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Content Area: Math

Grade Level: 3rd

Topic: Multiplication/Division Fact Families

Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three
whole numbers. ​For example, determine the unknown number that makes the equation true in
each of the equations 8 × ? = 48, 5 = _ ÷ 3, 6 × 6 = ?
Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between
multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 × 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of
operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers.

Thinking about the learning

This lesson focuses on helping students understand the connection between multiplication and
division by introducing fact families. At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to
complete a fact family for a given number

This lesson is important because it is the transition for students which uses their knowledge of
multiplication and connects it to the new concept of division. Division is used in everyday life
quite often and is a crucial component of understanding for higher level math.

Pre Assessment
Since I am in the class quite often, I feel pretty confident that the students understand
multiplication at a conceptual level, even if they do not have all of the facts memorized. Going
into the lesson, this understanding is all that I need in order to make the jump to show the
connection between multiplication and division with a manipulative. During my first example, if
there are students who are struggling with multiplication concepts, I will make sure to clear up
the misunderstandings.

Summative Assessment
At the end of the lesson, I will collect record sheet that I have provided for every student to view
their work.

Thinking about the lesson

In my introduction, I will begin by reviewing the concept of equal groups multiplication (ex:4x3 is
4 groups of 3). I will use a manipulative and tell students that we can use what we already know
about multiplication to help us to understand division.

To begin, I will start by introducing a problem I have. Tonight, I am going to make pizza for 4
people. There are 12 pieces of pizza total. I know that 3x4 makes 12 and I need to know how I
can use this information to help me divide the pizza

To begin, I will model how to find the first fact family for students using the unifix cubes. I will
then give 12 cubes to each student and ask them to think of a different fact family that could be
made with those 12. They will record this on their sheet and then we will share out as they
finish. I will then have them go with another student and combine their unifix cubes. This time
with 324 they will list all the possible combinations they can find. If time permits or some groups
finish faster than others, I will allow students to form a group of 4 with 48 cubes. This allows the
students to differentiate if it is easier for some than others. During this time, I will be walking
around and asking questions to check for understanding and stretch the thinking of the

For the last minute or so I will bring students in for a quick discussion on their learning. Since
this is small group work and there is not a lot of time we will not discuss their answers but we
will discuss what we have learned and make sure that students understand the connection
between addition and subtraction.

Student Thinking
Students are required to think about multiplication and division conceptually in this lesson with
the use of manipulatives. As students group up with each other, more option become available
and the task increases in complexity. They are able to display this thinking on their worksheet
and through discussion.

Formative Assessment
As the students work in groups I will be walking around and listening in while also checking their
answers. If I hear or see anything that might be a misunderstanding or needs clarification I will
be able to jump and and help at that point.

This lesson is designed so that students are able to get the same content regardless of their
pace. If students are fast, their content will increase in complexity, but the basic ideas will
remain the same. The lesson is also designed so that the students will be in groups with people
close to their level since the groups will be made based on when they finish the first problem.
Due to this I will be able to help students in the slower groups more if they need it. Also, there
are a couple of students that I know may struggle to start. From my experience, If I am able to
give these students personalized attention to help them understand the concept they are able to
work on their own to finish the rest.

Technology is not really used to enhance this lesson since I am teaching from the corner of the
classroom and there are not really any options connected to what I am going to teach.

Directions will be given before I begin to teach in order to help students understand my
expectations. I will also give directions about volume and how to work well in a group with
students before we move to group work. Finally, I will remind students to turn in their work with
their names on it at the end.

For this lesson all that I will need is the worksheets and unifix cubes. Students will need a

The lesson will take about 15 minutes

5 minutes: Introductions
2 minutes: work on own (12)
7 minutes: Group work (24/48)
1 minutes: Final Discussion

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