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Introduction 1V

Velocity and acceleraton 1

Force and tnotion 19

Ve吒 cal mouon 31
Resolving forces 43
Fr1∷ cuon 60
M° jon due to gravity 77

Revision exerci$e1 91

Newton’ s third Iaw 94

Work,energy and power 117
Potential energy 129

Force ns a vector q0anuty 1吲u钅

General motion i∏las饣 aight1ine 169

Rovェ sェ on eXerclse2 184

Pracdce exam1nauons 188

Answers 193
Index 203


’ 氵Ι力 V纟 J rlfc莎 肋召r9I四 ″cs has been

C夕 rP9b″ fJg纟 fJt扌 cr″ 四∫j@″ 曰J ExG,,aF闷 ε莎j0刀 s rcJE,Arf1・ c闸 cε ‘

wrhten especimly f。 rthe new CIE1nathemajcs sy11abus.There is one book

corresponding to each sy11abus unit,except that units P2and P3are contained in a single
book.This book coⅤ ers山 e伍 rst Mechanics un",M1.

The sy1labus contentis aⅡ anged by chapteFs、 vhich are ordered so as to proⅤ ide a viab1e
teaching course.OccasionaⅡ y a section or an example deals with a tOpic which goes
beyond the requkements ofthe sy11abus;these are marked wkh an asteⅡ sk(珞 ),

The trca臼nent offorCe as a vector quantity introduces some sirnple vectoF notation,
consistent wkh thatin Chapter13Ofunk P1,Smdents Fnay敌 nd this useful in writing out
their solu“ ons,although it is not a requirement ofthe exaΠ 1ination,

Some paragr已 phs w⒒ hh the text appearin肋 右 妒 e sVe.These paragraphs are usually
outside the rnain strearn of the1η ad1ematical argument,but rnay help to give insight,or
suggost extra、 vork or diffcrent appr。 aches。

Numerical、 vork is presented in a form intended to discourage prcrnature approxhnation。

In ongoi11g calculations inexact numbers appear h decim狨 foII【 ll酞 e⒊ 456.¨ ,sIgn1fying
thakthe number is he1d in a calculatorto more p】 aces than are given.Nunnbers are not
rounded at this stage;the fu‖ display could be,for exampIe,3.456123or3‘ 456789.
Fin^1answers are then stated with some indication that they are approxirnatc,for
exarllple‘ 1.23CoⅡ ectto3significant figures’ ,

The approxhnate va1ue of g istaken as 10ms^2.

There are plenty of exercises,and each chapter ends with a Misce1laneous exerCise
Which includes some questions of eXaΠ 1ination standard‘ Therc arc two Revision
eXercises,and two PracHce exaⅡ lination papcrs。

Some exercises have a few questions to、 vards the end Ⅵ/犰 ich are1onger or rnofe
demanding that those likely to be set∶ n the exa∏ unation。 Teachcrs rnay wish to assign
these quesdons to seleCted students to enhance the challenge and interest of the course,

Cambridge Untve6妣 y Press would like to thank OCR(oxford,cambridge and RSA

Examina咬 ons),pa爪 ofthe Univer蛀 ty of Cambodge Local Examina⒒ ons Syndicate
(UCLES)group,for perrnission to use pa鸵 examination questions setin the Un⒒ ed
The authorthanks UCLES and Cambridge University Press,in p盯 刂cular1)iana
C⒒ l1ooly,for their help in producing this book.However,the responsibility for the text,
and for any errors,remains、 vith the author,

△ ■

1nLoduces kinematIcs,WhiCh is about the connectIons betWeen
山splacement,velocity and acceleraton.When you have completed it,you should

● know u始 terms‘ displacement`‘ Velocky’ ,‘ acceleraton’ and‘ decelera刂 on’ for moton
in ast菠 ghtlhe
● be兔Ⅱ】
Ⅱiar with displacement-time and velocity-titne graphs
● be ab1e to express speeds in d¤ 旺orent systems° f units
● know fomuIae for constant velocity and constant acceleration
● be able to solve prob1ems on Fno‘ on with constant velocェ ty and constant accelerau。 n,
hcluding proble灬 involving seveml such stages.

IJ M耐 m羽 Ⅱ lcO11stant veloid圩
A Roman legion marched out ofthe oty of AIeXandna al。 ng as饣aight road,with a
velocity of100paces per mhute due east。 Where wasthe1egion90minutes later?

Notice the word veⅡ ocity,ra山 er than speed。 T"s is because you are toId not only how fast
the legion marched,but a1so in which direction。 ⅤeIoc⒈y is speed in a panicular dkec谊 on。

T`vo cars trave11ing Ⅱ1opposite chrecuons。 u a nomh-south motc【 「way may have the
same speed of90kⅡ ometes per h° ur,butthey have dⅡ △erent velocities。 One has a
velocity of90k.p。 h。 north,the other a velocity of90k.p。 h.south,

「 改刀 托β允 右 “昭〃9ere/o/绷 概 矽 招 sper姒 ヵ/咖 伪峦 右 /,er9m
夕刀匕″〃a9丿 9r9厶彐 ee∞me治阝。刀 ∞ ie雨⒍ V,E//J=/se r,e砌 叻臼力o” km hˉ
Ξ∥ 肋峦
右 r,e/。 m扔 曰r彬 〃/P。r9e///汐臼伙 蹈〃勿 幽右血z滋

The answer to the question in the flrst paragraph is,of course,曲 atthe legion was
9000paces r9Roman mileθ east ofAlexan洫 .The legion made a d廴 刂Ⅱacement of
9000paces east。 EⅡ splacementis distance in a padicu1ar dL℃ c吐 on。

1】Ⅱs calculadon,involving the】 nultiplication 100× 90〓 9000,is a special case of a

general mle。

Ano丬 ect movi吧 Wi由 constant Veloo″ ″units in a

∶ 掇楹搅黯哩沪

dkecuon f。 r a tirrRe t kes a d咖 e¨ 碰

口Ⅱ word‘ dⅡ s staternent,and it has a tⅡ ferent sense each

血ne。 F∝ ulr】 ∶
its are paces per rninute,rninutes and paces
respectively。 any suitable units for ve1ocity,time and displacement
provⅡ ed曲 at are consistent.

The equation s〓 Br`can be rearranged into the foΙ Ι £or'=£ .Y。 u decide which
"s ,r〓 r JJ
fo【 Ι
IIto use aCCording to which quantitios you knoⅥ /and which you wantto伍 nd。

An aidiner flies froFn Cako to H时 盯e,a displacement of53401olometres sou曲 ,at a
speed of800k。 p.h。 How1ong does the flight last?

You know that s=5340and〃 =800,and、 Ⅳantto Ind ',So use

=⒍ 臼

`〓 ÷

FoF the unks to be consistent,the unit oftiFne must be hours,The Ⅱight lasts
6,675hours,or6hours and40吉 F1ainutes,

This is not a sensible way of giving the answer。 In a real night the aircrait、 vⅡ l travel
more slowly、 vhile climbing and descending,It is also unllkeIy to travel in a straight
line,and the刂 1gure of800k.p。 h。 for the speed looks like a convenient approxirnation。
The solution is based on a matheⅡ natical Fnodel,in`vhich such complications are
ignored so that the data can be putinto a si1uple mathema妓cal equadon.But、 vhen you
have色 nished using the mode1,you should then take account of the approxiIuations and
givc a less precise ansWer,such as‘ about 7hours” .

The uni“ 狨most always used in mecha帕 cs are met⒑ s(m)for dsplacement,seconds
s)foF ume and metres per$cond(w⒒ “enas m s丬 )for Ⅴeloo饣 .These are catled

sI units(S1歇 ands for systdme Intemation时 e,,and s0enti哎 s all overthe world have
agreed to use them.

Ex眨 mple1.1.2
Express a speed of144k艹 p。 h。 in Fn s^1.

1f you travel 144kⅡ Ometres in an hour at a Constant speed,you go

kⅡ omCtres in each seGOnd,、vhioh is lometre in each sec° nd,A

藏 去 of aI。
kilomctre k10OO mctres,№ ”u。co毖 of IO00me廿 esin a se∞ nd。 Th“ a speed 401ns^l,

You can extend this resultto giⅤ e a general rule∶ to conVert any speed in k,p,h。 to n1s^1,
you1nu⒒ uy by∶
i::|:{i,whch心 晶 ,

12 Graphs for comstant velocity
You do not al、 〃ays have to use equations to
describe mathematicaI models.Another rnethod
is to use graphs.There are钅 wo kinds of graph

Vhich are often useful in∷ kinema宅 ics.
The fj∶ l∶ st kind is a displacemenH扭 ne graph,
as shown in Fig.1.1。 The coordinates of any Fig,1.1

poht on the graph are lf,s),Where s“ the displ ofthe mo呐 ng o丬 ect aRer a
time扌 (both in approp吐 ate u雨 ts)。 Not沁 e th荻 s=0 When莎 〓0,so the graPh passes
though the“ 臣
n.r the velooψ 、 con乩 am,thcn:〓 “,and thC grad忆 md
the linejoning C,sl to the o。 gin has the∞ nstant Vdue Ⅱ。
so the graph、 a straight
Ⅱne wi曲 grad汜 nt".

∶For an o凵 ∞t movhg along a s扌aight line with constant veI∝ ” Ⅱ ,

the displacement亠time。。
raph is a staightline wi曲 gradient叨 。

The second khd of graph is a vdoc“ yˉ山me graph tsee∏ g.1。 o.the coo“ Ⅱmates of any
point on tho graphare C,v,,Where v h dle velocity ofthe moving o凵 ∞tat ume`。 F the
velocity has a constant value“ ,曲 en the罗 aph has equaton v=∶ J,and“ is a s订 耐ght Ⅱne
paral1elto the ume~axis。

Ve1ocity l/eIocity

— ˉ…・
△ mc △ me

Fig,12 F璁 .⒈ 3

How is d“ placement shown on山 e veloc” -time graph?Π g.1.3answers this quesu。 n
for mouon with c。 nstant velooty Ⅱ.The coordhates of any pont on the gmph are
C,⑷ ,and you knoW曲 砘 s〓 盯 .Thk product o曲 e area ofthe shaded rectang忆 h山 e
igure,whch has w诅 th r and he圯 ht Ⅱ・

Fσ ano凵 ect mo碱 ng along a st“ ght line with constant veloc加 y,山 e
displacement froFn the start up to any刂 me r is represented by the area of
曲e re鲈 on underthe ve1ocity-time gnph for values of山 e山 Ⅸ刂rom O to r‘

躐搬鹦攮鲮黟镏嬲巍鹬辍邋嬲躐翮爨鼯 EXercise1A
1 How long wⅡ 】an athlete take to run 1500metres at7.5n1s

2A tain rnaintains a cOnstant ve1ocity of GCl m s^l due sou曲

displacement in that time?C:ive the distance ih kiIometres。

3 How long wⅡ Iit take for a cruise liner to saⅡ a distance of530nautical FnⅡ es at a speed of
25knots?(A kn° t“ a speed of1na哎 ⒗al mile per hour.)

Some Antarctic exp1orers、 valkh1g towat。 ds the South Pole expecttO average 1‘ 8kⅡ ometres
per hour,VVhat is their e、 pected displacementin a day in which they wa1k for14hours?

Here is an extract from the diary of Samuel Pepys for4June1666,wri⒒ en in London.

We find thc Duke at StJames’ he is lately gone to lodgc.So、 valking through the
s,、 vhither

Parke、 ve saw hundreds of people listening to hearthe guns。


These guns、 Ⅳere atthe battle of the English fleet against the Dutch offthe Keht coast,a
distancc of bet、 vecn 110and120km away。 The speed° f sound in airis 344rn s^】 。
long did ittakc the sOund ofthe gunⅡ re tO reach LOndon?

Light峦 avels at a speed of3.00× 10:n1s^l,Light from the star SiⅡ us takes 8,65years to
reach the earth,WVhatis the distance of Sirius froln the earth in kⅡ ometres?

7 The speed li1nit on a rnotorway is120km per hour,1Vhat is this in SI units?

8 The straightest「 aiIway line in thc飞 Ⅳodd runs aGross thc Nullarbor Plain in southem
Aus仃 钊h。 ad】 stance of5OO kⅡ ome订 es。 A train t酞 es12劣 hours to∞ ver山 e distance.
MOdel tlle扣 umey by dI・ awhg

◇◆ a ⅤeIocity-time graph, fb)a displacement-time graph,

LabeI your graphs to show the numbers500and 12劳 and t。 indicate the units used,
Suggestsome ways h which your models may not match tlle犯 tu・dljoumey,

9 An aircraft flies due east at800krn per hour from Kingston to Antigua,a disp1acement of
about 1600km.Modcl thc flight by dra、 ving
(a, a茧 splacGmcnt-time gmph, (b) a velocity-dme graph.
LabeI your graphs to sho、 v the number$ 800and 1600and走 o indicate the units used。 Can
you suggest、 〃ays in which your yrlodels could be imprOved to desc^be the actual Πight
more accurateIy?
‘:饣 谷找 ↓、△1湓 讠 c∶ II。 i氵 “讣心汀∵●∶
I奋 扩饣 Ι、讠艹钐饣:,∶ 扌△t:^,△ ∶
●∷ |刂 I讠 :if=笫 氵∷
∷|了 $Wi妤 ※:$∶ 氵∷冫
△ △ $讠 试,《 宙:畚 、泔、淡 Ii,(t枷 △εti孺
`佛 `宙

13 Acceleration
A vehicle at rest cannot suddenly startto move with constant velocity.There hasto be a
period whcn the velocity hcreases。 The rate at which the Ⅴe1ocity inc⒑ ases is called the
acceIera伍 on.

For example,suppose that a

In the siruplest case the ve1ocity increascs at a constant rate。
train accelerates from O to144k。 p.h,in 100seconds at a constant rate.YOu know£ rom
Example l。 l。 2that144k.p, 40ms^l,so the specd is increasing by 0^4In s^l in
each second,

The S1unit d犯 celera旺 on ms^l per⒃ cond’ ,σ lmsl)s丬 ;山 s、 ways

is′ 耐
si卩 pliⅡ ed metres per second squared’ .Thus h the examplc above
to m s・ and read乩
曲e trah№ s a constant accelenuon J畿 msˉ 2,wⅡ ch厶 0.4ms^2。

Consider the period of acceleration,妒

seconds the train wⅡ l havc reachcd a speed of
1.So the ve1ocity-time graph has
equation v==0,4扌 .This is a straight1ine
scgment with gradent0,4,johⅡ ng fO,0)to
(100,40),Itis shown in Fig.⒈ 4.

This is a spccia【 case of a general mle。


∷饣∵JΙ i∷ I1t‖ 嚣、∴
Ⅱ∷ h⒈ u:Ι :△ 碰扌
f、1丨 iⅠ 1,百∮,↓
= =ii=△ =△r

Thc vclOcity《 ime graph for an o叻 cct mo讧 ng

with constant acceIeration 四 is a straight line
segment with gradient rJ.

I∷ ∷

No、 Ⅴsuppose that at a later tiIη c the train has to stop at a signa1,The brakes arc applied,and
the train is brought to rest in 50seconds.If the veIocity drops at a constant rate,this is
2,The wor・
营 8ms^2,oΓ 0.8m旷 d forthh is dec0Ieration“ ome peop⒗ Llse retardation),

Fig.1‘ 5shoWs the Ⅴe1ocity-tirlae graph for the

braking∝⒒in。 If tiFnc is rneasured from thΘ
instant、vhen the brakcs are appIied,thc graph
has equa吐 on v=40咖 0.8r●

There arc twO nexv points to notice about this

graph,First,it doesn’ t pass through the o∷ rigin,
sincc at旺 mc r=O the订 ain has a velocity of “) △mc(s)
40ms^1。 The velocity、 Ⅴhen r=o is callod the
initial veIocity,

Second1y,thc graph has negative gradient,because the Ⅴelocity is decreasing.This

means that the acceleration is nega“ ve,You can either say that the acceleration is
冖0.8msˉ 2,or that the dccelerado∷ n is 0.81ns¨ 2。

The(Ⅱ splacement is stil1。。iven by the area ofthe region between the velocity-tirnc graph and
the 扌ˉ
axis,even though thc velocity is not constant。 In Fig。 1.4this region is a triangle、 vith
base100and lle螅 ht40j⒃ the area is吉 ×
100× 40=⒛ 00,Th`means that the tr西 n covers
a distance of2000m、 or 2km,、Ⅳhilc gaining speed.

In Fig.1‘ 5the reg;on is again a toangle,lvith base50and height 40,s。 the train comes
to a standstⅡ I in 1000丁 u,or lkm.

u蜕△ isp△⒛ oment右 p仳叨 ∠

fica次刀 掏〃 肋ε △ y力 夕纠 ″ 昭 DJ勿 以 〃 加 SecJon/五 3

1.4 Equations for constant acceleration

You、vilI oRen haⅤ e to do ca1culations like those in the last section,1tis worth having
a圯 eb⒙ 忆 formdae to sOll,e probIems垃 boL1to丬 ec$m° ving witll constant acceIeration。

Fig,1,6shows a veloC"yˉ time graph which Velooty

could apply to any probleⅡ l of this type,The
initial velocity is Jf,and the Ⅴelocity at tirne'
is denoted by v,If the acceleration has the
constant v岔 lue rI,then bet、 veen ti:ne O and
time r the velocity incrcases by 曰莎,It follows
that,after time 扌 ,
△ mc

v=Ir+四 Fig,I,⒖

Remennber that in this equation 叨 and ε are constants,but `amd v can vary。 In fact,
tll灬 oquaton isjustlikc y=rTLI+c(or,for a closer comp盯 ison,丿 =c+用 悌 ).The
acceleration 四is thc gradient,like ″z,and the inltial velocity J亻 is the intercept,like c.
So、 氵=I`+饣 r isjust the equaⅡ on ofthe velocity-ume graph,

There is,though,one impo戚 ant difference,This equa“ on only appIies so long as the
constant aCceleration lasts,so the graph isjust part ofthe l∶ ne,

TheΓ e are no units in the equation v=“ +夕 F。 You Can use it with any units you like,
proⅤ ided that they are consistent.

T。 gnd a formula forthe displacement,you need to】 陌nd the area ofthe shaded rcgton
under the graph between(0,‘ ¢ )and lF,v)in Fig,1,6,You can wOrk this outin either of
tWo`〃 ays,Ⅱ Iustrated in Figs.1.7and l☆ 8.In Fig.1。 7the region is shown as a trapezium,
with paralle1Vertical sides oflength rf and v,and、 vidth F.The formula for the盯 ea of a
tr蔽 pczium gives

s=;⑴ +咖 ・
Fig。 1.8shows the region spⅡ tinto a rectangle,whose area is JJ矿 ,and a tⅡ angle with
bc△ ⒃ F and碱 酗 t四 ,who⒃ area is套 ×扌×″ ,Th∞ ecomune ω 要ve the奶 mda

s=盯 十告矿・
VeIocity Ve1ociW

Fig,I.7 Fig.1.8

Example1‘ △
A racing car enters the且 nal straight扌 ave11ing at 35rn s^∶ ,and covers1he600nl to the
nnishing line in 12s.Assuming constant acce1eration,flnd its speed as it crosses曲 e
nishing line.

Fig.1.6sho、 vs a velocity-thne graph、 〃hich

could appIy to any problern ofthis type.The
initkⅡ Ⅴelocity is If,and the velocity attime'
is denoted by v.1f the acceleration has the
Constant v岔 lue g,then bet、 Ⅴeen ti:η e O and
time F the velocity increases by ‘
冫莎,1t follows
tha钅 ,aRer tiFne扌 , Time

v〓 Jr+″ .

Remennber thatin this equation If and夕 are constants,but`and v can vary.In fact,
this equaton isjusdkc丿 =羽 艿+c(or,f0r a closer comp盯 lson,y=c+″ △
r)。 The

acce;eraJon 四is the gradient,Iike ″B,and the initial velocity JJ is the interccpt,like c,
So v=丿 +夕 r isjustthe equadon ofthe veloci” -time graph,

There is,though,one important d邋 龟rence,This equa‘ on only app1ies so long as the

constant acce1eradon lasts,so the graph isjust p钔 吐ofthe l∶ 扭e,

There are no un"si∷ n the equation v=I亻 +曰 r.You can use it Ⅵ/ith any units you like,
proⅤ ided that they arc consistent,

T。 nnd a formu】 a for the displacement,you need to】 nd the area。 fthe shaded region
under the graph between(0,Ι ¢
)and lr,v)in F螅 ,1.6.You can work this outin either of
twO Ways,Ⅱ lustrated in Figs。 1.7and l、 8。 In Fig,1,7the region is sh。 wn as a trapeziuΠ l,
with paralle|ve淡 iCa1sides oflength rr and v,and、 vidth`.The formula for the area of a
trapeziu∷ m giVes

s=彦 ⑴+巾 ‘
Fig。 1.8sho、 vs the region split into a「 ectangle,whose area is‘ 亻
F,and a tⅡ angle with
base r扭 d№ 螅h″ ,u/llom饿 a悠 告× 砑 ,Thesc∞ mum⑽ 幽 e the允 mula


Velocity Vdoci父 y
甜 ↓


Fig,1.7 Fig,l。 8

A racing car enters the且 nal straight trave1ling at 35rn s^1,and Covers the600nl to the
inishing ling in 12s.Assurning constant acceleration,flnd its speed as it crosses the

Measuring the displacement from犰 e staH of the nnal straight,and using SI units,
you know that JF=35,You are told that when r:=12,s=600,and you、 Ⅳant to
knOw v at thattiTne。 So use the foェ Ⅱ【
ula connecting JJ,r,s and v.

Substimthg h the允 mula s=告 (Ⅱ +v)r,

600=告 05+⑺ ×12・

This glves 35H卜 v=Ψ 〓100,s° v=65・

Assuming constant acceleration,the car crosses the且 nishing line at65rn s^1.

Example1‘ ⒓
A cycIist reaches the top of a s1ope、Ⅳith a speed of1.5111s^1,and accelerates at
2ms^2.T∷ he sIope is 22m long.How long does she take to reach the bottoⅡ l ofthe
sIope,and hov/fastis she moving then?

You are given that rJ=1.5and曰 =2,and wantto Ind r when s=22.The
幻mda whch cOnncots me出 圮ur quanuu峨 心 s=盯 +告 曰r2,so dsp1acemem and
thne are connccted by the equation

s〓 ⒈5扌 +r2,

When s=22,'satisnes the quadratic equation r2+1.5矽 -ˉ 22=0.Solving this by the

ˉ 5± V1.52-4×
1・ 1× (-22),g呐
quad″ 眈
屺formula(see P1se∝ on4.4),r〓 ng
扌=ˉ 5.5or4.In this rnodel r must be positive,so r〓 4。 The cyclist takes 4seconds
to reach thc bottom ofthe slope.

To Ind how fastshc isthen moVing,you haⅤ c to caIculate v when r〓 4,Since

you now kno、 v Fw, 四,扌 and s,you can use either ofthe formulae involving v.
The algebra is simplcr using v=Jr十 Cr,Which gives

v=1,5+2× 4=95.
The cycⅡ st’ s speed atthe bottoΠ 1of the slope is 9.5rn sˉ

§勰 黼糍艨§邋嬲漪寥瀚淡 ∷
稔洒躐獬要 EXerose1B 鹦嬲蠲搬冁爨躐蠲蠲鞲躐鼹躐髑隅翻捻籀翳∷

1 A poⅡ ce car accelerates from 15rn s^l to 35n1s^】 in 5 secondsˇ The acce1eration is
constant,I11ustrate this with a velocity-time graph,Use the equation v〓 ,f十 曰
'to CalCulate
the acceleration。 Find a1so the distance订 aVeⅡ ed by the car in that tiFne.

2 A marathon competitor m狃 ning at5ms^1 puts on a sprint、 vhen she is 100metres f1・ orn
the住nish,and covers this distance in 16seconds.Assuming that her aCCeleration is
constant,u⒃ the equ血 oll s=告 (〃 十 V)扌 to fnd h。 w fa虻 曲 e泅 mn耐 nb。 as she crosses the
凡nishing line。

l starts to accelerate with constant acceleration,It covers the

3 A train travel1ing at 20n1sˉ
next⒗lometrc h25seconds。 U⒃ the equaton s=;r`+告 四
rz to calculate曲 e acceleraton。
Find a1so how fast the train is1noⅤ ing atthe end ofthis ti1ne,Il1ustrate the motion of the
train with a Ⅴelocity-tirne graph。

How long d。 es the train take to cover thc gⅡ st halflolomcte?

4 A long△ umpertakes a run of30 metres to accelcrate to a speed of10rn s^l fΓ o∏ la

standing start.Find the ti:η e he tE1kes to reach this speed,and hence calculate his
accelera‘ on,111ustrate his run-up with a ve1ocity-thne graph。

5 Starting fronl Fest,an aircraft accelcrates to its take-off speed of60Fn s^! in a distance of
900metres。 Assuming constant acceleration,Ⅱ nd ho、v long the takeˉ off run lasts.Hence
calculate the acceleration,

6 A廿 ain is traⅤ elling at 80ms^l 、

vhen the driver applies the brakes,producing a
deceleration of2n1s^2for 30 seconds.How fast is the train then traⅤ elling,and how far
does it traⅤ el、Vhile the brakes are on?

7 A balloon at a hGight of300m is descending at 10rn s^l and dccelerating at a ratc° f

2,How lOng wⅡ
0,4Fn s・ littake forthe balloon to stop descending,and what、 vnl its height
be then?

1.5 ⒈饪ore equations for constant aCceIeration

All the three foΙ IΙ 丑
uIae in Section1.4invo1ve four ofthe11ve quantities‘ f, rr,r, v and s.
The§ rstleaves out s,the sccond c a扪 d the third v.1tis also uscful to have fo只 vhich
leave out`and;`,and you can fInd these by combining the fomuIae you aIready know。

To flnd a fo"上 Iula which omits扌 ,rcaⅡ ange the foⅡ Iiula v=Jr+四
`to giVe曰 '=v-Bf,so
←凵 .盯 y。 u nou/抛 执““e岫 ns=劣 ⑴+ψ ,” u驷

s=古 m+→ ×
∨ ,

which is2四 s=(J`十 VXV-Jr),The⒒ ght蚯 dc of this is(v+〃 Xv-Ⅱ )=v2-Jr2,so that
⒖nally2涩 s〓 v2-Jr2,or


The nRh f。 rmu】 a,which omits rf,is less useful than the others.Turn the fo"llula
V=lf十 fJf round to get Ⅳ =v-弼 ,Then,substimting this in s=JrF+营 四′ ,you get
s=(v-ε θr+劣 四
mpIiIes to

s=V`-告 ar2.

r∷ 歇∷

∶ J了 v)r ∶1丨 :l宫 :∶∶ v2=Jf2+2夕
扌∷ l∶ ∶
巛 搬 髁 F勰 撼 溅 纛 镞 蕊 搬 犯 勰 搬 颥 螭 貔 摭 ∷

You should learn these formulae,because you w⒒ l use then1frequendy throughout this
mechanlcs course.

The baⅡel of a shotgun is0.9Fn long,and the shot emerges from the muzzle with a
speed of240ms^1.Find the acceleration of the shOt in the bcqrrel,and the1ength of tirne
the shot is in the barrel aftef fIring。

加 onstan'accelem砒 ” ″口碰吖右 ikeW拗 汐e。/,//夕 ″司7扭 ”勿

钅栳矽茁矽ε 00汐 〃 灿∥
'犭 '∥
0me虍冶夕丿γ冶 g臼夕″″勿ε加
Thc shot is initially at rest,sO Jr=0,You arc given that v=240whcn s=0,9,
and you wantto nnd the acce1eration,sO use v2=If2+2四 s.

2402=02十 2× 臼×0,9.

This gIves rJ=∶

You can now use any ofthe Other fo:丫 nulae to ind由 e time.The simplest is
prob蔽 bly v=Jr+夕 F,WhiCh gives 240=0+320O0r,so r=0,0075^

Taking account of the approxhna烛 ons in the model and the data,you can say that
the accelcration of the shot is about30000n1s^2,and that the shotis in the barrel
foF a litde less than one-hundredth of a second,

EXa狃 ple1.5.2
Tho driver of a car travc11ing at96k.p,h。 in∏ 1ist suddenIy sees a stationary bus
2 in the
100metres ahead.VVith the brakes full on,the car can deceIerate at 4n1sˉ
preⅤ aⅡ ing road conditions.Can the driⅤ er stop in tilne?

You knOw f1・ omExanlue1.1,2曲 钺。 沁 %× 晶 ms丬 ,σ 臀 ms-1・ Th泌

弘 ggests w⒒ ting'=罟 铷 d曰 =-ZI h the仍 mula′ ⊥ ′ 十 zrrsto md v when

s==100,No宅 ice that 四 is negative because the car is dece1erating。

When you do伽 %you g⒍ v2=f罗 /-2× 4× 100=-隼 ≠辶犰 s抬 Gleady a

⒒dicuIous answer,since a square cannot be negative。

The reasOn for the absurdity is that the equation only holds so Iong as the Const钍 nt
acceleration nlodel applies。 1n factthe car stops before s feaches the value 100,
and after that it siFnply stays sti11,

To avoid thts,k is be钆 er to begin by substituting only the constants in the

equation,leaving v and s as vaoables。 The equation is then

v2E6硐 0~:s。

s=锷 =氍
掖 找 觜 :培 :黹 l垦 Fλ ∶1孓 廴 t∶ ∶昆f::l置 1fs v=0w跏
This examp1e could be criticised because it assumes曲 at the driver puts the b血 kes on as
soon as he sees the bus,In practice there would be some‘ thinking time’ ,perhaps
⒍3seconds,while tlle driver recqcts。 At罟 msˉ l,the car wOuld trave18me峦
es in this
tirne,so you should add8metres to the distance calculated in the example,You can see
thatthe dr~er will still avod an acodent,but onlyjust.

邈耱嬲鼷鼷鎏蠲鳖襞鲟燠鼷躞嬲箨爨黪璎 EXercise1C 猡躐愚嫒罂饔嬲蛩爨弑饕嗡鄂爨锱鳖理饔圊撂驳燹瞥§嚣嚣紧稷挚骚翟鬻饔贤∴

Interpret e岔 ch ofthe following in teI"Is of the,uotion of a paΓ dcle a1ong a line,and seIect
the appropⅡ ate constant acccleration fo1"IuIa to nnd the ans、 ver.The quantities Br, v, s
and r are all posidve or zero,but四 may be positive or negatiVe.
(a) Jr〓 9,夕 〓4,s=5,ind v (b) Jr=10,v=14,rJ=3,ind s
(c) J`=17,v=11,s〓 56,nnd曰 (d) y〓 =-2,F=5,nnd s

(e) v=20,曰 =l,`=6,ind s (0 ε

r=10,s=65,`=5,扛 nd四
(g) JJ〓 18,v〓 12,J〓 210,Ⅱ nd r (h) Jr=9,ε =4,s〓 35,Bnd r
(i) zr=20,s=Ⅱ 0,`=5,nnd v G) s:93,v〓 42,r==:,§ nd刁
(k) `饣 =24,v=10,彐 =-0,7,§ nd` (1) s〓 35,v=12,夕 〓2,】 nd〃
(1n) v〓 〓
27,s=40,四 =-4吉 ,Ⅱ nd r (n) ε=7,s〓 100,v-Jf〓 20,nnd Jr

l and emerges from it at 55n1sˉ I.The tunnelis

A train goes into a tunnel at 20msˉ
1500n1 1ong,AssuΠ 1ing co血 stant acceleration,伍 nd how long the廿 ain is in the tunne1for,
and the acceleration of the train,

A motor~scooter moves f1om rest with acceleration0.1m sd.Find an expres“ on for its
speed,vms丬 ,aRerit has gone s metres。 mustrate your answer by sketch汛 g an← ,l,l

1 stans t。
A cychst riding at5rn sˉ accelerate,and200metres later she is riding at
7nl s^1.Find her acce】 eration,assumed constant.

A trah tmⅤ elling狨 55msˉ ∶has to reduce speed to35msˉ l to pass thro哪
典 a Junct0n。 If
the deceleration is not to exceed⒍ 6ms^2,how far ahead ofthejunction should the train
begin to sl° w down?

An ocean linerleaves the harbour en峦 anCe travelling at3n1sˉ ∶,and accelerates at
0,04n1sˉ it reaches its cruising speed of15msˉ 1‘
(o HoWf盯 does k钌 aVel in accelerat泗 g to it$cmishg speed?
(b) H° W long does ittake to trave12km frOm the harbour entrance?

7 A downh⒒ l skier crosses the Ⅱnishing line at a speed of30nl s^l and immediately starts to
decelerate at 10n1s^2.There is a banoer50metres beyond the】 hnishing line.

la)Find an expression forthe skier’ s speed when she is s” etres beyond the Ⅱnishing

(b)HoW fast`she travelling when she is40metres beyond the Rnishing line?
c)HoW far short ofthe barier does she come to a stop?

ld)Display an ts,⑺ graph to mus廿 ate曲 e motion。

8 A boy kicks a football up a slope、 ″ith a speed of6n1s^I,The ba1l deceleratcs at

2.How far up the slope does it roll?

9 A cyclist comes to the top of a hill 165metres long饣 aVelⅡ ng at5nl s^l,and free-wheels
do、 vn it with an acceleration of0,8ms^2,WⅡ te expressions for his speed and the distance
he has travelled after扌 seconds,Hence f;nd how long he takes to reach the bottom ofthe
hⅡ l,and how fast he is then traveⅡ ing.

l is 25 metres fro∏
10 A Car甘 aVeuing at 10nl sˉ 1a pedestoan crossing when the trafRc light
changes from green to amber,The light re1η ains at amber for2seconds before it changes to
red.The dΓ iⅤ er has twO choiCes∶ to accclcrate so as to reach the crossing before the light
changes to red,or to try to stop at the light,What is the Ieast acceleration which、 〃ould be
necessary in the伍 rst case,and the least deceleration which would be necessary in the

11A fre螅 ht rain昔 km bngtak唠 ⒛ ⒃conds ω pass a s螅 n川 ・The“ 碰n k dccclσ ad吧

at a cons汪刂⒒rate,and by the tirne the reI〕 1】 :tfuCk has passed the si!:【 nal it is1noving

10kⅡ ometres per hour slower than it、 /as、〃hen the front ofthe train passed the signa1.Find
the dcce1eration in kⅡ ometre-hour units,and the speed at、 vhich the train is rnoving
when曲 e Ⅱar tuck h孙 ju欲 pⅡ sed the∮ gnm。

12 A cheetah is pursuing an impala.The impala is mnning in a straightline at a constant sPeed

】 I butthing,sO that
of16rn sˉ 。 The cheetah is 10rn bchind the impala,running at20msˉ
it is decelerating at l rn s^2,Find an expression for the gap between the cheetah and the
hη pala r seconds latcr,Willthe impala get away?
泶讠湃浴潞$鼹 泔钾嬲箨凇t=浅 拓
筘。:0∷。 奋畏嬲肀
葑 Ⅱ
汾料骈狳、锇箨△苁嚣嚣嬲秽 氓滏坏猃
,昝 窘 冻饿氵唧 |弦∷← 螂 (讠 旁
螂 兮$、 :“∴
∶眢 臼Ⅱ


1.6 R压 ultiostage probIems

Ajoumey can often be broken down hto∞ veral stag明 ,h each of which there is
constant velocity,or constant acceleration or deceleration。 For example,a car rnight
accelerate at different rates in different gea丁 s90r it rnight slow do、 Ⅴn to go through a
village and then spced up ag扯 n,You can analyse situations1ike these by app1ying the
fomulae to ea¢ h stage separately,or you can use a ve1ocity-time grt△ ph.
12 MEcHAN1cs l

A sp⒒ nterin a I00ˉ metre raGe pushes offthe staRing block with a speed of6rn s^1,and
accelerates at a constant rate。 He attains his maximun1speed of10In s^l after4o metres,
and then continues atthat speed for the rest of the race。 What is his time for the vvhole race?

Forthe acceleraung stage you know that ∶ s=40.The equation
s〓=吉 (Jfˉ 卜
v)r gives40==8`,so r==5,

As the remaining60metres are run at a cOnstant speed of10rn s^】 ,you can measure
s and`from the ti1η e when the spⅡ nter reaches his nlaxhnun1speed,and use the

formda s=〃 扌to Ind山 at`=主 =鲤 =6,

Jr 10

So the sprinter takes 5 seconds to accelerate and (:l觜

then a fulther6seconds at rnaximulu speed,a 10
total of ll seconds, 6

Fig,l,9shows the velocity-time gη Ph forthe θ

run,You cou1d use this to刂 Find the tirne,but the
caIcuIation is essentially no difi丨 lerent,

T、 vo stops on a traTnline are 960metres apart.A tra【 n sta吐 s froΠ 1one stop,accelerates
at a constant rate to its rnaxiⅡ llu:u speed of151ns^I,maintains this specd for some ti1ne
and then dccelerates at a constant rate to come to rest atthe other stop.The total time
between the stops is 84seconds.
la)For how many sec° nds does the tram travel atits maximum speed?
(b)If the订 am accelerates at0.5ms~,at what rate does n deCelerate?

You can dra、 V a sing】 e veIOcity-time graph

幻rthe wholejoumey。 This o made
(∏ g,1.1Φ
up of three line scgmcnts∶
the first with positive
radient,the second paraⅡ el to the`-axis,and
the曲 ird wi山 negatiⅤ e gradient。

(a)The re酐 on between the veloc"y-time graph o

and the r-axls has the shape of a订 apez1um,The
area of this tFapcziun1represents the distance Fig,】 ,10

between the two stops.

If the tram travels at its rnaxi1nurll speed for T seconds,this trapeziunl has parallel
sides84and r,height15and area 960。 So

(84十 Γ
莶 )× 15,

2× 960,and r〓
which gives84十 r〓 44.

(b)TO reach a speed of15ms^l from rest with an acceler・ ation of0.5msˉ?铊 kes

sec° nds,which is30 the trarn takes 30 seconds accelerating and


44seconds at rnaxiYnuna speed,and this leaves 10seconds in which to come to

Ⅱst.The deceleration is therefom⊥ 至ms -<z,whch is15ms^《 2。


The扛 ann travGls at its Fnaximun1speed for44seconds,and then decelerates at a

rate of1.5rn sˉ

Example1⒗ 3
妒k truck is traⅤ elling at a constant speed of96k,p.h,The driver of a car,also going at
96k。 p。 h。 ,decidcs to ovc爪 ake it,Thc car accelerates up to 120k.p.h,,then immediately
starts to decelerate undI lts speed11as again dropped to96k,p.h,The whole manoeuⅤ re
takes ha1f a rninutc.Ifthc gap between the car and thc tmck was origina1ly 35metres,
the truck is 10mctrcs long and1hc caf is4metres1ong,what wⅡ I be the gap between
the truck and the car after、 vards?

You are not told the acceleration and deceleration,or when the car reaches its
greatcst speed,so if you try to use aIgebra there飞 Ⅳill be several u∷ nkno、 Ⅴns.It is
much sirnpler to use veIocity-ti1ne graphs.

Fig.1,I1shows the velocity-“ me graphs for V/c1ocity

both the tmck and the car oⅤ erthe halfrninute. (k,p,l、 .)

The distance travelled by the truck is I20

represented by the area of the region bet、 Ⅳeen 9◇

the horizontalline segment AB and the tirneˉ

axis,and the distance traveIled by the car is
Fepresented by the area betwecn the two-pa⒒
graph AΛ 瓦B and the ti1η e-axis,So the
difference in the distances travelled is Fig1.Ⅱ
represented by thc t△ rea of the triangle 'uWB。

TO do the calculation you must use a consistent system of units,and kilometrc-hour

咖 Hn the
∶l丨:∶ :FL嗜 r莒 氵 紧
溉 黯 胛

、 卩护 $袈 砦

Fig.l,12sho、vs the relative positions ofthe Gar and the truck before and aftenv盯 ds.
The front ofthe c盯 was origina1ly 35+10,or45metres behind the front of the
tmck,sO讧 en峦 up(100冖 4sl me贫 es,or55metres in f⒆ nt。 The gap afterwards、
thereforc(55-4)me“ ∝,or51me臼 es.
direction of traveI


翮 :∶ 【

∶ 宀

14 MEcHAN1cs1

1.7 Average velocity

You can if you Iike ornit this section on a且 rst reading,and cOme back to itlater.

The constant犯 celera“ on奶mdas=;(〃 +v)r can be marranged灬

=告 ⑺
扌 十
The fraction on the left,the displacement divided by the tiFne,is called the average
velocitI,。 So whatthis equa刂 on哎 ates、 that,for an o凵 ect m。 哂ng with consmnt
acceleration,the average velocity is equal to vcI。 c⒒ y

the1nean ofthe initial and Ⅱna】 velocities。

Notice also that,in Fig,I。 13,山 e mid¨ point of

the line segment whicb represents the motiom
has Coordinatcs(吉 r,告 (Ⅱ +v・ l),S。

also the velocity Ofthe o丬 ect when halfthe
tirne has passed。 Fig,1.13

扌嬲 泔箔浪摊 :糊 糨

・ tlle ave屮 岫b 蹦叽 畲
⒈ the mean of the initial and nn/al vcl(

∷ ・ 屺℃b咖 wllen Mf岫 ⒅脉pass刨 ˇ

酝挠愚爨骼淄骘 :髑繁拉△J扌 :钭 潞 荡 莒邺 寒§ 嚣 卩瑙 髁
‘ 淄翼 躅 醯

ButI1g.1。 13sho、vs that,if the acceleration is poshive,the area under the graph for the
狂rst ha1f of the period is less than thc area for the second half。 so、vhcn half the ti:⒒ e has
passed,less than half the distance has beeη coⅤ ered.

The idea of average velocity is sometilnes useful in sOlving problems.

A passenger notices that a train covcrs4kn1in 3minutes,and 2k吖 1 in the next
∏1inute,AssuΠ 1ing that the acceleration is constant,Ⅱ nd how fast the train is travelling at
the end ofthe fou⒒h∏ 1inute、

Method1 1n the t阝 t3minutes the averagc veloc“ y is昔 km min丬 ,so

挠、λ 拄

:扌肛丨 ∶


l点 FⅠ

辂玉戛 茹焦艹
TT可鞲 盲∵
∶ ;i∶ t丨 :l∶

F∶ I∶:fl丨 `∶ in, :I蛋

a钆 蚰σ雨 岫出
∷ 吉

器找 穸:瞧 客
u℃ £捋冥 玉扌
so aRer4minutes the Velocity is2吉 km min-1。

卜Ⅰethod2 Suppose thatthe veIocity aftor4rninutes is vkm n∮ nˉ 1,and thatthe

acceleration is四 km minˉ The tain travels6km in the who1e4minutes,and

2km in the last mhute,Using me equaton s=l,r-吉 εr2 for each of these periOds,

6=v× 4-吉 臼×16 and 2=v× 1-吉 曰×l,

giⅤ ing 6〓 4v-8四 and 2〓 =v-告 rJ.

Ehmin甜 hg曰 from these equa11∶ ions,



一 26=12v,


vhich gives

Therefore v=锆 〓2言 .

Tlle trah沁 travelⅡ ng at2告 km mhˉ l,wⅡ cb`130km per hc,ur,atthe end of
the fou⒒ h nninute。

Exercise1D 搏氵

A cyclist travels f1。 om Ato B,a distance of240me臼℃s,H0passes A at12ms^l,

maintains this speed for as Iong as he can,and then brakes so that he comcsto a stop at B。
If the rnaxi丫 nu1n deceleration he can achieVe when braking is 3ms^2,、 vhat is the least thne
in which he can getfrom A to B?

柙 ω wn Bccbu喟 City

9km 7km

The Ⅰgure$hOws a map ofthe railway⒒ ne from AytOwn to City。 The吐 metabIc is based
on the assumption thatthe top speed of a train on this line is60ktn per hour;that it羟 akcs
3Fninutes to reach this speed fron△ rest,and1n1inute to bring the train to a stop,both at a
constant rate;and that at an intel【 IΙ ediate station1Ⅱ⒒nute must be allowed to set down and
pick up passengers。 HOw long mustthe timetable allow forthe wholejoumey

⒁)for trains which don’ t stop at Beeburb。 ,

(b)for trains which do吼 op at Beeburg?

Two villages are900Frletres apa⒒ .A car leaⅤ es the Ⅱr歇 Ⅴnlage travc11ing at15rn s^l and
accelentes哎 告ms^2for30⒃ conds.How甑 st is扯 then订aVeIling,and what曲 stance h灬
it covered in this ti1ne?

The driver no、v sees the next vil1age ahead,and decelerates so as to enter it at15n1s^!,
What constant deceleration is needed to achieve this?How rnuch time doesthe d⒒ ver save
by acce1erating and decelerating,rather than covering the who1e distance at 15111s^1?

A carrounds a bend at10ms冖 l,and曲 en accelerat鸲 at营 ms逆 along a str威 ght stretch of
road,There is ajunctiOn400m from曲 e bend。 When the car怂 100mf1・ om thejuncdon,
the driver brakes and bⅡ ngs the carto re“ at the junction with constant deceleration,Draw
aC,yl箩 aph to illustate the motion ofthe car。 IFind how frastthe caris moving when the
brakes are applied,and the deceleration needed forthe car to stop atthe加 nct∶ on,

A cyclist,travelling with constant acceleration along a straight road,passes three points A,

B and C,where AB〓 BC〓 20m,The speed ofthe cyclist at A is8ms^j and at B is
12ms^l。 Find曲 e speed ofthe cydist狂 C, (oCR)
1,The car rnoves With
As a car passes the point ^on a straight road,汪 s speed is 10n1sˉ
constant acceleration g m s^2 along the road for r seconds u∶ ntⅡ it reaches the point B,
where lts speed is y rn s^I。 The car travels at this speed for a further IO seconds,when it
reaches the point C.Fronl C ittraⅤ cls for a fu⒒ her r seconds with constant acceleration
I atthe pont D。
3舀 m sⅡ untilitreach∝ a speed of20msˉ Sketch the(',v)graph for the
motion,and show that y=1⒉ 5.
Given thatthe distance betWecn A and D is675m,员 nd the values of伤 and r. (OCR)
The1[∶ igum shows the lr,v)graph for
the motion of a cycⅡ st;the graph
l,(m fl)
consists of three straight line segments,
Use the informadon given on the graph
t。 nnd the acceleration ofthe cychst
when `=2 and the total distancc
traVeⅡ ed by the cycⅡ st for0(≤ r|≤ 30.

Without rnaking any detaited 30 r($)

calculations,sketch the disp1acement-
time graph forth诋 moton. (oCR)
A car is waiting at traffic lights、 Ⅳith a van behind it.There is a l metre gap between them.
When the lights turn green,the car acceleratcs at {。 5r11s^2until it reaches a speed of
l;it then proceeds atth|s speed。
15Tn sˉ The Ⅴan does the same,starting、 ⅣhGn the gap
beⅡ ″een the Ⅴehic1es is4metres.
∏nda bmdafor扛 he dstance traⅤ e1led b,/the car h the nrst r s∞ onds(0≤ r≤ 1o),and
hence the thne interval between the car starting and the van starung,Find also the distance
bet、 Ⅳeen the vehicles、 〃hen they are both going at 15msˉ

TwO runners,Ayesha and Fatima,are leading the f1eld in a long-distance race。 They are
both running at 5rn s^I,、 v⒒ h Ayesha 101n bel1ind Fathna.1Vhen Fathua is 501n from the
tape,Ayesha accelerates but Fatima doesn’ t‘ 1Vhatis the least acceleradon Ayesha must
produce to overtake Fatima?

If instead Fati∷ rna accelerates at O.1In s^2uP to the tape,、 vhat is the least acceleration
Ayesha must produce?

A woman stands on the bank of a frozen lake with a dog by hcr side.She skkns a bone
across the ice at a speed of3nl s^I,Thc bone sloxvs do、 vm with deceleration 0.4n1sˉ 2,and
the dog chases it Ⅵoth acce1era⒒ on O。 6111s^2.How far out from the bank doesthe dog
catch up with the bone?

1.When he is100m from the bus stop,the bus pas$es

A man is running for a bus at3Fn sˉ
hi∏ 1gOing at 8ms^1 .1fthe deceleration ofthe bus is constant,at、 vhat constant rate
should the man accelerate so as to an匝 ve atthe bus stop atthe same instant as the bus?

100)A甘 ain traveIs from a station P t0曲 e v(msˉ I)

neXt station口 ,arrIⅤ ing at o exacdy
5minutes after lea说 ng P.The lr,v) 20
graph for the trah’ sjoumey is 10
approx加 uated by three s订 aight Iine
segments,as shown in the ftgure、 300 r(s)

C)Write down曲 e aCCeleraton of

the trah duⅡ ng the:rst minute ofthejoumey,

Ci)Find the distance fI・ om Pto口 .

(b) On one° ccason,when the订ack is bong rep破 red,the tr狨 n“ res“ cted to a ma疝 mum
speed of IO m s^l for the2000m length oftrack、 冖ng midway betweon P and o,
The train aIways accelerates and decelerates at the rate shown in the11gure,Whcn not
accelerating° r decelerating or丁 noVing at the restricted speed of IO rn s^1,the订 ain
“avels at30msˉ lˇ
sketCh the lr,l,l graph for the train’ sj。 umeyfrom P to o when
the speed res们 0Ction is in forcc,and hence刂 陌nd how Iong the train takes to traVel from
P to@on this occasion.
(c) The second Rgure shOws the(r,v)
graph foΓ the trahl accelerating from v(m「 1)
rest up t° a nlaximunl speed of ˇ
yms-I and Ehen immediately
dece】 eraung t。 a speed of 10nl s^1.
The acce1eration and deceler蚰 on
have the same value as shown in the o
fIrst丘 gure,Show that the distance
travelledis ey2~1oo)me贫 es。

Deter豇 Ⅱne whether the train in(b)c° uld,by oxcccding the no▲ lΙ Ial speed of30ms^I when
possible,make up the time lost due to曲 e speed re哎 riction when trave11ing from P to o.
A“ ume that the acceler/qtion and deceleraton must rem碱 n as before. (oCR)
11 If a ball is placed on a straight sIoping track and then released frona re$t,the distanccs that
it rnoves in successiⅤ e equal inteΓ vals of time a“ :found to be in the ratio1∶ 3∶ 5∶ 7∶ ¨‘

Show that this is conslstent with the theory that the ba1lr° lls down the订 aCk Wid1c° nstant
acceleraσ on.
犴瑁滠潆贽遘溶抄凇笛缀 浪呛器夥黢 常滂犭$掭 嚣捞畿鼗裰嚣邕豁$槲 皴 .淼 准 各甚薯督 虫岔芯蚤
忿 $氵器钿岔辟℃渗睽圣豁 癸螂 蕊絷恋滋裰邴 螂 氵杉饣羝踽 ˇ琮☆瓷铥辍邗、



This c inLoduces the idea of force,and shows how forces affectthe motion of an
o丬 ect.When you have completed k,you should

● understand Newton’ sf1rstlaw of motion

● knOw some differenttypes of force
● know and be able to apply Newton’ s second hw to“ mple examples of objects mo呐 鸭
h ast耐 ght he
● understand the idea ofequⅡ ibnum。

2.1 NeWton’ s rrstlaw

Chapter⒈ showed how you cm us⒍ mathematics to&敬 d∞ how oo卜 G‘ move.The
Englkh sc⒗ ntist Isaac Newton(1643-1727)went on from山 ere to臼 γ to ansWer the
question‘ How can mathem/at妃 s be used to expl西 n why o凵 ects move in曲 e way山 ey
do?’ In his book Prj″ c忉 泗,he put ho indings h曲 e fom of dreelaws,calIed
Newton’ slaws of motioⅡ .It沁 a remarkable fact由 atthe whoIe of mechanics results
fIom appIying these three laws in曲 fferent situa仗 ons。

In1977the lJnited states launched the Voy曰 8纟 r space probe to send back pictures ofthe
outer planets σFthe solar systeη n and their moons。 By clever thning and prograrnming it
was possible for yoy四 g纟 r to pass dose to Jupiter,Satum,Uranus and Neptune in tum。
Then it headed outinto space,ge“ ing further and f、 ⒒her frorn the sun。 By now the
effect of the sun’ s attraction is almost negligible,and the probe continues to订 aVel into
outer space with constant velocity.

This is an hstance of what、 calIed‘ Newton’ s£ rst law’ ,aIthough h factthis law was
already known to Ga⒒ leo,who died in the year山 at Newton was bom.

∷ NewtoⅡ 、Ⅱrst law Every o凵 ect rem瓦 ns in a state of rest or of u血 fo【 .II

∶mm。 nhas△ ai吵 tline unless forces act on it∞ change th哎 state.

It is dif巳 cultto demonstrate this law on or near the eE1Jr11h’ s surface

e1kmnate all the forces。 Many inventors have订 忆dto make a

machine,but none has sucCeeded。

But you can Fnake some approx血 a吐ons。 When 郦

you are:△ dhg a bicycle on aleve1path and
stan to free~w0eel,you can keep up an almost
Constant velooty for sOTne山 me。 But even扭 ally
you wi11slow down,partly because of砬 r
resistance.Thisis shown in Fig。 2.1,where the
resistance is indicated by an aⅡ ow。 Fig。 2.1
20 MECHANlCs l

Another exa叩 ple is when a stone is sent sIiding di:`⒊ ction

of motion
across the frozen surface of a lake.However
… ‘●●● ●ˇ●●●●●●●●●●●ˉ●
^● 冫

smooth the ice appears,the stone eventua1ly

slows down because of foction bet、 veen the
two surfaces(sec Fig,2.2), Fig.2.2

Wllat Newton’ s血 欲hw states is th缸 ,r an。 叻ect k seell to speed up ta∞ der蚀 Φ σ
slow down(decelerate),there must be some agent causing the change。 Newton called
this agent a force。 Air resistance and foction arc two types of force.

22 Force aⅡ d acceIeration
Newton’ s first law is a purely quahtative statement,that force is the agent、 vhich
prOduces a change in t犰 e veloGity of an o-ject.It says nothing about the size of the
force,or fhe alnount of acceIeration or decelσ ation that it produces,Th扯 is the su钔 ect
of Newton’ s seCond1aW.

Suppose thatthe car you are dⅡ ving mns out of accclcration

petrol witⅡ n“ ght of a岱 lling sFaton。 You may

persuade your passenger to get out and push。
The effect ofthis is shOw∷ n in Fig,2,3,The car
is stationt)L:∶ y ati:irst,and the result ofthe push
is to give the car a velocity,so thatthe car Fig,2.3
acce1Grates,The ngure uses arows to shOw
both the force and the acceleration,、 vhich are in the same direcdon.It is sensibIe to use
one kind of弼 ow for force々 and a different kind of刂 :l1rrow for acceleration,

It is intuiⅡ vely obvious that the harder the push,thc grcatcr thc acceleration ofthe car。
YOu would eXpectthattwo peop1e pushing、 vith equaI foΓ ce、vOuld produce twicG the
acceleration that one person、 vouId achieve alone.This is sum1ualised in the second of
Newton’ s laws ofrnotion,in which he stated that

change ofrnouon is pr。 poⅡ ionaI to the applied force,and in the same direG“ on.

HoweⅤ er,by‘ change of rnotion’ Ne、 vton meant rnore than simply acce1eradon,It takes
much more force to push a limousine than aIVini Ⅵ浊th the same accelcration,because a
li1uousine is rnuch11eavier,So the fu1l statement ofthe law must also take into accountthe
heavhess ofthe o刂 ect b。 ng扯 celerated.Ths^me孙 u1η 冫
d by a quantity c械 led mass.

1n SI the unit of了 nass is the kiIogram,usua1ly rdbbreviated to kg,You wil1be faΠ 1iliar
wi曲 曲is from buying Ⅴ egetables or p° sting parcels,For heavy o丬 ects m is s。 metimes
more convenientto ghe the mass h tOIlneⅡ s,w廴 em1tOnne=1000kg。 For Iight o呖 ects
the mass can bc g卜 en in grams,wheⅡ l gram=榀 kg・ For example,the mass ofa
srnall car is about a tonne,and the Fnass of a dra、 ving pin is about a gram.

The fu11蚁 ・
dtement of Newton’ s second law is thatrhe fOrce acting on an o丬 ect is
prop° Γ
叵onal to the product◇ f its rnass and the accelerauon pr。 duced,Denotin。o the force
by F,the mass ofthe o丬 ect by锕 ,and由 e acceleration by¢ ,theIaw can bc wr泗 en as

an equation

F=cⅢ 四 ,

vhcre c is a constant。

How do you dea1vx/⒒ h the constant c?′ Γhe answeris to use a very neattock,and to
choose the unit of force so that c has the Ⅴalue 1,You can do this because,although
you kno、 v thatin SI the units offnass and acGe1eration are kg and lll s^2respectiⅤ ely,

nothlng has yet been said about the unit of force.

So de伍 ne the unit of force,the newton,as the force needed tO g:ve a mass of1kg an
acceleration of1rll s^2,Then,substituting in the equatiom F=c″ cff,you get

l=c× l× l, giⅤ ing c=1。

Thc abbreⅤ iation for ncwton is N.卢

`newton is approxhRately the force you need to
hold a rnedium-sized apple.Pulling on a toⅥ/1ine,a fit person Fnight be ab1e to exert a
pull of about 200N.

You can now summarise Ne、 1vton’ s seCond lav¢ as a shnplc equation.


M裟 l;∈ Il;∶ 骂甄 cc∶Il∶ ∶

胝孟 jl丿
:;丨 :罗 狨 l;}刁 ;;驾r,扌
∶∷ △I诖Ι
饣父:∷ i∷ ∷I∷ ∶
:Ⅰ 哆茁∷ Ⅱ|`∴ Ι
:1△ 絷 翩 ‘
I镙 :淡 嗯f蕊憷$l嫒 垴
∷ d∷搬 W龆 汾露睽:渖 :

^J9、 `:∶ `撼

Example2⒓ 。
A Car ofFnass 1200kg is Pushed、 vith a forcc of150N.Calculate the acceleration of
e car,and枷 d how lollg k wⅡ l澉 e⒃ 猢ch
山 a speed J1;ms丬 fr。 m rest.

Substituting F=150and,9l=1200in the equa“ on F=rP氵 rr g;ves

I50=1200曰 ,∞ 四=捣 =吉 ・
To Ⅱ
nd the time,use the equaton v=Ⅱ +″ witll谢 =0and“ =营 Th。・ 酊Ⅴ

F扣 汕m喵 崛珑
辍 莒 :t:l∶ I11卜

and the¢ ar takes 12seconds to reaCh a

In the sport of curling,a stone of rnass 18kg is placed on ice and given a push,If this
produces a speed of2ms^l,and the stonc goes30metres before coFning tO rest,
calculate the deceleration,aη d nnd the fricdona1force betwecn the stone and the ice。

You know that:亻 :2 and that v=0when s〓〓30,So use the equat1on
v2=Jf2+2‘s to get0=22+2× 夕×30,、 Ⅳ
htch gives 曰=-b。 =-票廴The
negative value of曰 indicates that it is a decelefation.

In Fig,⒉ 4Fhe friction is shown as
of motion
R ne、Vtons oppos1te to the direct1on of
・ˉ・・ˉ・・¨ ・・ˉ・・・・ˇ¨ ●●●・ˉ・ˉ・●●

饣 ms△ 2
motion.So the equation F〓 抑c takes the
-R=18× ←态),

which gives R=⒈ 2.

The deceleration∶ s去 ms^2,and the
frictional force is l。 2newtons.

23 some other types① f force

〃 ms记
Thcre wouId be other ways of getting the c盯 in
Section2.2to the§ lling station.You rnight stop a
passing car and gct a tow,The forcc accelerating
the car is then provided through the towing rope,
A force hke this is cal1ed a tension,1t is
represented by the forcc r newtons in Fig。 2.5, Fig,2.5

Another possibⅡ ity、vould be to wa1k to the filling

station and buy a can of petro1.The car could theη
rl m sˉ 2
be dI・ iⅤ en to曲 e fllling station,Although the
m° uve f。 rce has its oogin in the engine,the force
Which actually moves the car forwaI。 d is provided
by the grip between the-yres and the road.置 t is

therefore shown by the force D N atroad1evel in

Fig,2,6.This is called the driving force. Fig,2.6

The World’ s Strongest Man has a cable attached to a hamess round his shoulders.The
cable is horizontal,and the other end is attached to a 20tonne truck,The rnan starts to
pull so thatthe tension in the c盔 bIe is 8001刂 。How long wⅡ littakc for the truCk to
mOve1mctrc from rest?

In SI units,the了 nass Ofthe tmck is 20000kg,Ifthe acce1eration is‘ Ⅰ丁

equa伍 on F=`彳 曰 gives

800=20000× 四, so rJ=0.04.

You now wantto snd the time,`seconds,given tha狂 Ⅱ=0and rf=0。 04。

The equation s〓 =IJr+告 伤 £=0⒑ 2r2,So when s=1、


←i赢 =雨 =⒎ ¨ 0⒎

飞e truck willtake just over7secondsto moVe I∷ metre fI・ om fest.


l Exercise2A
The e∷ ngine of a car ofFnass 800kg which is travelling along a straight hoⅡ zontal road,is
producing a dⅡ ving force of1200N。 Assu∏ing thatthere are no forces resisdng the
motion,calcu1ate the acce1eration of the Car.

A van is pu11ing a broken-down car ofrnass1200kg atong a straight hoozontal road。 The
onIy force acting on the car which affects the motion of the car is the tension in the
hoozontaltOwbar,Calculate the accel引 ntion ofthe car when the tension is750N,

For the且 rst stage ofits Fnotion on the runway,before takeˉ off,an aircraft of rnass 2200kg
has a constant acceleration of4.2n1s^2。 CalCulate the magnitude of the force necessary to
provide this acceleration。

A、vater-skieΓ is being tOwed by a Fnotorˉ boat.C;iⅤ en that her acce1eration of0,8了 ns^2 is
proⅤ ided by a force of52N,calculate her Fnass。

A wooden block ofrnass r,B kg is at rest on a table, l。 6metres fro¤ 〕an edge.The bIock is
pul】 ed directly towards the edge by a horizontal stⅡ ng。 The tension in the string has
mag∷ nittldc 0.2rrt N,Calculate the time taken for the block to reach thc edge of the table,

Two chⅡ dfen aFe sliding a box饣 o each other on a frozen lake,The box,of Fl,ass 0.4kg,
l and rcaches the other,、
leaⅤ es one chⅡ d w1th speed5n1sˉ vho is 8m away,after2.5s。
Calculate the decelera吐 on ofthe box,and丘 nd thc focu。 nal fOrce resis旺 ng the motion of
the box,

A particle P of rnass″1kg is tnoving in a straightline、 vith constant deceleration,It passes

point A with speed6nl s^1 and point£ 、 vith speed 3.6n1s^1。 C;iven that the distance
between A and B is 12m,calculate,in terrns of99c9the magnitude of the force resisting
the motion of P,

A man pushes a car、 vith a force of127.5N along a straight horizontal road.He manages
】 l in 12s.Find the mass ofthe Car.
to increase the speed ofthe car from l Fn sˉ to 2.8n1sˉ

l reaches a horizonta1snow neId.It

A runaway sIedge ofrnass IO kg trave1ling at15Fη sˉ

travels in a straightline befom it comes to龙 st.GiVen thatthe force of fIˉ iction“ owing曲 e
sledge down has rnagnitude60N,calcu⒈ 搜e ho、 v far the sledge trave1s in dlc sno、 v ne1d,

10 A hoCkey player hits a stationary ball,of rnass ().2kg,The contact tiIue between the suck
and the bal1is0.I5s and the force exerted on the ba11by the stiGk is 60N.Find the speed
vvith、 vhich the ball lcaves the sdck,

A boy slides a box of rnass2kg across a、 vooden1m。 。r.Thc initiaI speed ofthe box is
8rn s^1and it comes to restin 5m.Calculatc the decclera吐 on ofthc box and find the
friotiona】 force bet、 voen the box and tho f1oor。

12 A boat oftn贫 ss 3000kg,廿 aVelling at a speed of IJ m s^】 ,is brough住 to rest in20s by
water resistance of370N.Find the Ⅴalue of“ ,

1s Ac盯 of mass of1000kg mns out of petol and∞ mes to rest扣 st30mf1・ om a garage,
The caris pushed,with a force of120N,along the hoⅡ zontal road tolvards the garage,
Calculate曲 e acceleration ofthe car and且 es to reach the garage,
Pd the time itt酞

14 A bu11et of rnass0。 12kg is trave11ing horizonta1ly at 150ms^1when it enters a nxed

block of、 vood,Assu∏ ling曲 at the bullet’ s motion rcmains horizonta1and thatthe f° rce
resisting motion has constant rnagnitude l0000N,calculate hov`far the bullet penetrates
the block.

15 Ajet plane ofmass30tonnestouches down with a speed of55ms^l and com∞ t0沌 st
after rnoving for560m in a straight hne on the runway.Assurning that the only forces
stopping the plane are provided by the reverse thrust ofits two engines,and that these
forces are equaI and directed Opposite to the direction of Fno“ on,calcuIate the rnagnitude of
the thrust in each engine。
|蹴 |镞 态泯
廴 黥 谷0△ 牡氵黥 、侔黼 谯艹滚谓蹴 架诏森妖u锣 嬷 :渤 狻辍 器$器 翻骺 ,岔 ・
・↑球↓揉扌群妊涵 戮 △敲t讠 撼 ↓∷ :∶ ,玄 FI“ 法拣 巛暌‖ $蜇 蜘 扌.铮 击啾辎絷锇溜 扌嚣数淋 i∶

2彳 Forces actiⅡ g together

O仅 en there悠 more than one fo£ e acting on an o刂 ect.FOr example,tllhk again abouf
the car being pushed to the nlling station.It takes quite a large force to accelerate the car
upto w川 king spced,as h Example⒉ 2.1.But aRerthat you just Wantto keep it moving
with constant vclocity,

Newton’ s Rrstlaw suggests that nO fOFce is needed to do this,but in practice a small

push is suⅡ required,when the caris1noving there is son1e resistance,which would
slo、v it down ifit、 vere lcft to mn by itself.So the pushcr has to exert enough force to
ba1ance山 e resistance.

This is sho、 vn in Fig.2.7.The push is denoted by oms¨ 2

F newtons,and the resistance by R newtons,
Sincc there主 s no accelcrauon, F=R,`vhich can
be`Ⅳ ritten as

F-R〓 0。 Fig.2,7

The quantity F-R is sometimes caⅡ ed the‘ ∷

net forGc’ on the carin the forwa【 ・
d direction.
You can use the idea of net force to w。 te Newton’ s laws in a more general form,

rest,or rnoⅤ es with


/9J/” ∥ ″夕矽 a抑 溺彻勿″ ′加 砌匆 引夕钊夕 耐铭w功

Ⅳod me曲anj∞.〃 9/9
`/De `se/,ses加
右 刀口′″夕///,F,sρ 〃%″ rne/,er/。 /ce o/,∥ 右刃 吧 △ 栩 〃右 臼 刀 扫 De

勿 equjfb河um∶ 召″ ∥rDe/,e/勿 昭ε右 zeF9曰″〃磁饣 ″虍σ 右 〃v「、
s吖stha`磁矽佬滋≈否 Jre加 ysJ/肋 夕rr,e到纱a,右 加
9qujf勋树um,Do/r/,y昭 砒 /刀 口r Jsua△△


ExamPIe2彳 。
A heavy box ofFnass 32kg has a handle on one side.TwO chⅡ dren try to move it across
the∏ oor。 One pulls horizontally on the handle Ⅵ庄th a forcc of20N,the otller pushes
from the other side ofthe box with a force of25N,butthe box does notFnove.Find the
frictional force resisting thc motion。

Fig.2.8shows the forces on the box iB

diag⒙ mmatic fo【 ェ
I1.(Don’ t tr,,to dmw
the children.)Ifthe n吐 cti。 n盘 l force is
R newtons,the netforce on the box is
(20+25-R)newtons,Since曲 e box Fig,2,8

rcr11ains at rest,

so R=45。

The f蛀 cdona1forcc is 45neⅥ 硝ons.

NOtice that one itern of data,thatthe mass is32kg,is never used in solving忄 lis

example.The fncti。 nal force is the same、 Vhatever the mass of tlle box,so long as tho
box remalns station盯 y,

T、 vo buⅡ ders push a rubbisb sk|p of了 nass 300kg across the ground.They both push
horizonta11y,one whh a force of200N,thc Other、 v⒒ h 240N.⒒ 疫ouon is resisted by a
frictional force of380N,Find the accelcration of the skip,

Fig.2,9shows the forces o且 the skip producing

饣 m「 2
an acceleration of fJ1ns^2.Applying Newton’ s
second lav/,
200+240-380=300四 ,

wh忆 h giⅤ es

60:〓 300rJ, so rr=02.

The accelera旺 on ofthe skip is 0,2ms・
26 MEcHANIcs1

Example2‘ 3
A wagon ofrnass 250kg is pu11od by a hoozontal Cable along a straightleⅤ el廿 aCk
against a resisung f。 rce of150N,The wagon stans fron1rest.After10secOnds it has
covered a distance of60m,Find the tensiOn in the cable.

Ifthe tension in the cable is T ne、 vtons,and the 曰 ms忄

accelemton ofthe wagon沁 夕ms乇 (see∏ g.2,10,, 一

Newton’ s second law gives

Γ-150=250a. 150N

You can’ tf1nd T frorn this equaσ on until you kno、v

iFT:∶ 姆
∵彗 i盅

:另 l肖1:、 尼∶
Ii{∶ when F〓 10.sO

⑽=扣 ×lO0,嘁 ch要 姆s 四=” ・

Substhuting I,2for 臼 in the first equation,

T-150〓 250× 2, I。 so Γ=150+300=450.

The tcnsion in the chb1e is 450newtons.

ng/9/ce力 曰ε汐ea,d臼 仍叼Ξ gmund/e〃 吖 //,

/oJ/协∥ 冖o把e△hat加 £眵 £ /夕 描饣 ℃s△蕊△
白叫 /,/pDpD//夕 m=蛾u渖 四勿 岛汐扫″臼 夕″J夕 炫它腕z汐/助田岛 Dt//加 肋右 e馏 印 加
'右 '矽
/pJ/d″ 7?need拗 kno〃 仂 〃∥右 δ
购 ~

ExamPIe2彳 4
A sma11boat of Fnass 90kg is rnoⅤ ed across a horizontal beach at a steady speed of
2nl s^1.One ofthe crcw pulIs、 〃ith a force of P neⅥ
`tons,the other pushe$with a force
of(P+15)newtons.The fr忆 tonal fOrce resi吼 泗g the moton祗 105newtons.∏ nd P.

The forces犭 re shOwn in Fig。 2.11.There is

no need to show the Ⅴelocity ln the Ⅱgure, of丫 not10n
・・・… ¨ ˉ・・・ˉ● ●●●●o● ¨ ・
^● >
since it doesn’ t come into the equation.
As the boatis111oVing、 vith constant (P+15)N PN
ve1ocity,you knOw from Newton’ s fkst1aw
that the net force is zero,so 啷N
P+(P+15)-105=0, ng.2.ll

This gives2尸 =90,so P=45.

1n sOlving this examp】 e you don’ t use the mass ofthe boat,In prac“ ce,this Fnight we⒒
affcct the size of the frictional force,but since that force is pad ofthe data you have aⅡ
the info^Ι ∶
lauon y。 u ne。 d to apply Newton’ s nrst la、 v。

2.5 The particIe rnodel

In曲 is chapter Newton’ s laws have been appl恫 dto o钔 ects as varous as stones,cars,
boats,boxes,skips aRd space vehicles.These are veγ different in size,but whatthey
have in com∷ mon is that the forces acting。 n them may cause a change in velocity,but do
not makethem Ⅸ义ate.In such casos,the o丬 Cctis being modelled as a par噬 cle。

In Ordin唧 language a particIe is some廿 1ing ve叩

sma11,butthis need not be the case when the、 vord

particle’ is used in a mode11ing sense.1m aⅡ the
examples it、 vould have been sufficient to picture
the situation by a1、 gure such as Fig.2.12,without
trying to draw something thatIooks like the
part妃 ul盯 o丬 ect,

You could eⅤ en describe an o叻 ect such as曲 e ea疵h as a part屺 le,so long as you are only
interested in its rno仗 on through spacc ra曲 er曲 an what makes it spin on its axis。

露 群荔宥饕訾爨蛩扛
§爨鹚瞰巡 EXerCise2B 鹬 簿诹嘤蓄¥U獾 拶嘤辋 爨
躞 1浮 苒
嚣F漤 ↑ :

1 Three1nen are trying tO【 nove a skip。 T、 vo ofthe1nen are pushing horizontaⅡ y、 vith fOrces
of rnagnitude 120N and I50N and one nlan is pulIing with a horizontal force of
magn加ude X N.The focσ onal force msisting the motion is385N.Given thatthc skip
does not move,⒔ nd the value of X.

2 A boy is pushing one side ofa box,oflnass r9f kg,with a force of25N.His sister is
pushing from the oppos⒒ e skk;Ofthe box、 Ⅳith a force of13N,The box does not丁 n0Ve.
GiⅤ en that由 e仔 忆“onal force姆 “sting the motion has magni如 de3「 /JN,c/alculate the
The boy now pushes with an increased force of35N,Assuming th・
value of`乃 。 at the
fricuonal foFcc remains as bcfore,show that the box accelerates at 2,5nl s^2。

3 A motorcyc⒈ st rnoves with an acceleration of5n1s^2along a honz。 ntal road against a

t。 tal resistance of120N,The total Fnass of the【 △der and the motorCycle is 400kg。 F△ nd
the driving fOrce proⅤ ided by the engine.

4 A car of丁 nass 1200kg is rnoving xvith a constant speed of20ms^l in a hoⅡ zontaI straight
tine,against a resisting forcG of300N。 VVhat driⅤ ing force is being provided to sustain this
mo“ on?Thc driⅤ er spccds up uniformly over the ncxt 30s to reach a speed of30n1s^l。
AssuΠ ⒒ng that the resisttng force remains at 300N,calculate the extra d呐 ving force

5 A studcntis dragging a luggage trunk of rnass85kg along a corodor vl/ith an accelera住 on

of0.18nl sˉ The honzontal force宅 he student exe戚 s is 180N.Find the frictionaI forcc
bet、 Ⅳeen the11oOr and the trunk,

6 A boyi$pushing,hoozOntany,ab。 x of old newspapers Qf rnass8kg alOng a straight path,

盘gainst a frictlonal force Of I6N。 CaIcu1ate the force with which the boy is pushing when
hG1s Illov【 ng

(a) With constant speed, (b) wicll a con洗 ant acceleration of1.2ms9.

7 A par旺 c1e of丁 nass 5kg is pu;led,、vith constant$peed,along a rough suσ ace by a
hOrizontal fo∞ e of1magnitude 45N.Calculate the magnitudc of the fric“ onal force,
Assur11ing that this force remains constant,。 alCulate dle acceleration of the particle when
the rnagnitude of the horizontal force is increased to 55N,

8 A watef-skier of rnass 80kg is to、 ved oⅤ er a straight100-metrc nln of Water,The tension

in the horizontal to、 vhne is constant and of rnagnitude 300N.The resistaRce to Fnotion of
thc skicr has rnagnitude 1401Ⅺ .Cliven that the skier t众 kcs6.8seconds to comp1ete the mn,
calcuIate her speed at the stalt ofthe run.

9 A raⅡ 、
Ⅴay engine。 f rnass 5000kg is rnoⅤ ing at0,25了ns^l、 vhen it str∶ kes the buffers in a

siding.GiⅤ en that the cngine is brought to晦 st in 0,4s,啦 nd the force,assumed cOnstant,
exerted on the engine by the buffers.

1θ A bargc ofrnass 2× lO5kg is being towed,with a force of2.5× 104N,in a straight line
、vith an acceleration of0,06msˉ CalGulate the ma8nitude of the resisting force proⅤ ided
by the water.

11 A particle of rnass 2.5kg is pulled along a horizontal surface by a s臼 沌ng paraⅡ el to the
su1faGe Ⅵ戍th an accelcration Qf2.7Fn s^2,Given that the frictional force resisting motion
has rnagnitude 4N,caIculatc the tension in the s订 ing.At thc instant that the particIe is
moving with speed3ms・ ,the string breaks。 calculate how much further the particlc
moves before colning to rest.

12 Ata pa⒒ icular instant a river boat,which is driven by a force of rnagnitude5400N,is

acceierating at 1。 6n1s^2against a resistance of 1200N。 Ca1culate the mass ofthe boat。

13 A po浓 er is pushing a hGaⅤ y crate of Fnass '彳 kb。 along a horizontal noor with a horizontal
force of180N.The resistance to motion has rnagnitude 3凡 r newt° ns,C;iven that thc
acceIeration of the crate is0.45nl s^2,丘 nd the value of山 f.

14 A motor-boat of rnass 8tonnes i$travelling a1ong a straight course with a constant speed。 f
28km hˉ The constant force doving the boat forw盯 d has rnagnitude7801叮 .Find the
force resisting motion,assumed constant,The engine is nov`shut off,Calculate,to the
netarest second,the thne ittakcs the1notor-boat to stop,assuFning that the resistance
ren1ains the same as before。

15 0ne horse pu11s,、 ˇ

ith a force of X N,a cFart of rnass 800kg along a horizontal road at
Constant speed,Threc horses,each pulling with a force of X N,give the cart an
acceler妯 on of0.8111s^2.Find the titne it、 vould take two horses to increase the speed of
l to 5rn s^l,given that each horse puHs
the cart from 2msˉ Ⅵ N,and that
dle resistanCe to motion has the same constant ^th a force of X∷
Ⅴalue at allti1ues,

槲 蹿嘤器卩 嗡洋嚣谐
弘 bΙ isceⅡ aneous exercise2 滋槲 嚣琵樊濯察糍
贯 i逻

1 A car of rnass 850kg is了 n0Ving,Ⅵ /ith an acceleration of1.4fn s^2,along a staight
horizontal road,The engine ofthe car produces a total forward force of rnagnitude
X newtons and there is a hoⅡ zontal∞ s“ ting force of【 laagnitude450N.∏ nd X。 (OCR)

A toy car of mass″ ,kg is pulled along a horizontal playground by a horizontal string.The
tension in the string has Fnagnitude4,5r,l N and the fricuonal f° rce resisting the motion has
magnitude 4″ 7N。 How long doesitt舳 forthe Garto move 30m frorn rest?

At a particu1ar instant the engine of a rnotor-boat of丫 nass 2300kg is producing a doving
1.Find the magnitude of
force of rnag∷ nitude 6000N and the boatis acceIeradng at 2msˉ
the force opposing the motion ofthe boat,

A child is puIling a toy anirnal of rnass l。 8kg,with constant speed0,6msˉ 1,along a

hoⅡ zonta1path by means of a horizontal string,She then increases the pu11ing force by
0.36N,Ca1culate the th⒒e taken forthe toy to move 161n,from the instant that the
pulling forcc is increased,giⅤ en that the resistance to Fnouon remains constant throughout
the whole rno“ on,

Three1nen,each proⅤ iding a hoozontal force of250】 、,cannotrnove a skip of rnass

280kg.Find the Fnagnitude of the frictional force opposing the mOtion,When a fourth
man pushes with a horizontal of force 300N,the skip moⅤ cs、 vith aCce1eration of
2,Flnd the force∷
O.4了 nsˉ resisting the mouon in this case,

A laundry baskct,、vhich is initially at Fest otl a hoozontal surface,is pul1ed aIong the
su町ace Ⅵ沔th a ho“ zontal forcc of rnagnitude 6N for8seconds.Atthe end ofthe period
the speed ofthe basket is 2.4nl s^l。 Assumtng thatthe sudace may be modcllcd as
frictionless.色 nd the mass ofthe basket。

At、 vin-engined aircraft of rnass 12000kg is臼 ying leveI at a steady speed of75nl s^I,
against air re$istance of Fnagnitude9000N.Ca1culate the thrust provided by each engine,

A laFge box,of totaI rnass 45kg、 is being1ransported on the goor of a van.The box Ⅵ泗
begiu to slip if a force of rnore than 90N is applied to it.When the van is travelling at "
12nl s^l the driver brakes unifor1nly untⅡ the van comes to restin a distance of35m.
Doesthe box sⅡ p?

The total Tnass of a cycⅡ s仓 and his bicyc1e is lO0kg.1Ie is traⅤ el】 ing along a straight
horizontal road wi钅h speed 15nl sˉ 、
Vhen he stops peda11ing and free-wheels until coⅡ Ⅱng
to Festin l rninute.Ca1culate the deceleration of the cyc⒒ st and nnd the f。 rcc rcsisting
motion m“ uming th抵 to be constant).

1θ VVhen a ⅡⅡssile launcher of rnass2000kg f1res a rnissⅡ e horizontally,the launcher recoils

hoozontal丨 y、 vith an i∷ niual spced of3rn s^1.Find thc rninhnunl force,assumed constant,
that needs to be app1ied to the】 auncher to b⒒ ng it to rest Within2m,


on a pa沌 cularjoumey the resistance to moton of a car of m孙 s1000kg is propoⅢ onalto

its specd.The car is traⅤ elling at a constant speed of15ms^l with a driving force of
870Nˇ The driving forcc is instantaneous【 y increased to 1200N。
(⒆ Find the instantaneous acceleration prOduced。

lb)Find the resistance to motion and the acceleration when the caris moving at20ms^【 .

12 A van ofrnass 800kg,moⅤ ing in a straight line Edong a ho⒒ zontal road,is brought to rest
in5seconds from a speed of12msˉ 1.Ghen that there“ a constant re“ sthg force of

magnitude 2001Ⅺ ,饿 nd the braklng forcc,assumed constant.
30 MEcHANICs l

13 A pa⒒ icle of rnass 2kg is acted upon by a horizontal force of Fnagnitude 10N for
8seconds,in、 〃hich t虹 ue itFnoves from rest untilitis travelⅡ ng wkh speed v了 nsˉ
that v=40.The particle continues to move with this speed for the next10secOnds,
It is then broughtto rest by the appⅡ cation of a constant resisting force of了 nagnitude
X newtons.The tota1distance trave1led is800m.Find the ti1ue for、 vhich the particle is

deceleraung,and the va1ue of X,

∶芨 i:F氮 %1岁 T找 埘逼℃
曲c ⒛
slows doWn uniformly fron1a speed of
20n1s^l to1⒑ st in 4s,The car is FnoⅤ ing
on a stra【 ght level road。

⑻:瑟 器带:衷 l找 峨 o
趑 t饨

(b)Sketch a(r,→ graph forthe motion ofthe car when the braking forCc applied is
initially less than the value c时 Gu1ated in part(a)butincreases in magnitude as the car
sIows down。 Assume曲 at the initial speed oftlle caF and the time fOr the carto stop are
the same as before, (OCR)

15 Pat and Nicholas are controlling the rnovement of a canal barge by rneans of】 ong ropes
attached to each end,The tension in the ropes rnay be assumed to be horizontal and para11eI
to the linG and direction ofrnotion of the barge,as shown in the diagrams。



The mass ofthe barge is I2tonnes and the total Fesistance to forWard motion may be taken
to be 250N atal1thnes,
1nitkdly P酞 pulls tbc barge forwards from mst with a force of400N and Nicholas leaⅤ es
his rope slack.

(a, W“ Fe down the equaton of mouon RⅪ the ba售 c and hence calculate ks acceleraton。
Pat continucs to pull、vith the same forCe untⅡ the barge has rnoved10m.

(b)u/llat招 the speed ofthe barge at曲 istime and for whatlen。。
th oftime dd Pat pul1?

Pat now lets her rope go slack and Nicho【 as brings the barge to rest by pulling with a
Constant force of 150N.
(c, Calculate
(◆ how l° ng ittakes the barge to comc to rest,
Gi)the total dstance圩 aVelled by the barge from when廴 srst moⅤ ed,

CiD the total刂 me taken fOrthe moton. (ME1,adapted,

l备 摒 髁 鹚麟 淄 嚣 蛰晡 勰 潜 饔 獬 t贽 缈 佘
璐搀 猢 ∷ 螂 找 N嗡 您嬲 岔黯 钿 噙:勰 蠲 嬲 撼蛩 憨 麟 嚣 呛髋 洳 摁 掇 黯 勰 蛾稔畿 薄勰躐繁攥戆黻嚣崽籀糠受
鹅 勰 嬲 灏勰 ∷

This乩 击ter∞ ntinues the ωpic of force and motion,and appl忆 s Newton’ s laws to
o丬 ects mo呐ng h a veⅢ calline,When you have completed it,you should

● know that,f there o no aL resistance,o凵 ects faIl with constant acceler钊 吐on g
● know the meaning of weight,and be able to d“ tinguish weight from mass
● know that an o丬 ect of mass昭 has w⒍ ght羽 g
● be able to write equations for rnotion and equiubrium廴 la ve口 【cal direction
● understand the noΙ Ial Contact force

● undeI・ stand the function。 f scales and balances for了 neasuong mass.

3.1 Accdera刂 on due to gra¢ ty

Newton wrote,‘ If I have seen further than other rnen itis because I stood on the
shoulders of g炯 nts.’ 】
Ⅵostimpo戚 ant of these giants was Galileo(156午 -I642)。

By combining experimenta】 observation With mathematical盯 gument Galileo showed曲 at,

when an o凵 ect is dropped,加 falls with constant acceleraton。 TⅡ s now seems a very simple
idea,but atthe time it was so nove1that GaⅡ 1eo only published it near the end of his life.

other experhncnts compared the motion of spheres of difFerent Fnasses,When these

were dropped from a hoght,they took the same ume t。 fall;and if swung° n ast五 ng
lke a penduhm they kepttime with each other。 From th、 △follows that alI o丬 ec“ fa11
with the same constant acceleration.This assumes that air resistance is neglected。

AⅡ d叻 ects,whcn dropped,fa1ltowardsthe eadh h a ve⒒ kal hne with

the same constant acceleration,provided that there is no air resistance。

This acceleration is ca11ed the aCCelera如 u due to gravity,and itis always denoted by
曲e Ietter⒏ Ano曲 er name foritis the acceleration oF Free faⅡ .

Butthe value of g is not quite山 e same ata11points on the ea口吐 s surface。 This is because

the eaRh is not a perfect sphere,and because it spins on its axis。 The acceleration is about
9.781ns^2at points on the equator and 9.83了 ns^2atthe p。 les,It also varles a litde with
heigh△ atthe top of Mount Everestitis曲 out去 %less than at sea level。 But everywhere on
earth its value沁 9.8ms^2,correct to2s硇 卩iⅡ cant flgures.

If you only want a good estimate to an answer,h is often suffncient to use the si:npler Ⅴalue
10ms^2for g.TⅡ sis” e value used h this book。 However,you need to understand thatif
answe灬 b灬 ed on由 ~due are鲈 ven ω 2σ 3s螅 “伍caⅡ n胛 ms,s。 me of山 eg。。ures诫 11

|ves setting up a mathemat忆 al modelto

Dduces some h mostcases
wnl make your solutions too inaccurate.
32 MECHANlcs1

3, 、
If an o丬 ect has an acCeleration,then Newton’ s∞ cond law lSection⒉ 2)states that山 ere

s a force、 vhich causes1t。

For an o叻 ect fa11ing with acceleraton g,thak force must aCt ⅤerdcaIly downwards,R is
a force of attracton on曲 eo呖 ect from the earth,catled the force of gra呐 ty。 FOr a
pa⒒ 忆L】 lar o△ ect it is called the‘ weight’ ofthe o凵 ect.

Fig.3.1is a fo∞ e-acceleration dagram for a n姒 ling o划 ect,R shows

an o丬 ect of mass rrI kg,with an accelemtion of10ms’ .Let the
I0∶ 卩

woght ofthe o叻 ect be Vy newtons,Then,by Newton’ s second law,

W=J,a× 10,or10刀 Ⅰ .


Determine the weight of
◇D atable of mass42kg, b)a car° f mass1tonne,
【 (c,a sack of mass151b.

(a)Taking g as【 0ms礻 ,the woghtis approximately42× IO N=420N.

(b) 1tonne钅 1000kg,So the weightis approxi:n献 ely 1o00× 10N=10000N.Υ ou
can,if you lke,write th诋 as10kⅡonewtons;a kilonewton(kN)is1000newtons.

⑹ l螭 “ 叩卩0x血 ady2.2b,∞ 15b k appro灯 Fnatdy毙 魄 =6⒙ ・


weight is therefore approximately 6.8× 10N=68N。

Units such as the tonne and the kilOnewton犭We ca11ed‘ supplementary’ SI units,tO
distingulsh then1from‘ basic’ SI units such as the kiIograΠ 1and the neⅥ /ton。

An1ηJured sailor is being、 vinched up tO a rescue
hel|Gopter,The lmass ofthe sai1or is55kg.Find the
tension in the cable、 vhen the saⅡ or is being raised
(a) at a steady speed of4丫 ns^1,
fb)with an acceleraton of0,8msˉ


The two forces acting on the saⅡ or(see Fig3.2)are his weight and thc tension
r N in the cable,The weight is approximately55× 10N,° r550N,

o)Asthe s耐 Ior o mo哂 ng at a steady speed his acceIeraton檑 zero,so the fOrces
are in equi1ibrium.That is,T-550=0,or r=55o。

The tension in the cable is approxhnately550newtons,

(b)The acceIeraton is nOw0,8ms~,so by Newton’ s second laW,

T-550=55× 0.8,which gives T=594.

The tension in the cable is 590newtons,to2signiⅡ cant Ⅱgures。

1f you are、 vorking algebraically,then you don’ t need

to substitute a numeⅡ cal Ⅴalue for g。 FIg,3.3is a
modi§ ed ver“ on of F辶 卜3.1.Itshows an o丬 ect° f
mass,9,,fcalling with acceleration g.Letthe weight
ofthe o1冫 ject be W。 (NoticC that no units have been
stated。 You ca11use any units you likc,provided that
they are cons`tent.)Then,by Newton’ s second law,

W=r99× g,orjust r,98.


∶ 〖

章 I$il∶ iI{l∶ i〔
A pulley system is used to lift a heavy crate。 There are six verdcal sections of rope,each
having tension r,and the crate has an up、 vard acceleradon 夕。Find me mass。 f the
sof r,曰 and g.
crate,expressing your answer in teΙ 川天

Denote the tnass ofthe crate by J,讠 ,The forces and tbe 6× Γ
acccleradon are showh in Fig,3.4.The net force
upwards on the cont碱 ner is6r-w,where W=`9ag,
So,by Newton’ s second law,

6r~`PJg=″ :g。

which妒 ves阴 =里 .

34 MEcHAN1cs l

Examp】 e3.2⒕
Machine叩 of total rnass280kg is being lowered to the botton1of a rnine by Ineans oft、 vo
ropes attached to a cage of rllass20kg。 For the Ⅱrst 3seconds of the descent,the tension
in each rope is 900N.Then for a further 16seconds,the tension in each rope is 150ON。
For the1hna1 8seconds,the tension in each rope is 1725N,Find the depth ofthe Ⅱ1ine。

The mass ofthe combined machinery and cage is 300kg,so its weight is
300× 10∷ N,which is3000N,The forces are shown in Fig。 3.5.

The descentis in three stages and you can Ind the

acceleration of the Gage during each stage by using
Newton’ s second law,

stage1 四 msˉ 2↓

W\th r=9oo,3000-2× 900=300△ ,giving四 =4。

with r=15oo,3000-2× 1500=300c,giving σ=0,

With r=1725,3000-2× 1725=300夕 ,giving曰 =-l,5。

The descentis represented by the

Ⅴelocity-umc graph sho、 vn in Fig.3,6. 瑁扌丫!2

During stage l the acceleration is

4n1sˉ vhich means thatthe speed
rcaGhed after3scconds is 12rn sˉ
You can now⒒ nd the distance traVe1led
by GalGulating the area of the region
under the graph. o 3 19 27
Time“ )
This region has a饣 apezium shape,with
parallel sides of27and16,and⒒ eight 12,So tlle area is吉 (27十 1① ×12=258.
The depth Ofthe mine is about260m,

磁曜翮嬲黝籀蠲鲟鹱骣爨搠镩F蠲 麟稷弪狨 : EXerCise3A 鼯濠镞撺搏懒麒S食 镞瀵磊群辘百蚤

铽澍 鹫F

Find the weight of

(a, a baby of mass3kg, (b) ac0n of mass10grams, o)at⒑ e of ma$800kg.

A piece ofluggage weighs170N.Find its mass,


A cra扭 e is lifting a load of rnass 350kg。 The tension in the cab1e as the load is lifted is
4200N.Calcu【 ate the acceleration of thc load。

A lift bringing Flliners to the suHoce of a Ⅱ“ne shaftis rnoving Ⅵ减th an acceleration of
1.2n1s^2,The tot众 l rnass of the cage and the rniners is 1600kg.I`nd the tension in the
lift cable。
CHA旺 R3∶ VERT【 cA△ 加IoTIoN 35

The total Fnass of a hot-air ba1loon,occupants and ballast is 1300kg.Whatis the upthmst
on the bal1oon when itis traveIⅡ ng ver匚calIy upwards with constant velocity?广 rhe
occupants nOw release50kg ofba1last.AssuΠ ling no air resistance,伍 nd the immediate
accelerauon。 f the balloon。 (fΓ he upthrustis the upward buoyancy force,which does not
change when the ballastis thrown out,)

A steeI ball of rnass l。 8kg is dropping veΓ ticaⅡ y through water、vith an acceIeration of
5.6n1s^2.Find the magnitude ofthe force resisting the moJOn ofthe ba1l.

1n a siFnuIation of a spacecraft’ s lift-off an astronaut of rnass 85kg cxperiences a constant

force of7000N from the seat.Calculate the acceleration of the as廿 onautin the si1uulation.

A boy ofrnass 45kg is stranded on a beach as the dde comes in.A rescuer of Fnass 75kg
is lowered do、 vn,by rope,from the top ofthc cl“ r.They are raised together,initially Ⅵ注th a
2,Find thc tension in the rope for this stage ofthe ascent.
constant acceleration of0.6rll sˉ

As they near the top ofthe cliff,the tension in the rope is 1020N and they arc moving Ⅵ汀th
a Constant deceleradon,Calculate the magnitude of this deceleration^

The Fnaxi1num load that a lift of rnass 600kg can hold is 450kg。 Find the tension in the
cable when the lifEis holding a1uaxi1uum load and thc liftis moving

αD uPW盯 ds with an acceleraton of0.2ms逆 , (b, at a constallt speed of3ms^l,

0) downwards with an acceleraton of02msˉ ,

(d) dOWnwards with a deceleration of0.2ms9

1θ Thc tension in the Ⅴertical cable of a crane is 1250N when itis raising a girder with
constant speed.Calculate the tension in the cablc when it is raising the girder、 vith an
2,assuming no air resistance,
acceleration of0,2n1s・

A ba1loon of totaI Fnass 840kg is Ⅱsing Ⅴe而 cally with constant speed。 As a result of
2.CalcuIate the
rcleasing some ballast,the balIoon immediately accelerates at 0。 5msˉ

mass of ballast released,

12 The resisting force, 尺N,eXperienced by a p盯 aChutist traⅤ elling with speed v n1s^l饿 ay
be mode11ed as R=135v,ItFnay be assumcd thatthe p征 achu吐 st rnoⅤ es Ver⒍ ca1ly
down、 vards at aIl tirxles.Atthe instantthat shc is moⅤ ing with a speed of8ms^l she has a
deceleraσ ou of2rn s^2.Find her rnass.The speed of the parachutist continues to drop until
it reaches a constant vt△ lue αh。 terrninal speed);岱 nd this speed.

13 A stone ofrnass O.I kg drops ve茁 ically into a Iake,with an entry speed of15nl sˉ l,and
sinks a distance of【 8me订 es in2seconds.Find the rcsisting force,assumed constant,
acting on the stone.

14 户k bucket of rnass4kg is being lowered do、 vn a、 ″e11at constant speed.Find the tension in
the lowering rope.When fI11ed、 vith、vater,the bucket is raised、 vith a constant accclcration
of0.8ms^2for Part of the ascent,Thc tension in dae rope in d1is stage is 216N.Calculate
the rnass of waterin the bucket,

A load of丁 nass 办f is raised Ⅵoth constant acceleration,from rest,by a rope.The load
reaches a specd of v in a distance of s,The tension in thc rope is r,Find an expression
for s in ter1ns of丿
`,T,v and g。

16 A container of total Fnass 200kg is being loaded on to a c征 go ship by using a pu11ey

syste∏ 1,sirnⅡ ar to that used in Example3.2.3,but with only two verdcal sec“ ons ofrope,In
this operation the container is lifted ve口 吐caⅡ y offthe ground to a height of幻 rne峦 es。 For
the⒔rst3seconds ofthe ascent the tension in each cable is1200N,For the next second it
traVels at constant speed.FOrthe sna16seconds,before it comes to rest,the tension in cach
rope is Γ N,Find the values of勿 and T。

17 A load of weight 7kN is being raised frorn rest、 Vith constant aCceleration by a cable.
After the load has been raised 20metres,the cable suddenly becomes slack,The1oad
continues upwa刂 s for a distance of41uetres before coΠ ling to instantaneous rest.
Assurning no air resistance,snd thc tension in the cable before it became slack.
犴j∶ 赞‘W冫 畚携
饣苫谙丬 留卩翠器:恋黥潴嚣$蛩 群帑 E渌F茹 衤 繁露渖 猢0锣 氵冫丫r%氵 :蛩 氵△找 浙 俾氵烹 甓 讠“
》冫移:$拶蛩溉器钭嬲曦 蛩聪 涤脔晒摞唧锣甘嚣娶 $黟 踺 罂饣 群 :谛留℃饣 i

33 Normal contact force

A radio is placed on a table(Fig.3.7),Why doesn’ t it fa1l


The obⅤ ious answeris‘ because thc table is there’ ,But

mechanics requires an explanation in tems of forces。 Since
Fig。 3.7
the radio doesn’ t rnove,the net force on it rnust be zeFo.

You already knoⅥ /one force acdng on the radio,its weight.

So ifthe net foI・ ce is zero,there1uust be a second force,

vith the same magnitude as the weight but acting upwards,
This force co∏ 1es from the contact between the radio and

the table.It is called the‘ nomal contact force’ 。This is


shown in Fig。 3,8,

The wOrd‘ normar is used in the same sense as for a graph,

vhcre the noェ 1IIal is the line at right angles to the tangent.

The direction of the contract force is at⒒ ght angles to the

regiOn over which the table and the radio are in contact, ∏g.3,8

瀛 鬣弪 饔鬏
辘腽黢齄醢瘿鹆鎏鑫鑫鹆鑫鑫瘿蕊黢鹆 羹

The noI【 Ilal contact force is somedmes ca1led the nornnaI reaction,

When an o凵 ect of ma$四 rests on a ho⒒ zontal surface,as

in Fig。 3.9,the two forces on it are its weight,9tg and the
normal contact force j;∶ ,which acts verdcally upwards.
These forces are in equilibⅡ um,so R=J99g.
Fig。 3,9

〃 NoE//J汐 e″庀矽厂扫 ∞ Jfthe/,r,/Ja/c,r,匕 C扌 勋钅eⅣ rDe/r/-,/,R.Jz//乃 沼夕右 oFe/,

咖 加 /,e№ns,刀 ∥ ∥购 u扌d力 ε狎 钿 ard扫 昭 饴 Ⅳ N.//9昭 昭 钅 fy0uere砌
gebrˉGprob△em夕砌 幼 扔 eε″?历
a/9⒊、 ″捣 r/^e/e右 /,9/锡 ε口刀弼钞 /,t/助 口幽 饣
J/se Ⅳ /9r仂 口助吧u

For a rounded o丬 ect hke a pebble or a ballthcre may

be only one point of contact、 vith the surface,rather
than a region,The surface is then a tangent planc to
the o丬 ect,and the contact force is at oght an酊 es to
this plane,This is iⅡ ustrated in∷ Fig,3.I0. Fig.3.10

A book of mass 0.5kg is placed flat on a horizontal shelf,as in Fig.3.11,Find the
magnitudc ofthe no^Ι 【
1al Contact force。

The weight ofthe book is 0,5× 10N,which is

5N,The only other force on the book is the
noェ Ⅱ1al contact force,so this is also 5N.

A container sits on the dockside、 Ⅳaiting to be lOaded on to a container ship,The mass of
the container is 6000kg,A cable fro∏ 1a crane is a钦 aChed to the cOntalner.At Ⅱrst,the
cable is slack;the tension is then gradually increased until the container蛀 ses off the
ground,Drav`a graph to shOw the relationship bctween the no"Ha】 contact force and the
tension in the cable,

There are three forces acung on the container∶ its

weight,the normal Contact force frorn the ground

and the tension in tlle cable。 (see Fig。 3.1⒉ )

The、 Ⅳoight of the container is 600001`,Dcnote

the nor1nal contact force by fr newt° ns,and the
tenslon by T newtons。 Since the three forces alf“ f・

in equnibriur【 l the net force is zero,so

This equa伍 on is represented by the graph in
Fig,3.13,Note that k is drawn on1y for T≥ 0
and R≥=0,because neither the tension nor the
contact force can be negative,

At黾 rst,while the cable is slack,F=0and 60000r

R=60000.As the cable tightens, r increases
and R correspondingly decreases.Eventua11y, Fig313
when r reaches the value 60000, R=O and
the container is on the point of being1ifted from
the dockside。
38 MECHAN1cs1

3田 Mass and weight

Some ofthe words used in science and mathemaJcs are taken fTOnl everyday Ianguage,
butthey are given a more precise meaning。 One such word is‘ weight’ 。

Here are some rcmarks which yQu Ⅱ1ight hear or read in a newspaper.

his bag of potatoes has a weight of3kilograms.’

he、 〃eight of an elephantis about6tonnes,’

卜Ιy mcksack、″eighs16kg'

:Γ he boxer weighed in at I59pounds,’

These are aⅡ statements for Which,in mechanics,the correct usage、 vould be to replace

weight’ by‘ mass’ ,and‘ weighs’ by‘ has Fnass’ ,

In曲 e case ofthe potatoes,you might be interested h both the mass and the weignt。
Mass is impodant犴om the point of呐 ew of feeding山 e mmily;butif you have to caⅡ y
the bag home,it is the、 veight of about30newtons that will concem you,since this has
to be supported by your aIⅡ I muscIes.

With the elephant,k o mass wh⒗ h matters r⒒ cha嗯 ∞ your弘 fa"扣 ep;butif k walks
across a bⅡ d‘ :c,itis the weight which Ⅱ1ight causc the bridge to co1lapse。

The mass ofthe rucksack rem脏 ns constant,butits woght(・ about160newtonθ decre灬 es

very slight1y as you cIi丁 nb a mountain,because the value of逆
r decreases、 Ⅳith height,

For the boxer,the lveight is irre1eⅤ ant.It is his1nass、 vhich deterⅡ ⒒nes hOw he can stand
up to a punch,or ho、 v了 nuCh he can damage his opponent,

A pa⒒ icuIar difⅡ culty aHses when you use Flleasuring instmments,such as bathroom
scales or a spring balance,PeOple who use bathroon1scales do so because they Ere
wonoed about their Fnass,∷ But rnass is dif伍 cultmeasure direcdy;itis rnuch easier to

measure force.So whatthe scales actually measure is the force、 Ⅳith、 宀

/hich they support
your body,and this is equal to your weight.So if the scales indicate that your Fnass is
80kg,whatthey are really FlleasuJng is a force of80× IO N=80oN.
You can demonstrate this by廿 ying out an expeomentlike the one in the next example.

Example3‘ 4.1
A mechanics studentlives on the tenth aoor。 f a tall building.she hasjust bought new
bathroorn scales,and dccides to try thenl out by standing on then1as she goes up in the
lift,Initially the scales read 50kg,After thc doors have closed the reading bⅡ efIy goes
up to 60kg,but theⅡ retums to 50kg.As the lift nears thc tenth Πo。 r,the reading
drops to35kg.Explain。

Before the l¤ t starts rnoving,the scales show50kg.This is the mass ofthe

student。 Whatthe scaIes are rea1ly doing is rneasuring thc no.Ⅱ ,a1c。 ntact force
f1・ om the scales oh her shoes,Th瓜 k equalto her weight,which跽 500N.

As the Ⅱft starts to ascend,the scales sllow60kg,Th灬

does not rnean that the student’ s了nass has changed,but rr m sˉ

thatthe normaI contact force is nOw 600RT,It is the

acceleration of the lift、 Ⅳhich has caused the change.The
forces on the student are her w⒍ ght and the nOI】
contaCt force,as in Fig,3,14,

AppIy Ne、 s second laW to the uPward motion. Fig.3.14


600-500=50曰 , which giⅤ es 四〓2,

For a bⅡ ef thne atthe start,the lift accelerates at 2n1sˉ

Tben the reading on thc scales retums the nOΙ ⅡΙ

aI contact force is

500N,the same as her weight.The forces are in equⅡ ibrium。 Since the liftis
moving,it rnust be going at a constant speed,

Towards曲 e end ofthe ascent,as山 e lift s1ows down,

the scales show 35kg.The nol【 al contact forCe is no、v

350N,as shown in Fig.3.15。 Newton’ s second law

now g1ves

350-500〓 50rf, so 日=-3.

For the J1nal phase ofthe ascent,the lift is accelerating

Fig‘ 3,15
at-3ms~,That is,it沁 deceler狂 lng at3ms砭 。

A heavy Fnass J圻 lt by a wire.The wire is cut,and a
`t kg is suspended from the roof of a li{丨
spⅡ ng balance is inse⒒ed between the two free ends,When the lift is acce】 erating up、 vards at

四ms^2,the reading on thc balance is y kg.Find the equation connecting 们 and丿 ,

The apparatus is shown in Fig。 3.16,

The usual function of a sp⒒ ng balance is to measure the mass of an o丬 ect When
the upper end is he1d stationarv.This rneans that,when the balance reads y kg,the
tension in the wre supporting the lnass is yg N,

so,when曲 e⒒ ft抵 accelcrating,the forces on the mass

are its weight,rPTg N,and the tension in the、 vire, 氵
By Newton’ s second law,

伢 msˉ 2
ygˉ r9zg=raB臼 。

This can be reaJanged as夕 =王 yˉ g。


t】 吐s apparatus can be used as an instument for rneasuring
acceleration。 It is ca1led an‘ accelerometer’ ,You read the 洳gN
Ⅴalue of∶ )`from the spring balance,and then use the equation
to ca1cu1ate口 .
Fig。 3.16

醪漯谳齄籀邋缁邋躐躐巍鼷簿嚣瑙饔嚣攥齑 Exerc心 e3B 婴 嵫撼邋攥麒搦髁 爨搠⒈

1 A book rests on a table,The magnitude ofthe normal contact force on the bOok from the
tabIe is 28N.VVhatis the mass ofthe book?

2 A tmck ofrnass4tonnes is at rest on a platfo】 】

II,Whatis the magnitude ofthe nomal
contact foⅡ e on the truck from山 e platfOrm when the platform is

(a) stationary, (b) descending w⒒ h an acceleration of0.5ms^2?

An oⅡ dru∏ 1。 f rnass 250kg rests on the ground.A vcr臼 cal cable is attached to thc drum
and the tension is graduaHy increased,At one stage the tension in the cab1e has Fnagnitude
1800N。 WVhat is the rnagnitude of the normal contact force bet、 〃een the drurn and the
ground at this instant?What happens、 vhen the tension reaches 2500N?

A gid ofrnass38kg is standing in a lift.Find the1nagnitude ofthe norFnal contact force on

the girl’ s feet from曲 elin n。 。r when the Iiftis
(a) stationary, (b)m° ving upwards with an acceIeration of1.8ms^2,
(c) moving upwards with a con哎 ant speed of4ms叫 ,

A fork-lift truck is Faising a container of car batterics with an acceleration of1.5msˉ 2,The
norma】 contact force on the container from the hoozontal forks is 1610N,Calculate the
mass ofthe load。

A jet缸 rcmft of mass7tonnes stands at re欲 on a part ofthe deck of an脏 rcrt△ ft carrier that
can be lowered to callow曲 ejetto be housed in曲 e hold ofthe ca呐 er.∏ nd the magnitude
ofthe normal contact force on the wheel$of the aircraft from the lo、 veⅡ ng part ofthc deck
as itis lowered、 Ⅴ 2,
i什 l an acceleration of0.4rn sˉ

The pⅡot of a hot-air balloon has Fnass 85kg.As the balloon leaves thc ground,the normal
Contact force om the pⅡ ot from the】 Ⅱoor of the balloon i∷ 1nr11ediately increases to 901N and
remains at this value for the I1・ st stage of the ascent,Calcu】 ate the acce1eratio∷ n of tlle
ba1loon in this stage of its rnotion,

VVhen a rnan stands on bathroorkl scales placed on the floor of a station盯 y Iift the reading is
90kg。 Whilc the IⅡ 、is rnoving upwards he J1nds that the rcadi【 】
g is 86kg,Account for
this change and describe the motion ofthe lift at this ti1ne.

A hft sta⒒ ing f【・

om rest moves doWnwards with constant acceleration,It covers a distance
s in刂 me r,where s=营 s`2。 A box° fm灬 s羽 is on the aoor。 f the Iift。 ∏nd,in terlus of
rPr and8,an eⅩ pression fof the norlη al contact force on the box fronl the lift Ⅱoor.

10 A spring balance is attached to the roof of a lift which is1noⅤ ing do、 vn、 vards。 When an
o丬 ect of mass8kg is suspended from the balance tlle readng on the balance is8,4kg。
ShOw that the lift is slo、 Ⅴing do、 Ⅴn and find the magnitude of the deceleration.

A man ofrnass 珈r kg and his son of了 nass r91kg are standing in a lift,Ⅳ Vhen the lift is
accelerating upwards、 vith magnitude l m s^2the magnitude of the normal contact force
exe⒒ ed on the rnan by the lift n。 。r is 880N。 When the hR is rnoⅤ ing with constant speed
the combined magnitude ofthe nOI】 】 lal contact forces exerted on the man and the boy by
the Iift soor is 1000N.Find the vaIues of山 r and″ I,

12 A spring balance hangs from the roof of a liR。 A case of massr99kg is hung from the spring
balance by a string.、 V℃ 吐le the liJ℃ is accelerating upwards、 vith magnitude夕 na sˉ

reading on the ba1ance is 12.5kg;、 〃hen the lift is rnoving do、 vn、 vards with an acceleration
2,the reading is9k8.IΙ nd the values of″ 1 and c.
of曰 msˉ

⒑窍夸y¤ 鸾霄黛弼督昭铲罗弭嚣逻丫黟墅ⅡF茁 军“簿 : MisceⅡ aneous exercise3 淞 裟澍夥缁镞墓

1黟 趱磷鞯盥邋躐巍浴 △长

A food re1ief parcel of rnass80kg is being lowered vedically to the ground,by lneans of a
coble,frolm a helicopter.AssuⅡ ling there is no air resistance,calcuIate the tension in the
cable when the parcel is being lo、 vered Ⅵ汀th acceleration 0,5rn s冖

A boy ofrnass 60kg is standing in a1ift that has an upward acceleration of rnagnitude
2.Descobe the forces aCting on the boy,and Ⅱnd the△ magnitudcs. (oCR)

As a load moves doWnwards at a constant speed of2Fn s^l the tension in the cab1e
supponing it is6000N.Ca1culate thc tension in the cable、 Ⅳhen the load is fnoving
downwards with an accc1eration of2ms .

A balloon of total rnass 680kg is dcscending、 vith a constant acceleration of0.4n1s^2.

Find the upthrust acdng on the baⅡ oon,When thc baⅡ oon is rnoVing at 1.5Fn sˉ
ba11astis released for the baⅡ oon to fall with a deceleration of0.2n1sˉ Calcu1ate

ra)how much ballast was released,

(b)the∮ me fOr wⅡ ch the balloon continues to faI1before it be鲈 ns to rise.

A stone of rnass ″讠is released fron1rest on the sudace of a tank of water of deptll rf。
During the motion,the、 vater exerts a constant rcsisting force of rn&gnitude R,The stone

takes` scConds to reach the botton1of the tank.Sho、 v that R=刀 ”萝


A box of weight W rests on a platforlη ,VVhen the platform is Fn◇ Ving upwa1・ ds、vith
acceleration rr,the normal contact fOrce from the platfo】 ⅡI on the box hasluagn扯 ude t・ ⒒'。
VVhen the p1atform is rnoⅤ ing down、 vards Ⅵ戍th acceleration 2曰 ,the boX remains in contact
w讪 k.∏ nd the normd∞ ntact泅 ce h temsof攵 cnnd W,and deduce th酣 庀<:,

An acrobat of Fnass PP?s⒒ des down a verhCal rope of height/l.For thc§ rst threcˉ qua吨 ers

of her descent she grips the rope、 Ⅳith her hands and【 cgs so as to produce a frictiomal force
equal to f;ve-ninths of her、 vcight,She then tightens her grlp so that she comes to rest at the
bo伍 om ofthe rope.sketCh a lr,l/・ l graph to Ⅱlustrate her descent,and Ind the仔 icton。al
force she1nust produce in the last qua⒒ er.1fthe rope is 60metres high,calculate

(a)her gⅡ ate“ speed, (b) the ti1η e she takes to descend.

A construction wOrker drops a screwdriVer of rnass0.15kg into a tamk of、 vater I met「 e
deep。 1t enters thc、 vater wkh a speed of8ms^l,and、 vhen it hits the base of the tank it is
moving at 9rTl s¨

m)、 rces,apa1t from ks woght,act on the sc湾 wdfkerin the wate四

^/hat f。
(b)A§ uming th扯 ,in the w蔽 er9the screwdriver佗 lls wi曲 GOn呲 ant acceleraton〃 ms逆 ,

ca1culate 夕.Hence nnd the t。 tal force opposing the motion。 f the scFev¢ doⅤ er in the
42 MEcHANIcs1

rAt。 rest at noor B,which is20m

9 A lift Lavels VeⅡ ically upwards from rest at ao。
above⒕ ,in three stages as fo1lows,At Rrst the lift accelerates from rest at^at2:usˉ 2
for2s.It then△ avels at a cOnstant speed and狂 nally it decelerates unifor∏ 11y,con1ing to
rest缸 B aftσ ato“Ⅱ ume of6当 s,skeⅡ h the o,⑺ gaph for d⒒ s mouon,and snd the
magnitude ofthe constant deceleration.

The mass of曲 e lift and止 s contents is500kg。 Find the tension in the lin cab1e duⅡ ng曲 e
stage ofthe moton when the Ⅱftis accelerathg upwards, (OcR)
10The magram sh。 ws an approximate o,l,l
graph for the rnotion of a parachuust v(msˉ
fa1ling ver叵 ca1ly; v nls^I;s the Z
parachutist’ s do、 vnwards velOcity at thne

`seConds after hejumps out ofthe plane.

Use the info【 ⅡIation in the diagram 1
(a) to giⅤ e a brief desc冫 ription of the
parachutist’ s rnotion throughout the
r(seco∷ nd$)

rb)to caIculate ule height from which thejump was made,

饰 e1nass of the parachutist is 90kg。 Calculate the up、 vards force acting on the
parachutist,due to the parachute,when `==7。

State twO w叩 sin wⅡ ch you would e举 pect m accurate C,→ graph for曲 e paracht1tist’ s
mo“ on to differ fronn the approxhnate graph shown in the diagram. (OCR)
槲 龉 臃鹅 邋 巍 饔 蹴 搬 鹅 蛐 髁 鼹 缁 簖醐嚣 鼗 搬 灏 籀 鼗 黢 槲 糨 镳搬 嬲 黻 嬲 黢 穗 冁 籀 饔 鼹 饔 豳 勰 鼗 黻

4 Reso|ving forces

This chapter deals wi曲 the combined eⅢ ect of allthe forces on an o丬 ect,inGlu山 ng奶 Ⅱes
which are neither horizontal nor vertical。 1Vhcn you have completed it,you should

● understand the idea of resolving in a chosen direction

● know ho、 v to1hnd the resolved part of a force in a given direction
● be able to solve problems by resolving in various directions.

4.1 Resolving horizonta11y and ver住 caⅡy

2.The combined mass
Suppose that a cyclist stm吨 s from rest and accelerates at0.4rn sˉ
of the cyclist and machine is 75kg。

since the cyclist and the bicycle have the same acceleration)they can be treated as a
蓝ngle o钔 ect・ Wh/at are tlle foEes acting on"

Clearly there is a force driving it forwaK廴 which is produced by the grip ofthe rear wheeI on
the road,Denote this by D newtons,There may also be some air resistance,R newtons,
though atlov氵 speeds this will be small comp⒅ d
o⒕ m「 2
with the driⅤ ing force;in a sirnpli1:ied Fnodel you
might decide to neglectit.

A、 o there isthe comuned w⒍ 曲 t。 f ucycle and

Hder,、 vhich is 750newtons,This is opposed by the
normal Contact forces frorn the road on the front and
rear Wheels,`newtons and O neWtons respectively.

Fig.4,1shows all these forces,and the acce1eration,

in a single diagram.

仍伪引 饣 /e//,J/力夕昭 匆 s口 /晰 。夕 加 ″ 彐汐口〃

and夕 刚 `磁nD/d叼 斌η'/o/Ces
er抵n.foush0u泅 be・ 彐
ii啕FamsD9岫gJ//扔 历沙 丫钟s and肋 矽夕α矽掏″砣9么

Two equations for the forccs can be wri哎 en doWn,One uses Newton’ s second law of
motion in a ho亚 zontal direction,the other states that the vcΓ dca1forces are in
equilibrium,These equations are D-R=75× ⒍4and P+口 -750=0,

Fo11】 :ing equations like fhis is caⅡ ed resoIv:ng.The伍 rst equation is‘ resolVing
hoozontaⅡ y’ ,and the second is‘ reso1Ⅴ iRg Ⅴe吨 iCally’ .A convenient shorthand for this is
to wri∞ R(→ )and RC).So you∞ uld set out曲 e equ舶 ons fo1。 曲e cyc1i救 ⒒ke谢 s∶

R(→ ) D-R〓 △×0⒕ 1

《↑) P+@-Ts0=0,
‘锣%刀 /,yⅣ te夕 昭夕叻碗田 彐‖ 溆 ∞ ,旷0u助 田昭 夕‰印‘历幽 ・
夕妈 e'肋 吖 加 w0蕊 ″ D/
J/S//,f沩 矽 R⑴ 助 湘 冖呓 啪 劭 汛r蚰 vou骀 Ⅺ聪 de⒒ 飞 `
狃 MEcHANIcs1

YOu can write the equⅡ bHum equation R“ ”either as P+o-750=0σ as P+o=750,
whichever you prefer。 Thc convention is thatthe atow indiCates the directlon of the forccs
on the leR side ofthe equauon.Butif you are using Newton’ s second1aw,itis bestto put a11
iterm by kself on the oght。
the fo∞ es on the lcft and the′ r9I夕

4.2 Forces at an angle

So far aⅡ the forces considered have been either ho丁 izontal or vertical,butin many
situations some forces act at an angle,

Suppose you are on a boating hoIiday with a

fⅡ cnd,As you bong the boattowards a dock1
you tum offthe engine and your fr忆 ndjumps
on to thc doCk and steers the boat with a r。 pe。
Fig.4.2shows an a⒍ 歧al view of the situation。
Suppose th献 the tension from the rope is Γ
newtons,and thatthe rope is hOozonta1. Fig.4,2

For obvious rcasOns the ropc can’ t be directed straight foruPard fro1u tlle boat,Also,
since the tension has to provide the forward movement ofthe boat,thc rope can’ t be at
right angles to the centre line of the boat(the broken line in Fig.4.2).So the dhecdon
vill make some acute angle,α °,with the centre line of the boat,The question then is9

how much effect does the tension have in a forward direction?

The answerrnust be thatit depends on both T and α,If α cou1d be0,then the
forward effect would be the full T newtOns,If α were90,the forward eⅡ ect would be
ZGfo.For Ⅴalues of(γ between O and90,thc forward effectrnust be Γr nci/t。 ns,
whe∷ re r is some numbgr betb,een 1and O depending on α .

You can Ind the connecdon between r and α by doing experiments。 (Some ideas for
possiblc cxpeⅡ mcnts are given at the end of Section 4,4and in Section 7.1.)Ittums out
that Γis equal to cosα °‘

You can see thatthis nts the requirements oftl】 e paragraph before1ast.VVhen α=0,the
forward effect is(cosOD× r newtons,whch is1× Γnewtons,orju哎 F newtons.Wllen
α=90,the forward effect is(c∝ 90D× r newt。 ns,

vhich is zeFo.BetWeen O and90,the value of
Cos α is bet、 vcen l and0。

You can make this into a generaI mle,illustrated in

//飞 飘n
Fig.4.3. Fig,4.3

Ifa force of F ne、 vtons Fnakes an angle of ε°with a giⅤ en direction,

山cn the effect of the force in that d⒒ ec旺 onis F× cosε °。This is c众 lled

酊 the resolved part ofthe force in the given direcdon.


A ChⅡ d pushes a toy car ofFnass2kg across the floor with a force of5nelvtons at an
angle of35° to the hoozontal。 Neglecting resistance forCes,Ind the accelerauon ofthe car.

Fig.4,7shows the forces and the

acceleration of曰 Fn sˉ

R(→ ) 5cos3s° =勿 。
This gives曰 = =2.04,¨

The car accclerates atjust oVer2ms记 Fig,4,7

Example4⒓ 3
A small chnd is strapped into the seat of a swing which is suppo⒒ ed by two ropes。 TO
stan her off,her father pulls the sⅥ /ing back、vith a horizontaI force,so thatthe ropes
make an angle of20° Ⅵ汀th the vcrtica1。 The child and s、 ving together haⅤ e rnass18kg.
Calculate the tension in each rope,and the force exe∷ rted by her father beforc he lets go,

Denote the tension in each rope by Γ N,

and the force from曲 e father by F N,
These forces,with the weight of I80N,
are shown∶ n Fig.4,8.

The forces are in equilibFium.

R(→ ) F ΞzT∞ s70° .

F1C) 2r cos2o° =180.

The second equation gives


羁了=吼 … Fig,48
Substituting this in the岱 rst equation gives F=65.5。 ¨ .

Each rope acts。 n thc swing with a tension of about 96N.The famer了 nust pull
tlle sw汜 g with a ho茁 zontal force of about66N‘

A game played on the deck of a ship uses wooden discs ofrnass 2kg,These have a small
depression in the top surface in10、 vhich a brooⅡ 1handlc can be inserted.Two para【 lel lines
6metres apart are painted on the deck.P1ayers begin wi山 th由 「discs on the back line and,
by pushing Qn the broom handle,accclerate the【 ll to、 Vards the frontline,When a disc crosses
the ffont line山 e handl0is puⅡ ed out and the disc slides across the deCk un住 l fHction brings
it to rest.When曲 e brooΠ 1handle is pushed with a force of20newtons at60° to thc
horizontal,the frictional force is 4newtons.After the handle is removed,the frict重 on drops
to 2newtons.Find hov¢ fa1。 the disc travels beyond the frontline,

The twO stages ofthe motion盯 e iⅡ ustrated in

F1g,4,9and Fig.4。 10。 Let the acceleration in the
flrst stage be曰 ms9,and the deceleration in曲 e
second stage D】 ns^2,


R(→ ) 20cos60° -4=2夕 ,


2 t-b)m$9


R(→ ) -2〓 2× (-D), so 3〓 I.

Fig.4.11is a veloc“ y-time graph for the two
stages.The two line segments have gradicnts of3
and -I,and the盯 ea ofthe triang1e on the leftis
6because it represents the distance between the
two lines which the disc covers in stage1,

You can deduce fror11the gradients that the bases stage1 S1age2 Timc
of the twO triang1es are in the ratio l to 3,and the
areas of the two triangles t)11∶ e in the same t斌o。 so Fig.4,1I

the area of the triangle on the rightis3× 6=18,

This了 neans thatin Stage2tlle disc1ravels I8 metres.

鼹薛遽镞暌髑嬲蘩黟篷缁篝嬲笤饔驾邋饔饔簿貘藩獭籀鼹黟: EXerc1se dA 谶§
鹬 鹬 婴 鞭|

1 For each ofthe diagrams shown below∷ Ⅱnd the resolved parts of each of the forces in the
drcctions O汀 and oy,
48 MECHAN【 cs l

2 The diagran、 shows three coplanar forces

acting on a paRicle P,、 Ⅳhich is in
equi1ibrium.By resolⅤ ing in the direction
of the 5N force,calculate the value Qf e;
by resolving in the direction ofthe X N
force,calculate the value of X,

A toy ofrnass 1.8kg is pulled along a horizontal sudace by a string inclined at30° tO the
h。 nz。 nta1.CIiven that the tension in the s白 0ng is 6N and that there arc no forces resisting
motion,calculate the acceleration of the particle.

A1aundry basket° f rnass 5kg is being pulled,、 vith constant speed,aIong a conodor by a
rope inc】 ined at 20° to the horizonta1,Given thatthe focuona1f。 rce has Fnagnitude 33N,
Ind the tension in曲 e rope.

A Van of mass 750kg is being towed along a horizontal road`Ⅳ ith constant acceleration
0.8ln s^2 by a breakdown Ⅴehicle.The connecting towbar∶ s inclined at40° to the
horizonta1.CⅡ ven thatthe tension in the tOwbar has了 nagnitude 1000N,calcu1ate thc
magnitude of thc force resisting the丫 notion o£ the car。

A car ofFnass 850kg is being pushed along a Ievel road with a force ofrnagnitude Γ N,
directed upwards at 25° to the horizonta1,and aIso pul1ed by a ho⒒ zontal force of283N,
There is a constant fOrCc of600N opposing the modon.The car is rnoving at constant
speed.Find the valuc of T,and the total no又 Ι
【IaI contact forcc from the road,

A partic1e P ofrnass 4″ of rnagnitude 50rPB l町 :

`kg is at rest
° on a horizontal table.A fOrc仓
acting upwaFds at an acute angle ε to the ho“ zonta:,is applied to the pa路 iCle,Cliven th缸
tan g° =景 ,qnd t№ ⒒hcre;s a rcsistance to mouon of m鸭 n沁 ude20r,lN,§ nd the
acceleration w汪 h which 尸 moves。 Find,in terl⒒ s of/9,,thc Fnagnitude ofthe no△mal
contact force ofthe table on P, `

A血 opper pu血 cs a supe^【 :Ι arket tro1ley h a瞰 raight line towards oer c绀 with a force of
magnitude 20N,directed downwards at an angle of15° to1he horizonta1.GiVen that the
2,calCulatc its rnass.Find also the rnagnitude of thc
accelcra‘ on ofthe tro11ey is 2.4rn$ˉ
aI contact force eXerted on the tFo11ey by thc ground.

A lamp is supported in equnibⅡ unl by two chains Ⅱxed to two points A and B atthe same
leve1.The lengths of the chains Fe0,31n and0.41u盘 nd the dlstance bet、 veen A and B is
0.5m。 C;iven that the tension in the1onger chain is 361、 ,sho、 v by rcsOlving hoⅡ zontally
that the tension in the sho⒒ er chain is48N.By resolving veHically,甜 nd the tη ass ofthe

10 The diagram shows thFee horizont狨 forces

ac“ ng on a rnass of4kg,Given that the
mass FnoVos in the direction ofthe dotted
line,shOw that ε=30a11d↓ nd the
magn“ ude of the accelcration。

11 aChed to a speedboat。 With the rope

A paraglider of rnass 90kg is pulled by a rope a仗
making an angle of20° to the hoozontal the p盯 aglider is Fnoving in a s臼 aight line parallel
to the surface of the water with an accel(ration of1.2rn s^2.The tension in the rope is
250N,Calculate the rnagnitude of the ve「 匚cal lift fo∞ e acting on the g1ider,and the
magn1tude ofthe alr res1stance.

12 虍L child’ stoy of mass5kg is pulled a1ong level ground by a string inc1ined at30° to the
horizontal,Denoting the tension in the string by r N,众 nd,in terms of T,an expression
for the normal contact force between the toy and the Ⅱoor,and deduce that T cannot

13 Ab】 ock of、vood ofrnass4‘ 5kg rests on a tab1e.A force of rnagnitude35N,acting

up、 vards at an angle of e° t。 the hoFizOntal,is appⅡ ed to the bIock but does not rnoⅤ e it。

C:iⅤ en thatthe no"⊥ Ial cOntact force bet、 Ⅳeen the b1ock and the table has rnagnitude 30N,

ta)the vduc of ε ,

(b) the f。 c“ onal force acting on the blOck。

14 A container of Fllass 35kg is pushed along a horizonta1ya「 d by a fOrce of130N acting

downwards at an angle of30° to the hoⅡ zontal,against a frictional forcc of60N.
Calculate the acceleration of the container,and the magnitude ofthe norn1aI contact force
between the container and the floOr。

15 卢k boy tfaⅤ elli11g in a rai∶ 、

vay caⅡ 旺agc dccides to try to calCulate钅 he acce1eradon ofthe
犴ain,H乜 suspends a parcel of mass2kg from the ro° f ofthe ca1Tiagc w⒈ h a string alld
measures the an81et犰 atthe string makes with the vc⒒ ical。 When the train i$traⅤ eⅡ ing、 Ⅴith
a constant aCceleration Of o ry1s^2 thc angIe is 8° .Find the vaIue of夕 .

16 A concrete slab of rη ass `田 kg is bcing raiscd Ⅴer吐 cally,at a constant speed” by twO cables。
Onc ofthe cables is inclined at 10° to the Ⅴertical and犰 as a tension of2800N;the other
cab1e has a tension of2400N。 Calculate the angle at which this cable is inclined to the
ver吱ca1,and also find the vaIue of J?Ⅰ ,assun过 ng there is no air resistance.

17 Ab盯 ge of1∮ ass 4ton∷ nes is pu11ed in a straightline by two tugboats、 vith an acceleration
of0。 6msˉ
The tension玄 n one toⅥ /r◇ pe is 1800N and the tension in the other is 1650N.
ChVen亡 hatthe ang【 es the ropes rnake Ⅴ汪th the direction of rnotion are 20° and x°
respectively,伍 nd the value of∶ 丬
f and the resistance to mO住 On ofthe barge,

18 A manis pu11ing a chest of丫 nass 40kg along a hoFizontal floor with a force of1401N
inclined at30° to the horizonta1.⒈ 1is daughter is pushing、 vitl】 a force of50N directed
doWnwards at lO° to the horizonta1.The chestis r【 loving vvkh constant speed,Calculate the
magnitude,jF N,of thc frictional force,and the magn⒒ ude,R1`,ofthe norma】 contact
force from the gFound on the chest.Show thatthe ratio F∶ R lies between0.50and0.51。
饣∵●∷)十 9∵ JIⅡ 仆$W、 W:I0饣 ∷
↓ tIⅡ :灬 灬 讠:,ˇ :冫 奸屮{I帑 、弘兮 :=tI● 扛加‘∷
心,:°:Ⅱ △∶
“|,● 茹寮饫器:豁 计、
矿啾饵冫0I∵ 亠|管饣氵饣饣宝器心△1《 奋忠:9↓ 0劣 、 I呤 沫铵 螂 、・丨ˇ・∶
`1:灬 `'●

43 some useful trigonometry

If you write equadons of resolving in two perpendicular directions,and a force F
makes an angle of ε°呐th one ofthe diFe“ ons,then⒈ makes an angle of lg0~el°
with the other(see Fig.4,12),The force山 en has a resolved part of尸 cose° in。 ne
dkection,and Fcosl90-eF in the。 ther。

YOu can wⅡ te曲is second resolved partin another way.In P1Section10,4itis shown
that cosl90-ε F〓 sln ε,So the resolved pa饿 s of F h thetWo drectioⅡ can be
wⅡ tten as Fcose° and Fsina° ,

seCond 忄
direct】 on |



direct∶ on

Fig.4.12 Fig,4.13

Sometimes曲e se∞ nd ang⒗ 沁f,0+ε F,as h∏ g,4。 13,rathcr than⒅ 0-eJ° ,ln曲 at
case you Can use cos(90+ε )° =-sine° ,s。 thatthe resolved pa饿 in the second direction
is-F“ nε ° .

Ano由 er resuR that话 somctimes u⒃ 劫l o that sinε
=tan ε C1Se∝ 忆n1o。 纷。

example,in】 巳xample4.2.3the住 rst equauon could haⅤ e been written as

F=2r“ n2o° ,

and you can notice from the second equation that

知淼 ・
Substituting for2r in the负 rst equation gives

百 :甘
$in2。 =180× (∶

:∶ :∶ )〓
1:0tan20° 。
From th厶 yOu can伍 nd F=655。 ¨ direcuy,without iFst having to caIculate r.

4⒕ ResolviⅡ g im other directions

You can wr△ e equatons of resol诚 ng in any directon you胶 ke,notju吼 hoⅡ zontally and
w蛙妃al~.One type of problem in ψⅡch曲 心、often usefulis when an o丬 ect灬 placed
on a track which is inclined at an angle to the hoozontal。

Examp1e4彳 。
A crate of rnass 30kg is atrest on a ramp which slopes at
an angle of18° to the hoozonta1.It is prevented from
sliding do、 ˇ
n the ramp by n眭 cti。 n,Find the frictiona1forcθ
and the no丑 Ⅱ1al COntact force,

Letthe friction be F N and the nOI【 1Ial Contact force

R N lsee Fig.4.14).Nodce thatthe normal contact
force is not ve「 匚cal,but perpendicular to the plane of
the ramp.The woghtis300N, Fig.4,14

The s廴up1est dlrections to choose for resolving are

parallel to the ramp,and perpendicular tO the
ramp.To do this,you are golng to need to
calculate the angles m=△ rked 艿 and y° in
Fig。 4,15。 It is easy to see that丌 =90-18=72,
and y=90-丌 =90-72=18.
父0|t0煦 mpl F-⒛ 0∞ sJ° =0。
父(⊥ to ral11p) R-300cos y° =0.

So F=300cos72° ==92.7and R=300cos18° =285.3,tO I deci1nal place,

The frictional force is about 93N and the noェ llIal C0ntact force is about285N.

Examp∶ e4.4.2
Re-work Example4,2,3;fthe chⅡ d’ s fafher puⅡ s on the
s、 ving at right angles to the ropes,rather than horizOntaⅡ y.

The diagram of forces now has the for1n of Fig,4,16.

Notice that,a1though the s⒒ uation being mode11ed is
quite different from that in thc previous example,the
thme forces are related h ju敲 曲e same wayin
Fig,4.14and Fig.4,16。 This sugges隹 s reso1ving in the
dlrcctions coⅡ esponding to those iu Example4.4,l;
that is,perpendicukr and paraHel to the ropes,

R(⊥ to r。 peθ F=180cos70° =61‘ ,

《||to r。 peθ 2r=180c“ 20° , Fig,4.16

so T〓 90cos20° =84,6,to3signi§ cant氵 gures,

The father rnust pu1I on the swing with a force of about 62N。 Each rope acts on
the sⅥ 讨ng、 vith a tension of缸 bout85N,

A raⅡ track is laid on the f1oor of a quarry,
sloping down at11° to山 e hoozOntal f1・ om the
side of the cliff。 A truck is Jf∶ iIled with stone,
and when fu1l may have rnass up to 600kg.It
is prevented frorn running downhⅡ l by a c拉bIe
from the truck to the top ofthe cliff,as shoWn
in Fig.4。 17,For safety reas。 ns thc tension of
the cable shouId not exCeed 1600N, Fig,4ˇ 17

(a)the greatest angle that犰 e cabIe should be allowed to m艇 witll the track,
(l9)the smalle呲 va】 ue J tlle total norΙ IΙ al contcact forCe on the tmck,

(a)The maximtllη weight of a fulltruck o6000N。 Ⅱ曲e cable makes an angle

α°with the track,and the tension from the cable is F N,then

R(丨 丨
t0订 ack) r cosα °
=⒃ 00∞ s79° .

So cosα °=蜉 ,The requircment Γ 《

≤1600means that

° 6000cos79°
Cos α ≥ =⒍ 7I5,¨ ,so α ≤ 4⒋ 3、 ¨ ,

The cable should make翎 l angle no greater than 44° with the track.

(b)lf the total norm猁 contact fo∷ Ⅱe on all由 e wheelsis R N,

R(⊥ to扛 aCk) R+Γ ∞s(90-α =6000∞ s11°)° ,

Shce cos(90-α )° =sin α°


R=6000cos11° -歹 ° °。
sinα =5889.7。 ¨-Γ sinα

The greatest acceptable value of r is 16oo,and the greatest value of sin α°is
sin44,3.¨ °==0、 698。 ¨。So the least possiblc value of R is

5889.7。 ¨-1600sin44.3,¨ °=4772,to the ne狂 est integer。

The total no置 Ⅱ贝

al Contact force wⅡ 1neVer be less than4770N。

The§ nal example takes the for1n ofan exp∝ iment、vhiGh you could caⅡ y outto testthe
theory that the resolved part of a force F at an angle e° is Fc。 sε °.It could conⅤ eniendy
be performed in a gymnasiun1equippGd、 vith horizontal wall bars,You need a straight
1ength of rnode1raiIway track J⒒ Ⅹed on to a Iong p1ank,YOu also need a smalI`vagon,
which should be loaded to make it as heavy as possible;this reduces the re1ative effect of
resistance forces.You need to刂 hx brackets at one end ofthe plank、 Ⅳhich can be hooked
overthe wa11bars,so thatthe height ofthat end ofthe p1ank can be varied,

A track Oflength rJ has one end on the】 oor and the other end at a height/9above the
Πoor.A wagon ofFnass r9a is placed atthe upper end ofthe track,and runs freely down to
the bottom.Show thatthe ti111e T to reach the bottoΠ 1of the track satis员 es the equauon

H舯 ・
Fig,4,18showsthc wagon atsome p|
of its run dolxJn the track,、
ˇ ¨
Vhich is at an
岫 /f

、 〓 口
冖'1↑ '冖

沮 驴e俨 to the hoⅡ zont/dl.The w葫 ght
^'‘ L~¨ ^ ^ˉ ¨¨ :^^ 弟 :扒 |I
r,and its ^^^^1^ˉ
^ˉ ^ˉ :冖 △ :‘ ¨
ofthe wagon is P,氵 答 ^‘
accelerauon 一

1v ∽・
1s‘ 形

4.∶ 8

R(down曲 e track) J91g cos(90-⑺ °



° ε°=



S:nce GOs(90⊥ )° =sinε ,this giⅤ es夕 =gsin e° .Als。 sin

The thne taken for the、 Ⅳagon to travel dovX,n the track can be found by using the

constant acceler破 ion equation s Ι“

r+吉 rFr2,W狂 hⅡ =0and 〓
阝 ,⒃ th溆






You know that s〓 f/when r=T、 so




This can be reI∶ 1Ⅱ anged to give the required result,


丶l l


The reason for putting the equation into the fo∷ rrn given i$that it sho、 Vs the connecdon
between the twO variables,/l and T,in the expeⅡ rnent.By using differ飞Dnt wa1l bars, 乃can
be varled,and the Ⅴalue of T recorded for different Ⅴalues of Ft.The other quantities in the
equation,g and rF,remain cons“ 丫崆 ,

You Can then d∝ 汐町犯sults h a bm⒒ ke 卉

Fig.4.19,1fthe theOry is coⅡ ect,the plotted
poin饣 s should lie approxirnately on a s甘 aight
line through tlle origin。

As an additional spin-off,you can Γ
from your graph the gradient ofthe straight

汕⒐岫ch shodd equ耐 素・

⒏nce you know

the length of the圩 aCk,you can use the va1ue of Fig.4,19

曲e gradientto esdrnate a value for⒏

54 卜tECHANICs1

巍躅髑躞鳗黟黪躐躐蠲嬲躜躅簪麋躐髑饔默 Exerc峦 e4B

FOr each of tlle forces de1:ined below give thor resolved pads in the O~tˉ and OJ,directions
respectively,in te人 Ι
lls0f iF and ε .

(a) (b) (c) (d)

A block of wood ofrnass4kg is released frona rest on a plane inclined at30° to the
horizonta1.A“ uming曲 at the surface ca11be modeIled as smooth(no f1・ 沁ton),calculate the
acceleration of the block,and its speed afterit has moⅤ ed 3m,

A car ofrnass 850kg is trave11ing,with acceleration0.3ms^2∮ up a straight road inclined

at12° to the hoⅡ zonta1.There is a force“ 氵
sisting motion of250N,Calculate the
magnitude of the driving force.

A cydist of ma甾 60kg freeˉ wheels down a hill hclined at6° to the hoozonta1.Assuming
no resisting forces,calculatc hcr acceleration down the hill,and shOw d1at her speed
I to 161ns^I in about117tn。
increases from 4msˉ

A sack ofrnas$8kg is puIled up a ramp incIined at20° to the hoⅡ zontal by a force of
magnitude 45N ac“ ng paFaⅡ e1to a linc of grcatest slope of the ramp.The acceleration of
曲e sack is⒈4ms9.Find the frictional force。

A palticle is in equnib∷ ⅡuF11under the acdon ofthe

three forccs shown in the diagram。 By resolⅤ ing in
thc direction of the force of rnagnitude y N,show
tbat y〓 5.Calculate the value° fx,

Calculate the Fnagnitude of the horizOntal force needed to maintain a crate of rnass 6kg in
equllibouFn,、 〃hen it is resting on a frictionless plane inclined at20° to the虹 oⅡ zontaI,
Ca1culate also the rnagnitude of the nO】 Ⅱ1a1cOntaCt force acting on the crate,

A skier of rnass 78kg is pulled at constant speed up a

slope,of inclinauon 12° ,by a force Of rnagnitude
210N acting up、 vards at an ang1e of20° to the slope
(see diagram).Fhd the magnitudes ofthe frictional
forcc and the nomal contact force acting on the skier.

A particle of weight 10N is placed on a smooth plane inclined at35° to the hoozonta1,
Find the magnitude ofthe forcc required to keep the pa哦 iCle in equⅡ iboum ifit acts
(a) para11el to山 e phne,

(b) horizontally,

⒃) upwm刂 s廒 an an酊 e° f25° to a hne of gⅡ ate酞 slope ofthe p1ane.

Without rnaking any calculations state,with a reason,which ofthe three cases has the
greatcst norlnal contact force。

10 The lid of a desk is hinged a1ong one edge so thatit

can be tⅡ ted at various angles to the horizonta1.A
book ofrnass 1.8kg is placed on thc lid.The lid is
tⅡ ted to an angle of 15° ,as shown in the diagrarn,
Find the friCtional force,giⅤ en thatthe book does not

As the desk lid is tⅡ ted fu∷ 吨her,the book begins to

moⅤ e when the lid is inclined at e° to the h。 rizonta1.

C;iven thatthe maxhnuF11rnagnitude that the fricdonal force Gan attain is 8.45N,Ⅱ nd the
maxirnun1va1ue of e for which equilibrium rcnlains unbroken,

The book is held at Fest and the lid is tⅡ ted untiIitis inc⒒ ned at 40° to the horizontal。 The
book is then rcleased.Find the acceleration ofthe book down the desk lid,assuⅡ 刂ng the
maxirnum fl∶ Ii|ctional force s“ Ⅱacts,

A metal sphere of weight 500N is suspended fron1a Ⅱxed point o by a chain,The sphere
is pu1led to one side by a horizontal force ofrnagn汪 ude 250N and the sphere is held in
equi1ibrium Ⅵ 洒th the chain inclined at an angle ε to the Ⅴe「 tica1.Find,in either order,the
tension in the string and the value of e。

12 A picture of rnass12kg is suppo⒒ cd in equⅡ ibriulu by twO strlngs,inclined at20° and

70° to the horizonta1,Calculate the tension in each st1】 ng。

13 A box ofFnass I2kg is dragged,with a cOnstant 狄 N

accelerauon。 f1.75nl s^2,up a pat汛 inclined at 30° to
thc horizontR1.The force pu1ling the box has
magn妣 ude 2XN蔽 nd acts at 10° tO the path,as shown
in the diagram。 The foctional force has1η agnitude
XN,CaIcuIate the va1ue Of X and thc Fl,agnitude of
the no【 ⅡIal contact fome Ofthe path on the box.

14 A plank ofrnass 20kg is pu11ed,with a rope,up a

slope inclined at 15° to the hoHzontal。 The rope is
inclined at30° to the horizontaI,as shown in the
dia罗 am。
(⒆ Expl破 n why the ten蕊 on in the rope nlu“ cert狨 n1y
bc geater than 53.6N.
The tension in tlle rope is 65N and the plank is Iη oving at constant speed,Calculate

lb)the【 nag碱 tude of the norlll械 Conmct force exerted on the plank by tlle ground,

c》 the r11agnitude ofthe mcti。 nal force.

15 A boat on a trailer is held in equiIibriu11a on a shpway

tnclined a钅 20° to the hoozontal,by a cable incⅡ ned at
ε°to a line of greatcst s1ope ofthe slipway,as shown
on the diagram.The combined rnass ofthe boat and
traner is 1250kg,The cablc may break ifthe tension
exceeds 7000N.Find the rnaxiFnum Value of ε .

16 A glider of weight2500N is being towed with

cOnstant speed by a four-wheel drive vehicle。
The toWrope is incⅡ ned at25° to曲 e ho“ zontal
and the glider is inchned at30° to the horizontal
as shown in the diagram。 The aiJ!∶ resistance has
magnitude J丨l}N and the Ⅱft has magnitude L N;
曲e directions in which曲 ey act are shown in the
diagram.Calcu】 atethe values of R and L,given
thatthe tension in the rope is 3000N。

淄冁躐蕊禹鬣龋醯麋躐饔蝮爨藩鼷缀籀轩 MisceⅡ aneous exercise4 畜








蘑蓍 胥

氵∷|霉,髯 :耋 ::营 ::熹 :⒈

A pa吐 icle is in equⅡ ib⒒ un1under the acuon

of the three coplanar forces sho、 Ⅴn in the
diagram.Find P and.(∶∶
!. (OCR)

Susie uses a s扌 ap to pu1l her suitcase,at a constant speed in a straight line,al° ng the
hoⅡ zontal ftOor of an airpoH departure lounge.The strap is incⅡ ned at50° to the
ho⒒ zontal and the n吐 cdon岔 lf。 rce exeⅡ ed on the case by the floor has tnagn妣 ude20N。

刂ode11ing the suitcase as a padic1e,Ⅱ nd the tcnsion in the strap. (OcR)

The diagrana sho、 Vs a partic1e of rnass 2.6kg

maintained in equⅡ ibriurn in a ver⒒ cal plane 12PN
by forces of5P N and12P N which are
perpendicular。 Find

(al α°,the anglG狨 which tlle force of

5P N is inchned to the vertica1,

(b) the value of P. (OcR)

A pa吨 icle is in equi1ib⒒ u∏ 1under the action
of the three coplanar forces whose
magnitudes and directions are shown in the
diagram,Find the values of P and@.
The force of magnitude4N诋 nOw removed
from thc system。 State the direcⅡ on in which
the padicle begins to move. (oCR)
A chⅡ dis s:饨 ing° n a swing,The child’ s r
mother is holding the seat of the s、 ving so that
it is in equilibⅡ um。 The forces acting on the
seat ofthe sⅥ oram。
`ing are as shown in the dia。
The ho汪 zontal force has rnagnltude R,and
the force inclined at40° to the Ⅴe口 吐ca1has
magnkude r。 Fiη d R and T。 (oCR)

6 The曲 agram shows a small metal ball,of ma“

2kg,resting in the horizontal groove between two
smooth planes inc1ined at20° and40° to the
hoozonta1.Find the magnitudes of the contact
forc鸲 P and Q. (oCR)

A ramp,of length5m,is inc1ined at30?to the hoozonta1.A parcel of mass l kg,wh忆 h

may be mode1led as a par1ic1e,is p1aced at rest at the top ofthe rarnp and anowed t。 slide
down.The speed of曲 e parcel atthe bottom ofthe mmp isju跛 ovα 7ms^1,、 th、 d狨 a
consotent with the nmp beinbo smooth and there being no aor re蛀 斑ance?Justify your
ans、 Ver. (OCR,adapted)

A cyc⒈ st starts frOT11rest and moves along a straight,horizontal traCk,The forw・ ard driving
force【 s a constant 72N and the reslstances to forward mot1on are a constant20N.The
combined mass of the bicycle and cycⅡ stis80kg,
(a) Calculate the acceleraton ofthc cydkt.

(b)∷ HOw long does k take the cyclistto Ⅱach a speed of8ms丬 ?How far does the cyclist
travel in this time?
1.Thc hnlis at a constant
The cycⅡ st stalts to climb a hilI、 vhen her speed rcaches 8n1sˉ
angle of10° to the hoozontaI.The driving force and rcsistances to motion are unchanged.
(Φ showth缸 tlle cyd“ t峦 now deceler溆 hg at about1.09ms9 (MEI,adapted,

A pa⒒ ⒗1e P restsin equiⅡ boum on a smooth

horizontal surface under the action of the four
horizontal forces shown in the diagram.The
angIes bet、veen the forces of rnagn;tudes 1.2N
and 2N,and bet、veen the forces of rnagnitudes
XN and yN,arc each 90° ,The angle between
the forces of magnitudes2N and y N is 130° ,

Find the v岔 lues of∶ V and y,

The force of magnitudc1.2N is now removed。 Given thatthe mass of P is0.4kg,伍 nd
he Ⅱ
饣 nagnitude0fthe acceleration with which P starts to mOve,and sho、 v cleady on a
diagral【 l the dtrection of this accelerauon. (OCR)
10 Thc diagran1sho、 Vs a particIe P attached to
points A and 召 by two light inextensible 夕

s峦 ings,A尸 of1ength30cm and B尸 of length

16cm,The points A and B are atthe same Cm
horizonta11evel and P hangs freely、 l/ith angle
APB equalto 90° .CIiⅤ en that the tension in the

stⅡ ng召 P is15N,snd

(al the tension in the string AP,

fb)the m孙 s of尸 ,

Pa燕 iCle尸 、 nOw犯 placed by a heavier particle o,Given that曲 e tension in other string
must not exceed not exceed120N,扛 nd the greatest possib1e mass of口 . (OcR)
58 MECHAN【 Cs l


A hanging nower basket ff,of woght50N,is held

in equilibⅡ um by two llght incxtensible s囟 吐ngs.One
string is attached to a1:ixed point A and this s臼 ong
makes an angle of60° widl the Ⅴertical;the other
string is attached to a刂 hxed point B and this string
makes an angle of g° with the vertical,as shown in
the diagram.CⅡ ven thatthe tension in the string a“ ached to A is T and the tension in the
s臼0ng泛 破taChed to B is2T,nnd the values of@and 「 ,

12 A boX0f丁 nass 80kg is to be pulled along a horizontal

n。 。r by means of a lightrope。 The rope is pu⒒ ed with
a force of100N and the rope is inclined at20° to the

horizonta1as shown in the§ gure,

(a) Explain brie∏ y why the box cannotbe in
eq说 1沁 rium r the noor。 smoo山 ,

In factthe flooris not smOoth and the box is in equⅡ ibrium。

fb) D⒙ w a diagram showing aⅡ tlle external forces acChg on the box。

(c) C破 Culate the⒒】

cⅡ onal fo‘ e between the box and the floor,and also the norm甜

reaction of the且 oor on the box,giving your ansWers GOrrect to3signitcant ngurcs.

The maxiⅡ nunl value of the fricdonal force between the box and the flooris 120N and the
boX is now pu1】 ed along the且 oor with the rope always incⅡ ned at20° to the horizOnta】 ,

⒃)Calculate dle force with Whch the rope must be pulled forthe box to move at a
constant speed.C:ive your answer coⅡ ect to3signiIcant Ⅱgums.

re)c・alcu⒈ ⒒e the acccleration ofthe box ifthe rope is pulled with a仍 rce of140N。

13 A block of1nass 20kg is held in equⅡ ibriuΠ1on a

plane by means of a string、 〃hich is at an angle of25°
to the greatest slope of the plane.The plane is at40°
to the horizontaI,as sho、 vn in the§ gure,

The s廴uatlon is且 r蛀 mode⒒ ed by assuming thatthe

plane is smooth.
Ga)Draw a由 吧nm showing allthe forces

aGting on the block.

(b) ShoW thrat the tension in the st1△ ng is about

142N and Ⅱnd the noΙ 】
al reaction of the
plane on tlle block,

An experirnent sho、 vs that`Ⅳ hen the tension in the string is increased tO 172N,the block is
still in equⅡ ibrium。 Tlle modcl is now reIned to take account of friction.

(c, Draw a diagram showing the forces acting on the block and calculate the fr忆 tional

(dl Wi由 out fu效 her C狨 culatons,state wi曲 a reason Whether the noIⅢ al rcaction of the
ptane on the block is the same in p盯 “αD and rc) (M∷ EI,a&Vted,

14 A toboggan ofrnass 15kg ca口 匚es a chiId of tnass25kg,It st翎 陡s frona rest on a snov¢ slOpe
of inclination 10° .CⅡ ven that the acceleration is l,2nl s^2and that air resistance may be

培nored,】:ind the frictonal force,

Having reached the bottorn of the slope,the toboggan and child are pulled back up the
s1ope,at a constant speed,by a light rope which is paral1el to a Iine of greatest s1ope,Find
the tension in the rope,assu∏ Ⅱng that the same friGtional force is acting, (oCR)


\pa曲 of man
pIan v始 w
vay扭 △Cks in coal rnines were sometiFnes pu11ed by me∷ n,One such truck is standing on
RaⅡ 、
a straight,horizontal section of track。 The Fnan pul1s on a lightincxtcnsible rOpe AB,The
rope is horizontal and at an angle ε°to the direction of the track.The rnan、 valks paraIleI to
thc track。

Initially the magnitude of the tension in the rope is 100N and ε:〓 I0,This tension in thc
rope is not enough to rnove the tmck froFrl rest,

(a) CaIcuIate the resolⅤ ed parts of the tension in the rope para1lel and perpendicular to the

Φ)What force prevents the truck from moving perpendicu1ar to the trc△ ck?
o)Whatis the magnitude of the resistance to the forward motion ofthe tmck?
Thc rnan now pulls hardcrto move the fruck。 The truck moVes f1・ oFrl rest against a
resist&nce to its forward motion of(100+44sin扩 )N at alltimcs。 There is a∞ nstant
tension in the rope and θ has the constant Va1ue of10。 Ittakes the man 15seconds to
reach his normal wal乜 ng speed of1,5nl sˉ
(d)Explaih briefly why曲 e acceleration of the tmck is∞ nstant.Witll what force mustthe
man pull oll曲 e rope to maintain the speed Of1.5ms^l?How far doesthe man wak
befope he reaches his normal、valking speed?

0)In ordcr to av()id an obsfacle,the man fOllows a path h whch εisincre弼 ed.
Assurning that the force in the rope does not change,what effect does this haⅤ e on the
motion ofthe钌 uCk? (MED
嬲 糨嘏 菸狻然镟勰璐潆翠锊潇瑙妤铹勰 樱锣嬲粼饣夥 铲嚣鬻夥群留漓潜黟邋器婊姆蚋 铃$、 瀑罴谶 券铙$灬洋戤馘埯 o铭 氵,谶 豁 黟拣鲰 嫁甯播嫒羸 鼬 钮巍巍裰嫂娣 诏 1锱 甘

is chapter fLictional force is analysed in detaⅡ When you have completed it,you should

● be farmliar wi山 the mathematical model of friction and the properties of△ ictionaI
● understand the dea of ⅡmitiⅡ g equilⅡ bⅡ um
● know whatis rneant by the CoefⅡ cient of§ octiOn and be able to use it
● be able to solve problems on motion and equilibrium in which foction is one ofthe
forces acting on an olt)∶ iect.

5置 BⅢ汛 pr0pα 吐峦 ofEricⅡ onalForces

Ima昏 ne山 at you are trying to dr鸭 a heavy box along
a hor讫 ontal platfo1"(∏ g.5.1)。 One oftwo山 ings may
haPPen.If you Pu1l ha“ i enough,the box wi11start to
move in the d△ ection you are pulling in。 If you don’ t
Pu11so hard,the box wⅡ l stay where itis.But in either
case your puⅡ wiu be opposed by a foctional force. Fig,5,1

This f1∶ ictional force acts hoⅡ zontally,in the plane

where the base ofthe box1s In contaCt w1th the
plaform.Its dLection is opposite to the direcJon in
which the box o moving,orin which it wOuId move if
it cou1d。 Fig。 5.2shows the four foroes acting on曲 e
box,Whether or not1tis tnov1ng。

Ifthe box doesn’ t startto move,then the forces are in equⅡ ibⅡ um。 This rneans that the
凸oction exacuy balances the puI1.If you pull a bit harder,the fricdon wiIl increase;if you
don’ tpu1l so hard,the“ ction wiu decrease,If you stop pulling,the mcti° n、″iIl vanish.

If you pull hard enough for the box to rnoVe,the fric吐 on is sma1ler than the pu11。 There is a
Ⅱrnitto the amount of凸 吐ction thatthe base of the box and the platfo∶ Ⅱ:can produce。 If you
pu1lw“ h a fOrce greater than this liⅡ 刂t,the box wⅡ 1sta⒒ to move。

When pan of曲 c surface of an° 丬ect is in contact with a丘 xed surface,and forces are
tendng to movethe o凵 eCt across the su血 e,these forces wi11be opposed by a
n。 ctional force。 Its dhocuon is opposite to the direction of rnotion or possible rnotion.

The f戌 cdonal force.0ann°t exceed a cenain magnitude,ca11ed thc Ih吖 庄ting notti。 Ⅱ.If
the o凵 ect h够 Fe哎 and equi1ib⒒ um“ possible with a“ ctional force less山 an由 h
equi1ib“ um。

equⅡ ibrium with the li1niting ffiction,the

n,and to be‘ on the po【 nt of rnovlng’ .

Example5.1¤ 1
A dustbin of rnass 20kg is placcd on a path which is at an angle of13° to the
hoⅡ zonta1.The lirniting friction betwjeen the bin and the path is 50N,
(a) WⅡ lthe bin sⅡ de down tho path?
(b) A force paral1el to the sIope is appⅡ ed to the bin so thatitis on the point ofrnoving
up the pa1h.HOw l盯 ge is this force?

(⒆ There are three forces on the bin∶ ⒒s weight,the

noΙ 1"al Contact force,and friction acting up the path
(Fig.5,3).OnIy the weight and the friction have any
effect paralle1to the path.

The weightis200N,and its resolved pa⒒ down the

path is 200cos77° ,、 vhich is about 451`。 This is less
than the lirn“ ing fricu。 n,s。 thcre can be equnibrium
wi-h a frictional force of45N up the pa曲 ,

The bin will not slide down the path。

(b) Since the bin is on the point of sliding up thc

path,the fricσ on has its lhη iting value of50N and
acts in the opposite direction,down the path,Let the
applied force be P N up the path,Then the forces on
the bin are as in Fig。 5,4,

1辶 (up the path) f冫 ~50~ˉ 200cos77° ==0.

This gives尸 =50+45=95。
1f a force of95N is applied,the bin is on the point of sljding up the path.

How la鸭 e、 the friction when the ot刂 ect star凼 to mOve?In theofy it might哎 γ atits
linliting value,it rnight be smaller,orit Fnight getlarger but not so large as the force
moving it.ExpeHFnents suggest thatin practice the f1・ iction、 vhen there is motion is
slightly smaⅡ er than lirniting friction,butto a f1rst approxirnation it is often taken to
cqual the lirniting friction.This is the rnodcl you shou1d use,unlcss you are told

lI’ 奋
漕、 苷藩:黝 么
爨郛掇鑫黥鼗爨镞麟 嚣蕊:噱蕊窈瀚 露窍氵嚣t

;嘏 瞿黯露
℃拄汛 爨
驳 l腱l邋
蚝 邋 茁 △Ⅱ勰 钺 泓 龋 邋 辘 蕊 蹴 勰 邋 搬 撼 瑙 蕊 斌 摁 眭

1f,、vith the data in Example5.1,I,a force of100N is applied to the dustbin up the path,
calculate the acceleration Ⅵoth which the bin飞 Ⅳill rnoⅤ e,

The forces in Fig,5.5are the same as in Fig.5,4,exceptthat P is now100。 As the bin

is rnoving,friction has its liFn⒒ ing va1ue of50N。 Let the acceleration be夕 nl s^2.
62 MECHA№ cs⒒

R(upthe pathl 100-50-200cos77° =20rI。

This酊 ves⒛ 四刘 0O-⒛ -笱 〓5,∞ 四=岛 =0・ 25・

The bin lvil1acceIerate up the path at0.25n△ sˉ

The properties of friction descHbed in this sec匚 on apply only

when the surfaces in contact are dry and fai∶ 1y1△ gid.If there
is a layer of oil or watcr separating the surfaces,then you
need to use a differcnt rnodel of f∶ :|iction.

5.2 LiⅡ ⅡJng Friction

The next question to ask is,ho、 v large is the li∏ 1iting friction?

This rnight depend on a number of factors,such as

● the materiaIs that the surfaces iR contact consist Of,
● the shape and area ofthe regio∷ n of contact between the surfaces,
● 曲e other forces acting on tlle o凵 ect,

The irst ofthese is obⅤ iously impo⒒ ant,C)ther things being equal,wood sliding across
graⅤ el produces rnuch more focdon than poⅡ shed steel sliding across ice,Any model of
伪匚ction has to take account ofthe difference in roughness of v钔 oous rnaterials。

ExpeⅡ rnents suggestthat shape and area do not have rnuch effect on the sizc ofthc
hmiting fI・ iction,However,there汀 e exceptions to this.For exampIe,a new car1∶ )/re with
a well-designed tread can produce morc friction than a wonn tyre,eⅤ en though both are
made ofthe same mateⅡ al,

The effect of the other forces Certainly needs to be takcn into account。 YOu can sho、 v
this by caⅡ ying out a siⅡ nplc expeornent,

Take two books,one heavier than the odler,and

stand each upright on a table。 No、v clench your tsts,
and try to1ift each book offthe table,as in Fig。 5.6,
To do this,you w⒒ l need to push w⒒ h your knuckles R
against the covers ofthe book.Ifthe book has、 〃eight Ⅱ
、′,and the friction on each coveris F,then

2F=W,so that F=告 W・ This means that曲 e
kLcdonal force has to be larger for the heavi(r book.

No、 v reducc the forces R frorn your knuckles until Fig.5,6

the boOk is on the point ofslipplng.F1r∶ iction is then
limⅡ ng.YOu wⅡ l ind由 at you need to push harder on the covers to supportthe heaⅤ ier
book。 This is bccause the limidng friction depends on the no1Ⅱ Ial contact force.Since
the lirnidng fHcu。n has to be larger for the heavier book,the normal contact force aIso
has to be lar。。er.

Notice thatit is the same for the box pulled across the platforn1in Fig,5,1,Ifthe box is
nlade heavier,then you need to pull harder befOre it stε urts to move,The1imiting friction

depends o∶ n the normal contact force,and in this case the normal contact force has the
same magnitude as the weight。

If you cary out rnore precise expeoments,you find thatthere is a d订 cct propo琏 ionaI
re1ationship connecting the liFniting friction and the normal contact force,For example,
if you double the normal force,the lirniting friction is doubled,The ru1e for calculating
hⅡ 1idng friction can then be surntn钔r、 ed as follows.

锑 鹦 嬲 勰 蹴 獭 勰 蹴 繇 ,

The symbol Jr is the Greek letter‘ Π1`pronounced‘ tnu,.It is alxvays used to denote thc
coef巳 cient of friction,For rnost surf・aces,the Volue of Fj lies between 0.3and 0.9,but
smaⅡ er orl涎 ger values(even greater than1)can occur。

1f〃 is very small,you Ⅱ

nay get useful approxiFnate results by taking u to be o,so that
friction is ignored,In that case,the surfaces are said to be s1nooth,If〃 is greater than
0,t缸 e su1・ f【aces are said to be rough,and you、 Ⅳill need to consider foction.The teΠ n

very rough9“ s。 metimes used to de“ I此 e surfaces for wMch〃 诋 so hrge th狨 theFe灬
no prac吐 cal likclihood that one、 vⅡ l shde Over the othcr,

Example5⒓ 。
A person tries to pu1l a small cupboard across the Πoor,The Fnass ofthe cupboard is
76kg and山 e coefficient of fricⅡ on is0‘ 5.Describe what happens ifthc cupboaⅡ is

pulled with a hor讫 ontal force of (⒄ 200N, (b)400N.

re shown in
The forces on thc cupboard ε
Fig.⒌ 7.The nOIΙ al Contact force,RN,is

equalto the weight ofthe cupboard,which

is 760N,

The limiting friction is0,5RN,that is380N, Fig.5,7

(a)The pull of200N怨 less than the Ⅱmiting frlction。 The pull is therefore
Opposed by a frictional force of200N:and thc cuoboard doesn’ t move,

(b)The pu11of400N is grα 玫er than380N,sO fI・ iction is limiting and the
cupboa【 ・
d wiⅡ stan to:noⅤ e,Denote its accelera吐 on by ‘
γ:η s砭 。

) 400-380=76g, wⅡ ch giⅤ es d〓 0,263,¨ 。
The cupboa【 ˉ
d staRsto move、 V廴 h acceleration0.26ms^2,to2signincant ngures.
64 MEcHAN1cs1

Exa1mple5。 2Ω
A boy kicks a stone ofrnass 100gra1ns across the playground.The coefficient of
nicH。 n bet、 veen the stone and the playground is 0.25,Ifthe stone comes to rest 31m
away,众 nd the speed with which the boy kicked it,

YOu have to assume thatthe playground is directlon

nat,so that the stone stays in contact with it,
JI n1sˉ 2
The mass ofthe stone is 100grams,which is
O。 1kg,so its weightis l N.The other forces
on the stone are the nolΙ Ι
la1contact force,
RN,and foction,FN(see Fig。 ⒌8).

Resolving veΓ Eca1ly gives R=I.So lomg as

the stone is Fnoving,1[ir∷iction has its liIniting
v岔 Iue,which is0⒓ 5× 1N=025N, Fig.5,8

You can use Newton’ s second law to1hnd the acceleration,夕 rn sˉ

了K0l -025=0.1夕 , so σ =-2.5。

To finish the proble1n,you need a connection bet、 veen velocity and distancc.Thc
acccleration is constant,so you can use the equation v2=Jr2+2曰 s,You have
found that¤ 〓-2.5,so wh⒒ e the stone is moⅤ ing v2=I。 2-5s.Y。 u now wantto
nnd the Ⅴalue of Jf。

You are told thatthe stone goes31m,which rneans that v=0when s=31.So
0=Ⅱ 2-5× 31,wⅡ ch西 ves〃 =V飞 5=12,4,∞ 3si叩 滔cant Ⅱ gums,
The boy kicked the stone with a speed of approxirnately 12.4ms^1,

53 some experi1nents
The model of仂 两cuon descⅡ bed in the lasttwo sections is based on a
Ⅱ⒒xture of
reasoning and expe止 ment.Hem are two eXpenments which you can try for yourser.

ExpeⅡ ment53.1
YOu need a s⒒ itcase and a spong balance.
Begin by using the spring balance tO weigh thc
Case,Then place the case Ⅱat on a table and
attach the spring balance to the handle。 PulI the
case across the table at a steady speed widh the
spring balance,as shown in Fig,5.9,and read
Fig。 5,9
the force on the spring balance。 Repeat the
expe】 r∶ iment with varous o△ ects in“ de the case,and hvesugate fhe re1atonsⅡ p between
the force and the weight。

The forces on the Case are the same as those in Fig.5.2.Since the case is rnoving
at a steady speed,the forces are in equiliboum。 That is,the fricdon is equal t。 the
pull and the noⅡ tnal contact force is equal to the weight。 S。 you can fΙ nd thc
noΙ Ⅱ
I】 al contact force and the friction by rneasunng the weight and the pul1.
CHA咂 R5∶ FRICT1oN 65

Also,since the case is rnoving,fricuon is li了 niting,

One complkation is that most spⅡ ng bdances are calibrated as ifthcy measure
mass rather than、 ″eight.(This was discussed in Section3.4。 )So`〃 hen you weigh
the case,ifthe sp“ ng balance sho、 vs刀 kg,the、veight is 10关 newtons,

SiFni1arly,when you tneasure the pull,if the spⅡ ng balance reads)`kg,this rneans
that the pull is10y newtons,

The theow predicts that thc liFniting fric饪 on is propo波 ional to the nOIIΙ 【
al contact
force,so that the pull is proportional jo the weig【 lt,This必 expre⒃ ed by the
equation10y〓 卩(10Jr),wh忆h gives y=〃 艿 .

So if,as you caσ y outthe experiment with d歧 妃mnt o丬 ccts in曲 e case,you plot
y against艿 ,the points should lie on a straight line through the origin.Ifthey do,
then the gradient of thc line will give the Ⅴalue of the coefficient of friction,

YOu need several books of different rnasses,with covers aIl made of similar rnaterials。
Take one book and place it nat on the tabIe.Then tutthe tab】 e,graduaⅡ y increasing the
a11gIe by placing equ・ dl blocks undertwo a哟 acent legs。 Continue untⅡ tlle book沁 on由 c
point of sliding down the table.Measure the height ofthe legs aboVe the】 1oor,and
henGe calculate the angle of tilt。 Rcpeat钅 he expeⅡ nlent with each book in tum,

Ifthe book has tnass r,讠 ,then the forces

on the book are its weight″lg,the
normal contact force R and the fricu。 n
F,which is li:η iung、 J¢ hen the book is on
the point of sliding(Fig,5,10)。 Theory
predicts tllat尸 檑equalto u厌 .Den。 te
° 5.10
the anglc oftⅡ t by α .

欠(⊥ to mble t° p) 扪g∞ sα °=R。

R(‖ to tabIe topl ag∞ slg0-㈤ °
刀 =卩 R。

Shce cos(90-α )° =“ nα °
,this last equation c且 n be written as

° R.
f99g sinα =〃

Combining this with the伍 rst equauon,

r彳 g sinα °=〃 ag cos α°

, so sin α°=〃 cos α°・

This can bc“ mpⅡ Ied by u蕊 ng瑟 。 °

=tan α ,to give tan α =卩 .

Ifthe theory is coⅡ ect,t11e angles at which sliding begins should be the same for
a11the books,whateVer their tnasses.1f so,then the coefficient of nocti。 n is the
tangent ofthe ang1e °
α .

YOu can extend this experirnent by turning thc bo0ks round on the tab1et° p,or by using
books、 vith covers of different sizes,to see if this rn皮 kes any difference tO the angle of tilt,

5Ⅱ Friction and rnotion

You may have gained the impression that fricdon Falways acts so as to prevent rnotion.
People often tr,,to reduce the Fnagnitude Of the fricdonal force,for example by applying
oⅡ to moving parts,or by pOlishing surfaces which move oⅤ er each other,

Ho、 vever,for rnany types of rnotion friction is essenda1,Imagine(rying to run on a

shppery pavemcnt,tγ ing to ride a bicycle on ice or driⅤ ing a carin mud.In all these
cases,the problem is thatthe magnitude of the frictional forcc is not1arge enough,It is
friction which m・akes it possible to run,ode bicycles or dⅡ ve cars,

The ath1ete wou1d slip withoutthe friction between her shoe and the ground。 Pedalling
caus喵 曲e bicycle’ s back ldrivin9wheel to rotate,and曲 e ucyde m。 ves forward
beCauζ e ofthe fricdon between the tyre and thc ground,The car’ s-ε ngine¢ auses the

dⅡ Ⅴing wheels tO rotate,and friction is needed forthe car to be able to moⅤ e。 These
鼗 厂屮

situations are i1lustrated in Figs,5,11,5,12and5.13.

Fig,5,12 Flg,5,13

R鹅 陈了鼹搬 镪 搬 蠛 髑 躐 踽 绺 Exercise5A 筲黟鬯拶嬲胥娣鬻了ˇ唧唧翠臀搏男氵

阝↑Ι邋器狒髯鸳犭氵 £饯 0∶

The diagran1shows horizontal forces of

magnitudes P N and@N acting in opposite
dircctions on a bIock of rnass5kg,、 vhich is
at rest on a hoⅡ zontal surfaCe.State,in terrlls
of尸 and@,thC1nagnitude and dircctlon of
the frictional force acting on the block、 vhen

(a) P>@, (b) 0>P,

The diagraln shows ho⒒ zontal forces of rnagnitudes

P N and100N acting in opposite direcuons on a
block of weight50N,which is at rest on a
Face.CIiven that the coe¤ hc1ent of
horIzontal su贝 勹
ction bet、 Ⅴ

f1ˉ een the block and the surface is0.4,snd
the range of possible values of尸 。

The diagranl shows a force ofrnagn⒒ ude 8N acting

downwa1・ ds at30° to the horizont⒍ l on a bIOck of
mass3kg,、 vhich is at rest on a hoⅡ zontal su1fFace。
Calculate the foctional force on the block。

An aidine passenger pushes a15kg suitcase along the floor with his foot.A force of60N
is needed to move the suitcase.Find the cocf⒏ cient of白 “ction。 What force、 vould be needed
to give the suitcase an acceleration of0.2n△ s~2’

A block Ofrnass 6kg is accelerating at I.25rn s^2,on a horizontal surface,under the

action of a horizontal force of rnagnitude 22.5N.Calcu1ate the coefficient of friction
between the block and the sulface.

A horizontal cable fron1a、 〃inch is attached to a sma11boat of rnass 800kg which rests on
h(∶ )1r1izont/dl gmund.The coe1[;[∶ i浼 nt of仃 i函 on、 ・The Ⅱ雨 on h the cab⒗ 诋 加αe嚣 ed h

steps of I001刂 ,Whatis the fⅡ cuona1force、 vhen the tension is

(o 5900N, (b) 6000N, lc) 6100N?

Descobe Ⅴ/hat happens in cach ofthese cases.

The diagraFn shows a block of、Ⅳeight50N atreston a

plane inclined at an angle α°to the horizontal,under
the acdon of a force ofFnagnitude P N acting up the
plane.Find,in terms of P,the rnagnitude and direction
of the frictiona】 force acting on the block when
(a) 尸)50sin α°, (b) P(50sin α° .

The diagraF11shows a block ofrnass 4kg atrest on a

plane inclined at 35° to thc horizontal,under the action
of a force ofrnagnitude P N acting up the p1ane.The
coefficient of§ 匝ction bcε ween the block and thc plane is
0.45.Find the range of possible Ⅴalucs of P,

A bowl of mass 500grams is placed on a table9which is tⅡ ted at vaoous angles to the

horizonta1,The cocfscient of卣 西ction is 0.74.CaIcu1ate the net force on the bowl down a
Iine of grcatest slope of the table、 vhen the angle oftⅡ tis

(a) 36° , ⑶ 36告

(c) 37° .

`hat happens in each ofthese cases。
10 A coin ofrnass 5 grams is s钌 uCk and sⅡ des across a horizontal、 vooden board,If the
coefficient of f"cdon is0.4,and the coin is struck with a speGd of 1.5rn s^l,how far wⅡ lit
slide befo1℃ it co∷ mes tO rcst?

A solid c丿 hdα of m灬 s6kg心 hghtly held,with its a对 s Ⅴeltictal,in thejaws ofa“ ce,
and is on the point of sIipping do、 vn、 vards,The magnitude ofthe force exerted by each of
themws k To N.CalcLllate the coeⅢ cient Qf1【 iction betR/een tllc碱
if∶ ce and the qlinder。

12 A builder holds up a ve⒒ ical piece of plate glass of weight401、 by pressing the two sides
with forces of P N from the palms of his hands,1f the coefflcient of fR・ icti◇ n is去 ,what is
the least value of P needed ifthe g1ass is not to slip?

13 A shopper picks up a 2kg packet of Hce with the宅 humb and index Ongcr of onc hand.The
c。 efncient of friction between her§ ngcrs aRd the wrapping is0.3。 、
、厂hat h0⒒zontal force
must she exeⅡ to preventthe packet fron1s1ipping?

I4 A cycⅡ st and her bicycle have丫 nass 75kg.She is riding on a hoⅡ zontal road,and posiu。 ns
herself so that60%ofthe no1Ι lIal Contact force acts on the back whcel and40%on the
fron狂 、
Vhee1.The coefficient of friction between the tyres and the road is O。 8,Whatis tme
greatest acceleration she can hope to achieve?

WhiIst riding at6n1s^1 she applies both brakes to stop the Wheels rotating.In、 Ⅳhat
distance Ⅵ me to a stop?
'nl she c。

15 A crate of bott【 es,、 vith tOtal rnass6kg,is placed on the Ⅱoor of a dcl:very van。 The
coe£ 巳cient of f吨 ction is0⒕ ,Whatis thc g£ atest acCeleratiol1possible if thc crate is not to
slip on the noor?

16 A table of rnass 15kg stands on the noor of a restaurant.The coef臼 cient of friction is 0.5
when there is no mo“ on,but it drops t。 0,4、vhen the table starts to FnoVe,A waiter pushes
the table across the Πoor with a gradually increasing horizont狨 force until thc tab1e sta⒒ s to
move。 Find the acceleration with which the table sta吨 sto move。
分铲淤F宝 9氵 ∷
扌 锶辞δ露器$命 《
咨3獬 扌
芯捞$勰 分u抵 饣兹器器艹镂嚣,泸 盔扌F锇 峦
、、lr、 磁黟镙韶簸斟畲畲器滚蕊怼
忄焱皴嗡蕊谂奋鄹 糠癸蛳
t嗡 群螂 萦遘熔堀鬣飧
蜊 繁 黑捻濯蕊i涵 繁;|

5.5 ProbIems iⅡ volving friction

VVhen you have a problem to solve lⅣ hich involⅤ es friction,you use the rnethod of
resolving which was described in Chapter4,together、 vith cquations expressing the
prope⒒ ies of fr沁 tion。 These can be sumnnarised as foⅡ ows,using F and R t。 denote
friction and nolⅡ Ial contact force,

・ If motion is t猁 ong pIace(whether at constant speed or with acceleration),犴 icuon is

liΠ liting and in a direction opposite to the direction of1⒒ otion.
。 Ifthe o△ ect、 on the p⒍ nf of mo呐 ng,frk义 沁n is⒒ miting and in a di⒑ cton Oppo$ite to
曲atin which the o凵 ectis aboutto moⅤ e.
・ If friction is Ⅱmidng,由 en F=lrR・
● Ⅵ凡ethcr friction is limiting or not,F≤ /JR・

ExarnpIe5。 5。 1
A block of weight 20N is at rest On a horizontal sulface,When a force of了 nagnitude
12N is applied to the block at an angle of30° aboⅤ e the horizontal,itis on the point of
moving,FInd the coefficient of focⅡ on between the block and the su1。 face,

The forces act∶ ng on the block are sho、 vn in

Fig.5.14。 since the block∶ s aboutto move
towards曲 e⒒ ght,f1・ icton is acthg towards
the Ieft。 This is a case oflimiting
equi1ib“ um,so F=uR.
Fig 5.14
R(← ) F=12cos30° =I0.39.¨ .

R(1卜 ) R+12cos60° =20, giving 夕 =14.

F 10.39,¨
Therefore〃 = =0.74,to2signitcant ngurcs,

The coefncient。 f自oction is appFOxi1uately0☆ 74,


彳 oommonmjsh油 加 ε砘旧1|ons朋 饴 肋右右 Fr,肋 励〃h蔽 R=20.肠 e″ 茫泊M″歹

cd△V,/o//Jz/s/氵nC丨udee昭〃 /,/0e弼 〃冫刁彳%砣田/招∞ 似 刃 〃 泥

A snoⅥ /-covered hiIl is at an ang1e of13° to the hoⅡ zonta1,As1edge of weight75N is
placed on the hⅡ 1,Given that the coefficient of n盹 ction between the s1edge and thc hⅡ lis
0.15,Rnd、 Ⅳhether the slcdge、 vⅡ l sⅡ de down the hⅡ l by itself.

The three forces acting on the sledge are sho、 Vn in

Fig。 5,15,

R(⊥ tothC Ⅲll R=75∞ s13° 〓73.07.…

The maximum value ofthe friction怂 u】 Ⅰ

灿R=O・ 15× 73.07.¨ =I0.96.¨ ,

The resolved p钔rt of thc、 veight、 vhich acts down the hill is

75cos77° N=1⒍ 87,¨ N。

As this force acting down the slope is greaterthan the rnaximum possible
1∶ iicuona;f。 rce acting up the slope,the sledge`氵 vill slide down the hⅡ l by itself。

Example5.5∶ s
Part of an ar1η y assault course consists of a taut cable 25 metres long伍 xed at 35◇ to the
horizontal,A light rOpe ring is placed round the cable at its uppcr cnd.A soldier◇ f Fnass
80kg grabs hold ofthe ring and slides down thc cabIe.If the coefficient of fHGtion
between the1△ ng and the cable is 0,4,Ⅱ nd hoⅤ ¢fastthe soldier is FnoⅤ ing when he
reaches the bottom。

Fig,5。 16shows the forces on the soldieF with the

ring at some point of his descent^The normal
contact force is R N,the刂 Fi:iction is F N,and the
accelera“ on is rT1ns^2.The lveight of the soldier
is800N,and the、 Ⅳeight ofthe ring can be
ne£ 。

RU|to曲 e cablel sO0∞ s55° -F=gO曰 . Fig.5.16

R(⊥ to the∝ 由l⑶ gO0cos35° 〓R。

Since them is motion,friction is1imiting,so that F=04R。 So

800cos55° -O,4× 800GOs35° =80σ ,

曰=10cos55° -4cos35° =2.459,¨ ,

70 MECHANIcs l

The aCCcleration is constant,and you wantto flnd the ve1ocity when the soldier
has trave11ed25rn down the usethe equauon v2=:J2+2“ s with IJ=0,
曰=2.459。 ¨ and s=25.This gives

v2=02+2× 2⒕ 59.¨ ×25〓 122.9。 ¨,giψ ing v=Ⅴ 122.9,… =11.08,¨ ,

The soldier reaches由 e bOttom ofthe cable at a speed ofju吼 over11ms^l,

° °
A block of we熄 ht200N怂 phced on a slope rat卩 to the hor】 zonml,where sin卩 〓0,6
and cos卩 °〓0,8.It k kept from moving by a hoⅡ zonta1force of P newtons.For drferent
va1ues of the coefficient of friction u,§ nd the range of possibIe values of P.

If P istoo sma11,the bIock∏ Ⅱght shde down the slope;if P is too large,the block
might be pushed up the slope。 so thc白歧ctional force,jF N,∏ light act either u∷ p the
slope(Fig。 5.17)or down the“ ope(Fig.5.18).The normal colltact force is R N,

Fig,5,17 Fig,5。 I8

FOr Fig,5.17∶

R(⊥ to the创 。
pe) P× ⒍6+⒛ 0× 0⒙ =R。

R(‖ to the slope) P× 0.8+F=200× ⒍6,

Equilibrium is not necessar11y limiting9sO F≤ 肛R.This givGs

I20-0⒙ P≤ lt(0⒗ P+I60),which can be reaⅡ anged as

40(3-4u)≤ (0・ 8+0.6u)P, giving (4+3u)P≥ 200(3-4u).

NOtice曲 at,f肛 h greater than景 ,the expFession on the rightΙ $neg狨 ive,but the
expression on the Ieft is positiⅤ e,so the inequahty is always s岔 饪s员 ed。 Thls links
with the result of Experiment5.3.2,、 vhere you found thatthe book would not sIide
un俏 the tabk心 tilted so th狨 mn俨 =〃 ,ln曲 s exarn丿 e tan俨 =⒏ 〓 ;so r
噜 景
〃)导 ,曲 e block will mot“ Ⅱe down the dope even ifthe force P is removed.

However,if lr灬 less than县 , P must be at1east2笠

立to pr。 vent the block
`s1iding down the slope。
For Fig.5.18,the equation for reso1ving at oght angles to the slope is the sa111e as
befo∞ ,but the equation欠 (Ⅱ ∞曲es1op⑶ chan胪 s to

0.8P〓 F+120。

The cond“ on F≤ 〃R then leads to the inequality

0⒙ P-120≤ /J(0⒗ P+160), 妒ving (4-3〃 )P≤ 200(3十 4/t).

坨血 ,曲 ere are twO case⒌ If〃 灬 1ess than舍 ,P mnn∝ 杌 reater than

舳 岫 犰洫 would嘟 铡 幽 up the岬

But f〃 沁greater man夸 ,the exp⒑ s蚰 n on the leR沁 nega刂 vc and the
expⅡ ssion on the oghtis posiuⅤ e,s。 the inequality is always satisged.Thls
mcans that,however h(aLI:d you push,the block can never shde up the slope,

Whatis happening is that,as you increase P,the nolΙ Ι

Ial contact force from the
slope increases。 1f Ft is large,this produces a large increase in the liⅡ ⒒ting fric“ on,
So although the rcsolVed part of P up the slope also increases,itis not enough to
overcome the aⅤ 耐1able friction.

The results ofthis exampIe can be t11ustrated、 vith graphs,In Fig.5.19Ⅴ alues of P
The lower graph has equation P=二 二nα ~ˉェcz)f1.。
are plokked against〃 。 from m
n“ ¨ =号 ,a竹 er… wⅡ D-∩ Th^¨ I,‰ ^¨ 丘 t严 D~2oα 3十 仰

=0t° 〃 要 ,
ch P=0.The upper¨graph
equadoll )

from u〓 0to〃 =营 ・F,for a pa戒 icular Ⅴa1ue of〃 ,the value of P ltes between
thc t、 vo graphs,the block xx/Ⅱ 1bc in equilibrium。 Ifthe value of P lies be1ow the
lower graph,the block will slide down the slope.Ifthe value of P lies aboⅤ e the
upper graph,the block l1vill shde up the slope,

bloc∷ {|l|丨 I∶ }
sIides up |


1礴髑 丨
磁翮 刂璎 粲 爨 §漶槲
廴 Exerose5B r
A crate stands on the floor of a Inoving train,The cra饣 e has a tendency to slide backwards
reIative to the train。 Statc the dLec饣 ion of the frictiona1force,and whether the tFain is
accelerating or decelerating,

飞 e accelerauon or decelerauon has r11agnitude 4n1sˉ 2and tIle crate is on the point of
sliding。 Find the coefficie扭 t of friction bet、vccn the crate and the f1oor.

A cyc1ist and his b忆 ycle have a total mass of90kg。He灬 travelling along a s订 时ght
hOrizontal road,at 7n1s^1,、 Vhen he applies the brakes,locking both wheels.He comesto
restin a distance of5∶ m,Find the coefficient of fricdon between the tyres and the road

The coeffloellt of△ictioll between a waste酞 Ⅱ of mass500kg and the hoⅡ zontm豳und
on、 vhich it stands is 0.6。 ˇ旷hatisthe maximun、 rnass of、 vaste material that the skip can
contain if it is to be moⅤ ed by a horizontal force of Fnagnitude 7350N?

l when its brakes are applied,

A car is traveⅡ ing on a horizonta1s⒍ Eught road at12yn sˉ
locking all four wheels,The coefⅡ cient of friction be△ 〃een the road and the whee1s is0,8.
Find the distance traVeⅡ ed by the car from the instant that the brakes ε
ue appⅡ ed until it
cornes to rest,

The diagrarn shows a horizontaI force of rnagnitude

30N acting on a b1ock ofrnass 2kg,、 vhich is at
rest on a plane inclined at 50° to the horizonta1.
Find the magnitude and direc吐 on ofthe f西 cuonal
force on the block,

An ice-hockey puck is stmck f1・ oΠ 1one end of a rink ofIcngth 27Fll towards tbe otheF end,
l-and the puck rebounds from the boundary fence atthe other
The initial speed is 6rn sˉ
end with a speed which is0.75times仇 e speed with wⅡ ch"s订 uCk fhe fence,beforeju哎
rctuming to its starting pOint。 Calculate the coefficient offriction bet、 Ⅳeen the puck and the

A raiI、 vay engine is traⅤ elling at50Fn s^I,without carriages or饣 ucks,when the poweris
shut off and the brakes applied” locking the wheels ofthe engine.The engine comes to rest
in 25 second$。 Calcu1ate the coefficient of fΓ iction betwcen the、 vheels and the track.

A blOck ofFnass 5kg accelerates at 0.8n1s^2,do、 vn a pIane inchned at15° to the

horizontal冫 undeΓ the action of a force of Fnagn|tude 30N acting down the plane,Calculate
the coefncient。 f friction bet、 veen the block and the p1ane,

A crate of rnass 350kg is released frO1rl rest atthe top of a po1ished chute oflength80m,
which is inclined at an angle of20° to the hoAzonta1.The coefficient of focti° n be小 Ⅳecn
thc crate and the chute is 0,36.Calculatc the frictional force on the crate,and the speed of
the crate atthe bottom ofthe Chute,given that the crate

(a)怂 empty, rb)contains ouects oftotaI mass150kg.

10 A chⅡ d starts frO111rest atthe top of a playground slide and reaches a speed of5.5nl s^1at
the bottonl of the s1oping part,which makes an angle of35° Ⅵ/ith the horizonta1.The
coef巳 cient of focdon between the chⅡ d and the s1idc ls O。 25‘ Find the length of the sloping
paIt of the sIide,and the Iength ofthne for、 vhich the child is。 n the sloping part,

A car trave1s down a hⅡ l which is inclined at 6° to the hoⅡ zontal,with its engine switched
off。When曲 e car’ s speed reaches10△ 1s^【 the brakes are app⒒ ed,locking al1four、 Ⅳhecls,
The car comes to restin a distance of8m,Find the coefscient of foction be饣 ween the
tyres and the road。
CHAmR5∶ FR【 CTIoN 73

12 A sma11rnagnet of rnass O。 05kg is held against the rnetal door of a refrigerator and then
re1eased from rest.The Fnagne“ c effect is only pa⒒ ially effective and so the magnet rnoves
ve⒒ icaIly do、vnwa1・ ds,remaining in contact with the door.The rnagnet travels1.4n1in
2seconds,Assuming the acceleration ofthe magnetis constant,Ind the fricu° nal force on
the magnet,

Cliven that the coef⒍ cient of friction bet、 veen the door and the1nagnet is0,3,calculate the
noIII【 al contact forcc exerted by the door on the magnet。

13 A cyclist free-wheels down a sIope inc1ined at7° to the horizontal。 VVhen her speed gets to
41ns^l she applies the brakes,locking both、 〃heels,The cyclist comes to rest l s after
applying the brakes。 Find the coefficient of friction between the tyres and the slope,

14 The diagrana shows a force of丁 nagnitude201Ⅺ

ac住 ng dOwnwards at25° to the horizOntal on a bIock
◇f mass4kg,which is at的 st in li日 “ting equilib⒒ um
on a horiz◇ ntaI surface。 C^lculate the coefmcicnt。 f
friction betu,een the block and tlle su【 face.

The direcuon。 f thc force of rnagn1tude20N isn0、 v reversed.Calculate the acce1eration

with which the block starts to move。

15 The diagran△ sho、vs a horizontal force of rnagnitude

10N actlng on a block of mass6kg,which o at
rest in liFniting equilibriu1n on a plane inGlincd at
20° to the horizonta1.Calculate the coefficient of
friction bet、 veen tho block and the plane。

The dircction of the horizontal force is no、 v reversed. Find the acceleraσ on with、 vhich the
block sta戒 sto mOvG.

MisceⅡ aneous exercise5

A book,which may be mode11ed as a particle of woight 8N,rosts in equilib⒒ uln on a desk

top inclined at 28° to the horizontal。 Find the frictional force acting on the boOk,

The coef∏ cient of friction betxl,eem the book and the desk top is 0.6,DeteIn1ine Whether
the equilibrium i$li1niting, (oCR)
A con心 p∏ 丬ected whh speed6ms^J along the horizonta1surfrace of a bench.The
cocfficicnt of】 ˇiction between the coin and the sudacc is0,7,Modclling the coin as a
pa吨icle and assurning no air resistance,丘 nd the speed ofthe coiR after O,3s. (OCR)
虍\hcavy⒒ ng ofrnass 5kg is threaded on a扛 xed
rOugh hoⅡ zontal rod.The coefficient of friction
betwecn the rod and tlle Ⅱ
ng峦 ・
古A light“ r“g is
a仗 aChed to the ring and pulled downwards、 Ⅳith a forGe
acdng at a constant angle of30° to the horizOnt亠 l

(seC diagram),The mε gnitude ofthe force怂 r newt。 ns,and o gradually increased f1・ om
zero.Fhdthe Value of r fh溆 isju“ su们 ⒏oenfto make the equi1Ⅱ )oum limiting, (OCR)
74 MEcHANIcs I

4 A straight path is inclined at an angle of15° to the

ho⒒zontal.A loaded sk△ of total mass1500kg灬 at

rest on the path and is attached to a、 vall atthe top of the

path by a rope.The rope is taut and parallel to a line of
greatest slope of the path,as shown in the dhgram,
Calculate曲 e no^Ⅱ 1al and打 iction蛀 components of曲 e
contact force exe效 ed on the skip by thc path when the tension in the rope is2000N.

After the rope is cutthe skip is on the point of slipping down the path。 Calculate the
c。 efnc汜 nt。 f mcton between曲 es⒗ p and the path。 (oCR)
rNote∶ The‘ noェ 1Ⅱ al and fr∶ ctional components of the contact force’ is another way of
refemng to the normal cOntact钇 Ee and the fricti(冫 nal force.)

A parcel,of rnass5kg,rests on a rough plane inclined at

45° to the horizonta1。 The parcel is held in equilibriur11by
a force of Fnagnitude 20N incIined at30° to a line of

greatest slope of the plane,as shown in the diagram,

DraⅥ/a diagrarn showing all the forces acting。 n the
parce1,and sho、 v thatthe normal contact force between
the parccl and the plane has Fnagnitudc 25,4N,correct to
3signiIcant员 gures.
Given thatthe equⅡ iboum is li:niting,with the parcel on山 e point of了noⅤ ing doWn the
p1alle,§ nd the coe锱 cient of mctl。n between the p云 ccl and tlle plane, (OCR,・ ddapted)

A sraight footpafh m时 cs an ange。 fα thG
ho盛 zon“ 戒,Ano丬 ect P of woght1250NF歇 s on
the footpath,The coe§ 陌c妃 nt of fk・ 忆uon between the
o丬 ect c△ nd tlle footpath k0.1.The le灬 t magmtLtde of
a foKe,acting up the hotpath,whiGh will hold the
o△ ect at rest on the№ otpath k50N(see dhgram).By treating the o丬 ect as a pa欣 忆le,
show thatthc v缸 ue of αsatisⅡ es10sinα °-cos α°=0.4, (oCR)

A loaded crate of rnass 80kg isto be moⅤ ed along rough horizontal ground.A student、 vas
asked to compare the least‘ pushing’ forcc needed with the least‘ pullin】 ::’
force needed。

The student rnodelled the cfate as a pa⒒ icle,and looked at this probIeⅡ l by considering only
‘pushing’ forces and‘ pul⒒ ng’ fOrces incⅡ ned at 30° to the horizonta1.1n Fig.1the least

pushing’ force has magnitude X neWtons.GiⅤ en tllat the coeffic⒗ nt。 f nocti。 n between
the crate and the ground is0ˇ 6,伍 nd X,
In Fig.2the least‘ puⅡ ing’ forcc has rnagnitude y newtons.Deter∏ 讧ne which ofthe
statements Ca),o)of o)旺 ven bClow is true,a1adjusⅡ fy yOLIr conCluson。
(a) X》 y, (b) X=y, (c) X<y, (OCR)

8 A book oftnass 0,8kg is placed on a rough plane inc⒈ ned at an ang1e of60° to the
horizOntal。 The book isjust prevented from slⅡ ing down the plane by a fo℃ e of magnitude
5N acting parallel to a line of greatest slope of the plane。 Find the coefficient of foction
between the book and the plane.

5N Fig.l

A sma11toy has rnass1.2kg.When a child臼 ies to move the toy along a hoozontal n。 。r by
pushing、 〃ith a force of Fnagnitude 5N氵 acting do、 vnwards at an angle of30° to the
ho“ zontal as shO、 vn in Fig.1,she is unsucCessful。 When the chnd tⅡ estQ move the toy by
pu11ing、 Ⅳith a force of rnagn:tude 5N,acting upWards at an angle of30° to the horizOntal
as shown in Fig,2,shc is successfu1.Show thatthc cocfficient of f凶 ction between the toy
and the noorIies be小 ″een 0.30and0,46,to2signiⅡ cant f1gures。 (0CR,adapted)

10 A log,of Fnass 80kg” rests on ho⒒ zOntal grOund.When a force ofrnagnitudc 240N is
app1ied to钅 he log in an upward dirccuo⒒ that rnakes an angle of20° with the horlzontal,
the log is on the point ofrnoⅤ ing.b爪 odelling the1og as a pafficle,calculate the coefncient
Of frictlon betwecn thc log and the ground. (OCR)

A laundry basket of rnass3kg is being pulled^IOng a rougb borizontal floor by a Iight

rope inclined upward at an an酎 e of30° to the floor,The tension h the rope“ 8N,
ConsideⅡ ng the1aundry basket as a particle,calculate the rnagnitude of the nOII】 lal contact
force exe玳 cd on the Iaundry basket by the noor.
G卜 en tllatthe accelemu。 n。 f the hundry baskctis0.2msˉ nd the coenh。 ent。 f
fr妃 tion between the laundw basket and the flOor, (OCR)
12 A pa‘ eI of rnass3kg is reIeased from mst狨 the top of a straight chute which is$xed at
40° to the horizontal,CIiven that the coef“ cient Of friction bet、 veen the parcel and the
chute is0,2,and ncg1ecting any Other rcsistanccs,calCulatc the acccleration of the par¢ el

as it sIides dOwn thc Chute, (OCR)

13 A coin of rnass 8grams is placed flat On a rough board,、 vhich is inc1ined at an angle of
25° to the hoⅡ zomtal,The coin movcs downwards with acceleration 1.51nsˉ Find the
coeffic:ent of foction bet、 veen the coin and thc board. (OCR)

14 Inida11yas∏ la11block of wood is at a point o on a rough plane inclined at15° to the

ho烛 zonta1,The blo¢ k is pnjccted di茹 ctly up山 e plane with initial speed4ms^J。 The
coeⅢ cient of扪 ction between the block and the plane is斋 .The block∞ m∝
instantaneously to rest at A 。Find the distance¤ A.
Find the speed ofthe block asit passes through o when moving back dOwn the p1ane‘
76 MEcHANIcs1

15 A wooden box is pulled alomg a rough hoozontaI no。 r by means of a constant forcc Of
magnitude 1501Ⅺ acting at an angle of40° above the ho西 zonta1.The box may be
modelled as a pani。 le。 f mass 45kg,and air resistance may be neglected。 Draw a diagram
sho、ving all the forces acting on the box,and sho、 Ⅴthatthe nomal contact force ofthe
Ⅱoor on the box is approxi1nately 354N。
The coef⒏ cient of fⅡ cⅡ on between the box and the∏ oor is0.3。 Calculate the th⒒ e taken
forthe box to move40m from rest。 (ocR,adapteΦ
16 A gid situng。 naw。 oden board s1ides down a line of greatest slope,、 vhich is inclined at
10° to the horizontal,on a snoW-covered mountain,The combined mass ofthe gid and the
board is65kg,and the magnitude ofthe打 ictional force between the bo盯 d and the slope is
125N.Air resistance1η ay be ignored.ShoW thatthc coef赁 cient of foction bet、 veen the
board and thc slope is0.20correct to2s1g耐 珏cant ngures,and venfy thatthe gId and山 e
board are sloⅤ
`ing dOwn,
1,Calculate her speed at the point B,、
The girl passes a point A travg11ing at 5n1sˉ vhere
B泌 40m downtbe“ ope from⒕ .

Later in thc day the girl,still sitting on the boa1・ d,is pulled up the same slope,wi刂 1constant
speed,by a rope inc1imed at 30° above the horizontaI,The surface ofthe slope rnay no、 v be
assumed to be smooth.Calculate the Fnagnitude ofthe force exerted on the board by the
slope, (OCR)
17 A schoolboy sⅡ des a box,of rnass 6kg,down as△ aight path inc⒒ ned at20° to the
horizontal。 The initial speed ofthe box is 5nl s^1,and the coe们 hcient of n吐 cti。 n between
the box and the path is 0,8.Assuming constant accelera住 on,ind thc distance travelled
bcforc the box comes to rest. (oCR)
凇挥弼蹴 蝾喁愁郯浴小捻镞 ‘恣0督 螂 ‘X,锶 ‘
确《嬲 獬鼹镪潘夥饔攥懿勰谳勰邋鼷勰髑黠潮魏翻髀勰镞勰醪鄂糠瀚勰镞嚣裰糠谶噙懑 r

1】 嗉
甘 岁

J1∶ 妥
T£ ∶
t∵ £
I万 蕊器暴∶
七∶ :【 J∶ T∶ ;∶ 1:T∶ E扌 :∴ 尼⒎

● understand thatrnotion upwards and downwards can be covered by a single set of

equations,`砬 th ve1ocity and dispIacement ekher positive or negative
● appreciate the effect of friction for rnotion on a slopc,and of air resistance for verⅡ caI
mo吐 on。

6.1 0丬 ects hⅢ ng from a height

You knOw from chapter3山 at an0丬 ect faⅡ ng freely under the force of gravity has a
constant accderation of about10ms^?,often denoted by g。 1△厶 acceleratkn o the
same whateverthe mass ofthe ooject,butthe model、 based on曲 e assumpuon that山 e
effect of air resistanGe is so smau that it can be ignored in calcula吐 ons。

since the accoloradon is constant,you can use the fo1^lΙ ulae in section l。 5to answer
questions aboutthe time ittnkes to faⅡ a ce⒒ ain height,the speed after fal1ing a cenain
distance,and sO on.

At a swLnⅡ Ⅱng pool a gLlsteps frOrn a dh汀 ng board4m above the surface ofthe
water。 How fast o she moving when herfeetl吐 tthe water?

The gLrs initial velocky is O and her acceleration in me∝ e-second units is10,
You want a connection between the Ve1ocity v and the disp1acement s,so use the
fomu1av2〓 Ⅱ2十 2夕s to get v2〓 0+2× 10× s,妒 ving v2〓 20s.When s〓 4,
v2=80,so v=刁t0,or8.94。 ¨ .

novmg atJust u】 der9Ⅱ l s^1When her feetl吐

The gk1厶 【 tthe water。

A bⅡ ck is dislodged from the top of a tall b1ock of nats。 A resident on a IOthˉ noor
balcony sees“ passing,and a second lat∝ hears it h⒒ 曲e ground.Each storey has a
heI日k of25m.How taⅡ 抬 the block of扭 ats,and how fastisthe bock mov1ng when m
hits the ground?

As in the previous example,“ 〓O and曰 =〓 10,You are interested in the distance

the M狄 nloves h a cermh刂 me,so u∞ the圮 mula s〓 谢 十去四 莎 t曲 e
d△ macemen← t1me equaton s〓 5r2. '2ω

Suppose that曲 e height of dle block of nats is凡 metres and that山 e bⅡ ck
Γ seconds to fa11to the ground.The height ofthe balcony above ground levGl is
10× 25metres,whkh is25me屺 s.So s〓 肋when饣 〓F,and s〓 九-25when
r〓 T-1.Subsdtudng these pR】 rs of values in s=5r2gives
78 卜ΙEcHAN】 cs1

/t〓 5r2 and /9-25=5(r-1)2.

Sub订aCtthe second equation from the irst。 This gives

/9-(力 -25)=sT2-5(r-1)2,

which shnplifies to

25〓 5(2F-l), so r=3。

FroFn this you can calcu1ate/,=5× 32=45,so the block of llats is 45m high.

T。 nnd h。 w fast the brick is Fnoving△ vhen it hits the ground,use the formula
V=Lrˉ 卜四r,Which、 v⒒h the knOwn Ⅴa1ues of Ir and夕 becomes v=10r。 So when
彦=3,v=30。 The brick hits the ground with a speed of30Fn s^l,

蝌獬撼勰髑 鞲髁孓
鼷镞鼷髁貘邋蠲嫒鲫躐铲 Exerose6A 簿攥黩撼鼾懑鹬黟邋鞅髑躐冁鲞瑙觯蘩攥翳

Air resistance may be璁 noFed,and you may assume thatthe mo“ ng o丬 ects d° not
enCounter any obstacIes(such as thc ground)unless speciⅡ caⅡ y Fnentioned in the question,

1 A stone is dropped】 卜oIn rest.Find the Velocity of the stone and the distance it has fallen

2 A ba11is dropped fro1n rest at a height10rnetres above the ground。 Find the Ⅴelocity of thc
ball just before众 hits the ground,

3 A giFl standing on a bodge oⅤ er a over drops a stone fron1rest.The stone hits the、 vater
after1.4seconds。 Hoxv high is the bridge?

4 A bmlisthrOwn downwards w⒒ h an inidal velooty of3.5ms叫 ,and h汪 s曲e ground when

its ve1ocity is I7.5Iη s^1,From what height was迮he ba1lthrown?

5 A stoneisthmwn downwards from a hoght of14.7metres and hits the ground aRer
1.4seconds.Find the Ⅴelocity oftbe吼 onejust before it hits the。 oround.
勰 I`熔 齑 赏飧瀑 窍嚣扌¢泶袈涤惑鼹镦魏群留潮铐颦黟罐满瞧 膝髁淄恣撼鼗宋簿 袋髑谶擞扌
熟躐 默谂铖豁骤舞锯默袋髑蹴簇器镙嬲饔躐嫒蟒鑫畿髁魏留搬 簸嬲

69 0埘 ects pr耐 ected upwards

1n cFicket,、 vhen a fielder Fnakes a catch he often celebrates by throwing the ball
Ve⒒ically up into the air。 To do this he has to give the ball an initial velocity,and the
force producing this comes from his hands,But once the bal1is in thc a妇 「
,the only force
on itis the force of grav⒒ y,

lVhⅡ e the ball is Ⅱsing,its dispIacement and veloci住 y are upwards,but the force is
downwards。 GFa讷 ty therefore produces a deGelera吐 on of10ms矽 ,so thatin the
ululae you must write 四=-10.
constant aCcelerauon f。 】

A ballis thrown verdcaⅡ y upwards and戚 ses a height of12.8me廿 es。 Find the speed
with whch奴 was thrOwn,and is velooty when k has osen11metres。

In this eXample you are notinterested in the ti1η e,so use the fo1△ nula which IeaVes
°ut r。 which is v2=Ir2+2ε s,The init切 吐velocity IJ is unknown,but夕 =-10。
The equation connecting Veloc"y and disp1acement is therefore v2〓 9r2-20s。

Since the ball rises a height of12,8m,its velocity is O when s:=12.8.Therefore

o=Ⅱ 2-20× I2.8,so讶
2=256,giving Ir=16.That is,thc ball was thrown with

an initial velocity of16ms^1.

You can now subsutLlte16for切 in the veloci刂 过 isplacement equaton to get

v2=256-20s,So when s〓 11,v2=256-20× 11=36,giving v〓 Vz鼋 =6.That
is,when it has risen ll metres the baⅡ is了 noVing upwards at a speed of6ms^l,

The questions asked in this example refer only to the upward1△ otion of the bal1,But
What goes up must comc down,and you could go on to ask questions aboutthe complete
thrOw from the moment、 vhen the ball Ieaves the neIder’ s hands untⅡ the rnoment when
he caⅡ hcs it again,FOr eXan1ple,how long is itin the air for,and ho、 v fast is it Fnoving

whcn itis caught?

You Could answer thcse quGstions by split“ ng the th1ow into t、 vo parts∶ the upward
motion,and then the down、vard motion,in、 vhich the ball falls fron1a height of
12.8metres,But tll沁 is not nGcessary,You oan u⒃ just one set ofequ狂 ons,which hold
for both the upward and thG down、 vard Fnotion,

Consider the Ⅴelocity-thnc equation v=If+rJ`,which in this example takes the form
v丬 6-l⒊ .Thc upward pan d the山 mw h跛 su雨 lv=0,when F=鹅 =1・ 6;∞ khe
ball reaches its盯 eatest height Of12.8metres after1,6seconds。 Aft∷ er that the equation
giⅤ es a ne‘ :ative Ⅴa1ue for v.

Notice thatin setting up the model for this example,and in stating that Jf=16and
fr=-10,itis imp【 ied that quantities rneasured in the upward direction are to count as
positiⅤ e.So if v tums outto be negative,this Fneans that the ball is Fnoving do、 vn、 Vards.

This i11ustrates the difference between the te^Ⅱ ed’ and‘ velocity氵 .For example,if
Is‘ sp£氵

you takG扌 =2,yOu get v〓 16-10× 2=-4。 You would say thatthe ba1l has a velocity
of-4msˉ l in the upwal・ d direc“ on,but that⒒ is FnoⅤ ing with a speed of4msˉ 1.

NOw con蚰 允r acemenHime equ缸 on s=盯 +告

tlle曲 剐 沁咪 ampb
ta晚 s山 e for【ms=16卜 5r2,Y° u can check f1・ oFn th峦 that,when
',wmch r=1.6,
s=25,6-12,8:=12,8,which conn丑 】Ιis that the ba11reaches its greatest height,
12.81netres,after1.6seconds.After that the displacement sta⒒ s to decrease.For
exa叩 ple,when 莎=2,you get s=16× 2-ˉ 5× 4=12,So after2seconds the ball is at a
height of12rlletres,

By wⅡ thg the equaton for s as s=F(16-SF),you can see that s空 0when

=3・ 2・ TⅡ s means that aRer3.2se∞ nds犰 e曲 sp1acement s,曲 at嚣 the hei吵 t of
the ba11,is the complete thrOw lasts for3.2seconds。

Final1y,substitu吐 ng F=3.2in the equation v=16-10r gives v=16-32=-16。 This

means that,when the ballis caught,its ve1ocity is -I6ms^1;that is,it is descending
witll a speed of16msˉ

It o hte£ sthg to not忆 e由 at the ball例 ℃sjustthe sametime to go up asto come doWn,
and that⒒ is caugllt w⒒ h the强 me叩 eed as it′ fhrown。 TⅡ s^alwa阝 tme for an o△ ect
moⅤ ing under the force of graⅤ ity alone、 vhich is thro、 vn up and caught atthe same
level。 You盯 e askcd to prove曲 is in Exerc沁 c6B Question13,

Figs。 6,1and6,2show the velocityˉ time and displacement-ume graphs forthe throw。
Fig。 6.l shows that v is positive up to 莎〓1.6and negative for莎 betWeen I.6and3.2,but
thatthe whole throw can be thought of as part of onc continuous Fnotion(Fig。 6.2shows s
increasing to a FnaXhnum value of12,8whcn F=1.6and then decreasing to O when r:=3.2.


do、 vn


Fig。 6,I Fig.6.2

It i$hVortantto notiCe hOw曲 e displacementis found from曲 e veloc⒒ y-吐 me graph,

The region between the graph and the tirneˉ axis comsists of two刂 riangles,shaded dark
md⒒ ght g⒑ y h the iguK。 BOtll曲 ese t吨 an酊 es h钭 ec△ rea告 ×l・ 6× 16=⒓ .8.The drark
triangle shows that tbe displacernent inc⒑ ases by12.8metres between扌 =O and
r〓 1,6。 BLlt the light triangle,which lies below the axis,shoW$thatthe d室 splacement
rfF亻 严
¢四龆sby12.8metres between `=1,6and3,2,so that by the tirη e莎 =3.2the
西splacemcnt is⒓ .8+(,which∶ s zer° ・
Tllis illustrates the diITe£ ncc between the terms‘ distance’ and‘ displacement’ ,DuⅡ ng
the thrOw the ball moves a distance of12.8+12.8〓 25,6me扭℃s,but since it ends up
whcre it st扌 )1】 r1ted the displacement atthe end ofthe throw is zero。

Jul讠 et’ s balcony is3.6∷ metres above the ground,ROmeo thro、 vs a bunch of no、 vcrs up to
her Ⅵ/ith a speed of11ms^1,Ju1iet responds by throwing hi:⒒ an orange,which she
thrOws upwards with a speed of3rn s^1,Find thc thne for which each giftis in the air,
and the speed at、 vhich it is tnoving、 vhen itis caught。

For Romeo’ s flowers you have Jr=ll and“ =-10,so that the displacement-dme and
veIocity-time equations羽 ⒑ s=11'-ˉ 5r2and v=11-10扌 。 Juliet catches them when
2-55r+18=o,This factorises as
s=3.6,which is when llr-5r2=3.6,or25扌
C豇 -2X5r-,l=0.There are therefore two possbilit忆 s,r=⒍ 4or`=I.8.

YoL【 can see thc rcason for this by ca1culating the coⅡ esponding va1ues of v,
which are11-10× 0.4=7and Il-10× 1,8=-7.JuIiet has twO chances of

catching the flowers∶ either as they go pastthe balcony on the Way up,after
0,4seconds with a speed of7ms^l,or on the way down again,after1.8seconds
and with the same speed。

For JuIiet’ s orange1f=3and曰 :-10,so that s〓 3r-5r2and v=3-10r.I11this

case s st钔 nds forthe displacement aboⅤ e Ju1iet’ s hands when she throws the
orange,so to Ⅱnd、 vhen Romeo catChesit you musttake s to be -3.6。 A negadⅤ e
由ksp1acement means th狂 the o叻 ect^"the ne钾 tive drection from the point
xvhere it st/arted.

This leads to the equation3r-5r2=-3.6,or25r2-15r-18=0,whlch factooses

孙 (5r+ω (5`-⑤ =0,Since r cannot be negatiVe in th∶ s model,⒌ 十3Cannot be
zero,so the only possibnity is 5`~6=0,or '=I。 2.This giⅤ es the value
v=3-10× 1,2=-9。 so Romeo catchcs the orange after l。 2seconds,when itis
coming down with a speed of9msˉ

A detail that you should notice in this example is that 3.6rn is giⅤ en as the height ofthe
balcony above the ground,butthe giRs in factFnoVe frOm the hands of one ofthe【 overs
to the hands ofthe Other.So in taking the displacementto be± 3,6Fn it has been assumed
that each thrOws the gift atthe same height above the n。 。r as the other catches it.

One§ na1point should be了 nade.There is nothing special about taking山 e positive
direction to be up、 vards.You could equally wclltake itto be do、 vnwards,iη which case
the signs of Bf,n, v and s(but not`)、 〃ould be reversed。 Butit seems more natural to
takc the posi“ ve西 rection upwards,“ ncc th扯 is the曲 rection h which the o丬 cct话

moⅤ ing at Ⅱrst,If you look back at SecuOη 6.l,、 vhere the motion、 Vas onIy do、 vnwards,
thc obv1ous cho∶ ce was to take the pos1tlve dircct1on do、 Ⅴnwards,

哕滋蛮冫懈 膝$弥钅 濠:
:狲 、 EXerose6B 攥腱镰豫憨翮 镶诋谳礴矽
A"re“ 敲ance may bc蟪 nOred,and you may c△ ssume thatthe moving ouects do not
encounter any obstacles(such as the ground)unless spGciically了 nentioned in the question.

1 A machine prQJects a tennis baⅡ Ⅴertica11y upwards with an in⒒ ial velocity of251nsˉ
Find the Ⅴclocity and the height ofthe ball after2seconds.

2 Ajuggler throws a ball Ⅴe⒒ ⒗al1y upwards with an ini“ al velooty of6ms丬 ,Find the
greatest height of the ball,

3 A ba11is thrown vertically upwa1・ ds and reaches a maximum hoght of22metfes。 Find the
initial ve1ocity ofthe baⅡ 。

4 A stone i$thro、 vn upwafds and reaches a maximurn height of35metres.Find the tirne
t皮 ken to reach the maXimum height.

5 A cocket bal【 is hit veΓ 吐ca1ly up、 v盯 ds and reaches its rnaxitnum height after2.2seconds。
Find the1⒒ axirnulu height ofthe ball.
82 b1ECHANICs l

6 A boy曲 rows a ball upwards with an initial velocity of8ms^l from a point3me订es
be1ow the ceⅡ ing.Find the讧 me betb/een thro、 砬ng the ba1l and the boll hitting the ceⅡ ing。

7 A stone is thro、 vn upwards with an initial Ⅴelocity of20msˉ ,Find the velocity and the
height ofthe stone a仅 er3seconds.

8 Ab/all is thrown upwards and is caught【 at thC same height)3.2seconds later。 Find the
i血 tial velooty of the b斑 1.

9 A stone is thrOwn upwards with an iniu/al vel。 city of18ms∴ Find the dme when thc
stone retums to the point of poJection,and the velocity of the stone at this instant.

10 A ba11is thrown upwards w廴 h an initial velochy of I5.5msˉ 1.For hOw long is the ball
higher than10.5me廿 es?

11 A ball is thrown upwards with an hⅡ tial veIocity of12ms^l frOm a pont25metres above
the ground。 Find the吐 me when the ball reaches the ground,and the velocity of thc ball at
this instant,

12 A stone isthrOwn upwards w近 h an initial speed of15rn s^l from the top of a cⅡ ff。 ItIands
at the bottom ofthe cⅡ ff after5.4seconds.Find the height of the cliff,

13An o叻 ect is山 rown veHicalll,upw盯 ds with hitirdl speed Ⅱ.show that h reaches its

m¤ 咖 啷 岫 m‰ 岫 M抵 m炳 咖 唧 灬

Show th溆 the o钔 ect retums to the poht of p蝴 ection aRer total dme丝 and〖 nd its
veloc∶ t3/at this instant,

Deduce thatthe thne movlng upwafds1s the same as the t11ue movlng d° wnw盯 ds,and that
the speed of曲 eo丬 ect When itremms to the pont ofprqecti。 n is equaltO"s initial speed,

14 A trampolhist bounces upw/ards and lands【 at曲 e same leVel)1.8seconds later,Find the
initial ⅤeIocity of the trampolinist,and犰 er greatest height.

15 A stone is throw猊 upwards with an initial veIocity of25ms丬 from a point3o met旺 冷
above the ground.
(a) Find the ma灶 mum hoghtof山 e stone(above the ground,.
(b) Find the ti1neη 〃hen the stone hits the ground。

o)Display山 e lr,l,l graph forthe modon ofthe stonc(up tO the time when“ Ⅱts the
(d) Display a graph showing the hoght ofthe stone as a function oftime。
锻雾滋 k婊 镙 邋 嚣 猡 潋 找 黢 谶 絮辘 攮 $锯 黢 默濂 黟 黢 黼 嘟 黢嬲耱鹚 ″
螂 冁 嬲 嬲 锣崴
镳勰 曜 $豁 嚣 黯 辎 鼹 蹴 蹴 黼勰鑫潞婴 铷 黯 皤 镪 蹴 溆 黯 畲犍

63 Motion on a sIoping plaⅡ e

You can use a“ milar me曲 od to investigate the motion of an o丬 ect sliding up and down
a slope under the action of the force of graⅤ ity,but the acceleration in this case is not so
large。 t】“s is i11ustrated by the nexttwo eXamples。 In the g汀 stthe sIope has a smooth
surface,and in the second fric‘ on is introduced。
】 83

° °
A path mns up a hillside,at an angle of α to the horizontal,such that sinα =0.6and
Cos α =0.8,Ab1ock is placed on the path,and is prevented frona sliding down by a low
kerbstone,The block is struck and starts to move up the path at a speed of12ms^I.The path
is icy,so the effect of foction can be neglected。 Find how far up the path the block moves,
the speed with、 vhich it hits the kerbstone on its Fetum,and the tirne it is in motion.

The only two forces on the block as it sⅡ dcs on the

path a「 e its weight and the normal contact force,
sho、 vn in Fig,6.3。 The mass ofthe block is not given,
so take itto be ^亻 kg。 ∶
Γhen the xveight of the block is
10^' newtons,and the resolⅤ ed part of this weight
down the plane is10Ⅳ cosl90-α )° newtons,WⅡ Ch
is 10`歹 sinα =6n'newtons。 So if the acceleration
ofthe block up the pIane is 夕n1s^2,

R巾 |to the plcanel -6″ 〓Mfr, which J靶 s 夕=-6・

The§ rst two questions can be answered frorn the veIocity-disp1acement equation
V2=Bf2+2rJs,which vvith Lf=12and曰 =-6takes the foI【 Il v2=144~12s,

赶 the钆 rthe哎 p山 t叩 the path v=0,⒃ s=塄 =12・ Later,whm the blo谀 Ⅱ“

the kerbstone again,the displacement is0,so v2=144,Since by this ti丫 ne it is

s1iding down the path,the velocity must bc negative,so v=-12.

TheⅨ ≥are seⅤ era1ways of tnding the ti1ue for which the【 notion lasts。 One is to
use the Ⅴe1ocity-tiFne equation v=tr+rJF in the form v=12¨ ¨6扌 .You k∷ no、 v that
when it h"s the kerbstone v=-12,so-12=12冖 ⒍ ,wh沁 h gⅡ es r=管 =4・

So thc block traⅤ els121uetres up the plane,and aRer4secOnds it hits the

kerbstone Ⅵ汀th a speed of12ms^I.

Rewo扌kl巳 Xample6.3.I`Ⅳ hen{he ice has fnelted.孙 e cocfficient

of frictio∷ n between the block and the path is now0,45。

Fig。 6^4shows the forces on the block、 vhi1e it is sliding

up the path,ToJ"nd the focuonal force you住 rst need to
knOw the noI】 Ⅱal contact forCe,丿 neWtons,

∞sα °

R(⊥ to thc pathl R=I0″ , sO R=8M。 Πg,64

Sincc the b1ock is in motion,friction is1iΠ 1iting and equal to

0,45× 8^亻 newtons,or 3,6^歹 newtons.

R(||to the pa曲 ) -6″ -3.6M=a佃 , whch鲈 ves 舀 =-9.6.


Using the equa伍 ons v=Jf+夕 r and l'2=Ir2+2ε s for d1e Yη otion up the path,

v=12-9.6r and v2〓 I44-19⒓ s.So atthe


套 E、 .w№
con"ng down

For the return paH of the motion the directiOn of

the frictional force is reversed,and曲 e forces are
as shOwn i∷ n Fig。 6,5.It is nOw siFnpler to take the
positiⅤ e direction to be down the path,since the
displacement and the velocity盯 e both in that
direction,Ca11ing the acceleration ‘

R(丨 |to the path) 6M-⒊ 6〃 =M/, so ′

曰 =2⒕

s=“ r+釜 砑2take曲

。forms v2=4。 “alld s=1.2`2.The block hits曲 e ke【


w№ ns=⒎ №
⒌ v〓 V⒋ 8× ⒎
5=6mdr〓 h
So the block no、 v tavels7,5Fnetres up the path,is in motion for a total t虹 ne of
1,25+2.5” or 3.75seoonds,and hits the kerbstone with岔 speed of6ms^1,
up path(m)
{:|丨 ll:j∮;¢ 12

goIng 7.5

conⅡ ng

Fig‘ 6,6 Fig.6,7

Fig.6。 6and Fig.6.7sho、 v the veloc“ y-σ me and displacement-time。oraphs for

Example6.3.l(br@七 纟
刀J'花 ⑷ and Example6,3.2← o`泪 J沏 ⑷,with由 e drection up the
path taken as positive,The graphs for the luotion without O匚 cdon take the fo1△ n ofa
single s廿 aight hne and parabola,but those for the motion with frictiOη consist of tw。
鼓ra咆 ht line§ and two half-parabolasjoned together.In F虺 .6.6,for both ve1ocity-time
graphs,the areas ofthe triangIes above aI1d below the timeˉ axis are equa1.

6.4 Ver饪 cal rnotion with air resistance

When an o△ ect“ moving ve⒒ ically there檑 no仔 iction时 force between solid m1faces,
but由 ere will usually be resistance from the碰 r.An important dfference between由 ese
forces is that,in the standard rnodel,the size ofthe1℃ ictional f。 rce does not depend on
the speed,but西 r resotance increases with the speed of曲 eo△ ect,

The蜕 ze of the ak resisfan∞ force depends also on the shape ofthe o刂 ect,the surface
area,the material of、 vhich the surface is made,and the densi0y ofthe air.These factors
are combined to giⅤ e a constant of proportion虍 in the equation detning the mode1.A
usefuI approxi1nation is that at low speeds the air resistance is propo盛 ionalto the speed,
and that at higher speeds itis proportional to the square of the speed。

For a fa11ing ouect,there ls a speed at which曲 e缸 r resistance恬 so large that"exactly

baIances the weight。 When this oCcurs,no further aoceleration is possible,This speed is
called thc terⅡ 1ina1speed.

T⒈ree people step out of an aircraft,and fa1l veⅡ ica11y before opening their parachutos.
The gLst,who has alnass of80kg,remains upoght as he falls,and has a teΙ I1Iinal speed
of50ms∴ The second is a sold汜 r we狂ing heavy dothing and carying equ,pmen1his
mass抵 120kg,and he时 so rem西 ns upright,The th△ d跽 a skilled skydiver,of mass
70kg,who takes up a hoⅡ zontal position with arFns and legs stretched out;this en⒏ bles
hcr to mukiply the air resistance constant by a factor of12.Find the teItI【 inal speed of
the soldier and thc skydiver.

Fig。 6,8

Fig.6,8shows the forces on the three peOple.Suppose that the air resistance on
the firstis given by the formula tˉ v2 ne、 vtons,Where v is his speed in m s^I,The
resistancc on the soldier wil1not be very different,since he adopts the same
upright position,For the skydiver the resistance is given to be12庀 v2newtons。

Let thc te玉 I【 Iinal speeds ofthe soldier and the skydiver be罚 Fn s^I and l,Fn sˉ
respectiVely.Then,cqua“ ng the、 veight to the air resistance in each case,

80× 10〓 攵× 502, 120× lO=t/男

2 and 70× 10=12R,y2.

咖 Ⅲ 哪 岫 毗 娴 枷 岫 岫 狁 ⒆ 澜
120× I0 70× 10
th⒒ d equations g支 ve$J= =6⒈ 2.¨ and y= =135。 ¨
12× 032
so the soldier wil1haⅤ e a terminal speed ofjust over60m ft,butthe skymver
can reduce hers tO less than one-quaner of曲 at value,
86 MECHAN1cs1

Notice that although the graⅤ itational acceleration is the same for aIl three people,
regardless of their rnass,the soldier’ s greater weight causes hirn tO fall、 Ⅳitl,a faster te1Il人 inal
speed than the fLst person.On the other hand,by presen咬 ng a1盯ger surface area to the
air streaⅡ1,the skydiver can reduCe her teIⅡ 吐na1speed to allow much more time to
enJoy the fa11and to carry out spatial了nanoeuvres before she needs to open her parachute.

A detailed analysis of Fnotion against air resistance invo1ves qui1e advanced rnathematics,
which must wa加 unulthe uⅡ tˇ I2.However,it灬 po泌 ible at this stage to give an
approxi丁 nate descr1ption ofhow air resistance affects venical motion.

A cannonbalⅡ s pK小 rted vc欣 沁all,,upwards from a mort盯 with an inithl velooty of
40ms".The mortar抵 situated atthe edge of a cliff I00metres above the sea.On the way
down,the Cannonb茁 辶
11just misses the Cliff。 In ⅤerticE11fal1the cannonb/alI wOL【 ld have a
termhaI speed of50msˉ uIate the acceleraton of the cannonba⒒ just after it leaⅤ ∞
the rno⒒ ar barrel,and at the highest point of its path。 Draw graphs to comparc the actual
motion with the motion predicted iftheΓ e`″ ere no air resistance。

Forthe motion、″ithout air resistance Bf=40and rJ〓 -10,so the constant

acceleration foI⒒ 1ulae give v〓40-10r and ls=40`-ˉ 5'2,The cannonbaH wOuld
reach its highest point when v〓 0,which is when r=4,at which tirne s=80.It
would enter the sea、 vhen s〓 -100,and you can easily check thatthis is when
The Ⅴelocity-thne graph is the broken
`=lO,thatis IO seconds after it is nred。
⒒ne in Fig。 6.10.

To1Rnd the acceleration for the actu^lFnotion you need tO kno、 v the fo丑
"Iula for
the air Fesistance,Supposc thatthis has the form k・ v2 【
le、 vto11s,and that the rnass

ofthe cannonb汪 l1is 凡f kg,Then since the terrrlinat spced in veΓ tical fal11s
50ms^I,tlle weight10^亻 ∷ must balance the resistance攵 v2 when v=50.This is
expressed by the equation

1o^r〓 25oo比 , so 七=0.004M。

↓ 礴 氵

Fig.6,9shows the forces on the cannonba11as

600攵 N ,40msˉ


itleaves the mo欣 ar barrel^Since the spced is l

40ms^l,the resistance is 1600R/,or

6.4凡 歹neWtons, oMN

四 =-1⒍ 4,

2as itleaves the b盯

The cannonba11therefore has a deceleration of 16.4msˉ e1,

At its highest point v=0,so the air resistance is zero,Here,therefore,the

cannonbal1sirnpIy has the acceIerauon due t。 gravity,10msˉ

These calcuIations shoW that the

ve1ocky-time graph has the sh。 pe of
Fig.6,10.When r=0 the gradicnt is 40
-16.4,steeper than the gradient of-10 goIng
for the broken line represendng the
motlon w1thout res】 stance.But when
v=0,as it c⑩ sses the tiFne-axis,the
gFadient is-10,so it is para11el to the
broken line。 Since the te^Ⅱ 岐nal speed is down
50ms^l,the graph can never go below
v=-50, -50

Fig。 6.10
The greatest height ofthe cannonba1l is
shown by the area ofthe region shaded
dark grey,It looks as if this is roughly
tht・ ee-quartcrs of the corresponding arca for the brokcn linc,which is80,so the
cannonbaⅡ rises to a height of about 60rn,The tiFne when the cannonball enters
the sea is shown by the value of r for、 Ⅳhich the盯 ea of the light grey region
exceeds that ofthe dark grey region by 100,This is not so easy to estirnate,but it is
prob・ab】 y nOt veγ different frorn the VaIue for the motion without resistance.

§逦邈簿嚣夥嬲黧 瀑镞冫 EXerc心 e6C 嬲簿簿潇邋繁饕镞嬲嬲瑙邕稷谶酗j暇鞯淼V

1A particle of mass告 炖 o uaced掀 apo“ 0on a tmck hclined狨 an mg1e sin^l芳 to the
hoozontm,It is/剑 ected up tlle甘 aCk With a speed of12ms^1,There o a mcf。 nal飞 rce
of rnagnitude 2N,、Ⅳhich acts in a direction opposite to the direction of rnotion。
(a) Find the decelera旺 on ofthe pa止 iCle When itis moⅤ ing up the饣 ack,and the
acccleration、 vhcn it is Fnoving do、 vn,

(b) Find how far the particle goes up the track,and how long ittakes to do so.

(c, Find how long k饿 kes fof the pa⒒ 忆le to retu1m to0,and its speed when it Γ
((i)Draw the C,,,l£ rraph for the motion oftlle p瞰 icle up to the time wllcn it罗 “back to
9,and sketch the(r,s)graph。
What would be the answers to(b)and(c)if tllere were no friction?Compare the
correspondi11g(r,v)and(r,s)graphs with廴 hose you have al1・ eady drawn。

窝默雯 1;涔 ∷
iT∶Ⅰ ∶ ∶;磊
∶ ;悟:景 lF:∫ l扌 :{rl廴 招T:J茗 Σ
Find ho、 V far the particle goes up the track,the speed at which it retums to 0,and the tillle
that it takes from the instant of pr哟 ection unulit gets ba0k to0.

What would the corresPOnding answcrs be ifthe p1ane wcre rough with cOcfficicnt of

iction斋 ?
3 A rock ofrnass 20kg falls fron1a height,As it falls,廴 experiences air resistance of
magnitude 0,08v2nc、vtons,where v is its speed in rn s^t。 Find the ter吖 ⒒血al speed of the
rock.With、 vhat acceleration will it be faⅡ ing、vhen its speed is 25ms^l?
88 M£ cHANICs1

4 A cat fal1s froΠ l a branch of a talltree and Iands on the ground3seconds1ater,Neglecting

ai1f resistance,estimate the heⅡ ‘⒈ falling Just

`t ofthe branch and the speed at which tlle cat、

before it lands.

If西 r resotance is taken into account,will the ho酗 t and the speed be larger or smaller man
the values you have caIculated?

The air resistance is rnodel1ed by an expression ofthe folI1【 Jc1・ newtons,where v is the
cat’ s叩 eed h ms^l・ Ifthe cat has ma“ 2告 螅,alld廴 stemhd叩 eed“ sO ms^l,nnd the
value of曲 e constant七 .Calcu1ate曲 e cat’ s aCceleration when it^falling at10msˉ

5 A ch⒒ d is on the balcony of a nat,9.8metres above the ground.She drops a brick over the
railing,and it faIIs to the ground below.Neglecting air resistance,calculate how long it
takes to fall,and how fast⒒ is tnoving、 vhen it hits the ground.

The丫 nass ofthe brick is l kg,and when falling at v nl s^1the a订 resi$t岔 nce has Fnagnitude
v mewtons.What is the ter1ninal speed ofthe bock?Find a foIu^ula for its acceleration
when it is falling、 vith speed v n1s^】 .

Draw a sketCh tO compare the(扌 ,I,J graphs for the靶 ll,using the models withoL1t and with
air resistance。 What Can you say aboutthe values given by the two rnodels for

(a) the speed、vhen the bock hits the ground,

lb)the time that⒒ takes to fa11?

6 A skydiver of FYlass PPl kg steps out of an aircraft and stm△ s to fa1l,The aiF了 esistance when
l is given by tˉ na1speed is40ms^l,⒒ nd an
his speed is v lll sˉ v2ne、 vtons。 If his ter∏ ⒒

expression for/c in tc1uIs of r9z。

on for、 vhich the air resistance is 4k△

When his speed reaches 16n1s^l he adopts a posi“
neⅥ 1inal speed.Find also the acccleration with which he is falling
^ons,Find his new te1Ⅱ
(a,ju哎 before he adopts the new positon,
(bl j“ t aRσ he adoptsthe new pⅡ ition.

7 A ch⒒ d thrOws a ba11of rnass 0.1kg verticaⅡ y upwards with a speed of8ms^l froFn a
height。 fo,5m abovethe b。 round,and catch崂 it at the弘 me lex,el。 璁noring碰 r resistance,

calculate the greatest height of the ban above the箩 ound,and the ti1nc it is in the air,

Suppose that the air resistance is1node11ed by the expression 0,02v ne、 vtons,Where v is
tbe speed ofthe ballin n1s^1,CalCulate the acceleradon of the ba11
(a) ju跛 after it抵 thrOwn, (b)atthe h蟪 hest point.

Wtth吐 1is rnodel,what can you say about

(i) the greatest height of the bal1above the ground,

(ii)the叩 eed at which it诋 fallingju哎 before it怂 c泗 ght,

(iiD the acceleration of the balljust before it is caught?

On ano由 er occasion the chnd drops the ball from the top of a high tower.Whatcan you
say aboutthe speρ d at which it hits the ground?

貉攮蘩潘黟饕镏蠲邋辘稷霭鑫邋濂鼹惑影 Misce11aneous exercise6

1 Humpty Dumpty sat on a、 vau 3.2m high.When he fe1l off,how long did he take to reach
the ground,and how fast was he moving、 Ⅳhen he hitit?

2 A coin is thrown ve戚 iCaⅡ y upwards,with speed5rn s^1,from伍 e top of a Wishing-wel1,

There is no、 vaterin the we1l and the coin hits the bottoΠ 1ofthc we11 3s after being
throWn.Mode11ing the coin as a particle,and ignoring alr resistance,calculate the depth of
the we11,

3 A ba⒒ is proJected venicaⅡ y upwε rds,⒒orn a point O,with speed 321ns^1,1gnoong air
resistance,Ind the ti丁 ne1ttakes thc ba1l to return to0,

sketch the← ,→ 箩aph for颐 s motion. oCV

4 Bhekiis standing on the flatroof of a house 6m high,and Abelis on the ground Ⅴe茁iCal1y
below.AbeIthrows a ba1l up to lBheki、 〃ith a speed of17msˉ Bheki catches it on the

way down,HOW1ong is the ball in the air,and hov旷 fastis itFnoVing as Bhe∷ ki catches it?

5 A balIis pr四 ected vert忆 ally upwards from the Pont A with speed Ⅱm s^l,Thc ball
returns tO A after8s,Ignoring air resistance,Ⅱ nd the va1ue of‘ 饣 ,

(msˉ l) (mr】 ) (m「 l)

扌 1`

8/(s) 8r(s) 8`($)

Students were asked to draⅥ /a graph of ve1oc"y against t仃 ne to modelthe motion ofthe
bd1.Th1・ cc ofthe(r,v)graphs pre⒃ nted are蚰 own above.

(a) Explain why tl,e midde graph诋 incor⒃ ct.

(b) If you think either ofthe others is coⅡ ect,state Which one。 lf you think neitheF is
C0盯eGt,sketch the cOrrect graph.

In a laborato1:/eXperirnentthe motion of a stee】 ba11~bearing fa1ling ⅤGrfica11y in a tank

GOntaining a liquid is obserx/ed.

(a) State why the acce1eration of the bal1-bearing is less than8.

(b) The bal⒈ bearing诋 released from re吼 h the⒒ q“ d,and after O.60s it has fa11en a
distance of1.53m。 Assu【 ηing that thc acceleration of the ba1l-bea威 ng has a constant
va1ue四 ms^2,⒒ nd 四and1;nd also the speed ofthe ball-bearing after0.60s,
(Φ s扭 nce
Ataumeof o.3o s aRer release the ball-bearhg had fallen a由
how this observaton contrad忆 ts the assumption of oon蜕 ant accelerafion made in(b),

A Very deep shaftis do1led Ⅴ ertical1y through thc ea旺 h,′ 氵

Vhcn a brick is dropped into the

shaft,the sound of the brick hittlng the bo饮 om is he盯 d7.7seconds later.Taklng the speed
of sound to be350Fn s^!,Ⅱ nd the depth ofthe shaft,

8 A helicopter is hoveⅡ ng500m above the ground.A package is dropped from the
heⅡ copter,and2seconds later a second package is droppcd from the same position。 Find
expressions for the difference in height of the two packages,distinguis犰 ing曲 e cases
0<≤ rˉ ≤2,2(rˉ ≤10,1o(扌 ≤
≤12and'>I2。 sketch a graph to show this diffefence in
height,and ind i“ greatest value,

9 A parachutist、vith her equipment has:η ass 72kg.η e speed with、 ″hich she lands is equal
to the speed with which she would Ⅱtthe ground ifshejumped offa wal13,2m high。
Taking this t° be her teIIIIinal speed w⒒ h the parachutc open,and supposing the air
I to be given by the expression加
resistance、 〃hen she is falling at v rn sˉ newtons9fIod the
Ⅴalue of七 。
When曲 ejum阝 from an akcraR,she falls a dstan∞ of40m beforc ope呐 ng her
parachute.What can you say aboutthe speed with、 Ⅳhich she is then falling,and her
deceleFation when she扛 rst opens her parachute?Draw a rough sketch ofthe(r,v)gmph
for the complete drop。

10When an ouectfa11sthrough a l⒒ uid,th∞ e forc∞ act on i⒈ its we魄 ht,the buoyancy and
the r∞ is钮 nce ofthe l蛔 uⅡ .Tw° spheres,of mass告 kg and1告 kg respectively,have the
same radius,so thatthey have the same buoyancy of3.2newtons,and the same resIstance
fo1IΙ Iula, 5v nell,tons When falling at spced v1ns^I。 Both spheres enter the liquid f耐 ling
Ⅴerticany at 1ms-∶ .Calculate the teΙ u【 inal speeds ofthc t、 Ⅴo spheres,and the acceleration
or dece⒗ r硒 on when they enterthe l娩 IIid.Using tlle阻 me aXes,sketch C,l,l gr即 hs for the
two spheres.

Ifthe depth ofthe liquid is 10rn,show thatthe heavier sphere reaches the bottoln after a
thue bctween 4and10seconds,Find bounds for the tirne that the lighter sphere takes to
reach曲 e bottOm.

11 Ano刂 ect of m猫 sr9akg Ω妊ling from mm has terminal speed20ms^I.Two models are
suggested for the a1r res【 stance force∶ t・ 1v ne、vtOns
or庀 2v2newtons,、 vhcre 七】, 虍2are
constant and v isthe speed in m s^1.Find expressions for七 l and攵 2in teΠ ηs of`%,and
hence nnd eXpressions for tlle acce1eration of thc o凵 ectatspeed v m s丬 accordin8to the
two models,Using the same axes,draw graphs ofthcse two expressions and show th狨 ,at
aI1speeds up to20rn s^1,the acceleration predicted by1node12is greater than that
prcdicted by modeI1.
Sketch(r,l,lb。 raphs for the fa11ing o刂 ects accordng to tlle two rnodels.urh沁 hm。 del
predicts the shoⅡ er ti1η e to fall a given distance frorll rest?
蠲嗡 紫粹 淌 嗲馓 器搬玟 蹴 找蹴 捻 谳猡哙飧嬲甯 捻谍撼 蹴嬲 嵌裰搬蒜 露弘 搏勰 翻憎
鲶铽 漯斌镟嚣器洛 豳 W$缸 勰$滂 埝 邋 骺瞅 §邋 携巛 麟 滹 艨 瑙醴 炼蹴勰捻W搬 憩锸瀚 漱溉溅扬式 槭锚t△
RevisiOn exercise 1

1 An iceberg breaks off fronn the Antarcdc continent and aoats due north at constant
velocity.Its latitude south dccreases by I° in 8days,Taking the circumference ofthe eaHh
to be40000km,calcu1ate the speed ofthe iceberg in n1sˉ

2A tain hcreases speed from40ms^1to60ms^l in a mstance。 f2km。 1f the

acce1eration is constant,and

m)曲 e acceleraton, lb)the time it takes、

3 A motorcyclistleaves a to、 vn trave⒒ ing at 15Fn s^l,and accelerates at 2.5n1s^2.W吨 te

expressions for the distance trave1led in the next r seconds,and the speed after that tirrle.
How long、 ⅣⅡl he t皮 ke to go200Fn,and how fast Ⅵ反ll he then be going?

4 A shopper pushes a loaded supeIⅡ larket trolley of total Fnass 60kg 、

v“h aho⒒ zontal force

of40IⅪ .Therc is a resistance to motion of25N.Find how long she takes to reach a
walking speed of l。 5n1s^1fron1rest,and how faFthe trolIey goes in thattime.
1.The revcrse thrust of the
5 An airliner of rnass60tonnes lands at a speed of701nsˉ
engines1钅 duces this speed to 20n1s^l in 10s.Neglecting air resistance,calculate the
magnitude of the reverse thmst.

Would you get a larger or sma1lcr value than this if air resistance is taken into account?

6 A rowing crew with its boat has a total丫 nass of800kg‘ Starting froη △rcst,the boat reaches
l in 25s.If thc resistance of the xl/ater is320N,奸 verage
a speed of51nsˉ nd the a∷

contⅡ buuon t。 the for、 vard force on the boatrnade by each of the eight rOweFs。

7 A crane lo、 vers a container of Fnass 5tonnes genuy o∷ nt。 a quay,At a height of10m
above the quay the container is descending at 4n1s^I,This is reduced to zero、 ″ith
constant deceleration.Calculate the tension in the cable.

8 A car accelerates using thJee gears to reach a speed of30【 ns^l fronl rest,The speed
ranges and the corrcsponding accclcradons are given in the table for each gcar,Each gear-
change takes l second,du1rIing which thne the speed of the caF is constant.

Gear f△ st second th廴 d

Speed range(m$丬 ) O to5 5to20 20to30
Acceleraton(ms’ ) 2,5 1.5 1

Dr级 waC,l,l罗 aph to曲 oW the motion ofthe car。 C时 cL【 htc曲 e dme the cartakes to rec△ ch
30rn s^I,and the distance甘 aveⅡ ed whⅡ e it does so.

9 A1oaded airpo⒒ luggage trolley has a total weight of900N。 Itis being whee1ed down a
rarllp at an angIe of8° to曲 e hoHzonta1.What force para11elto the mmp must be exerted to
hoId it steady?

A si丫 nⅡ ar trolley ls being pushed up the ranlp by a force applicd at an ang1e of15° to the
ramp,What force must be exerted to keep itllloⅤ ing at a constant speed?
92 MECHAN1cs1

10 A car of rnass 1500kg making an emergency stop leaves skid marks 7rn】 ong on the road.
Ifthe coefncient of friction between the tyres and the road is 1.5,calculate how fast the car
was travelling when the br犭 kes、 vere applied。

A train braking with constant deceleration covers l kna in 20s,and a seco∷ nd kilometre in
30s,Find the deceleration.What fu⒒ her distance will it cover before coming to a stop,and
how long Ⅵ
`i11this take?

12 A saiIor f1res a distress Πare Ⅴe燕 iCally upwards w虹 h How high above
a speed of40msˉ l。

曲e sea does it ose?For how Iong wⅡ l"be more than50m above the sea?

13 A quaⅡ y 20Fn deep is sun:ounded by a high fence.A boy standing on the ri1n behind the
I|so thatit goes over the fence and
fence thrOws a bHCk up、vards with a speed of51usˉ
drops into the quaΓ ry.HOw1ong does thc brick take to land on the no。 r ofthc quarry?

14 A magne匹 c hook of weight0.8∷ N is placed on the side of a refogerator,The forcc Of

magnetic atraction is 13N,and the coef⒍ cient of fHction between the base ofthe hook
and the refrigerator is 0,6,VVhatis the l诋 gest weight that the hook can support?

15 A sack of weight 600N is being Ioaded on to a truCk up a ramp inclined at 18° to the
horizonta1.A rope attached to the sack is held at an angle of25° to the rannp,The
c。 efncient of fric“ on between thc sack and the ramp is 0.3。 What tension in the rθ pc蛮 s
(⑶ to prevent曲 e sack from sl⒗ ing down the mmp,
lb)to pull the s⑽ k up the mmp at a steady speed?

16 A marker buoy ofrnass5kg is dropped into the sca fronl a heIicopter at a height◇ f40m。
After the buoy cnters the water it experiences a buoyancy force of 300N.If t11ere is no
loss of speed as the buoy enters the water,△ nd hoⅤ/far it sinks be1ow thG suFface,Find众 lso
how long after itis dropped the buoy retums to the surface.

D抵cuss hOw山 ese answers Would be affected if the resistance of the air and of1he lⅣ ater
wcrc included in the calculation,

17 A naval gun has a barre1 4∏ 1Iong,VVhen Ⅱred horizontally,a shell of rnass2kg emerges
from the rnuzzle at a speed Of500n1s^l。 The force from the expanding gases inside the
baⅡ e1了 nay bc taken to have a constant Ⅴalue of80kN.Calculate the resistance to the

motion ofthe shell from the sides of the barrel,

Wou1d the ans、 ver be substantia11yd“ △erent if the barrel飞 Ⅳas angled at40° to the

18 A hot-air baⅡ oon of rnass 500kg is descending at a speed of51ns^l 、

vith an accelcration
2.What rnass of ba11ast rnust be thrOwn outto reduce the acceleration to zero?
1ftwicc this amount of ba11ast is thrown out,how rnuCh fu止 her wilI the baIloon descend
before⒒ sta爪 sto o1imb?

19 The speed】 irnit on a了 notorway is 120km peΓ hour,but because of road wOrks there is a
stretch of2,4km for which the speed lirnitis reduced to 80km per hour.There i$a
warning notice0,5km before the restriction starts,A law-abiding driver begins to slow
down as she passes the notice,ll,汪 h constant deceleration,so that her speed has dropped to
the required leve1as she reaches the road、 vorks,After the end of the restnction she
accelerates back to the mgular speed limit in9seconds。 111ustrate hσ joumcy With a(r,→
graph,and刂 Ⅱnd how much tirlle she loses as a result ofthe road l`1严 orks.

20 A box ofFnass 阴 has to be moved across a horizontal stage,1f it is pulled、 Ⅳith a force of
查″ zg\∫ t。曲e upWards Ⅴ emcal,it wiIl move.If⒒ 瓜 pushed with a force of

告r9ts(2at45° to the downward ⅤerdGal,讯 won’ t moVe,Wh狨 can you deduce aboutthe
c。 efncient of foctiOn?

A bed hasto be pushed across a room,If one person pushes,the bed、 vi11n1ove、 vith
acce1eration 曰1,Iftwo or three people push,it、 vill rnoⅤ e Ⅵ八th acceleration 曰2 or臼 3
respectiⅤ ely,Assulning that each pcrson pushcs with force ofthe same Fna】 ::nitude,and that
the Ⅱs;stance to n1otlon ls the samc I∷ n each case,sho、 v that四 3ˉ 2】 2ˉ rt1,

22 A sledge acceler狂 es down a hⅡ l w⒒ h a gradent of28%rthaf is,at an angle of sin^t0.28

to the horizontal)。 Atthe foot ofthe hnlthc gr。 und Πattens out hoozonta1ly,and the sledge
comes to rest in 401n a仅 er10s,Find the speed ofthe sledge at thc botton1ofthe hⅡ l,and
the value ofthe coef⒏ c∶ ent of friction,

AssuⅡ⒒ng that the coefficicnt of friction is the same throughout the r:de,tnd dle
acceleration down the hⅡ l,and hoⅥ /far up the∷ hillthe sledge was to begin Ⅵ沌th。

23 A1∮ an on a bicycle贷 of tota】 rnass100kg,is free-Ⅵ/heeling at a constant speed of15msˉ


do、 vn a hill with a gradient of10%。 He wants茳 o sloW down to a saferspced,so hc applies
tlle brake Iightly to produce a constant braking force of84N.The air resistance ls
proponiona1to the square ofthe speed.
(a) Calculate the decelerauon when hc first appⅡ es the brake.

(b) Calculate the deceleration、 vhen his speed has dropped to 12msˉ 1.

lc’ )At What speed wm his deceleration be mduced to zero?

DraW a sketCh ofthe C|v)。oraph for the motion.

24 ExpIain why a runnerss acceleration cannot exceed I0ums・ 2,Where lt is the coefficient
of fΛ cdon bet、 veen her shoes and the track。

The highest speed that a mnner can keep up in an 800-metre race is 8ms¨ 1.show曲 at the

hstest ul11e由 e can hope∞ ⑽ h忆 吒 from a stand吧 鸵&“ “ (1Clfl+苫 ond⒌ By llOw
much could she better her】 ue by changing running shoes,increasing u fr。 ll10,5to l?

25 A va11ey恣 fom⒑ d between two Ⅱlls,which are荻 angles of α°拙 d卩 °tO曲 e hoⅡ zontal,
A skier starts f1・ om rest on the slope ofthe Irst hill,at a height /B above the vaIley floor.
Find his acce1era“ on down the irst hill and his deceleration up the opposite hi11,supposing
that there is no friction.Sho、 v that)if he exerts no force、 Ⅳith his ski sticks,he ends up atthe
same height `⒎ as he st饣 u「 tcd,

Suppo⒃ nOw tllc△ tα =15,¢ =10and that the cod⒒ cient of fr妃 tion跽 0,:,Show that hc
ends up at a height of about O,4Fe above thc va11ey noor.
7 N aw

Pre¢ ous乙hapters have been about曲 e eqo1boum or moton ofa“ ngle0凵 ect。 T“ s
chapter“ Concemed Wi曲 “钯at0nsin whch there are two0凵 ects WhCh hteract with
each other.When you have completed it,you should

● understand山 at for∞ s occurin equd and oppos屺 pa!rs,and be able to identify the
o刂 ec‘ on wh妃 h each ofthe par of forces ac“
● be ab1e to apply Newton’ s曲 i记 law in“ mations hvolving two hteracung o刂 ects
● understand what is meant by山 e tension in a smng
●be able to solve problems on pairs ofoojec於 ∞mected by a s“ 吧氵 which may pass over
a smooth peg or a light puuey。

7.1 Forces IⅡ pa⒒ rs

Imaginc two C盯 s traVe11hg along a motorway,one in△ ont of the other。 ‰ front car

slows downjust as the CarbeⅡ nd k accelerates。 The cars collⅡ e,and both suffer damage。

The front car is damaged because it expeHenCes a Iarge force from b。 hind。 飞 e rear car
expeoences a l盯ge force in the opposite dhection,frorn the front。 These】 orces are shown in
Fig。 7.1.The thiFd of Newton’ s1aws of motion states that dle two forces are equal in


Newtm、 山LdlaW Ifan o△ ect A exerts a force on an

o凵ect B,then B exerts a force on A ofthe same m⒋ gnェ mde
in the opposite d廴 eCuon.

η 始、 ne狨 ly by Newton’ s own statement,wⅡ ch(臼 anslated)was曲 at

suⅡ muansed

action and reaction are always equa1and opposite’ 。
Butin the case ofthe cars it is not
clear which force is the‘ aCtion’ and which the‘ reacuon、 BOth dHvers con订 ibuted to the
accident,amd each wOuld probably say thatit was the action ofthe other that caused itˇ

The important pomt about Newton’ s third law is thatit apphes to every kind of force。
Here are some1nore examples.

NormaI contact fbrCes Thhk of a person Ⅱding a horse。 Fig。 7。 2shows the forces o且
the rider:her weight W and也 e noΙ Ⅱlal contact forCe of rnag“tude R fron1tho horse
suPpo⒒ ing her.

Forccs on r∶ der Fo℃ es on horse



i蕊 谶渤∷
搬∷夂趱姥麴 ⒈


What aboutthe horse?The forces on thc hOrse(Fig,7.3)shnilarly include its weight and
nom汪 l contaCt forces from the ground,But the horse is also aware of the rider,because
there is a normal contact force acting downw盯 ds on its back,Newton’ s third la、 v statcs

that this force also has rnagnitude R.

It is inlpo⒒ ant to understand that this last force is r9r9rthe weight of the rider.The
de丘 nkion of weight is thatitis thc force with Which the earth a"Facts the rider.It is a
foⅡ e on the“ der,not on the horse。

If the rider is siInply moving horizontally,then R would equal Ⅵ/,so that the force on
the horse’ s baCk would|aⅤ e the same magni扭 de灬 the Ⅱders w。 曲 t.But if the“ d∝ ;s

moving up and down in the saddle,then she will have some vcr“ cEiI acceleration,and in
that case Ft、 vill not equal 【

Not|ce肋 刃 扫 夕勿 ,/肋e`弦mε /wo砌 查r灬$‘馏 矽 neede砑 o/,e/。r肋 e劢 b厂 夕″J9/,e/o/

幺饣 ho浴e./pJ/s宀o幽 饣〃 拗 eC0nom△seD/ρ汛 nQ9////Pese b⒃ es o/,夕 sjng扌e扬 莶rm,
据 α7use∥ Ⅳouldn?//^e/9仞 o匕彐厂″勿庀力 钅矽s刀 歹 9/,肋 e'勿妇厂and力 勿庀”o/,扔e hoFse~

Fric‘ ona1forces Here is an expe⒒ rnent for you to try,YOu need a trolley with a
roughˉ :sb top and a large,full teapot.Place the teapot on the trolley,and get a friend to
hold the trouey sti11.No、 至the end ofthe
`place your hand on the side ofthe teapot facin廷
trolley,and gradually increase the force until thc teapot rnQves along the top of the

No、v ask your fHend to let go,and l:epeatthe expe亚 ment Ⅵ/扯 h the trolley free to move。
This tirue you、 vⅡ I probably伍 nd that as you push the teapotitis the trOⅡ ey which
moves,and the teapot stays in the same position on the tro11ey,

Whatis the force which makcs the trolley moⅤ e?1t can’ t be your push,because曲 atis a
force on the teapot,not on the trolley.

Fig。 7.4and Fig,7.5ana1yse the forces on the teapot and on thc troⅡ ey respectiⅤ e1y,In
the伍 rst pm1ofthe experi】 ncnt,、 Ⅳhen your friend is holding the trolley,you have to
increase your push until it exGeeds the liⅡ liting friction between the teapot and the top of
96 MEcHANICs l

the trolley.SinGe the teapot is fu11,and the nolI^^al Conε act force equals the、 Ⅳeight of the

teapot,曲 o1imiting friction wil1be quite a large force,

Forccs on teapo1 Forces on trol1ey



There are two forces ft・ om the tro11ey on the te0pot∶ thc norma1GOntact force and the
friction。 so by Newton’ s third law thGre are equal and opposite forces from曲 e teapot on
the tro11ey。 The fric旺 onal force on the trolley is ba1anced by the force exe⒒ ed by your
friend.As your push increases,the friction increases,so your friend’ s force rnust also

inc坨 ase,∷ But once the teapot starts to move,foction has rea¢ hed its lkniting Ⅴalue,and
your friend、 Von’ t have to increase his force any more.

When the troⅡ ey is free to丫 noVe,your push on the teapotis sti1l opposed by friction,and
there is an equal and oppositG frictionat force on the trolley,but there is no other
horizonta1force acting against it。 So the tro11ey、 vⅡ l start to accelerate。 And because the
frictional fOrcc is rnuch less than its lirniting value,the teapot wilI not sIide on the
tro11ey top but will alsO accelerate with fhe trOlley.

Gravity forces The force、 vhich causes the moon to go round the earth is the force of
the ea拭 h’ s gravity.rftheF we犯 n’ t any graⅤ ky,山 en you know from Newton’ s Ⅱrstlaw
曲缸 the moon would move h a钆 r吨 k⒒ ne rather曲 an(appro炷 matelyl in a Circle.

The force on the moon has a magn"ude of about2× 10∞ newtons。 By Newton’ s third
1aw,the moon exerts a gFaVitauonal f。 rce ofthe same1nagnitude on the eanll。 Tlle most
obvious evide∷ nce ofthls force is in the oceans;tides are causcd mainly by the
graⅤ itational attraction of the moon.

You mightask why the moon’ s gravity doesn’ t make the e扭 th rotate round dae moon.
The answeris that,to a small extent,it does,1n fact,both the earfh and the mo◇ n rotate
about a common point;but because the earth is so rnuch heavier,that pointis bclow the
earth’ s su【

face,and you wouId need very accuFate ins扛 uments to detect the effect.

1f you drop a bⅡ ck,its weight is the force of attrac旺 on from the ea哎 h,By NcⅥ 浅on’ s
th△ d law,the brick also a沈 raCts the earth with an equal force in the Qpposite direGuon.
But since the earth has lnass about1025tiFnes that of the brick,the effect of this forGe is

7,2 CaIcuIatioms u跛 ng Newton’ s山 ird IaW

A pick-up truck of rnass 1200kg tows a trailer of了nass 400kg.There is air resistanGe of
140N Onthet△1ck,but the resistance to the motion of the traner is neg1igible.A coupling
connects the trailer to the truck.Find the fOrce from the coupling,and the driⅤ ing force on
thc truck,、 vhen the truck and traⅡ er accelerate at 0.5nl s^2.

Fig,7,6shows the horizontal forces on thc traⅡ er and on the t「 uck。 (To avOid
complicating the dh箩 ams,the veⅢ cal fOrces,wogh“ and norJnI,jl cOntact fo【 es from
the ground,are left out,)The only hor弦 ont耐 force° n曲 e廿 aileris the fore from the
couphng,denoted by C N,By Ne、vton’ s tht1・ d la、 /,there is an equal force in the

opposite direcuon。 n the tmck,The doving force on the truck is denoted by D N,

Fo四 cs on trailer Forces on pickˉ up tru0k

o.5ms饣 o.5msˉ 2

Fof曲 e trailer,

R(→ ) C=400× 05, so C=200。

For the truck,

R(→ ) D-C-140=1200× 0.5,

Since C=200,this giⅤ cs £冫=200十 140+600=940。

The force from the coupling is200N,and the driⅤ ing force is 940N,

A man of weight 750N tries to push a bookcase of lvreight 1200N across thc Πoor,
Thc coef员 cient of friction between the bookcase and the11oor is0.4.Hov¢ rough must
the contact bct、 veen his shoes and the∷Πoor be for this to be possibIe?

The forces on the bookcasc and on the man are shown in Fig。 7.7.

Forccs°忄bookcase Forccs on nlan

1、 EcHAolICs1

The normal contact force on the bookcase is equalto its、 eight of1200N,so the

maximum nocti° nal force is0,4× 1200N,、vhich is 480N,To move the
bookcase,the rnan must push、 vith a force larger than this。

There is a force equa1to this in the opposite dhection acting ho蛀 zontaIly on the
man,and this is balanced by the friCtion from the so1es of his this
frictional force must be lafger曲 an480N。

aI contact force on the man’ s shoes is equalto his weight,which is

The no^Ⅱ Ι
750N。 孔 e coefficient of foction between his shoes and the Ⅱoor rnust therefore

be greater than夸 ,Whch o0.64。

A bar magnet of mass⒍ 2kg hangs from a斌 ring,A metal spherc,of mass0.5kg,is
held undemeath the rnagnet by a tnagnedc force of20N.The s臼 吐ng is then pu1lcd
upwards、 Ⅳith a force of T N。 Find the largest possible Ⅴalue of r ifthe sphere is not to
separate£ rom the Fnagnet,

As long as thc sphere remains attaGhed to thc magnet,there are two forCes
between then1∶ the magnetic force and a noIIIIal contact force of R N。 By
Newton’ s third law,these actin opposite direcuons on the magnet and the sphere.
Suppose thatthe magnet and sphcre accelerate up`vards at 曰Πl sˉ

Fig.7.8shows the forces on the sphere and on the Fnagnet,whose weights are 5N
and 2N respectively,
Fo犯 es on spheK uagnct
Forccs oⅡ 【


For thc sphere, △

《↑) 20-R-5=0‘ 舀

Forthe magnet, RC)r~2~⒛ +R=⒍ 2σ 。
You can eliminate四 frorn these twO equatiohs and deduce that

2(20-R-5)-5lT-2-20十 R)等 2(05口 )-5(0.2臼 )〓 0,

so40-2R-10-5F+10+100-5R=0,which simpliⅡ es to5r+7R=I40.
Since contact is丁 naiutained,the nomal contact forCe cannot be negatiⅤ e.It
follows that5r≤ 14o氵 s° r≤ 28,

Ifthc sphere is notto separate from fhe magnet,the fo‘ e from the s廿 ing cannot
eXCeed 28newtons,

Exa】 mpIe7.2彳
A student has two books lying Ⅱat on the table,one on top ofthe other。 She wants to consult
the lower book.TO extract it,shc pushes itto the left with a force of@N,To Ppeventthe
upper book moving as weu,she exerts a force of P N on the upper book to the Ⅱght,The
lower book then s1ides out,and the upper book remains station辽 、,The weights ofthe upper
and the lower books are8N and7N respectively,Between the twO books the coeff1cient of
△iction is0.25,and between the loWer book and the table k is0,4,Calculate P and o.

The forces on each book are

Forces on lower book Forces on11pper book
shown in Fig,7,9.The rnot∶ on of
the1ower book is opposed by txlfo
frictional fOrces,FNf1・ om the
upper book and C N from tllc
table,both acting to the right.By
Ne△,ton’ s third1a、 v,there is a
n匝 cti。 nal force of F N on tlle
uppcr book acting to the1eft.

There are nornlal contact forces of R N between the books,and S N on thelowcr

book f1・ om the tablG.Since fhere is motion,the frictional forces wiIl haⅤ e thor
ⅡⅡ蛀dng v耐 ues,尸 =0.25厌 and C=0.4s。

Ifthe lower book FnoⅤ es at a steady specd,the forces on both books wnl be in
eq匝 l奶 oum。

FQrthe upper book, R(→ ) P-厂 〓0, f《 ↑

FOrthe lower book, R(→ ) 尸+G-口 =0, R(↑ ) s-7-R=0.
FrO1tl these equations you can calculate R=8,s=15, F=2,C=6,P=2,口 =8,
The student pushes the lower book to the left Ⅵ泛th a force of8∷ neⅥ 改ons,and
pmvents the upper book froFll rnoving with a force of2newtons to the right.

心 婴 镞懈黟猡督 搬嘻
V§ 阝 ‖0夥 篙嚣 Exercise7A 醵唧嗯§ ∶
:∷ 礞‖
A crate of weight801` is stackcd on top of a cr缸 te of
wcight 100N,on horizontal ground as shoWn。 Make
separate sketches shovong the forces acting on the
upper and lower crates.Indicate the magni攵 udes ofthe
forccs in your sketches、

A bi1・ dbath consists of a con¢ rete pi11ar of wcight 1000N

with a concrete bowl of woght200N ontop,asshown h
the diagram。 state the rnagnkude and direction of the force
eⅩ eHed by
(a) the piIlar on tlle bowl, (b) the boWl on the,llar,

o)the gr【 )und on the pillar.

匚 __=

100 MECHAN1Cs1

3 A sack is【 n contaCt Wlth both the base and the

vert1cal back of an excaVator scoop,as shown1n
tbe diagram.犰 e excavator is rnoving forwards
at constant speed in a straight hne,Make
separate sketches sho、 ving the forces acting on

(⒆ the sack, (b)the⑽ oop.

0,41ns^2,Make a
4 A man of mass75kg travels upwards in a⒒ ft which is decelerating at
ske∞ h showing the姒 yces acthg on rhc man。

Find the magnitude ofthe force exe燕 ed by the man on the no°
r° f the lift。

5 A reckless truck-d⒒ ver loads tw° iden吐 cal

untethered crates stacked one upon the other
as shown in the diagram。 No sliding takes
place.h⒋ ake separatc skGtchGs to shoW the
forces acting on each crate when the truck
travels on a horizontal straight road
(a) with constant specd, (b) while accelerating, Θ) while decelerathg,

Each crate has tnass 250kg.Calcu1atc thc Fnagnitude of the frictional force exerted on
(ii)the lowcr crate by the deck ofthe truck,
C) the upper crate by犰 e lower,

vhen the acccleration of thC truck is1.51r1sˉ

y to drag an ancient、 varship along

1n an a℃ haeo1ogica1reconstmC“ on a group of students廿
veight of a smdentis
a beach.This requires a horizontal force of5000N.The average、
600N,and the coef⒒ cient of friction between e⒏ ch student’ s feet and the sand is0.2,Ho、
many students arc needed?

A steel block of weight W rests on a horizontaI surface in an inaccessible part of a

o extract the
machlne.The coefficient of friction bGt、 veen tlle block and the surface is u.:Γ
block,a magnetic rod is inserted int9thc Fnachine and this rod is used to pullthe block at a
action beti/een
constant speed along the surface with a forCe F,The magnetic force of at△

thc rod and the block is 丿r.Exp1ain`Ⅳ hy

m) M》 〃【
v, α礻 F=uw,
A car of fnass 1200kg,towing a caraⅤ an of rnass 800kg,is travelling along a motOrway
at a GOnstant speed of20n1s^;.There are air resistance forces on the car and the caraⅤ
of rnagnitude 100N and400N respec饣 iⅤ ely。 C汪 1culate the rnagnitude of the force on the
caravan from山 e tOwbar,and the driⅤ ing force on the car.
2.CalCulate the force
The car brakes sudden1y,and begins to decelerate at a rate of I.5F11s冖
on the car from the tOwb盯 ,What effect wil1the driver not妃

I:;;1∶ ;∶ t萏 ;:1{∶ I}∶ ;:;I黟 ::己 :辍 瑙 瀹 黯 l、 :∶ I};;氍 黯 f∶ :苷 篮 :∵

e-doⅤ er
unElthey come to rest.Make sepaFate sketches shoWing the forces aCting on the pⅡ
and on thc pile.

l=ind the magn⒒ udes of a11the forces exe哎 ed on the pⅡ e

(a)when ltis moving, lb)after it b灬 ∞me to rest,


10 A drop-forge haΠ ηer,of mass 1500kg,fa11s under graⅤ ity on to a piecc of hot tneta1

which rests in a】 ixed die,FroFn the instant that the hammer strikes the piece of Fnetal until

it comes to rest,the hammer is decelerating at 1.5n1sˉ 嗄
ake sketches showing the forces
on the haIumer and on the:netal、 vhⅡe they are in contact.

Find山 e Fnagnkude ofthe force exe砣 od by thc hammer On the piece of1netal
0) while the hammα is deGeleraung,
fb)afterthe hammer has come to rest。

11 Thme idendcal box“ ,each of weighf【 y,are to be ˇ

stacked onc On top of another against a Ⅴe「 tical 卜
walI.The lowelII1ost box is in conmct with the ∷
wall,andtheothertwo boxes arepositioned as o
shown in the diagram.The rniddle box is pushed
into position by the apphca“ on of a horizontal
force of rnagnitude P,Make separate sketches showing the forces acting on
(a) the uppcrmost box, O)dle mⅡ dle box.
show that P》 2〃 W,、vhere 〃 is the coefficient of friction bet、 veen any two boxes,

Show also that,if P>4JJly,sⅡ ding takes place betb/cen the upper and middle boxes,and
thatif P≤ 4〃 lV,sliding between these boxes does nottakc pIace.

12 Wkh the skuation in Question11,supp° se thatthe forcc is grst apphed to the top box,un刂 l

it touches the walI.How large a foⅡ e wil【 be required?Willthe middle box moⅤ e as well?
once the top box is tot1ching the wa11,a forcc is apphcd to the middle box.How Iargc a
force wi11be needed to move it?

13 T、 vo cylinders of equal radii each haⅤ e

weight ll/,They are atrest on a smooth ∴
slope of inclination α°to the hOr咬 zontal,

the lower ofthe twO cylinders b⒍ ng h ∷
contact with a smooth Ⅴenic械 wall as Ⅱ
shown in the diagra1n.Find,扌 :∶
iving your Ⅱ
answerin tems of W and俨 ,the ∷
magRitudc of the force exc饿 ed by |
(a) the slope on the upper cyliη der,

(b) the lower cyⅡ nder On thc upper cylinder,

(C) the upper cyIinder on the lower cylinder,

(d) the wall on the lower cylinder,

(e) the s【 ope on the1o、 ver cylinder,

亻珞 锑 翠筋瑙 耸潞 搴 弹 蕊 嚣 螂 濂 鞘邋 潆 摁 勰 髑 筏支
留 拶蹋簿拶 髑 翻 铭 糠 饔 黧 $嚣 鼹 嬲 讼罂 嬲 搬 搬 黟 黟 嚣 鞲 嬲 簿 饔 畿 饔 镩 澄 筲 f瑕 瑙猢鬻 魏勰 嬲麴 嬲 畿 巍 蟹 拶 δ 鞲 夺
102 MEcHANIcs1

7.3 strings,ropes,chains and cables

Im Fig.7.10one end ofa s白 ong is tied to a hook in
a、〃a1l.You ho1d the Other end so thatthe s幻 江ng is
horizontal,and pull on it with a force of
magnitude尸 (in any unks)to the1eft,

UsuaIly曲 e weight of曲 e鼓 ⒒ng is very small

compared w“ h Ehe size of P,It can be left out of
the calcuIations without rnuch loss of accuracy,
The st1△ ng in the modelis then described as

light’ ,which means thatits、 veight,and its mass,are taken to be zero,

Now Considerthc equⅡ ib。 um° fthe stⅡ ng.There F° rces on哎 ring
P Ⅱ 尸
must be a fofce on itto counteraCt your pull,and
′ ・
that force comes from the hook,so tbe hook also

eXe吨 s a force on the string ofrnagnitude P to the

F增 ,7.11
⒒ght(see Fig。 7.11).

HOwever you are not pulling on thc hook,but on the srlng,Υ ou puIl on the string
with a force P to the leR,so by Newton’ s third law the string exems on you a force of
magnitude P to the right。

Newton’ s third law applies si1nⅡ a1・ ly atthe other end,The hook exe⒒ s on the string a
force 尸 to the1ight,so the string exerts on the hook a force P to the left,
Force on Force on
For this reason,when you draw a string in a hook
diagram,you show⒒ with a line and arrows
pointing inwards,as in Fig,7.12,These aⅡ ows
indicate the force、 vhich the string exe⒒ s on the
o△ ects attached to its twO ends, Fig,7.I2

卜 AⅡ 凼 蛐 g⒅ ns幻 啷 J啁 涮 唧 呐m扯 m枇 蝴 ects

ˇa仗 Ⅱ hed to itstwo en酞 ,These forces act a1ong the line ofthe
卜 哎Ⅱng,and arc diireCted inwards at each end。 The1nagnitude of

thc force
ˇ ˇ at
GI△ either end
ˇ Ι uΙ ˇ tˇ is caIled
ˇ “ Ⅰ△ˇ u the
uIˇ tension
△ˉ △
V工 the :^ˇ
Ⅰ I"△ string.
o以 :Ⅰ

襄骶 漶礴 鞴 蓖
勰捻淦沁颥 婴 癖 瀚 蹴 勰 髁 黜

The抛 me ideⅡ appˇ to other o131jeC“ such as∞ pes,chains,cables alld rods,prov妃 ed
that their weight can be11eglected by comparison、Ⅳith the forces、 ″hich act on them.

The d矸 负犭ence between a rod and a stⅡ ng,rope or cable is that it can also exe⒒ forces
which are directed outb/ards at each cnd.The magnitude ofsuch a force is ca11ed the
thrust in the rod,

The o习 eGts atthe end ofthe stri扭 g may be statonary,

灬 in the examplejust dscussed,orthey may moⅤ e.

FOr eXa1nple,the same ideas couId be applied to the

c/ablejOining two oucks in Fig.7。 13。 Fig.7,13

In曲 沁 case,another important propeny ofthe cable h that it rem缸 ns the same length as
the tucks rnove,The cable is then s泛 λ
id to be‘ inextensib1e’ .It fol1ows from this thatthe

tw/o tmCks have the same speed,and the same acceleration,

suppose that in Fig,7.13the truck on the left has rnass 30kg,and the tmck on the Ⅱght
has rnass50kg,The truck on the rightis pu11ed along w⒒ h a force of120N.Calculate
the tension in the cable。

Lctthe common acceleration ofthe two tmcks be 四Fn s^2,and denote the tension
in the cable by r N。 In Fig,7。 14the rniddle part ofthe cable is shown as a light
grey line。 This is a reFninder of whatthe pFob1em is about,but separates out the
forces on the two甘 uCks.Only thc horizontal forces are shown in the diagram.

For the lcft truck,

R(→ ) T=sO曰 .

For the right truck,

Fig.7.】 4
R(→ ) 1zO-T=SO四 .

It is probably siFnp1estto begin by Ⅱnding ε,by subs‘ tuting 30四 for T in the
second equation,which giⅤ es 120-ˉ 30g=50四 ,so四 =器 =1・ 5・ Then

r=3o× ⒈5=45。
The tension in thc cable is45nevvtons,

7‘ Pegs and pu11eys

Another prope⒒ y ofas白 匝ng is that it is flexib1e,so
thatit can be passed round a】 Ⅱxed peg.The string
the∷ n has two straight sectio∷ ns and a curved section

vhere it is in contact with由e peg,as∶ n Fig。 7,I5。

The argumenttlsed aboVe to expl脏 n the force on 扌

the hook can be appl汜 d to each ofthe str缸 吵t ∷
∶ |∶

sections of tlle s碱 ng.This mems thrdt the tension

∷ ,|∶

in each of the straight sections acts on曲 e curved ,忄

section round the peg,

1fthe contact between the s劫 凶ng and the peg is

rough,there couId be some fricdon acting on the string round tbe circumference ofthe
peg,and in that case the tensions in the twO straight sections would be different.But if
the contactis smooth,the tensions in the two straight sec1ions are the same.

AnOther possibility is for the s白 ong to pass round a pu1ley,which can rotate on a】 1xed
aXis。 NoW,if the surface is∞ ugh,the pu】 ley wiⅡ go round with the str噎 ng.(The same
applies when a chain passes round a cog whee1)TO makethe pu11ey go round,the
tensions in the twO s扌 aight sections have to be different。 Butifthe ma$$of the pulley is

smaⅡ ,and ifitruns on smooth bearings,the difference in the tensions is very small,so it
can be neglected in a伍 rst approxi1η ation。

Smooth pegs and light pu11eys are fuFther examples of rnathematical rnodels often used
in rnechanics.YOu wiⅡ never Ⅱnd them in prac“ ce,but you can often use the m° deIs in
calculations w⒈ h only a smallloss of accuracy,

When a string passes round a smooth peg,or a light pulley Ⅵ/ith

smooth bearings,the tension in the stong is the sarne on either side,

螂 猡|龉 黟簿唧醵嘤漤簿嬲狰翳攀器嗯鏊鼹嗯贤

ExampIe7茁 .1
Rep脏 rs a℃ being ca羽 滋ed outin a tall bunding,A wheelis attached atthe top ofthe
scaffolding with its axis ho⒒ zontal。 A rope runs overthe riFn ofthe wheel and has buckets
of Fnass 2kg tied to it at both ends,One bucketis illed、Ⅳ沁h 8,5kg of rubble and then
released,so thatit descends to ground1eⅤ e1.With what acceleration does it rnoⅤ e?

As a1ways,Fnodelling approxi1nations have to be made。 In this example,assume

犰atthe mass ofthe rope and the wheel can be neglected,that the、 vheel rotates on
smooth bearings,and thatthe rope doesn’ t stretCh,Then the tension i∷ n the string
wⅡ l be the same at both ends,and tbe upward acceleration ofthe empty bucket
wⅡ l have the same magnitude as the do、 vnw仞Kl aCCeleration of the ⅡlIed bucket。
Denote thetension by r N,and the acceleration by夕 ln s^2.

Fig,7.16sho、vs the forces on each bucket ,Ⅱ ∷
The weights ofthe ′
during the motion。 ∷
∷^ ∷∷
buckcts are 20N and 105N,

For the empty bucket,

1t(↑ ) r¨ 20:=2g.
FOrthe i1led bucket,

RlJ) 105-「 =105c.


(r-2o)+(1o5-T)=2四 +10,5曰 ,
Fig,7。 16

which gives 12.5曰 〓85,so ¢=6,8。

The Ⅱlled buckct descends to ground level、 vith acceleration of6.81△ sˉ

Example7而 。
A boX of了nass 2kg is pIaced on a table.A string attached to the box passes over a
smooth peg at the edge ofthe table,and a bal1of rnass I kg is tied to the other end,The
tWo stralght sections of thc s臼 吐ng are horizontaI and vc燕 ica1.If the coefflcient of n汀 cti。 n
between the box and the table is 0.2,伍 nd the acce1eration ofthe box and the bal1.

Fig^7.17shows the forces on the box and the

ball。 Because the peg is smoo吐 1,the tension in
曰msˉ 2
曲es饣 ing has the same Fnagnitude,TN,at eaCh
end,The normal contact force on the box is
RN,the frictiOn is F N,and the accelerc△ tion is
σms四 ,The w⒍ ghts are20N and lO N

Resolving vertically for the box gives R〓 20。

Since the system is in motion,J[ir∶ iction wnl be the

l涎gest possible,sO F=0.2× 20=4。 Fig,7,17

Forthe box, R(-)) r-F〓 2四 。

F∝ the ball, 欠侈) 10-F〓 四 .

Adding the two equations and substituting F =4giⅤ e$10-4=3曰 ,so刀 =2,

The box and the ball have an acceleration of 2ms2.

The next example can be“ ed锱 the b灬 is of an experimentto vσ ify the mIe for【 ndng
the resolved part of a force,given in Section4,2.

Example7彳 3
In the apparatus illustrated in Fig,7.18a rnass …¨ˉ¨ B
…¨¨~.fˇ ¨……¨……¨…丘ˇ

rt is attached to twO strings of equal length,
each of、 vhiGh can"es a mass 3亻 at1ts othcr
end.The strings are placed symme臼 西caⅡ y over
smooth nails A and B,which are atthe same
lcvc1.The whole systcm is in equⅡ iboum.The
distance between the naⅡ s is 2c,and the了 nass
,,9is at a depth rJ below the rylidˉ point of AB.
Find an equa“ on connecdng jl‘ r,歹 91,C and d. Fig‘ 7.18

Letthe tension in each ofthe strings be F N,and suppose that the sloping
sections of each string Fnake an angle ε with the ver“ ca1.

Foreach mass M, 了
1U》 T-Mg〓 0,

Forthe mass rPI, RC) 2T cosε -″ ,g=0.

Subst妣 uting M8f° r r in the second equauon and dividing by g giⅤ es ″饣〓2^亻 cos e.

The slophg⒃ 函o灬 d the st⒒ n胪 №趵len蚺 √

c2+',so that cos e=v=r弹 ・

帅 瑚 旷 .

106 卜1EcHAN1cs1

TO use this as an experiment,keep the masses 乃f constant but vary the mass 口

Set a scale down the line of symme廿 y to measure the depth d,and calculate

cose=、 ic2+歹 .If you plot cos εagainst'm,you shou1d get points

which lie on a1ine through the oⅡ gin 帕


Example7彳 Ⅱ
On a construCtion site a truck of rnass400kg is pulled up a 10° s1ope by a chail1.The
chain mns parallel to the sIope up to the top,、 vhere it passes over a cog、 ″heel of negligible
massˇ It then mns horizonta1ly and is
attached to the rear of a locomotive of
mass2000kg.Neglecting any
resistances,calculate the dⅡ Ⅴing force 2000kg

needcd tO aCcelerate the truck up the

slope at0.1ms甲 。

Fig.7,19shows the forces on
the truck and the locomotiⅤ e,

Denote thc tension in the chain

Fig。 7.19
by r N andthe由
"ving force
DN,The weight ofthe“ uck心by 4000N,

FOr the tru呔 , 父佃 to the s1opel r~4ooo cos80° =400× 0.1,

which giⅤ es T=734.5,¨ .

The locomodve also has acceleration 0.1【 us^2.

For the lo∞ motive, R(→ ) D-T=2000× 0.1,

so£ 》=734、 5.¨ +200=934.5.¨ .

The doⅤ ing force required is about 935N,

7‘ A Way ofsimpIiF,,ing caIcuIations
urhen you have a problem to solve驶ヵ ttwo or mom o叻 ects,you sometim∞ Ⅱnd that the

equations haⅤ e seⅤ eral teIⅡ 玉

s、 Vhich depend on the value of8。 Some people flnd it siη pler

notto substitute the numeAcal value10at Rrst,but to replace it by a letter,You can then
make a sing【 e substitution ofthe numeocal value at the end,When you calculate the ansl1ver,

Nol"】 a11y the letter g is used in place of the numeocal Ⅴalue10.For exaη p1e,in
Ex泗 ple7.4.2,the weights ofthe box and the baⅡ couId be written as 2g newtons and
tons,wkch is
g neⅥ改ons respectively,The friction wOuld then be 0,2× 2g ne、 ˇ
0.4g nevvtons.The two equa吐 ons forthe box and the ball would then be

欠(→ )r-o.4g=勿 and R(↑ )gˉ r〓 夕 ,

which can be added to give gˉ ˉ0.4g=3四 ,so¢ =0,2g。 A sing1e substitution of lO for
g then produces the answer夕 =2。

In fact,using the letter g for the nunnber10can be rather confusing,because in algebraic

applications you have used g to stand for the quantity 10ms^2,、 vhich could be written in
other units such as O.01knn s^2or1000cm s^ in wOrking a paHicular probIern you need
to be clear whether you are using the letter g as an abbreviation for the number10,or
whetherit stands for the quantity which is the acceleradon due to gravity。 In the爿⒍st case
you need to include units in your ans、 vers,for exarnple a force of O。 4g N or an accelera饪 on
of0,2g Fn s^2;in the second case the units are included in the symbol for the quantity氵 and it
would be wrong to add a unitto the symbo1,

Allthe same9this is a useful way of avoiding overˉ complicated arithmedc,and you、 vould
⒏nd it useful in several of the questions in Exercise7B,A fu⒒ her advantage is thatin some
problems the value of g cancels out,、 vhich can save you unnecessary arithmetic,

婴 Exercise7B 瀚 糠勰霭攫黟勰 逑:鬯


In the cases i1lustrated in the fo11owing diagrams the st1△

ngs pass oⅤ er smaIl light pu11eys。
The contacts bet△ /een the blocks and the surfaces are rough,exccpt、 vhcrc they am
indicated as smooth in p臼 吨s(d),(e)and(f).The blocks are at rest and the stⅡ ngs taut,In
each case nnd the tension in the string and曲 e frictional force exerted by each surface on
the bIock with which itis in contact。
(a) (b) (c) lO kg

A tape is、 vound round two smooth cy1inders as shoⅥ

The higher cyⅡ nder is Ixed,but the1ower cyhnder sits in
a loop foΙ Ⅱ【 by the tape,If the5kg mass descends at
constant speed,calculate the mass ofthe lowGr cylinder.

In the system illustrated the string passes over a smo° th

Ⅱxed peg。 The paHicles are held in the positions shown,
wⅡ h the s廿 ing taut;they are曲 en reIeased from rest.Find
the tension in the s白ong and the acce1eration of the
panicles, 2螅

Suppose that im each ofthe cases iIlustrated in Question l曲 e pulleys can rotate freeIy and
that a11the contacts between the blocks and surfaces are smooth,The blocks arc held in the
posit∶ ons sho、 vn,、 vith the s臼 ong taut.The blocks arc then released frofn rest.Find the
acceleradon ofthe blocks in eac∷ h case.
108 MEcHANICs1

5 A pa爪 iCle of rnass 3kg is attached to one end of

cach oftwo s峦ings,sI and s2.A particle of
mass2,5kg is attached to the other end of sl,
amd a particle of mass l kg is attached to the
other end of s2。 The paltic1es are he1d in the
pos⒒ ions sho、vn,Ⅵ /妣 h the strings taut and sl 3kg
passing over a smooth Ixed peg.The system is
released froFn rest,Find the acceteration of the 1kg
particles,and the tensions in s1and J2。

61n tlle system Ⅲus订 ated h Question2suppose that the mass of thc Iower cylinder is12kg,
The systcm is held at restin the position shown,with the tape taut,and then released。 Find
the acceleration of

(a) the lower cylinder, O)the5kg mass,

7 TWo pa哎 iCles are connected by a lightinextensible mring which passes ovcr a smooth Ⅱxed
heavier pa】 f1ticIe is heId so that the s钔 陵
pe】 ::.The ng is taut,and the parts of the sh内 ng notin
contaCt with the pu⒒ ey are ver“ ca1。 When the system is releascd fron△ rest the pa碱 icles
盹ve an犯 celeraJo【l of查 g・ Fhd the r.nto ofthe mas⒃s ofthe pa爪 ides。

8 户\particle of rnass `氵 I is placed on a FOugh tr缸 ck which goes up at an angle α to the
° °
horizontal,where sln α =0.6 and cQs α =0.8∶ The coefncicnt of凸 匝c“ on is0.5。 A stong
is attached to the pa「 ⒒cle,and a particle of1η ass 山f is attached to the other end ofthe
string,The stong runs up thc track,passes oveF a smooth bar atthe top ofthe track,and
then han。cs Ⅴeltical1y,∷ Find the intGrval of Values of乃 亻for、 vhich thc systern can rest iR

Find exprcssions for the acce1erauon Ⅵ泅th which the systc111w⒒ l rnove ifthe Ⅴa1ue of n亻
Iies outside this interxfa1.

:灬 志芯kCl谂 怂s$I0凇 脂描}茁 淞 奋瀚IⅡ ¢・ I^△、
糠 卜 、 ε拗 I镞 刂心}$膂 勰衤
F巛 叩饣 ∷ 、s黯 ↑挠摺弑$忄 ;|挥 炽
强留灬怒螺↑ 卩饵u`驳 L¢戒戚,狄 挂eti∷ ∶
扌-`条 Ⅵ咯●
`森 `冫

7.6 InterⅡ al and external FOrces

2,and thatthe motion is
suppose that a Ⅴehicle of rnass 1600kg accelerates at0.51nsˉ
opposed by a resistance of140ne、Ⅴtons,VVhatis the d蛀 ving force, D ne、 vtons?

You can answerthis ques吐 on using the1nethods Qf Chapter2,By Ne、 vton’ s second laW,
D-140=1600× 0.5,sO that D=940,
Nov氵 compare this w廴 h EⅩ ample7.2.1,in Whch a pick-up truck ofrnass 1200kg tOws a
峦aileF of rnass 400kg against a Fesistance of140newtons With acceleration0.5ms^2.
You found there that the driving force required is also940newtons.

This is hardly surp⒒ sin8,If the‘ Ⅴehicle’ in the伍 rst paragraph consists of a truck and a
trai1er,then k makes no dffcrence whether you tre菠 曲is as a si1喀 le o凵 ect° r as t△ vo

conncCted o眄 ects mo诫 ng with the same veloc"y and acceleraton.


But what you can’ t角 nd by applying Newton’ s 0.5m「 2

law to the tfuck-andˉ trailer vehicle is the force
from the coupling.If you draw a diagran1for
the horizontal forces on thc vehicle,it、 vⅡ l look
1ike Fig.7,20.The only forces affecting the Fig.7,2o
motion are the driving force and the re$istance,
These a【 called曲 e‘ externar f。 rGes on the combined vehic】 e,The fOrce f1・ onn the
cOupling on the tmck and on the trailer,which had to be included in Fig。 7,6,bec。 1ne

intemal’ forces、 〃hen you are thinking ofthc缸 VCk-and-traⅡ er as a single Vehicle,



d;i J∶ i∶

『 默描扌裂描繁
F黥戌罂括 y⑾

喙f糨 :漶摅:盅 ∷
F∶ l:l{∶ ;I七 ::1∶ f菡 抚:: 扌
卜 FOr t№ ⒃ 哪 e哪 ⒏ 汛 洫 鸲 咖 岬 № nd四 山 ∞ 扯 扩
卜other are睬 tern耐hⅡ es,and are hduded h the equauon⒏

洳爨 凇 涸勰 灬捻 斌嬲 簸 蕊邋1凇槲 溽蕊橛 器 勰 奁
$啻 瀚 滋 抵斌 、 鼬 戚 掖
This principle also applies in Example7.3。 1.Since both tmcks are moving on the san1e track
and care connected by an inextensible cable,they haⅤ c the same Ⅴelocity and acceleration.
YOu can therefo⒑ treatthe two trucks together as a“ n日 eo习 cct of m灬 s8o kg,and the only
horizontal external force is th。 pull of 120newtons;the tension in the cab】 e is an internaI
foEe。 The acccleraton ofthe“ ucks0{翳 ms矽 ,wh忆 h is l。 5msˉ 2.

Butto c时 culate the tension in the cable you must usc one or other ofthe Newton’ s law
equatiOns for the separate trucks,When you have to cary out calculations for the
moton ofan o丬 ect which splits加 to two parts,you wⅡ l often nnd itsimple哎 tO wrke
equ哎 ions for the o丬 ect as a whole and forJust one ofthe pa⒒ s.

A dynamo ofrnass 1500kg is placed in a cage ofrnass 50o kg,、 vhich is raised
veΓticaⅡ y by a cable fron1a crane.The tension in the cablc is 20400N.Find the
acce】 cratiOn of the cage,and the conⅡ rt force bet、 veen the cage and the dynanno.

The cage and the dynamo have the same

acceleration,曰 Jll s^2,so they can be treated
as one o丬 ect(Fig.7.21).The only extemal
forces are thc tension in the cable and the
combined、 veight of20o0× 10N,which is
For the cage-and-dynarno,

R阝 )

20400-20000=2000夕 ,

so四 =0.2,

To伍 nd the contact force,RN,you nlust

consider either the cage or thc dynamo
separate1y。 Itis shnpler to take the dynamo, o2msˉ 2↑
because there are fewer forces act1ng on1t
(see Fig.⒎ 22).YOu now knOw that四 =0,2。

Forthe dynamo a1one,

欠UD R-15000=1500× 0.2, Fig.7.22

so R〓 I5300,
2;the Contact force is 15300N.
Thc acceleration of the cage is0.2In sˉ

Example7《 ℃2
Three barges travel down a river in line,On1y the rear bar‘ :e has an eng∶ ne,which produces a
for、 vard force of400kN,The masses ofthe front,Ⅱ 1iddle and rear barges are1600tonnes,
1400tonnes and 2000tonnes,and the water exerts on then、 resistances of100kN,
20kN and30kN re叩 ecuvely.F泗 d the forces h tllc coup⒒ ngs扣加⒒ng the barges.

The three aerial Ⅴie、 vs in Fig.7,23sho、 V the horizontal forces on aIl three barges,
on the fronttwo barges and on the front barge,The acceleration is 四ms^2,and
the forcesin the couplings are R kN and S kN。

四 ms¨ 2


Notice that,although tonnes(1000kg)and kilone、 vtons(1000N)are not basic SI

units,they do foェ ⅡΙpart of a system which is consistent Ⅵ应th rlletres and seconds,
so thatthe equation F=`屁 曰can be used w戚 hout any need for conVers1on。

Therc are three unknowns,but thc forces in bod1couplings are intemal forces if
you take五 1l three barges toge曲 er,

F。 r au three barges,

欠(forwardΦ 400-100-20-30=(1600+1400+2000l夕


This gives涩 = =0.05,


FOr岱 e fronttwo barges,

多《forWards) s-100-zO=(1600+I400)× ⒍05,

For the f1・ ont barge,

R(forWards) R-100=1600× 0,05,

These cquations give s=270and R=180.

The forces in the front and rear coup⒒ ngs aΓ e 180kN and270kN respectively。

N。 uce th狨 if yo刂 use this method each equaton hvolvesjust one ofthe unknown
quantities,so you have no simultaneous equations to solvc.

You can if you wish check your answers by consideong the forces on ono ofthe other barges
by itself。 For example,Fig,7.24shows the forces on the rniddle barge.The forces in both
∞ up1in。。s are eXtemal forces on this bar姿 ,and the forwaL・ d fo∞ G is lls-R-20JkN.With
the values of R and s found,this is 70d.since 70=1400× 0,05,you have a check that
the equation F〓 ,,9夕 is satis§ ed for the middle barge.

0。 05msˉ 2


饔 Exerc、 e7C

A car ofn1ass 1000kg is toⅥ /ing a trailer of mass 250kg along a straight road.There are
constant fesistanccs to the motion ofthe car and the1railer of rnagnitude150N and50N
respcc‘ vely,The driving force on the Car has rnagnitude 800N。 Calculate the acceleration
ofthe car and the1taⅡ er,and the tension in the to、 Ⅴbar,when
(a) the road is horizOntal,

(b)the road is inclined at shˉ 10⒑

4to the ho⒒ zontaI and山 e car沁 订aVelIing uphil1.

VⅥ hen a car ofrnass1350kg tows a trailer ofFnass 250kg along a horizontal straight
road々 the resistive forces on the car and trailer have rnagnitude 200N and50N
respectiⅤ eIy。 Find the Fnagnitude of the d】 r∶ iving force on the car when the car and traⅡ er are
traⅤ e11ing at constant speed” and state the tension in the tOwbar in this case。

Find the acceleration or deceleradon ofthe car and the tr西 1er,and the tension in the
towbar,lvhen the driving force exe吨 ed by the car has rnagnitude

Ca) 330N, (b) 170N, 0)zero。

Find aIso the deceleration of the car and thc traⅡ er,and thc magnitude ofthe f° rce in the
towbar,stating whether this force is a tension or thmst,、 vhen the山over applies the brakes
and the br瓦 king force eⅩ ceeds the dⅡ ving force by

(d) 30N O) 70N, (θ 150N,

MEcH灬 1Cs1


3 A car ofrnass 〃 pu⒒ s a traner ofrnass r9a down as饣 aight hⅡ l which is inclined at angle
α°to the hoⅡ zontal。 Resi欲 ive forces of magnitudes尸 and g act。 n the C盯 and the tailer
respectively,and the driving force on the caris F。 Find an expression for the acceleration
of the car and trailer,in terms of F,P,@,^亻 ,″ 。and α .

ShOw tllat the tension in the towbaris independent of α。

In the case when尸 =P+o,show曲 at the accelerat】 onis g“ nα °and that the tension in
the tQWbar is{(∶ ∶

4 F佃 c sPhcres,each of mass rPB,arejoned togeth∝ by four

inextensible s勹 匚ngs,The spheres hang in a verticaI line as shown in

the diagra∏ 1,and ε
re hc1d at rest by a force apphed to the


uppeΙ I1Iost sphere,of rnagnitude5″ g,acting Ⅴ
】 ertica11y upwards,
Find the tension in each ofthe strings,
The force on the uppemost sphere is nOw removed,1f the total air
res恕 tanCe acthg Ⅴ
erti()E111y upwards on the叩 heres摅 旁
the acceleration of the system in the subscquent rnotton。
Find also the tension in each ofthe four stHngs if
(a)曲 e西 r resistance on each indiⅤ Ⅱual” he⒃ is祜 肫g,

⑴ the碲 m吣 tance on曲 e uppemost sphcre灬 阴g and

軎 the腑
resistance on each ofthe other four spheres is 型。g・`″

VⅡ sCe⒒ aneous exercise7

A girl of rnass55kg is standing in a lift、 vhich is丫noVing、 vith an up、vards acceleration of

0,I5n1s^2.The foⅡ e exerted on the且 oor ofthe lift by the girl has magnitude R newtons,
DraW a diabqana showing the forces acting on钅 he gid,、 Ⅳho may bc modeⅡ ed as a p戗 Fdcle,
and ind the value of尺 , (OCR)
卢k child of rnass 30kg is standing in a lift、 vhic匕 is descendlng.The force exerted on the
n。 。r。 f the lift by the chⅡ d has Fnagnitude 270N.Find the magnitude ofthe acceleration
of the Iift and state、 、
氵 (oC∷ R)
`hether the Iiftis speeding up or slowing down,
T、 vo bodies,of rnasses 3kg and5kg,are attached to the ends of a Iight inextensible
s姒 ng.The st歧 ng passes ovcr a smooth Ⅱxed pu1Iey and the parⅡ cles are rnoVing vertica1ly
with both Ⅴe1"Lica1parts of the string taut.Find the tension in the stong, (OCR)

Twoc扣 Ⅱdren P and口 ,。 f ma$es40kg and50kg respectiⅤ ely,aⅡ hol茁 ng on to the

ends of a rope、 vhich passes oⅤ er a thick犰 oFizonta扌 bran0h of a tree,The paHs ofthe rope
on other s⒗ e ofthe branch are ve⒒ 妃al and child o is mo¢ ng downwards,A modelisto
be used in、 〃hich tlle chⅡ dren Fnay be considered as particles,and in、 〃hich the rope is light
and inextensibIe and is rnoving freely in a smooth groove on the branch,Show thatthe
2,and Jhnd the tension in the rope.
acceleration of each ch⒒ d has rnagnitude 1,11msˉ

When child@抵 moⅤ ing at2msˉ l ohe lets go offhe rope。

ChiId P conunues t。 rise for a
fu竹 her distance肋 me各 es before falling back to the ground. Ca1culate the value of`讠 ‘
C∷ hoose one ofthe assumpjons stated in the FnOdel and comment bⅡ efly on how realisuc
you think it is。 (OCR,adapted)

5 TwOsmau bodes P and o,of masses6kg and

2kg respectively,are attached to the ends of a
1ight inextensible s旬 吐ng。 The stHng passes over a

pulley axed at a height of4】 m above the

ground,InitiaHy口 is held on the ground and P
hangs in equiIibriu∏l at a height of2m aboⅤ e
the ground(see diagram),Both hanging pa吨 s of
the string are vertic耐 .口 is Ir`:讠 leased。 The
modoIⅡ ng assumptions are that the:e is no air
resistance and that the pulley is smooth。 Find the
speed of@when P hitsthe ground,and⒔ nd
also the greatest height,above the ground,
reached by@in the subsequent mouon,
When@reaches its hghesf pontthe st⒒ ng is cut.∏ nd tho sPeed of0just before it hits
the ground,

Without furth∝ calculation,sketch the(r,v)graph ofthe moton of@from th。 蛀art untⅡ
it hits thc ground,Sho、 v cle&rly,by shading,a region on your sketch whose area is equal to
the greate呲 height,above the ground,reached by口 . (OCR)
Two pa燕 屺lcs P and@,of masses2kg and阴 kg
respectively,are con∷ nected by a light inextensibIe
str】 ng.Particlc P is held on a sn1ooth horizontal table。
The string passes oⅤ er a smooth puⅡ ey R Ixed atthe
edge ofthe table,and@诋 ・
qt re“ Ⅴ
e止 沁ally below R
(see diagram).When P is released the acceleration° f
each partic1c has rnagnitude O.81rn s^2,Assun1ing饣 hat
air resisε ance may be ignored,nnd the tension in the

s臼 ing and the Ⅴalue of″ :。 (OCR)

The diagram shows a1ight inextensible stong passing

ovcr a‘ xed smooth puⅡ ey.PartiGIes A and B,of
masses O,03kg and0.05kg respecuvely,a「 e atta0hed
to the ends of the string。 The systcm is held at rest with
A and B atthe same horizontalIevel and the s臼 泗ng
taut.飞 e two parts of the string not in contact、 vith thc
pulley arc verfical。 The systeFrl is relcased at timc
r=0,where r is measured in seconds,The pa⒒ icle B
moves downwards for2s before being brought to rest
as it hits the noor。 The s白 匝ng
then becomes slaCk and
丨remains at rest.Neglecting air Fesistance,show that

the str】 ng becomes taut aga1n、 vhen r=3。

Dnw,on separ触 e diagrams,the C,,,l。。raphsfor A and B,for 0≤ J≤ 3,c1eaFly

indicaung the veloc扯 y of A when 扌=2 and whcn 莎=3。 (OCR)

8 Pa哎 iCles A and B,of masses0.5kg and0,8kg respectively,arejotned by a Ⅱght

inextensible string。 A is held at rest on a smooth horizontal platfo人 Ι
Ι:.The suong passes
over a small smooth pu1ley at the edge of the platfoΙ
"I,and B hangs vertically below the
pul1ey.A is1.3m from the pu1ley.盐 is released,with the stⅡ ng taut,and the particles
start to move。 Find the tension in the s白 匝ng,and the speed of A immediately before it
reaches the pulley,stating any assumption you make,
Immed扯 ely before A reaches山 e pulley妩 becomes detached from the s钮 ing,GiⅤ en th缸
B reaches the floor I.21s after the release of A,calculate the ini饣 ial height。 f B above the
Ⅱoor. (0CR)
X newtons
9 Padtcles ⒕ and B,of masses0.2kg and
0.1kg⒑ spectively,arejoned by a1螅 ht
inextensib1es幻 Hng。 PaⅡ icle A is pIaced on a
ixed sm。 。th planc inchned at 10° to the
horizontal,and is held at Fest by a force of
magnitude X newtOns、 Ⅴhich acts in a
direction parallel to a line Of greatest slope
of the plane.The s扭 Ing passes oⅤ er a
smooth pulley P Ixed atthe bottom ofthe
plane,and the part PB ofthe s扭 △ng hangs
ⅤeΓ dcal1y,as shown in the diagram.Find X。
The force ofF11agnitude X newtonsis now removed,Ignoring a1r resistance,1[∶ ind the

10 Machinery of rnass 300kg is placed on the floor of a lift of Fnass 450kg.The m蔽 gnitudes
of the tension in the cablc holding the lift,and the norma1contact force between dle
machincry and the1ift Ⅱoor,are T neⅥ 改ons and R newtons respectively.By conslde威 ng
the forces acting on the rnachinery,find the value of R when the liftis FnOving upward(;
with a deceleraⅡ 。n of2.2Fn s^2。 By considering the lnotion of the machin唧 and the lift
as one body,Ⅱ nd thc Ⅴalue of T for the same dccclcration,

11 Two part忆 les尸 and g,。 f masses4kg

and 6kg respoctiⅤ c1y,are conneCted by a
light ineXtensible strIng、 vhich passes ovor
a light smooth pu11ey A。 PaFticle P is heId
atrest on a rough ho⒒ zontal table and
p盯 吐cle@rCsts° n a smooth planc
incIined at30° to the horizonta1,as shown
in the dlagram,The s白眭ng is taut and lies
in a ⅤerticaI plane perpendicular to the line ofintσ section of the table and thG inc1ined
plane,The particIes are released fron1rest and in曲 e subsequent rnotion each partic1e has
an acCeleration° f rnagnitude1.9rn s^2,provided P has notreached盔 ,Find the tensio∷ n in
曲e stong and the coefGcient Of friction between P and thG table.
one second afteF the system is released frOTn rest the sn【 ng breaks,and P subsequent1y
comes to rest before reaching ⒕.Atthe instant when the string breaks P is 0,8m away
from A。 FInd the dstance from A at which P comesto rest. (oCR)

12 A meta1b1ock nr,of mass2kg,is held at

rest on a smooth hoⅡ zontaltable.The
block 山f is connectGd to a`Ⅳ o◇ den block
lV,of mass O。 1kg,by ali吵 t inextensible
string which passes over a smooth1ight
pul1ey1hxed atthe edge ofthe table。 The
b1ock W hangs vertica1ly,as sho、 vn in the
diagram.Block^亻 ,、 vhich is0.6m from the pulley,is now released,λ 改odelling the
b】 ocks as pa止 iCles and ignoⅡ ng air resistance,f1nd
(a) the tension in the strlng in the ensuing motion9

b)曲 e speed of Ⅳ immedately before jV reaches the pulley。

【 (oCR)
13 TwOtrucks A and B,of masses1000kg
and800kg respectiⅤely,are connected by X
a horizontal coupling.An engine pulIs the
trucks a1◇ ng a straight hoⅡ zOntaltrack by
exerting a ho⒒ zontal force of rnagnitude
X neWtons on饣 uck A(see d;agram)。 The resi斑 ances to the motion Oftruck^,
excluding the tension in the hoAzontal coupling,rnay be mOdeⅡ ed by a constant
奴oozontal force of rnagnitude 300N;fortruck B the magnitude may be mode1led
by a constant horizontal force of了 nagnitude 100N.
(⒆ G卜 en that the扭 VCks are moving with constant speed,ind

G) the tension in the horizontal coup⒒ ng between the tmcks,

ii)曲 e value of X.

(b)Given instead fllat X=800,nnd the c。 mmon acceleration Ofthe trucks。 (OCR)
14 TwO trL】 cks A and召 ,of rnasscs 6000kg
and 4000kg respectively,are connected by a X
horizontal coupling.An engine puⅡ s the
trucks along a straight horizontal track,
exerting a const幻 吐ho】 izontal force of magnitude Ⅹ newtons on truck A(see diagram)。

Tlle resistance to motion for洳 Ck A may be mode11ed by a constant hoozontaI fOrce of

magnitude 360N∶ fortmGk B the resistancc rnay be modeⅡ ed by a constant hoⅡ zontal
foFce of rnagnitude 240N,C;iⅤ en thatthe tension in the coupling is r nowt。 ns and that
the ac∞ ler舶 on ofthe贫 ucks k四 msˉ ow that r〓

X,and卟 press“ in terms of X.
GiⅤ en曲 atthe trucks are slowing down,obtain an inequality satisⅡ ed by X。

The modelis changed so thatthe resistance fortruck B is mode1led by a constant force of

magnitude 200N.The rc$istance fQr truck ⒕ remains unchanged,For this changed modol
ind the range of possible values of X for、 vhich the force in山e coupling is compressive
C,e.the force in the coupling acting on B愆 directed from^to ε). (OCR)
15A load尸 ,of mass200kg,圯 suspended by the vertical cable of a crane.Another load@,
of rnass120kg,is suspended fronn 尸 by another verHcal c五 ble。 Both cables tnay be
considered as1ight and inextcns】 b1e,and any resistances to motion rnay be neglected.Find
the tension in the Ⅴc⒒ ical cab】 e supportin‘ :thC load P,
(a) When the loads are hanging in equilibriurn,

o)When the1oads accelerate verdcauy upwards at0.4ms^2 (oCR,adapted)

116 MEcHA∷ NlCs l

16 A van ofrnass 1200kg istovong a Car ofrnass 800kg up a slope inclined at8° to
the horizonta1.Tlle resistance to thc rnotion ofthe van Fnay be modelled by a single force of
magnitude 500N acting parallel to the slope,FOrthe car the resistance may be modelled
by a single force of rnagnitude200N acting para11el to the slope.The Ⅴan is travelling at
constant speed.Stadng One assumption that you have made,且 nd9in cither or〈 刂
r, J1(扌

(a) the tension in the to、 vrope between the van and the car,

(b) the driⅤ ing force acting on the van,

The driving force acting on the van is now increased to 4000N,Find the timc takcn for thc
1to I4msˉ 1. (OCR)
van to inc⒑ 孙e its specd from IO m sˉ

17 A smaⅡ smooth ring R,of mass0.6kg,is threaded on

a light inextensibIe string.One end ofthe st戒 ng is
a议 aChed to a ixed point^ and the other end is attached
to a ring B,of Fnass0.2kg,which is thrcaded on a
ixed rough hoⅡ zontal wire which passes through A
6ee diagram),The system is in eq匝 hbrium,with召
aboutto slip and Ⅵ泛th thc part AR ofthe string making ala angle of60◇ Ⅵ/ith the、 ⅤiFe.

(a) Explain,with reference to thc factthat ong R is smooth,why the pa⒒ BR ofthe st喊 ng
is inclined at 60◇ to the Ⅴ”re,
(b) ShoW thatthc nor1⒒ 时 contacf force between B and the wife has magnitude5N,

rc) Find the coe盯 1G⒗ nt of nHcti。 n between B and the wire。 OCR,adapted)

18 A smooth bead B of mass0.6kg is threaded on a

Ⅱght inextensible s臼 Hng whose ends are attached to
Ⅱ″o identical1△ ng$,each of rnass 0.4kg.1Γ he rlngs
can move on a nxed s汀 aight horizontal wire.The
systen△ rests in equⅡ ibriu1∮ 、
v⒒犰each sectio∷ n ofthe
string mdong an angle ε witll the vertical,as
sho、 vn in the diagra:η .

(犭 1)Find the magⅡ tude ofthe norm・ al contact foEe exerted Oll each ring by the wire,
rb)Find,h terms of e,曲 e magnimde of the frictiona1force on cach⒒ ng.
Cliven that thc coefncient。 f friction between each ring and the wiFe is0.3,find the
greatest possib1ev破 ue of g f。 r the system to be in equIlibrium, (oCR)
8 WOr℃ energy and pOwer

1n this chapter the basic equations of Fnechanics are put together into a new form which
can be applied to a、 vider range of prob】 ems.When you have completed it,you should

o kno、 Ⅴthe deⅡ nitions of work and kinetic energy

・ be abIe to use the、 Ⅳork-energy principle,and distinguish wOrk done by a force from
work done against a force
o know thatthc work-energy princip1e can be extended to situations in which forces are
not constant
● use the fact that a force perpendicul盯 to the d打ection ofrnotion does no work
● understand the idea of power and be abIe to calculate it
● knov¢ and be ablc to use the relation between power,force and speed,

8Ⅱ The work-energy equation

A car and由 吐ver haⅤ e a total vnass of1000kg.The car gains speed from 7msˉ 1 to
131nsˉ 、
vith constant acceIeration over a distancc of200metres.Calculatc the driving

b/IeChod1 The acceleration° fthe car can be found by using the equadon
v2=Jf2+2cs,taking rr=7, v=13and s=200in SI unhs。 This gives
I69=49+2四 ×200,so曰 =勰 =0・ 3・ :y Newton’ s second law,the drhhg force
in newtonsis given by F=lOO0× 0.3=300,

This example is typical of丫 nany problems in mechanics,in which a force of rnagnitude
F acts on an o丬 e∝ of ma甾 J,J Ov∝ a dotance s,so thatthe speed Ofthe o丬 ect
increases from J`to v,YOu solve it by oombining Newton’ s secondlaw F=r,。 εwith

⑾咖 n廴 ′妮 四
、∷ how
toⅡ ζ that叫 lⅠ

摭 稷 :∶l∶l∶ ;;∶ 蛩

Fs・ 〓查
″Iv2-士 阴〃

The expression on the left of this equation,the product of the force and the distance
through which the o刂 ect moves,is called the work done by the force,Th沁 is such
an iFnportant idea in mechanics thatthe un加 by which itis rneasured in the s1system
has a speoal name,Chejoule,(Jamcs Joule was a19tll-century En旺 ish physicist who
phyed a leading partin develophg tlae science oftheF.Ι lodynam沁 s。 )Aj° ule悠 tlle

work done、 Ⅳhen a force of1newton acts through a distance of l metre;that is,
I扣 ule〓 1newton metre.The abbre呐 au。 nf。 rjoule is J.

on the Hght ofthe equaton you have twO terms of a蛀 milar form^1fan o丬 ect of ma$
IPB k mOving wi曲 speed v,曲 e quantity岑 r,Iv2“ Ca11ed tlle unedc energy ofthe body,
So the express忆 n on the Ⅱghtis dle incmase h曲 e kinet忆 ene吧 y ofthe o丬 ect re汕 lting
om the action ofthe force.Khet忆 ene璁 y is a1so measured in泅 ules・
118 MEcHANICs1

Work-energy principIe If a constant force acts on an

o丬 ect over a ce⒒ ah distance,山 e work done by the force is
equalto the gain in thc⒗ neuc energy ofthe o丬 ect,

You can nOw usethe work-Cnergy principle to sho淡 en the soluuon of Exa1nple8.1,l,

Method2 The kinetic energy increases from;× 1000〉 72J to 〈

告<1000〉 <132J,that is by 500× (169-49)J,Which ls60000J.

1fthe force is F ne、 vtons,the、 vork done is F× 200J。 So 尸 =旦 裂锆?=300・

The dⅡ vlng force is300newtons,

8.2 some geⅡ eralisations

The work-energy p吨 nciple can be generalised in a number of、 vays。 This is one reason

why itis so important,

First,suppose that the force doesn’ t act along the l1ne of了 n0tion,but
at an ang1e to it.Fig,8.1,in which al1the forces are hoFizontal,
illustrates thk With an o丬 ect m° ving atong a stra螅 ht tra。 k,b⒍ ng
accelerated by a forcc of丫 nagnitude F σt an ang1c εto the贫 ack,The

o丬 ect心 preⅤ ented from leaving曲 e track by a noⅡ I又 丑

al CoⅡ tact force

.The acce1eration can be found by resolving a1ong the track∶

尸Cose=掏 〃 ,

So in the a1gebraic calculation in section8.I, F mustbc replaced by Fcosg,and the

work-energy equation becomes

(Fcosε ls〓 g槭 nh⒗ net忆 en∝ gy,

This rneans that the definition of work must be generalised as follows.

溺 躐 鳢 禹 稔 蠲 龊 蠲 溺 躐 鳓 摁 J缁嬲 黝 驱 嬲 瑙谳

r狙 o丬 ect m。 ves through a(

under the ac吐 on of a force of
εto the line,the、 〃ork done t

¤淌渊 磷摺 麟 撼 黯 :l、 :

It is hnportant to noticc that the no^1I1al contact force Λr doesn’ t appe盯 in the work-energy
equau。 n.This is because its direction is at⒒ ght angles to the direction of rnotion,so the
work done by this force is Nscos90° ,which is zero since cOs90° =0.
槲 婴 锞
躞 w

n is zero.
{ The work done by a fO∞ e perpen曲 cularto the direcuon of mot。

The next genera⒒ sation is to introduce a resisting force R,
as in Fig.8.2.Newton’ s second la、 v then becomes 一

Fcosε -R=r,B四 ,

so thatin the wOrk-energy equ艇 onthetem lF∞ se》 。

rep1aced by(Fcos9-R)s,Thus
Fs cos ε-Rs=gain in kinetic energy,

,-Rs,Can be desc蛀 bed as tbe‘ 、

The extra te】 ⅡⅠ vork done by the resistance’ ,Which is
negative。 Butitis more usual to caIlthe posidve quantity Rs the‘ work done ag西 nst the
resistance’ ,and to extend the statement ofthe wOL・ k-energy pnnc廴 丬e as follows。

ⅡExteⅡ ded work-energy priⅡ cip∶ e The wOrk done by the

fOrce acting on an o△ ect,mhusthe wOrk done agah瞰 resistance,
is equalto the gah in the khetk energy ofthe o丬 ect,

A cyclist and her rnachine together have a丁 nass0f100kg,She free-wheels down a hill of
gra曲 ent5%(1h2⑴ for a dstance of500metres,If hα speed atthe top was5ms丬 ,and
there is air resistance of40newfons,ho、 V fast Ⅵ泛Ⅱshe be going atthe bottorn ofthe hill?

The force acceleraung the cyclist is the weight of lO00N=acung at an angle to the
d加 ecton
of moton of(90-α F,Where cos(90-α )° =蛀 mα =0⒑ 5.The work
done by the weigbtis1000× 500× cos(90-α )° J,which跽 500000× ⒍05J,or
25000J,The ll,ork done against the resistance is 40× 500J,、 vhich is20000J.
so the g戚 n h kinetic energy is(25000-20000)J,that^5000J,

Atthe top ofthe Ⅱ 11the鼬 euc energy w/as壹 ×1OO× 52J,w・ hich沁 1250J,The
kinedc energy at the bottom is therefore(5000+125Ol J,that灬 6250J。 If her
speed is then v1nsˉ

×100× v2=6250,

s0 V2=125,giving v=1I.18.¨ .

The speed atthe bottonl ofthe hi】 l wnl be 11.2ms¨ cant Igures,

Thcre is another way in whlch the wO1・ k energy principle can be generalised∶ it enables
you to talk scnsibly about forces which are not constant,In the last cxamplc itis
unlikely that the air resistance is constant∶ it wⅡ l alFnost ce⒒ ainly get bigger as the
cyclist gains speed.Butif you崆 link of the air rGsistance as having an‘ aⅤ erage’ value of
40ne、 vtons dur【 ng the descent,you can sull use this to§ nd the、 vork done against the
resistance.So the work-cncrgy p⒒ nciple Produces vaIid answers in situations when the
acceleration is not constant.
120 MEcHAN【 cs l

siInilarly,in Example8。 l。 l,if the driving force is not constant,you Can s刂 1I use the
wOrk~cnergy method to deduce thatthe avcrage driving force on the caris300newtons。

The proof ofthis,and a more precise dcⅡ nition of whatis meant by the aⅤ erage force,
involves the use of calculus,It wi1l be discussed in more detail、 Ⅳhen motion with
varhble force is dealt wi山 in M2.

Exa1nple8⒓ 2
A naiIis being hamFnered into a plank,The rnass ofthe hammeris200grams,and at
each stroke the haⅡ uner is raised15cn1above the nail.Ifthe average force used to bⅡ ng
the hammer down is10tiFnes the average force used to raise the har11Fner,find the speed,
to2signiscant ngures,with which the harnmer hits the naⅡ ,

When the hammeris raised,the kinetic encrgy at both the beginning and the end
ofthe movementis zero。 so the wo扌 k done in raising the hammeris equalto the
wOrk done against the forcc of grav廴 y.

The weight ofthe hammer宫 s0.2× 10N,which is2N,and thc hammer Ⅱses by
0。 I5m.So the work done againstthe weightis2× o.15J,which is0.3J.

on曲 e downward stroke the work done is10thnes the l″ ork done in raising the
hammer9so扌 Also,asthe hammer fa1ls,its weight doe$wotk of
"s is So
2× 0,15J〓 0.3J。 3J。the total飞Vork donc on the doWnw・ ard stro∷ ke is 3.3J,

This is Gqual to曲 e khe“ c energy aCq匝 red by tllc hammer,which怂

1is the speed with which the hammer hits thc nai1,This givcs
告× 2× v2,

Where V了 nsˉ
0.lv2=3.3,∞ v〓 V5忑 =5。 Td.…

l,to2signiicant agures。
The haΠ Ⅱ△er hits the naⅡ with a speed of5.7rn sˉ

8.3 Motion round curved paths

A further genera⒒ sation ofthe work-energy principle is that it∶ s not restricted to Fno饺 on
械ong a呲 raight linc.It can also be used when an o切 ect moves round a curⅤ ed path.

As an example,consider a satellite orbiting the earth in a circular path outside thc

ea“ h氵 s atmosphere.It is acted on by the gravitation皮 l pull frOTn the ea茯 h,Whose
direction is along the radius,perpendicular to the direction of rnotion.So the work done
by this force is zcro,which means that the kinetic energy remains constant,That is,the
satellite moves at constaRt speed,

This is a case When itis impo⒒ ant to distinguish bet、 veen speed and Velocity.The satel1ite
doesn’ t,of course,rnove lv;th constant veIocity.It is condnually changing diFection
because ofthe grav⒒ ational pu【 lfrom the eⅢ th,But in the exPression for kinetic energy,
v stands for山 e speed ofthe moving0丬 ect.Kinet把 ene瑶 y is an example of whatis
called a‘ scalar quandty’ ;its value doesn’ t depend on the direction of Fno“ on.

A sirllⅡ ar argument applies for a pa眈 icle moving on a smooth curved horizontal path,or
a bead on a smooth hoⅡ zontal、 vire。 In such cases both the weight and the∷ norma】

contact force盯 e perpendcularto t11e velocky oftlle moving o而 ect・ so,rtheⅡ am n。

other forces,the paΓ 凶cle moves with constant speed,

麟 弹撺鞯甘麒腱鼹糠磷勰爨藤蕊瀑鼹搬扯 EXerose8A 黝 勰 漶 筢 攥 臌 勰 攥 邋 畿 、
逦虿犯簿 龋 :

Find the kinetic energy of

(a) a football player of rnass90kg running at6nl s^’ ,

(b) an Clephant of rnass6tonnes chc△ rging at lO n、 s^l,

(c) a racing car of丁 nass Iˇ 5tonnes traveⅡ ing at300krn per hour,

(d)a bullet of mass20grams mo呐 ng at400msˉ l,

⒃) a meteorite of mass20kg as it entes the earth’ s atmosphere at8kmsl。

An o丬 ect of mass20kg心 pulled7metres狨 a Cons妞 nt speed acrOss a rough horizolltal

n。 。r by1neans of a hoozontal rope.The tension in the ropc is 100N.Ca1culate the、 vork
done by the rope,State the wOrk done by the woght ofthe o丬 ect and thc normal contact
foⅡ e between the O凵 ect and the Ⅱoor.state a1⒃ the wo1・ k/done agahst resisthg forces,

A gardener moves a wheelbaⅡ ow30metms along a lcvel,s订 aigh£ p蔽 h。 The work done by
the gardcner is 120J,and the barro、 v is initiaⅡ y and nnaHy at rest,Ca1culate the average
force resisting the motion,

A crate is FlloⅤ ed at a steady speed in a straight Ⅱne by rneans of a towrope.The、 vork dOne
in moⅤ ing thc crate16rnetres is 800J.CalcuIate the resolved pa1t of the tension in the
rope in thG direcu。 n。 f rnotion。

A ba11of rnass 1,2kg moving with ini旺 al speed 20n1sˉ 1comes to rest atertr毯 vclling
301uctcs across a horizonta1surface^Find thc、 vork done r△ ainst resisung f。 rces,and

hence calcu1ate the mean resisting fome.

An alrcraft of mass1.8tonnes landing on an aircra仅 钥盯ier at144ki1o泗 e扌 Cs per hour is

broughtto rest by a parachute brake and an arester cable,If30%° fthe、 vork is done by
thc parachute,caIcuIate the wOrk done by the cable,

A father pulk his chi1dren on a Wagon along a level P猫h,The rope by wh妃 h the wagon^
pu11ed Fnakes an ang1e of20° w“ h the horizon饣 a1and has tension30N.calculatc the

vOrk done in moving the`Ⅳ agon 40mctres at Constant speed,

A bicycle of rnass30kg is pushed up a hillinchn色 d at15° to the horizontal。 Calculate the

vw,ork done in moving the bicycle70metres,st翎 陡ing and inishing with the bicycle at rest,

A car ofrnass 600kg is pushed along a horizontal road.Initially the car is at rest,and its
nnaI speed is4msˉ 1.Calcu1ate the、 ⅣoⅡ k done in accelerating the caΓ .

10 A box ofFnass 20kg is pu1Ied up a ramp incⅡ ned at30° to the ho豇 zonta1.The、 vofk done
in moving the box 10metres is 1200J‘ Calculatc the magn⒈ ude ofthe aⅤ cΓ age rcsis“ ng
122 MECHAN1Cs1

11 A cyclist free-wheels down a slope inclined at 15° to the horizontal,increasing his speed
from 4msˉ 1to 10nl s^l over a distance of50me订 es。 Ca1culate the1nean resistance on
the cycllst,given that the rnass ofthe cycⅡ st and his bicyc1e is 60kg.

1 over a distance of
12 A car ofrnass 700kg accelerates from 10ms^1to 30msˉ
120metres,Neg1ecting resistances,calcuIate the work done by the car engine ifthc road is
(a) hoⅡ zontal, (b) rising at 10° to the horizontal, (c) dropping at5° ,

Comment on the wOrk done ifthe gradient ofthe road is 20° below the horizontal。

13 A parachutist of rnass70kg fa11s froln a stationary∷ heⅡ copter at an a1utude。 f1km.She

l on reaching the ground,Calcu1ate the、 vork done against air resistance,
has spced 8Fn sˉ

14 A tractor of rnass 500kg pu11s a traⅡ er of Fnass 200kg up a rough slope inc⒒ ned at
17° to the horizontaI,The resistance to the motion is4N porkg.Calculate the wOrk
done by the tractor engine,given that the vehicle travels at a constant speed of l,41ns^l
for2Ⅱ Ⅱnutcs.
$诒§畲 茹瑟恣恣洛忒露戚黥嚣器扌瓣戚鼷簿焱谝器潞拶扌鼬 撼糠攮霭谂噙$默扌 期 袈 丫簸摞 $瀚 滋麟 漶 △谂谂漤邋摊 饣 滏器籀螂 ,I∷ 袈 :氵 铭窝罗麟 tˇ |蹬

8‘ Power
Cornpetitors in a longˉ distance canoe race have to get past a series of waterfa11s by
dragging their canoes up the riⅤ erside path,a distance of60rnetres,One coη pet⒒ or takes
90seconds to do this,another takes100seconds.The combined force of the friction and
the resolved part of the、 〃eight down the path is 75N for both canoes,Both com∷ petitOrs
therefore do the same amount of、 vork in raising their canoes,75× 60J,which ls4500J,
But the1[lir哎 canoeistis more powerful;he does this wOrk in a sholter“ me.

The rate at which a person or an engine wOrks is cal1ed power。 The unit of poweris the
jouIe per second;tho is ghen a speo狨 name,the watt,abbre呐 aFed to W.Thus
1W=1 Js^1.Jamcs Watt was a Sco硒 sh engineer in the second half ofthe18山
century,rnost famous for his contribution to the deVelopment of the steaIn engine。

1n the eXample ofthe two canoeists,the first expends power of∶ ∶


!!joules per second,

on average,whch is50w缸 “;the second e卜 pends powcr of望

E些!j。 ul∞ per second,

which is45`Ⅳ atts。

A hote11i货 ,of total丁 nass1200kg,rises a distance of60:uetrcs in20seconds,VVhat is
the power output ofthe moto四

The weight ofthe lⅡ1is 12000N,so the work done in raising it60metres is
12000× 60J,、vhich is 720000J,To do this、 vork in20seconds requires power
of謦 w,which“ 36O00W,

The powcr output ofthe motoris36000W,or36ki1owarts〈 kW).


ExampⅡe8彳 ,2
A car ofrnass 1500kg arrives at the foot of a straight hnl travelⅡ !.It
ng at 30n1sˉ
reaches the top ofthe hn】 4o seconds later travelIing at10fn sˉ 1.The length ofthe hnl
is1000了 uetres,and the gain in heightis1201netres,The average resistance to motion is
5O0N.Find the average power deve1oped by the engine,

The work done againstthe resistance is

500× 1000J。 From Fig.8,3the resolⅤ ed
parC ofthe weight of15000N downthe

Ⅲ o1s OO0× N,WⅡ 山 厶 lgO0N,

so the、 Ⅳork done against the、 Ⅳeight is Fig.8.3

1800× 1000J〓 1800000J.The total

work done against the extemal forces is
themfore(500000+180000Ol J,wⅡ ch
is 2300000J.

Some ofthis、 〃ork is accounted for by thc Ioss in kinetic energy,which is

(告 × ×
1500× 302-ˉ 吉1500× I02)J=600000J,

This leaves(2300000-600000)J〓 1700000J to be pIovided by the engine,

So the engine has to produce 1700000J in40seconds,w廴 ich means thatthe

average power developed`⊥
骂卩卫w,w缸 ich k42∞ 0W,or辊 .5kW,

85 Power,force and veIocity

Suppose that a Vehicle is traⅤ elling on a level road with constant Velocity v,so that the
driving force 尸 frorn the engine exacdy baIanGes the resistance R.The∷ n over an
interx/a1of ti:η e r the vehic1e、 ⅣⅡl travel a distance v扌 ,and the wOrk done by the driving
force is F× (vO,The power developed by the en红 ne is tllσ efore∠ L竺 ,that。 尸
、 ,

1t can be shown thatthis fOI且 【
丑ula stiⅡ 细olds if the ve1ocity of the vehicle is not constant.

The general result is∶

溺 鹚 儡 黟 渊 搬 麟勰 嬲 谂略 勰 §
瀚亩嬲 搬斌勰 搬 鹅翳 攘 嬲 躐 嬲 滁 谳 锶鼷 邋 黢

If an engine drives an o刂 ect at ve1ocity v by means ofa force F in 戳

the direcuon。 f rnotion,the po`氵 ver dGveloped by the engine is Fv。

In many cases,both for了 neChanical engines and for athletes,the greatest po、 ver of which
they are capable is roughly constant oⅤ er a range of speeds,This rneans that,、 ″廴en v gets
l江ger,F decreases;and by NeⅥ改on’ s second lavv,it fo11ows that thc acceleradon decreases.

This is a familiar expe⒒ence tO anyone who drives a car,rides a bicycle or runs sprint
races.If you are produGing maxi1nun1power,then you can achieVe higher acceleradon
atIow speeds than at high speeds.

124 MECHAN1Cs l


A swi:η mer of rnass50kg pushes oJ from the side of a pool `idl a speed of0.8rn s^I。
Shc can deve1op power of200W,and the resistance ofthe water is 220N,
(a)At what rate can she accolerate away from the“ de ofthe pool?

lb)Assuming the resistance remains the same,what is her gpeatest possible speed?

黯】觜∷£J献 篷 襻斟璜
鞔 弼驷⑾
× ∶ 百
∶ 贸∶
∶ 器 “ 。
i:j1∶ }l∶ r婪 f∶ ich沁 ms冖

d force o equal to the resistance of

lb)At her geatest possib1e speed the forw盯
2201、 .S、vi丫 nrning at her full po、 ver of200W,her greatcst speed is given by
pow∝ ÷force,which`号 器ms^l,or0909。 ¨m fl,

黥∷:T妥 f贼
扳f黯m蚤 嘁紫
y from thc s1de at 0.6n1s 2,and

A racing car of丫 nass 1830kg is being tested out at high speeds,Running at full po、
it is found that the g「 eatest specd the car can achieve is80ms^l。 With the same power
output,at a speed of64ms^l,the Car accelerrates at0.5ms砭
,Assumhg thatthe

;of tlle speed,1:ind the t△ cceleraton of
resi眈 ance to motion is proport⒗ nal to the squ泛 I!。
the c盯 缸full poWer when its speed is75msˉ
pp∝ e泅 棚m“ 吼
m∞ When
捃絮点谳 v肾 l;∶
%品 II;:℃ l::泗

At⒛ ms^l氵 the dⅡ vmg force沁 P nevvtons.Atthe car’ s top叩 eed tbe dk咬 vhg

force is equ^l to the resistancc of庀 ×802newtons.So

×802, Which g1ves P=512000攵

:0尸 =攵

At64msˉ 】
,由 e doving force is击 P newfons and tlle resist汩 ce is佬 ×642ncwto灬 ,

so by Newton’ s second laW

P-攵 ×642=1830× 0.5.

Substituting 512000攵 for P,this equation beconles

8000R/-4096攵 =915,

gIving3904R・ ⒊,and P=512000比 =120000.

=915,so攵 =漯 芙
Ⅴ es
1f the acceleration at75Ill s^l is 曰nl s^2,NeⅥ /ton’ s second la、 giⅤ

s× 斋×752=1:30G,
I(呛 0一 I3I83,¨
s0 曰 = =0.154,to3signiscant Ⅱgures.
At fu11power,the acceleration of the car`Ⅳ hen its speed1s 75I△ s^1 is O.154n1sˉ

巍黧鹅黝嬲簿曦鬻邋鹦豫簿嬲搬嬲嗾籀髑冁 | EXerCise8B I
1 A crane is used to raise a block of rnass2tonnes to a height of75∷ metres in45seconds.
Whatis the average pOlver output ofthe motor?

2A mountaineer and her pack have mass90kg,She dimbs a1200metre mountain i11
160minutes.At what average poweris she working?

3 A child of mass30kg runs up a∏ ight of sta订 s in6seconds,The top ofthe fli查 ht is

3metres皮 bove the botto∏ 1,and atthe top he is mnⅡ ng at2rn s^又 。
what average power
does he need to produce?

4 A chairˉ lift runs at constant speed.Each passenger sta琏 s frorn rest at the1ower statiOn,and
is deliⅤ crcd to the upper station with the speed ofthe li鼠 。
The ⅡR raises3o passengers a
n⒒ nute,of average rnass 75kg,The top of the liftis300rnetres higher than the bottom,
and the Ⅱde takes3Ⅱ linutes。 What power do the1nOtors produce?

5 The power deⅤ cIoped by a motorcycle:as ittravels on a hoⅡ zontal straight road at a
constant speed of20n1s^l,is 12kW.Calculate the resistance to the motion of the

6 Calculate the power ofthe cngine of a car、 vhich maintains a steady speed of40n1s^l
when the motion is opposed by a constant force of400N,
7 A cychst rnaintains a steady speed of11n1sˉ hen0pposed by a force of80N.C冫 dculate

the powcr produced by the cyclist,

8 A motorcyclist is travel1ing on a straight leⅤ el road,with the engine working at a rate of

8kW.The total rnass of the motorcyolist and thc Fnachine is 160kg,Ignoring any
resistancc,Ind the acceleration atEtn instant When the speed is 20n1s^l。

9 A、Ⅴinch Opcradng at I kW pulls a box of weight980N up asmooth s【 ope at a constant

speed of2msˉ 1。
Calculate the angIe the slope rnakes、 Ⅴith the horizonta1.

10 A car oflllass 800kg travels on a horizontal straight road.The resistance to mou。 n is a

constant force of了 nagnitude300N.Find the power developed by the car’ s engine at an
instant、 vhe∷ n the c盯 has a speed of 10n1s^】 and acceleradon of0.6rn s^2.

11 A whch is used to r耐 se a200kg1oad,The maximum power ofthe winch is5kW.

Calculate the greatest possible acceIeration of the load when its speed is2ms^ls and the
greatest speed at which the Ioad can be raised,

12 A car ofrnass of950kg moves along a horizontaI road with its engine、 vorking at a
constant rate of25kW.The car accelerates from 14nl sˉ lt° I8nl s^1.AssuΠ 刂ng that
there is no resistance to modon,calculate the tirne taken,

13 The enginc of a car ofFnass I200kg works at a constant rate of18kVV。 The car is了 noVing
on a horizOntal road,Find the acceleradon ofthe car at the instant、 vhen its speed is
25n1s^l and the resistance to motion has1nagnitude 200N.

14 A locomotive of mass 5000Q kg pu⒒ s a train of rnass 80000kg up a straight sIope

inclined at0,5° to the horizontal,at a constant speed of9nl sT1,The resistance to motion
is a constant force of Fnagnitude 5000N。 Calculate the power generated by the locomotive,

15 A car of了 nass 1200kg is rnoving a1ong a hoⅡ zOntal road。 The engine ofthe caris working
at a constant poWer of24kW,The frictional resistance to motion has rnagnitude of

400N.When曲 e speed ofthe car o v m s・ ,shOw that山 e acCcleration o60^vms田 .

16 A car of mass900kg descends a s"缸 日k hⅡ l Which is indined at2° to the hoozonta1.The

l and28msˉ I respecuvely.
car passes through the pOints ⒕ and B with speeds I4msˉ
The distance AB is 500rnetres。 Assu∏ 刂ng there are no resisting forces,and that the
dⅡ ving force produced by the car’ s engine is constant,CalCulate the power ofthe car’ s

emgine at A and at B‘

17 A Car ofrnass of960kg movos along a str瓦 ght ho⒒ zontal road with its engine wOrking at
a constant rate of20kW。 1ts speed atthe point A On the road is 10na s^l。 Assuming that
there is no resistance to motion,ca1culate由 e time taken forthe car to订 aVel fronl A un“
its speed reaches 20nl s^】 。

Assume now thatthere is a constant resistance to motion and that the Car’ s engine
continues to work at2okW,It takes12seconds for the car’ s speed to increase from
l to 20n1s^】 Calculate the wOrk done
10n1sˉ ,Duong this tilue the Car travels 190metres。
aga1nst the res1stance and hence Ⅱnd the magn1tude of the res1stancc.

18 A pump,钮 ⒗ng water fr° m a large reservor,灬 used to spray a卜 t of Water with speed
20n1s^1 and radius0.05frlctres,fron1a nozzle Icve1Ⅵ /ith the s耐 ace of the reservoir,

Ca1culate the power ofthe pump.

蔽§夥眵犯狲搬簿醺箔糠镞拶缫饕獠蹲籀嘤蹈饔囔 Misce1Iameous exercise8 簿嬲 卩茗


虍 nsˉ by a
`sma1l block is pu11ed along a rough horizontal surface at a constant speed of2了
constant force。 This force has Ⅱnagnitude 25N and acts at an angle of30° to the
犰or此 ontal。 CalcuL波 ethe Work done by the foKein10seconds. (oCR)

The power deve1oped by a rnotorcy。 Ie,as it travels on a horizontal straight road at a

constant speed of50ms^1,is25kW.Calculate the resistance to the motion of the
motorCyGile, (OCR)
A crate of1nass 5kg is pu1led directIy up a rough s1ope,of incⅡ nation 10° ,by a constant
force of rnagnitude 20N,acdng at an angle of30° above the horizOntal。 Find the、 vork
done by the force as the crate tnoves a distance of31η up the slope, (OCR)

A car ofFnass 852kg is FnoVing on a horizontal road.The resistance to rnotio⒔ has

magnitude 95N,Find the power of the engine at an instant、 vhen the speed is 15msˉ

and山 e acceleration is 1,2nl sˉ State where曲 e extomal forces,Causing thc motion ofthe
car,act,and⒑enti卸 the⒈ nature, (OCR)

A motorcyclist is travelling on a straight love1road,Ⅵ /ith the engine working at a rate of

6kW.The total rnass of the1notorcyc1ist and her tnachine is 20O kg。 Ignoong any a△
resistance,and the acceleration at an instant、 vhen the speed is 20n1s_】 (OCR)

6 A car ofrnass 1000kg贫 aⅤ els on a horizontal str械 ght road,The resistance to motion is
modelled as a constant force OfFnagnitude 380N。 Find the power。 fthe car’ s engine at an
l and an acceleration of0.7ms^2 (oCR)
instant when the car has a speed of 12n1sˉ

7 A barge is pu1led along a str耐 ght cana1by a horsc On the tOwpath,The barge and the horse
move in parallel straight lines5m apart.The towrope is 13nl lo∷ ng and it remains taut and
hoozontal。 孙 e horse and the barge each moⅤ e at a constant speed of0.78n1s^l and the
towrope has a constanttension of400N.Calculate the、 Ⅳork done by the horse on the
barge in10了 ninutes, (OCR)

8 A locomotive ofFnass 48900kg pu11sa订 缸n of8trucks,each of Fnass9200kg,up a

l,The total of
s订 aight slope inchncd at l° to the hoozontal,at a constant speed of8n1sˉ
the resistances to motion ofthe locomotive and its臼 uCks is:uodelled as a constant fofce of
magnitude 4000N.Calculate the power generated by the locomodve。
At a later instant the locomotive and truCks aⅡ travelⅡ ng along a s廿 aight horizontal track at
a speed of20nl s^i,with the locomo“ ve continuing tO wOrk at the salne rate as before,
With the same model for the total of the resistanccs as before,Ind the acce1cration at thls
instant, (OCR)

虍\car of rnass I220kg traⅤ els α to the

up a s廿 aight road xlJhich is inclined at an angle
horizonta⒈ α =0.05。 The resistances to motion are modelled as a constant force
`vhere sin
of magnitude1400N,The car tTavcls a distance of25.8metres whilst increasing lts speed
l,at the point j丫
from 8n1sˉ ,to 12Fn s^1 atthe point y。 Calculate the work done by the
car’ s engine in travelIing from X to y,

The car’ s engine works at a constant rate of40kNV。 CaIculate the tirne taken to travel from
X to y. (ocR)
10 A resis旺 ve force acts on a cycⅡ st,as she free-wheels down a straight h⒒ l at constant speed.
The cyclist and hor Fnachine are modelled as a pa皮 iCle of rnass 70kg,and the resistive
force as a constant force,This constant fofce has了 nagnitude 48N and acts upwards in a
direction para1lel to the hi11。 C岔 lculate the angle ofincⅡ natlon of the hnl t。 the honzontal。

The cycIist reaches the foot ofthe hⅡ l at a speed of 6n,s^1 and starts to pedal,travclling
along a horizontal straight road.The cycⅡ st、 vorks at a constant rate of624W‘ By
mode11ing the resistiⅤ e force as a constant ho⒒ zontal forCe of l11agnitude48N,calculate
thc acceleration of the cyclist immediately after she starts pedaⅡ ing。 Show that her
subsequent speed on the ho“ zontal road cannot eXceed13m sJ, ocR)


A car of rnass 700kg desGends a straight hⅡ 1which is inclined at an angle of3° to the
hoⅡ zontal。 The car passes through thc points P and o with spccds of12ms^l and
30ms^I respectively.The distance尸 o诋 500metms,Assumhg there are no re§ stances

to moton,calcu1ate the wo1・k done by the c盯 s en鲈 ne for thejourncy from尸 to口 。

Assu∏ 1ing further that the dⅡ Ⅴing force produced by the car’ s engine is constant,ca1cu1ate
the power ofthe car’ s eng1ne at P,at o,and atthe mid-point of Po. (OCR)

12 A car ofFnass 1050kg moves along a straight hoⅡ zontal road with its engine、 Ⅳorking at a
constant rate of25kW,1ts speed at a point/t on the road is 12n1s^1.AssuFning that there
is no resistance to motion,calculate the thne taken for the car to travel from A untu it
reaches a speed of20Fn s^I,
Assume nOw that there is a constant resistance to motion and that the car’ s engine
continues to work at 25kW.It takes 10,7s for the car’ s speed to increase fron1 12n1s^1
to 20n1s^1.During this thne the car traVe1s I79m.Calculate the wOrk done against the
resistance and hence J〔 ∶
ind the111agnitude of the resistance。

Later the car FnOⅤ es up a straight hi11,inc1ined at2° to the horizonta1.The engine wOrks at
25kW as before,and there is a constant resistance ofthe same magnitude as before,The

car traVels a distance of393m whi1e its speed increases froΠ 1 12了 nsˉ to 20n1s^1。
CalcuIate the dme taken by the car to traVel this dstance。 (oCR)
13 A car starts fronl rest and travels on a horizonta1straight road,A resisting force acts on the
oar。 By modelling the resisting fOrce as a constant fOrce of rnagnitude 750N acting in the
direction Opposite to the mou。 n ofthe car,calculate the n、 aⅩ irnuln speed which the car can
reach with its engine wOrking at a constant rate of30kW,
Thc car,w⒒ h its engine switched off,can easⅡ y be pushed by one person along the
horizontal road.State,giving a reason,whether or notthe rnode】 for the resisting force is
realistic at low speeds.

The maximum power ofthe caris40kW and the mass ofthe caris1250kg.Calculate the
maxirnun1spoed thc¢ ar can attain after starting fron1rest and、 vhⅡ e travel1ing up a straight

hill inclined at3° to the horizontal,assuⅡ ling that the resistance of7501刂 continues to
act。 (OCR)

14 A car rnanufactufer p1ans to b^ng outa new丁 nodel with a top speed of651ns^lto be
capab1e of accelerating at0.1rn s^2when the speed is 60tn s^l,Wind-tunneI tests on a
prototype suggest that the a1r resistance at a speed of、 `rn s^1wⅡ l be0.2v2newtons‘ Find
the power OuVut(assumed constant)of、 vhich the engine must be capable atthese high
speeds,and the constraint`vhich the manufacturer’ s requirement places on the total rnass of
曲e car and its occupants.

15 1f the air resistance to the motion of an airIiner at speed v n1s^l is given by 比v2ne、 Ⅴ
tons at
ground level,then at6000:netres the corresponding formula is0.55攵 v2,and at
12000 metres it is 0.3t/l,2,1f an airliner can cruise at220Tn s^I at12000me“ ℃s,at what
speed Ⅵ/i1l it traveI αt6000rnetres With the same power output fro:△ the engines?
Suppose曲 at 抟=2.5and that the rnass of the airⅡ ner is 250tonnes,As the aidiner takes
off its speed is 80n1s^l and itirnrnediately stans to cⅡ mb、vith the engines developing
three t加 nes thc cruising power.At、 vhat angle to the horizontal does it c1imb?
碉 k捻 、△彬饣饣匆 么 严:甘 :心 诺 钅铙湍 ∷ 斟挠 需嬲 黟:扌 嗡 氵钭泖 :台 瀚丫
鸾慧嗡 氵嬲 乍 器 △猡蛰泯淞淤↑嫦 沭羿弭甾oκ $σ 孵 氍 ¤嚣 肀氵$黟 氵令镦 珥 嬲 紧群 、滑爨铲Ⅱ1忄 备
=抵 =ε =ˇ
9 POtenua丨 en£ Ⅱ丑-
This chapter fnakes a distinc刂 on between two kinds off° rce,conserVative and
nonˉ conservat1ve,and sho、 vs how the former can be regarded as the s。 urce of a store of
energy.When you havc c° mpleted the chapter,you should

● know how to calculate the work done by a constant brce ac吐 ng on an ouect which
moves in a curved path
。 knoˇ v the difference between c° nserVat【 ve and non-conservative forces
● knOw that the work done against a conservative force creates potential energy
● understand and be able to apply the principle of c° nserⅤ ation of cnergy
● kno、v that the total cnergy(p° tential and kinetic)can be changed by the work done by
nonˉ conservatiVe forces。

9.1 Another expression For wOrk

In Secdon8.2曲 e work done by a force was denned as(F cos⑺ ×s;that跽
,the product of
the resolved pa⒒ oftlle force and the distance moⅤ ed by the o丬 ect众 acts on.Another way
of wⅡ ting this product括 to Ⅱ nk the factor cose with s ratherthan尸 ,as F×

This is Ⅱlustrated m F、 g.9.1.1fthe o丬 ect moves fI・ om At° B

under the action ofthe force,then s cos g is the distance AJζ

where K is山 e foot ofthe perpendicular from B to the hne of

action ofthe f° rce。 That is, ⒕Jr is the displaccment ofthe
o丬 ect in曲 e drecton ofthe force。

So if an o丬 ect moves along a line underthe acti。 n of a force

of rnagnitude 尸,the work done by the force is equalto the
pmduct of F and the dstance thatthe o凵 ect moves h the drect0n ofthe foFce,

If you know about scalar products of vectors(see PI Section13.8)


wⅡ l recognise
dlis as the scalar product F。 r,、 vhere r den° tes the displacement

∏g.9,1shows tⅡ s° nly when the o丬 ect mOvesin a趾 ra螅ht

lhe,but打 k als0钌 ue r the。 凵ect moves h a cuⅣ ed path,as
in Fig。 9.2。 To sh° w this,you can diⅤ ide the padl up into a lot
of small steps AB,Bc,CD,¨ ,,for cach of which the
straight chord can’ t be disdnguished from the curve。
In thcse 氵̀

“eps the displacemen“ of曲 eo丬 ectin the dr∞ Ⅱon of F are
AK,Κ 乙,L/Ir,¨ me w° rk d。 ne is Fig.9.2

F× AK十 F× KL+尸 ×乙1亻 +。 ¨=F(AK+KIj+IⅡ 盯十 .¨ ).

This1neans that,in the statement in the third paragraph in this section,you can replace
山e word‘ line’ by‘ curve’ ∶

If an o丬 ect moves along a curve underthe action of a constant forCe

of rnagnitude 尸,the work done by the fofce is equal to the product of
F and the茧 stance that the o丬 ect moⅤ es in me drection of the force,

A small sphere of mass P9r is suspended from a hook by a thread of1ength J,The sphere is
pulled sideways,so that the thread rnakes an angle of60° with the downward ver吐 Cal,and
then released frorl1rest.Hov¢ fastis the sphere moving when the thread becomes ve爪 iCal?

Fig.9.3shows that,after the sphere is released,there are

灬Ⅳo fOrces on the sphere,its weight and thc tension in the
thread。 Since me sphere goes round pa皮 of a Cirde,it诋 |
甜wε 1∶ /s mo、 厂
ing ε
1t oght ang1es to the direction ofthe thread, 丨
so the work done by the tension is zero,

Thc wei‘ ;ht r,饣 g ac“ venica1ly downwards,so the work Fig9.3
done by tho wGightis cquaIto″ ,g ti:nes the distance曲 at

the sphere moⅤ es in the Ⅴc⒒ 忆a1di£ cton.This dstahce k jusk the Ve1:tiCal height

F9of the initial pos泗 ion above the lowest point of the circle。

The speed v ofthe sphere atthe lowest point can be found by using the
wσ k钅 nergy princ巾 le,

o饣 :u=:明 v2.
This gives v2=2s,Jt,sO P=√ 2s9九 .

NoⅥ nd/T byt⒒ gonometFy。 From the⒒ ght-

`you Gan§
angled triangle in Fig.9,4,the initia1position of the
sphere is a distance Jcos60° below thc
卜卜Jcosω °
=呻 -钠 〓告h ↑

Sub⒐ ituung this in v=(2g/P giⅤ es


VVhen the thrcad is ver吐 caI the speed of the sphere is 、8J。

9.2 Three problems with one answer

Here are two problems、 Ⅴhich you already knOw how to solVe。

1 妒k stone is thrown ved吐 ca11y upw缸 ds with ini吐 al speed Ir.Find its speed v when it
has Ⅱsen to a height ra.

2 A bIock is hit and starts to move up a smooth path at an angle α to the hoozontal,
1f its initial speed is Jf,f1nd its speed v Ⅵ
'hen itis at a height/F above its starting point,

The sOluuons are as foⅡ ows.


∫ 咖e唧 ⑾
;鸳 、
%F{爷 :揽 饣 絮1Tr默rdσ
v2=刨 2~2g助 。

2Fig.9.5shows山 e two forces acting on山 e block,"s

weight刀 己
g and the noIl^Ial contact force Ⅳ ,By Newton’ s
second law,

R(|to the path) -″ :gsin α〓 PPI曰 ,

so the block has constant accel∈ ration-gsin α up the Figˇ 9,5

pa曲 .TO reach a height九 above its sta茁 ing point the

e豳 up tlle哪 hS⒐ Ⅱ
h莎 阢∞

黯 F冫 r≯t∵父
V2=〃 2十 2(-g“ nα )× 2^2gF9,

The work-cnergy principle provides the explana住 on why both these problemslead to the
same answer,If you muIt巾 ly each term ofthρ
equat0nv2=“ by告 羽,you get

r,9v2=劳 卩
”仍 2-ˉ
告 rPtg/B.

The∞ ms告 ,,TJr2and告 J,ol,2are the珈 ∝忆 ⑶ 鸭 y。 f the蝴 ect汹 ⒖ally and破 cr⒒ has
risen a height/9,It rcmains to see、 〃hy the kinetic energy is reduced by the same amount,
、 ,in each case.

The stone throlvn VeΓ dca11y upwards moves a distance /t in the direction opposite to the
weight `刀 犭
;,sO’ ’
Ig丿 。is the work done against the force of gravity。

FOrthe bIOck moving up the smooth path there are tWo forces。 The noIlf天 al Contact force
does no、 〃ork,because it acts at right angles to the directio∷ n in which the block is
moving,The result in Section9.1provides the exp1anation why the work done against
the force of gravity is P,oε /q。

Here is another problenn to which the、 ″ork-cnergy l卩 Hncip1e can be apphed to give the
same answer.

3 A baⅡ is thrown at an angle to the hoHzontal With speed 仍,Neglecting the effect of
air resistancc,Rnd how fastit will be moving、 〃hen itis at a height F9above the ground,

3 In this example the ba1l trave1s in a curved path,so the initial

and£ n耐 velocities are in different directions(see Fig。 9.6),
犭 /l
The only force on the ballis its weight P,z8,which always acts
veHica11y downwards.You can therefore again use the resultin
secu。n9.l to show thatthe work done by the force of gmvity心
P,,g× (-九 ),So,applying the wOrk energy principle,

^″ 饣
8/T==告 ″
:v2-告 ″

which again1eads to the equation

132 MECHAN1Cs1

These examplcs illustrate hoⅥ /you can eConoΠ 1ise by using the、 vork一 cnergy principlc.
It provides a gener岔 l theory、 〃hich can be applied in a large number of situations that
seem to be quite different.

9.3 Couservative and nonˉ coⅡ serVadve forces

Here is a founh problena which could haⅤ e the same answer as those in the last seCtion,

4 A brick is sctin motiom Ⅵ泅th speed If across a rough ao° r.The frictional force is F,
Find the speed at which itis rnoving when it has gone a distance Jo horizontal1y,

4 Newton’ s second laⅥ /givcs-F=r,:四 ,so the aCCeleration has the constant Ⅴa1ue
~£ 。
using the fomula v2=;f2十 2〃 s With¢ =-£ and s=凡 莎ves
昭 JT0

v2=Ⅱ 2~2£ 乃 ,


Now suppose that F hasthe Ⅴal1Ⅰ e r,Jg.The equadom would tlaen become v2〓 Ef2-2gfT,
2=扣 2-唧 凡,but汛 s血 e
犰 s∞ n ag缸 n狁 expmssed h wOrk-Gnergy允 阳 ,as彦 卿 1Ⅱ

the terrn r刀 g/T is the、vork done against the f吨 ctional force r9eg oVer the horizOnta】
dispIacement JI.

But there is an impoltant difference be小 ″een this example and thosc in Section9.2.FOr
the。 △ects th1・ own into tlle ak or hit up山 e smooth path,⒗ net妃 ener。。y has been
temporarily1ost,butyou wⅡ 1eⅤ entually get it a1l back whcn they Feturll to the same
level as刂 hey started,FoF this reason the force of gravity is caⅡ ed a conservative forcc。
You can think of g缸 ning hoght岱 a wayin wⅡ ch an o叻 ect can stom up energy,w“ ch
it can use latcr to rcCover its originaI kinetto energy.

It is qu“ c different、 vith the frictional force。 1n the fou茁 h eXample,ifthe brick is aⅡ owed
to continue across the floor,it、 Ⅳill‘ 蚤
o on losing speed untⅡ it stops.The kinetic energy

vhich it had to s途 aⅡ with is lost,and there is no way of~Retting it back。 哂 e frictiona1
force is said to be mouˉ co⒒ serva“ ve.

AnothGr example of a non-conserⅤ ative force is alr resistance.1f air resistance had been
taken into accountin the third example in Section9,2,it wOuld act along the tangent to
the path of the baⅡ in a direction opposite to the velocity.The work done againstthe
resistance wou1d have the effcct of reduCing the nnal vel。 city,So b,hen曲 e ball rettlms
to its oog宜 n缸 11evel,its speed wi11be sma11er than Jf,

9.4 The conservatioⅡ of energy

Fig.9.7shows pa⒒ of a ro11er-coaster ride in an
amusement∷ pl∶ 1∶ 1∶ k。 Consider an idealised Fnodel in
which there is no friction or air resistance。
four points A,B,C and D On the ridethe car
has speeds `,g, '・ and s,and it is at heights rj,
b,c and J above ground love1.The car has
mass r9,and weight W,where W=羽 g。

The two forces on the ccar(with passengers)are its W0ght and the no【 !lIal Contact force
from the track.The cOntact force dOes no work,because it always acts at right angles to
the direction in which the car is了 noVing。

Bet、 veen A and召 the car is descending with increasing speed.The car loses height of
amount ε-b,so the work done by tlle weight沁 W(四 -D).The⒑ fore,by the
、vork-cnergy p⒒ nciple,

《夕-b)=告 昭
g2-告 ,PlJ,2・

This equation can be reaⅡ anged as

lvg+尝 r,lJ,2〓 lyD+古 羽g2・

Bet、 veen B and C the car clhnbs and the speed decreases.WOrk is done r馏 c″ 饣
sr the
weight of amount W0-抄 ),so there心 a decrease of妯 net忆 energy of amount
2-告 ″
ar2〓 W(c-D),
告̀ 91日


lvD+告 阴g2=wc+告 ″
BetWeen C and D the car descends again,so

WC十 告 阴 r2=wrf十 告 阴 s2.

Whatthese equations shoW is th铤 ,as the car goes up and down,its height九 and speed
v at any point Ⅴary so thatthe sum

I//,+告 r9lv2

remains constant,As j`:increases,v decreases and vice versa.

The quantity lV/z represents the car’ s store of energy,which can be traded in for
increased kinetic energy by reducing /o,It is ca11ed potential energy,and the propcLty
illustrated by the ro11er-coaster eXample is c庄 l1ed the conservation of energy principle.

醌 蕊嘟 槲焖 搬瑙鹬 醐

滗 铘 黛 铘 茆 饕

The terms‘ potential energy’ and‘ kinetic energy’ are often abbreviated to thcir initials
p.e.and k,e.

The idea of storing energy in the fo..1I of potential energy has rnany practica1
Bpplications.For example,in mountainous areas Ⅴalleys are often darrRmed to create a
reservoir of water at a height above the surrounding1and。 This aIlo、 vs、 〃ater to be

released、 〃hen required so that,as it loses height,it gains speed which can be used to
drive a turbine and generate e1ec臼 眭City,
134 MEcHAMCs1

Another example is in clock mechanisms.Some clocks work by means of a heavy

weight attached to a Gh戚 n。 The energy needed to keep the clock going is provided by
raising the weight t。 the top of its case,thus creating a store of potenthl energy.

You can also think of∷ Example9.1,1in teΙ
IIs of the Conservation of energy.When the
sphem灬 puIled aside,so that“ 沁狨a hoght护 above the lowest pont ofthe ci‘ le,
岫鸾带I魇 弦
露 涮腑
瑟 硝焉
弘 when the sp趾


:∶ tl1;g罗 :l客

Example9彳 .1



1~… ~… ……/虫 1
Fig.9ˇ 8

Fig。 9.8shows thc prOf1Ie of a hill。 The points A, B and C are at heights80,40and
501ne打 es respectively aboⅤ e D.A lighbveight truck of Fnass 250kg starts frorn rest at
A and descends the hiII without po、 vef。 Neglecung any resistances,calcu】 ate how fastit
is travelhng at B,C and D。

I respectively。
Denote the speeds at B, C and £冫by gms^1, rrn s_l and sFn sˉ
The weight ofthe tmck is 2500N,so the poten吐 al energy at a height of/o me饣 es
灬 9~sO0挽 扣 u1∞ ・ When the speed悠 vms^1,曲 e kinetic ene瑶 y“ 去×γ⒑×v2
joules,which is125v2jouIes.The conscrVation of enc售 y pⅡ n0plc gives the

2500× 80=2500× 40+125¢ 2=2500× 50+I25r2=125s2.

NOtice tha饣 atthe beginning there is no kinetic energy,and atthe end there is no
potential energy。 At B and C there is both potential and kinetic energy。

FFOm these equations you can calculatc rF2=800, r2=600and s2=1600,so

¢=28.2。 ¨ ,r〓 24,4.¨ and s=40.

At J,C and D the truck is traⅤ eⅡ ing at about 28rn s^l,241nsˉ l and401η sˉ

respec饭 ˇeIy。

In wOrking this e冫 ζ
ample a11the heights have been takcn to be measured above D,so
that the potential energy at D is zero.Butin fact you can take any levelto be at‘ zero
height’,so long as you are consistent right through the calculation,For example,D
∏Ⅱght be 600m above sea level;if you choose to take the potentiaI energy above sea
level,then the potential e血 ergy teI】 Ils in the equations、 vould be 2500× 680,
2500× 640‘ 2500× 650and2500× 600.

Altematively,you could choose to take the potential energy aboⅤ e B.In that case the
heights at A,B,C and D would be40,0,10and-硐 。
The conserX叼 耐ou of energy
equations wou1d then be

2500× 40〓 125g2〓 2500× 10十 125r2:〓 2500× (-40)+125s2.

You can easⅡ y check thatin either case you getthe sa1ne answers as before,This is
because,in a conservation of energy equatiOn,measuⅡ ng fronl a different1eⅤ el simply
adds or sub△ actsthe same amount on both s【 des ofthe cquat1on,Which doesn’ t affect
the answer,

For instance,in Example⒐ I,l you∞ u1d measure all tlle hei吵 ts from the level of the
hook。 The spheⅡ h initialˇ 告J beloW the hook,and you wantthe speed v when“ is`
below the hook。 The conservation of energy equation飞 〃ould then be

g← 告=明 g㈠ )+告 昭
膨 忄 v2,

which gⅡ esthe answer v=√ gJ,as before,

婴 Exercise9A 嗡躐鼹饔邋飕饔镏饔邋濑濂躞攥躞饕爨掣饕饯

A pa⒒ lcle of∷ mass 2kg falls freely f1・ om Γ

est,Calcu】 ate the kinetic energy of the particle
after it has descended20Iuetres。

A stone ofRuass0.8kg isthrOwn Ⅴe⒒ icaⅡ y upwards with speed 101usˉ 1.Calculate the
imtial kinet忆 enc吧 y ofthe stone,and the hel酗 tto which⒈ wi1l⒒ se.

A helicopter of rnass 800kg rises to a height of170metres in20seconds,before setting

offin hoⅡ zontal flight,Calculate the potential energy gain of the he⒒ copter,and hence
estimate the mean power ofits engine,State a foIIΙ I ofkinedc energy that has been ignorcd
in this了 nodel。

A child of mass25kg slides15metres down a water-chutc inclined at30° to the

ho⒒ zontal,sta吨ing fron,rest,Ca1culate the speed the chⅡ d wOuld have at the foot ofthe
chute,assu∏ling no energy is lost during thc descent.

A mountaineer of∷ nlass 65kg scaIes a peak3.2km high,Ca1culate her gain in potential

If no1nechanical energy were lost,a skate-boarder descending a straight40metre slope

would an匚 Ⅴe at its foot with speed 15n1s^1.CalCulate the angle the slope1nakes with the

In an amusement park,a boy reaches the foot of a sIide、vith speed7rn s^1,after staning
from rest,Because of friction,on1y25%of his inⅡ al potential energy has been converted
into kinetic energy.Calculate the verdcal distance the boy has descended。
136 MECHANIcs l

A 160kg barrel ofbricks is raised vertica11y bya2kW engine,Calculate the distance the
barel w/nl rn。 ve in7seconds订 aVelling at a constant speed。

A stone of rnass 0.5kg is attached to one end of a light inextensible string of length
0,4Fne饣 es.The other end ofthe虻 ⒒ng is attached to a Ⅱxed point o。 The stone is
released from rcst、 vith the string taut and incⅡ ned at an angle of40° be1ow the
hoozontalthrough o。 Calculate the speed of the parficle as it passes beneath o,
CaIcu1ate also the speed ofthe stone when the string makes an angle of20° with the
ve⒒ icatthrough ε .

10 A simple pendulum is Fnodel1ed as a thFead oflength0.7metres,Ⅱ xed at one end and、 vith
a pa⒒ 沁lc(called thc‘ bob’ )attached to the ofher end.As the penduluF11swings,曲 e greate欲
speed ofthe b0bis O.6n1sˉ
Calculate the angle through ll/hich the pendululn sⅥ ongs。

A particle of Fnass 0.2kg is attached to one end of a lightrod oflength0,61netres.The

other end ofthe rod is freely piⅤ otcd at a J1xed point O,The pa“ icle is released from
rcst、 vith the rod Fnaking an angle Of60° with the up、 vard vertical throug犰 @.Calculatc
the specd of the parLicle、 vhcn the rod is

(a) horizontal, (b) ve玳 iC/al.

12 A bead is threaded on a smooth circular、 vi馋 hoop.The radius ofthe hoop is曰 metres,
The bcad^proJccted from the lowest poillt ofthe hoop with speed仍 ms^1,andjust
1f“ ;aChes the top ofthe hoop.Exp1r、 E:ss Ⅱ in terms of日 and扌 ~;ˇ

13 A part忆 le is pr哟 ected with speed4ms^l up a Ⅱne of greatest“ ope ofa smooth ramp
inchned at30° to thc horizon△刂.It reachcs thc top ofthe ramp ll/ith speed 1.2n1s^1.
Cal¢ ulate tbe length of thc ramp.

14 A cyclist of丁 nnss 90kg anhves atthe top of a hⅡ ltFavc⒒ ing at4Fll sˉ wheeⅡ ng,
he descends to a bridge and then climbs up to his house on tlle other side ofthe vaIley,
The heights aboⅤ e sea level of the three points arc432,350and387metres Fespectively。
Use a model which neglects resistances to estimate the cycⅡ st’ s speed as he crosses the
bridge and as he reaches his house.(See Exercise9B QuCs宅 ion9。 )

$扌 夥 饣裕 $裰 戚茹器俗:替 $森 、1忘 t:猢 嘹 灬I志 W蛾

溆$狙 撺饿霹 岁畲s灬 $`、 蕊忘、 滋 “缸丫呐灬|、 氵扛 :`t岫 ˉ
|“ 湍 i汪 ・、甾 扛栉 }Ⅱ t昝 忿t、 ∷心 阝
抖 ‖丬C△ $“ W
`甾 `↑

9.5 AppⅡ ca仗 on to systems oF co⒒ nected ob;ects

Conserv狨 on ofene吧 y can als0be u⒃ d to solⅤ c p∞blems ab。 uta par ofo丬 ects
connected by a s幻 ong.

A toy hasthe fo】 1ェ I of a tru¢ k ofrnas$ 4kg which can mn on atrack at an angle of30° to
the horizont庄 1.A light chain attached to the tmck mns paraⅡ eI to the track,passes oVer a
light pulley atits upper end,and then hangs ve丘ica11y(see Fig。 9,9)。 /廴 counterweight of
mass3kg is attached to the free end ofthe ohain,The system is Feleased froFn rest with
the∞ unterweight at a height查 m ab。 ve the n。 。Ⅱndr。 how hstthetmck抵 moVing

vhen the counterWeight hits the iloo「 。

Fig 9.9

Supposc thatthe truck is oⅡ ginaⅡ y/I metres above the11oor。 Letthe speed with
which thc truck is rnoving as the counterweight hits the floor be v m sˉ l。 If the
chain is inextensible,the counterweight will also be rnoving at v rn sˉ l。

At the start thcre is no kinetic energy,but both the truck and the counter`ˇ veight
have pofent如 W ene售 y,of amounts(4g》 j° ulρ s and l3g)告 j° ul∞ respecthely,
where ε=10.When the counterweight hits the Ⅱoor,the订uCk hastnoved a
distance吉 m up山 e m,wⅡ ch沁 尝m.
track,∞ ⒒has g西 ned a height of查 sin3O°
So,equaung the t。 tal en。 rgy atthe beginning and the end,










which can be shupⅡ ned as

′=扣 ,md v=H9⒌ ¨





I as the countcr、
The truck is rnov1ng at about l,2msˉ veight h“ s the iloor,

In this eXample you∏ Ⅱght、 vonder whether the tension in the chain con订 ibutes to tlle
energy equau° n。 The answeris that、 vhen you consider the systen、 as a whoIe the

to zero。
强撖鞯澍‖ Ι
弼 p

You can,though,nnd the tcnsion by、 vrijng a work-energy equation forthe tmck by
lF:lJ:;∶ i::刂 tential encrgy4g×
劳J and lonetic energy
:∶ ∶;:∶ :;扌 谩:菡【器 :∶弱 :y to the work done by the tension,

r=g+2(夸 g),

whch纽 ves Γ =诨 g=药 .71.… The⒃ 嘁 on h曲 e ch西 n沁 them、 m乃 .7N,

to3蕊 gniicant伍 guR淹 .

/py佬 汐 劢 “扌 :0r”uFse△f△hat肋 右 右 〃V samea/,s幽 ″夕ε/刀 Fer玉§RgrDe″e汤田〃

七七扭匀〃沙‘ 纟厂/
k/勿 ‘冫‰弓口茄
138 MECHANIcs1

9.6 IncludiⅡ g nonˉ conserva伍 Ve forces in the equation

The speeds ca1culated in Example9.4,1are unrea1istic,since resistance is not taken intO
account.Bccause some of this wⅡ l be air resistance,it is likely“ )be greater at hlgher
speeds。 The next example tries to Fnodel the rnotion of the light、 veight tmck nlore
reaIis吐 cally。

Suppose thatin Example9,4。 1the d心 tances AB,BCI and CD mcasured along the h⒒ 【
are 200m, 100m and300m,The average resistances tO mO茁 o11along these stretches
ofthe hill are estimated to be95N,140N and210N.Forthe uphⅡ l s扌etch from B to
C the motoris activated,producing a driⅤ ing force of700N,Calculate the speeds at
B,C and D usingthis mode1,

Between A and B the lⅣ ork done against the resistance is 95× 200J,and the
effect of曲 沁 is to reduce山 e total ene吧 y(potenthl and knef妃 )狨 B,so the众 rst
equation in Example9.4。 l is replaccd by

2500× 80-95× 200=2500× 40+125¢ 2.

BetWeen B and C there are twO extra tenη s in the equ缸 ion,the work done by the
doⅤ ing force,which is 700× 100J,and the wOrk done agatnst the resistance,
which is 140× 100J,So the equation is

2500× 40+125¢ 700× 100-140× 100=2500× 50+125r2.

For the final strotch the wOrk done against the resistance is210× 300J,so

2500× 50+125r2-210× 300=125s2.

These equations give 125r/2=81000, 125r2=112000and125s2=174000,so

g〓 V石 两 =乃 ,4.¨ ,r〓 V8%=⒛ .9.¨ and s=Vt面 Ξ =~sT.3,…
【 l and37Fn sˉ 1,
At B, C and D the truck is rnoving at about 25rn sˉ , 30nl sˉ

This example shows thatthe conse卩 ation of energy principle has to be modi丘 ed to takc
account of the driving force and the resistance,which are the non-conservative forces in
tbe situation。 Notice,though,thatthe work done by the weight no longer appears as a
separate term in the equauons,since this has aIready been included i∷ n the forⅡ 1of the
potential energy.

For an o丬 ect mo说 ng破 ong a path,the tota1ener。 oy

(potentiaI and kinet忆 )话 increased by the wo侬
done by the non-conserVative extemal forces。

In Example9.6.l the wOrk done by the dⅡ ving force bet、 veen B and C is positive,
butthe work done by the resistancc is negative,equalto minus the work done against
the resistance,

Notice that potential energy can be used up either by conversion into kinetic energy,or in
overco∏1ing resistance.In Examples9,4。 l and9.5.1,a1l the potential energy lost is
converted into kinetic energy,In∷ Example9.6,1some of止 is converted into kinetic energy
and some is lostin、 vork done against resistance,In the example ofthe clock,raIsing the
weight inside the case doesn’ trnake the clock mn faster;the potendal energy created when
the weight is raised is all used to overcome the resistance inside thc clock mechanism。

Abe and】 Dev have mass 30kg and40kg respectively。 Abe is standing on the ground
hoIding one end of a rope。 Dev is5metres up a tree。 Abe tosses the other end of his rope
over a high branch.Dev grabs it,pu⒒ s it tight and then uses it to descend to the ground。
As he does so,Abe keeps hold ofthe rope and goes up。 As Dev reaches ground level,
both boys are moving at 3n1s^1.How much wOrk is done against the frlctional force
between the rope and the branch?

1n the desCent Dev loses potential energy of40× 10× 5J,and Abe gains potential
energy of30× I0× 5J,so the ne饣 loss ofpotentiaI energy is(40-30)× 10× 5J,

vhich ls 500J,

冤甓F点 驱呒
∶ 坩裙H1m絷 、
滞焦茗 哪
ThG Only nOn-conserⅤ auve f。 rce is the friction between the rope and the branch,
so the1oss of energy of185J must be accounted for by the wOrk done againstthis
什沁tional fo⑩ e.

No吐 ce thatin this example various rninor complications have been negleCted,such as
the mass ofthe rope,air resistance and the possibⅡ hy that the rope∏ Ⅱght stretch。 None
of these factors is Iikcly to have much effect,and the calcu1ated answcr Would giⅤ e a
good estilllate of the loss of energy due to the friction.

黟 勰鹚 锑瀚潘簿鼷躐躐勰勰g Exerc沁 e9B 鼷鼷腱踱嬲瀚罅溺攮鏖鼹籀懑肴躐爨镶籀饔畲

Two pa皮 knes。 f mass O.3kg and0,5kg are conneCted by a lightinexten“ ble stⅡ ng
passing over a smooth raⅡ ,飞 e pa口 凶cIes are released from rest with the s白 ong taut and
ver⒒ cal except whGre itis in Contact、 Co1cu1ate the veIocity of the particles
^`ith the rail。
aftertbey haⅤ e moVed l,3metrcs。

Pa芷 icles of Fnass1.2kg and1.4kg hang atthe same】 evel,connected by a Iong light
hextensibIe s姒 ng passing over a small smoo曲 peg.They are released from mst with the
stⅡ ng taut。 Calculate the separation of the pa武 iCles when they are moving with speed

0,5tn sˉ ,

A pa盛 iCle of Fnass 1~2kg is at rest2Fnetres from the edge of a smooth h° HzOnta1table.It
is connected by a light inextensible st蛀 ng,passing over a light pulley on smooth bearings at
the edge of the tablc,to a partic1e of rnass0.7kg which hangs freely。 巳 e system is
(a) the distance moved by the particles when their speed is 3rn s^1,

b) the speed ofthe particlesjust before the heavierpanicle reaches the pu1ley。
140 MEcHANICs l

4 An o凵 ect of mass l。 6kg rests on a smooth s19pe hclined溆 10° to the hor忆 ont・a1.It恣
conneCted by a light inextensible string passing over a smooth rail at the top of the slope to
an o丬 ect of mass0.8kg Ⅵ付⒒ch hangs freely.ARσ tllek release from mst,calculate
(a)their speed when they haⅤ e moved05metres,
(bl the distance曲 ey have moⅤ cd when their speed诋 3ms丬 。

T、 vo particles of丫 nass 0。 I kg and0.2kg are a哎 aChed to the ends of a Iight inextensible
stⅡ ng which passes over a smooth peg.Cliven that tbe pa菠 iCles nloⅤ e vertically after being
rcleascd frona rest,calculate their common speed after each has traⅤ cllcd0.6rn,Deducc
the Work done on the lighter paruclc by the s佃 吨ng,and use this to calculate the tension in
the string.

A parucle。 f Fnass 2.2kg rests on a smooth slope incIined at 30° to the hoⅡ zontal。 1t is
connected by a Iightinextensible string passing over a smooth rail atthe top of the slope to
a paLtk义 e of mass2,7kg which hangs freely.The part妃 les征c set h moton by pr叫 ecting
I.Find thc distance thc particl0s
the【 ighter dOwn a linc of greatcst slope With speed4n1sˉ
travel beforc their direction of rnotion is reversed.Find the total Gnergy gained by the
hanging mass during this paFt ofthe motion,and hence nnd the tension in the string,

An airliner of rnass300tonnes is po、 vered by four cngines,each developing 15000kVV,

Its speed at take-o盯 is 75n1s^1,and it takes1I rninutes to reach its cruising speed of
210rn s^l at a height of10000metres.Calculate the wOrk done against air resist/△ nce
duHng the cIimb,

A and B are two points l knl apart on a stFaightroad,and 召 is60metl∶ es higherthan A,

Ac盯 of ma$1200kg passes A tr灬 佗11ing at25ms叫 ,:etWeen A and B the enghe
produces a constant doVing force of I600neh/tons,and there is a constant resistance
to motion of1150newtons.CalGulate the specd ofthe car as it passes B,

In Exerclse9A Question14a mo【 realistic lη odel for tI1e cyc】 1st’ sI⒒ otion inc1udes a
l forthe speed of
resistance forcc of constant rnagnitude,、 vhich produces a value of15n1s¨
the cychst as he crosses the bridge,The road lengths ofthe downhilI and uphi1I stetches of
his ride are820metres and430metres“ )spec‘ vely.CaIcuIate tllc resistance forCe.Show
that he wOn’ t be able to comp1ete the joumey without pedalling,and色 nd the constant forCe
necessary on the uphⅡ l stretch to produce the energy to reach his house,

RⅠ isce11aⅡ eous exercise9

A pa⒒ icle is atrest atthe apex A of a

smooth IXed heⅡ 止sphcrc、 vhose base is
horizonta1,The hernisphere has centre @
and radius 曰,The pa燕 iClc is then dsplaced
Very slightly fron1rest and moves on the
surface of the heΠ 1ophere.Atthe point P
on the surface where狙 gle AOP=e the
particle has spced v.Find an expression for
v in teR】 又
ls of‘ 7,犭 ;and ε・ (OCR)

2 A smooth pIane A召 is IO metres1ong.It is inclined at30° to the hoⅡ zontal、 vith the lower
end, B,6metres ve引 旺cally above horizontaI ground。 A particle is placed on the plane atthe
upper end, A,and then released frona rest so that it slides do、 vn the planc。 Find the speed
ofthe pa吨 iCle as it strikes the ground。 (OCR)
3 A skier of rnass 70kg sets off,with inidal specd of5n1s^l,doWn the line of greatest
slope of an a⒒ ifIcial ski-slope.The ski-s1ope is8O Inetres long and is incⅡ ned at a constant
angle of20° to the hoozonta1,During the motion the skier is to be model1ed as a particle,

o)CalGulate the potential ene嗯 y that住 hc skier lo$es in sliding from the top to the bottom
of the slope.

(b) Ignoring air resistance and friction,calculate the speed ofthe skier atthe bottom of the

The skier actua1ly reaches the bottom ofthe slope with speed 6nl s^1。 calcuIate the
magnitude ofthe constant resistive force a】 on‘ ζthe s1ope、、
/hic∷ h couId account for this刂 ⒒nal
speed, (OCR)
4 T、 vo bodics,of Fnass3kg aud5kg,are attached to the ends of a light inextensible string,
The sting passes oVer a smooth§ xed raⅡ and the paⅡ icIes are n1oving verucally with both
vertical pa⒒ s° f the string taut。 Find the speed ofthe paΓ 旺clcs when they have travelled
0,4Fnetres,and deduce the rnagnitude of theiF acceleration。

5 The diagram shows a lightinextensibIe

string passing oⅤ eF a狂 xcd smooth pul1ey.
Pa欣 iCles A,of mass4kg,and B,of mass
3魄 ,are attached to the cnd$of the哎ring
and each ofthc two parts of山 e string that
are not in contact with the puIley is
vcr:ical,The system is⒑ leRsed from rest
With the string taut,with冫 /01at a height of
1.4rn above the hoozontal step,and with
B on the斑 ooF。 ThG modeHing assulnption
is Fnade that the acceleration of each
p狃icle is constant.Ca1culate the speed
with which A hits the stqp.State a
physica1fo1・ ce that has been neglected in the above mode1.
Pa亚 iCles,of Fnass 1.5kg and2kg9are attached to the ends of a light inextensible鼓
The string passes over a light pulley on smo。 dl beaⅡ ngs,Ⅱ xed atthe top ofthe sm°
sloping face of a】 1xed wedge。 The 2kg massis atrest° n the sloping face,which is
inclined at30° to the hoⅡ zonta1.The I。 5kg mass hangs freely and the stong is taut,The
parHcles aFe released。 Find the speed of the particIes when they have travelled0.7metres,
and state the direction of rnotion of the 1.5kg mass.
142 MEcHAN【 cs1

A car ofrnass 650kg is饣avelling 。Ata

on a sⅡ aight road incⅡ ned to the hoozontal at 5°
ce⒒ 缸n point P on the road the car’ s speed is15ms^l,The point@is400metres down
山 e hil1from P,and at@曲 e car’ s speed诋 35ms丬 .FOrthe moton from P to g,§ nd

(⑴ the increase in kinet沁 ene售 y ofthe car,

b)the decrease in gra诫 tatonal potential energy of the car。

Neglecting any resistances to the Car’ s rnotion,and assu∏ 1ing thatthe car’ s engine
produces a constant traCt卜 e force on the car as⒈ moⅤ es down曲 e hiⅡ from P to@,
calculate the magnitude ofthe tractiVe force and the power ofthe car’ s engine when
the car is at@.

Assume instead曲 at resistance to the car’ s motion between P and@may be representod

by a GOnstant force of magnitude900N.GiⅤ en that the acceleraton ofthe car眦 oo
zero,shovˇ that the po、 ver ofthe car’ s engine atthis instant is approximate1y 12kW.

Assurning thatthe power ofthe car’ s engine is the same when the caris at P as itis when
the car、 at o,calculate the cEur’ s aCCeleraton at P, (oCR)
3-号 茗2十 4J for0<J《 6,the
A smoo曲 wire is bentinto the曲 ape of tlle⒏ aph of y=甚 犭
units being metres,Ponts A,召 and C on the wire have coordhates lO,0),(3∷ Da【ld
(6,6).A bead of ma⒃ ″
Ⅰkg is p∞ Ⅱcted along the wiFe from A with speed Ⅱm s^】 so that

it has enough energy to reaGh Il but not C,Prove that Ⅱ is betw/een8.16and10,95,

to2decimal places,and thatthe speed at B is atleast 2.58rn s^1.
If JJ=10,the bead comes to rest at a point£ 冫betXVeen B and C,Find

⒁)曲 e gre缸 est speed of曲 e bead between B and D,

(b) thG coordinates of D,to l deomalphce,

What happens after the bead reaches D?

A block ofrnas$ ^亻 is placed on a rough horizont汪 I tabIe.A string attached to the

block runs hoozonta11y to the edgc ofthe table,p泌 ses round a smooth peg,and supports
a sphere ofFnass r,c attaChed to its other end,The rnodon ofthe block on the table is
resisted by a打 ictional force of magn盲 tude F,where`《 r9tg.The system is initi・ally

at rest.

Q)show that,when the block and the sphere haⅤ c eaCh moved a mstance儿 ,their

common speed v is givcn by v2:=ψ

〃 +,,:

(b)Show that the totaI cnc售 y lost by犰 e sphere as沈 falls thr° ugh the distance九 泌

・Hence】巳nd an expression for the tension in the string.

(c) 、
Vrhe down an expression forthe cnergy gained by the blo0k as it rnoves through the
distance/l,Use your ans、 verto check the expression for the tension which you found
in palt(b).

10 A tube is bentinto the for:u ofa seⅡ 1icircIe

with centre O and radius r。 It is众 xed in a
vert妃 al plane w北 h“s dhmeter hoⅡ zontal,
as shown in the diagram.A steeI ballis
held at one end A,and released into the
mbe。 Throughout its1notion the ba1l
experiences a resistance of constant
magnkude R.The baⅡ Ⅱrst comes to rest
狨B,where OB makes an ang⒗ of吉 刀
with the ve⒒ ical。 It山en runs back dow⒒ the tube and next comes to rest at C,where@C
makes an ang1e α with the vo⒒ 妃al.
(a)Show that R=
(b) Find the speed ofthe bau atthe1。 、
vcst point of the tube

() as“ movesfrom A to B,
(ii)asit movesfrom B to C,

lc) Show that0.6α =石 lcosα -0.7).




“D Expl缸 n why the ba11wm GOntinue to oscillate aRer reachng C r α》“n

detelIΙ Ιne whether this cond廴 ioR is satisⅡ ed.
10FOrce as a vector quantty

This chapter deals、 vith force as an example of a vector quantity,and shOws hov`forces
may be combined ortaken apart.When you have completed it,you should

● understand the terms‘ resultant’ and‘ component’

・ be able to£ nd the resultant of two or rnore forCes
・ be able to Rnd the components of a force in t、 vo given directions
・ appreciate that when a force is splitinto pc「 pcndiCular components their rnagnitudes are
equal to the resOlved parts of the force in the givGn directions
・ be falni1iar、 vith the notation of vector addi吐 on and with the representation of forces by
coIumn vectors
● understand how the equ⒒ ibⅡ u∏1oftwo orthree forces can be e、 pressed in vector
● be able to represent the equiIibrium of three forces with a triangle offorces‘

10.1 Co111bining Forces geometricaⅡ y

Υou have no、 v Fnct a numbcr Of different rnechanics concepts,such as disp1acemeⅡ lt,velocity,
acceleration and force.Whatthese all have in common is thatto dcsCribe them you have to give
b0th a了 nagnitude and a direction。 They are aⅡ eXamples of vector quantities.

Contrast this、 〃ith mass and kinetic energy,which∈ re completely described by their1nagnitude,
and、vhich have no direCtion associated W⒒ h thcm.Thesc are examples of scalar quantit:es,

When you、 〃antto show that a symbo1stands for a Ⅴector quanuty,itis usualto wr⒒ c it with a
wavy line under the letter.Thus,a force of10N On a bearing of O20° n⒒ ght bc denoted by
the symbol£ ・
1n print,in plaCe ofthe wavy line,the symbol is written泗 bold type,as P.

You are already used to showing vector quantities in diagrams as aⅡ olvs.This is Ine for
indicating the dlrection,but you also need a way of sho、
^/ing the
magnitude.A slrnple way of doing this is with the length Ofthe
aⅡ ow.Choose a sc械 e,such as1cent打 netre to5 newtons;then
the force P wOuld be represented by an arrovv oflength 2cm
p。 hung on a bca∏ ng of020° ,凼 h∏ g.10.1.Ano曲 er force,Q,

of15N on a beanng of080° ,would be represented by an arrOw

of leng曲 3cm,Now suppose that P and Q act on a particle at
the same timc.In which direction wi1lthe pa⒒ icle accelerate?
To answerthis,you wantto§ nd a single force、vhich has the
same effect on the partk1eas P and Q t° gether.This is donc
by taking the two aFOws representing the forces,and plaGing
them so th狨 the head of P concides with the tan of Q,as in
Fig。 10.2.Thenjoin the taⅡ of P to the head of Q witll a third
盯 ow,This arrow then represents(on the same scale)the single
foFce R which has the same cffect as P and Q together.The
FΙ g.10.2
force R is called the resultant of P and Q。

If you draw dlis to scale,you、 〃Ⅱl Ⅱnd thatthe length ofthe thiKl arrow is about 4,4cⅡ 1,and
that it fllakes an angle of about37° w汪 h the P arrOw.NOw4,4cnl Fpresents4.4× 5N,or
22N.So the resuImnt of P and Q is a force ofmagnitude22N on a bearing of057° ,

To see why this works,look af∏ g.10.3.The

Iines AB,BC and AC correspond to the three
钔rows in Fig,10.2.Draw aline A厶 in any
direction you like,and draw Jl:;j卩 【and
1.】 CN
perpendicular tO AL,and BK parallclto A厶 ,

Then you can sec that

AAr=A丿 1歹 +M/V=A^歹 +BK.

NOw AB,which has length2α △,reprcsents Flg,10.3
the force P,of rnagnitude 10newton$。 So
⒕丿1f,of length2coszBAL cm,represen“ a force of magnitude10cos ZBAL newtons.
You will Fcogni⒃ this as山 e resolved pa仗 of P h tl|e directioh^L.1n justthe same
Way,BK and AⅣ representthe resoIved pm“ of Q and R inthe d∶ Ⅱcton AL.So the
cquaton⒕ ″ 十召Κ =AⅣ shOwsth狨 thc effect。 f P and Q(臼 汉en together)泗 the
direction /lL is equal to the effect of R in that direc“ on。

Since A厶 was drawn in any direction you like,the same盯 gument sho、 Ⅴs that thc effcct
of P and Q to8ether in any directon谂 the阳 睽⒑ as the effect of R in th缸 dilr门 (;ction.

A Ⅱgure like Fig,10.2is callcd a force diagrarn。

To Ⅱnd R by calculation rather than by scale drawing,you have to usc廿 igonO∷ met勺 /・ In
that case you do not∷ need to ch∷ oose a scale;you can sirnply use the F11agnitudes Of the
forces as ifthey were the Iengths ofthe sides of a tHangle.

Example10。 1.1
Find the resultant R ofthe two forces P and Q h F廴如 lO。 1by calculaton.

Ik谂 conⅤ en忆 nt t° use the letteⅡ P,@and R,

prh1ted in ita1ic but not bold,to stand forthe
mag雨 tudes of P,Q and R,(In handwriting,
you would use P,Q and R withouta wavy
lhe undemeath.)In Fig∷ 0,4these are u⒃ d灬
the lengths ofthe sides of a t川anglc 9fyz,so
that Xy=10,yz=15and XZ〓 R.Also the
ang1e between tlae西 rectons of P and Q is
80° -20° =60° ,so zXyz i180° -60° =】 20° .
146 MECHAN【 Cs l

Using the cosine Ⅱlle,

〓 ˉ
R2〓 102+152ˉ 2× 10× 15× cos120° =100H・ 225-ˉ 300× (-0.5)

=475, so R=V475=2⒈ 79.¨ ,

To Ind the direction of R,you can use the sine rule to calculate Z冫 饣 。

而 Ⅴ
铄 鲈铙咖ZEXz=I;半 号芋
∷ ;羊

so sin Zyxz=0596,¨ , and Zyxz=3⒍ 58.¨ .

(AItCmatively you could use曲 e cosine mlc a second time,in the form
152=102+R2-2× 10× R× cosZyxz D

The resultant is therefore about22N on a beaong of approxknately 020° +37° ,

which is057° 。

An importantspeoal case is When two foFces P md Q

are at right amglcs to each other.The fOⅡ e&agram then
takes the fO.1Ι Ιof Fig。 10,5,Fronn this you can calculate

R=√ P2十 02 and tan zyXZ={吕 ,

Fig.】 0,5

The resul锶 nt oftwo forces with magnitudes P and口 h

perpend忆 ul臼 drections is a force of m鸭 “tude VP2+@2
、 vhich makes an angle tan^l钅
:With the direcuom ofthe force P.

乃 溏 劭沈勿例 勿″右 e良y△Υour%沱 凵拗o/has夕 recr9/,pJ//,r-/,磁 ″ α刀 /e/s/,/,忽 yf/,reF肋 e

昭仞 s,/尸 夕″〃 口 猁 口〃 FDe诩 V溺 似 抬 y拓矽 /esz//r,/,rand〃 矽 ⒑g、e~

10.2spⅡ tJng a force into components

Suppose that you a⒑ tγ ing to shft a heavy o丬 ect but don’ t have曲 e吼 rength to do it by
yourself,You get a friend to help,and hope that your combined effo琏 s will produce the
resultant force needed。 How rnuch force Ⅵ砬11you each have to exert?

This is the reverse ofthe problem in section10.1。 You know R,and you wantto丘 nd
P and Q.The forces P and Q oare called components of R.

If you know山 e direcdons in which these cOmponents act,itis easy to constmctthe

force diagram in reverse。 Draw the arrow to rcpresent R on the chosen scale,and then
draw lines through the taⅡ and head ofthat aJo、 v$one in each ofthe given dij【 ;ctions,

far enough so曲 at they intersect.Then insert arrowheads on the two lines so thatthey
forn△ two vectors、 vhiCh co1nbine to giⅤ e R。

Again you can dO the calculation using1rigonometry。 You know allthe angIes ofthe t⒒ ang1e
and the magnitude of one side,so you can use the sine n11e to】 hnd the other two sides.

Two people are pushing a piano across a stage.This needs a force of240N.One
person pushes at 20° to the left of the desired direction of rnotion,the other pushes at
30° to the right of it。 How hard∷ must eaCh person push?

Fig,I0,6 Fig.10.7

Fig。 10,6iⅡ ustrates the actu众l situation,and Fig。 10.7is the△ iangle construction
for calculating the forces,Two ofthe angles ofthe碰 angle are20° and30° ,so
Che third angle is130° .By the sine rule,

P ~ 0 ~ 240
sin30° sin20° sin130°

th芯 匪ves P=240sin30° 〓15⒍ 6,¨ and o= =I07.I。 ¨

The two peopIe rnust push、 vith forces of about 157N and107N respective1y.

Examp】 e10,2。 2
A ship is towed along a narrow channcl by cabIes attached to two tugb0ats。 The more
powerful tugboat produces a force of800kN;its cable is at 10° to the d△ ectlon of the
channeI.The othertugboatis tO produce as smal1a force as possible.What should be the
direction of the second tugboat’ s cab1e,and how Iarge is the net forward∷ force on the ship?



Fig.10.8i11ustrates the ship and the two cables,and Fig.10.9is the beginning of
the cons廿 uction of the force diaε ram.The泛 uTOw represenung the force in the
second cablo is drawn Wkh a、 〃avy line,since its direc吐 on is unknown。 But the
arrow representing the resultant force has to Iie a1ong the broken1ine,para11e】 to
the dh℃ ction ofthe channel,
148 MECHAN1Cs1

For the force in the second Cable to be as small

as possible,it rnust be drawn perpendicular to
the direction ofthe channe1.The triangle can
thcn bc completed asin Fig.10,10.From this
you can calculate the rnagnitude ofthe
resultant;it is 800cos10° kN,Or 787,8,¨ kN,

The second tugboat’ s cable should be at right ang】 es to the direction of the
channel,and the net for、 vard force on the ship is then about 7881d`.

An impoⅡ ant special case is when a force is spⅡ tinto

t、 VO Components in perpendicular directions.This is
iⅡ ustfated in Fig。 10,l1.If the directions make ang1es
of^° and(90-A)° With the resultant foFe R,曲 en
the magnitudes ofthe t、 vo components are 丿
tcos A°
and Rsin燕 °
,Which is Rcos(90-A)° .

Notice that these expressions are the same as the

resolved parts of the force in the t、 vo directiOns,This
is an important rcsult, Figˇ 10.ll

If a foⅡ e忑 spIitinto components in two perpen山 cuhr山 re⒍ ons,thc 冬

nitude of each∞ mpollentisthe mdⅤ ed part of曲 e bce泗 that汛 函on.丨
:(∶ ∷:∷父逸J。 畏搬 留淄蕊“扩缸F::∶ ↓:充 :J。 饣iΙ勰
黟赫::$溆 1饕 §讧饣猡 :癸 1$心 ↓呐 鞲翱镩翳爝帑酴、
0扌 沪 I蕊 刂、


WhGn you read mechanics books or a⒒ icles,you wi11notice that authors sometiTnes use
the、 vord‘ componcnt’ instead of the1nOre correct‘ resolVed pad’ .Sricdy,a phrase like

thc vertic^l componellt of R’ shouldn’ t bc“ ed without叩 eci卸 ing曲 e mrect。 n。 f the

other component,Butif you do come across it,you should assumc that the other
component“ at Ⅱght angles(in曲 is case,horizontal),in which case the wO1・ ds

component’ a⒑ d‘ resolved pan’ are interchangeable.

/oz/CF/,诫 pe币 en岱嘁 苜 αγ 刀z石饣砀汐 歹 刀 b⒆ e四 〃 印 咧 钞 :Vourδ盛 cu、抽 r力 曰ε 刁

纫△昭r扫 q肛 旎yc夕 ″昭‘石 口″掏y3imp|ye/9/er汤 纟 /a/r/es y R and肋 e甜 夕侈 A、 曰″歹/’t/
佬刀 re猁 砑 拓饣 η咄 漱 udesy肋 eF,/,¤仍 叩 诩 朗 ‘

In solving problems itis someumes helpfulto show tw,o perpendicular components of a

fOrce scparately on a西 a箩am,rather than just the single fOrce.For example,ry。 u are
dealing with an o丬 ect Of woght80N on a slope inc1ined扯 20° to the horizontal,you
cou1d replace the weight(Fig.10.12)by tWo components(Fig.10,13),of80cos20° N
perpendicular to the slope and80sin20° l`do、 /n the slope.These t、vo Ⅱgures are
precisely equiva1cnt ways of shovving the same information。

Fig,IO,12 Fig.I0.13

龉 摺遢露蛮絷;f璜 鳖嚣饕$豁 蚤丫态浓i Exerc、 e10A 婴 稷鸾礴¢F邳谓鼢暌缁 氵

宋邋 睽 嚣违:
Use scalc drawing to伍 nd the∞ sultant ofthe forces P and Q in the following cases,
Con1{∶ ∶ your answerin each case by calculation,
(a)P has magnitude I5N and bearing025° ,Q has magnitude10N and beaHng075° .

(b) P has mag雨 tude20N and beaong030° ,Q has mag雨 tude15N and beaong l15° 。
Cc)P has magnitude25N and bearing045° ,Q has magnitude20N and bearing200° .

Θ)P has magnitude10N and bea⒒ ng065° ,Qh拭 magnkude5N and bearhg310° .

A caris being pushed by t、 vo people,The

magnitude and direction ofthe horizontal
force exe∷ rted by each is shown in the
diagram,Find the resultant of the t、 vo

A palticle P of wcight4N is attached to

one end of a light inextensible string,Thc
other end ofthe string is attached to a
丘xed point C,.斌\th the s“ ng taut
P travels in a circular path in a
Ⅴer仗 cal
plane.The string exerts a force T on the
pa⒒ icle in the direction PO as shown in
the diagram,The resultant of T and the
wcight of P is denoted by R.
(a)The magnitude of T is28N when Pis驳 A,the lowest point of the circuIar path.
State the direction of]R、 vhen P is in this position,and员 nd its Fnagnitude.

(b)The magnitude of T is4N when`is at B,the highest poht ofthe o∷ rcuI盯 path.
state the direction of R when P is in this position,and§ nd its rnagnitude。
(c) The magRitude of T is16N when0P is honz。 ntal.Find the magnitude and direction
of R,

Use∞ 耐e drawing to ind the magnitude ofthe resu1tant of the forc喵 P and Q h曲 e
follo、 ving cases。 Conflrm yOur ansWerin each case by calculation.
(a, P has magnitude20N and bearhg030° ,Qh豁 bearing065° and the resultant h灬
be钔 吐ng045° .

(b) P has mag雨 tude25N and be盯hg035° ,Q has bearing125° and thc resultant h鹅
bearing060° .

(c) P has magnitude15N and bearing050° ,Q has bearing210° and the resultallt has
beaⅡ ng100° .

(d) P has magnitude30N and beaong075° ,Q has beaⅡ ng330° and the resultant has
beaHng035° .
I50 hlEcHAXiICs l


A cⅡ cket bal1has weight1.6N.At any instant between being struck by the bat and
reacⅡng the gmund the ballis su丬 ecf tO a resisdve force of constant mag“ tude0.5N。
The diagranl shows the direcu。 ns in which thc resistiⅤ e force acts
(i) i1almediateIy after the ba111eaves the bat,

(ii)at曲 e"ghest point of the aight,

(iii)immediateIy befo⒃ the ball reaches the ground。

The resultant of the resistive force and the、 veight ofthe cⅡ cket b皮 Ⅱis denoted by R.Find
the magnitude and direction of R in each ofthe thrce cases、

AssuⅡ 1ing that the resistive force a1ways acts in a direction opposite to thatin which the
cricket ba11is rnoving,state at、 vhich stage ofthe night

la)the mag岫 tude of dle result/ant抵 greatest,

(b) 曲e allgIe between tlle resultant and the vert忆 al恬 g⒆ atest。

A child has weight 450N。 VVhiIst on a fairground

ode the cⅡ ld怂 su丬 ect t° a foFce P aCting at35°
to the uPlvard vertical,as shown in the diagram.
Givcn that山 c resultant of P and the child’ s weight
acts ho⒒ zontal1y,

(al indthe m鲳 nitude ofthis resultant,

(b) state the direction of曲 e child’ s acceleration,
(c) flnd the tnagnitude ofthe chⅡ d’ s acceleration。

A packagG of、veight 6N shdes down a

smooth chute飞 ″hich is inclined at 50° 钅
the hQ⒒zonta1.The chute exerts a f° rce C
on the package,which acts in a direcuon at
right angles tO the chute,as sho、vn in the
diagram,GiⅤ en that the resultant of C and
the、 veight ofthe package acts in a
direction down the chute,flnd

la)the magnitude ofth悠 resultant,

O)曲 e mag“ tude of the acceleradon of
the package,

HorizontaI forces P and Q act on a particIe ofmass o.8kg which o free to move on a
hoⅡ zontal plane。 P has magnitude0,5N and beaⅡ ng o2o°
,and Q has magnitude0.7N
and beaⅡ ng1oo° .Find the distance traVe1led by the panicle whⅡ e its speed increases from
rest to4nl s^1。

Use scale drawing to nnd t。 e mag时 tude ofthe resultant ofthe forces P and Q h the
fo1lowing cases.Con虽 Ι your answerin each case by calculadon,

(⒆ P has mag碱 tude15N and bea五 ng035° ,Q has magnkude20N and the resu1tant
has bea“ ng05o° ,

(b) P has magnitude20N and bea⒒ ng04o° ,Q has magnitude25N and the resultant
has be钔 ong075° ,

(c) P has magnitude lO N and beaong055° ,Q has magnitude15N and the resultant
has be钔 ong110° .

(d) P has magnitude25N and bearing08o° ,Q has magnitude30N and the resultant
has beaong040° .

I0 A rock-chmber has、 veight550N.A rope attached to her waist-belt passes through a ring
whiqh芯 Oxed at a point higher up the cliff,She los。 s hcr foothold and sta燕 sto move in岔
direction at20° to the horizontal。 The tension in曲 e rope at this instant is 560N,
CaIculate the angle thatthe rope Fnakes with the ver“ ca1.

11 Find the magnitudes ofthe componen“

P and Q ofthe force R泗 the following cases。
(a) R has magnimde2o N dueno燕 h,P and Q haⅤ e beanngs o4o° and320°

(b, Rh孙 m⒋ gnitude25N due eastI P and Q have beaⅡ ngs11o° and310◇ .

(c) R has magnitude30N due south,P and Q have bea⒒ ngs O75° and225°

(d)R has magnitude35N due west,P and Q have bea戚 ngs220° and3oo°

12 A force F acts h an easterly has components P and Q;P is鼬
own and the
mag“ tude of Q isto be as small as possble,Descr此 e the component Q when
(a) P has magnitude20N and beaⅡ ng050° 、
(b) P has magnitude20N and beaⅡ ng120° ,

13 An° △ect can slide on a path inclincd at15°

tρ 5°
the horizonta1.1tis acted on by a force of
magnitude 50N,acting at an angle of5° to
the upward verticaI,as shown in the diagram.
Find the components ofthe force
(a) in dimctions parallelto and at right angles to the path,

(b) in horizontal and verucaI directi。 ns,

Cc) in drectons paralleIto the path and hor弦 oIlta【 ~,

(0) in dh℃ ctions at right佼 ngles to the path and h° ⅡzontalIy,
o) in drect0ns parallel to tbe pa伍 and vert忆 ally,
(O in directions atFtght angles to the path and Ⅴcrtica11y。

ho浴 e

A barge moves in a straightline parallel to and∏ 1idway between the banks of a canal of
Ⅵ注dd110m。 A hOrse on One bank and a rnan on the other bank pullthe barge widh taut
horizontal toWropes.The1ength of the to、 vrope pu11ed by the hoΓ se is 13m and the tension
in it is400N,as shown in the diagram.Assuming曲 e姆 sultant ofthe two tensions is in the
direction ofrnodon ofthe baΓ ge,state the direction in vvhich the rnan must puⅡ to exe燕 the
least effort.Find the corresponding tension.

15 A pa吨 icle of rnass 0.2kg movcs iη a straight⒒ ne AB on a hoⅡ zontalsu咬⒊ce,under thc

influence ofhorizontal bⅡ es P and Q.The dh℃ ction of P makes an angle of30° with
Iat A and21η sˉ l at
烟 ,The dis钅 ance AB is1.51n and the spGed ofthe particle is1Fn sˉ
I,,Iftllc magⅡ fude of Q is as small as poss山 le,1∶ ind the mag说 tude of P.
F艹 各锞$拥 讦妍饣 嬲 巍袋 %翟 袈锑蜘I拙 嬲 猡漯睽枷撺群漱翳崩犍醪蠊 卜

103Combining forces by perpendicular components

The process of split苡 ng and combining forces in pe叩 endicular directions suggests
another rnethod of calculating the resultant of two or1nore forces.

step1 Choose two directions at right angles。

step2 SpⅡ t each force into components in these directions.

step3 For each direc"on,§ nd the sun1ofthe components you haⅤ c calculated(

step4 Find the resultant of the two sums.

Examp【 e10s。 1
Use this pmcedure to ca1culate由 e resultant of P and Q in Fig.10,1(page144)。

The so1ution shows the procedure in use
兮 1oN
with two different choices of direc“ ons,

Choice1 Choose the direcuons to be

no欣h and east,as shown in Fig,I0.14.
The c破 culation is set out in Table10,15;
thc Irsttwo1ines of tgures correspond
to Step2,and the third hne is step3. Fig,】 0.14

Force Componentin
direction1(no⒒ h) drection2leaso

10cos20° =9,39,¨ 10sin20° 〓 3.42.¨
^Q 15cos80° 〓2.60.¨ 15sin80° =14.77.¨

R 12.00.¨ 18.19.¨

Table10。 15

The resultant of12.00。 ¨N north and 18.19,¨ N eastis a force of rnagnitude

⒓ 00。 ,,2+1⒏ 19,.。

2N,or22N to
the nearest、 Ⅳhole nurllber.It acts at an m⑾ 1

吣 淝 ,σ STo to the

nearest degree,to the north direction,
Choice2 The calculation is si:upler if
you choose one ofthe directions to be
parallel to one of thc forces,say P,This
\w唧 2

is shown ih Fig.10.16,and the

calcu1ation is set out in Table10。 Fig.JO,16

Force componentin
drecton1〈 ||to P) direction2(⊥ to P)

10 0
15Cos60° =7,5 15sin60° =12,99.¨

17.5 I2.99。 ¨

Tab】 c10.17

The resultant of17.5N parallelto P and 12.99.¨ N perpendicular to P is a force

of ma8nitL1de√ 1⒎ 52+12.99..。 2
№ 巩 姒m刂 e tan^l铮 岬 ,

to the dimcdon of P(both to the nearest whole numbeθ .So the beaong is
(020+037)° 〓057° ,

氓\dl this rnethod you need to take care when ca1culating the direction of the resultant、 Using
tan^l to丘 nd the angle Ieaves you、 vith two possible ways in which曲 e resultant couId point.
Ifthe components of R in directions1and2are denoted by f\and R2,then the angle
岫 山 the resultant makes咖 咖 H could抚 岫 沪 σ 酣 H猡 ・
哿 哿
Draw for yourself diagrams wⅡ h the four possible sign cOmbinations∶

Rl)0,R2>0; Rl>0,尺 2《 0; RI(0,R2>0; R1《 o,R2《 0.

You wⅡ l see thatin the f1rst t、 VO cases the resultant rnakes an acute angle、 v⒈h di拙 ction1.
154 MECHAN【 Cs1

‰ m凼 咖 m泅 噌 ven b” md智 洫 唧 曲 洫 № angle邢 H烛

bet△Jeen -90° and90° 。But in the1ast two cases the resultant rnakes an obtuse angle

咖 咖 d舢 m凼 抵 邢 Ⅱ SO℃



The n⒒ e is therefore that if R1>0(as itis in Example10,3.I),the angIe is tanˉ

butif Rl《 0you have to add or subtract 180° .

It is not、 vorthWhⅡ e remembe⒒ ng this∷ mle.In a numerical example itis easy to c⒒ eck
with a sketch whether you havc chosen the coⅣ ect angle,Butitis impo改 ant to
rememberthat you have to make the decision。

The advantage ofthe spli哎 ing and combining rnethod is greatest whcn you wantto nnd
the resultant of several forces,The next example so】 Ves suCh a pfobleΠ 1by scale
drawing and by the componentrnethod.

Exa1npIe103i∶ )

The following§ ur f。 rces act on a pa碱 cle(⒃cF诹 卜I0・ 18)・ ∏nd thek resultant V。

P 6N in the犭 -diFection
Q 8N at50° to the茗 -direction
s 12N in the negative yˉ direct1on
U lO N at 160° to the犭 -direction

VIethod1 The force diagram is drawn in

Fig。 10.19on a sca1e of1crll to4N.1t

contahs a ch缸 n of four arrows,P,Q,s and

tJ.The resultant V is represented by the
arow from thetaⅡ of P to the head of U.

To see、 Ⅳhy,draw in the broken aⅡ ows R and

T。 R心 the resultant Of P and Q.T is the
resultant of R and s;that is,of P,Q and s.
V is the resultant of T and U;that is,of P,
Q,s画 妃 U.
By measuFementthe arrOw labelled V has
length0.75c∷ m and is at an angle of55°
below thc 丌-aXis.So the resuItant is about
3N at an angle of-55° to the菇 ~axis。

⒈江ethod2 Tab1e10.20shows the

compOnents in the 茗¨and l,— directions of the

forces and of their rcsuItant.


FOrce Componentin
Jrˉ drectlon y-direcJon

6 0
8cos50° =5.14。 ¨ 8sin50° 〓 6。 12.¨
0 -12
10cos160° 〓 -9.39.¨ 10sin160° =3.42。 ¨

l。 74,¨ -2.45.¨


The resultant of1.74。 ¨N in the J-direction and-2.45,¨ N in the)9-direction has

magnitude 1.74.¨
(-2⒕ 5.¨ )2 № … ∞ mm凼 tan l帑 ,

Or-54.5° ,with the 1ˉ aX1s,

丿 `md洫
In solⅤ ing this examplc,the Irst method is Ⅱne,but you will often want greater
accuracy than you can achieve wiul scale drawing,YOu don’ t need to include in thc
dagram thc inte… Iedi狨e resuItant forces R and T。 The1:igure formed by P,Q,s,U
and the resultant V is calIed a force polygon.

HoWever,if you wantto ca1culate the resu1tant accurately with this rnethod you have
to use the sine and cosine ru1es in three廿 iangles,one after the other。 This is very
laborious。 The second Fnethod,using components,is the only sensible way to f1nd the
resultant by ca1culation when there are forces in more than t、 vo directions.

10彳 UsiⅡ g algebraic notatioⅡ

The proce涎 Of【 n曲 ng a resultant R oftwo forces P and Q柢 c狨 Ied vector additio⒒
瓜 expre$ed by the equation R=P+Q。 This κ ofcouse a由 fferent operation from addition
of numbers,though there are many si∏ 讧larities bet、 veen the two.Noticc that the rnagnitude
of the resultantis notthe sum ofthe rnagnitudes of the components,FOr instance,in
ExarnplG10.1,1(working i扭 newtons)P〓 10and口 =15,but R=2⒈ 79。 ¨,not25。

If yOu use the componentrnethod for nnding the resultant,the most obvious perpendiculaF
directions to take care thosc of the yˉ and y-axes,as in F11e山 od2of Example10.3.2。 In that
case,it is usual to rep「esent a force as a column oftwO numbers,called a coluunm vector,A

brce v氵 廴
h components X h the y-di⒑ “ on and y h the y-血 ec“ m抵 denoted by(句 ,

Putting these two ideas together,you could writc outthe so1ution in method2of
ExampIe10.3.2in algebraic forn1∶

Ⅴ =P+Q+s+1J=(:)+(:∶
F::∶ )+(I:2)+(丨 :∶ ∶

⒏G纠 +㈦ +(拶 J

:l∶ ∷
〔 ∷∶ 珉)b3“g耐
l弦 丿 〔
l匕 狞 .。
cant丘 gure⒌
156 MECHAN【 cs l

劢夕矽 右 no亡hhg essen幽″ 刀矽〃he呛 r/^a/峦 /,,r勿 助欲 o/夕 刃 陶〃朗〃 E/se Ⅳh=che/e/
幼 ″ 丿 /,J/prefer.浅唧 e昭 钅 mo昀 advanced"e曲an沁s yses`edor‘ ve″ 庇”ε沁 erthan
昭PC汩 厂n蛐
夕碰珀亿n「/Pe搠vantages口厂妫 沈口 C口 励″″ˉ 0n肋e″ Oe∞眦 渖 pare吣,5口
掘〃 〃捂 拗 g¢ α″饣 p泪d泗 加 昭艹V∥ 9〃 加 simple司 叨 彻 扔 ″s
/’ '〃

淄溥鞔 糍玄
0 Exerc沁 e1θ B §鞲辘豁找蕊瀑嫒鼷簇黝镰 箔鞯1忠 濮弹絷驻

嬲 毖
嚣繁蕊F、 灬
δ了:|稔 溏资
蕊↑ l冬

1Rewo钛 Exercise IOA Question1using the splitting and combining mGthod,钮 king
componcnts in directions norfh and east,

2 Repeat Question l,mking components paraⅡ elto and at Ⅱght angles to P^

3Rewo虫 Exercise10A Question2using the spli伺 dng and combining method,taking

components parallel and at oght angles to the direCtion in which the car is facing.

4 1;i∶ hd dircction。 f the resultant of the f。 ur forces(1:)N,(1Jf)N,

i∶ |;∶

5 Express each ofthe three forces shown in

thc diagrana ln column-veCtor form.Find
thc resultant of the three forces in coluFlln-
vectoF for吖 1,and hence snd thc Fnagnitude
and direction of the resultant。

The西 agram reP鸱 sents a modeI扯 ∞raft of mass


一 1

2kg,1ts enginc produCcs a force of(l芦

棚bⅡ e of舳 耐 飞
〔 r on妣 s whgs锶

ect1° n。 f the

m:岔 :t瑟 :;∶


ln the irst diagram,the rcsuItant of the four forces

㈤№”u蚰 吧
悚 ∞σ




Vector addidon,Indthe values of X and y.

Ne、 /directions are now chosen parallel and
perpendicular to the resultant fo沱 e,as sho、 vn in the
seCond dhgram,Rewrke the equ狨 ion of Ⅴector
addition in cOlumn vectors relatiⅤ e to the new
direct1ons,and Check that this equation】 s sat1s§ ed
by the Ⅴalues Of∶ 丫and y that you have found.
廴 ~~=


8 Ap・article of rnass 2.6kg moⅤ es in a straight Ⅱne on a horizontal surface under the

influence of horizontal forces〔

:)N and〔 :∶ :)N・ 。
亡 The vel。 city of the particle increases

from2msˉ l to3.5ms^1in3seconds,Find the two pos“ ble values of X.

9 A panicle of weight ly N moves up an inclined

汪ack underthe action of a pu1l ofrnagnitude P N at
20° to the track,The track is at 15° to the
horizontal。 The normal contact force has rnagni-ude
CN.Taking axes para1lel and perpendicul盯 to the
traGk,§ nd the rcsultant force on the par“ cIe,in
teIΙ Ⅱs of W,P and C,in column-vector fo"】 1.

Given that the resultant force is paraⅡ eI to the track,express C and the magnitude ofthe
resultant force in terms of P and W,





m耐 h饨

枷 唧 岫 涮 岫

¤ 岫 result洫 σ 、


11 A Ioad of weight 285N is suppo1ted by two ropes,They


种W程 T器=睡 Mo涮

and ve口 吐cal directions.Find the magn"ude ofthe
resultant force on the load,and the angle、 vhich its
direction makes with each Ofthe ropes.

12 A particle of rnass 刀e moVes in a straightline on a horizontal su晡 ace under the inauence。 f

碱 zo吨 耐 b啷 (:【 ∶ The pa碱 de胝 m泅 dm vd。 。ψ 拼 “ m尸

丨 ),(J∶|),(J1甘 ;)・

and travels7Fn il1 2seconds.Find the two possible values of J。

∷:志 :、 、馅雀氵镭 、:涵 注叭 |渤 ∷
嚣 ,戊:嚣 |:找 ,△、戈 :、 贺 冫热 女入9‘ 、↓ 9I钅 彳:R浓 裰甯备:∷ 考{:兮 众,↓灬∷浅 缸 铲∷杰 |饣↑甓戊扌t令 ,{卞 i宙↓:=△ 冫饣Ⅱ
冫:战 :↓ l:∵ 0=△ ∷∶ I饣


i)Two forces iⅡ l eq耐 l曲 oum

Fig,10.21sho、vs two people pu1ling the two
ends of a rope.The person on the Ⅱght pu1ls with
a force P,the person On the le1丨 it with a forcc Q. Fig,10‘ 21

unu1it breaks,the r9pe remains at rest.The

weight ofthe rope is negligible compared、 vith the pul1ing forces,

Thetwo pe9ple are pu1ling with forces of equal rnagnitude,so the force diagran1for the
resultant of P and Q hastho foΙ ,IIof Rg.1⒍ 22.Since曲 e tail of P concides with thc
head of Q,the resultant force is zerO.Thsis expⅡ ssed algebr甜 cally
by the equaton P+Q=0,where O denotes the zero vector.
Alternat"ely,you can w“ te Q=-P,where the symbol-P stands for
the force Ⅵ
″th the same rnagnitude as P buttn the opposite dircction。

(ii)Three forces h eq“ I由 rium

Con蓝derthe followhg two pmblems.

A crate is being unloaded from a ship on to a

dock down a ramp inc1incd at 5° to the
horizonta1.Itis placed on a、 〃heeled trOIley,sO
that fric‘ on is negligiblc.The total rnass of the
trolley and crate is 80kg.The crate is held

stGady by a1uember ofthe crew,who supports


with a force at30° tO the hoozontal,as shown
∏g,10.23.HOw large a force must he exe吨 ?

1naⅡ ⒒litary exercise a soldier of rnass 80kg

is lowered over a riⅤ er by a cable froⅡ 1a
hclicopter。 She catches a lifeline which is used
to pull hGr tOwa1・ ds the riⅤ er bank,as sho1ˇ vn in
Fig。 10.24,VVhen the cable is at5° to the
ve「 匚cal,the lifellne is at30° to the horizonta1,
How large is the tension in the lifehne?

At仃 rst sight these appear to be quite differGnt

prob】 ems,but you wⅡ l see from Fig.10.25that.
vhcn the crate and t11c soIdier日 Fe modelled as

panicles acted on by forccs,艾 he tWo modeIs are
identiGa1.1t is unirnpoⅡ ant that in thc§ rst problem Fig.10.24
thc force U is provided by the push from the
cre、 vman’ s hand and the force 、厂is the nOI【 :IaI Contact

force froFn the ramp,butthatin the second caso U and

V are the tensiOns in the lifehne and the helicopter
cablc。 Also,what rna仗 ers is notthe point at which each
force is applied,but on】 y the line along which it acts,

vhich in this rnodel rnust pass th⑩ ugh the point
representing the pa:1ticle,This is called the line of
ac饪 oⅡ ofthe force.

It wOuld be possib1e to complete the solution by

rcso1ving in two direCtions1butthis is not easy unless
you choose thG two dlⅡ ctions rather cleverly.A
si1npler1nethod is to use vector ideas and to ca1culate
the forces by tmgonometry.

So in both problems you haⅤ e a飞 Ⅳeight VV of800N supported by two forces,U at30°
to thc horizontal and Ⅴ at5° to the verdca1.The resu1tant Of U and V musttherefore
be equal and opposite to the weight(A1gebraicaIly,

U+V=-W, or U十 V+W=0。
This equauon is rcpresented by Fig.Ⅰ 0.26.This is an examPle of a triangle of forces.

THangle of forces Ifthree forces X,Y and z arein eq匝 lbrhm,then the
coⅡesponding vectors can be represented by the sides of a closed toangle in
which at each Ⅴemex the head of one vector arrOw rneets the taⅡ of an。 ther.

YOu can now Ⅱnd the magnimde,I/N,ofthe force U,
either by sca1e draⅥ /ing or by applying the sine rule to
the triangle of forces.From Fig,10.27,this gives

击 =J怅 ,∞ σ


So the crcwman can steady the cratc by pushing with a
force of about 77N,and the tension in the lifeline is
Fig。 10.26 Fig.1o.27
also about77N。

Three s幻 眭ngs are knotted togcther at one end,
and parcels of weights 51刂 , 7N and 9卜 丁are
attached to the other ends.The Ⅱrstt、 vo sn匚 ngs
arc placed over smooth hoozontal pegs,and the
third parcel hangs freely,as shown in Fig。 10.28。
The systeFn is in equⅡ ibriun1。 Find the angles
wⅡ c|the nⅡ 艾tw。 strhgs m耐 ∞ witll the vertical
bctween the knot and the pegs。

Since the pegs are smooth,the tensions iI1

the s勹 吨ngs atthe knot are5N、 71` and
9N assho、 vn in Fig,10.29,and these
forces are in equilib“ um。 The three vectors
therefore fo^Ⅱ Ιa closed triangle of forces,
as in Fig.IO.30.
Fig,】 o.28
You can complete the solution either by
sca1e draˇ ving or by trigonometry。 If you
use scale drawing,begin by dravong the
9N afrow to your chosen scale,since you
know its direction4Then f【 nd the third
Vertex of the triangle as the intersection of
arcs w挺 h radii propor“ onal to5N and
7N On the samo scale,

To caiculate the an图 es α°and卩 °which Fig.10.29 Fig。 10,30

the5N and7Ns饣 ings make with the
ver“ cal by trigonometry,use the cosine rule in the fo^IIs

72=52+92-2× 5× 9× cos α° and 52=72+92-2× 7× 9× cos卩 ° .

160 MEcHAN1cs l

Thcse equa吐 ons匪 ve cos α°=蒜 and∞ s卩 °=裘 擦,∞ α=50・ 7,¨ and卩 =33.5.¨

The 5N and7N s"ings Fnake angles of about51° and34° W汛 h扭 e vcrⅡ ca1



At∞ ugh is formed f】 Om tWo rectangular planks蔽
ang1es of30° and40° to the horizontal,joined
a1ong a horizontal edge。 A cylindrical log of
weight 400N is placed in the trough with its axis
hoozontal。 Calculate the magnitudes P N and
0N ofthe noΙ m峦 contact forces from each plank
on the log
(al using a triangle of forces,
(b) by resolVing。

Fig.10,31shows the forces on the Iog,The

log has no tendency to shp,so there is
equi1ibrium Without any nocti。 na1force,and
the contact forces act a1ong radii of the log. Fig,lO.31

⒁)The forces P aud Q are at30° and

40° to the vcu吐 Cal,so the triang1e° f forccs
has the fornl of Fig.I0.32.By the sine rule,

P ˉ
Q ˉ

sh娴 ° sin SO° 蕊nl10°

so P= =273,6^¨
sin I I0°

搬 。=狲 =朋 …・

The forces P and Q have magnitude
274N and213N respectively,to
3signi晶 cant Rgures。

(b) 1f you Ⅱ
esolve horizont众 11y and verticauy y。 u get twO sirnultaneous equations
for P and口 ,with unpleas戗 nt coefficients,whicb are awkward ro solvc.But you
can getthc answers directly by reso【 ving paraⅡ eIto each of the planks.

sincG P is at60° to the hoozont狨 ,it is at(6θ -40)° =20° to the⒒ ght plank.
The weight跽 扯e0-钔 F=5俨 to the⒒ gllt plank.

R◇ |to苡 ght plank) P cos20° 〓400∞ s5犷 ,

since cos20° =sin70° =sin110° and cos50° =sin40° ,

0sin娴 °
P=姆 ,嚣 bcf。 ⒑。

劬 εC炫 /9//,E/rse//肋 夕r刀印 炀 馆 paraI丨e{拗 酩饣 名沼 /,/a/PF丨eads扫 肋 e same兮xp聍sslon/o/o

Rs扬 E//PJ砌 扔 茄勺么冫?‘″t。 ‘冫
犭 s
`助 '砀
Thc reason、 vhy you get simpler equadons by resolving parallelto the planks is that,in
each case,one ofthe forces does not come into the equation。 For exarllple,Q acts at
right angles to the:】 ght p1ank,s。 its resolved part parallel to the rlght p1ank is zero,The
only unknOwn force in the equation is therefore P N,

This is a useful generaI rule.

Not;ce thatin Ex铷 p1e10.5.2this invoIves resolVlng in two directions which are not
pe叩 endicular to each othcr,Although rnany probIems arc best solved by resoIving in
two perpendicular directions,itis somethη es better tO use nOnˉ perpendicular directions.

The next cxample uses a gcOmetrical trick∶ a triangle si:uilar to the tⅡ angle° ff° rces is
construCted iRl the diagram.

A coordinate grid is了 narked on a Ⅴertical、 vaⅡ 。SmaⅡ
smooth pegs are driven into the wa⒒ at the points (0、 40)

(-3,11)and(9,7)and a hoop of weight ly and
ludtus C130rests on the pegs、 vith its centre at the

origin.Find the magnitudes ofth。 contact forces at

thc pcgs in terl11sof W.

Since the pegs are snnooth,contact fOrces of (-3,lI)

magnltudes P and口 Ⅱ t

along the rt31‘ ∶
shown in Fig。 10.33,TherefOre,in the t⒒ angle
of forces,one arro、v must point in the negative
'` (Om)

y雨 direcuon and the otheF two have gradients
-甘 and ・ /′

If you d1・ ab,a⒒ ne咖 曲gmd⒗ nt-甘 th⒑ ugh Fig,1o.33
the pont(9,7),you can ve“ 卸 th扯 虹cuts the
y-axis at the point(o,40).So a tⅡ ange with vertkes(0,0),(9,7)and(0,40)is
ζmilar to曲 e订 hnge off。 rces,with“ d∞ popoHionalto尸 ,@and W.

The忆 nbot“ ofthe蛔 ∝ of渐 s姒 拙 要e are√ ← 酽 +3`="13o,凼 2+`=0面


P 口

3、 ∷

130 `/130

∞ 尸=菇 V面 W


162 h1EcHAN1Cs1

(iii) bⅠ ore forces in equiⅡ brium

There灬 no dfficult,/h extending the triangle of forces to虻 tuations in which曲 ere are
more than three forces.If four forces are in equilibnum,then the aⅡ oWs rep⒑ senting
theFn foIlΙ I a closed quadrilatera1,and so on,The problem aoses when you、 〃 antto do
calculatons w“ h the“ des and angles ofthe quad⒒ lareral,蛀 nce tms usu狨 ly involves
splitting the qu巛 打Ⅱateral into two饣 iangles。

This rneans,in effect,beginning by combining two ofthe forces into a single force,and
then using a triangle of forces.

Exercise1θ C

You should use a geometricalrnethod to work the proble1us in this exercise。

1 An o眄 ectis h eq“ lⅡ DⅡ um underthe ac畦 on ofthrec ho蓝 zontral forces P,Q and R.Use a
triangle of forces to Ⅱnd the mag“ tudes of Q and R respectiⅤ ely in each ofthe folIow汛 g

(a) P has magnitude10N and bearlng090° ,Q and R have beaongs210° and

340° respecσ vely,

⑴ P has magnitude⒛ N and be盯 ing020° ,Q and R have bearings090° and

240° respectivc1y。

Con∮ iirm your answα s by resol呐 ng in direGtions pcrpen西 cuIarto R andto Q礻

2 A cable caris connccted to a cable by two

rigid suppo哎 s whiCh了 nake angles of75°
and35° with the upwaⅡ d vertical,as
shown in the diagram。 Find the tensions in
the supports when the total、 Ⅳeight of the
cable car and its passengers is 8000N and
the cab1e car is stationary。

3 Ano丬 ect of rnass 5kg is held atrcst on a smooth plane,inClined at an angle of20° ,by a
force of magnhude 尸N acung d订 ecdy up the plane.
m) statc thc CIiF【 抄
cti〈 冫
n ofthe force exelted by the plane on the ouect,and Ind its

IIcnce state the magnitude alld由 rection of the force exerted by the o切 ect° n the pIanc。

Find the Ⅴalue of P,

4 A skier of、 veight700N is pulled at

co∷ nstantspeed up a smooth s1opc,of
inclination 15° ,by a force of rnagnitude
f冫 N aGting at25° upwards from the
slope,as shown in the diagram,Find the
Ⅴalue of P,

5 A sma11sign Of weight 6N is suspended

by twO ch西 ns AC and BC,as shown in 60cm
the diagraFl1.

A and B are attached to εxed points

which are 60cm apart and atthe same
hoⅡ zontal leⅤ e1.Thelengths of AC and
BC are40cm and30cm。 Calculate the
tens1ons1n the Cha1ns,

6 Part ofthe flOor Of a workshop is incIined at10° ∶

to the ho⒒ zontd,This is to allow the safe stonge

of steel cylinders.A cyIinder of mass7000kg is }
stomd孙 showm in the diagram,The magnitudes ∶
of the奶 rc∞ exerted on the cylhder by the waⅡ ^
and the floor arc Rw N arld廴 N respect泅 dy. ∶
Find the va1ues of11rw and j日rF。 I
If the sloping part。 fthe floor was inclined at α°(0<α 《45) instead of at 1o° .sho、 v that
(a) 犬w《 70θ 00(R尸 9whateverthe value of α ,

(b) Rw and谬 F both increase w“ hα 。

7 A body is h equilibrium underthe acton ofthree hoⅡ zontal fo,・ G,es P,Q and R。 Rnd曲 e
angle between the drecton of P and the drecton of Q,拥 d the angIe bctween the
direcdon of P and the direction of R,in each ofthe foⅡ owing cases.

fa) P,Q and R haⅤ e magnitudes16N,24N and25N respectively,

(b) P,Q and R havc magnitudes7N,20N and25N respectiⅤ ely.

8 A chi】 d of weight300N is seated on a swing

which檑 supporCed” thc tens0n in the Fope of
magnitude 320N。 The chⅡ d and the swing are held
at rest by a restraining force of rnagnitude 130N,
as sho、 vn in the diagram.Find the angles that

a) the r0pe,
《 (I))the restr西 n文 ng force,
make with the uPward vertical.

A tankeFi$being steercd at c。 nstant speed along a

channel by twO tugs.氵 l[′ 】cc犭bles from dle tugs

haVe tensions of45000N and20000N and the

200llO N
motion of the tankeris Fesisted by a dFag force
of52000N.Find the angle between cach cable and the direction ofrnotion of the tanker.

10 户k pa「 吐cle ofrnass J9T hangs by a thread fro∏ 1a hook,Itis pu11ed aside with the thread at an
angle of‘ V° frOTn thc vertical by a force,In、 vhat dircGtion should the force bc appⅡ ed for
its rnagnttude to be as sma1l as possible?Find an expression for its lnagnitude in this case
in teIΙ IΙ s of″ 1,g and α .
164 MEcHAN1Cs1

11 The diagran1sho、 vs three s臼 0ngs,wvhich are tied in

a knot K,Two ofthe strings pass over smooth
pulleys and have particles of rnass0.3kg and
O.5kg attachcd to the∏1atthe ends opposite to
Κ .The other string has a paHicle of rnass rI,kg
attached to it atthe end opposite to K。 The
systcrn is at rest.

(a) In the case'99=0.7,Ind the angle了 nade by the sloping pa⒒ of each敬 ong with the
upW盯 d Vertical。

C冫 iVe a reason why r9:(0.8。


In the case、 Vhen`,I=0.4,sho、 v that paR of onc of thc strings is horizonta1,

1fthe pulleys were atthe same hoⅡ zontalIevel,give a reason`″ hy″ 7》 0.4.

12 A par“ cle is h equi⒒ brhm underthe acton ofthree ho⒒ zonl菠 fo£ es P,Q and R.The
magnitudes of P,Q and R am25N,@N and R N respectiⅤ ely,and the coshe ofthe
angle between P and Q is-0,96.Show tll掀 R2=(口 -24)2+72.Hence ind
(a) the IGa蛀 possible Ⅴalue of R,
(b) the correspon曲 ng an酽 e between Q alld R.

13 A hoop of diameter 1.5rn and weight

l1.7N hangs ont、 Ⅴo smooth horizontal
pegs P and o.The fo‘ es exe吨ed on the
hoop by P and C haⅤ e magnitudes12N
and 7.5N respectiⅤ ely.I1nd the directions
of山 ese forces.
The J-and y-axes are taken to be
horizontal and ⅤeΓ 吐cal respectively,and
犰 eo⒒ gin o isthe cen廿 e ofthe hoop.Rnd
the(犭 ,y)coordinates of P and@,

14 A bargc moves,at Constant speed,in a horse

straight line rnidWay betb/een the parallel

banks of a cana1,The banks are8m apa∷ rt.
A horse on one bank and a Fnan on the
other bank exeH pulling forces on{he
barge,through taut horizontal towropes,
The leng曲 ofthe tOwrope pulled by the
horse is 16.25m.A horizonta1drag force
of rnagnitude 650N acts on the barge in a direction oppositG to its tnotion,as shown in the
diagram.State the angle betweeⅡ 曲e towropes which minimises the effort exerted by the
man。 Find the rnagnitudes ofthe coHesponding puⅡ ing forces.

浴时嚣嚣爨谶勘饫瀑懈遘裰 $鋈 露纂篮缸∷ MisceⅡ aneous exercise10 鹬

Two forces,of magnkudes5N and7N,act 7N R

on a body。 The angle between the forces is
55° ,The resultant has rnagnitude R and acts
at an angle e° t。 the5N forCe,as shown in
the diagram。 Calculate R and ε。 (oCR)

FOrces of magnitudes 50N and尸 N aCton a

pa戚 icle in the directions sho、vn in the
diagram.The resultant of the two forces is at
right angles to the direc“ on ofthe force of
magnitudc501`。 Find P, (oCR)

Two forces,each of rnagnitude 5N,act at

the point P,as shown in the diagra111.Their
resultant also has1nagnitude5N.∵ By
dra、 ving a vector triangle to rcpresent the t、 Vo
forces and th⒍ r rx冫 sul钮 nt,Ind ε。 (OCR)

T、 vo forces,aCting in a ver“ ca】 plane,have a

horizontal resu1tant ofrnagnitude R newtons。
one the fo‘ es has magnitude6N and acts at
an anglc ε above the hoFizonta1.The other
force has rnag11itude 4N and aGts at an angle
of30° below the hOrizontal,as shown in the
diagrI∶ 1i【 ∶


(a) Find the value of‘ 9,

(b)Calculate the value of R。 (OCR)

Two horizontaIfoEes P and Q act at a point。 Thc force P has rnagnitude 7.61Ⅺ and acts
due north.The resul钮旺 of P and Q has Fnagnitude 15,4N and acts due east。 CaIcuIate
the magnitude and d仉 ⒍onof Q. (oCR)
T、 Ⅴo forces of rnagnitudes5N and6N act atthc point C,.The angle between the two
forces is ε .The“衤ultant ofthe two forces has magnitude5N.

wa曲 agmm fo repmsealt tliis hformaton.

(a) Dr泛、
(b) Calculate the value of ε. (0CR)
Two forces P and Q have magmtudcs3N and
6N respectively and act atthe point o,The angle
between P and Q is acute.The resul忱 ntof P and
Q is R,and R m酞 es an anglc of⒛ with Q,as
shown in the diagram.∷ Find,in either order,
(a, the an。oIe betWeen P and Q,

(b)the magnitude of R, (OCR)

166 MEcHAN【 cs1

8 ∷
Each oftwo forces has rnagnitude Ⅹ N,and the resultant of the two forces has Fnagnitude
12N.When the magnitude of one ofthe forces is incrcased by 70%,the magnitude ofthe
resu1tant ofthe two forces becomes21N,Find X and the angle between the two forces.

9A亿rce F of magnitude12N has components P and Q,The sum ofthe magnitudes of P

and Q“ 18N.The drection of Q、 at⒒ ght angles to F。 Find the magnitude of Q,

10 FOrces X,Y and z have magnimdes10N,


)Na11d5(√ )N.The仍 Ⅱes Y and
z actin the same direction,as shown in the
diagram.The resultant of X and Y and the
resultant of X and z have the same magnitude.
Find e° ,the angle between X and Y,

11 A pa吨 iCle of nlass 0.7kg is free to moVe on a horizontal suH`ce under the inIIuence of
horizontal forces of n1agnitudes l N and l,7N,The par吐 c1e starts froln rest and reaches a
speed Of3丁 ns^l in a distance of l。 5m。 Find the anglc betwecn the d淝 ct:ons ofthe forces,

12 Three constant horIzon伐 uf。 rces,、 v1th magn1tudes

and directions as shown in the diagra∏ 1,act on a
small block.Find the magnitude and direction of
the resultant Of these three forces, 】

The block is FnoⅤ ing on a rough horizontal plane under the actlon of the three forces,ChVen
that the了 nass ofthc block is 2kg,and thatits acceleration ha$rnagnitude 0.3rn sˉ

calculate曲 e cocffic汜 nt of foction between the block and the pIane。 (oCR)
13 Three forccs,、 Vith magnitudcs and directions as
shown in the diagrarn,act in a horizOntal plane at
the point A。 The resultant of the three forces has A
magnitude 14N and acts in thc dircction ofthc
force of了 nagnitude 9f ne△ ・
tons.Find e and x.

14 Two1oads X and丫 ,of weigh佟 800N 800N

and 400卜 丨respectiveIy,are connected by
a rope which passes over a pullcy A。 The
forces ac“ ngon X, y and⒕ are as
shown in thc diagram.∏ nd thc rnagnitude
and direction of the resultant forcc acting
on each of X,y and A。

15 A concrete pyra∏ 1id of、 vcight300N is being1iaed

Ⅴert⒗ ally upwards,The forces on曲 e pyramid are a
pulling force of rnagnitude3201刂 ,exened by a wire
which passes over a sXed puHey,and a res廿 aining
force of rnagnitude 尸 N exelted by a rope being
pulled by a man,The directions of thc forces are as
shown in the diagra111。 The Ⅴalues of F,ε and(∫ 〉
var/as the pyraFylid moves up、 vards,but the direction
of the resu1tant force is always Ⅴcrucal。 Find the
Ⅴalue of iF and the magnitude ofthe resultant,stating
whether the resultant acts upl氵 vards Or downwards,

(a) g〓 I5and¢ =53, (b) e=19and¢ 〓90, (c) e=26and¢ =127.

16 A small smOoth⒒ ng R ofm。ass0,l kg“ thmaded on

a Ⅱght哎蛀ng.The ends Of曲 c string are fastened to
tw。 nxed points A and B.The ring hangs in
equⅡ ib⒒ uⅡl with the part AR ofthe st吨 ng inclined at
40° to the hoⅡ zonta1as shown in thG diagram。 show
thatthe part R召 ofthe s幻 匝ng is also inclined at 40°
to the horizonta1,and丘 nd the tension in the s订 ing, (OC∷ R)

17 A basket of Ⅱsh of、 veight 200N is being unloaded

ffom a truck。 Two light w订 es AB and AC are
触tached to the basket at^.Initia11y,tlle wire AB is
at an angle of3o° to the ve燕 lCal and the wirc AC is
horizontal。 The baskctis in equⅡ ibHum.The tensions
inthe wires AB and AC are T N and尸 N

m)use a姒 缸鸭le of forces to CalCulate the values of r and`.

Cb)Dete.IΙ 上
he h each ofthc following cas∞ whethα the mag诚 tudes of the tensions in
and AC are greaterthan,the sarne as or1e$sthan the values of r and P you
calculated in pa1k(a)。 In each case the basketis in equilibrium.

o)AC is hoⅡ zontal∶ AB is hclined at an angle εreater than30° to tlle Ⅴeruca1.

(ii) '甥 is inclined at30° to the ve「 吐cal; CA is n。 t horizOntal and C is below the
Ievel of A。

(c) 1n a new situation,AB is inclined at30° to the vertiGal and AC is at an an四 e of ε°

w欢h the horizontal,with C abovc the level of⒕ ,EXscuss bⅡ eⅡ y what happensto the
magnitudes ofthe tensionsin AB and AC asthe baskctis he1d in equⅡ ibriun1for
different values of ε,Hence deterFlline旁 he】 east possible value for the tensiOn in ⒕C,
What are the corresponding values for the tension∶ n AB andfor ε?
(MEI,adap妃 d,


18 T、 vo light,inextensible stⅡngs are attached to a

small case of ma甾 12kg at B.One“ Ⅱng is Ixed ∷
ω ap⒍ nt A,The α her欲 nng passes over a铷 all ∶
smooth puIley at C and is held rat D.The points ∴
A and C are at曲 e same heightand AB and BC ∷
are at45° and30° ,FespectiⅤ ely,to the ∶
° ∷
horizont五 1.The stⅡ ng secuon cD is at ε to the
horizontal。 The system is in equⅡ ibrium.

(a)By consi〈 iering a triangle representing the foⅡ es acting at B,calcul狨 e the tensions in
the string sections AB and BC,
(b)The position of D is moved so that εincreases but B remains in the same position,
What effect does this havc On the tension in the stong section CD?

o) The end D ofthe哎 ring section CD is now pulled so thatthe ma渊 at B rises。 1t is

then held in equiliboum.Describe what effect this has on the tensions in the stnng
scctions/tB and B‘ 了.已 xplain why thc system Cannot be in equ;librium、 vith召 om the
sameIevelas A and C. (ME1,radapted)

19 A sma1l decoration is suspended by light st1△ ngs AP

and尸 B.The point A is on a ve淡 iC・al wall and the
point B is on a ceⅡ ing。 The stri∷ ngs⒕ 尸 and PB are缸
30° to the verticaI,The decoration,of weight4N,
hangs in equⅡ iboun△ from P.ShOW thatthere is the
same tension in the strings AP and 尸B and calculate
this tension, (ME1,adapteΦ Ⅱ

2θ Two decoratons am suspended between the wall and ∷

ceⅡ 汛 g in Quest0n19using Iight stongs AP,P@and |Ⅱ ∷
@C.The哎 ⒒ngs AP,@Pa11d Co are respectively at ∷
”舛 l

30° ,60° and ε to the vert忆 al,The decorations ∷
hanging in equilibrium f1・ om P and口 have weights of ∴Ⅱ∷
4N硎 3N唧 ∞
刂ve灬 Ⅱ

(a)By cons把 σing曲 e cq匝 l拈 rhm ofthe forces at ∶

P,shoW thatthc ten蚯 on m the鼓 “ng Po is2N, ′
Ⅱ ∷
(b)Calculate the tension in the string Cζ 冫and the angle θ 。 (M∷ E1,adapted)

21A smallsmoo由 止ng R,of mass0.3kg,is threaded

on a light inextensible str∶ ng、 Ⅳhose ends are
atIached to two Jhxed points A and B which are at
the same horizOntal leve1,A force of Fnagnitude
X ne、 vtons is applied to the ring in a direction
parallel to AB,as shown in the diagram,Ⅵ'hen the
ring is in equⅡ ibrium Ⅵ and angle
`ith both parts of the strlngtalue of BAR=30°
taut,angIe X. (OCR)
昭 R=40° 。
Find thc tension h thc string盯 Ⅴ
`d the
嵌食群恁鄂△器t$公 甓滂冫¢荣:∷ 、氵r渊 Ⅱ嚣 弭↓恋 :獠 :獠油潆谍 潴扭嚣1翁 甜冫品钅撼 l廿 忿埝:芯 氵嚣盆9F窖条贫、: 饣 拓汆濠 浯甄l o∶ ˇ
秀↓I∷ 嚣 氵n↑丬窜氵氵蒜 冫呤溜 饣 ∷
11Genera丨 mO乜 On in a straig冖 t!Ⅱ £ ~

Th心 chapter extends the敬 udy of‘ 11emadcs to indude o凵 ects mo诫 ng wi由 accelemtion
which is not constant,When you have comp1eted it,you should

kno、 v ho、 v to use diffeFentia刂 on and integration to nnd expre$sions for accelerat女 on,
velocity and displacement as nuncti。 ns。 ftime,

11。 11VeIOCity and acceIeration

So far you№ ve mostly met examp【 es of确jec“ moving哂 th constant acceleration.And孙
acceleration is proportiOnal to the force app∶ ied,the forces havc a1so been constant.

But forces are often not constant.For examplc,on a bicycle you can’ t exe⒒ as rnuch
force on thc pedals、 vhen you arc going fast as you can atlo、 v speeds,If you are doving
On as⒒ ppery road,itis wise to apply the brakes gent1y to staⅡ Ⅵ 汀th and then gfadua1ly
increasc the Pressure.Ifthe force is vaⅡ able,then so is the accelcration。 Ho、v can you
dGal、 vith this Fnathematically?

When the idea of acceleration was introduced in Section】 .3,it、 vas described as the Fate at

vhich velocity increases,The c1ue lie$in the word‘ 。1nP1section7.4,itis shown that
the rate at、 vhich a vaoabIe y incfeases with respectto an independent variable J is

唧 ⒃md咖 e淝 Ⅱva“ ve睾 Ⅱ e

""sm∞ jI∶
Ⅴe1oc汪 y v increases with respectto the umξ ∶℃ 嚣 絮 l∶∶∶ 1丨:;∶ ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶1|∶ I曲

N。 uce that this f1ts in xvitI1the ruIe you have a】 mady used forrnOJOn、 vith constant
acceleration,tllat the accelcra窀 ion is the gradient of the vclocity-ti1ne graph,



f:黥f篇 卩l⒒ T箔 f找拿 l;趱 甘 ;戋 强
撼沪 ,Ⅰ l∶ :∶ :∶ ;;∶

formula for the acceleFation.How fastis the caF moving when its accelerati。 n becomes zero?

The acGeleration c is found by d“ △ercntiating the fo.Ι 置

Iu1a for v,so

曰=Ⅰ r~o.o9扌
This can be facto。 sed as夕 =0θ 9《 10冖 r),s° the acceleration bec。 mes zero whcn
矽=10.This is、 vhc11thc car reaches its Fnaxiruum ⅤcIocity。 After thatthe model
no longer applies,

T。 nnd the maximum velocity,substitute '=10in the formula for v,This gives
v=I4+0.45× 100-0.03× 1000=14+45-30=29,

The car reaches a rnaxifnurn velocity of29rn sˉ l aRer Iθ seconds。

170 MECHAN1Cs l

Notice thatin this example the acceleration is also zerO when r=0,but this is not
relevant to the quesuon asked,You can easi】 y see that attime 莎==0,v〓 14,That is,the
initiaI velocity of the car as it leaves the to、 vn is 14msˉ

S吣 /。/刀昭 e〃 扔 re、o咖丬 me夕 叼叻 /9/膀 Xamp△e~NOuce栩

△ 臼 rDe
acce|e硪ion右 ze/o肋 臼v右 彐s抬t氵onaγ r’/r,r,/,r,e夕 砰 腕

112EⅡ spIacement and veIocity

Just as acceleration is thc rate of increase of veloc“ y With respect to time,so velOcity is
the rate of increase of disp1acement.

Ifthe disphcementis Con“ ant,曲 en thc o丬 cct′ not mo呐 ng,and thc Ⅴ e1oo饣 跽zero・
The more r叩 idly曲 e displacement changes,the佰 ster the o丬 ectis moving.

So if J denotes the d低 placement ofthe o㈤ ect from a§ xed pont ofthe line alOng which

itis moving,the vclocity、 measured by the derivadve尘 。


Example11⒓ 。
A space probe is launGhed by rockets,For the nrst stage ofits ascont,WhiCh is in a
ve⒒ ical line and lasts for40seconds,the height犭 me订 es after'seconds is Fnode1led by
2+去 尸 .HOw h璁 h is the probe哎 the end ofthe衔 st stage,and how
the equauon豸 =sO扌
fast is it then moving?

T。 gnd the height,you substltute40for r in the equation for 另,、 vhiCh gives

J=50× 1600+豸 ×64000=96000‘

To1Ⅱ nd a fo,"Iula for the ve】 ocity you must di诉色rentiate,to ge饣

v=肾 讪 +扣 ⒈
Substituting 40for r in this equatlon gives

v=100× 40+鲁 ×1600〓 4000+1200=5200.

so atthe end ofthe】 rst stage the probe is at a height of96000】 η and moving at
5200r11s^1.This is rnore conVeniendy cxpressed in kilometre units∶ the height is
then 96km,and the Ⅴelocity is 5,2kn1s^1,

Since Ⅴelocity is the derivative of displacement,and acceleration is the derivative of

velocity,k fo1lows that accelera吐 on is the second deriⅤ adve of dispIacement,(See P1

扣轷 鼬 鼢 畲 翳 翳 齑翳 醛 擀

For an o两 ect mo呐 ng in a欲 ra螅 ht line,f 犭denotes the dispIacement

畲汪 from a ixed point@ofthe line attime r,

the acceleration,then
v denotes the velocity and


扩 血一dr

and ⒍=奋

泔 =萏 ,

章 The velocify is represented by the gradent ofthc(扌 ,犭 )g甲 ph,

(F,→ gnph,

Notice thatthere has been a sma1l change of notation from Chapter1,ll,here the letter s
was used for displacement。 The reason is that s and 茗 may stand for different
quantities。 In Chapter19sw灬 山c dsplacement f「 om thc posⅢ on ofthe o丬 ect when
r=:0,so that s=0 、
vhen r=0,Butitls sometlmes rnore conven1ent to了 neasure the
displacement jf fronl some other point ofthe line,For example,to dcscobc the
CO1llplete motion of a spacecraft,it rnΙ )1y be better to measuΓ e the displacement∶ 、
f from
the centre ofthe ea吐 h rather than from the Iaunch point.Or3if someone throws a stone
upwards from the top of a chff and you are standing on the beach:you Fnay prefeF t°
measure the height of the stone above the beach rather than from the top ofthe cliff,

ExampIe11⒓ ,2
A remoteocontro|led toy racing c盯 moves along a straight tΓ ack Iaid on the¤ oor。 It starts
at a point o and forthe ncxt6scconds its displacement 茗 cm is FnodelIed by the formula
J=r3(F-4Xr-Tl,where'is the time h随 conds^Dmc时 be the motion ofthe cc△ r泗 det缸 1,

The displacementis O when矽 =0and wl1en'=4。 The forlnula also gives J=o
When丁 =7,but this can be ignored,because the model only holds f° r va1ues of r
from O to 6.Also,jr is positive when r is between O and4,and negadvc when
s outin the posIt1ve direcdon,comes back
'ls bctween4and6.So the car sta⒒
through ε after4seconds and aRerthatIs。 n the negatlve sLde of〈 9,This1s
shown in the displacement-time grβ ph in Fig.1I.1.

To investigate this in∷ more detail you need a formula for the ve支 ocity,so you have
to differentiate.卜压ultiplying out the exprcssion for茗 gives

J=r5-11扌 4+28r3$

which you can factoose as

v=`2(5扌 -14)(r-6),
172 MECHAN1Cs1

This shows that other interesting Ⅴalues DispltncemeⅢ

of r are0,2,8and6,when the
velOoty is zem。 Also,v is positive ∶ll

、vhen `is betvlreen O and2,8,and

negat1vo when 扌1s between2.8and6,
This is shown on the velocity-time
graph in Fig.11,2.
The times at which the velocity ls zero FigJ l。 I

C0盯espond to tho staJonarj/points on

the山 splacemen卜 time graph.(This is
黔 期
why such ponts are called‘ stationary’ D
By substituting r〓 2,8and r〓 6 in thc
oⅡ ginaI fo】 Ιula for Jλ ;,you can Ⅱnd the

maximum distanccs fron10in tbe

pos1tlve and negative directIons
respectively.The values of x are
2.83× (-1.2)× (-4・ 2)=110・ 6・ ¨and
63× 2× ←l)=-432・ Thesc are marked
on Fig,11,1.

l;i⒒ 1、 焦箔默羰 茗1糨苜 瑕

T扌 谳Ι he

acce1eration is zero,YOu already know the formula for v,so you can work out

廴 ls⒉ 2+l CsF=轩 2一

臼=眚 =猢 ←
弗 ・

33± √
332-4× 5× 42
which is
This shoWs that臼 =0when r=0and when r= 2× 5
when r=1,72。 ¨and扌 =4.87。 ¨。Substitudng these Ⅴ狨ues of扌 into the fO灭 ⅡIu1a
for v gives v=68.3.¨ and v〓 -277.3.¨ 。These aFe:narked on Fig。 11.2.

You can∷ now describe tbe rnotion of the car in detail,It sta⒒ s offfrorn o in the
positiⅤ e direction,and reaches a maⅩ imum ⅤeIocity of皮 bout68cln s^1 after about
l,7seconds.Then it decelerates,corl,ing to£ st aftor2.8seconds ata maxhη um
displacement of about Ⅱ l centimetres from@,Its velociψ then becomes
negatiⅤ e,and the carrnoⅤ es back towards O,passing through 0after4seconds
and continuing onto the negadve side of o.You can calCuIate,by subsdtuung

`=4in the formula for v,thatitis then moving with a velocity
vhich is of

∶ ∵

苷lI鑫 号
a speed of

{:∶ :Σ!(强 :ti蓝.r~192cm s^1,、

After about4,9seconds the car reaches its了 nini:⒒ urn velocity of about
-277cFn s^1,or 277cnn s^l in the negative direction,and then sta⒒ s to sl0、 V

down.(But notice that this shows in Fig.11,2as a pos⒒ ive acceleration,not a

dece1eration!The Ve1ocity,which is negadve,is increasing,but the specd is

dec犯 ashg,)After6seconds,the larb。 est value of艹 for wⅡ ch the formulae hold,
the car has cOme to rest with a displacement of-432centimetres;that is,at a
distance of432centimetres from o in曲 e negatiⅤ e d⒑ ction,

The force applied on the carthrough the control mechanism mustFnatch the
acceleration,、 vhich means that the controller has to anticipate the change of
directlon,So the force has to be sw1tched fro111pos1tive to negat1ve when f【 s
about 1.7seconds,even though the car、 vi11not stan t。 move backwards untiI
r=2,8,SirnⅡ ady,to getthe car to stop when r=6,the force Fnust be sⅥ /itched
back to positive when r is about4.9.

Them is one lastthing to notice。 At the tirnes when the velocity of the Car is a

… ¤mum or碱 碰mum,a竹∝ abo峨 ⒈7and⒋ 9∞ cond机 =0阳 =0・

备 争
These correspond to the pOints of inⅡ exion:η 盯ked on the displacement-time
graph,、vhich are the pOints where the displacement-time graph is steepest.
Between r〓 0 and r=1.7,and bet`″ een 扌=4.9and`=6,where the acceIera“ on
is positive,the displaceme∷ nt-time graph bends upwards;betw/een 扌=:1.7and
r〓 〓4,9,where the acceleration is negative,the graph bGnds downwards.

、:遐 备了
钅I螂 l1畲 t蛋 露
:ε 宙l受 $琴 繁
窘Σ∶ Exerc1se11A 勰婴 鞫 摄擞辘忿

In Quesuons I t。 16,犭 metFes灬 the山 splacement attime r seGOnds of a p丌 ticIe

moⅤ ing in a s扌 aight line, v is the velocity in rn s冖 σis the acceleration in nl s^2.
Only zero and posidⅤ e values of r should be considσ ed.

1 Given that玎 =r3+4扌 +6,f1nd expressions for v and夕 in telHls of r。 Find the
displacement,velocity and acceleration ivhen扌 =2,
4,and expressio∷
2 CIiven that茗 =3+20r-扌 ns for v and rJ in te且 IΙ s
】 of r,Find the
displacement,Ve1ocity and acce1era住 on when r:=1 and when r=3.

3 CIiven that茗 =r3+5矽 ,Ⅱ nd the disp1acement,velocity and acceleration、 vhen r=3.

4 Given that J=Jrr-2Xr~sl,Ⅱ nd the displacement,Velocity and accelGmton when f=0,

5α ven that y=36-手 ,f1nd the vdoc” md⒇ celerauon when r=2,

6 Given that vェ 3√I,f1nd the veloo叩 and acceleraton when r=4,

CⅡ Ⅴen曲 at豸 :〓 16-2J3,ind the tilnc、vhen thc displacementis zero.Find the Ⅴc1ocity and
accelcration at this instant.

Given that茗 =I20-15r-6'2+r3,nnd the tiFlle when the Ⅴe1oc妣 y is zero.Find the
displacement at this instant,

Given that J=2+48'-`3,Gnd the displaceFnent when the velocity is zero,

10 C∶ iven that v:〓 扌 +40,‘ nd the velocity`〃 hen the acceleration is zero.
174 MECHANIcs1

11 GiⅤ en that丌 =r3+4r2+3,Ind the displacement and the velocity when the acceleration is
⒛ ms冖 .

⒓ ,Ⅱ nd汛 d酬 ⒛emem and山eⅡ d湎 ∞ wzhen抵 vdooⅡ


1s¤ ven th狨 v=m-菩 ,ind me acceleration when the veloc” 招sO m s丬 .

14 C:iven that J=2r4十 8F,Rnd the displacement and the acceleration、 vhen the velocity is

15 C;iven that犭 =4r3-7`2+10,and that the panicle has lnass 5kg,fRnd an expression for
the resultant force acting on曲 e panic1e in terms of`。

16 Given曲 at v=4'(8-r),and thatthe particle has mass3kg,

(a) Ⅱnd the ma烛 mum velooty,
(ω s℃ ∞h曲 eC,⑺ 筝 for0≤ r≤ 8,

(c)nnd the resultant force acting on the particle when J=2.

17 A car is accelerating from1est,At tirne 莎seConds afte「 starting,the velocity of the car is
vms^1,Where v〓 -查 ⒍ r≤ 6.
(ca, Fhd the velocity of伍 e car6seconds after sta⒒ ing,

(b)Find曲 e acceleration of悦 e car when its ve1ocity o10ms^l。

18 A各 ain leaves a sta“ on and travels in a straight1ine‘ After r seconds the train has travclled
ad“ tance豸 metres,u,here J〓 ⒛ 10犭 ・Ths幻 mda k vald LlnⅢ the峦 威 n

comes to rest at the next station,

(a) Find when the“ ain comcs to rest,and hence nnd the distance between the tWo

(b) Find曲 e acceleraton of the tr耐 n40seconds after thejoumey beghs,

0) Find the deceleraton ofthe tr缸 njust before⒒ stops.

d)Find when the acceleraton is zero,and hence snd the ma灶 mum veloci~of the traon.

19 An inseGtJIies in a s饣 aight1ine fro1n one flower to another。 Thetwo n° wers are270cm

apan and the nighttakes3seconds.At tin1e r seconds after the gight begins,thc insect is
J cFn from the irst】 lower,TwO altemauⅤ c rn。 dels are proposed∶

(A)jr=60f2-10r3, (B)J=40r3-10f4.
For each ofthese1nodels,
a) show thatthe model Ⅱts the驴 ven拥 formaton aboutthe fli‘ 蚕
【 ht,

Φ)6nd the maximum vclooty ofthe insect,

(C)skCtch the(r,v)graph,
Commcnt on the differences between the two models,Which do you considerto be the
better model?

20 A flare is launched fron】 a hot-air balloon and rnovcs in a vertical line,At tin1e r seConds,

the he螅 ht of the∏ are、 丌metres,where豸 =1664-40r-2茎 ⒚f。rr≥ 5,

The aareislaunched when r〓 5.

(a)Find the height and the Velocity of the nare immediately after itis launched‘

(b)Find the acceleration of the nare immediately after“ is launched,when⒒ s ve1。 city is
zero,and Vvhen r=25。
(c) Find the ter:η inal speed of the flare,

(d)Find when the nare reaches the ground,

(Φ Sketch the“ ,l/,J graph and the C,~rl graph forthe modon ofthe nare,
簇 镢券嬲 揣 锾猢 魏 潋 巍 撼 嚣 嬲 嬲 鼹 隘 簸 躐 鲰 瀚 渤 溺 隅 髑 翻 醐 髑 龋 嬲 嬲 鹬 婴 鹅 鳓 嬲 嬲 黟 嬲 鹬 搬 嬲
麟 蹴 惫默

113The reverse probIem

Secdon11,2shows how t° fxnd the acceleration,and therefore the force,if you kn° 、
v thc
displacemen卜 time for【 uula.But m。 re often you wantto work the other way round;that
is,you knOw the fo】 f)e and Wantto Ⅱnd how fastan o叻 ectis moving,and how far“ has

travelled,after a given ti:ne.

For this you need to use integration rather than differenua茳 ion.(See Pl Chapter16.)The
mIes given in Section I1.2can be tumed round as foⅡ ows,

For m o131ject moving in a酰 raigllt Ⅱne,if口 denotes

the acceleration as a function of thc ti1ne `,

v=∫ ‘Idr and jr=∫ v dr, ˇ

弘黯勰嗯黼 邋 }淡 退 岷 瀛 耀 黟 、
麒 漯 埝 勰 嗯 搬 槲蚀蛐 骶 ∷

Remember thatlntegrau。 n inⅤ olvcs an arbitrar~v constant.YOu can usuaⅡ y伍 nd this by

kno、 ving the initial ⅤeloGity,、 vhich、 Ⅳas denoted by Ef i∷ n Chapter I,and the initial
dispIacement;these are the values of v and of氵 、
vhen 扌=o,

A train of rnass 5o0tonnes is traⅤ e11ing Qn a straighttrack at48Fη s^I 、
VhCn the driver
sees an amberIight ahead.He applies the brakes for a period of3o seconds with a force
given by曲 e formula4rl3o-r)kN,where r isthe dme in⒃ conds aftσ the brakes are
app1ied.Find hoⅥ /fast the train is了 noVing after30 scconds,and ho、 v far it has traveIIed
in由 at tirne,

Begin by applying Ncwton’ s second la、 vto Ⅱnd a fo川

^lula for the acce1eration of
the krain(which is in fact a deceIeration,since the train is“ owing down).To keep
the l】 umbers smaⅡ ,use units oftonnes for the mass and kilone、 vtons for the force,
(Since1tonne〓 lO00kg and1kN=1000N,曲 e units are sti11con$istent,)Then

-4r(30-r)〓 500曰 , so 曰=-W毖 rls0~θ =召芯′-岳 r,

176 MECHAN1Cs l

Integradng to Ind v,

2-岳 &〓
v=∫ (召毖扌 θ 奇 惫`3-嘉 ′+七 ・

Itis given that v=48when J〓 =0。 substituting these values givcs

48〓 0-0+七 , so 汝〓 48.

The允 rmula for v is曲 erefore

v=引 芯沪-去 ′十48.

Integrating a second tirne to nnd 艿,

x=∫ 隘 尸 -委 尸 ++sl&〓 旒 严 -喾 5卢 ++Sr+⒍

If丿r denotes the dispIacement frorn the instant、 vhen the brakes are Ⅱrst applied,

then 茗=O When r〓 0,Substituting these values gives

0〓 0-0+0十 C, s0 C=0。
The formula for丌 is曲 erefore
4-矢 卢+4:`・
x=旒 艹
To丘 nd the inaI speed and the distance tavelled,subs位 tute `=30 in the
expressions for v and茗 。
This gives

v〓 27θ 00~3× 90Q+48=72~108+48=12


£-Ξ 旦
x=殳+等 谔 兮蓍+4:× 30=540-1080+1440〓 90O,
l,and trave1s 900 metres duong the
The tfain slows down to a speed of12msˉ
thne thatthe brakes are on,

In this example,if you only wantthe distance the train traVels whⅡ e the brakes are on,
and are notinter∝ ted h the(r,犭 )formula,you could Ⅱosh offthe calcul扯 on by ushg
a de伍 nite integra1,The distance is

尸-痣 &=丨 旒 r4~去 r3十 0srlr

亻隘 '+叫

Simce the defInite integraI gives the area under the velocity-值 me graph,this shows that
the disp1acementis represented by this area.

∶FOr an。 凵ect mo⒒ ng h a straightline,with the velooty v g卜 en as a

∶funct。 n。 fthe time',曲 e displacement between times勹 and饧 is ghen by

| 厅毗
∵Th心 dsplacement o repFx冫 sented by the area underthe C,△ ・
l graph forthe
∷inteⅣ al九 ≤r≤ 饧・

For山 e carin Example11。
∷ l。 l,with velocity given by the formula
v=14+0.45r2-o.o3r3,Ⅱ nd the distance travel1ed whⅡ e the car accelerates to its
maximum velocity。

It was shown that the car reaches its rnaxi又 uum velocity of29rn s^1at thne
r〓〓1o,so the distance tΓ aVeⅡ ed is

0轩 耐 -° 】
V由 =弘 轩郇 尸伽 乃 4r

〓(140+150-75)-(0十 0-0)=215.

The car travels215metres in曲 e IO seconds thatittakes to reach its maximum


11⒕ The constant acceIeration FormuIae

λ饣o‘ on with constant acceleration is sirnply a speciaI case of general rnodon in a straight
1ine,so you can getthe fomulae in Chapter l by the integra饪 Qn metllod in Secuon11B.

Fkst,shce旦 二〓曰,where曰 o now a constant number,

v〓 εd扌 =曰 .

∫ '+七

To tnd庀 ,use山 e fact犰 atthe h⒗ al velocity柢 切,s。 曲at v=“ when r=0。 Therefore
lJ=曰 × 0+佬 ,Which gives庀 〓 Jr.The veloc加 y-time foΙ 】uu1a is therefore v〓 四r+洳

which is usuaⅡ y wⅡ tten as

V〓 w+曰 r.

A second integration gives the displaccment fo.】 ェ

Iula,Since 弼 and 曰are both constant,

Jr=∫ vd″ =∫ (勿 +四 J扌 +台 曰r2十 C。


178 MECHANIcs l

Now the quantity s in the constant aCceleration equations is the displacement fronn the
initial position at thη e r〓 0,so that

s〓 displacement at tin1er-displacement at吐 me0

=(IJ`+告 口r2十 C)-(IJ× 0+告 四× 02+c)

=(Wr+吉 四F2十 C)-(0+0+c)〓 JfF+劣 Cr2.

once you have the C,v)and the C,s)equati()ns,you can且 nd the other three equatons h
Section1.5atgebr缸 c狨 ly,by eliminating曰 ,r or“ ,This is Question21in Exσ se11B.

11.5沐 A sh。 rthamd Ⅱotation

ExpⅡ ssions hke生 ,± and ζ ften in mech汩 呐山

L。 ∞ 。 ur s。 at peop忆 often use a

h时 ∞ dello⒃ 汛 岫 洫 岫 respe∝ 渐 眦 Thus孥 咖 ⑻ “ 女 Φ咖 m涮

a with respectto time is wri仗 en With two dots,so

lle-dot’ ).

1n this notation the equation for Newtom’ s seCond law becomes F=J9渡 , FOr example,
the§ rst equation in Example11.3.1Would be、 vr汪 ten

-4r(30-r)〓 500△ 1

and the nlotion、 Ⅴould be desCribed by

△=。 =÷纭r2~矢 r・

1n fact,this nota№ n did not begin life as a sho曲 and;it is very shuilar to the notation

which Isaac Newton invcnted vx/hen he introduρ ed his theory of‘ nuxi。 ns’ 。The

no魄 攵
iOn was invenfed by the German mathematioan Gottf1・ ied Leibniz,whO was
vOfklng on the ideas Of calculus atthe samc tiFne as Ne、 vton but fro∏ 1a diffefent point

of v1ew,

You do no色 need to use the dot notation yet,butif you intend to go on to more advanced
mechal,ics yOu will nnd it ⅤGw usefullater.In that case,you∷ may Iike to practise using
It1n the ncXt eXerclse.

In Ques“ ons1to20,J luetres心 the displacement attime r弼 cOnds of a p扭 吨cle mo"ng h a

straight line,v is the Velocity in rn s^1 and d is the acceleration in n1s^2.Only zero and
positive values of`should be cOnsidcred。

1 CIiven that v=3r2+8and that the displacement is41η when r=0,伍 nd an expression for
x in teΙ 】
【 ,Find the displaccment and the velocity、 ″hen'=2.
^s of扌
CH/、 JPη Γ

2 C:iven that曰 =10-6r2,and that the velocity is 4msˉ l and the displacementis 12m
When矽 =1,nnd expressions for v and豸 in teIⅡ Is of r,Find the displacement,velocity and
acceleration when `〓 0。

3 Given that v=6(r and thatthe displacementis30rn when r〓 4,⒔ nd the disp1acement,
Ve1oCity and acceleration when r〓 l。

4α 咖 M四 =2-罴 ,m扯 脑 汛 咖 ~。 6m尸 涮 盹 诹 uacern咖 灬纳 岫 m

r==1,Ⅱ nd ε
he displaccment,velocity and acceleration when 扌〓3。

5 Cliven that v=9-r2and that the displacement is2m when F=0,Ⅱ nd the displacement
when the Ⅴelocity is zero,

6 C;iven that曰 =3r-12,and that the veIocity is 30ms^l and the displacementis 4n1 whcR
r==0,臼 nd the dispIacement when the acceIeradon is zero.

7 C;iven that y=`2+lOr and thatthc displacementis 6m when r〓 0,ind the displacement
when the acceleration is 16nl s^2。

8 CIiven that四 =4-2F,and that the veIocity is5n1sˉ

l when '==0,θ
nd the acceleration
when the Ⅴelocity is zero。

9 Given that v〓 3r2+4F+3,f1nd the distance traVelled betwcen r=0and扌 =2。

10 Given that v=12-8莎 3,Ⅱ nd the distance饣 ave1led between r=0and r〓 1,

11 Given that v=4+3(r,伍 nd the distance traveⅡ ed between扌 〓;and r=4,

… 嘲 棚 v=品 J洌 扯 拥 ⒛∞ 咖 咖 mee11r〓 2alld F钒

13 CⅡ ven that v='2-20,ind the distance1ravelled bet、 veen扌 =0and r=4.

… x,entM v=劳 么 岫 抵 汕 ∞ travell猁 盹 ween卜 刂砘耐 ˉ ⒌

15 CⅡ Ⅴcn that曰 =4饣 -1and that the Velocity is 5na sˉ I when 扌 0,fInd the distance

廿aVe11ed between r=0and`〓 3。

16Given that四 〓12-3雨 and that曲 e velocity is15ms^1when r=1,§ nd the d心 tance
traⅤ e】 led between r=l and F=25。

17 GiⅤ en山 at v=3lr-3)(F-5),flnd the dstance廿 aVelled

(a) between r〓 0and r=3,
(b) between r〓 3and r〓 5,
(c)between r=5and r〓 6。

Hence Ⅱnd the total distance travelled between r=O and r=6。
Sketch the C,l/’ l箩 aph and the C,θ gaph(assume that曲c msp1acementis zero whcn
r〓 0),

How faris the padicIe from its starting point when扌 〓6?
180 MECHAN1cs I

18 Given that四 =劳 and that the veIoc廴 y is 4Fn s^l when r=1,Ⅱ nd the Ⅴelocity、 vhen

State the teI^Ι Ι

inal speed of the pa淡 iCle,
19α 嘲 洫 夕=详 ,md洫 汛 岫 ”悠细 尸 and tk蜊 ace【 n蚰 卸 when

扌=l,员 nd the displacement、 vhcn F=4。 Show tb・at the velocity is always positive but the
disp1acement neVer excceds 2m。

20 Ciiven that v=13-卜 5氵 ,Ⅱ nd the distance traⅤ clled as the velocity increases from 13n1s^l
I.Show that the accelerauon“
to33msˉ ∞ Ilstant,and Ven卸 that the formula
`2+2rIs gives the same result。
21 A partiGle mOves in a straight line、 vith constant acCeleradon ε,1n section11.4integration
was used to obtain the equations v=Ⅱ +rJr and s=“ r+告 四r2・

(a) Eliminate¢ from these equatons to show that s=古 (1`+、 9)r,

(b) C)t冫 tain the equations v2=Ir2+2Cs and s=vr-ˉ ε


22A car starts from rest and for山 e Ⅱrst4seconds of its motion tlle acceleration曰 ms~at
t廴nc r seconds after sta⒒ ing is given by夕 =6-2r,
) Fhd the maXimum velooty ofthe c盯 .

(b) Find the velocky ofthG c盯 afteF4seconds,and the distance订 aVelled up to this ti1ue,
i,brakes and comes to rest.At ti:ne r seconds after the
23 A tFuck,with ini迕 ial Vc1ocity 6tn sˉ
brakes are appl汜 d tlle accelerafon is夕 ms逆 ,where虿 o-3r。 Th怂 formula appl⒗ s until
thc truck stops,

(⒄ Rnd山 e ume taken forthe m£ k to stop,

(b) Find thc distance traⅤ elled by the tmck whⅡ e itis decclerating,

(c) Find the greatest deceleration of the truck。

"∶ F莒 苜1驭 】
∷TFr∶ σ
罚 ∷ 黥滥」
坩盂 晏笞器甜 猊器f犰
:l「 :∶ Ft尾 i菇
particle when r=6and色 nd the distance trave1led between'=O and r=6。

25 A饣 aⅡ er of mass250kg,in妩 ic△ lly at rest,is pushed along a ho⒒ zOntal s廿 时ght line。 After
圹seC0nds the forWa1・ d force悠 150f4-θ newtons,for0≤ r≤ 4,and there is a constant
resistiⅤ e force of75N acting back、 vards,For r》 4there is no fopⅣ a1・ d force butthe
rcsistive force continues to act,

la)Fhdthe ma灶 mum Velooty of曲 e加斑er.

(b) Find when the traⅡ er comes to rest,and snd the total distance trave11ed.

lc)Sketch tlle C,t,l graph and the o,→ graph forthe modon Ofthe tr耐 ler.
:.Tllc driver brakes,producing a dcceleration of
26 A train is trave11ing at32msˉ
七V16-rms矽 after`se∞ nds,The tr缸 n∞ m∞ ω m救 h16seconds。 Rnd七 ,and how far
the train tFave1s before coΠ 1ing to rest.

27A订uck酰 ans f1・om rest.I“ acceleration up to its maximum speed怂 g卜 en by四 =(`ˉ ¢)″ ,

where J,,g and刀 are constant,Express the r11axi1num speed in terFns of`,砑 and′ 。・

4The O,→ 扩⒋
0h for a rnotorcyc⒒ 哎
廿aVe11ing on a straight cOurse is
shown in the Ⅱgure,for0≤ F≤ 60,
where 扌is the tiFne measured in
seconds and v is the ve1ocity

measured in m sˉ .sho、 v that the total
distance traVe11ed during the
60seconds is greater than 800m, 30

Explah how you could use the lr,l,l

graph to estimate the time at、 vhich the nΙ otorcycⅡ st was acce1erating at 2ms^2。 (OCR)
A loaded fo1・ k△ ift tfuck starts from
rest and travels tn a s订 aight line
Ι(m, s(480,150)

o(lO0:135) 495,135)
from a point A to a pont B。 It is r【

un1oaded at 召 before remming

direcdy to A,coming to rest at⒕ ,

The lr,犭 )⒏ aph forthe mouon o

as shoWn in the(J1iagram,where
J:△ etres is the dispk⒑ ement from o(oθ ) V(570,0) `(s)

A after'seconds.Thc coordinate$
ofthe pohts marked o,尸 ,o,R,S,
r,t/and y are as shown on the diagram,and Po,RS and rt/are alI str“ ght1ine
se。 Find the speed ofthe tmck at each ofthe fo⒒ oⅥ 砬ng times∶

(a) r=60, (b) 扌=300, (C) `=525.

Ⅳhking the assumption thatthe acceleradon or retardation of the“ uck is constant in each
of the tiFne intcⅣ als 0《 <120,480(r《 495and555《 J(570,
(d)s匕 tch the“ ,l,l gr叩 h forthe mou。 n ofthe tmck for0(F《 sT0,
(G) calculate the acceleration of the truck during the interval0《 r(20. (oCR)
A partlcle moⅤ ing ln a straightline has displacemcnt J metres after扌 scconds for
0≤ 扌≤ 5,where Ⅰ=`3-12扌
ta) Fhd the displacement,vdo⒍ 岬 and acceleration when血 e⒒ me is zero。

(b) Find the tΙ me,Velocity and acceleration when the displacement is zero。

c) Fhd the time,dsplaceme趾 and aCceleration when the Ⅴelooty

【 is zero。

rd)Find the ume,dsplacement and velock,r when the acceleration、 zem。

A particle rη oⅤ ing on the J-axis has displacement J metres from the o五 gin O after
r seconds for0≤ r≤ 5,where J=r2fF-2)lr-sl・
(al For what values of r is the particle on the positive§ de of o?
b)FOr what vahes of r心 由e part妃 le movhg towJdrds o?

” For what values of莎 is the force on me卩 吼icle dkected tOwards0?


8 The displacement,J meLes,of a particle moving on the J¨ axis at a tirne 矽seconds after it
starts to rnove is given by J〓 r5for O1≤ ∥<≤ 1,and by J=÷ -∫ }for ≥
莎 1.

ta)VeⅡ fy曲 at both foI】 Ι

Iulae give the same value for亻 when r=l,
(b) Find the value of″ for、 vhich there is no sudden change of velocity、 〃hen`=1.
FOr the rest of the question,take 1・ to have the value you found in part(b).
(c) ShOW thatthe panicle stays on the same side of o throughoutthe moti。 n,

hrat跽 the greatest distance of the卩 姒icle from@?
(e) FOr what vaIues of F is the force on the particle ac‘ ng in the positive direction?

A batteryˉ opcrated Coy dog staⅡ s at a

point O and moves in a straightline,
Its rnotion is rnodeⅡ ed by the
vc1ocity-tirnc graph in the Ⅱgure.

(⒆ Calculc△ tc the西 splacement from

@ofthe toy
(D after1o seconds,

琨投 $弘 e
W⒊ 甓

'seconds in thc intervals
0≤ r≤ 4and4≤ 莎≤ 8,
(c, Ob“ Ⅱn expmssons forthe dsplacementfrom O ofthe toy attime r seconds in the
intervals 0≤≡r≤ ≤4and4《 ≤ r廷 ≤ 8.

(d)An耐 temative Ⅴal0≤ 扌≤ 10沁

model forthe motion ofthe toy in the ht∝
v=唇 (1α -r2)Where v^the vdoc坤 h crn s^l,Calcda抬 the diffemnce h the
dispIacemcnt from@after10seconds拄 s pre西 cted by the two models, (卜 饪

10 A cyclist is trave11ing along a straight

road,%eC,→ 。
raph h the§ gu⒑ ,

Where r ls rneasured in seconds and v

1,consists of three
is Fneasured in Fn sˉ
linc scgments and rnodels the Ⅱrst
250seconds of the cyclist’ sjoumey.
The cyclist has a constant speed of
yms-l h thc hterva160≤ r≤ I60^
(a) Find an expression,in teⅠ Ι 【
Is of
y,for the distance traveIled,in

metres,by the cyd沁 tin the Orst

(b)Given that the average speed of the cycIist in the hterva10≤ 矿≤ 200^6氵 5ms^l,
fnd y.
(c) Hence Ind the distance of扌 1e cyclist from his sta⒒ ing point atthe end of吐 1e
250seconds. (ocR)
RevIslon exerc丨 se2

A man is sawing through a plank,He exe⒒ s a force of80newtons on each forward stroke,
and I00newtons on each backward s甘 oke。 The length of each stroke is 30cm。 If he
completes25strokes a rninute,what poweris he eXe⒒ ing?

Find the resultant of forces of2N due no⒒ h, 3N on a bearing of120° and4N ona
beaHng of220° .

Check your answGr by showlng that the surn of the resolved parts oftlle three forces
perpendicular to the resultant is zero.

A water-skier of rnass 60kg holds a horizontal cab1e which traⅡ s behind a speedboat of
mass480kg,The resistance of the、 vater to the boat is700N,and the resistance to the
skier is 90N,Ifthe enginc produces a forWard thrust of1600N,nnd the acce1eration and
the tension in the cab1e.

Ano刂 ec’ t of woght25N is supported by twO strings.The ten蓝 ons h由 e哎 ongs are20N
and X N。 Find the angle between the strings when

αD X=20, (b)X=25, (c) X扌 30.

A panicle of了 nass 0.2kg is atrest on a smooth surf/ace.Itis acted on by twO constant
forces,of rnagnitude 0.3N and O。 5N at an angle of110° tO each other,Find、 vhich
direction it rnoves in,and how long itt皮 ke$t◇ rnove 101n fFOm its o⒒ ginal pos⒒ iOn.

The power developed by a car’ s engine in top gearis40kW,VVhen trave11ing at v m sˉ


the car experiences air resistance of0.32v2ne、vtons.Neglcc“ ng other resistanGes,

calculate the top speed of the car,

If the car has rnass 1600kg,calculate the aGceleration of、 vhich it is cc△ pable whcn
trave1ling at40ms^1.
V旷 hen clinlbing a hⅡ l the driver员 nds that,、 〃ith the engine at fu11power,the car Wi1l not go
faster than30msˉ Find the angle that dle road rn众 kes With the horizontal。

A long shelf has smal11ight puIleys set into it at either end。 A stong passes over both
pu11eys,and loads of了 nass 0.6kg and O.9kg arc attached atthe two ends.

⒁) Find the acceleration with wb;ch the heaⅤ ier load descends,

(19)It is desired to reduce the acceleration to

2,This is done by cutting the string in
0‘ 4rn s・
the rniddle and inse⒒ ing a block between the
two pa⒒ s,as shOwn in the diagram.The block
slides on the she1f。 1f friction is neglected in the
ca1culation,calculate thc mass of the b1ock.

(cl Iffricton怂 taken hto account,calculate how large曲 e cOe砜 c忆 nt of打icton must be
fOr the acceleration to be reduced to zero.

(d)Explah why,however heaVy曲 e block is,the acceleration cannot be reduced to zero in

this飞 Vay if the surfaces are srnooth.
REV1s1oN EXERcIsE2 185

A sphere of weight 50N hangs by a light chain fro1n a high ceⅡ ing。 A person standing on
the Πoor uses a pole pushed at 30° to the upward vertical to push the sphere sideways,The
chain is then at an angle of20° to the ver“ ca1.Find the force from the pole on the sphere,
a⒒ d the tension in the chain.

A paHicle is placed on a plane inclined at an angle α to the ho⒒ zontal,It rests in

equilibrium under the action ofits weight W,the normal contact force 刂ř and a frictional
force F,Express Ⅳ and F inte【 1IIsof W and α ,

Each force is nov氵 sp1it into components horizontally and para11elto the plane。
Find the
magnitude of the components in each direction。 Check your ans、 ver by showing thatthe
surn of the connp。 nents of the three forces in each direction is zero.

10 A wire AB 101netes long is bentinto an arc of a circle,Itis Fnounted in a ver“ cal plane so
thatthe tangent at B is horizonta1and the tangent at A is at40° to the horizontal,with the
lcvel of B below tlle level of A,A bead of mass2gramsis threaded on the wire at A and
re1eased。 Find its speed when it reaches 召
(a, f the w△ e is smooth,

(b) if there is a resistance of constant tnagnitude0.004ne、 vtons.

11 A bIOck ofrnass nf is placed on a track inclined at 45° to the horizontaI。 A string a汪 aChed
to the block mns up paral1el to the track,passes oVer a smoodi rail atthe top,and ca¤ Ⅱes at
its othcr end a counterweight of了 nass ″?which hangs veΓ 1icaIly。 The coef巳 cient of friction
between the block and the track is 0.6,Find an expression for the tension Γ in the sting in
telⅡ Is of ″饣, 凡歹and g,distinguishing the various situations that can occur for different
Ⅴalues of,9B and ″ .

State the direction of the Fesultant force on the rail,and Πnd an exPression forits magnitude
h terJns of r.

12 A∷ model raⅡway engine ofrnass 2kg runs on a straight hoⅡ zontaltrack.Its disp1acement,
/cm,fro∏ 1a point O on the扌 ack after扌 seconds is given,for Ot≤ r=≤ 8,by the fo"Ⅱ uIa

J=3r4-44r3+I44r2十 25.
Find an expresson forthe velocity ofthe engine h te^IΙ ⒗Of饣 。
Use this to sketch(r,v)and
lr,玎 )graphs,show th破 there is an mteger value of r in the hterval0《 r<8for wⅡ ch
Dcscribe the motion of the engine during the interva1.Find an expression for the force
needed to produce this!notion,and desCribe how this force vaⅡ es dunng the intewa1.

13 Ron,sam and Tlm are playing with a rope.ROn and Sarn刂 e the ropo round Tim’ s waist,
and puu on the tw。 ends with forces of30N and401Ⅺ respectively at an ang】 e of50° to
each other.Find the magnitude and direcdon ofthe force on Ti了 n,

The weights ofthe boys are250N,200N and350N respectively.The boys are a11
weanng identical shoes,Whatis the least Ⅴalue of the coefΠ cient of fricti° n if none oftheir
feet are to shp?

14 (a) If艿 =J,2r2,where`is a poskive constant and r》 0,express the ve1° city v and the

⑹ Ι
1泞 r闼 l∷Ⅰ
ⅠⅠⅡ萝 山

15 An angler° f rnass 80kg standing on a⒒ verbank is slowly reeling in盘 15kg员 sh atthe
end of a line,The tip ofthe Ishing Fod is 8】 n aboⅤ e the、 vateF level,and therc are 17Fn of
lhe bctween tlle tV ofthC rod and the hook。 As thc】iish comes h at constant speed there is
a hoozOntal resistive force from the water of105N.Calcu1ate dle tension in the line。

Draw diagrams to shoW the forces on

(a) the fish, tb)the angler alld rod oonsⅡ ered as a sin妒 eo丬 ect),
Find thc rnagnitude of each forGe,The mass ofthe rod can be neglected。

16 A skip ofrnass2tonnes has to be dragged a1ong a track.The coef⒏ cient of friction is 0ˇ 7,

Ac众 ble attached to the skip runs horizontally to a winch powered by an e】 ectric motor.
Using the controls on the Jnotor,the tension in the cable is gradually increased” so that ai:lLcr
r seconds its Ⅴalue is 400F neu/tons,undl k了 eaChes its rnaxiFllu∏ l va【 ue of16000
newtoms。 'l[′

}lis rnaxiFnunn tension is then maintaincd until the skip is Fnoving at a speed of
3.5nl s^l,The tension is then reduced instantaneously so thatthe skip continucs to move at
this speed。

(a)IIow long does it take beforc tlle skip starts to moⅤ e?

(b)HoW fastisthe skip moⅤ ing when tho tension in t犰 e cable reaches its greatcst valuc?
(Φ How long docs ittake aRerthat forthe skip to reach its gmate献 speed,and how far has
it then moⅤ ed altogether?

(d)Wh狨 诋the tension h曲 e cab1e when the skip盲 s moving at⒒ s greate哎 speed?
le) Just before Che sk巾 reaches j$de双 imaton the cable is disconnected.How much扎 rther
after that wi11the skip move?
(O D「 aw sketches ofthe← ,⑴ ,C,l,l and C,口 )graphs tO Ⅱ
lustm⒃ the mo“ on ofthe$l《 巾。

17 Forces of7N in the茗 ^曲 rection and5N inthe yˉ direction,together with a third force of
magnitude 6N,haⅤ e a rcsultant at an ang1e of45° with the posiuve 茗~axis.If the third
force makes an angle g° Ⅵ 丌-axis,rneasuFed a⒒ tic1ockwise,show that
ε °
〓〓。 ^th the posidve
sin -ˉ

ShOw曲 at the functions“ nε °
-cos ε°and V2sin(ε -45)° haⅤ e the same graph.Hencc
Rnd two possible Ⅴalues for ε。

DraⅥ 厂a polygon of forces tO show why there are two possible d加 ections for the third force.

18 A string passes over a rough cylindⅡ cal rai1,and o丬 ects of mass10kg and r9I kg attached
to the ends hang vertic岔 11y on either side,Because of凸 吐ction between the string and the
raⅡ ,when the o△ ects are in moton the tension忆 曲e stong on the descen&ng side h tw忆 e
the tension on the ascending side,Find the acceIeration of the system in the cases

⑶ r9r=3, (b) Jal=30, (c) rPT=15.

REV1s1oN EXERcIsE2 187

19 A Ⅱght inextensible stⅡ ng is attached to two gxed

points A and B,where AB is ho⒒ zonta1.Two o丬 ects
尸 and o,of masses2kg and3kg respect"ely,are
attachcd to the string,They restin equⅡ ibⅡ um,with
曲e part ofthe stong between P and@horizontal and
the pan ofthe str1ng between B and o makng an
angle of60° Ⅵ
应th the hoⅡ zontal,as shown in the diagram,

(a) Show that曲 e ten虻 on in the part ofthe stⅡ ng between B and0is34.6N,coⅡ ect to
3蛄 gnitcant sgures.

o)Fmd the tension in the s订 hgj0ning P and o。

The part ofthe s扌 ing between A and P rnakes an angle of ε°with the horizontal‘ Find山 e
tension in this pan ofthe哎Hng,and show thaf e is appr。 ximately49. (oCR,adapted)

2θ Threest⒒ ngs AB,召 C and CD,each of length1m,are knotted together at B and C.The
ends ^ and D aⅨ ,pinned to a hoⅡ zontal beaΠ 1at a distance of2m apa1t,and weights of
20N are hung at B and C.Use tⅡ angles of forces to calculate the tensions in each of the
three strings。

The wei】 ::ht at B is nOw replaced by a heavier one,sO thatthe sgure is no longer
symmetrical” and the stnng AΙ 9makes an angle of70° with the hoⅡ zontal。 Use either
scale drawing or trigonometry to1hnd the ne、 v values of

m)the d沁 tance of B from D,

(b)tlle an酎 C ABD,
(c,the amg忆 CBD,
Use a triang1e of forces饣 o calculate the tension in BC,Then use another triangle of forces
to calculate the new value ofthe、 veight hung at B,

21 The sgure showsthe lr,I,l grc△ ph for a

rniniature train as it rnoves along a straight v
traGk。 Atume'=o the廿ain passes a point (mrl)
A and is mOving at3ms丬 。 The fa⒒ hest 3
point fro¤ 1A reached by the饣 碱n in the
2-Fninu茳 e period is P。 Find

(缸 )the vaIue of扌 at the instant that dle o

traIn reaches P|
(b) the magnitude of the acceleration of
the廿 ain in the ume interval
50《 f《 80,
rc) the d∶ stance of曲 e tr荻 n from A at曲 e end ofthe⒉ minute peⅡ od。 (OCR)

捃 锣簇 tfJ扛 骂老戴:裟 U1严酗・
H“ speed

(a, her acceleraton atthe be鲈 n11ing and end ofthe nnal straight,

(b)how far she mns whiIe accelerating。

Pradice exarlnination l

Answer allthe que歇 ions,
The use of an elcctronic calculator is expected,where appropriate.

A toy truck is pu11ed along horizontal ground by means of a force of了 nagnitude4N acting
aC40° to山 e directon of moton【see dhgram).

(i) Find the wOrk done by thc force in moving the truck a distancc of5m. D〗

Ci) (:Iiven th・ atthe tmck mov∝ with con斑 ant speed,sfate the mag1、 itude of the force
rcsisting i峦 motion. ∶

A chⅡd standing atthc edge of a c1iff100Π 1high thro、 vs a stone vert玄 ca1ly downwt△ rds。 The
stone hits the sea4s later.lgnoring air resistance,敌 nd
(i) the initial speed wi曲 which the stone h th⒑ wn, Bl
◇i) the speed wi曲 which fhe stone hits the sea。 [21

Three forces,with mag碰 tudes5N,10N and R N,act at a point0炳 the di℃ cdons shown
in the diagFam.Given that the three forces are in equⅡ ibⅡ um,色 nd饺he Values of J彳rand ε,


An athlete of Fnass60kg runs a distance of1km up a hillinclined at2° to the hoozontaI.

I aud at浊
The athlete’ s speed at thc botton1ofthe hi11is51nsˉ e top of the hill is 4】 ηs^1.
Find,for th抵 lkm mn。

C) the athlete’ si11Grease h poten‘ al energy, [2]

(ii) the athlete’ s decrease in kinet忆 energy, [彳 ⒉

(iii) tIle aVgage power exe⒒ ed by the athlete,assuming that he takes4minutes to coVer
the l km distancc and that any resistance to motion can be neglected。 [3]

0 20 3o r(s)

The西 agram shows the veloo刂 碱 me gr弭 凡 for山e moton of a cydist Hdng along a road,
The cycIist staHs f1・ onl rest,reaches a speed of16msˉ !after20s,and then decelerates
unifo^I【 lly to rest after a further10s,

(i) FOr the final10s ofthe Iη ouOn:ind the decelerauon and the distance travelled. I3]
(ii) F0r the Ⅱrst20s ofthe modon,state With a reason whether the cydist’ s acceleration
:s1ncreas1ng or decrcas1ng,

(iii) The equation connectinb。 va【 ld r,for0≤ ⒛,is v=硅 /(40LO.Cdculate the
distance1rave1led by the cyGlist duⅡ ng the nrst2os, [4]

(i) A car of mass1200kgt胺 Ve1Ihg along a hoHzontal mad experiences a Ⅱsistance to

motion of rnagnitude150N.The caris acce【 erating at 0.5ms^2,Find the forward
doving force acdng on the car.
Ci) A traⅡ er of m灬 s800kg“ now attached to the c盯 ,When the car and tr缸 ler are
travelling aIong the same road the resistance to motion on the峦 aⅡ er has n1agnitude
500N.The resistance on the Car,and the forward doving force are the same as
before the trailer was attached,Find the acceleration ofthe car and1taⅡ cr,and∮ tnd
also the force in tllc towbaF between the c盯 and the traⅡ er. [6]
(i) A su⒒ case of rnass16kg i$p】 aced on a ramp inclined at15° to the horizOntal。 The
coefficient Of n“ cti。 n between the suitcase and the ramp is O。 Deter∏ 】
4。 ine、 〃hether
thc suitcase rests in equⅡ ibriulll On the raFl1p,and state the1nagnitudc of the foctional
force acting on the suitcase.

A person tries to push the suitcase up the ramp by applying a ho。 zontal force(see
diagram).ShoW曲 at,for the sui℃ ase to“ art moving,the magnitude ofthis force
mu敲 be铤 lea哎 120N,to the nearest newton,
Pradice examinauon2


Th∶ use∶ l虫 l;;∶ :r∶ alculator is expected,where appropⅡ


Two ho0zon弘 d forces,of magnitudes lO N and P N,act on a particle.The force of

ng of030°
magnitude10N acts due west and the force ofFnagnitude jP N acts on a bear】
(see dhgr狲),The resultant of these two forces Ⅱ“due north,∏ nd the magⅡ tude ofthis

v(m「 1)


0 10 20 30 40 60 70 80 r(s)

elo0to,-吐 me graph for atrah dur“ g apa⒒ ofits joumey.

The diagE龃 shows犰 e Ⅴ
(i) Calcu1ate the dlstance traVelled by曲 e tr缸 ⒔during the period of80s shown in the
Calcul狨 e the resultant forward force acting o⒑ the
C◆ The train has mass400tonnes。
train while it is accelerating,

A smaⅡ ring R of mass0.2kg o threaded onto a Ⅱxed rQd which isinclhed at an angle of
30° to the hoozontal。 The Ⅱng is attached to a block B ofrnass0.5kg by rneans of a light

s饣 ing which passes over a s1⒒ ooth pulley P.The part RP ofthe st。 ng is perpendicular to
the rod,and the paH PB ofthe string is ve⒒ 妃al(see dhgram).The system is h equiliboum。
(i) State the tension in the string.


(ii) Calculate the rnagnitude ofthe no"Ⅱ al GOmp°nent ofthe force acting on R due to the
(讧 i) Given thatthe equⅡ iboum is Ⅱmiting,cdculate the coefficient of fr忆 旺on between R
and the rod. (3)

The sloping part of a‘ s1idc’ in a chⅡ dren’ s playground is8m long and slopes at40° to the
ho⒒ zonta【 ,A child of ma“ 20迦 “ides down,鸵 arthg at mst atthe top and Ⅱaching a
speed of6ms^l atthe bottom.
(i) C尉 culate the total change in encrgy ofthe chⅡ d duong this motion,镞 ating whether it
1s an1nCrease or a decrcase.
(ii) TllG child’ s motion o resisted by a force of constant magnitude F N,Find F.
A paH妃 le moving泗 a stra螅 htlhe h灬 veloofy v m s^l attime莎 s,Where v=r('-⑶ 2,

(◆ Calcul钺 e how farthe part沁 le moves between the tw。 dmes when itis
instantaneous1y at rest。
(ii) I1nd the$et of values of r for、 vhich thc accelcration is ncga饣 ive,

The total rnass of a cyclist and her bicyc1e is120kg。

While pedauing she generates pOwer
of640W.Her Fnotion is opposed by road resistance oflnagnitude16N,and by air
resistancc of Fnagnitude8vN,where v m sˉ 1is her speed.
(i) Find the cyclist’ s aGceleration、 vhen she is riding along a horizontal road at a speed of
(ii) Find the greatest speed that she oan maintain on a horizontal road, [3]

(iii) When cycling d° wn a hi1lshe Ⅱnds曲 atshe can maintain a speed of10ms^1。
the angIe of inclination of the hiⅡ to the horizontal,giving your ans、 ver coⅡect to the
nearest O.1°
192 MEc∷ HAN1Cs l

m咄 忄

The diagran1sho、 Vs particles A and B,of Fnasses O.2kg and FpΙ kg respectively,connected
by a light inextensib1es幻 ong whi0h passes oⅤ er a Ⅱxed smooth peg.The systcm is released
from rest,Ⅵ 注th B at a height of0.25Ⅱ ⒒above the fIoor,B descends,hitting the且 oor0.5s
later。 All resistances to motio∷ nm胶 y be ignored,

(O Find the acceleration ofB as it descends. [2]

(⒒ ) Find the tension h dae string while B is descending,and fInd also the value of I,I。 151

Cii) When B hi“ 山e noorit c。 mes to restimme山 ately,and the strhg becomes slack,
Fhd曲 e length oftime for wⅡ ch B rem脏 ns at rest on the ground befo鹅 being扣 rked
into1no“ on βgain, 【
Most non~cxaCt numcrical ans、 vcrs are given corect 2 la) 18m忆 utes(bJ21minutes
to3蚯 gniⅡ Gant ngures. 3 30ms^1,675m;1告 ms^2;⒛ s

4 20ms1,2ms2
Velocity and
5 12ms^I, 44s
6(0) 22s fb)53奋 m
Exercise1A(page3) 7伍 ) 7ms^l lb)圭 tc)奘
1 200s :J肾 m旷2
2 72kn1south 9(a) 50ms^1 (b)5000m
3 21,2hours 10 5£ 冫metres
4 25.2kn1south
R/IisceⅡ a⒒ eous
5About5告 mhuEes
1la) 15ms^2 (b)11⒑ ms^l
6 8.2× 1013km
2 (a) 40s (b) 24,85
7 33吉 ms^l
3 15.0n1sˉ

Exercise1B(page7) 4 夕 〓奋,r=20
1 4Fn s~2, 125m 5 2ms^z, 200m
2 7告 ms1 6:r2m,2s,31m
l; 15,5s
3 1.6ms^2, 60msˉ 7 θ.2:η s^2; θ.34ms^2
46s,1:msˉ 2 8 I0.8m
5 30s, 21ns^2 9 0.08:nsˉ

6 201⒒ 5001n
s^l, 又 10 (a) (i)奋 ms-2 (ii)7200m
7 25s, 175Fn (b) 460s;

Force aⅡ d lno住 on

1 (a) 1I (b) 16 (d) 45

⒕ ⒛

(e) 102 (O 1・ 2 ⑾ 2告

6s (l)2
{⒒ );ξ 1 1.5:ns^2
24♀ £ s吾 m卩 2 0,625ms^2
3^嘻 s 3 9240∷ N
4 0,06rn s 4 65kg
5 1500n1 5 4s
6 (⑾ 2,7km lb) 250s 6 1⒕4m$ˉ 2,θ .576N
7(⑻ V9δ 0-20s (b)10ms^1 lc)5m 7 0.96`az N
8 60:n 8 850kg
9Ⅱ 十
⒍⒄m尸 ,卜 +⒍ 4尸 )m;慨 lT m卩 9 18.75Ill
10 2告 ms饣 ,2ms田 10 45rn$ˉ

2;40km hˉ
I800kFn hˉ 11 6⒕ msˉ 2,12.8N


1z梭 尸-轩 +叫 m;阝 12 2.47

13 θ.12Jn s^2,22,4s
14 13.5cm
1 22s
15 40.5kN
194 hIEcHANICs1

Exerc沁 e2B(page27) 5 13000N; 0.4ms^2

1 1I5 6 7.92N
2 4 7 72,4na s^2
3 21201` 8 1270N∶ 1.51η sˉ

4 300N,400N 9(⑴ 10700N (b) 10500N

(c) 10300N (d) 10700N
5 I65N
6(a) 16N (b)25,6N 1θ 1275N
11 40kg
7 45N.2ms^2
12 90kg; 6.67n1sˉ

8 7.91ms^1
13 1.6N
9 3125N
14 401Ⅺ , 16kg
1θ l,3× 104N

11 10,75N,2,81∶ n 15s=∝
r~山 馁
12 2625kg
13 52,2 16 33,900
14 780N,I:nin20s 17 8400N
15 7.5s
Exerc、 e3B(page4θ )

狂iscelIaⅡ eous exercise2(page28) 1 2.8kg
1 I640 2 (a) 40kN (b) 38kN
2 1⒈ 0s 3 7001Ⅺ ,thc dmm leaves the ground,

3 1400N 4(al 380N (b)铋 8N (c) 380N

4 10s 5 140kg
5 750N,938N 6 67200N
6 20kg 7 0,6Fn s^2

7 4500Iˇ 8 The scales registGr the normaI cOntact force

bet、 vecn the man and thc scalcs,not the‘ Weight’
8 Ycs;af° rce of92.6N、 vould bc needed for the ;

dcce1erating at 0.猢 ms^2,

box to deccleFate atthc same rate as the car.
9 :`It:
9 0.25ms’ ,2⒌ N
10 0.5msˉ 3
10 4500N
11 80, 20
11 (ω 0.33ms・ (b) 1160N,0⒑ 4ms・
12 10.75,1,63
12 1720N
13 I2s,6軎 夕ⅡsceIlameous exerc:se3(page4置 )
14 (a) 3000N 1 760N
15(a)击 ms^2 cb)士 ms-1,40s 2 ⒈Iis、veight, 600N∶ normal contaCt force acting
v咖 ica"y upwa1・ ds, 630N
tc) (i)15s Ci)13景 m (iii)55s
3 4800N
4 “⒛ N 钽)00螭 (b) 7.5s
Verdcal motion
6 V9/(3-2攵 )

ExerCise3A rpage34) 7 r9,g m) 2oms-I

〖 Φ)6s
1 (a) 30N o)0.1N tc) 8000N 8 忸) There are forces acting upwards,buoyancy
2 17kg and water resistance.
(b) 8,5,0.225N
3 2ms2
9 4ms^2; 6000N
4 179001`
怂 sWERs 195

10(a) Iniuall,,accelerates at lO m s^2for4s,曲 cn 11 559N,26.6

decelorafes at 5ms^2 for 6s before falling 12 41.ON, 113N
to grOund with GOnstant specd for15s. 13 83.5,74.9N
(b) 380m
14 (a) To preventthe plank sh茁 ng down the sIope
(b) 置 (C) 1⒈ 0N
For example,s饣 aightlines will be cuⅣ es and the
1s 52.3
comcrs wnl be smoothed out。
16 470, 4620

ResoIvimg forces ˇⅡsce11aneous exercise4(page56)

EXerc“ e4A(page47) 1 103N,28.2N
2 31。 IN
1 (a) 4N,⒍ 93N;ˉ 7,88N.-⒈ 39N
(b) 346N,-2N;ˉ 3N,⒌ 20N 3 (a) 67.4◇ (b) 2
(c) -4N,0N;⒉05N,-5,64N 4 1.46, 4.26;opposite in direction to4N forcc
ld) 25N,⒋ 33N;-2.5N,⒋33N s 252N, 392N
2 60, 8.66 6 7⒚ N,14.8N
3 2.89:n sJ2 7 Yes∶ s=5,刀 =5gives v=刁 z石 =7⒑ 7,¨ .

4 35.1N 8 (a1 0,65ms饣 (b) 12.3s,49.2m

5 166N 9 0.76, 2.20; 3ms^2 in the opposi狂 cd:rcction to
6 350, 8350N tlle1,2N forc・ e
7 5ms^2,10/,lN 10 (a) 8N (b) 1.7kg;
8 8。 05kg” 85,7N I3.6kg
9 6kg 11 25.7、 21.7N
10 1,231ns^2 12 ◇◇Therc is no ft,rce to the left to coullteract
the resolved part of the tGnsion to thc right.
11 986N, I27N
(c) 94⒑ N,766N (d)128N
12 (50… r)N 告 (C) 0。 144ms・
i3 (a) 25⒕ (b) 31,6N
13 (b) 93.3N (c) 27.3N
14 1.50m sd,415N (d) No,the I`讠 solⅤ ed pan of the tension will be
15 I.41 greater,so the nomalforce wⅡ I be srna11er.
16 11,7° ,511 14 21.5N; 90.9N
17 2I。 9, 822N ‘ (a) 985N,1⒎ 4N
18 170N,339N lb) Force on曲 e wheels from the track
(c) 98.5N
Exerc抬 e4B(page54)
ld)A11曲 e brces讪 tbe曲 rection of motou are
1 (a) Fcosg° ,Fc。 《90-e沪 =尸 “nε ° constant,1091`、11,25m.
(b) Fcos(90+ε )° =-FsiⅡ ε °,尸 cosε °
(e) As θincrcases Tcosε °gets less but
(C) Fcosε ,Fcos〈 ε-90尸 =尸 sin ε °
100+44sin ε°gets l盯 ger and so the truck
(d) 尸cosε ,Fcos(90十 ε )°
¤-Fsinε ◇ will decc1cratc,
2 5∏ ls2,5,48msl
3 2270N Fricσ on
4 1⒑ 5ms^2
5 6叫⒕ N
1la) (P-匹 D N intlle d诧 c“ on of the force of
6 8.66
magnitude o N
7 2I,81`, 63.9N Cb) (口 -尸 )N h the dFection ofthc force of
8 35,2N、 691N magnitude尸 N
9(a) 5’ 4N (b)7⒑ 0N tc)633N 2 80≤ P≤ 1zo
In case(bl a c° mponent ofthe appⅡ ed force wiI1 3 6.93N
be added to 10cos35° ;in(c)it is subLt△ cted, 404,63N
10 4,66N,28θ ,⒈ 73ms^2

s 0.25 7848;la)is true,bcGause tlle no‘ Ⅲ・

al fo‘ e,and
hencc the frictional force,is less xvhen pulling.
6(a) 5900N, (b)6000N 0) 6000N
‰e挠 挠°jW⒊ 罹。
8 0,482
8’ m∴ 10 0.314
7 (al (P-50“ nα )N acting down thc planc 11 26N;0,243
αD (50sh α -P)N acting up the plane 2
12 4,90:nsˉ
8 8⒓ ≤ P≤ 37.7,to1d。 p,
13 0.301
9 (a),(b) 0 (c) 0・ 054N
Ⅱmiting 14 2.25rn; 2,70ms^l
J,lb) The boWlrem耐 ns
(c△ at rcsl(with

b° 15 20,2s
:∶;丨 :丨:丨 :∶
16 3.17111s^l; 599N
10 28,lcm 17 3.05m

12 80 Mo仗 on due to gravity
13 33.3N
2; 2.25m Exerose6A(page78)
14 4,8:⒒ sˉ

1 30ms^1, 451n
15 4ms2
2 14.1ms丬
16 1ms^2
3 9,8m
Exerclse5B(page71) 4 I4氵 m
1 1n the direction of Fnotion of the廿 ain;
5 ∶
7.5∏ 1sˉ

2 o⒕ 9
1 5msˉ l upwards,30m
3 725kg
4 9m 2 1⒙ m
3 21,0ms^1
5 3,96N do`vn thc pIane
4 2.65s
6 o,024
5 24.2tn
7 0.2
6 0.6s
8 O.806
7 10rn s^1 downwa1・ds, 15nl
8蹴 N∶ 篇 ∶「 8 16ms^l
10 4,10ni, 1.49s 9 3.6s. 181η s^l down、 ˇards

11 0.733 1θ 1.1s

12 0.465N; I.55N 11 2.59s:13.9ms"downw删 s

13 0,525 12 64.81n

14 o.374; 1.58Fn s冖
13 E饣 downw盯 ds
15 o,186; 3.34In s^2 14 9ms丬 ,4⒑ 5m
15 (⑴ 6125m fb)6s
"IisceIIaneous exercise5(page73)
1 3,76N;the equi1iboum is not1imiting.
2 3.9n1s^I
1 (⒆ 9ms^2,Ims4
3 40,6 拊玑 ,s24s8翁

4 14500N, 1880N; 0.268 2 48rn, 24】 ηs^l, 8s; `蜗
50.7H 30Jn, I21】 s冖
l, 7.5s
3 50rn s^1, 7,5Fn sˉ
l;both smaller∶
4 451n, 30【 nsˉ 0,5; 8了 ns^2
ANswERs 197

5 14s,14ms^I;10ms^l,(10-v)ms^2 11 罟ms钅 ;40:m,35s

0) smallCr with耐 r resistance 12 80Fn, 4.90s
(ω Larger诚 曲蔚r rcskance
13 2.56s
6诜 踟;⒛ ms-l; 14 7N
ra) 8⒕ ms-2 (b)3‘ ms^2 15 (a) 18.2N o)345N
7 3.7m, 1.6s∶ 16 8rn, 3,96s
(ω ll,6ms记 downw盯 ds 17 17.5kN;no,the、veightis negⅡ gible compared
(b) lO m s记 downwards∶
w1th the other forces,
C) Less than3刀 m (i∶ )Less thaⅡ 8ms^l
18 10kg; 60m
(iii)Between8⒕ ms饣 and10ms矽
NOt more than50tns I 19 40.5s
20 吉‘
≤〃《 1

:;0.08; 2。
Misce11aⅡ eous exercise6(page89) 22 8msˉ 03Iη s^2, 15.7In
1 0,8s, 8:ns^I 23(0) 0.84ms记 b)O⒕ 8msˉ


2 30ru (c) 6ms^l

3 6⒕ s 24 0.4s
25 8“ nα °
4 3s, 13Jn s^I
540 (b)Neith∝ is corcct.
Newton’ s th卜 d Iaw ∷
6 (a) lVeightis opposed by buoyancy and the
rcsistance of thc liquid,
(b) 8.5,5。 Ims叫
(c) With constant accelσ 脏ion the ball-be盯 ing
1 VVeights of80N and【 oo N respccⅡ vely,and
Ⅴerticd contact f° rces80N upwards on klle tOp
would have fallen 0,38Fn.
crate,80N downwalus and18o N upwapds on
7 245n1 the botton1crate
:聪 硒 刊 吧

-slF-叫 叽 ⒐ 2 (t△ l 200N upwt△ rds
⒒ (b) 200N dowⅡ wards
9 90;not fnore than 28.3ms¨ 】 , lc) 1200N upw盯 ds
not rnorc than25⒕ msˉ2 4 720N
1θ 0,361ns^I1 2,36rn sˉ 6.4rn sˉ eration, 5G) 375N(ii)750N
4,531η s^2 acce1eration;bet、 veen10and28
6 42
I1:涩 8 400N, 500N; 80o N folwards;it、

vill appcar

;}{∶ j£ thatthe caris being pushed from behind.

o::1:∶ 1可 i∶ i〖}∶

9 Weight 6000N
Contact from pⅡ e dAver
RevIslon exerc1se1 (a) 21600N (b)20000N;
(page91) ForcG from earth
1 0,I61ms^I (a) 28080N (b)26000N
2 ◇
◆釜ms9 α
D 40s 10 (a) 17250N (b) I5000N
3 (/9+l,5`2)m,ll・ 5+⒉ 5`)msˉ 1∶ 12 P>肛 W,middlc box won’ tⅡ】
ove;P)3〃 W
° °
13(al Wcosα o)Wsin α lc)Wsin α°
8s, 351η s^】

46s,4,5m rdl9wtanco⑼

5 300kN;smaller
6 60N Exerc跽e7B(page107)
7 54kN 1(a) 10N含 10N
(b) 10N,15N(up the slope)
8 24s, 4051u
(c) 20N,10N;1⒍ N(d)75N=⒎ 5N
9 125N; 130N (e) I73N,⒉ 32N (f, 3⒌ 4N,55.4N
10 14.5msˉ 1

2 10kg
198 MECHANIcs1

3 24N, 2:nsˉ lO 2340,5850
4(a) ⒈67m si2 Φ)2.5ms^2 11 I8.6N,0,275; 0.144m
(cJ ⒍769m$^2 ⒃)3ms^2 12 αD 0.952N Cb)0刀 56ms^1
0464ms・ (0 6.15ms饣
13 (a) (i) 100N Oi) 400 (b) 0.222tu s^2
5 ⒉31ms2;30.8N,⒎ 69N
6 (al 0.625ms^2 lb) 1.25ms9 14 夕=滞 ; x<600; X(60
7 3∶ 1
15 (a) 3200N (b) 3330N
8Ⅱ 和≤ ″ ≤叫 r″ >饵 16 PossibIe assumptions are∶ vehicles modelIcd as
骷 particles,towrope is hght,towrope is
lO2羽 -″ )g if〃 (⒍
2rPI inextensiblc,tOwrope is paraⅡ el to the slope,
Ⅳ 十″
ra) 131oN (b)3480N; 1⒌ 5s
Exercise7C(page111) 17 (⒆ The tcn蕊 onsin each pan ofthe s幻 ing are
1 ta) 0⒕ 8ms^2,170N equal,and so,by resolving horizonta11y for
the O.6kg Ⅱng=angles^BR,RAB are
Cb) 0,08m sJ,170N
2 250N,50N (c) 0.346
la) 0⒑ 5ms^2aGceleratio11,62.5N
(b) 0,05ms・ dece】 emtion,37.5N
18 (al 7N (b) 3mnε °N; 3⒌ o
←) 0,156m旷
(d) 0.175ms矽 ,6,25N tension Work,energy and
re) o,2ms口 ,zcro power
(0 0,25ms^2,125N曲 mst

3 £ 回
立 α |∶ ;甘
Exerc抬 e8A(page121)
18男 J:Q叻
4 4冫 ″g,3,mg,2o9ag,',:g(uppermost to
(C) 6.4× 10:J
b鸭 rrnost);1号 ;ε
(ω mro(・all s“ ngω 2 700J, OJ,0J, 700J
O)扣 召,嘉 mg,斋 和:,击 f9Ig⑴ ppemⅡ t b 3 4N
lowcl"】 osO
4 50IN
λ饪lsceⅡ aneous exercise7(page112) 5 240J, 8N
1 558 6 IO08J
2 【Ⅲ sJ sspeeding up 7 1130J
3 37.5【 、 8 5440J
4 444N;0.2 9 4800J
ChⅡ drcn as p酎icles∶ analysis not affected
1θ 20N
becausc ofthe absence of a turning cffcct.
Rope light:unrealistic,the、 veight ofthe rope 11 105N
could be signiRcant compared with the weight of 12 (a) 280kJ (b) 426kJ (c) 207kJ
a chⅡ d, Anyonc so irresponsiblc as to attempt to drive
Rope inextensibIe∶ unreaIistic,a characteristic of down such a steep gradient would need to appIy
⑷Pe is th孜 it stretches,but reasonable for a irst thc brakes to restrict the Ⅱnal speed to30n1s^1.
app⒃ xirnation。 13 698kJ
smooth groove∶ unrcahstic,even ifthe tree is a
14 814u
euc犭 1yptus or similar the fricuonal f。 rccs泛 lJrC
1ikely to be signi‘ Cant。
Exercise8∷ B(page125)
5 4.47nl s^l, 3:η ; 7.751us^1
1 33,3kW
‘ 1,62N,0.176
2 112.5W
;,there is no friction; 5。
8 3.08N, 4n△ s” llm 3 160W
9 1.35; 0.551N
4 112.5k、 V

s 600N 11(a) 2⒕ 5ms^I rb)4⒓ 4ms^1

‘ 16kW
1zv=2√ 绍
7 880VV 13 I,461n
8 2,51ns^2
14 4o.7ms^I, 3o,3n1s¨ 1

9 30.7°
10 7,8kW
1 2,55ms^l
11 0,2Fn s^2, 2.551ns^】
2 0.3251m
12 2,43s
13 0.4331ns^2 1,22m (b) 3,84ms^l
3 (ω
4(a) 1⒕ 7ms^l (b)2⒑ 7m
14 147kW
5 2Fn s^l, 0,8J, 1.33N
16 3.01kw ', 6.02kW
6 2.45】 n, 44.55J: 18.2N
17 7.2s; 96kJ, 5o5N
7 3.83× Io9J
18 31.4kw
8 13,2n1s^I

红isceⅡ ameous exercise8(page126)
9 78.5N, 132N
1 433J
2 500N ˇΙ
is rcise9(page140)
3 56.4J
4 16.8k∷ ˇˇ,frict讠 on forwards 2 14,8msˉ l

5 1.5In s^2 at dHving wheels 3 (Θ 9200J

Ⅱ rb) 23,4ms丬 ; 224N
6 13.0kW 4 I⒕ 1ms^l,⒉ 5ms四
7 73kJ
置 5 2na s^】 ,E⒒ r resistancc
8 203kW; o⒑ 50:ns 2
6 1⒕ 1ms",扳
9 101kJ; 2.52s
7 (a) 325kJ "ing(b) 227kJ
10 3.93° ; o.8In s^2
246N, 8,61kW; o,6841ns^2
11 81⒕ V; 1,95kW: 4.89kW, 3.72kW :揪
5.38s; 133kJ, 744N; 22.8s
e赝 i;f∶ ∶
er飘 ::卩 kb枷 沌
犰 b肥
samc specd as be∶ fore at each potnt ofthe、
v盲 re.
28.5ms^1750N is too big for easy pushing;
14 54.9kW,
15 180:ns^l
mass must not exceed 195θ kg

澄黯卩 (c)暨
ω 摅丁 ⑴诀丁
; 6.51°
(d) The condition is sa“ sfied.
9 PotentiaI energy
Exerc泌 e9A(page135) 1θ Force as a vector
1 400J quan“ ty
Exerc心 e10A(page149)
3 ⒈36× I06 J, 68kW,thc kinctic cncrgy of thc
1 (a) 卜IagnItude22,8N9beaⅡ ng o44.7°
(b) Magnitude 26.ON,bca吐 ng 065。

4 12,2n1s^l (c) Mhg血 tudc1o,9N,bearhg095.9°
5 2,08× IO6 J (d) Magnitudc9,1θ N,be盯 ing o35.1°
6 I6.3° 2 543N,丁 naking an angle O.o29° 、 vith thc
7 9.8m dircction in whch thc caris hcing

8 8,75In 3 (a) VerdcaIly upwards,ma8nitLtdc24N

(b) Verticall,rdownwa炉 ds.magnitude8N
9 1,69ms^I,⒈ 54ms^l
(c) 165N at an angIe14,o° downwards from
10 26,O° the horizonta1
200 MEcHANIcs I

(a) 335N (b)27,6N 8 0,5,-1.9

(c) 546N (d)32.0N
o) 1.83N had盹c“ on14.9° backwards from
9 (~品
袈丨 ∶
:f∶ }ξ
the downward ver吐 ca1 Wcos15° -P“ n20° ,Pcos20° -lysin15°
oi) 1.68N in a direCtion1⒎ 4° baCkwards from
10 13N, 67.4° anticlockwise frorn the 豸-d浼 ction
the downWard vert汜 al
(iii) 1⒕ 6N in a dirccton I8.1° backwards from 11 55N; 36,9° , lO6.3°

曲 e downward vertical 12 ±去
“) ImmC由 afely on lca访 ng thc bat
(b) When dcscending at I8,2° to the horizontal Exercise10C(page162)
(a, 315N (b)HoHzOntal to the lcft 10) 123N,l13N (b)25.7N,37.6N
(⑶ 6.86ms记 2 4880N, 8220N
7 (a) 4‘ 0N (b) 7,51ms・ 3 (aJ Along曲 e outward nOI【 【
1d to the planc,
8 6.90rn 、 46.0IⅪ
(b) 46.O N in the direction ofthe inward
9 (a) 34.1N (b)38.6N
(c) 183N (d)0z,.5N normal to the plane (c) 16.8

10 42.6°
4 200
I1 (a) 13.1N,13.IN (b)47.0N,25N 5 5.44N, 6.051`
(c) 42⒕ N,58⒑ N (d)1⒎ 8N,27.2N 6 12300N,7I100N
12 (a) 12,9N south (b) I0N nOIth 7 (a) 105,6° , 112.4° (b) 51.l° , 141,5°
13 (⒆ 8,68N up the plane,49.2N pcrpcn⒍ cular 8 (a, 23.9° (b) 86.7°
to tho plane 9 22,3° ,58,8°

4.36N to thc lcfE,49.8N upwards

10 Pcrpendicular to thc thread, `91ε sin α°

192N up thc plane, 190N to the left

51.61`perpcndicular to the plane,8,99N 11 (a) 38.2° , 21.8°
(b) The length of any onc side ofthe toangle

to the right
4.51N downthe p1ane,51.0N upwa1・ds of forces cannot excecd the sun1of the
16,8N perpendicular to the plane,33,5N lengths ofthe other two sidcs(the case
upwards ″
?=0.8is excluded because the pulleys
arc not h the same vertic川 line).
14 At90° to tlle baRks,打 om south to north;154N
(d) K cannot be above the level ofthe
15 0‘ 173N pullcys.

Exerc、 e1θ B(page156) 12 (a) 7 (b) 90°

1 (a) Magn⒒ ude 22,8N,bea⒒ ⒔g O44.7° 13 36,9° and73.7° either side of the upw猁
b) Magnitudc 26,0NI,bca吐 ng O65.0° vcrtical;(-0.45,0.6),(0,72,0,21)

〈c) 卜 啖agnkudc 10.9N,beaong 095.9° 14 90° ; 630N, 160N
(d) ∷Magnimdc9.10N,bearing O35,1°
2 (ω Mab。 nimdc22.8N,beaⅡ ng044,7° eous exerose10(page165)
VΙ isceⅡ a⒒

(b) `压 agnkude26.0N,beaong O65⒑ ° 1 10.⒎ N,32.5

lc) ∷M哀gnitude10.9N,beaong095,9° 2 53.9
⒃) Mag说 mdc9,10N,be盯 hg O35.1°

3 120
3 543N,1naking an anglc0,029° wi曲 the
4 (a) 19.5 (b) 9,12
direction in、 vhich the cc△ r is facing
5 17.2N ibeaong lI6.3°
417N,15⒈ 9° anticIockwise from山 e positiVc
,r-ax:s 6 (b) 126.9
7 (⒆ 632° lb)7.83N
5 (∶
£:)N, (ˉ %46)N, (二 :::)N; (:∶ :)N; ∶ 8 20.0, 145.l°
4.04N, 38.6° antic1ockwise from the 豸-axis 9 5N
6 2.56msˉ 2, 20,6°
above the ho“ zontal 10 I50°
7 15,03, 4.65 11 81,2°
ANswERs 201

12 3。 14N,in曲 e direction of the force of 19 (b) (A)120ms^1,(B)160ms丬

magnitude 17N;0.127 (B),because v=0when r=3.
13 24.2, 3.80 2θ la) 952m,62,4ms^J
14 231N hoozontaⅡ y to the Hght,115N lb) -41⒑ ms^2,-1oms’ ,-0,328ms四
do、 vnwards paraⅡ el to the incline,zero (c) 40ms^1 ⒁)40s
15 (⑴ 104N,72N upwards Exerc抬e11B(page178)
(b) 104N,3N upwards
1 J=r3+8F+4;28m,20ms^l
(c) I76N,118N downwards
2混 勘
+耐 -㈥
16 0.778N :饣 衤

:i∫ 3ˉ
17 (a) 231, 115 3 2m,6msI,3ms2
(b) (i)Both greater (ii)Both greater
(c) As εincreases,r decreases,P decreases
4 12m,7古 ms-I,1吾 ms^2
until ε〓30 and thcn increases;when 5 201η
ε〓30,P=100and r=173N. 6 60m
18(a) IO8N,8⒎ 8N rb)None 7 601u
(c) BOth incrcase∶ thc tensions would havc no
8 -6ms矽
Ⅴerdcal resolved part.
9 22rll
19 2.31N
10 10rn
20 (b) 4.36N, 23.4°
11 26:n
21 2.63N,0.262
12 1.2m
11GeneraI rnotion iⅡ a 13 5::nl
straight Ⅱne 14 7.2m
15 28,5m
16 1364.8n1
1 v=3r2+4,△ =6r;22m,16ms叫 ,12ms逆
17(a) 54m (b)4m lc)4m
2 v=20-4`3,日
-12ms^`-18m,-88ms^j,-108ms^2 62m;54m
18 4.99∶ ns^I, 5nl s^’
3 42:η , 321η s^l, 18Iη s^2
4 0【η, 10tn s冖
l, -14yη
19 1告 m
5 1ms^I,-1ms砬 20 90m
6 6ms^I,导 ms’ 22 (ω 9ms叫 lb):ms丬 ,26:m
7 2s;ˉ 24msˉ l,-24ms2 23 (⒆ 2s (b) 8m fG) 6ms矽
8 5s; 20m 24 74msˉ l, 2821n
9 130m 25fa)3锯 msl (b)16s,32m
10 4ms^1 26 :,205m
11 271n, 281us^】
12 32m,-軎 ms^2
27 F;;∶

13 舍ms2 28 (⑴ 0s,7.2ms^2 fc) 3s,-1,8ms・

14 22吉 m,54ms四 (d) ⒍75m`⒍ 4m (D 7.1m
15 10(12`-7)N MisceⅡ aneous exercise11(page181)
16(⑷ 64ms丬 lc)48N

17 (al 18ms^l lb) 4ms钅
18 (al 120s,1380m lb)o,384ms砬 } i薮:llt夸 :∶ l;r)ms,
fc) 1,15ms^2 fd)80s,20,5ms^I

2 (a, 12 12r(J-3)(`-8)cm s-l;r〓 5:臼缸

n goes
o) fonvards to376,山 en backwards to-,99;
(告 and
(d) :箩 lJg:惑:器穹
;夂 :(莎
(e) 汛 rest,accderates to a Ⅱ⒙对mum 13 63‘ N at28.8° to Ron’ s rope∶ 02
speed of18导 ms丬 ,由 en deCelerates to re哎
14 (a) 2J,2`,2'2

⑼ 亻 删盹
moving in the positive direction throu1:;ill1out。

3 02⒋ ms^I,0⒕ m -夤 ,留
4Fhi the point ofthe gmph where the tangentis
paralle1to山 e1inejoining lO,0)to(10,20).
15 119N
(a, We瑭 ht I50N,ten“ on119N,
5ta) 1告 ms-l b)O tc)2ms^!
【 resistance 105N,buoyancy 94N
te)斋 ms^2 (b)Weight800N,tens珈 119N,
6(Θ 18m,21ms^I,-24ms・ noⅠ Ⅰ
aI contact fQrce856N,friction105N
o) 3s,-24ms丬 ,-6ms^2 ⒗ ⑹ 1轧 咭 m
【c) 1s,28m,-18msˉ 8虿 赢 N8霸 P尸
(d) 4s,△ 26m,-27ms^l
17 58.6, 2I1⒕
7(ω 0(扌 (2 (b)l去 (r(2and4(`(5 I8 (a, 25ms逆 (b)2ms^2 (c)Oms^2
(c) 0568.¨ <r(2and2.931。 ¨<`<5
(d) V沔 th夕 =0,tensions would be9N and6N, 190) 1⒎ 3N; 2⒍ 5N
so block is notin cquⅡ iboum. 20 23。 IN,Ⅱ 5N,23.lN;
8(b) 3 (d)1吾 m (aJ I905.¨ m fb) 8⒍ 45..。 °
(e)0(r(1md`)粤 N/z (c) 17.65.¨ °

23.50。 ¨N, 68.ON

9 ◇D C) 112cm (i◆ 68cm
(ω 4rcm s丬 ,16Cm s丬 21【 a)碉 (b)态 ms・ ⑹ 35m
o) 2ra cm,I“ r-2)cm “ D cm
罟 22 (a) 1.1ms{,0.917ms四 lb)5.52m
10 (a) 150y (b) 9 (c) 1070m

Revls1on exercIse2 Prac臼 ce exaⅡ止natioⅡ s

(page184) Practice examiⅡ atioⅡ 1(page188)
1 225W 1 (D 15.3J 0i) 306N

2 256N,be日ring I79彳 ° 20) 5ms^l (ii) 45ms^∶
3 15ms逆 ,180N 3 R〓 11⒓ ,e〓 634
4 (a) 102,6° (b) 113.6° (c) 124.2° 4 C) 20900J (ii) 270J C⒒ ) 86.1W
5 At74.6° to the O.3N force,2.87s 5C) 1.6ms讠 ,80m
6 50nl s^l; 0.305ms^2;3.75° (ii)Decreasing,as the gⅡ dent ofthe curve is
7 (a, 2ms钅 (b) 6kg (c)0θ 5
(⑾ 213:m(∝ 213ω the neare哎 meoe)
8 22.3N,32,6N
6C) 750N (ii) 0⒑ 5ms逆 ,s0oN
9 〃cos α,Wsino△ 卫⊥,缨 ,0; 7 (i) It d° es rest in equilibrium,4⒈ 4N.
tan α s∶ nα

盖,姆罟,Wσ nα Practice exm加 ation2(page190)

1 17,3N

2 (i) 1600m Ci) 200000N


r淝 <吉 √〃,甘 吉
V^); 3(i) 5N (ii)397N (iii)0306

:钅 :0十
≤告 4 C) Decrease of668J (ii) 8⒊ 6
r营 讵M≤ 刀 】 沥〃;JTtg;
5(i) 108m(ii) 2(r(6
f阴 >告 vΞ ″,彩 +营 砭
卜 60) 0⒗ ms^2 (Ⅱ ) 8ms^∶ (iii)15°
”劳ωmevenk耐 ,歹 ∞s” 告 ° 7(i) 2ms・ Ci) ⒉4N,03(iii)0,2s

The page nurnbers refer to the伍 rst rnention of each terrn,or the box ifthere is one,

acceleration,4,171 force tcontinued)

constant,equations for,9,177 resultant,144
of free fall,31 tension,22,102
due to graⅤ ity,3I thrust,102
acceIerometer,39 w° rk done by,1I7,l18,130
air resistance,19,84 free fall,acceleration of,31
average velocity,14 friction,20,60
coe¤ hc1ent of,63
c。 efncient of friction,63
column vector,155
and Fnotion,66
component,of force,146
conservation of energy,133 8,31,106
conservative force,132 gravity,acceleration due to,31
constant accelera‘ on equations,9,177
initial velocity,5
deceleration,5 intcmal force,109
kinetic energy,117
displacement-time graph,2
dot notation,178 1i1uiting equⅡ ibriuFn,60
doving force,22 limiting i、 icti° n,60
line of action of force,I58
conservation of,133 mass,20
kinetic,117 and weight,38
and non-conserⅤ atiⅤ e forces,138 model,2
potential,133 air resistance,85
equilibriuⅡ l,24 fricu。 n,62

lilniting,60 inextensib1e sting,103

external force,IO9 light pu1ley、 lO4
air resistance,19
rough surfaces,63
component of,146
smooth peg,l04
smoodl surfaces,63
s臼 △ngs,ropes,chains and cab1es,102
mult:ˉ stage prob1ems,11
fricdonal,20,60,95 net force,24
of graⅤ ity,32,96 Newton’ s laws ofrnouon,19
intemal,109 Ⅱrst Iaw,19
Ⅱne of action of,158 second law,,2I,109
non-conscrVative,132 third law,94
noⅡ I!al Contact,36,94 non-conservative force,132
polygon,155 noFmal contact force,36,94
resolved pa五 of,44 normal reaction,36
204 MEcHANIcs1

pa⒒ icle,27 units,l

polygon,force,I55 consistent,l
potenⅡ al energy,133 kilograⅡ △20
power,122 joule,117
ne、 vton,21
n0人 】
rcsolⅤ edpad,of fQrce,44
resultant force,144
of two perpendicular forces,146 vector
retardation,5 addhion,155
rough surfaces,63 colurrm,155
scalar quantity,144
supplementary,32 average,14
in“ iaI,5
smooth surfaces,63
veloc⒒ y-time graoh,3
spGed” 1

teΙ IΙ Iinal,85 weight,32

spring baIance,38 、Ⅴork,117
tension,22,102 done by a force,l17,118,130
done against resistance,119
terrninal speed,85

vork-cnergy p⒒ nciple,118
triangIe la、 v,for coη nbining
triangle of foFccs,159

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