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10 Friday, Sept. 28, 2018 Highland Community News n Friday, Sept. 28, 2018 11


representatives from southern california edison, the east Valley water district and
the san Bernardino Valley municipal water district, cut the ribbon on the hydroelectric
turbines at east Valley water treatment plant 134.

Continued from page 1
Other projects
Construction was completed in
August on a hydroelectric gener-
and replace it with more reliable and ator at the Oliver Roemer Water
efficient equipment, he said. Filtration Facility at Lytle Creek,
“We’re excited to have our first a joint project of the Valley Dis-
hydro–generation facility,” he said. trict and the West Valley Water
“It has been up and down for awhile, District. The 400-kilowatt plant
but we’re really, really excited to fi- cost $4.36 million.
nally be generating electricity.” The plant will generate 2 mil-
The turbines have been ready for lion kilowatt hours per year and
months, but the project had to wait reduce carbon dioxide emission
until the Valley District changed the by 3.7 million pounds per year. It
route of a pipeline from in front of will pay for itself in 8.5 years.
the San Manuel Band of Mission Indi- A ribbon-cutting ceremony for
ans’ casino to the back. The old the project is scheduled for 9
pipeline was left in the ground so the a.m. Saturday, Oct. 13, at the Roe-
district wouldn’t need to dig up the mer plant, 3010 N. Cedar Ave., Ri-
parking lot. alto, said Ron Merckling, the
The tribe paid for the $10 million Valley District’s manager for
project, which took seven months to water use efficiency and external
move 1,450 feet of the 78-inch Foothill affairs.
Pipeline. The $2.97 million Waterman
h iGhlaNd c ommuNiTy N ews phoTo By J ames F olmer
The district has worked aggres- hydro-generating plant is the
sively with its energy partners to largest of the new projects, gen- water flows out of the seven oaks dam, part of regular maintenance. The $450 million dam was built between 1993 and 2000. at 550 feet, it is the 12th tallest dam in the world.
make smart investments to reduce erating 3.5 million kilowatt hours water that we divert from the Santa
costs for the district and its ratepay- and $386,000 of revenue per year. ‘The East Valley Water Dis- G raphic N liNe e NerGy
ers, Mura said.
Ana River, we’re grateful the invest- Watt’s that? By

It will save 6.6 million pounds of ments that Valley District made in n Watt: A measurement of the rate of energy
carbon dioxide per year. It is a
trict is really in an enviable an article by Thomas T. Taylor, a sen- sally loved Serbian in the history of
T he TurBiNes terms of imported water from North-
position in terms of our re-
transfer, named after Scottish inventor James ior archaeologist with Edison. The Serbians.”
joint project between the Valley ern California.” Watt. Most light bulbs range from 40 to 100
The turbines will generate 1 million watts.
line ran 83 miles to an Edison Electric The site leads with a story with a
District and the city of San About three-quarters of the dis- dundancy. We’re blessed to substation on Second Street in Los headline, “Why Nikola Tesla was a
kilowatt hours of energy a year. The Bernardino. n Kilowatt: 1,000 watts, enough to generate
district constructed a half a mile of
trict’s water supply is pumped out of have our own surface water 1.34 horsepower. A one-element heater uses Angeles. better inventor than Edison.”
A ribbon-cutting ceremony is the basin.
pipe through which water flows at that we divert from the 1 kilowatt. It also was the largest high-head Tesla moved to the United States in
planned in November or later but “We’re really about protecting our
160 pounds per square inch of pres- n Megawatt: 1 million watts. High- hydroelectric plant. 1884 and soon went to
no date is set. natural resources and we are depend- Santa Ana River, we’re grate- powered electric locomotives typically have a “Buoyed by the success of the Mill work for Thomas Alva
sure to turn the turbines.
ent heavily on electricity,” Mura said. ful the investments that Val- peak power output of 5 or 6 MW.
Using a process called conduit hy- Creek venture, the Redlands in- Edison. Reportedly,
“People think that water just falls out Gigawatt: 1 billion watts. In 2010, China con-
droelectricity, the generation system neer in hydroelectric power whose ley District made in terms of tracted for 28.5 gigawatts generated by wind- vestors formed the Southern Califor- Edison offered Tesla
work led to the revolutionary use of of the sky, and that certainly does nia Power Co. in 1896 to develop $50,000 to improve his
routes high-pressure water from imported water from North- mills in Germany.
alternative current for the Mill Creek happen, but the challenge that we hydroelectricity on the Santa Ana direct current system.
Lake Silverwood to Plant 134. As Watt hertz?
water passes through the turbines, No. 1 hydro plant in 1893. Elon Musk face every day is digging to the right ern California.’ River,” Taylor writes. wordpress . com After Telsa presented
n Hertz: A measurement of the cycles of elec-
named his car company after the spot and moving it around.” — John Mura, general manager and Water is diverted from Bear Creek an improved design,
the system’s induction generators tromagnetic waves. It is named after Heinrich Nikola Tesla
renowned electrical engineer. Mura thanked the Valley District CEO of the East Valley Water District Rudolf Hertz. The progression of kilohertz, and the Santa Ana River, well up- Edison said he was jok-
spin to create an electrical current. 1856-1943
The turbines don’t actually run the for agreeing to let it take charge of megahertz and gigahertz follow the same stream from the powerhouse at the ing about the bonus,
This same action helps decrease
water treatment plant, Mura said. the Sterling Natural Resource Center but it was so new that using it to oper- pattern as watts. confluence of the Santa Ana River the website says. Tesla quit.
water pressure to allow for treatment
and for providing a $2.7 million low- m ill c reek N o . 1 ate motors was difficult.
and delivery to EVWD customers. The electricity goes right onto the and Keller Creek. It is conveyed Tesla then founded the Tesla Elec-
grid and the district gets credits from interest loan for the hydroelectric The county has a rich history of hy- “Not to be discouraged, the power through flumes and tunnels to the tric Light Co. and patented his arc
The plant will reduce carbon diox- died. Mill Creek Nos. 2 and 3 were
Edison. This helps Edison, which is plant. The crowd applauded. droelectric power. company summoned an electrical en- forebay, where it drops 735 feet lighting system using alternative cur-
ide emissions by 1.5 million pounds added later in the same building off
obligated to create renewable energy “East Valley Water District is a Mill Creek No. 1 was built in 1893 to gineer named Almarian W. Decker to through a pressurized pipe. rent. Investors skeptical of alterna-
and save $76,000 per year. Bryant Street.
as part of California’s goal of generat- great partner,” said Mark Bulot, pres- power the Union Ice Co. in Mentone solve these challenges,” Heinrich The plant remained largely un- tive current withdrew their funding,
There is a large turbine that can be Decker also designed the 120-kilo-
ing a third of its power from renew- ident of the Valley District board. to chill oranges being shipped to the writes. “He suggested using three- changed until it was upgraded in the leaving Tesla broke, the website says.
used when water use is at its highest watt Pomona plant in the San
able sources by 2020, half by 2035 and “Our board and staff at Valley Dis- east, said Edison researcher Daniel phase alternating current to push 1940s from 50 hertz, or cycles per He sold his patents for stock.
in the summer and a small turbine for Bernardino Mountains, which began
100 percent by 2045. trict are thrilled that past board and W. Heinrich in an article on the electricity from Mill Creek to Red- second, to 60 hertz to a meet a new in- Besides his innovations with alter-
the winter, explained Janice Gainey, to operate in 1892. It delivered elec-
Edison’s self-generation incentive staff members’ vision for renewable plant’s induction into the Hydro Hall lands and to provide the capability to dustry standard. nating current, Tesla is credited with
senior project manager for Nline En- tricity 14 miles to Pomona and 29
program offers a cash incentive of 50 energy is realized.” of Fame in 2002. run large motors.” It was Edison’s premier hydro facil- inventing fluorescent tubes — prede-
ergy. In times of extreme demand, miles to San Bernardino. In 1902, the
Henry Harbison Sinclair incorpo- Poly-phase systems that created a
both turbines can spin. cents to $4.25 per watt generated by h isTory rated the Redlands Electric Light and
Redlands power company merged ity until 1907, when the 20-megawatt cessors of neon lights. Tesla formu-
Both were turning during the tour. renewable sources. rotating magnetic field being devel- with Edison Electric Co., which be- Kern River No. 1 was built using the lated the principles of radar
Mura described the East Valley Power Co. in 1891. Learning that hy- oped by Tesla and others were then same three-phase alternating current (Radio Detection And Ranging) in
It was loud but not deafening. Rainey “Plant 134 has the capability of came Southern California Edison.
project as “just a drop” in the big pic- droelectric was the cheapest kind of considered experimental. Decker’s technology used at Mill Creek No. 1 1917, although the first radar unit
almost had to shout as she showed her treating up to 8 million gallons of
guests around. water per day, and this facility will
ture of hydroelectric power in San power, investors found a suitable design was considered so revolution- l oNG - disTaNce TraNsmissioN and Santa Ana River No. 1. wasn’t built until 1934.
Bernardino County. Edison operates water source in Mill Creek before it ary Westinghouse declined to build it. Santa Ana River No. 2 was removed Although Italian inventor
Gene Goodenough, a senior vice use the power of water to maximize The 3-megawatt Santa Ana River
33 major hydroelectric plants — 24 merges with the Santa Ana River. So the Redlands power company ap- during construction of the Seven Guglielmo Marconi is often credited
president with Nline Energy, said the the benefit of this infrastructure in- No. 1 plant went online on Jan. 9, 1889
that generate less than 30 megawatts, However, that was 7.5 miles away proached the newly formed General Oaks Dam. with inventing the radio, Tesla cre-
rising cost of energy has made vestment,” Mura said. and was entered into the Hydro Hall
known as “small hydro.” Nine other from the factory. Electric Co., which built two genera- ated the process around 1900, the
smaller hydro-electric plants a wise in 1999. ac/dc
a diVersiFied porTFolio plants generate more. At the time, most utilities used di- tors to Decker’s specifications. The website says. The U.S. Supreme Court
It used alternating current on a
“The East Valley Water District is In 2017, California’s 269 hydroelec- rect current electricity, which meant two 250-kilowatt generators remained Since Musk honored Tesla, his pop- rejected Marconi’s patent on the
The company was founded by CEO grander scale than Mill Creek No. 1
really in an enviable position in terms tric plants generated 43,333 gigawatt- their customers had to be within 5 in use until 1934. ularity has soared. radio after it was proven that it was
Matt Swindle in 2010 in El Dorado with the nation’s longest-distance,
of our redundancy,” he said. “We’re hours providing 21 percent of the miles of the plant. Single-phase alter- Mill Creek No. 1 began operating on The website initially invented by Tesla.
Hills near Sacramento. The turbines high-voltage transmission line carry-
blessed to have our own surface state’s energy, according to the Cali- nating current had been introduced, Sept. 7, 1893, a month after Decker calls Tesla “possibly the most univer- Tesla died bankrupt and penniless.
follow designs by Nikola Tesla, a pio- ing alternating current, according to
fornia Energy Commission website.

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