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pul mo paw . «HISTORIAE MUSICAE CULTORES» | BIBLIOTECA LXXI NELLA RICERCA MUSICOLOGICA ATTI DEL CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE {Latina 27-29 Settembre 1990) TENDENZE E METODI acura di RarragLe Pozzi C, SI962 FIRENZE LEO 8. OLSCHKI EDITORE MCMXCV INDICE GENERALE RarFAcLe Pozzi, Suoni antichi come le montagne. Collegio con Diego Carpitella. . . . . rn . Pag. v Nino Pirrorra, Per Diego Carpitela Ce > xn Apertura dei lavori . KY Premessa, 2 2 2 ee XE Cuaune V. Pausca, Interlisciplinary Trends in American Musicology » 1 Joszen Kerman, Grafts and Splinter 5 Some Recent Work in Ameri- can Musicology... : soe ‘Mancaret Bent, Humanists and Music, Music ie and Humanities. >» 2 Leo TreitLer, Can We Reconcile the Social and Scien fic Functions of Music... > 39 Remuaxp Seon, Musical sl Analysis as 5 Part of Musical History. . oy 6h Ki Mantie Hoop, Ethno USA, ‘Quo Vadis’? . 2. 1. BB zany Zemcovsky, L ‘emomusicologia sovietica: # anni Venti e gli an- ni Ottanta. . mB Francesco GisNnattasio, Alcune ‘consideration: sullo stato attuale dell’ etnomusicologia a partire dall’esperienza italiana. . . ~ ® 103 Jan Steszewxi, Some Remarks on the Relationship between Musico- logy and Ethnomusicology. . . - > 119 Maxio Baront, Parlave di musica, Un' intodazione cm 125 Ivan Fonacy, Musiques dans la parole. . . . . » » 129 Jean Jacours Narnez, Herméneutique, Analyse, Semiologie Musica» 143 Micuet Imperty, Les Interoéiations du Sens en Masigue et en Psychanalyse. . . . Lm 163 Gino StarAnt, Prima del ot ee! a Pepe me sicale . . . . : Loe >» 181 248 INDICE Trene Deuce, Aspects théoriques du concept de "eprdenttion men- tale appliqué & l'écoute musicale. . . » +. Pag. 191 Groncma Born, Understanding Music as Culture: Contributions from Popular Music Studies to a Social Semiotics of Music... » 211 Céuestin Desikce, Musicologue de la contemporanéité. . . . » 229

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