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TRINITY ISE It Preparation for Extended Writing - Task 4 Informal letters and emails You are probably already quite familiar with this type of answer and may have practised writing informal leters before. As the name suggests, ou can use informal language. YoU might have to write an informal letter to a friend or relative - someone ya already know. Exercise | Opening and closing an informal letter or email tes important to stare and end your letter correctly. I. Tick the appropriate greetings for an informal letter to your friend Tom Bailey. 1. Dear Mr Bailey, - Hi Mr. Bailey, HiTom Bailey, |. Dear Tom, 5. Hello Tom, - Hi Me. Tom, ooo0oo0o000 2. 3 4 5.HiTom, 6. 7. 8 3. Hey Tom, Write the missing letters to complete the phrases for ending an informal email or letter: U we Rp evige Note: Only use answer 4 if you are writing to someone you are likely to meet in person in the near future. e.g. Don't use it for a foreign pen-pal. Now let’ look at an example question: You are on holiday inthe countryside. You live in a big city ond your bestfriend has written to you asking what i's lke staying somewhere so different. Write your friend @ letter in opproximately 150-180 words. Say + what's different about where you're on holiday (compared to life in the city) + whether you like city or countryside life better and why Important ‘Always read the Extended Writing question carefully. Underline the key points in the input material and make sure you answt! the question fully. Here, for example, the question asks for some very specitic information: (1) compare life in the city to life in the countryside and (2) say which you like better. If you don't write about (1) or (2), you will lose marks. PANITY ISE IL Preparation for Extended Writing - Task 4 the example anewar and the notes carefully. a oS) eS Thakew personal ioy Sabrina, | orca for ie i ees friend and then say Ie great to hear from your Td love to tall you about my experience af why youre writing in countryside ving the first paragraph ‘Make sure you answer I's incredibly quiet here, expecially at night. There's hardly any trafic on Jee mereibly gui ere: Cweceie uate ay ‘the question fully in the the roads, une in the city. And another thing, because of the tiny popu 3 eras | street. That's nice because in the city mest people just ignore you! Tn this paragreph the second input point is discussed. (There can be more than two input points, If so, make sure To cover them all, Uividing them up logi- cally between the two sain hadly paragraphs ) | really like ic here for a holiday. The peace and quiet help me relax and Unwind, But | Jov'c think I could live here forever. There's just net that much to do, whereas the city’s full of activity. Besides, d miss all the =} — facilities we have at home. I's Len miles Co the nearest supermarket here! Ive got to go now bur send my love to everyone otto g0 my me See you soon, TE Michael rat ‘Make a pereonal comment in the last paragraph, then end with an appro priate closing phrase (€9. See you soon), rercise 2 fist look at the pictures and answer these questions. Write your answers, ‘aun in note form and then discuss them with a partner if you can, |. How are city and countryside life different? ‘What do you think are the advantages of living ina big city? . What do you think are the advantages of living ina rural area? |. Would you prefer to live in arural or urban area? | Why? 5. What are the disadvantages of living in a city and living in the countryside? frercise 3 Nowit’s your turn. Write an answer to the question below, Plan your paragraphs carefully before yous hegin and check your tower at the end, as you've already bean shown, lw hove just moved fom the countryside to the city, Write a leter (0 fitend from your old neighbourhood telling them about cit lif. Wve opproximmavely 150-180 words. Soy. * how the city compares to the countryside * what you can do now that you live in the city that you couldn't before + ifyou prefer living in the city or the countryside

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