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First of all I would like to thanks my LORD who helps me for practicing the task properly and
permit to write this works. Before I practiced some difficulties were encounter me for
construction but, our University consider this problems and give measure for this problem would
be; the student must be practice what he/she learn theoretically. Therefore for such thought I
would Gratitude University from my heart. The host company accepts and guides me for my
success, student who help me, other who helps me by thought were thanks very much.

Executive summary

It is mandatory for civil Engineering students to take the internship. Intern is the back bone of
civil engineering because theory alone doesn’t reshapes students for application. I have been
practiced on structural construction at Ambo University that is contracted by justice building
contractor PLC. The purpose of constructed/that built at Ambo University were dormitory. The
bodies of intern which have been seen and practiced were as follow.

1. Setting out
2. Bulk excavation
3. Pit excavation
4. Concrete work
5. Form work preparation
6. Bar schedule
7. Grade beam
8. Slap
9. Column

Chapter One

Background of Company

1.1. Brief History of Company

Justice construction is established in 1999 EC as a general contractor the company has
obtain the trade of license from Addis Ababa trade and Industry development under the
sector of general construction with category GC6 which a construction firm engaged in
the field of civil construction works. It is a established with an initial capital 100,000 birr
by an experienced professional in the construction sector.

It is registered by concerned Ministries of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia full

filling all legal, professional and Material requirement set out by these authority. The head office
of the company is located around Lagare. The contractor has a well organized office to handle at
the project at hand. Equipment and plants are designed to replace human resource where
repeated activities are mostly applicable. To increase productivities or efficiency, the office is
facilitated with the required computer software such as AutoCAD, SAP, ETAPS, MS Project etc
and also have total station and GPS.

1.2. Main Service of Company

Justice building contractor provide specialized service in the area of construction, which includes
but not limited to the following works

- Building construction work

- Road construction work
- Road maintenance work
- Fuel station construction work
- Sanitary and electrical work
- Water and related work
1.3. Main Customer

Justice construction has official at lagaher. Justice building contractor plc have been under taken
many service at national level.

- Construction of residential at Addis Ababa

- Construction of Condominium and apartment, typology and development
- Restoration work at Africa Union
- Construction of Commercial building
- Ad west digital advertizing plc
- Oromia construction and housing agency, Fincha,
- Construction of school (asosa)

1.4. Over all organization and work flow of company

Project Manager

Site Administration Construction Engineer

Site Engineer

Guard Store keeper Time keeper Forman

Group leader

Skilled & un skilled

Chapter Two

2.1. How I get the company

University industrial linkage (UIL) which founded for the interest on having well and fruit full
relationship between the industry and the University. This staff gives chance to find host
company where practice. The staff approved the letter and gives this letter for us to find Host

Company. I take this letter and find the host company. During I find the host company I ask two
companies. These are Woyuma Gamessa General Contractor and Oromia health bureau
Engineering and maintenance head. Both company were accept me and I choice Woyuma
Gamessa General contractor. When I go to the site, the construction would be at finishing then I
decided with host company Manager (Woyuma Gamessa). He wrote letter to the justice building
contractor plc. Justice building contractor would accept me and start my intern there.

2.2. Executive Work Task Procedures

A construction industry requires a suitable environment and a smooth correlation of the

employees along with a good construction management. To perform tasks effectively and
efficiently. Company expect many thing from students, the main one is interpersonal
communication and being committed for the responsibility as well as punctuality. The
communication system within building design and construction enterprise as taken on a large
role in achievement of profitability and efficiency. As the first week I tried to develop
interpersonal communication with Engineer, Forman, Gang Leader, and Students as well, as

Since all of us would be stay with each other at site, we familiarize each other.

2.3. The Material and Tools used

The following are the materials used for the earth work for foundation.

- Spade - Pick axe - Wedge - Crow bar

- Sledge Hammer - Basket

Heavy tools earth work is truck, excavator, roller, and vibrator etc.

2.4. Scope of the Work

- Setting out of corner bench mark

- Survey for ground level
- Survey for top levels
- Excavation to approved depth
- Dressing of loose soil
- Making boundary of the building

2.5. Setting out Work

Setting out or ground tracing is the process of laying down the excavation lines and center lines
etc on the ground before the excavation is started. The center line of the longest outer work of
the building is marked on the ground by string/ robe between wooden (modino). This modino or
profile board is used for alignment for center line of each beam, colon and pad. Each peg may be
projected about 25-50mm from the ground level and 1m from the edge of the excavation. The
boundary is marked by the lime powder which is the boundary of excavation portion.

The center line other side are marked perpendicular to the longer side. A write angle can be
formed by forming 3, 4 and 5 triangles or by using the stretched string from border line in the
two directions and plumb bob, then decide its boundary. Similar ways are also used for pad

2.6. Excavation

Excavation is the preliminary activities of the construction project. It is the process of digging
out a provided site for leveling; removing UN necessary soil etc. excavation can be classified in
to two in our sites. These are: - Bulk excavation and Pit excavation.

2.6.1. Bulk Excavation:- Process of digging an entire plinth area of the building
by giving a minimum of 1m clearance gap around the perimeter of the
building. In my site the depth of bulk excavation would be 45 cm from NGL.
Plinth area is an area of contact between the building and the ground. It is
usually made for
- Removal of poor soil from the site to replace with selected material
- Allowing hard core under ground floor slab

2.6.2. Pit excavation:- is the process of digging an entire area of pad and
underground columns. Its depth is decided based on drawing and specification
given from advisers of the project. According to the site the recommended
depth is 2m. Width and length of the pad is decided from the drawings. There
are 66 pit excavation and 3 types of different size. These are 240x240,
200x200, and 170x170 including work space. The unit of measurement is cm.

2.7. Removal of excess soils
Estimate the excavate stuff/ material to be re-utilized in filling, gardening, preparing
roads etc as far as possible try to carry excavation and feeling simultaneously to avoid
double handlings. Select and stack the required material in a place that it should not
obstruct other construction activities. The excess or UN wanted material should
immediately carried away and dispose of by employing departmental labor and tracks.
In the site where I have been practiced, they use stacking suitable material for back
feeling to avoid double handlings.
2.8. Back Fill
This is a soil that is filled back to an extra excavated space in the foundation. Sometimes,
when the soil as the construction is very poor it is dangerous to fill back the excavated
soils. Therefore, filling selected material is the recommended, in both case the volume of
open space around footing and bulk excavation. There is a back fill around the column
footing. The volume of soil which is required to fill the void is equal to the volume of
void around the footing. The unit of measurement for back fill is cubic meter. The
volume of back fill should be calculated by deducting the total volume of work that is
placed in the pit from the total volume of excavation. During back fill compaction would
be necessary. There are two type of back fill
1. Back fill around foundation
2. Back fill under hard core.
2.8.1. Back fill around foundation

This is replacing the pit with selected material by deducting footing pad and column
footing from the total pit excavation. The replaced selected material should be compacted
properly by vibrator.

Volume of Back fill = volume of pit – volume of footing pad and footing column

2.8.2.Back fill under hard core

Hard core is the names given to the infill of materials such as broken, brick, stone or
concrete which are hard and do not readily absorb water or deterioration. This hard core
is spread over the site within the external wools of the buildings to such thickness as
required to raise the finished surface of the site concrete. The hard core should be spread
until it is roughly level and rammed until it forms a compact bed for the over site
concrete. This hard core bed is usually from 100- 300 mm thick. If the material of the
hard core is hard and irregular in shape, they will not be ready path for moisture to rise by
capillarity. The material used for hard core should be chemically inert and not appreciate
affected by water.

2.9. Preparation of Form Work

Form work is the term given either temporarily or permanent molds in to which fresh
concrete or similar material are poured. It molds the placed fresh concrete which in this
stage normally is viscous to the shape specified in the drawing. Proper making of form
work decides on the accuracy to size, strength and surface finish of concrete component.
The form work is not to be built as strong as possible but as strong as necessary only!
To avoid un necessary difficulties of works and prevent damage from form work parts the
following recommendation should be followed.
- Do not drive in too many nails
- Use only as many timber, braces, ties wires etc necessary.
- Consider which board panel or squared timber be stripped first to fix them so
as to permit easy removal in proper sequence.
2.10. Placement of Form Work

The prepare form work were placed at the pit and then fixed by pegs at place. This form work
should be used for pads, columns, beams, slabs and so on. Before placing the concrete form work
is to be cleaned and cheeked again for proper execution. After cleaning the cleaning holes of
pads and column form works are to be tightly closed since the maximum pressure of the concrete
mix is occurring at the foot of the form work where the cleaning holes are situated and also oiled
the face of form work for simplicity of stripping. Stripping is the process of removing form work
from hardens concrete.

2.11. Cutting and Bending of Bars

Cutting and bending if the process of prepared a bar according to the drawings. When you
practiced these, give attention to safe the bars. The development length of bar for pad
aredifferent from that of beam as well as slab and column. Development length would be
including the clear span and bend. The length of barge is 12m. Number of stirrup

Cutting and bending length = length of footing column + 1

Clear Span of column

2.12. Concrete and Concrete work

Concrete:- is stone like material obtained artificially by hardening of the mixture of cement,
water, inert aggregates materials in pre determined proportion. Combination of cement, water
and air form paste that binds the aggregates together. Strength of concrete depend on

- Water – cement ratio

- Proportion of ingredient
- Quality of ingredient
- Compaction
- Cure

2.13. Element of Concrete

Concrete consists/possesses some elements which is necessary. These are listed below

A. Aggregate: - are the most important elements in concrete and occupies 65-75 % of
total volume of concrete. The type of rock which is used in my site was sedimentary
rocks. This rock is crushed by machine which is durable and free from harm full
B. Sand:- A fine aggregate which is natural or river sand and free from harm full
amount of clay, silts, dust, mica, organic matter and other impurity. Since the quality
of sand is necessary for the strength of concrete provide the quality of
sand decrease if it contains excess silt. Silt is permissible up to 6%.
C. Cement:- Cement is a binding material which is chemically water love. Quality of
cement will be considered because if the cement is expired the binding capacity
decreased. Cement shall be placed in bags ventilated space that would protected from
deterioration. In my site Durban cement is usually used.
D. Water:- is the most important element of concrete which participate actively in
chemical reaction with cements and with others. It places a great role for workability
of concrete. Since it helps for strength giving cement paste, the quality and quantity
of water is required to check very carefully. Water used in concrete should be free
from sugar, carbonate, bicarbonate of sodium and potassium chlorides and sulfide,
salts of manganese, tin, zinc, copper, lead, and silt, particles, algae with some
permissible amount. Such type of impure water will be lead to corrosion of rein
forcemeat. Hence water for drinking is suitable for making concrete. In the case of
my site drinking water is used for curing and mixing concrete.
2.14. Concrete Work

Concrete work is the action which will be taken during tasks (works) as the process through
which the concrete task is under goes and the conveyance from the task place aimed structure. It
includes, batching and mixing concrete material, placing of concrete in the form work,
compaction, conveyance, of concrete and curing of concrete. This all mention would be included
under concrete work.

2.14.1. Batching of Concrete

Batching of concrete is the process of specifying the ratio of concrete elements or considering
the mixing ratio of concrete elements. According to the material specification provided the
ingredient of concrete are mixed with a certain ratio for different concrete works. Depending on
the mixing ratio on concrete element, concrete possess different strength. Hence we classify the
concrete based on the strength (grade). In the case of site two type of concrete grade was
performed. These are lean concrete (C5; 1 : 6 :7 by 20x40x50 box) and C25 for all other
structural elements (1:2:3 by 18x40x50 box). The mixing ratio of lean concrete 1:6:7 and C25 is
1:2:3. Batching of concrete is under goes in to two methods. These are by weight and by volume.
According to the site where I have been practiced they under goes by volume.

2.14.2. Mixing: - After proper proportioning, the materials are mixed. The mixing should
ensure the mass becomes homogenous, uniform in colors and in the consistence. Machine
mixing would be performed in the site. The fresh mixed concrete must be workable and

Workability:- is the property of fresh mixed concrete which determines the easy and
homogeneity with which it can be mixed, placed, compacted, furnished and serves the purpose it
intended for hardness.

Consistency:- is the property of fresh mixed concrete indicates the degree of humidity or
mobility of concrete. Therefore to obtain a concrete of suitable consistency, water should be
added very carefully.

2.14.3. Mixing Procedures

- Predetermine proportion of water added in to mixer.

- The course aggregate should be entered.
- The fine aggregate (Sand) should be poured.
- Entering the cement and mixing finally some volume of water is used.

The purpose of combining ingredient of concrete is to attain strength, durability, workability and
so on.

2.14.4. Placement of Concrete

It is the process of putting volume of concrete at required place that is beam, slab, column which
is enclosed by form work. Before placing a concrete some pre requisite will be Considered.
These are

- The prepared form work should be cleaned and oiled

- The reinforcement bar should be placed properly
- Spacer should be properly tied to the bar for concrete cover.
- Closing if there are a joint on the form work to avoid leakage
- Vibrator should be prepared at necessary place
- Concrete pouring height should be defined
- The concrete would be placed

2.14.5. Concrete Mix Design Basics

Selection of concrete proportion involves a balance between economy and requirement for place
ability, strength, durability, density and appearance. Finding the right balance to achieve all these
requirements comes mainly from experience.

Place ability: is simply the traits that the wet or plastic concrete has that allow it to be placed and
finished. Place ability includes a mix that doesn’t segregate but that can be consolidated. The
ability to be pumped is another consideration. The classic way to measure place ability is slump,
although to different mixes can have the same slump and be having very differently depending
on the aggregates, the air content, and the admixture.

Strength:- is nearly always specified for a concrete mix. In structural concrete applications,
strength is indeed critical, since that’s what the designer is counting on to hold up the building.
For flat work, though, strength is seldom the controlling factor and higher strength concrete
mixes, that produce very stiff concrete, high result in more shrinkage, which shows up as cure
ling and cracking.

Durability:- is sometimes sacrificed if there are a compromises to be made. Durability is

achieved by getting a low permeability, low shrinkage concrete that has the proper amount and
distribution of entrained air. Durable concrete must consist freeze-thaw action and prevent
chloride from penetrating to the reinforcing steel to contribute corrosion

Appearance: - issues are obviously more important for decorative concrete than other
applications. Nothing sources a client more that a beautiful floor that is cracked or spelled or
decorative wall that is honey combed.

2.15. Foundation

The foundation is provided immediately the lowest part of the structure, near to the ground level.
The purpose of this type of foundation is to distribute a structural load over a considerable base
area as the foundation bed. The type of foundation that has been practiced at site where I
practiced was isolated footing and combined footing.

2.15.1. Isolated footing: is used to support individual columns. To support heavy loads
reinforcement is provided as the base. The reinforcement provided is in the form of steel and
placed in the both direction. From isolated footing single spread footing should be performed.
Each isolated footing would have it is own pads.

2.15.2. Combined Footing:- supports two or sometimes three in row but in site it supports
two columns. Combined footing is used when property lines, equipment locations, column
spacing or other consideration limit the clearance at the column location. Both type of footing
consists of two parts these are footing pads and Column footings.

Pad footing is the base of column that transfers the loads to the foundations/ soils. Allow the
concrete to dry slowly spraying water over it is surface every six to twelve hours for three or four
days to keep concrete from cracking or weaking as it cures. Remove the wooden frame (form)
after three days and begin constructing the next works. The dimension of footing pads 200x200,
160x160, 130x130 and footing column 20x40 for each. The unit of dimension is cm. after
footing pad has been hardening columns footing would be started.

2.16. Grade Beam

The grade beam is a line of reinforced concrete member constructed around the ground floor slab
of the building. It is a type of foundation system used for distributes the weight of building over
unsuitable soil. This reinforce beam consists of heavy – duty concrete beam and rebar’s that are
used for resisting compressive and tension force. These beams doesn’t have negative bar because
of support given from soils. The length of grade beam is equal to the length of plinth area and
width and depth also obtained from drawing. The unit of measurement of grade beam is cubic
meter. Grade beam are designed to minimize deflection instead of simply transferring loads
directly to the ground below. Effective construction of this type of beam reduces the risk that
building will sink or settle over time. The construction materials used for grade beam were form
work, spacer, stanga, cravats and so on. The concrete that would be poured were compacted by
vibrator. The beam may sit or placed directly on the lean concrete that were situated or selected

2.17. Ground floor slab

Ground floor slab is a slab that lay on specially prepared ground and constructed with a great
care to prevent capillary action and subside with passage of time. It is a specially supported by
the ground UN like the suspended slabs. The components of ground floor slabs are:-

- A hard core material such as crushed stone and placed on properly compacted
soil and well consolidated.
- Blinding materials poured in to voids a space of crushed stone and well
- Reinforced concrete laid in lair and compact to the required level and grade.

The procedure performed for ground floor slab were

- Compact the selected material as much as possible and level

- Layout hard core properly on level ground
- Poured blind material on hard core and compact.
- Fill lean concrete
- Place reinforcement bar (mesh)
- Fill concrete

2.18. Column

Column is vertical reinforced concrete members used to transmit the load from upper part of
structure to foundation. Column was designed to resist bending moment, axial compressive force
and other lateral force like wind and earth quack. The diameter of bars provided for column in
the site 16. A rein forced concrete column is extended by having the steel reinforcing bar on the
top of the concrete, which used placing the next level of reinforcing bars to overlap and
continuous to the next level work. The over lapping length of rebar was 40xdiameters of bars.

To construct column the following procedures followed

- Rienforcement bars are placed and supported by bi creature and creature.

- A spacer were used with bars
- Form work surrounded the bars are constructed (Panel)
- The perpendicularity of the column cheeked by vertical balance keeper called
plumb bob.
- Concrete will fill in to the form work.
- Compacting with vibrator by layer (one layer 1.5 high)
- Finally after two day later form works are removed to form the required
column shape. Curing will be continued up to 7 days. The possess of
removing form work is called stripping.

Column form work is held together with collar timbers, braces at the bottom by bi creature, Yoke
to resist pressure. The height of column is 2.61m. Curing is the important process for strength of
column otherwise it may face weak and cracking. The flesh concrete require moisture until
becomes hard.

2.19. Beam

Beam is a horizontal structural element that is capable of withstanding load properly by resisting
bending. The load from earth quake, wind, self weight, wall and others carried by beam are

transferred to column, the column transfers force to adjacent structural members. As we have
learnt based on reinforcing bar beam are classified in to two. These are simply reinforcing beam
and double reinforce beams. In the site, practiced beam was doubly reinforcing beams. Doubly
reinforcing Beam was contains double reinforce bars that is at the top and bottom of beam. The
top reinforce bar resist compressive stress and the bottom one resist tension stress. This double
reinforcing beam that were acted at the site where fixed beam and cantilever beam. Fixed beam
is fixed at both end of beams and cantilever beam is fixed only at one end of beam. This beam is
affected by shear force, to resist this shear force consider stirrup.

Stirrup resists shear force that acted on the beam. Negative bars are provided in beam for
their purpose of resisting tensile stress developed around support. The negative bars are tied at
one third of the length of the span from the center of the column. Positive bar are provided in
beam for the purpose of resisting compressive stress developed around the clear span of beam.
The overlap of reinforcement beam at support was bottom for compression moments and at mid
span on top of beam for tension moment with over lapping length of 40xdiameters of bars. The
depth and width of each beam were obtained from drawings. The procedure to construct beam
were as follow

- Form works surrounding the bar are constructed the form work were held
together by brace, stanga, caravat, and so on.
- Reinforcement bar are placed horizontally.
- Spacers are used with bars.
- The dimension of beam checked by tape.
- Concrete will filled with form of beam
- Compacting with vibrator and insert ganger.
- Finally after two days later form work was stripped properly and cured for 18

Beams are made of reinforcement bar and concrete casted monolithically with slab together but
grade beam and roof beam are casted separately.

Before each beam was casted with C25 concrete, the following activity should be performed.

 Alignment of reinforcement
 Check whether number and diameter of bar is according to design
 Check whether the bar are properly tied
 Proper overlapping of bars at the right location
 If the proper concrete cover is provided, for beam 25 mm concrete cover is

2.20. Slab

Slab are flats used to provide use full horizontal surfaces mainly for roof and floors of buildings,
parking, lots, air fields, road ways and etc. beam supported a slab may be classified as one-way
slabs and two-way slab.

2.20.1. One-way slabs:- Main reinforcement in each element runs in one direction only (LY
/LX >2). There are two types’ slabs. One ways solid slabs and one way ribbed slabs.

2.20.2. Two-ways slabs:- Main reinforcement runs in both direction where ratio of long to
short spam is less than or equal to two (LY /LX <2). The site where I have practiced would be use
two-way slabs. The type of slab that is performed in our site is ribbed slab. This ribbed slab
contains different elements. These are rib, blocks, mesh, reinforcement, negative bars that
connect the ribs. These ribbed slabs and beams are casted monolithically at the same time and
solid slabs are also used for shower and toilets on the buildings. Floor roof slab form work is
sometimes called shuttering and consists of panels of a site that can be easily handled. The panel
can be formed or joisted and supported by the beam forms with the intermediate propping that is

Slab form work, soffit used to retain weight of wet concrete and live load until it has gain
sufficient strength to be self-supporting. The wood which is erected for supporting the load of
concrete and HB of slab is called Christ’s

Chapter Three

Over all benefit Gained from intern ship

3.1. In Improving Practical Skills

Practical skill gained only when one person meets the experienced worker and practice
theoretically gained knowledge. Most of time the theoretical knowledge is not enough to apply
any work but it pave way for practical trainings. Civil engineer must have practical skill because
many life and economy would be affected if he/she didn’t have skill. By considering this I
improve practical skill. Practical skill is the process of putting drawing on the ground with
sufficient confidence/ knowledge. Construction building has many structures that have different
advantages. Constructing these structures that have different practical skill by watching and
asking engineer and Forman. This structure was foundation (footing pad and footing column),
column, beam and slabs. To construct this structures many procedures were done, I follow them
and improved practical skill.

Generally I improved practical skill how to meet concrete, how to transport concrete, how to
place concrete, how to arrange bars, how to prepare frame work, how to decide the mixing ratio
of element of concrete in construction buildings.

I think that this practical skill have been seen as an eye. Body without eye is dark as well as
theory without practical skill is dangerous.

3.2. In Upgrading Theoretical Knowledge

Theoretical knowledge is the pre requisite for internship. During intern I have seen all things that
decided in class. After I have seen the construction process at site, I have been referred the
theory that decided in class. When I learned theoretically, everything is not clear because lack of
effective practice during learning and teaching process. This intern open my eye and ask me
where I am then I turn to the theoretical knowledge, read hand out and other written document.
Up grading knowledge by practical skill is most important.

3.3. In Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills

Interpersonal communication skill is the inter mediator society for the site. The host company
has been succeeded if the interpersonal communication skill of co-worker has been well done.
Therefore the interpersonal communication skill facilitates way for agreement of co-worker. If
you have ability to communicate with worker, you are full of wisdom in managing, facilitating
and decreasing dis- agreement between workers of the site. The site work would be divided in
too many branches to manage this interpersonal communication skill have a great role. By
understanding idea stated above I improve interpersonal communication skill.

The chance that I up grade at intern was as follow

- I improving interpersonal communication skill with student who attempt with

me at the site. We decide and help each other on the case of construction
- I improve interpersonal communication skill with worker of Host Company
for gaining much knowledge and skill about construction.
- I improve interpersonal communication skill how to manage, control facilitate
the work of the site
- I improve my communication skill by expressing and defining thing that is en
counter at the site with worker.

Generally interpersonal communication skill gives a confidence at the construction site

3.4. Improving Team Playing Skill

If we have good interpersonal communication skill, team playing skill would have hard work for
the common goals. Team work is the base and the strong because it decreases the finishing time.
Team work between owner of project, consultant and contractor are important for the execution
of the building project in working time extension properly and effectively. I have improved team
playing skill inter ship time

- I have gain the ability to work together with other workers which increase our

- It makes me to build moral for accomplishing work
- It improves my knowledge by sharing idea with worker
- It broad the agreement between site worker

Generally team playing skill is used for skill of working cooperatively with other, to share ideas,
discussing openly about problems and solving conflict that may arise in the site.

3.5. Improving Leader ship Skill

I have learned and improved leader ship skill from workers especially from project manager.
Project manager can coordinate, organized and managed thing patiently and he/she was not fast
to decide on the problems. I have been learned many thing from him, he help me enhance leader
ship skill. The behavior of good leader ship was as follow

- Being role model to the worker

- Motivate and encourage other
- Control and organized thing
- Solving problem at work place
- Laying out action plan
- Punctual
- Responsible

Any professional has work division after joining one company that relates with his/her skills.
Leader ship has a broad knowledge of communicating with worker, has ability to inspect all
activity of the site at a given time and as ability to correct wrongly done.

3.6. In understanding Work ethics related issue

Work ethics is the first principle to be considered at any site to get valuable end of any work.
Work ethics reflected from faithful, punctual, hard worker and responsible person who work
effectively to gain the required result. Ethics is the necessary thing to live and work together with
each other.

I have been shared work ethics and applied them intern.

- I was responsible to the duty given by the company
- Work ethics makes me to respect workers in the company
- I have improved personal behavior
- I have developed the moral to do work

3.7. The way of Achievement

I know that intern overcome the problem of building construction faced me. Intern was the
backbone of civil engineering. I have a great enters and willing to know about works performed
on the site and to have an interest towards asking engineer, Forman, other work man and student
who practice as me on ambiguities and unclear ideas. Engineer and Forman thought me to lay
out, concrete work, pad, column and beam.

Generally I achieved good interaction is the site community, next site observation and ask a
question if I have.

3.8. Challenges I have been Facing

The problem that encounter me during the practical/ internship were

- I afraid to approach and communicate easily with company, regular workers.

- Un favorable environmental condition, wind, sunlight, rain etc
- Luck of sufficient office related to material, computer and printer
- Absence of rapid supplier of reinforced bar
- Transportation shortage

3.9. Measure to overcome Challenges

Every place and every time we encounter challenges. These challenges should be solved properly
then we succeed on anything which is hard. We have to pass any challenges with endurance.
Measure I takes

 Making good social interaction with company workers.

 Follow the action that the companies act daily

 I covered transport by walk

 The problem of sun would be solved by cap

3.10. In Entrepreneur Ship Skill

Building construction work requires serious execution of the structural engineer and architect
design. The design of each structure studied carefully before placing on ground. However
sometimes a suitable condition can be occurring, entrepreneur has the ability to get the solution.
The weather conditions of the environment also need the entrepreneur skills to protect dangerous
from the project.

Generally for economic construction, engineer should think of how economical way of building
can be taken and the kinds of material used for a given structures.

Chapter Four

Conclusion and recommendation

4.1. Conclusion

In general it would be fair to say that the internship program has been opened the way for full
experience in exposing/direct us to the real engineer works. The intern ship examines us that is
how understand the theory learned and apply it practically. This would have many advantages.
From this advantages some of it will be mentioned as how to find host company, knowing
history of company, how to Wright report, improving righting skill, how to arrange flow of idea,
how to put the drawing on the ground which have been seen by necked eye without any
difficulties. Every construction work has its own procedures. Each procedure will be followed
carefully otherwise fail would be encounter. In construction, the first step to be performed were
site clearance and setting out. Site clearance is the process of removing shrubs, dusts, tree,
unnecessary things that are not available for construction and so on. Setting out is put the
drawings on the ground. Construction has beam, grade beam, column, slabs, and pad. Structural
element production would have many procedures. Intern would improve our inter personal
communication, punctuality, responsibility, respecting each other with co-worker, work ethics
and other activities.

4.2. Recommendation

Justice building contractor plc have many objectives. To guide is dream becomes real/fruitful at
any participation in a site. The site where i participated was leaded by justice building
construction plc. Justice building construction plc have overall organization and work flow. The
work of company was accomplished through division of organization. The division of
organization use for controlling and processing the companies work easily. But some problems
that I have seen were

- I have observed un proper mixing ratio of concrete sometimes they are excess
amount of aggregate and sands. The mixing ratio has a great role in
construction. The good mixing ratio of concrete forms good strength of
structures the problem occurred should be solved by honorability of
- The form work was arranged wrongly. Wrongly arranged form work leads
the structure miss its centers and exposes the bars to an air. Such problem has
been solved by using spacer.
- The problem of economy has been seen in company. The grade of concrete
that is available for preventing corrosion of bars was lean concrete but they
use C25, this are economically weak. The thickness of lean concrete was
shown own drawing but this thickness didn’t used at site. This must be
supervised by supervisor
- Available selected material didn’t valuable at the site. The selected material
must be valuable for good carrying capacity of soils. Selected material
improves crack and differential settlement.
- I will like to recommend the civil engineering department to add soft ware
courses like AutoCAD, SAP, ETAB and EGIL point to under graduate
- Civil engineering department must give quantity survey course for future to
the coming generation.


 Plum bob:- leveling instrument used to check member is vertical

 Cratury:- A form work used to fix a column in position.
 Fondo (soffit):- A form work under beam and slab
 Sponda:- Side form work used to retain concrete for beam and slab
 Roller:- Compaction machine
 Christ:- Vertical wood that is available for supporting slabs until it gain harden.
 Ganger:- the still that fixed at grade beam that is used for supporting for a column
formworks or to keep center of column.

 Contract agreement between ministry of education and justice
building construction plc
 Technical specification for building works
 Handout


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