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Warm up :

• introduce yourself to the class:

• Name.. Age… city…

• Hobbies… favorite persons in your life…

• Countries you visited/would like to visit in the future…

• Activities you are good/bad at doing…

• Hopes and dreams for the future….


• No late more than 10 minutes • Attendance is important but participation is quite essential. it is graded • Tolerate the
opinions of your classmates when they are different. • There is no going out during class. • NO PHONE in class except when
I ask you to use it for dictionary • Presentations ( 20%) is a requirement along with oral participation and attendance (20%)

Business English

What is Business English?

• It is English used in specific contexts.

• Business English courses focuses on particular vocabulary, topics and skills that are applicable to the workplace and enable you to
communicate accurately: correct English.
• Examples:

• making phone/conference calls

• doing presentations

• taking part in meetings

• being involved in negotiations

• writing emails/reports

1. to mind one’s own business;

2. bad business;

3. dirty business;

4. personal business;

5. business hours;

6. annual business;

7. to be in business;

8. to be out of business;

9. booming business;

10. to build up business;

11. business competition;

12. business corporation.

Choose the most relevant criteria for choosing a job according to your preference:
1. well paid work 2. interesting work 3. work in a large and famous company 4. quiet work 5. work in an industry which has future prospects
6. prestigious work 7. a kind of work such as not to sit the whole day in the office 8. to travel a lot

Discussion Topics: Agree? Disagree? Why? Why not?

• Your Business will fail if you don’t have skilled people.

• In business, both short and long term goals are important.

• Introverts are better entrepreneurs.

• Market research is a key to starting a business

• Word-of-mouth is still the best way to get new clients

• You will learn the most from your unhappy clients

• You shouldn’t start a business you are not passionate about

• There are businesses you can start without money

• Virtual businesses will take over the retail world

• Minimum wage in unfair

• Experience should be valued higher than qualifications

What’s a Business?

• It is something moving.

• It needs wheels to move

• What are the wheels of a business?

What is Business ?
Business is an organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an
organization that provides these goods and services. Most businesses seek to make a profit - that is, they aim to achieve revenues that
exceed the costs of operating the business. Prominent examples of for-profit businesses include Mitsubishi Group, General Motors
Corporation, and Royal Dutch/Shell Group. However, some businesses only seek to earn enough to cover their operating costs. Commonly
called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers. Examples of nonprofit businesses include such
organizations as social service agencies, foundations, advocacy groups, and many hospitals. Business Operations A variety of operations keep
businesses, especially large corporations, running efficiently and effectively. Common business operation divisions include (1)production, (2)
marketing, (3) finance, and (4) human resource management. Production includes those activities involved in conceptualizing, designing, and
creating products and services. In recent years there have been dramatic changes in the way goods are produced. Today, computers help
monitor, control, and even perform work. Flexible, high-tech machines can do in minutes what it used to take people hours to accomplish.
Another important development has been the trend toward just-in-time inventory. The word inventory refers to the amount of goods a
business keeps available for wholesale or retail. In just-in-time inventory, the firm stocks only what it needs for the next day or two. Many
businesses rely on fast, global computer communications to allow them to respond quickly to changes in consumer demand. Inventories are
thus minimized and businesses can invest more in product research, develoment and marketing.

What is Business? Marketing is the process of identifying the goods and services that consumers need and want and providing those goods
and services at the right price, place, and time. Businesses develop marketing strategies by conducting research to determine what products
and services potential customers think they would like to be able to purchase. Firms also promote their products and services through such
techniques as advertising and personalized sales, which serve to inform potential customers and motivate them to purchase. Firms that
market products for which there is always some demand, such as foods and household goods, often advertise if they face competition from
other firms marketing similar products. Such products rarely need to be sold face-to-face. On the other hand, firms that market products and
services that buyers will want to see, use, or better understand before buying, often rely on personalized sales. Expensive and durable goods
- such as automobiles, electronics, or furniture - benefit from personalized sales, as do legal, financial, and accounting services. Finance
involves the management of money. All businesses must have enough capitalon hand to pay their bills, and for-profit businesses seek extra
capital to expand their operations. In some cases, they raise longterm capital by selling ownership in the company. Other common financial
activities include granting, monitoring, and collecting on credit or loans and ensuring that customers pay bills on time. The financial division
of any business must also establish a good working relationship with a bank. This is particularly important when a business wants to obtain a
loan. Businesses rely on effective human resource management (HRM) to ensure that they hire and keep good employees, and that they are
able to respond to conflicts between workers and management. HRM specialists initially determine the number and type of employees that a
business will need over its first few years of operation. They are then responsible for recruiting new employees to replace those who leave
and for filling newly created positions. A business’s HRM division also trains or arranges for the training of its staff to encourage worker
productivity, efficiency, and satisfaction, and to promote the overall success of the business. Finally, human resource managers create
workers’ compensation plans and benefit packages for employees.

Reading Comprehension

• Answer the following questions about the text :

• 1. Give a definition to the word ‘business’.

• 2. What is the difference between for-profit and non-profit organizations? Support your answer with relevant examples.

• 3. What is production?

• 4. Specify the notion of ‘just-in-time inventory’.

• 5. What is marketing? •

6. Define finance as a business operation .

• 7. What does the HRM involve ?

Effective Presentation Tips

• 1.Choose visuals to support the presentation • 2.Have a simple, clear structure • 3.Show enthusiasm • 4.Use powerpoint • 5.Making
informal presentations • 6.Consider the audience • 7.Dealing with nerves

Presentation Tips

8.Keep eye contact with the audience 9.Do not read much. Try to explain and describe 10.Involve the audience by giving questions or give
them activities to do. 11.Use humor in your talk 12.Do not make your talk very long

Useful Presentation Expressions

• Introduction:
• Greet your audience: Hello, Good morning ladies and gentlemen

• Introduce yourself

• Give the title of your talk I plan to say a few words about…. The subject of my talk is…… Iam going to talk about……

• Describe the structure of your talk I divided my talk into…. My talk will be in two parts….. First, second, In the first part…..

• Tell how much time your presentation is going to take

• When you are two presenters: and now I’ll leave the floor to my colleague who will talk about……


What are your expectations from this course? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

English Course
• Introduction: Economy, sectors, organizations, work/job terminology.

• 1.Management: Company management, strategy, Marketing (advertising, consumerism), competition, Human Resources.

• 2.Economy and the environment: Environmental laws

• 3. Money, Finance, banking

• 4.Microeconomics Vs Macroeconomics

• 5. Sustainable development: Land, urban, town planning concepts and terminology

Economy Definition

• Economy is the system according to which the money, industry, and trade of a country, region are organized.

• It is the use of the minimum amount of money, time or other resources needed to achieve something, so that nothing is

• It is a system of trade and industry by which the wealth of a country is used or made.
• Economics is the study of human efforts to satisfy what is limited and competing wants through the careful use of scarce
Economy Sectors

There are three broad sectors into which production is divided:

Primary sector: - the extraction of basic materials from the land, sea or air.
Secondary sector: - the changing of the basic materials extracted by primary producers into forms acceptable to be consumed.
Tertiary sector: - the provision of commercial and other services.
Economy Sectors
What sectors of economy these activities belong to? What sector do you intend to work in or do? Why?

• Advertising products • Milling metal

• Calculating prices • Pressing metal

• Marketing products • Welding metal

• Packaging products • Building

• Transportation • Digging iron ore

• Assembling • Maintenance

• Cutting metal • Mining coal

• Laying cables • pumping oil

A Fundamental Economic Problem

Limited resources unlimited wants



What to produce, how to produce , for whom to produce

Economy Scope: It is a social science because it deals with the behavior of people

• 1.Description:
-Economic Activity like the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) indicators used to gauge the health of a country's
economy. It represents the total currency value of all goods and services produced over a specific time period

- what is produced, who gets how much

-unemployment, inflation
-international trade,

- interaction of business and labor

-the effect of government spending and taxes
Economy Scope

• 2. Analysis:
-Some apparent consequences of actions/measures the government takes
a- why some prices/income are high and
some are low

b- How taxes affect people’s desire to work and save

Economy scope

• 3.Explanation:
-communicate the results of analyzing the economic situation to people.This usually helps solve economic problems
much easier
4. Prediction:
-Future consequences, results of actions and choices: what will be the results of such a choice or measure?

state-controlled organizations/corporations partnerships sole-traders.

Political-international-armed forces-charitiescooperatives-educational institutions


• Vocabulary:
• Enterprise: for profit

• Company: for profit/not profit

• Organization

• Firm/company: (U.S)→

• Firm: for business professionals including lawyers, accountants, etc.

• Company: retail organizations for buying/selling

Company structure

• 1.Hierarchical /Pyramidal /Line Structure

• 2.Staff Position Structure

• 3.Functional Structure

• 4.Matrix Structure
1.Hierarchical Structure

• One person or group at the top

• Increasing number of employees below the top managers

at successive levels

• Clear chain of command running down the pyramid

• Employees know what

decisions they are able to make, who their superiors are, to
whom they report and who their immediate subordinates are
2.Staff Position Structure
• Its holder has usually no line of authority and isn’t
integrated into the chain of command

• They have an indirect contribution to the line personnel:

assisting, advising,
offering knowledge and expertise to improve line operations.

Functional Structure

• When the organization is divided on the basis of function

areas: production, etc.
• Each function is managed by a departmental head who makes the balance between the needs of the department and decisions
of the top managers
• Includes different departments but neither can take a decision without consulting other departments
• It’s good for single location companies with a single product category
• Larger companies who hold this
structure are usually decentralized: the company is divided into separate
operating divisions, each division has
its own departments
Matrix Structure

• It’s beneficial for companies operating in various regions

with different products that require interaction between functions

• It usually involves working on projects by grouping

teams concurrently by different operational dimensions

• When projects are completed, the team members separate

Organization sections/departments

What do the following departments do?

1-R&D 5-production 9-logistics

2-Customer service 6-finance 10-public relations

3-human resources 7-administration 11-IT

4-sales and marketing 8-legal


Departments./Services Actions/tasks/places

• Call center • Transport/delivery of orders

• Service center • Storage/inventory
• Headquarters • Formulating workcontracts
• Warehouse • Payment/bills/expenses
• Outlet: place where manufactorers sell directly • Discover new knowledge about the
to the consumers product/innovating/creating new products
• R and D • Representing the company in media
• Logistics • Computers and netwrok
• Production • Factory/plant/product making
• Customer service • Managers/decision making
• Finance • Hiring new staff
• Public relations • Product repair
• Human resources • Product promotion
• Administration • Supermarkets/stores/shops
• IT • Keep digital informtion data base/using new
• Sales and marketing technologies for communication
• legal
Job/work Terminology

• Employment

• Professions

• Position

• Vocation

• Vacancy: Job offer

• What’s your dream job?

No more prizes for predicting rain. Prizes only for building arks

What do you think this statement means?

Identify the following words:


• Mission: the purposes or aims a company or an organization has

• Strategy : 1. a plan or series of plans for achieving an aim. 2. the process of skillful planning in general

• Vision: knowledge and imagination needed in planning for the future

Discuss the questions with your partners

• 1.How important is it for a business or an organization to formulate a strategy?

• 2.How regularly should a company’s strategy be reviewed and updated?

• 3.Who should be involved in deciding a company’s strategy?

• 4.If a company wants to enter new markets, what kind of strategies can it adopt?
Read the first part of the interview and choose the correct answer:

• 1.according to professor Jossep, marketing departments are….

a.getting better at predicting market trends
b.not always better than other departments at predicting market
2.A common practice of the clothing industry is to…
a.mass produce seasonal collections in countries where labor costs
are low
b.copy the market leaders, manufacturing clothes near the
company’s stores

3. The spanish clothing retailer ‘Zara’ has its own production facilities, whereas other stores …
a.outsource manufacturing to other countries like China seasonal collections six months in advance
Read the first part of the interview and choose the correct answer:

4. Zara chose not to have seasonal collections because…

a. it wanted to imitate retailers like GAP.

b. it would take longer

5. Zara’s strategy was successful because….

a. it copied leading brands in the fashion


b. it was different from the leading brands in the fashion industry


• 1----a

• 2-----a

• 3----- a-b

• 4------b

• 5------b
Read the second part of the interview and complete the sentences in your own words

• 1.the success of a company can be measured by either…

• 2.according the the professor, companies need to concentrate on both…….

• 3.when implementing a long term strategy, it’s easier to……

• 4.when measuring success, the stock market tends to focus on….

• is very difficult to change a company’s strategy because of the conflict between….

• 6.good strategic management consists of taking a company in the right direction for the future while….

• 1. either by selling exclusive design clothes or be concerned with sales quantity and profit.

• 2. both short and long- term goals

• 3. to convince and owner with long term objectives

• 4 on short- term goals and profitability

• 5. between short-term goals and long-term objectives

• 6. while maintaining reasonable short-term profitability

Match the words taken from the interview with their possible definition:
• a.bottom line 1.Changed, improved, modernized (parag1)
• b.innovate 2.Business that started a particular acitivity recently (parag1)
•• c.margin 3.Manufacture in large amounts (parag2)
• follower 4.A company that is not a main one in the market and doesn’t have a
• e.mass-produce large market share (parag3)
• f.newcomer 5.Design and develop new and original products (parag4)
• g.profitability 6.The figure showing a company’s total profit
h.reinvented (Ques 1)
7. The difference between the price of a product and the cost or producing it
8.The state of making a profit (answer 2)


• A----8
• B-----5

• C-----7

• D-----4

• E-----3

• F-----2

• G-----6

• H-----1

• Management an art or a science? An instinct or a set of skills and techniques that can be taught?
• What do you think makes a good manager?

• Which of the four of the following qualities you think are the most important in making a good manager/management:

• 1.being decisive: able to make quick decisions

• 2.being efficient: doing things quickly not leaving tasks unfinished, having a tidy desk, and so on.

• 3.being friendly and sociable

• 4.being able to communicate with people

• 5.being logical, rational, and anlytical

• 6.being able to motivate and inspire and lead people

• 7.being authoritative: able to give orders

• 8.being competent: knowing one’s job perfectly as well as the work of one’s subordiantes

• 9.being persuasive, able to convince people to do things • 10.having good ideas

Acquired qualitities/qualitites you are born with

• 1.being decisive: able to make quick decisions

• 2.being efficient: doing things quickly not leaving tasks unfinished, having a tidy desk, and so on.
• 3.being friendly and sociable

• 4.being able to communicate with people

• 5.being logical, rational, and anlytical

• 6.being able to motivate and inspire and lead people

• 7.being authoritative: able to give orders

• 8.being competent: knowing one’s job perfectly as well as the work of one’s subordiantes

• 9.being persuasive, able to convince people to do things • 10.having good ideas

Video: Business Strategy

• Watch the video and answer the questions:

• How many strategies for running a business are suggested?

• Focus on one or two strategies and explain them?

• Which of the strategies suggested seem to be more efficient as a good business strategy?

• What is the easiest way to double your money?

• What are two things you can’t have for breakfast?

• What English word retains the same pronunciation even after you take away four of its five letters?

• What comes one time in a minute, two times in a moment, but never in a thousand year
• Development

• Sustainable

• Sustainable development

• Environment

• Ecology

• Resources

• Natural resources

• Desertification

• deforestation

• Development: The process of growing or developing. Synonymous words include: evolution, progress, advance. These
nouns mean a progression from a simpler or lower to a more advanced, mature, or complex form or stage:
"the development of an idea into reality;" "the evolution of a plant from a seed;" "attempts made to foster social progress."
• Sustainable: (of economic development or energy sources) capable of being maintained at a steady level without exhausting
natural resources or causing ecological damage

• Sustainable development: A pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so
that these needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future.

• Environment: The surroundings in which a person, animal, or plant lives. the natural world of land, sea, air, plants, and

• Ecology: The scientific study of the distribution and abundance of life and the interactions between organisms and their
natural environment.

• Resource: Any physical or virtual entity of limited availability, or anything used to help one earn a living. As resources are
very useful, we attach some information value to them. Resources help to produce goods so they have economic value.
Natural resources like forests, mountains etc. are very beautiful so they have aesthetic value. Gifts of nature such as water also
have a legal value because it is our right to enjoy them. On the other hand, resources have an ethical value as well because it
is our moral duty to protect and conserve them for the future generations.

• Natural resources are derived from the environment. Many of them are essential for our survival while others are used for
satisfying our wants.
• Resource development: Many resources cannot be consumed in their original form. They have to be processed in order to
change them into more usable commodities. This is known as resource development. With the rise in human numbers all
over the world, the demand for resources has also increased. However, there is a difference in distribution of resources to
different regions or countries. Developed countries use more resources than developing countries.

• Desertification is the degradation of land in arid and dry sub-humid areas, resulting primarily from human activities and
influenced by climatic variations.

• Deforestation is the conversion of (forest)ed areas to non-forested land, and can result in arid land and wastelands. In many
countries, deforestation is ongoing and is shaping climate and geography. Deforestation results from removal of trees without
sufficient reforestation, and results in declines in habitat , wood for fuel and industrial use, and quality of life.
Sustainable Development

• It is the organizing principle for meeting human development goals while at the same time sustaining the ability of
natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depends.

• Sustainability is the development that satisfies the needs of the present without compromising the capacity of future

• Sustainable development is a concept that appeared for the first time in 1987 with the publication of the
Brundtland Report, warning of the negative environmental consequences of economic growth and globalization, which tried
to find possible solutions to the problems caused by industrialization and population growth

• A society where living conditions and resource use continue to meet human needs without undermining the integrity and
stability of the natural system

• It adresses the global challenges we face: poverty,inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and

• Environmental: sustainability prevents nature from being used as an inexhaustible source of resources and ensure its protection
and rational use. Aspects such as environmental conservation , investment in renewable energy, saving water,
supporting sustainable mobility , and innovation in sustainable construction and architecture, contribute to achieving
this environmental sustainability on several fronts.

• Social: sustainability can foster the development of people , communities and cultures to help achieve reasonable and fairly-
distributed quality of life. Healthcare and education across the globe.The fight for gender quality , especially in
developing countries, is another aspect which in coming
years will form the basis of social sustainability.

• Economic: sustainability focuses on equal economic growth, that generates wealth for all, without harming the environment.
Investment and an equal distribution of the economic resources will strengthen the other pillars of sustainability for a
complete development.

• Equity:
Intergenerational equity: the right of future generations to enjoy a fair level of the common patrimony. Environmental
equity considers the present generation under an obligation to account for long-term impacts of activities and to act to
sustain the global environment and resource base for future generations.

• Transboundary responsibility:
Defined in the international law context as an obligation to protect one’s own environment, and to prevent damage to
neighboring environments.

• Public participation and transparency

Identified as essential conditions for governments, industrial concerns, and organizations generally.
Public partcipation and transparency are presented as a requirement for effective protection of the human right to hold and
express opinions ans seek, receive and impart ideas, a right of access to appropriate comprehensible and timely information
held by governments and industrial concerns on economic and social policies regarding the sustainable ue of natural
resources and the protection of the environment
Development, Sustainable, Sustainable development, Environment, Ecology Resources, Natural resource, Desertification,

• Man's greed is threatening the ______.

• The extensive abuse of natural ______threatens the very existence of future.

• One of the challenges that the world is facing is the issue of _____which is the result of cutting down trees without even
thinking of replacing them.
• The term_____ refers to the study of the relationship between ______ and their natural environment.

• Air, sea, water

a.Effect b.pollutions c.revolution d.disposal

• Greenhouse
a. a.Effect b.pollutions c.revolution d.disposal
a.Effect b.pollutions c.revolution d.disposal
• Industrial
a.Effect b.pollutions c.revolution d.disposal
Choose the best answer
• Which of the following best describes Sustainable Development?
• Development that provides for economic and social possibility even if that results in environmental degradation for the future
• Development that provides environmental sustainability even if that results in economic and social degradation for future generations
• Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
• Development that meets the needs of the future generations even if that means present society's needs go unmet
• For Sustainable Development to be successful, which key systems must work together?
• Economic, Social, Environmental
• Economic, Environmental, Executive
• Economic, Legislative, Environmental
• Economic, Social, Legislative, Environmental
• 2. Which of the following terms describes the point beyond which the environment exceeds its ability to provide essential
• Sustainable Development
• Sustainable Consumption
• Environmental Development
• Environmental Limits

Domains participants
Education institutions
Society organizations
Health community

Politics government

Economy scientists

Environment schools

concerns of sustainability
-Weather/climate, natural disasters,
-pollution: acid and harmful chemicals, fumes/smokes/gas of factories, green house effect, global warming
-extinction of animals, endnagered species (animals and plants
-energy: fossil fuels, renewable
-natural resources
How to develop

1.Preserve en_____, fo_____, w____, se__

2.Invest mo___ pr_____y
3.Fight ille_____ and other social problems
4.Eliminate pov_____ and sh____ towns
5.Make education com_____y
6.Recycle wa____
7.Establish social jus___ and human rights
8.Link between r____ and u_____ areas
How to develop

1.Preserve energy, forests, water, seas

2.Invest money properly
3.Fight illetracy and other social problems
4.Eliminate poverty and shanty towns
5.Make education compulsory
6.Recycle wastes
7.Establish social justice and human rights
8.Link between rural and urban areas

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