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gut! How To Pass Grade 5 Theory Answer Book Samantha Coates Published By BlitzBooks PO Box 1510 MAROUBRA NSW 2035 AUSTRALIA All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information retrieval system without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of a brief quotation in a review. Copyright © 2002 Samantha Coates http://www. ISBN 1-877011-24-xX Introduction This answer book is designed to aid students, parents and teachers in completing and checking the Blitz workbooks. You may find that your answers are not exactly the same as those printed in this book. As with all answer books, there are many instances in which more than one answer is correct, however only one possibility is shown. The variations in correct answers can range from different octaves to different note or rhythm combinations to subtle differences in translation from Italian to English. This is particularly true of the harmony section, in which there could be hundreds of variations of a correct answer. The melodies contained in this answer book may or may not be given full marks by an examiner, as the assessment of melodies is such a subjective thing. The answers written here should be used as a guide rather than an actual answer. The answers given in the history section are of sufficient quality to achieve full marks in an exam. This does not mean, however, that every possible fact is included! Students are encouraged to research this topic widely. For students marking their own work, it may be necessary to check with a teacher from time to time to see if your answers are simply a variation of a correct answer. Contents - fejs and Scales (inclding melodie minor) — Page d Tntenals - Page 10 Hodslatin ~ Page Harmony — Page 22 Chord I in second inversion — Page 2 Parle — Page 30 Passing/Ausiliay notes ~ Page 32 Voice Exchange — Page 33 Revision — Page 8 Nedslating cadences — Page 4] — Nelody writing — Page 46 Continvng a Notif - Page 48 Nedolating is fay - Page 00 Meodsnds — Page 4 Fors ~ Page 60 Tiny Test - Page 6 Lesuord ~ Page 61 Nad Multiple Choice — Page £8 Test Paper. ready for marking! - Page 1 4 Scales... ALL of Them! For Grade 5 we have to know how to write all major and minor scales (wow). This means there are quite a few new key signatures to learn! By now you know of course that there are a maximum of seven sharps or seven flats in any one key signature, Write the key signatures for the following keys, all of which have seven sharps/flats in their key signatures: lich of cf ng) ee a ‘There are three other new key signatures for this grade. Write them here in both treble and bass clefs: E flat minor G sharp minor D sharp minor The most common mistake made in scale writing is: ‘A: Not using the correct key signature 8: Not using the correct note values CC: Writing the scale in the wrong direction D: Marking the tones/semitones incorrectly (e.g. in a descending scale) E: Not raising the leading note in harmonic minor scales Fi Writing the wrong time signature G Misreading the clef A,B,C,D.E, and 6 The mistakes listed above occur mainly becouse: A; Scales oppear at the begining of the exam paper when people are extra nervous Some people just don't read the question properly €: Some people fall asleep while writing scales 5 Double Sharps in Scales — Tn minor scales we always have to naise the seuernth ole Up until now we've used a nadeuaal or a_sharp _ sign te do this, but what if the 7th note is already a sharp??? luk! The Ti lead a Fh Have a look at this scale oe NPORTANT TACT: Even though F doable sharp i the same a5 a6, you may NOT wi Gas the Th note in your scale ~ ths val nade Dy sik Se land “iatonic™ scale, Datonic means each note mst have @ Write the scale of G sharp harmonic minor * Use accidentals # Use minims + Write one octave going up * Mark each tone with a slur * Put a cross over the supertonic note 4 = x =] Write the scale of D sharp harmonic minor # Use a key signature # In semibreves 4 Write one octave going down and then back up again Ud sad ih evil) + Mark the semitones * Complete the scale with a double bar line eo px ae a J The Melodic Minor Scale You've probably played a melodic minor scale on your instrument lots of times, so you know that you must raise the _6#* and 7" degrees of the scale on the way up, ‘and you must them both on the way down, The reason for doing this is to get rid of the augmented 2nd between scale degrees 6 and 7, as it is a very awkward interval to sing, We'll discuss this further when we do melody writing later on, ‘Try adding the correct accidentals to this scale: These ioe notes il ned te be raed vith nasual ign Ths a aed ee red on hay de sth Qt sigs ‘Sometimes your melodic minor scale will need a double sharp on the way up, which can make things a bit more tricky. eee PS oll key A_shasp se cts ale shrgs oe Re usd ets tn? A ingle shaae— ti, thy wed tobe aed sg fr a's Ices th dele wihdouble ep. ag! AE HOT TIP: When flattening a dbl sharp, sore peopl like to puta natural sign before the sharp sign like this DEH You can do this f You uant to, ut sharp on its un vorks just as vel... the natural sign is optional, iw’ ts Write the melodic minor scale for one octave up and down starting on the given note using accidentals mark the semitones with slurs les ~ th sein fl in fen ss nib dul GeO Neal Can you think of the three minor scales that use double sharps??? Gt at 5 pt minor 7

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