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Habitat Site

Two species of birds out of the three within the observational experiment showed habitat

preference. The species with the least total number of data, the white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta

carolinensis), showed preference to a tree-enclosed habitat. Black capped chickadees (Poecile

atricapillus), which had the highest number of counted values, expressed a preference to more

open sites. In contrast, the tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor), which had the second highest

counted number of individuals, did not express any significant preference to habitat location,

feeding from both open and closed habitats in relatively similar numbers (Table 1).

Seed Size

All three species of birds were observed to feed from both large and small seed feeding

stations. However, the data revealed that all three species showed high directional preference for

the larger seeds (black oil sunflower) throughout the total compiled information over one week

(Table 1).

Feeder Height

Similar to seed size, all three species of birds were observed to feed from stations of both

high and low locations. However, in analogous to seed size preference, all three species revealed

directional selection for the higher located feeding stations, as opposed to the lower ones (Table

Nuthatches preferred closed habitats to open (Reference Table; X2 = 39.1 > X2 Critical 3.84; df = 1)
Nuthatches preferred large seeds to small seeds (Reference Table; X2=56.75 > X2 Critical 3.84; df =1)
Nuthatches preferred high feeders to low feeders (Reference Table; X2=104.73 > X2 Critical 3.84; df=1)
Chickadees preferred open habitats to closed (Reference Table; X2=102.8 > X2 Critical 3.84; df=1)
Chickadees preferred large seeds to small seeds (Reference Table; X2=402.95 > X2 Critical 3.84; df=1)
Chickadees preferred high feeders to low feeders (Reference Table; X2=456.5 > X2 Critical 3.84; df=1)
Titmice had no preference to habitat site (Reference Table; X2=0.771 < X2 Critical 3.84; df=1)
Titmice preferred large seeds to small seeds (Reference Table; X2=239.1 > X2 Critical 3.84; df=1)
Titmice preferred high feeders to low feeders (Reference Table; X2=199.04 > X2 Critical 3.84; df=1)
Table 1: Birds' Habitat, Seed Size and Feeder Height Preferences. Describes specific preferences by the three species for the three factors

tested (Habitat Site, Seed Size and Feeder Height).

Relative Aggression

From the observed values, tufted titmice and white-breasted nuthatches had the highest

successful yields of aggression (Figure 1). For direct aggression, black capped chickadees and

titmice both had similar relative aggression frequencies. However, the frequencies were derived

from the type of act in which the attacked individual did not abandon the feeder. In contrast,

titmice, as attackers, had the highest level of successful aggression by the variety in which the

attacked individual was caused to abandon the feeders (Act D). However, while the titmouse

expressed a level of aggression which caused the other individual bird to leave, the titmouse also

had the highest levels of being expelled from feeding (Figure 1). Similarly, the titmouse falls

short in aggression in the category (Act E) in which the attacking individual not only deterred the

attacked individual from feeding, but also actively chased the attacked individual directly from

the feeder. In this particular category, the nuthatch had the highest relative aggression (Figure 1).

In correlation, the nuthatch as the attacker in Category C. had the lowest number in which the

attacked individual species did not leave (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Aggressive Acts and Relative Aggression Frequency. A) Attacked species and attacking species both remain at feeder. B)Attacked
species avoids attacking species by leaving feeder C) Attacking species moves towards/pecks at attacked species, but attacked does not leave. D)
Attacking moves towards/pecks at attacked species, causing attacked species to leave. E) Attacking species actively chases away attacked from
feeder, following in pursuit of attacked.


The main objective of this study is to identify the presence of niche partitioning and

separation at Hammond Woods and to observe whether three different species of birds truly have

partitioning in habitat and food competition (see habitat preference and aggressive behavior

Table 1 and Figure 1). The data is partially supportive of the hypothesis that birds do not have

interspecific niche separation in all three aspects. For habitat preference, the data does not

support the original hypothesis of the three birds not have preference. Instead, it suggests that

the titmouse did not have niche habitat preference. Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted in

this specific case. The chickadee and nuthatch both preferred one habitat. Specifically,

chickadees preferred open habitats while nuthatches preferred closed (Table 1), suggesting no

partitioning. In comparison to seed size, the data does support my original hypothesis

(acceptance of alternate hypothesis). All three species of birds expressed preference large sized

seeds (Table 1). Similarly, the data correlates to my hypothesis for the three species not having
preferences for the feeder height. All three species of birds directionally preferred the higher

feeders (Table 1). Therefore, this accepts the alternate hypothesis. For relative aggression levels,

the data supports the hypothesis that nuthatches are the most aggressive since in Category E,

which expresses active chasing of the competition, which thus expresses the highest level of

aggression, is most frequent in the white-breasted nuthatch (Figure 1). Due to this, the alternative

hypothesis is accepted.

Explanations are based on a combination of hypothesized past experience and by analysis

of presented, combined data. Chickadees and nuthatches were observed to have partitioning in

habitat site possibly due to interspecific competition. By separating into two separate realized

niches, the two species may be able to better utilize the limited amounts of resources (Table 1).

Titmice, however, did not express any preference to habitat type. This may allow the titmice to

have a broader range of resources available. In other words, titmice potentially are more flexible

with their metabolic behaviors. However, according to Figure 1, the titmice often have

aggressive encounters with other species of birds, including other titmice. In the case of Category

B (Figure 1), a large number of titmice were chased from the feeder, possibly due to interactions

within the realized niches of the other species. Perhaps, the three species balance out the ecology

of Hammond Woods. While two species disruptively prefer one specific habitat, the other

generalize and move in both, thus potentially finding an ecological balance. All three birds

showed preference to large seeds (Table 1). This can be explained by the large seeds being black

oil sunflower seeds. The sunflower seeds are known to have much higher fat and oil content than

the smaller seeds, which included millet. Because the observations took place in the fall, when

temperatures are often low and the birds are pressed to prepare for the winter, the birds are

feeding on the oil-rich seeds to gain more usable energy. In other words, the energy spent feeding
is much more easily regained by feeding on large seeds. For feeder height preference (Table 1),

the birds' choosing of higher feeders may suggest a natural response to ground predators.

Predators, such as cats, have a much more difficult time capturing birds higher in the treetops

than those closer to the ground. By utilizing this to their advantage, birds may have chosen to

feed from higher feeders simply to avoid predation from ground predators (Figure 1). Similarly,

the birds may spend less energy hopping off and taking off from higher locations than propelling

themselves upward from lower locations.

The data partially correlates with an idea brought up in Salewski, Bairlein and Leisler's

paper.1 The authors studied how willow warblers and pied flycatchers partitioned resources with

resident species. Eventually, they discovered that pied flycatchers expressed a wide range of

microhabitats, somewhat similar to how the tufted titmouse was observed to not have a

preference in habitat site. If this proves correct, then the tufted titmouse may show similar

behavior to the pied flycatcher in not having a single, preferred habitat, but instead a wider range

of “agreeable” habitats. In other words, it may have a wider realized niche than the chickadees

and nuthatches. Also, Michael Beaulieu and Keith W. Sockman's paper2 on sparrow resource

partitioning suggested that trophic segregation is tied to variation in environmental conditions.

Due to the results of this paper, it is possible to extrapolate that variation in conditions of

Hammond Woods, temperature, season and weather included, can potentially lead to specific sets

of data. Consequently, since the data for the experiment was taken in one week of one season,

there is the possibility that the data is not all inclusive (short discussion in error projection

. Volker Salewski, Franz Bairlein, and Bernd Leisler Niche partitioning of two Palearctic
passerine migrants with Afrotropical residents in their West African winter quarters
Behav. Ecol. 2003 14: 493-502.
Beaulieu, M., & Sockman, K. W. (2012). One meadow for two sparrows: resource partitioning
in a high elevation habitat. Oecologia, 170(2).

While the experiment was accomplished in the given time and accuracy was ensured to

the best availability, problems and errors may still have arisen. Potential sources of error which

occurred during the observational experiment may have partially skewed data. Time of

observation is one factor which may have altered bird behavior. Different lab groups observed

birds at various time periods throughout the day, prompting the possibility that the data may be

inconsistent for the birds may have different preferences at different times of day. Similarly,

because the data was compiled by the entirety of all lab periods across the duration of different

days in one week, differences within weather and temperature may, too, have altered bird

behavior. For instance, because some birds were observed on a cold day, the birds may be more

active at visiting and attacking other birds. On days with calmer weather, birds may be more

passive for there is a lack of urgency in obtaining sustenance. Similarly, during harsher weather,

birds may be more willing to venture out of their preferred (possibly realized) niches and enter

new areas in search of food. This problem can easily be corrected if all observations were made

in a single day and during the same time period. That way, the issue with questioning the effects

of temperature and weather on avian behavior will be greatly negated. Currently, the data may be

affected and skewed by a third variable. A second issue that arose is the knowledge level of the

observers. Many students who participated in this lab had never watched these three birds before.

Many also were still unsure of the species' descriptions on the day of the lab. While general

characteristics allow for fast identification, the speed of the visits, combined with some moist

weather, create identification problems for many of the observers. A few of the individual birds

that visited the feeders stayed for only a millisecond. Because of the speed of the visits, there is

the possibility that birds were misidentified. Likewise, because each group had to not only
observe the number of visits per species, but also the aggression levels within those birds,

mistakes could have been made as to the number of birds along with the relative aggression

simply through errors with direct multitasking. One way to correct this potential source of error

would be to give an extended period of time, such as one month, for the students to better

understand the morphological and behavioral characteristics of the species of birds they are

required to work with. Similarly, ensuring that the field lab occurs on sunny, bright days, instead

of rainy cold days, can greatly allow for better accuracy by new bird observers.

Future experiments to further understand niche partitioning can be extended to other

species of birds. Perhaps, instead of focusing on species who are primarily forest dwellers, one

can focus on niche separation for species which survive near aquatic environments or prairie

environments. One can also initiate a similar experiment, but instead, observe the same species

of birds in a different type of environment (e.g. open grassland instead of dense forest).

Furthermore, one can observe niche partitioning in similar species of Passerine birds in other

parts of the world. For instance, one could observe the niche and aggression behavior similar

birds from Africa and then correlate the findings and observations to those within birds of similar

species from similar habitats in North America. In combination, one can focus not only on the

number of aggressive acts, but also on the specific number of aggressive acts interspecifically or

intraspecifically. We should, however, address the questions of when and where the experiment

takes place, as well as how much preparation is given to those who are observing and

participating in the experiment itself. It may also be important to address the question of whether

niche partitioning is interspecific only within Passerine birds or whether it can occur between

different Orders, Families and Genera of birds.

Literature Cited

Beaulieu, M., & Sockman, K. W. (2012). One meadow for two sparrows: resource partitioning in

a high elevation habitat. Oecologia, 170(2).

BI107. 2014. Principles of Biology I. Biology Department, Boston University, Boston, MA.

BI 107 Section E1. 2014. Principles of Biology I. Biology Department, Boston University,

Boston, MA.

Volker Salewski, Franz Bairlein, and Bernd Leisler Niche partitioning of two Palearctic passerine

migrants with Afrotropical residents in their West African winter quarters Behav. Ecol.

2003 14: 493-502.

Willson, M. (1969). Avian Niche Size and Morphological Variation. The American

Naturalist,103(933), 531-535.

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