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1MK, I.

16 Juanuary 2017
Bilteanu Constantin Adrian Ilie

Global Warming

Global warming is one of the worst issues our modern world has to deal with. It is a difficult task to
overcome because it would take a collective effort to restrain the pollution and to minimize the
debris. "Certain human activities have been identified as primary causes of ongoing climate
change, often referred to as global warming." ( So
it is our duty as a superior species to try to persevere the natural balance in nature. The problem
with climate change is that some people still think it doesn't exist and believe it to be a myth. Thus,
representing an obstacle to our effort in combating the issue in a collective manner. Change must
come from each and everyone of us in order to overcome this crisis.We have to think about our
children and grandchildren and decide what kind of a future we leave them as a legacy.It is
imperative that we realize how much damage we have done as a species to our planet and it's

In this essay I wish to name some of the arguments regarding the existence and the great peril
that global warming is. I will present some ways to diminish our negative impact on the
environment and exemplify certain paths that we should follow in order to persevere the natural
habitat of our world.

Climate change has been occurring naturally throughout the ages. It is the natural order that
Mother Nature governs it's domain. Although, since the appearance of man, it's changes happen
faster and more dramatically. "A recent study at the University of Virginia investigated ancient
human agriculture, and came to the conclusion that certain agricultural practices staved off a
global cooling event, therefore keeping the planet warm and habitable. The study refers to events
7,000 years ago. Roughly 5,000 years after the beginning of the interglacial Holocene Epoch,
Climate Scientist William Ruddiman identified a warming event which he and his fellow
researchers say was caused by increased agriculture."( There is
indeed a correspondence between our habits as a species and the changes in the world, therefore
every single one of us should feel responsible for our actions and how we impact the environment.
Another example is the excessive use of fossil fuels and the release of gasses that make the
green-house effect more exaggerated and dangerous, overheating the surface of the planet,
causing massive changes to the structural integrity of the natural order."If global warming
continues unchecked, it will cause significant climate change, a rise in sea levels, increasing
ocean acidification, extreme weather events and other severe natural and societal impacts,
according to NASA, the EPA and other scientific and governmental bodies." ( There are
many ways to combat this impeding threat, such as enacting better policies that reduce the
pollution or educating the masses in a manner that values the sense of responsibility and
compassion, because there is a link between the world we live in and our actions. We have to
start step by step, taking one measure at a time.

In conclusion, there is still hope and time for us. We can master the natural order and keep the
balance. It is our responsibility and our duty as a species to guard and protect the flora and fauna
of our planet, keeping the world clean and sustainable throughout future generations. A brighter
future means collective effort in the present. We as a whole, must never forget the past
implications of our actions and the repercussions that we must endure.

1) change

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