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Part II: Roots and Optimization

Walid Morsi Ibrahim

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 Quadratic formula


 These values of x are called the roots or zeros of the equation.

 Many functions are not solved so easily, thus we will look at the numerical
methods, for example: Bungee Jumper

 If you want to solve for m, you cant bring m to the left hand side.
 Subtract v(t) from both sides

And then find the roots, i.e. the value of m that makes f(m) = 0

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 Is the determination of optimal values.
 For the figure shown, values of x that maximizes or
minimizes f(x)

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Finding the Roots
 Graphical methods: plot the function and see where the zero
crossings are.
 We can zoom in on the plot for increased precision but there
is a great deal of human intervention.
 Therefore it is very slow. More automated methods are

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General Rules for Finding the Roots
 Consider xl and xu are the lower and upper limit points.
 If both are positive or negative no root
Even number of roots
 If they have different sign odd number of roots

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Bracketing Methods and Initial Guess
 Bracketing methods are based on two initial guesses, one on
either side of the root.
 Advantage: always works
 Disadvantage: converges slowly
 Open methods have an initial guess but do not need to
bracket the root.
 Advantage: more quicker
 Disadvantage: may not work if the solution diverges

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Increment Search
 This method searches for an interval with a sign change.
 It sates that: if f(x) is real and continuous in the interval from
xl to xu and f(xl) and f(xu) have opposite sign that is:
f(xl) f(xu) < 0
Then there is at least one real root between xl and xu

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 If the increment length is too small then the search becomes
time consuming.
 If the increment length is too large then some roots may be

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Bisection Method
 Start with initial bounds and cut the problem in half again
and again.
 Ex: use bisection method to determine the drag coefficient
needed so that an 65 kg bungee jumper has a velocity of 35
m/s after 4.5 s of free fall. g = 9.81 m/s2. start with xl =
0.2, xu = 0.3 and iterate until < 2%.

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Solution Cont.

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Example on Bisection Method

Looking at the graph the root

Can be estimated to be at 145

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Now try the same problem
f(50) = -ve and f(200) = +ve

Bracketing [50,200]

xl has to be updated. New interval

xu has to be updated. New interval

Run M-file bisection to get final value of the

root at the 8th iteration 142.7376
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Graphical representation of Bisection

See M-file bisectnew: Given xl = 40 and xu = 200, Sol mass = 142.7376

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False Position Method
 Rather than bisecting the interval, it locates the root by
joining f(xl) and f(xu) with a straight line. The intersection of
this line with the x axis represents an improved estimate of
the root.

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Derivation of the FP Method
 Referring to the figure:
[f(xu) - f(xl)]/[xu - xl ]= m [f(xu) - f(xl)]/[xu - xl ] = f(xu) /[xu - xr ]
And [f(xu) - 0]/[xu - xr ]= m

[xu - xr ] = [f(xu) [xu - xl ]]/ [f(xu) - f(xl)]

- xr = - xu + [f(xu) [xu - xl ]]/ [f(xu) - f(xl)]

xr = xu - [f(xu) [xu - xl ]]/ [f(xu) - f(xl)]

xr = xu - [f(xu) [xl - xu]]/ [f(xl) - f(xu)]

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 The shape of the function influences the new root estimate
 The figure shows slow convergence of the FP method



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Open Methods

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Open Methods
 In bracketing methods the root has to be located between an
upper and lower bound: xl and xu
 In open methods the starting value (initial estimate) does not
need to bracket the root.
 Although the solution converges more quickly , sometimes it
may diverge.

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Simple Fixed-point Iteration
 Rearranging the function f(x) = 0 so that x is in the left hand
side of the equation: x = g(x)
 Then given an initial estimate xi the new value of x can be
calculated: xi+1 = g(xi)
 The process continue until the error criteria is met:
= abs([xi+1 – xi]/[xi+1]) x 100%

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Pros and Cons
 Simple and easy formula
 Slow convergence
 Convergence depends mainly on the location of the initial
 Divergence may occur

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 The most widely used.
 Considering the figure:

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Four Cases of Poor Convergence

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Function file Newton Raphson

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Secant Method
 If the derivative used in NR is not available then a finite
difference derivative can be used

 Secant method requires two initial values xi and xi-1 to yield a

new value xi+1
 An alternative approach uses one initial value and a small
perturbation fraction (modified secant method)

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Convergence and Divergence

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Example Cont.

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Trade-off in choosing the perturbation
 If the perturbation value is chosen too small, round off error
could be increased especially in the denominator.
 If the perturbation value is chosen too large, then the
solution may diverges and the algorithm becomes inefficient

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MATLAB Function: fzero
 Methods that we have seen so far are
1. Slow but reliable (bracketing methods)
2. Fast but possibly unreliable (open
 As a trade off, better results could be
obtained using the fzero function.
 Fzero is a combination of the bisection Secant method
(reliable), secant (fast) and inverse
quadratic interpolation (very fast).
 Note the inverse quadratic interpolation
uses parabola instead of straight line.

Inverse quadratic

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MATLAB Function: fzero
 Syntax:

Initial guess

Guesses that bracket a sign change

 Disadvantages: root has to cross the x axis. If it touches the x

axis then it is not valid.
 Ex: y = x.^2

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 Are nonlinear algebraic equations of the general form:

 MATLAB function: roots

Is a column vector Is a row vector containing
Containing the roots The polynomial coefficients

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 Use MATLAB to find the roots of the following polynomial:

 Sol:

 Evaluate the polynomial at x = 1as substitute by x =1 in f5(x)

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 To get the polynomial from its roots:

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What is optimization?
 It is the process of creating
something that is as effective as
 Some examples of optimization:
1. Finding the minimum or
2. Minimizing the fuel consumption
3. Maximizing the data rate
 One popular method for
optimization is to solve for the
root of the problem:
Since at minimum or maximum the
slope should be zero

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Is it maximum or minimum?
 We need to check the sign of that root:
1. If the sign is negative, then it is maximum
2. If the sign is positive then it is minimum.

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Optimization types
 One dimensional: One dependent variable f(x) based on one
independent variable x and we are searching for x*
 Two dimensional: one dependent variable f(x,y) based on two
independent variables x and y and we are searching for x* and

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One Dimensional Optimization
 Global optimum represents the very best solution
 Local optimum is not the very best
 Since optimization is based on finding roots then the
optimization methods are similar to the idea of bracketing
used in bisection method

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Golden Section Search
 Euclid’s definition of the golden ratio:
 Select l1 and l2 such that:
l l2
[l1 + l2]/ l1 = l1 / l2 1

Multiplying by
l1 / l2 = Ф gives: l1 + l2
Ф2 - Ф – 1 = 0
Solving for Ф
Ф = [1 + ]/2 = 1.618033 golden ratio

 Like bisection method we need a lower and an upper bound of an

interval containing a single minimum (unimodal)

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How to proceed with the Golden
 We need to identify two points
between xl and xu say x1 and x2
 if f(x2) < f(x1) therefore the
minimum lies between x1 and xu

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Example Cont.
For next iteration: new values (or updated values)

The process is repeated until the 8th iteration, optimum value


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MATLAB Function fminbnd
 Similar algorithm to fzero
 Find the minimum of a function of one variable within fixed
 fminbnd for optimization (one dimensional) combines slow
dependable (golden section) and faster possible unreliable
(parabolic interpolation).

Location value of the min of f(x) Bounds of the interval being searched

 Limitations: limited to one dimensional-only handles real

variables-slow convergence

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Multi-dimensional Optimization
 MATLAB function fminsearch
 Unconstrained optimization
 Start with an initial estimates
 Only handles real values
 If complex then it has to be split into two parts.

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