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The Flow of Heterogeneous Fluids Through Porous Media

Morris Muskat and Milan W. Meres

Citation: Physics 7, 346 (1936); doi: 10.1063/1.1745403

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The Flow of Heterogeneous Fluids Through Porous Media

MORRIS MUSKAT AND MILAN W, MERES, Gulf Research &I Development Company, Pittsburgh, Pa.
(Received July 22, 1936)

The empirical results established by R. D. Wyckoff and transient as a continuous succession of steady states. For
H. G. Botset on the flow of gas-liquid mixtures through the investigation of the complete history of the linear
unconsolidated sands have been formulated into basic transient system a numerical method is presented in which
differential equations governing the motion of general is developed a stepwise integration of the simultaneous
heterogeneous fluids through porous media under both partial differential equations for the pressure and liquid
steady state and transient conditions. This formulation is saturation, after the replacement of the vario~s deriva-
based upon a representation of the porous medium as tives by their appropriate differences. The specific problem
having a macroscopically local structure defined by the is treated in which a linear column of sand of unit length
liquid saturation, or volume composition of the gas-liquid filled with liquid saturated with an ideal gas to a pressure
mixture, this saturation in turn determining the separate of 10 units is suddenly exposed at one terminal to a pres-
permeabilities of the medium to the liquid and gas phases. sure of 1 unit, which is thereafter permanently maintained
The steady state solutions of these equations are derived at that value while the other end is permanently kept
for the cases of linear, radial, and spherical flow, and the closed. The results of the calculations for this problem are
distributions of the pressure, permeability, and saturation given graphically in the form of sets of curves showing the
are given graphically. It is found that the properties of history of the saturation and pressure distributions within
the flow channel, the time variation of the flux from the
these flow systems change but little from the corresponding
system, and the time variation of the gas-liquid ratio asso-
ones for homogeneous fluids as long as the pressure exceeds
ciated with the liquid efflux. I t is found that the liquid
about half the saturation pressure of the gas, except for
saturation at the time of physical depletion of the system,
the fact that the liquid saturation is very approximately
corresponding to an equalization of the pressures to that
equal to the equilibrium value and the liquid permeability
maintained at the outflow terminal, is quite uniform, being
has a value very near to its equilibrium value. The drop
only 5 percent less at the outflow terminal than at the
in liquid permeability and saturation is highly localized closed terminal of the linear column. The gas-liquid ratio
about the outflow surfaces and in those regions where the is found to increase monotonically with the time. The
pressure is very much less than the saturation pressure, bearing of these results on such problems as well spacing
the increase in the pressure gradients above their normal and gas recycling in the production of oil from under-
homogeneous fluid values being also largely confined to ground reservoirs, and the manner of treatment of other
these regions. For the study of the early stages of transient typical heterogeneous fluid systems so as to include both
types of flow an analytical theory is derived, in the case the deviations from the ideal behavior of the free gas phase
of the linear system, based upon a representation of the and the effect of gas segregation are discussed in detail.

INTRODUCTION ferent physical conditions than those yielding

the original data.
LTHOUGH the subject of the flow of
A homogeneous fluids through porous media
In this paper will be given an analytical formu-
lation of the problem of the flow of heterogeneous
has been rather thoroughly explored during the
fluids through porous media, based upon the
last several years, the literature contains not
fundamental experiments of R. D. Wyckoff and
even a satisfactory beginning of a general treat-
H. G. Botset,1 and several simple examples will
ment for the problem of the flow of hetero-
be carried through numerically. Both the basic
geneous fluids through porous media. The data empirical data underlying the analytical formu-
at present available in the literature on the flow lation and the latter itself have been developed
of gas-liquid mixtures all refer to particular by analogy with, and as a generalization of, the
experimental arrangements, the individual effects empirical and analytical foundations of the
of which have not been abstracted from the theory of the flow of homogeneous fluids through
numerical results. Only the most general and porous media.
broad inferences can, therefore, be drawn from Insofar as the flow of a homogeneous fluid
such work, and it is impossible to apply the through a porous medium is microscopically
results quantitatively to systems which are of viscous or streamline in character, it is, in
different geometry or subject to somewhat dif- 1 Cf. preceding paper.

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FLO W T H R 0 UGH PO R 0 U S M E D I' A 347

principle, subject to complete description by the permeability k. Of course, the final pressure dis-
laws of the classical hydrodynamics, as contained tribution within the flow system will depend also
in the Stokes-Navier equations. However, the upon the equation of state of the fluid, whether
obvious futility of attempting to solve these it be gas or liquid, and on the thermodynamic
equations for the multiply connected passages character of the expansion of the former or on
composed of the pores of a porous medium has the compressibility of the latter, if appreciable,
necessitated a direct empirical solution of the but the definition of the porous medium itself
problem. These have led to the beautifully simple has been completed once the value of k has been
result, first obtained by H. Darcy 2 for a liquid assigned.
flow, and since generalized to gas flOW,3 and now When the fluid flowing through the porous
generally known as Darcy's law, that the vector medium is heterogeneous, there are, of course,
fluid velocity, v, is directly proportional to the two (at least) fluids whose character must be
gradient of the pressure, p, or defined. This, however, is in itself not the sig-
nificant feature giving rise to the fundamental
v= -(k/}J.)'Vp, (1) difference between the problems of the flow of
homogeneous and heterogeneous fluids through
where }J. is the viscosity of the fluid and k is the
porous media. Rather it is the variability in the
"permeability" of the medium, which is really
volume composition of the mixture as it pro-
best defined by Eq. (1) itself. This equation is
gresses along the porous medium that necessitates
not, of course, an analytical solution of the
the difference in treatment from that for a single
Stokes-Navier equations. Rather, it represents
homogeneous fluid. For it is clear that if the
only the macroscopic equivalent of such solutions,
volume composition of the mixture were the
in which v4 and p represent statistical averages
same at all points of the medium, it would only
over a great number of pores. Combining Eq. (1)
be necessary to change the effective permeability
with the equation of state defining thermody-
and porosity of the medium for either component
namically the nature of the fluid and the char-
to reduce the problem to that of the flow of
acter of the flow-whether it be isothermal or
homogeneous fluids, as can indeed be done in
adiabatic, for example, in the case of gas flow-
and the equation of continuity, a complete the treatment of the steady state flow of two
immiscible liquids.
formulation is obtained for the hydrodynamics
Although this variation in the volume com-
of the flow of the homogeneous fluid through a
position of the mixture might be represented
porous medium. Thus, for effectively incom-
from a thermodynamic point of view simply as
pressible liquids, one finds at once in this manner
a variation in the equation of state of the gas-
that in homogeneous porous media the pressure
liquid fluid, a more fundamental interpretation
must obey Laplace's equation, namely,
suggests that it be associated with changes in
(2) the effective dynamical characteristics of the
medium itself. Thus expressing the volume com-
and the associated analytical problems become position of the mixture by the liquid saturation
potential theory problems. of the medium p-the part of the pore volume
It is important to note that in Eq. (1) the instantaneously occupied by the liquid-this
characteristics defining the nature of the fluid same saturation will also determine the effective
and of the porous medium are explicitly sepa- permeability of the medium for either component
rated. The former is expressed simply by the of the mixture. That is, the porous medium itself
viscosity of the fluid }J.. And the porous medium is to be considered as changing from point to
is uniquely and completely described by its point. It can, therefore, no longer be defined by a
single invariable permeability. Rather, one must
2 H. Darcy, Les fontaines publiques de la ville de Dijon generalize this concept which is based upon the
3 M. Muskat and H. G. Botset 1, 27 (1931). assumption that all of the interconnected pores
4 In fact, V is not to be considered as a physical velocity, of the medium are filled by the fluid it is bearing,
but is simply the volume fluid flux per unit macroscopic
area of the porous medium. and assign to the medium a local structure,

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defined by the liquid 5 saturation, this latter, in It is also to be noted that whereas for a
turn, uniquely determining the local permea- homogeneous fluid system the permeability is
bilities for both the gas and liquid phases of the the same for both gases and liquids, this is no
mixture, the permeabilities representing the longer true when the medium carries a mixture
macroscopic velocities of the two phases per unit of a gas and liquid. For insofar as the permea-
pressure gradient. Of course, these local satura- bility refers to the macroscopic velocity of each
tions and permeabilities are themselves ulti- fluid phase in the mixture per unit pressure
mately determined by the boundary pressures gradient, it is clear that the permeability for
imposed on the system, the character of the either the gas or liquid phases will increase as
fluids, the saturation pressures, and the pro- the fractional volume of the pores occupied by
duction history of the system, and furthermore either increases. Thus when the medium is com-
they may vary with the time, but the significant pletely saturated with liquid the gas permea-
fact is that they represent the fundamental bility in the above sense will be zero, since no
dynamical elements constituting the hydro- free gas is actually being transmitted through
dynamic mechanism whereby the flow system the medium. And conversely, when there is no
may be physically described. Indeed, it is the liquid phase present, the liquid permeability,
character of the variation of the saturation and from the point of view of heterogeneous fluid
permeability together with the fluid pressure in flow, will be zero, as no liquid is being produced
space and time that is the "unknown" to be even though the medium is subjected to a non-
predicted by the "solution" of a problem in the vanishing pressure differential. This generaliza-
tion of the permeability concept based upon the
flow of heterogeneous fluids through porous
flow of homogeneous fluids is necessary in order
to be able to identify and follow the behavior of
As the carrier of a heterogeneous fluid, a
the individual components of the two phase
porous medium is thus characterized by the
relation-curves' or equations-between its local
Finally it is to be observed that although in
permeabilities for the liquid and free gas phases the calculation of the individual gas and liquid
and the local saturation. The elements of these permeabilities the effect of the differences in
relations corresponding to complete or zero viscosities between the two fluids is eliminated
liquid saturations will give the special cases by reducing them both to unit viscosity-as is
representing the homogeneous fluid permeability always done in calculating homogeneous fluid
for either liquids or gases. Just as the latter are permeabilities-their sum will still not equal the
to be considered as constants of the medium to single homogeneous fluid value, except at the end
be determined empirically rather than by a points of complete and zero liquid saturation.
calculation from the microscopic structure of For the continuous creation and destruction of
the medium, so must the relations between the interfaces between the immiscible fluids in the
local permeabilities and the saturation be con- interior of the porous medium will clearly lead
sidered as the composite definition of the porous to appreciable energy losses in addition to that
medium, which must be provided by empirical due to the viscous friction, which alone enters
measurements before any particular flow problem in a homogeneous fluid flow. Indeed, it is clear
can be discussed numerically. A satisfactory cal- that, in principle, the interfacial tensions of the
culation of these relations theoretically would fluids should be required as an additional param-
obviously be of an even higher order of com- eter with which to fix uniquely the value of the
plexity than that of the homogeneous fluid per- local permeability for any given local liquid
meability, which already presents entirely insur- saturation, although the experiments show that
mountable analytical difficulties. the variation with the interfacial tension of the
permeability vs. saturation curves for unconsoli-
5 The choice of the liquid saturation is, of course, based dated sands, at least under steady state con-
only up~m convenience. The use of its complement, the gas ditions, is not large, and may be neglected in a
saturatIOn, would evidently be equally definitive from a
physical point of view. first approximation.

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I. ANALYTICAL FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM for the determination of the four unknown vari-
OF THE FLOW OF HETEROGENEOUS FLUIDS ables kg, kl' p, and p. And replacing kg and kl
THROUGH POROUS MEDIA by koFg(p) and koFl(p), the equations are reduced
to the two:
\\Tith the above considerations in mind, we are
ready to construct the analytical formulation of c s
the problem of the flow of heterogeneous fluids -v· (pFg(p)Vp} +-V' (pF1(p)VP}
through porous media. This will consist of the
following elements: j a
= - -p(sp+c(l- p)}, (9)
(1) A statement of the viscosities /1-0, /1-1 of the gas and ko at
liquid phases.
(2) A statement of the solubility s of the gas in the liquid, j}tl ap
and its "equation of state" in the forms: V· (Fz(p)Vp} = - - , (10)
ko at
in the two variables p and p.
where S is the mass of gas dissolved in unit These represent the fundamental equations
volume of the ·Iiquid, and 'Y is its density at the which will govern the flow of .heterogeneous
pressure p, assuming that the gas obeys the ideal fluids through porous media. And, as indicated
gas laws as well as Henry's law. above, the functions Fg(p) and FI(p) must be
(3) The "laws of flow" for the gas and liquid predetermined empirically,7 and are to be con-
phases, as sidered as physical data to be provided, together
with the constants c, s, j, }tg, and }tl. before any
numerical analysis of a particular flow problem
where VI, Vg are the macroscopic velocities- can be attempted. Unfortunately, however, the
volume fluxes per unit area of the medium-of nonlinear and complex character of these equa-
the liquid and free gas phases, and kl' kg are tions makes it impossible to treat or solve them
their permeabilities. generally. In the present paper we shall, there-
(4) The empirical relation between the gas and fore, content ourselves with a discussion of
liquid permeabiIities and the liquid saturation, several simple special cases.
p, as
(5) A. Steady state linear flow
where ko is the homogeneous fluid permeability By definition, the steady state condition of
and p is here considered as the actual liquid flow will be governed by Eqs. (9) and (10) with
saturation divided by the normal porosity rand: the right sides set equal to zero. AlthQugh the
(5) The equations of continuity for both the time variable is thus eliminated, the resulting
gas and liquid: 7 Although these functions Fa and Fl(p) are, of course,
the products of definite physical factors and of the proper-
V· ('YVg)+V' (SVI) = -j(a/at) (SP+'Y(1- p) l. ties of the sand structure, attempts to calculate them by
considerations of the capillary structure of the medium
and V'VI= -jap/at. (6) must obviously involve such extreme simplifications as to
dispel all confidence in their numerical implications. While
Inserting Eqs. (3) and (4) into Eqs. (6) we it is most helpful to construct a physical picture for qualita-
tively explaining the variations of the FI and Fa curves, it
obtain at once: is clear that a quantitative treatment of such models of
the microscopic flow system is even more remote from any
(C/}ty)V' (kgpVp) + (S/}tl)V' (kIPVp) practical applicability than the many fruitless attempts
that have been made to calculate the normal homogeneous
= j(a/at)p(sp+c(1- p) I, (7) fluid permeability from grain size distributions. Further-
more, the practical situation with respect to the study of
V· (kIVP) =j}tlap/at. (8) heterogeneous fluid systems, at least in the field of oil
production, demands the recognition of the fact that sands
Eqs. (5), (7), and (8) thus give four equations do have the properties they are found with, which must
therefore be determined by direct measurements, so as to
6 These definitions of the term p and the functions F as permit an analysis of their macroscopic behavior under
kjko, are used here because it is found empirically (d. pre- practical field conditions, and that even a satisfactory
ceding paper) that the curves Fa and FI wi\] then be prac- calculation of what the sand properties would have been if
tically independent of the nature of the sand (if uncon- they had a certain idealized structure will have at best only
solidated). an academic interest.

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equations still present formidable analytical R(J.tyl Fz(p)

difficulties in the finding of general solutions. In
'!rep) +a
the cases of linear, radial, and spherical flow,
however, the solutions can be reduced so as to
involve only single quadratures.
_ j'PI Fz'(p)d P], (18)

Thus for the problem of linear flow (along the P '!rep) +a
x axis), we have, from Eqs. (9) and (10): PI being the pressure at x = 0.
Although, in principle, Eq. (18) permits the
-- dP} s d { pFz(p)-
d { pFg(p)- dP } =0,
+-- (11) determination of the saturation distribution, and ax dx dx dx hence pressure and permeability distributions,
for any set of boundary pressures and saturations,
(dldx)l Fz(p) (dpldx) 1=0, (12) it has been found empirically, however, that it is
impossible to maintain a steady state condition
which give immediately
of the flow of a heterogeneous fluid as long as the
[(el + (sl J.tZ)Fl(p) Jpdpldx liquid saturation exceeds a certain critical value,
=const= -eQylk o, (13)8 corresponding to the "equilibrium permeability"
of the sand (d. the preceding paper). Thus as
Fz(p)dpldx=const=, (14) long as there is any free gas at all in the sand it
will, in effect, accumulate until the liquid
where Qy and Ql are total volume rates of flow
saturation does not exceed the critical value, and
per unit area of the porous medium, as indeed
will even accumulate at points where the
they must be from elementary considerations.
pressure has dropped below the saturation
Qy refers, of course, to the gas volume at at-
pressure only by an infinitesimal amount. Hence
mospheric pressure. Introducing now the nota-
the boundary conditions at a point where the
system assumes the character of a heterogeneous
Fg(p) ko(p) Qo SJ.ty fluid system are:
'!rep) = - - = - - ; -=R· -=a, (15)
Fl(p) kl(p) Qz ' p = saturation pressure = P.; (19)
p = critical saturation = Pc.
so that R represents the gas-liquid volume ratio
of the flux, as measured at atmospheric pressure, Furthermore at the equilibrium point the gas
an elimination of dp I dx gives permeability (of the steady state) vanishes, so
that '!r(Pc) = 0.
By Eq. (16), the resultant gas-liquid flux ratio
is then uniquely determined. Taking this point
Differentiating, we have
as that corresponding to (PI, PI)' i.e., x=O, Eq.
(18) can now be rewritten as
dx koFz(p) akops[FZ(Pc)
X=-- - - -
Fz(p) fPC Fz'(p)d p] , (20)
J.tzQz a '!rep) +a P '!rep) +a
so that
with R= (sle)ps.
The other boundary condition may be ex-
pressed either by a specification of the terminal
saturation P2( < Pc), or the terminal pressure
where the saturation at x = 0 is Pl. To avoid the P2( <Ps), at the distance L from the point x=O.
inaccuracies in finding the values of d'!rldp, Eq. This will, in turn, determine the value of Qz, by
(17) may be integrated by parts, giving Eq. (20), by simply interchanging Ql and x, and
setting x = L, P = P2. From this it is seen that the
8 The minus sign on the right sides of Eqs. (13) and (14)
simply anticipates the choice of x=O as the inflow terminal
flux through such a system, for given terminal
of the system, so that ap/ax <0. conditions, is inversely proportional to its length.

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100 ,
: ,,

! 1\... f-k. I
\ .'"" -- EqJilibriJrn
Permoabi lily
a! \

/ \
1\ f7 •
\ J \
1"'- V Ij/{p)
~ / 1\
"" •

/ ~ \

I - V ........

100 P • Par cen' Liquid Saturation

90 I 0.1 2
FIG. 1. Liquid (k l ) and gas (k.) permeability curves as a OD a
function of the liquid saturation, replotted from Fig. 5 of ~
preceding paper, for a 70-120 mesh sand carrying a water- ~,
carbon dioxide mixture. Homogeneous fluid permeability <>04
= 17.8 darcys. Dotted curves represent transient states of ~' ,
"7' o.eo .... P
" --"'.. .00

However, if L is fixed, Q varies with P2, and hence FIG. 2. 'i.f(p) ( =k1/k.) vs. liquid saturation p, plotted from
curves of Fig. 1.
the total pressure differential, in a nonlinear and
more complex manner.
The significance of Eq. (20) may be seen most I ........

readily by a numerical application. Choosing for I'-.

the fluid system that of carbon dioxide and oe " J'o-.-h, t-

water, for which
s/c=0.88 cc/cc/atmos.;
1m, ~j-.,.
i""-- - l- I -
(21) t'--- t'---
}tz/}ta = 59.3; a = 0.0148, t'--- '\
and for Fl(p) and \[t(p) the functions given in ~

Figs. 1 and 2, which were replotted from the

data of the preceding paper, the relation between
the bracket in Eq. (20) or: QI}tIX/ akop. and p is
o 10
'" " 40

plotted as Curve I in Fig. 3. Pc has been taken

as 0.90, corresponding to the 70-120 mesh sand,
for which ko = 17.8 darcys. In Curve II the cor- FIG. 3. Saturation (I), pressure (II), and permeability
(III) distributions in a linear system carrying a hetero-
responding values of p/P .. as given by Eqs. (16) geneous fluid in the steady state. p,=saturation pressure;
and (21), are plotted also against Ql}tlx/akop •. ko=homogeneous fluid permeability; x=distance from
inflow end where p=p,. Ql=liquid flux per unit area;
The variations of the relative liquid perme- a=sp,./cP,l; s=gas solubility; c=gas density/atmos. P,l,
ability, kt!ko, are shown in Curve III. p,y = viscosity of liquid and gas.
It will be seen that the saturation remains
Rather it represents only a limitation on the
quite uniform and the pressure closely linear
product of the length of the flow channel and the
until XQI}tt! akop. exceeds the value 20. In this
flux Ql. Thus supposing that the pressure at the
range, of course, the flow approximates 9 that of
outflow end is effectively zero, so that x cor-
a homogeneous fluid. It should be pointed out,
responds to the total length L, the curves of Fig.
however, that the limiting value for the abscissas
3 show that the maximum value of the liquid
of Fig. 3, do not imply any physical limitation
on the length of the system under consideration. flux possible in the system is
QI=41.0ak op./ L}tl = 0.61k oP./ }tIL
9 In a strict sense, however, there must be some variation
of the permeabilities and saturations along the flow column, = 10.80p./ /J.IL, (22)
as is explicitly required by Eq. (16), as a consequence of the
relation between p and 'i.f(p). using the constants of Eq. (21).

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Thus, if the outlet pressure be kept effectively B. Steady state radial and spherical flow
at zero, the flux through a given channel will be When the steady state condition of flow has
directly proportional to the saturation pressure axial (radial) or spherical symmetry, the analysis
(or gas-liquid ratio), and hence pressure dif- will be identical with that given above for linear
ferential. The effective average permeability of flow provided one makes the changes of variables
the channel will then be (for the physical system as given by:
chosen above) 61 percent of that of the homo-
geneous fluid permeability. If, however, the Radial flow: x= (1/27l"h) log relr,
saturation pressure, and hence the gas-liquid Spherical flow: x= (l/47r)(1/r-1/re),
ratio, is kept fixed, the variation of the flux where r. represents the external (cylindrical or
through a channel of a given length with the spherical) boundaries corresponding to x = 0,
pressure differential (ps - p) may be obtained where p = pc, and h is the sand thickness in the
from Curve II of Fig. 3 by simply interpreting case of radial flow. From these definitions it
the abscissas as proportional to Ql and sub- follows that the saturation distributions for
tracting the ordinates from 1. The curve so found radial and spherical flow will be given by the
is plotted in Fig. 4 ,where the quantity (Ps-p)lps equations:
has been plotted as the effective pressure dif-
ferential, and (LfJ-z/ akOps)QI as the flux. It will Radial flow:
be observed from this curve that here, too, the re 27l"hkoaps[Fl(PC)
flux increases almost exactly linearly with the log-= --
r QlfJ-l a
pressure differential until the outflow pressure
has fallen to less than half of the saturation
pressure, beyond which the decreasing perme-
ability near the outflow end cuts down the flux
so that it increases less rapidly than the pressure Spherical flow:
differential. On the other hand, it should be
1 1 47l"koap8[ Fl(pc)
noted that even in the approximately linear range
of the flux vs. pressure differential curve the QlfJ-l a
average effective permeability for the liquid, up
to (ps-p)IPs=0.5, will be only 70 percent of the -~~-fPC Fz'(p)d ]. (25)
homogeneous fluid permeability. 'l1(p) +a p 'l1(p) +a


- -- - -- - - ----- - c-- - - - -- - - - - I---


_ 30
Vf- --- --t-

i") v-
j ~

...,..-V ---

001 002 003 0.7 ().9 1.0

FIG. 4. Variation of the liquid flux Ql with the pressure differential P8- PI across a length L
of a linear channel carrying a heterogeneous fluid. Notation same as in Fig. 3.

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-- -- -- ti:i -- -- -
~ -
.... '
-- - -- -
/ ,." m· -t/II,
!/'j ;'
0. , I

o 150 100 1150 200 400 4150

r eft;)· "...... "CIIII well ..nter

FIG. 5. Saturation (I), pressure (II), and permeability (III) distributions in a radial
system carrying a heterogeneous fluid in the steady state. Dotted curve gives the pressure
distribution in the equivalent homogeneous liquid radial system. Well radius = r, external
boundary radius=500'. Notation same as in Fig. 3.

Assuming that hk oaIQlfJ-I=0.0295, so 'as to fJ-llog relrw

make the limiting value of x, as given by Fig. 3, ----Ql
27rhk oap.
correspond to rei rtv = 2000, or a well radius,
rw= 1/4', and an external boundary radius, for the case of radial flow and
r =500', the saturation, permeability, and

pressure distributions for this radial system fJ-1(1/ rw- 1/ re)

are shown in Fig. 5. The extreme localizations
about the well center of the drops in the satura-
tion and permeability below their equilibrium for the case of spherical flow. Thus for a fixed
values are to be noted. However, although the pressure differential ((Ps-p)lp.), the flux Ql will
highly localized saturation variation means only vary with the geometrical dimensions h, r e, rw
an extremely small change in the total liquid of these heterogeneous fluid systems in exactly
volume content of the sand from that in a uni- the same manner as does that in the correspond-
ing homogeneous fluid system.
formly saturated (to equilibrium value) sand,
With regard to the saturation and permeability
the drop in the permeability near the well does
distributions in a spherical flow system, it is
result in an appreciable increase in the concen-
clear that the appreciable deviations from the
tration of the pressure gradients about the well
equilibrium values will be even more localized
center. This will be obvious on comparing the
about the center of convergence of the flow than
heterogeneous fluid pressure distribution as in the case of radial flow. And as in the latter
computed in the same manner as that for the case, the pressure gradients near the outflow
case of linear flow, shown in Curve II, with that surface will nevertheless show appreciable in-
for a homogeneous fluid, given by the dotted creases as compared to those in the corresponding
curve. homogeneous fluid system.
The variation of the flux in radial and spherical As to the numerical values plotted in Figs. 3,
systems with the pressure differential will be 4, and 5, it should be specifically understood that
identical with that shown in Fig. 4 for the linear they refer only to the particular sand described
system, provided only that one interprets the by Fig. 1 and for the fluid constants defined by
ordinates' of Fig. 4 to be Eq. (21). Furthermore, it has been assumed that

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the inflow terminal of the linear channel was in A. "Continuous successions of steady states"
all cases maintained at the saturation pressure. Although the basis for the discussion to be
The results are therefore quantitatively appli- given here of the general problem of transient
cable only to these specific cases. However, the states of flow of heterogeneous fluids will be a
significant qualitative features displayed by the numerical solution of the fundamental Eqs. (9)
curves of Figs. 3-5 should persist even when the and (10), it is of interest to note that at least
detailed numerical constants of the flow system for the very early life of such transient systems
are varied over a considerable range. For, as the introduction of a physical approximation will
shown in the preceding paper, the curves Fo(p) permit the derivation of closed analytic ex-
and Fl(p) are changed but slightly even for large pressions for the significant physical properties.
variations in the nature of the sand, as long as This physical approximation method is simply
it is unconsolidated. And while the relation that of representing the nonsteady state or
between the equilibrium permeability and the transient history of the flow system as a con-
normal homogeneous fluid permeability, as tinuous succession of steady states, each cor-
shown in Fig. 12 of the preceding paper, may be responding to instantaneous values of the
appreciably changed when passing into the boundary conditions, the variation of the latter
domain of consolidated sands, it is not unlikely being so chosen as to satisfy the physical con-
that the relation between the heterogeneous ditions imposed on the system, such as a pre-
fluid permeabilities and the saturation will still assigned variation of the flux, or a closure of the
retain the general form of the curves of Fig. 1. system at one of the boundaries, etc. This
With regard to the terminal condition that the method has been found useful in the study of the
inflow pressure be the saturation pressure P.. it is nonsteady state flow of gases in gas reservoirs,
to be noted that the curves of Figs. 3 and 5 will where the governing partial differential equation
also apply for any inlet pressure less than ps is also nonlinear. lO While such a procedure has as
provided only the origin be shifted to the point yet no direct analytical justification, its implica-
where the pressure on the curves marked II has tions in the case of gas flow have all been
the appropriate value chosen for the inflow physically reasonable. Furthermore, a closer
pressure. And if the inflow pressure exceeds P.. study of a similar problem of the flow of a com-
one need only add the linear distribution for the pressible liquid through a sand, where the
homogeneous fluid flow until the pressure falls analysis could be carried through rigorously,
to the value P.. the gradient being so adjusted indeed resolved itself, from a physical point of
that the same liquid flow will pass through the view, into a representation of the transient
homogeneous and heterogeneous parts of the behavior of the system that was equivalent to a
composite system. continuous succession of steady states of the
type just described,u
This method of the continuous succession of
steady states may be most easily illustrated by
actually carrying through the appropriate analy-
It will be recalled that Eqs. (9) and (10) are sis. Thus supposing that the outflow pressure
the basic differential equations governing the (at x = 0) of a linear system of length L, which
flow of a heterogeneous fluid through a porous is initially saturated everywhere with gas to the
medium. For the nonsteady state condition of pressure Pi, is reduced at the initial instant and
flow, when the right sides of these equations are is maintained thereafter at the pressure Pw( <Pi),
nonvanishing, they are evidently partial dif- it will be assumed that the resulting efflux of
ferential equations even for such cases as linear fluid will be given by the .steady state values
corresponding to the gas-liquid ratio of solution,
and radial flow. And as they are nonlinear, their
namely: R=(sp;jcKiJt(p) =0 in Eq. (16)). The
solution presents a most formidable task. We are
therefore forced to resort to approximation 10 M. Muskat and H. G. Botset, Physics 1, 27 (1931),
and M. Muskat, Physics 5, 71 (1934).
methods, which we shall now outline. 11 Cf. last reference, in particular section II, D.

Downloaded 02 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see

length of this region of steady-state flow wiIl be Thus the flux during the initial transient has
taken to grow (increasing "radius of drainage") the same simple time variation as the heat flux
at such a rate that the corresponding loss of fluid from an infinitely long rod whose end is sud-
content of the system wiH just balance the flux. denly lowered in temperature below its initial
SpecificaIly, then, if xU) is the length at the time uniform temperature.
t of the region of steady state flow, we shall have
B. Numerical method of solution
that the associated liquid flux will be, by Eq.
(17) Although the case of the radial flow system
can be treated in a similar manner, the analysis
RkoJ.!-g !PW Fz(p)(d'fI /dp)dp in both cases becomes considerably more com-
Qz(/)=-- , (26)
J.!- Z2X (t) Pc ('fI(p) +a)2 plicated after the passing of the "initial tran-
sient" and the recession of the "radius of drain-
where pw is given by: age," (x(t) of Eqs. (26)-(31) to the external
boundary of the system. We shaH, therefore,
proceed now directly to the numerical solutions
and the pressure at x(t) is taken to be the initial of Eqs. (9) and (10) for the problem of linear
saturation pressure Pi, at which the saturation flow, defined by:
has already fallen to the critical equilibrium x=o : p= 1; x=L: ap/ax=o,
value Pc. Furthermore, as the flux Ql is being (32)
1=0 :p=lO; p=1.0.
supplied by the spread of the "radius of drain-
age" x(t), we must have PhysicaIly, Eq. (32) represents a linear column
of length L, initiaIly filled with a liquid which is
a xCI)
saturated to a pressure of 10 units, and which is
Ql(t)=f-j l1-p(x»)dx
at 0 subsequently exposed to the terminal conditions
of zero flux or closure at x = L, and a pressure of
a fPC (1- p)dp 1 unit at x = O. The problem is to determine the
at pw (dp/dx) behavior of the pressure and saturation dis-
tributions after the initial instant, together with
-RkofJlg a [PC (l-p)Fz(p)d'fI/dp the associated fluxes.
=---- dp, (28)
J.!- Z2 atLpw Qz(t)1'fI(p)+a)2 To eliminate the absolute numerical values of
some of the physical constants of the system,
by Eq. (16a). Hence the dimensionless variables x, t were introduced,
Ql(t) =A(a/at)(1/Ql); (32a)12
A = -RkofJ.!-g (PC (1- p)Fz(p)(d'fI /dp)d p, (29) Eqs. (9) and (10) then reduce, for the linear
Jll 2
J pw l'fI(p)+a}2 system, to:

with the solution

Ql= (A/2t)l. (30)
p 2
The recession of the "radius of drainage" x(t) c ( C) }a {C ap Fg a p
is, therefore, given by { -+ 1-- p ---:::=p -----.::+---
s s at s at a ax2
x(t) = Cll; 1 aF a } + (Fa
g p p
+--- -+Fz ) (a- )2 ,

~RkoJl-,,-) I f PW Fl(p) (d'fI/dp)dp a ax ax a ax,

fJ.!-12 Pc {'fI(p)+a}2 where a is defined by Eq. (15). In order to sim-

C= (31)
_j>1 (1- P)Fl(P) (d'fI/dP)]1 12 It is also assumed that the pressure p is measured

[ Pw {'fI(p)+a}2
relative to some unit pressure, which is to be considered as
multiplied into the right side of the equation for t.

Downloaded 02 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see

plify the calculations the special case was chosen linearly across x=O to x= -0.05, as is usually
in which: c/s= 1, and a= 1/100. done in such calculations, the value p( -0.05)
The numerical work was then carried out in was so chosen that a2 p/ax2 was equal at x=O
the following manner. and 0.05, as it is clear from the first of Eqs. (33)
The 'partial derivatives were replaced by the that a linear extrapolation at x = 0 would have
difference expressions: given a positive value to apia! at x=O, which
would, of course, be physically inadmissible.
aG(q) G(q+h) -G((j-h) While this mode of extrapolation is also arbi-
aq 2h trary, it was found rather satisfactory until the
later stages of the calculation, where obvious
a2G(q) G(q+h)-2G(q)+G(q-h) discrepancies necessitated the change to the
requirement that the value of a2p/ ax2 at X= 0.05
(34) was t of that at x=O. p(x), however, was extra-
G(t+~t) =G(i) + (aG/at)M polated linearly at X=O.
Although the effect of the imposition of the
The length of the system, that is, from x=O boundary condition p= 1 at x=O was trans-
to x= 1, was then divided into segments spaced mitted towards x= 1 only stepwise with each
by 0.05 unit up to x=0.3 and by 0.1 unit to stage of the calculation, the boundary condition
x = 1. In the first part the differences given by at x = 1 was introduced ultimately by the require-
Eqs. (34) were taken with h=0.05, and in the ment of symmetry both in p and p at x = 1.
second h was taken equal to 0.1. Beginning then That is, the range of x was extrapolated to
with the initial condition in which the saturation x= 1.1, and the values there were taken equal to
p was uniform over the whole range x = 0 to 1.0, those at x = 0.9, so as to make both ap / ax and
and the pressure p had the value 10 at all points aF/ax vanish at x= 1.
except at x = 0, where it was set equal to 1, both While the procedure thus outlined appears to
the quantities ap/al and ap/at were calculated be completely numerical, it was found that the
by Eqs. (33), these values corresponding to the actual values obtained for p as a function of x
initial instant t = O. The values of Fl and Fg gave rather irregular values for a2 p/ (Jx 2 which,
were taken from Fig. 1. By means of the last of when used directly in Eq. (33), ultimately led to
Eqs. (34) the values of p and p were then cal- a marked lack of smoothness in the values of the
culated at the time ~t which was chosen as 10-5 • p and p themselves. It was, therefore, necessary
With these new values of p and p for the various to graphically smooth out the curves of p and
values of x new values of apia! and ap/at were p at each stage of the calculation and use the
computed by Eq. (33), thus giving the rates of values from the curves in each subsequent stage
change of these fundamental dependent variables according to Eqs. (33).
at the time ~t. The application of the last of As the calculations proceeded and the values
Eqs. (34) was then repeated with a new incre- of apia! and apia! began declining from their
ment ~t, new values of p(x) and p(x) were maximal values the time interval ~t were
obtained, and Eq. (33) once more applied, etc. gradually increased, those in the latter half of the
The boundary condition in which the pressure decline exceeding the value 0.001.
was to be maintained at the value 1 at x = 0, I t should be mentioned that the values for Fo
was introduced by deliberately setting p = 1 at and Fl used in these calculations for high satura-
x = 0 at each step, in spite of the fact that tions were those given by the dotted curves of
ap/at at x=O always came out to have a positive Fig. 1. Since the detailed empirical study of the
value, except at the late stages of the calcula- transient types of flow has not yet led to an
tions. In order to make possible the calculation unambiguous identification of the exact paths
of ap/at as well as apia! at x=O, values of ap/ax the Fg(p) curves will take between the steady
and a2 p/ax 2 were necessary. This required an state curve and the upper dotted curve until the
effective extension of the range of x ·to the point latter merges with the former, as the volume of
x = - 0.05; and instead of extrapolating p(x) available gas or its velocity is varied, we have

Downloaded 02 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
generaj14 geometry, may be derived as follows.
0o Thus since at such closed boundaries Vp=O, it is
readily found by dividing Eqs. (9) and (10) that
0o ('Jr(p) +a)pap/ at
20 o
=a(a/at)p{p+(c/s)(l-p)), (35)
where all the terms refer to a point on the closed
10 boundary. Making the substitution


ag(p) =
f c/s+p(1-c/s)
, (36)

0 it is readily found that

g(Pi) - g(p) = log Pi/ P, (37)

\ 10
where Pi and Pi are the initial saturations and
pressures at the closed boundaries, and p and P
1 are those at the time t. For the present case,
~ where cis was taken as 1 and a as 0.01, and with
\ 'Jr(p) given by Fig. 2, the resulting plot of p as a
\ function of the pressure is given in Fig. 6 where
PI and Pe correspond to P and p of Eq. (37). As
I' ......... the calculation of this curve involved only the
""- UK! quadrature required by Eq. (36), it may be
p. considered as a rigorous analytical implication
FIG. 6. Pressure drop vs. saturation Pe at the closed of the differential Eqs. (9) and (10). And while
boundary of a heterogeneous fluid system as given by
Eq. (37). pi! Pi = (initial pressure) / (pressure when satura- the calculation of Pe and PI by the numerical
tion has fallen to p,). Crosses are values found in calcula- method here described is also essentially equiva-
tions ofthe production from a linear system. In both c/s= 1,
<>=0.01. lent to the analytical integration involved in
Eqs. (35) to (37), the actual values of Pe and PI
used what appears to be the envelope of the as used in the calculations were dependent on the
various possible Fg(p) curves, namely, the smoothing out of the p(x) and p(x) curves as
dotted one. While this fact leads to some uncer- well as on the replacement of the differential
tainty as to the uniqueness of the exact numerical quantities by their differences. The agreement
results of the calculations, it is very unlikely that of these values with those given by Eq. (37), as
any of the general features will be thereby shown by the crosses in' Fig. 6, may, therefore,
affected. be considered as at least a partial check upon the
calculations as a whole.
C. Tests of the calculations A further check of an integrated character on
In addition to the general physical require- the accuracy of the calculations may be obtained
ments that both the pressure and saturation by comparing the total integrated liquid outflow
must monotonically decrease with the time, and from the system with the loss of liquid saturation
that they must increase with x, a further check in the 'interior, that is, by a test of the equality
on the calculations was obtained by means of a of the two sides of the equation
relation that was derived l3 rigorously from the
original differential equations between the satura- Inrt{ F1(p, -t)--_
apex, -i)} _ dt=
- II -
(1- p(x, t))dx. (38)
tion and pressure at the closed boundary. This o ax Z~O 0

relation, which is valid for a closed system of 14 There is the limitation, however, that the closed
boundary must also be an equi-pressure surface, as the
13 Because of the lack of automatic recording equipment result either of its natural geometrical symmetry, as in
it was unfortunately impossible to obtain the detailed strictly radial or spherical flow systems, or of a dynamical
transient history of this type of flow system empirically symmetry induced by the surrounding and neighboring
with which to check the calculations directly. flow systems.

Downloaded 02 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see

The discrepancy between the two sides of this

equation is clearly a measure of the cumulative
errors that might be developed by the time t in
1.0 , •. !Q .•••.

...... 1--
...-r ......
- I--
,,- V ,.....

. - I--

I /. '/ / ./
the calculation of either the pressure distribution I I / V V ,/ V
p(x) or the saturation distribution p(x), or both. J II j / V
I t was found by carrying out the indicated o.7~ Ll a L / / V .--
1"7 Jf ~cf 1# tY /' V v-
integrations that the right-hand side exceeded
the left at the stage of complete (7, =0.15) depletion
by 5.4 percent, and this may be considered as the


: /I
~ #'

...... -
, I IV V. /' V ~ .--
overall error of the calculations as a whole. In
: I 'I ~ V
view of the sensitivity of the left part of Eq. (38) , ,/, /V ,,-
to the extrapolation of p(x) across x = 0, which
had to be effected on the basis of the arbitrary
o.3: '1/ w, '/. V ./
If; ~v: ~
.- --
, fh ~ v ..... -
assumption mentioned above, and the great
number of graphical adjustments of the p(x) and
o. ';

~ v
.. ---
l - I--

... ... --- ____ A. ---- ._ .. _. -or i.,- -- -- ... . - ---
p(x) curves at each stage of the calculation, the
agreement within 5 percent of the two sides of 0.' ... 0.0 G4 ()O. C>6 1 ~ '0
Eq. (38) is felt to be quite satisfactory.
FIG. 8. History of the pressure decline in a linear channel
,,I) ••1·11 ••••.••• with one terminal closed and the other opened to produc-
1/ v V ,/ .-- tion. Notation same as in Fig. 7.
J / V '/ ,/
111 V / v /'
D. Results
If I~ ~ V ,,-
7 ~ V / ./ The essential results of these calculations are:
I ,I) &I V ,/
I -.!j V 1. The history of the saturation and pressure distributions
I I I II ~ within the flow channel, and the final distribution of
0.9 0
II I / V / ~
I / y

...... -- the former.
2. The variation of the flux from the system with the time,
I I I IV / \.5J ~ and the cumulative ultimate efflux.
II I / / ,/ 3. The time variation of the gas.liquid ratio from the
I I / system.
6I I V / f-
I I I. I I I / v The first set of results is simply given by the
Q8 4 I 'I I // group of saturation and pressure distributions
p II II I / '/ obtained at the various stages of the calculations.
0 •• ,
/J/ I~ I----""
III 'I I V Typical ones of these are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. 15
0.8o I
J III I) 'I L I----""
.11 II '/'// /
-- I-r-

While the general character of these curves
could have been anticipated from elementary
Wi '//1 / ~-
physical considerations, that of the ultimate
VII, /1/ ,,- saturation distribution is of particular interest,
• <Wl
6//1,'/II I / l- f - for it gives what is perhaps the first quantitative
.rIll, 'I I / ~
theoretical evidence with respect to the much
rlllr 'I 1/ ./ f.-- ..- ,.
WI, / ' I----""f- ... " . debated question of the so-called "radius of
'rJJ II 'h::::;; ~ drainage," that is, the extent of the zone of
or! fA ~ appreciable liquid depletion. Thus it is clear
from this curve that except for the localized
excess of depletion about the outflow surface,
'" ... ... G4 04
C>6 o:t • '"
the ultimate saturation is for all practical pur-
poses quite uniform over the whole flow system.
FIG. 7. History of the decline in liquid content of a linear
channel with one terminal closed and the other opened to 15 In the whole range of 1(0 <t-:=::0.15) there were 65
production. (l-p) = fractional depletion. i, t are dimen- intervals of M, for each of which complete p(i) and p(i)
sionless length and time defined by Eq. (32a). curves were calculated.

Downloaded 02 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see


• i

- o

~I •



" r-....

ZOO 2&
r--.. ........

-t- r-I-

.'" \"'OOi •.0 0.0 ... 8'"

FIG. 9. Decline in flux from a linear channel which is originally saturated to a pressure of 10 units
and is exposed at one end to a unit pressure at the outflow end. Real flux in cc/sec. per unit area of
sand column is kol J.J.L times ordinates.

Or conversely, the ultimate depletion at the depletion may be negligible. The immediate
closed external boundary, as given by Fig. 6, is implication of this result is, of course, that the
practically as great as that of the rest of the depletion or ultimate recovery will be essentially
system except only in the immediate vicinity of independent of the well spacing unless the latter
the outflow surface, this depletion being deter- be made so small as to become prohibitively
mined only by the ratio of the original saturation expensive in the extreme. Of course, the time
pressure to the pressure representing the state that would be required to obtain the physical
of physical depletion. While the saturation at the ultimate recovery as given by the last curve of
outflow face as shown by the last curve of Fig. 7 Fig. 7 will obviously increase with the effective
is 5.2 percent lower than that at the closed length of the flow system, that is, the well spacing,
external boundary, it is not unlikely that at and indeed it will be directly proportional to the
least part of this excess depletion is only apparent square of this spacing as follows from Eq. (32a).
and due to the errors inherent in the calculation, But the extent to which the saturation will
in view of the above-mentioned discrepancy in ultimately fall will be determined essentially by
the two sides of Eq. (38).16 One may, therefore, the ratio of the original reservoir pressure to the
conclude that from a practical point of view, and final ultimate pressure.
insofar as the empirical bases of the whole It is also to be emphasized that the result just
analysis used here will retain their validity in discussed explicitly assumes an extended homo-
consolidated sand systems, there is no "radius geneous sand. When the latter is lenticular it is
of drainage" which delimits and separates the clear that the spacing must be made sufficiently
part of the flow system in which there will be a small as to ins~re a high probability that each
large depletion as compared to that in which the individual lens is penetrated by at least one well.
16 That the actual variation in ultimate saturation is even Beyond that, however, the whole question of well
less than shown in Fig. 7 is also indicated by the direct spacing appears to reduce largely to one of
production experiment described in the preceding paper.
(ef. Table III.) economics in which must be balanced the value

Downloaded 02 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see

of a quick recovery of oil against the cost of asymptotic behavior at its last stages 6f depletion
additional wells and the associated additional are to be noted. And incidentally it may be
investment, with the understanding that when observed that we have here a general conclusion
the pressure within the sand has been reduced to with regard to what has been again a much
any definite value the total recovery by that debated question, namely, the continuous rise in
time will be essentially the same regardless of the gas-liquid ratio with the depletion of the pro-
number of wells involved. Furthermore, the ducing sand. For as is clear from physical con-
same conclusion should apply in a physical sense siderations, the saturation at an outflow surface
when the sands are "tight," except insofar as the which is maintained at a pressure lower than
associated retardation in the depletion of the that of the original saturation pressure must
pressure at distant points may accentuate the necessarily decrease monotonically with the
economic problem of decreased rates of recovery time. By Eq. (16) and Fig. 2 it then follows at
and an increase in the period required for the once that the gas-liquid ratio must, therefore,
return of the investment. necessarily increase monotonically with the time.
On the other hand, it is not to be concluded Again, however, it should be clearly under-
that the ultimate recovery of the liquid will also stood that this last result refers only to the
be independent of the manner of production. For heterogeneous fluid phase of the production of
the present calculations refer only to the single oil and gas from producing reservoirs. For it may
case where the outflow pressure has been im- be shown that if there are distinct free gas zones
mediately lowered to its ultimate minimum, thus which are also exposed to the producing well,
corresponding to a "wide open" flow. While the they will give contributions to the resultant gas-
recovery at the closed boundaries appears to be oil ratio which decrease with the life of the system.
determined only by the actual resultant depletion Hence, depending upon the relative importance
of the fluid pressure, regardless of the mode of of the contributions of gas which come from free
depletion of that pressure, as required by Eq. gas zones and from the oil bearing sand body, the
(37), that nearer the outflow surfaces will resultant gas-oil ratio may show a wide variety
undoubtedly vary at least to some extent with of characteristic histories during the decline of
the character of the pressure variation which is the oil production.
imposed at the outflow surfaces. Likewise, the fundamental observation that
The rate of decline of the flux is shown in Fig. the gas-liquid ratio is very sensitive to and is
9. Its general form is, of course, what might have largely determined by the liquid saturation in
been a priori anticipated, and no further com- the immediate vicinity of the outflow surface
ments are necessary. The integrated area under seems to provide a physical mechanism for ex-
this curve, or the cumulative recovery until
£= 0.15, is 27.7 percent, when averaged with the
equivalent area above the curve t=0.15 of Fig. 7. I-- I-
Since, at £=0.15, the saturation at x=l has
already fallen to 0.724, whereas the limiting V
value, by Fig. 6, is 0.722, it is clear that the R V
recovery at t=0.15 should be no more than a few ,L
percent below the physical ultimate, at which the
pressure has fallen everywhere to the value 1. .
The variation of the gas-liquid ratio given by
Eq. (16), which, for the present case, becomes lOOt
FIG. 10. History of the gas-liquid ratio (gas vol. at atmos.
= 1 + 1001t(po, t),
R(t) (39) pres.)/(liquid vol.) in the production from a linear channel
closed at one terminal. Normal gas-liquid ratio of solu-
where Po is the saturation at x == 0, is shown in tion= 10.0.
Fig. 10.17 The rise in the gas-liquid ratio and its
till the average pressure has fallen to p, which should be
!7 The average of R as weighted with respect to the liquid given by: P=R.(p.-p)/p;l?, thus has the value 0.279,
flux, i.e., R= (f RdQl)/Qz=31.94 to 1=0.15 gives an added lying just between the values 0.269 and 0.284 given by the
check on the calculations, since the fractional recovery, P, left and right sides of Eq. (38).

Downloaded 02 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see

plaining the fact that many wells unde~ actual its original pressure of 10 atmospheres. For the
producing conditions show gas-oil ratios which terminal depletion to reach ! of its ultimate
not only vary with the production rate but which value it would take 628 days, and for the pressure
moreover yield a minimum gas-oil ratio at a to fall to 2.5 atmospheres 1240 days would be
definite production rate. Here, too, the contri- required. Likewise the values of the fluxes of
bution to the gas-oil ratio due to free gas zones Fig. 9 must be multiplied by kO/iJ-L to get the
will in general decrease as the production rate flux in cc/sec. per unit area of sand column. Thus
increases, excepting only when the reservoir for the above case, Qz = 1 corresponds to a flux
pressure in the free gas zone is less than that of of 1.093.10- 6 cc/sec. per cm2 of sand column, or
the oil zone, when a maximal gas-oil ratio might 5.52.10- 4 bbl./day per sq. ft. of sand.
result at a certain rate of production. For, as Returning now to Fig. 6, one may draw the
follows from Eq. (16), the gas-oil ratio is pro- following implication· of considerable practical
portional to the well pressure and to the function interest. It is that in view of the rapid rise of the
'l1(Pw) , where pw is the liquid saturation at the values of Pi/PI with Pe, the ultimate recovery of
well face. Now although an increase in produc- sands will increase but very slowly with their
tion rate necessarily means a decrease in the well original reservoir pressures. And conversely, the
pressure, it also seems almost certain that the application of vacuum to a sand, which would
lower pressure and greater gas evolution will increase the ultimate values of pdpi attainable
result in a decrease in the liquid saturation at the· for the sand, will again increase the ultimate
well face. Hence, due to the very rapid rise in recoveries but very slightly even if one should
'l1(p) with decreasing p, when the latter is less neglect the associated increases in liquid viscosity
than about 0.75, it is very probable that the which may quite possibly compensate for most
product pw(a+'l1(pw)) may definitely increase of the gain. Thus in the system discussed numer-
even though Pw be decreased, thus giving rise to ically above, in which the ultimate pdPI was
a gas-oil ratio which grows with the production 10, and hence Pe was 0.722, the application of a
rate. When this effect is combined with the vacuum so as to reduce the final average pressure
behavior of the free gas zone which will con- over the sand to t would decrease pe by only
tribute a gas-oil ratio which decreases with 2 percent, that is, to 0.702.
increasing production rate, it is clear that the A somewhat similar interpretation follows
result may well lead to a gas-oil ratio vs. pro- from Fig. 2 with regard to the effectiveness of
duction rate curve which shows a minimum at a gas recycling. For since P increases but slowly
certain production rate. While these general with increasing values of 'l1(p) , which is essen-
considerations are still very distant from the tially proportional to the gas-liquid ratio, it is
answer to the question as to the gas-oil ratio to clear that the latter will soon become extra-
be expected in any specific case, it is felt that ordinarily large if small values of the saturation
they represent the physical basis upon which P are to be attained. Hence the method of gas
such answers are to be ultimately developed. recycling must be expected to involve very
In interpreting the numerical significance of high gas-liquid ratios1 8 if appreciable secondary
the quantitative results obtained here, one must, recoveries and hence decreases of the average
of course, translate the dimensionless lengths i, liquid saturation are to be attained beyond those
and time i, into their normal equivalents by given by the methods of natural recovery.
means of Eqs. (32a). Thus, for example, a 300 In view of the practical importance of the con-
ft. column of sand of porosity 20 percent and . clusions drawn above from the analysis of the
permeabili ty of 0.1 darcy carrying a liquid of problem of the linear flow of a mixture through
viscosity 10 centipoises, would, if the pressure a sand, recognition must be taken of the fact
units be taken as atmospheres, give: t=19,360t that they have been derived from a very idealized
days. Hence, by Fig. 7, it will take 290 days for and simple special case. On the other hand, it is
the depletion at the end of the column to fall to
18 When the gas-liquid ratios become excessive the addi-
half of its ultimate depletion, and 512 days for
tional factor of the evaporation of the liquid into the gas
the pressure at the closed end to fall to half of phase will enter the problem.

Downloaded 02 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see

felt that in the large these conclusions will be present calculations. It is that which may be
modified only with respect to their quantitative termed the "gas segregation," and which refers
implications. Thus the assumption that the to the natural tendency of the gas to rise to the
system is linear rather than radial or of a more higher parts of the producing sand with the
general character, as it will usually be in a prac- associated tendency of the liquid to settle to the
tical situation, will probably be of no great sig- lower parts, thus creating a vertical variation in
nificance, since, for example, the fundamental the fluid permeabilities. In particular, this would
curve of Fig. 6 is independent of the geometry as give rise to a region of higher gas permeability
long as the system is closed. Moreover, this at the upper parts of the producing sand in which
closure need not necessarily be that arising from the gas may be considered to be "channeling."
a physical closure of the physical system such as This will lead to higher gas-liquid ratios for the
a pinching out of the sand. Rather an artificially same average liquid saturation than is given by
created closure, as might be caused by neigh- the two-dimensional theory, in which vertical
boring wells which give rise to effective bound- motions are taken as negligible, and consequently
aries where the pressure gradients vanish, will the recoveries would be correspondingly lower.
suffice. 19 In such latter cases these boundaries Again, the physical treatment of this situation
may not be permanently fixed with respect to is quite clear, and the problem could be discussed
time and will indeed move in a manner deter- quantitatively by extending the calculations so
mined by the production from and behavior of as to include in the expressions for the velocities
the surrounding wells. However, it is clear that along the vertical coordinate a driving force
such effects again will not alter the predominant acting upon the fluid phases which is equivalent
features of the solution. Likewise, the deviation to the hydrostatic gravitational potential, as
of the gas from the ideal gas laws and from must be done in the treatment of homogeneous
Henry's law will cause some modification, but liquid systems in which an appreciable component
should not seriously affect the major conclusions. of the flow lies in the vertical plane. However,
Indeed, insofar as the solution of the problem is because of the necessary closure of such systems
inherently numerical such deviations can be along the upper and lower planes defining the
readily included in the analysis by simply making thickness of the producing stratum, the numerical
the parameters c and s variable with the pressure, work would become considerably more elaborate
and appropriately modifying Eq. (9) so that the and lengthy. Nevertheless, it is important to
c and s will be left in front of the differential note that the physical principles describing the
operators. Similarly the variation of the viscosity problem are available, and its quantitative
of the liquid with its dissolved gas content, and solution is simply a matter of doing the necessary
hence the pressure, can be readily taken into work. The practical significance of this question
account in the numerical treatment, as could be of segregation will, of course, increase with the
variations in the original homogeneous fluid per- sand thickness, or perhaps more accurately with
meability of the porous medium, by simply the ratio of the sand thickness to the lateral
putting in the appropriate numerical values for extent of the sand. I t will also be proportional to
these parameters at each stage of the calculation. the ratio between the vertical drive gradients
Such refinements will only lengthen the numerical due to the gravity differences between the gas
analysis but will not require any changes in the and liquid phases and the horizontal pressure
principles of the method. However, it is doubtful gradients inducing the horizontal flow, that is,
if they would result in sufficient changes in the to the ratio between the vertical and horizontal
ultimate conclusions to be worth taking into velocities. Hence it will be greatest at the distant
account at the present time. parts of the fluid system as compared to those
On the other hand, there is one factor which near the outflow surfaces. In this respect it may
may well be of very material importance and lead to some degree of accentuation in the dif-
which has not been taken into account in the ference in recovery between the parts of the flow
system distant from the outflow surface and
19 Cognizance must, however, be taken of the limitation
mentioned in footnote 14. those near it, and, thus may tend to give some-

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what more meaning to the concept of the "radius tion together with the geometrical description
of drainage" than would be allowed by a two- of the flow system defines the problem of
dimensional or linear treatment as developed gas drives. In fact the fundamental curves of
here. Figs. 1 and 2, that is, the curves giving both the
I t should also be noted that the problem of the gas and liquid permeability as functions of
depletion of an originally saturated reservoir is liquid saturation, or one of them and a curve
not the only one amenable to the method of giving their ratio, together with the differential
treatment given here. On the contrary, every Eqs. (9) and (10) contain the whole of the
problem of flow of a heterogeneous fluid system empirical basis necessary for the discussion of
can in principle be treated by the basic differ- any heterogeneous fluid system both in the steady
ential Eqs. (9) and (10), or their modification states and transient conditions of flow, although
which takes into account deviations from the the latter will be subject to a range of uncertainty
ideal gas laws and from Henry's law and possible caused by the ambiguity in the detailed shape of
viscosity variations, provided only that the the permeability curves for liquid saturations
initial conditions and boundary conditions be above the equilibrium value. Of course the
appropriately stated. Thus the problem of gas details of these curves will be somewhat different
injection into a depleted sand would simply be for different sands and may be appreciably dif-
defined by the statement that the initial pressure ferent for consolidated sands. However, that is
and saturation distributions are those left by physically only a matter of detail, which can be
the natural recovery process at the time the taken care of by an empirical study of the par-
injection is begun, together with the bound- ticular sand system of interest by such a method
ary condition that the liquid flux into the external as described in the preceding paper. The basic
boundary of the producing sand is zero,20 while laws therein established are, however, believed
the gas flux is that introduced by the com- to be fundamentally and physically sufficient
pressors, or that the pressure is that maintained for the complete description of heterogeneous
by the compressors, and that at the output wells. fluid systems.
or outflow surfaces the pressures are those that The writer is greatly indebted to Mr. R. D.
are actually maintained there. Such a formula- Wyckoff, Mr. H. G. Botset, and Dr. W. N.
20 The analytical expression of this condition is that the
Arnquist for many helpful discussions of the
saturation is such that the liquid permeability is zero. questions treated here and for the privilege of
Whether this is to mean that the saturation is actually
zero at the boundary where the gas is injected or that it is using their empirically established data before
still of the order of 20 percent, as is indicated by the experi- publication, to Dr. Hervey Hicks of the Car-
mental data, cannot be settled until more accurate experi-
ments are performed in the region of very low liquid satura- negie Institute of Technology for discussions
tions. In any case it may be anticipated that either choice concerning the numerical analysis, and to Dr.
will give essentially the same results, and that when the
very low saturations are attained throughout the main sand Paul D. Foote, Executive Vice President of the
body, it will be necessary to take into account the evapora- Gulf Research & Development Company, for the
tion of the liquid into the gas phase, as can be readily done
bya slight modification of the fundamental Eqs. (9) and (10). permission to publish this paper.

Downloaded 02 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see

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