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Brandon Monroe

Dr. Crosby
MUE 530
September 6, 2018

Lesson Plan Template

The song for my lesson plan will be ‘Grizzly Bear’ on page 33.

During this lesson I will stress the importance of dynamic markings as it pertains to the
characterization of the music and bringing the notes on a page to life. For instance if we all
talked monotone and never carried any inflection in our voices, we would bore ourselves to
sleep! The same goes for music. If we don’t add inflection to the music, no one will be interested
and it will exhibit a lack of expression.


The student will be able to exhibit the importance of dynamic expression in music.

How will I exhibit the importance of dynamic expression in music?

1. Each student will stand up and introduce themselves in a monotone voice. [I will
demonstrate first and they will laugh]
2. Each student will introduce themselves again but this time add expression and vigor to
their introductions! [I will be the example, they will follow]
3. The students will repeat the same task but this time they will change their volume
dynamic within their introduction.

Pt. 2
‘Grizzly Bear’

1. We will sing the song as it is on paper at one dynamic level (mf)

2. We will sing the song with the proper dynamics

I will first demonstrate the song. Then we will do it together. Then the students will do it on their

Once we sing Grizzly Bear with the proper dynamics the students will realize the importance
and what a difference dynamic expression makes to the music when it is sung. The highs and
lows of volume really make music tell its full story by painting a vivid picture.

When the students come in the classroom I will sing:

“Hello class, today we will learn about dynamic expression” in a monotone voice.

I will then walk and do the same introduction over with a more charismatic attitude.

From here I will segue into the importance of dynamic expression and how it relates to
communicative expression.


For the conclusion each student will share what they took from the lesson and why dynamic
expression is important.


To assess the students grasp of loud and soft dynamics I will give them a worksheet that has
several animals on it and they will identify whether or not the animal makes a loud or soft sound.
They will then also explain verbally why dynamic expression is important. By verbally
communicating their responses they are learning to articulate their thoughts and it allows me as
the teacher to track their understanding by cognitive explanation.


In learning about dynamic expression, the students will be focusing on the first standard of
performance at the kindergarten level with a main focus on number 1 and 3.

K.2 The student will investigate various uses of the voice by

1. demonstrating the difference between the singing voice and the speaking voice;
2. matching pitches within an appropriate range; and
3. demonstrating expressive qualities of music, including loud/soft and fast/slow.


The materials required for this lesson will be the student, CD player, sing along CD,
whiteboard/smart board, and an Elmo projector.

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