Judiciary Act of 1801
- Glorious Revolution - Charles Cornwallis - midnight judges
- Pueblo
- salutary neglect - Yorktown - John Marshall
- kinship - self-government - Treaty of Paris (1783) - Marbury v. Madison
- division of labor - cash crop - egalitarianism - judicial review
- Islam - triangular trade - republic - Louisiana Purchase
- Songhai - middle passage - republicanism - Lewis and Clark
- Kongo - Stono Rebellion - Articles of Confederation - Sacajawea
- lineage - Salem Witch Trials - Northwest Territory - blockade
- The Great Awakening - Land Ordinance of 1785 - impressment
- Prince Henry the
- Jonathan Edwards - debtor vs. creditor - embargo
Navigator - George Whitefield - Mississippi River - James Madison
- nuclear family - French and Indian War - Shays’ Rebellion - William Henry Harrison
- Crusades - Fort Duquesne - Daniel Shays - Tecumseh
- Reformation - Fort Necessity - representation - Tenskwatawah
- Renaissance - William Pitt - Virginia Plan - War Hawk
- Iroquois - New Jersey Plan - Andrew Jackson
- Bartoleme de Las Casas
- Treaty of Paris (1763) - Great Compromise - Treaty of Ghent
- Columbian Exchange - Pontiac’s Rebellion - 3/5ths Compromise - Armistice
- conquistadors - Proclamation of 1763 - division of powers - Hartford Convention
- Hernán Cortés - martial law - separation of powers - Industrial Revolution
- New Spain - Patriot - checks and balances - Interchangeable Parts
- encomienda - Sugar Acts - electoral college - Mass Production
- mestizo - Stamp Act - Federalist Papers - Eli Whitney
- New Mexico - Sons of Liberty - Antifederalist - cotton gin
- Pope’s Rebellion - Declaratory Act - Bill of Rights - American System
- joint-stock companies - Trenton - Judiciary Act of 1789 - Tariff of 1816
- Jamestown - Boston Massacre - First Cabinet - National Road
- Powhatan - committees of - Federalists vs. - Erie Canal
- headright system correspondence Republicans - Panic of 1819
- indentured servants - Boston Tea Party - Hamilton’s Financial Plan - John Marshall
- royal colony - King George III - District of Columbia - McCullough v. Maryland
- Bacon’s Rebellion - Intolerable Acts - two-party system - John Quincy Adams
- Roger Williams - First Continental Congress - Whiskey Rebellion - Nationalism
- tobacco - Lexington and Concord - Tariff - Sectionalism
- Puritans - Second Continental - excise tax - Convention of 1818
- John Winthrop Congress - neutrality - Adams-Onis Treaty
- Separatists - Olive Branch Petition - Citizen Genet - First Seminole War
- Plymouth Colony - Common Sense - Pinkney’s Treaty - Missouri Compromise
- Massachusetts Bay Colony - Declaration of - Battle of Fallen Timbers - African Methodist
- “City on a Hill” Independence - Treaty of Greenville Episcopal (AME) Church
- Anne Hutchinson - Loyalists/Tories - Jay’s Treaty - American Colonization
- King Philip’s War - Hessians - election of 1796 Society
- William Penn - Long Island - sectionalism - Internal Slave Trade
- Quakers - Delaware River - XYZ Affair - 36°30
- New Netherland - Saratoga - Alien and Sedition Acts - Monroe Doctrine
- mercantilism - Valley Forge - Virginia and Kentucky

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