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 What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is the ancient and traditional system of natural healing from India.
Originated 5000 BC approx. Ayurveda is based upon the eternal and sacred
connections between man and universe. Ayurveda is not merely the
compendium of ‘Disease’ and its management but a way of living life

 What does the word Ayurveda mean?

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word. The word Ayurveda literally means the science of

 What are 05 elements,03 doshas and its human conection?

5 univeral elements (panch maha bhutas) - Space (Akasha), Air (Vayu), Fire
(Tejas), Water (Aap) and Earth (Prithvi),present in every living human being
and specific combinations lead to development of 03 energies/doshas viz.
Vata, Pitta and Kapha

 Does Ayurvedic treatment take a long time to heal ailments?

No. This is a common misconception regarding Ayurveda. Depends upon the
time to heal any imbalance,age, type of disease, degree of imbalance,acute or
chronic, doshas, tissues, organs and channels involved If the disease is newly
formed and is with a single dosha and tissue involvement, then Ayurveda can
balance this condition very quickly. On the other hand if the condition is
formed with the aggravation of two or three doshas, and if more organs and
channels are involved, and it has become somewhat chronic then naturally,
the treatment takes longer time to restore this imbalance.

 Do I have to follow a certain religion to incorporate Ayurvedic principles into

my life?
No. Ayurvedic principles are universal, and anybody can incorporate them
into his or her daily life. Ayurveda does not advocate a particular religion or a

 Do I have to be a vegetarian to follow an Ayurvedic lifestyle?

No not at all. Ayurveda recommends foods that are ideal for your body and
mind. It entirely depends on state of digestive fire, and state of mind. There is
no one set of hard and fast rule for food eating habits as every individual is
unique to his own dosha and satvic predominance

 Does Ayurvedic Medicine have side effects?

Any substance confronted in wrong duration,time,dose or choice will produce
side effects be it natural or synthetic. This applies to Ayurvedic medicines
also. Ayurvedic medicines should always be taken under medical supervision
only. One should be careful to check authenticity of manufacturer and basic
parameters like expiration date etc.

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