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Research Article

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

2016, Vol. 8(8) 1–6
Ó The Author(s) 2016
Mathematical modeling and numerical DOI: 10.1177/1687814016656965
simulations of the motion of
nanoparticles in straight tube

Messaoud Bounkhel

Nanotechnology is a very important field in science and technology, and research projects in this domain attract consid-
erable funding. The existing research works in nanotechnology deal with chemical, physical, and biological issues or a
combination of these fields, but very small number of works has been undertaken on mathematical modeling.
Mathematical models can greatly reduce the time involved in experimentation, which in turn reduces the research cost.
In this article, we consider the mathematical modeling of the motion of nanoparticles in a viscous flow inside straight
tube. Illustrative simulations of the model are provided.

Mathematical modeling, nanoparticles

Date received: 7 March 2016; accepted: 15 May 2016

Academic Editor: Xiaotun Qiu

Introduction Based on these motivations, we started working on

the following research direction: modeling and simula-
In this article, we are working on the modeling and tions of the motion of nanoparticles in straight tubes
simulations of some important phenomena raised in (the case of general shapes will be the subject of forth-
biotechnology and medicine at the nanoscale. We focus coming papers) and taking into account all the interac-
on the modeling and simulations of the motion of nano- tions between them and with walls and obstacles. On
particles in artificial straight microtubes. The case of this direction, we obtained satisfactory numerical simu-
human capillaries (see Figure 1) and more complex arti- lations in the simplest prototype of straight circular
ficial capillaries will be the second phase of our research capillaries (see Figure 2).
work (forthcoming papers). The main task of the mathematical model used in
Our motivations come from the great impact of our analysis is the non-overlapping of the nanoparticles
nanotechnology and biotechnology on pharmacology and the obstacles inside the channel during the simula-
for improving performance of many drugs and allowing tion. In a forthcoming paper, we will treat more com-
the use of new drugs and new therapies. Also, nanopar- plex situations in which we will take into account all
ticles can be manufactured and used as drug delivery
systems to (1) deliver drugs specifically at places where
diseased cells are, and optimally control drug release Department of Mathematics, College of Science, King Saud University,
rates—preprogrammed, self-regulated, and remotely Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
controlled delivery vehicles; (2) locate diseased cells or
Corresponding author:
tumoral masses and estimate the state of the disease; Messaoud Bounkhel, Department of Mathematics, College of Science,
and (3) carry diagnostic agents (fluorescence molecules) King Saud University, P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.
to enhance imaging. Email:

Creative Commons CC-BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

simulate without overlapping the motion of nanoparti-

cles. This algorithm has been introduced by Maury1 for
studying inelastic collision problems and used by
Maury and Venel2 for the modeling of microscopic
crowd motion. For another application of this algo-
rithm to other practical problems (to obstacle avoid-
ance of mobile robots), we refer the reader to Hedjar
and Bounkhel.3
Figure 1. Examples of human capillaries. Consider N nanoparticles identified to inelastic disks
Source: with different radii Ri , i = 1, . . . , N. The aim is to pro-
micrograph-of-a-capillary-network-high-res-stock-photography/ duce a numerical simulation of the motion of nanopar-
128626702 ticles inside a given domain O  R2 (in the present work, O is a straight tube) during a given interval time
blood-vessels.jpg ½0, T  and subject to obstacles (static and dynamic).
We consider the configuration vector
q = (q1 , q2 , . . . , qN ) 2 R2N where qi is the center of the
disk i with coordinates (xi ; yi )T . To ensure the non-
overlapping of nanoparticles and obstacles, we consider
the following set of admissible configurations

Q = fq 2 R2N : Dij (q)  0, 8i, jg ð1Þ

where Dij (q) = k qi  qj k (Ri + Rj ) is the distance

Figure 2. Straight circular capillaries. between the inelastic disks i and j. Note that the mathe-
matical interpretation of the non-overlapping of the
the possible forces governing the flow inside the micro- inelastic disks i and j at time t is the non-negativity of
channel (for instance, the forces exerted by the blood the distance Dij (t). Starting from a given admissible
(or liquid) stream, gravitation, and electromagnetic configuration q(t) at time t, we wish to guarantee that
interactions) and all the possible forces between nano- q(t + h) 2 Q after a small value of unit of time h.0,
particles and surfaces (for instance, Van der Waals, that is, the new configuration vector q(t + h) is admissi-
steric-polymer forces, electrostatic interaction (repulsive ble. For this purpose, we define the admissible velocity
and attractive), hemodynamic forces, buoyancy, etc). set
Also, the shape of the channel will be taken in a more
general form, that is, the walls will be a function h(z) of Ch (q) = fv 2 R2N : Dij (q) + hrDij (q)  v  0, for all i\jg
the distance to the axis of the channel. Based on our ð2Þ
expected numerical simulations, we will produce nano-
Here, rDij (q) denotes the gradient vector of Dij (q).
channel with different shapes and test the obtained
Assume that qn is a given admissible configuration at
results and then optimize the design of the produced
time tn 2 ½0, T , that is, qn : = q(tn ) 2 Q. The next con-
figuration qn + 1 after h unit of time is qn + 1 = q(tn + h).
The present work is organized as follows. The section
Using the first-order approximation of the distance
‘‘Notation’’ is stated in Appendix I and it contains the
function Dij (  ), we have
notation that will be used throughout the paper. In section
‘‘Non-overlapping algorithm,’’ we build and analyze the Dij (q(tn + h)) = Dij (q(tn )) + hrDij (qn )  q(t
_ n) ð3Þ
algorithm that will be used to ensure the non-overlapping
of the nanoparticles. Section ‘‘Dynamical system of the Taking the real velocity at that time tn lying in Ch (qn )
motion of nanoparticles’’ is devoted to derive the dynami- yields
cal system governing the motion of nanoparticles inside
the micro-channel. In section ‘‘Illustrative simulation,’’ we Dij (qn ) + hrDij  q(t
_ n)  0
present our satisfactory numerical simulations.
and hence q(tn + h) 2 Q.
Let U (q) = (v1 , v2 , . . . , vN1 ) (with vi = (vxi , vyi )) be
Non-overlapping algorithm the velocity of all nanoparticles obtained after solving a
system of differential equations (see section
In this section, we present a numerical scheme that can ‘‘Dynamical system of the motion of nanoparticles’’ for
be used to handle contacts between rigid disks. This the the construction of such system). U (q) is called the
numerical scheme will be our main powerful tool to desired velocity of all nanoparticles. To ensure the non-
Bounkhel 3

overlapping of all the nanoparticles and obstacles, we

consider the following iterative scheme:
Assume that qn 2 Q, that is, the configuration vector
qn at time tn is admissible. Then, the next configuration
qn + 1 will be defined by the following relation

qn + 1 : = qn + hwn + 1 ð4Þ
where wn + 1 is the projection of the desired velocity at
time tn over the admissible velocities set at the same
time, that is, wn + 1 2 Ch (qn ) and satisfies the convex
constrained minimization problem (P n )

k wn + 1  U (qn )k2 = Minv2Ch (qn ) k v  U (qn )k2

Figure 3. Nanoparticles inside a straight tube.
The numerical scheme (4) can be seen geometrically
as wn + 1 is the nearest direction to the desired velocity xz-plane, that is, the nanoparticle center is always in the
U (qn ) in the admissible velocity set Ch (qn ) ensuring the y = 0 plane, and there is no rotation of the nanoparticle
non-overlapping of nanoparticles and ensuring that the about the z-axis. The nanoparticle, therefore, has two
real velocities will be very close to the desired velocities. degrees of freedom: its motion is fully described by spe-
It is very important to note that the convex minimiza- cifying (xi , zi ) as functions of time t, where xi and zi are
tion problem P n can be solved numerically by any suit- coordinates of the center of nanoparticle i.
able solvers for the determination of the value of wn + 1 . The trajectory of each nanoparticle is governed by
In this article, we combine the previous algorithm with the forces exerted by the flow (blood stream) and the
a kinematic model of nanoparticles (that we describe in gravitation. Forces acting on nanoparticles include
the next section) to produce a numerical simulation of hemodynamic forces, buoyancy, Van der Waals interac-
a given huge number N of nanoparticles with the main tions between nanoparticles each-to-other and between
task avoiding, during the time interval, the overlapping nanoparticles and walls.
of nanoparticles and the avoidance of some given To derive the equations describing the motion on
obstacles. the x-axis and on the z-axis, we apply (as suggested by
Zhao et al.4) the balance principle of forces acting on
Remark 1. The main characterizations of the above the nanoparticles.5 The balance of forces acting on the
algorithm are as follows: as explained before, the first nanoparticles requires, for each nanoparticle i, a system
one is the non-overlapping between the disks, which is of two equations on the x-axis and the z-axis. So, on
ensured by the setup of the algorithm. However, the the z-axis, we have, for any nanoparticle i, the follow-
second characterization, which is the most requested in ing equation
numerical analysis, is the continuity of the trajectory of
X 4p
the nanoparticles generated by the algorithm. This ½hw5 1 (zi ) + hw5 2 (zi )  vzi  Fij  Fiw = gRDr ð5Þ
property of smoothness has been proved by Maury and j6¼i
Venel2 (see also section 3 in Hedjar and Bounkhel3).
where Fij is the force exerted over nanoparticle i due to
van der Waals’ interaction energy between the nanopar-
Dynamical system of the motion of ticle i and nanoparticle j,5 that is
In this section, we are going to build the system of dif- Fij =
ferential equations of the motion of nanoparticles inside D4ij
a straight tube.
where Dij is the distance between the nanoparticles i
Consider the motion of N nanoparticles in a viscous
and j, and Fiw is the force exerted over nanoparticle i
flow inside a tube of width a and length l and bounded
due to van der Waals’ interaction energy between the
by two horizontal walls as shown in Figure 4. Let
nanoparticle i and the walls, that is
(x, y, z) be a right-handed system of rectangular
Cartesian coordinates, of which the x axis points to the Fiw = jFiw1  Fiw2 j
axis of the tube and has the direction of the flow, and
the z axis points to the fluid normal to the wall as where Fiwk is the force exerted over nanoparticle i due
shown in Figure 3. For simplicity, we assume that the to van der Waals’ interaction energy between the nano-
motion of the nanoparticle is constrained to the particle i and the wall k(k = 1, 2) and given by5
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 4. Motion of 500 nanoparticles inside a straight microtube.

AR3i hw1 k (zi ) =
pmRi ln 1 
Fiwk = 15 Ri + dwk, i Ri + dwk, i
dw4k, i
where dwk, i is the distance between the nanoparticle i
and the wall k(k = 1, 2) (see Figure 4), that is,
hw6 k (zi ) = 6pmRi
dw2, i = a  zi  Ri and dw1, i = a + zi  Ri . Here, "    1:4829 #
vxi = dxi =dt and vzi = dzi =dt. Clearly, Fiw = 0, whenever 9 Ri Ri
the nanoparticle i is on the axis of the tube, since 1+ + 0:13868
16 Ri + dwk, i Ri + dwk, i
Fiw1 = Fiw2 . The function hw5 k is called the hemodynamic
resistant force5,6 induced by the wall wk , (k = 1, 2), on ð9Þ
the z-axis which is given by4 Equations (5) and (7) are, respectively, the force bal-
"  # ance in the x- and z-directions. In these equations, Ri is
1 1 Ri the radius of nanoparticle i, Dr is the difference between
hw5 k (zi ) = 6pmRi  Ri + 8 log 1  z ð6Þ
1  zi i mass densities of the nanoparticles and the fluid, and g
is the gravitational acceleration. Combining equations
On x-axis, we have, for any nanoparticle i, the fol- (5) and (7), we get the following differential system driv-
lowing equation ing the nanoparticles
½hw1 1 (zi ) + hw1 2 (zi )  vxi =  ½hw6 1 (zi ) + hw6 2 (zi )  S ð7Þ > dxi ½hw6 1 (zi ) + hw6 2 (zi )  S
> =
< dt hw1 1 (zi ) + hw1 2 (zi )
where S is the shear rate of the flow and the functions P ð10Þ
> 4p
hw1 k and hw6 k are also called the hemodynamic resistant > dz gRDr + j6¼i Fij + Fiw
= 3
force induced by the wall wk , (k = 1, 2), on x-axis which dt hw5 1 (zi ) + hw5 2 (zi )
is given by4
Bounkhel 5

Remark 2. Conclusion
1. For a spherical particle, the hydrodynamic resis- In this work, we considered the simple situation
tance function hi has been given in the litera- (straight tube and only van der Waals’ interaction) in
ture.7–9 They are given either in the form of order to setup an approach to produce a realistic
tabulated results of numerical computation or in numerical simulation for a huge number of moving
the form of asymptotic expressions for a sphere nanoparticles. Our next task which seems to be doable,
very close to or very far away from the bound- due to the flexibility of our iterative scheme, is to insert
ing wall. all the possible forces acting on the nanoparticles, some
2. The approximations of the hemodynamic resis- existing obstacles (fixed or moving), and also the gen-
tant function hwi k are derived using a method eral form of the function defining the shape of the
proposed by Zhao et al.4,5 tube.
3. The two equations for the force balance contain
two unknowns, namely, the two velocity compo-
Declaration of conflicting interests
nents vx and vz .
4. The function hi does not depend on the transla- The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
tional velocity vxi along x axis.

Illustrative simulation Funding

In our simulations, we assume that N = 500, l = 7 mm, The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
and h = 0:0075; the radius of a nanoparticle i is taken port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
article: The author would like to extend his sincere apprecia-
to be a random value in the nanointerval ½5 nm; 10 nm,
tions to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud
that is, the minimum possible value of radius is
University for funding this Research Group (No. RGP-024).
Ri = 5 nm and the maximum possible value of
Ri = 10 nm; T = 10; A = 5e  21; g = 9:81e9;
m = 3:4e  3; Dr = 1e3; and a = 0:5 mm. We start with References
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6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Appendix 1 Ri radius of nanoparticle i

S shear rate
Notation (vxi , vyi , vzi ) components of the desired velocity of the
A Hamaker constant nanoparticle i
Dij distance between nanoparticles i and j (xi , yi , zi ) coordinates of the center of the
FiWk force due to van der Waals interaction nanoparticle i
between nanoparticle i and the wall wk m fluid viscosity constant
hi i, k hemodynamic resistant function

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